esjonaforever-blog · 5 years
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My almond flour arrived and I was finally able to make Almond Flour Bread. I followed the recipe from perfectketo.com.
It seemed a bit eggy at first but I tried it today for breakfast and maybe it’s the case of knowing what to expect again as I absolutely loved it the second time around. I made Mushroom on Toast with Poached Egg and Bacon Bits. It worked really well ! I also toasted the bread slices in the pan so it crisped up a little.
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Now that I have it I have a substitute for most things I love.
Pasta - Courgetti
Rice - Cauliflower
Bread - Almond Flour Bread
Next I’ll try making tortilla wraps, pancakes, raspberry muffins, and cookies with almond flour. I have zero kcal, zero carb sugar so if the muffins and cookies come out alright I’ll also have a substitute for my sweetooth cravings.
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esjonaforever-blog · 5 years
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As I promised myself I took another look at the sketch I did in the car and redrew it. This time I thought more of the design of it. I decided to go away from the standard square hut I normally see on Google images. I also like the idea in Hansel and Gretel where Baba Yaga’s hut isn’t seen as threatening but tempting and inviting. I want it to be a hut of deception.
Now that I’m done with this sketch I’ll bring it into illustrator and I’ll make a colourful version remembering that I probably will go for a toon shader when I finally start modelling this design.
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esjonaforever-blog · 5 years
Luna is making her animation debut! And she wants to record it for posterity.
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esjonaforever-blog · 5 years
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I’m starting to concept another piece. This is a sketch I’ve done very quickly in a car on a way to work. I feel like doing some folklore/fairytale art so I decided I’ll start with Baba Yaga. She’s a supernatural creature from Slavic folklore, so close to home as I’m Polish. I decided that I’d like to include some folk pattern in the design so I scribbled some Polish cut out pattern on the walls. I didn’t want to go in the direction of Hansel and Gretel where the hut is made out of sweets (maybe another time) but I intend on making the hut look very welcoming in a deceiving sort of way.
When I finally redraw the hut I’ll bring it into illustrator to add colour to it. This should leave me with the final concept. I may need the it drawn from all sides thinking about it as I want to later on turn it into a 3D model using Blender 2.8. Will be going for flat shaded/handpainted style :)
The concept will probably look way different when I’m done redrawing it but for first ideas it’s ok :)
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esjonaforever-blog · 5 years
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esjonaforever-blog · 5 years
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Started a new piece today morning, just like I promised myself I would. Probably will be working on it for the next 3 mornings as I only have 30 min before I need to start getting ready. Next step will be defining what she’s wearing. I need to remember not to get overboard. I have a tendency to adding and adding to the point nothing looks good anymore haha. So, simple detail is what I’m aiming at for now (one day I’ll make a piece that will take me longer and will be more detailed but then I’ll plan out what it is I want to create). After the clothes I’ll do the shadows and highlights. Maybe this time I’ll think more of the background as well instead of just putting it on top of grey.
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esjonaforever-blog · 5 years
Just need a little time !
So not long ago I started a KETO diet. For as long as I remember I was against dieting but I guess I reached the point in my life where I just had enough of pretending I didn’t care. Of course I care, most people will, despite what they say. KETO sounded the most suitable. It throws you in the deep water and you feel empty after 3 days, a feeling I almost forgotten. Quite strict but as someone who eats everything and is not too fussy I was excited to see recipes that go around the problem and use creative solutions. The greatest discovery for me was the versatility of cauliflower and courgette. So far I made noodles, and rice and wraps and didn’t even think of going back to the ‘real’ thing. I was also happy to realise after two weeks that all this time I was counting wrong carbs and instead of looking counting 20g of net carbs I counted 20g of carbs. Of course that meant I could have eaten more than I had, but at least not realising that gave me a good 2 week head start. Now I am almost about a month into the diet. Went from 74kg to 70kg so far and I am happy with how it’s going. Few days ago I got myself some coconut flour, almond flower and zero sugar, zero carb syrups. Made some crepes and I must say it worked very well. The syrup’s consistency is something to get used to as it’s thicker than the maple syrup and it coats the whole of your mouth if too much is eaten as the same time, but spread thinly across the crepe worked very well. As I got used to the texture of it I found I was dipping the crepe more and more into the syrup.
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So the diet is working out fine. With it came the will to get up early in the morning which I was unable to do for the past year or more. Now I’m getting up at 5:30 which is a blessing and no longer a pain. I have time to drink my tea, play a game, play with the cat, dry my hair. Before I left had 10 minutes for everything and it was just too rushed. So those two things - diet and getting up early so far are being achieved. Now what I have left to deal with and what always seemed to be in my way is Time Managment. There are so many things I want to do, so many ideas but when I look at the time I simply don’t know how to get them done. I’ve cleaned the cats room and made myself an artsy corner. I always liked having a little hideaway. There I am able to concentrate perfectly well, but even with having that space the problem of time managment stayed. I simply spend too much time on insignificant tasks. From now on I will follow the process my boyfriend uses. When he does work he stops every hour and looks at how it’s going. If what he does is taking forever and seems to be going nowhere he moves on to another task. That’s what I have to do as I am able to dwell on the same thing for hours and end up not having done anything despite the will and concentration. Because there are many thing I would like to do I decided to start drawing in the morning as I wake up instead of playing a game. This will stop the nagging I feel every time I’m working on 3D modelling, and I won’t feel guilty for spending time on drawing when I should be 3D modelling as they’re made to have their own time now.
To give it a nice start I finished this illustrator piece today morning.
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