equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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#04: AMON From The Legend of Korra 
Thank you very much for your messages and requests! There are good ideas :P Please stay tuned!
As always, feel free to suggest more ideas for the next characters! :D
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
Hello friends. This is probably a permanent hiatus. I have just had too much on my plate. If you guys are still interested in RPing with me, consider adding me on skype (stereowaste) or on my main @lovelyarsonist . I am serious, I enjoy a handful of RPs with amazing partners, and the friendship gained is just too lovely. If not, then thank you all and I wish the best, and thank you!
I will be letting my queue run, and leave this blog up for archival purposes and in case I come back.
Love Always,
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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Keep reading
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
Indie Amon Looking for Partners
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Welcome  brothers  and  sisters.        My name is Amon.             Allow  me to show you the c u r e.
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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Asami’s outfits
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
►◄ “Almost two hours. Had to drop off some thing’s to a couple people, so it wasn’ really just for a drink.”
As the other approached, Thaddeus, too, took his own quick time to sum up Noatak. Taller than himself but far more slim in build. Lithe and fluid yet strong, similar to water. And he seemed rather cautious too. Somehow that served as a bit of a relief, but also a reason to be vigilant.
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      “We should get walkin’, it’ll take a while before we get ta my place.”
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Noatak hitched up his backpack a little more and breathed in the fresh pine of the forest around them. Snow littered the tree floor here and there, and their steps seemed loud in the quiet of the forest's cacophony.
Noatak seemed to find a quiet rhythm walking with Thaddeus, enjoying the silence they had lulled into. Not many were okay with quietness, needing to fill the space with idle platitudes that irritated the young visionary, and occasionally, when he least expected it, wished for the silent icebergs of home. City life was full of endless conversation-- but Thaddeus seemed to be above it. So they walked in silence.
He appreciated it. He warned Noatak of a creek that might creep up on him or the occasional snack hole. And Noatak did little but remark on the early winter, and not let the woodcutter get too far ahead of him. He watched Thaddeus move through the forest smoothly, like a predator in his territory. There were no trees that tripped him up, and no corner he didn't seem to know about before hand. Noatak wouldn't admit it, but it was interesting. He was interesting.
Noatak after about an hour in, when the last of human civilization fell away, and he felt truly lost and in Thaddeus's mercy, he finally remarked.
"It's.. wonderful out here,” he said with an understated awe.
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
I am haunted by humans.
Markus Zusak (via lifeofquotations)
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
DEATH  doesn’t  discriminate                                    Between  the  { S I N N E R S }              And  the  { S A I N T S }
                                   It  takes  and  it  takes  and  it  T A K E S 
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
The past beats inside me like a second heart.
John Banville, The Sea (via thequotejournals)
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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I was going to fill out one of those expression memes… but as you can see I lost interest rather quickly.
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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the legend of korra graphic
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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[ Did I hear a call for shirtless and wet, strong scruffy boyfriend? No? Well then early Valentines Day for Noa. ]
►◄  “The water’s still cold!” --- reply to @woodcuxxer
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Noatak had to take a moment, a long moment, to himself after turning around to see the carved marble flesh that was Thaddeus. Yes, he had seen the man undress plenty of times-- sometimes at his own behest, but spirits, he hadn't expected to turn around and see him right now, like this.
Noatak put his hands together and bowed his head, thanking the spirits for his patience and to keep him from jumping the man mid-fishing.
They needed food for the evening, and the spray of creek and water was tranquil in ways that sunk into the bones and sung to the soul. Thaddeus had been up to something on the creek's bend and Noatak couldn't hear him over the roar of the waterfall, until he turned around and looked.
The tribesman jammed his fishing rod between two rocks and stood up. It was cold that there was still some ice on the rocks, but Noatak would never let this huntsman out do him. Noatak was from the North Pole. He pulled off his shirt.
"Are you crazy?" He yelled out toward the man, Thaddeus offering a handsome smile that made Noatak want to kiss him just to be rid of it. It clamored around in his chest and made his heart beat kick up. It was so simple how easy the man could have him with just a look. 
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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The Legend of Korra - The Art of the Animated Series - Book One: Air
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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I literally have no excuse for this
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
Lays Down for Ten Years
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So the Law School Website project is ahead of schedule by an entire month, because the universe has blessed me with crazy worth ethic and a propelling inspiration which I could not be more thankful for. 
I just have 10 other people on my back about projects that they want me to get done at the same time. So I am trying really hard not to get anxious or frustrated and writing down all the thing I want/need to get done on a nice list and crossing them off through the week. 
Also part of the school’s forms are built on broken code in a language I don’t even know, so that is another thing adding to this list. 
I am going to continue RPing, because it’s a huge stress reliever. And when I say stress reliever, I am going to refuse to let it be anything but that. So I am cutting my threads to just five across two (other at @equalmachines) accounts. I probably won’t be taking on anything new for a good minute, but I will let you guys know.  Thanks for all the support and listening to me rant on my Zuko blog. It really super duper helps. 
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag [x amount] other people to do the same!
TAGGED BY: @eagerbender !!  TAGGING (Only if you wanna!): @rxsilixnt @dienli @demon-slcyer @woodcuxxer @jadeiism @fannedspirit @ladibugs
NAME: Noatak AGE:  40 default age-- played during Season One. SPECIES: Human GENDER: Male ORIENTATION: Demisexual, but seldom ever acts on sexual or romantic desires. PROFESSION: Equalist Leader
—————————————————————————- ( PHYSICAL ASPECTS ) BODY TYPE: Stocky with wide shoulder’s and long torso. Has thick, powerful legs, and is just a large dude in general. Built like an Olympic swimmer.  EYES: Sky Blue SKIN: Tan, but Noatak has paled as years have gone by without the blaring sun of the Northern Tribe.  HEIGHT: 6′2″ WEIGHT: 200 lbs. —————————————————————————- ( FAMILY ) SIBLINGS: Tarrlok PARENTS: Yakone and Yona (Headcanon of unnamed mother character) ANY PETS? yes [  ]  ||  no [ x ]  —————————————————————————- ( SKILLS ) PHYSICAL PROWESS: 8/10. Very strong physically but does not rely on it. His physical consitution is enormous, however, with an innate knowledge of his own body’s limits. He has been able to take a lightning bolt directly and still continue fighting.  SPEED: 10/10. His skill as a fighter is able to side-step, mis and redirect his power at close range. He is very difficult to hit, preferring to take out his enemies with agility rather than power. MAGIC Bending: 10/10. Is a Chi Blocking Master; Waterbending Master and Bloodbending Master —————————————————————————- ( LIKES ) COLOURS: Reds, bronzes, blacks and tans.  SMELLS: Is fond of the smell of the air before it rains, has grown fond of spruce wood and fresh canvas of biplanes, the brass and lube of an engine, pine trees and fresh snow.  FOOD: Meats mainly, but has a growing likeness for the Dim Sum of the city.  FRUITS: Recently was introduced to Dragonfruit, which was too sweet for him. He tends to like alcohols made from fruit, however.  DRINKS: Teas mainly.  ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? yes [ x ] ||  no [  ]  Doesn’t prefer it, since it clouds his judgement. FAVORITES: If a lover of music, and loved listening to stringed instruments. Fond of progress and conceptualized ideas becoming tangible and concrete. The roar of a crowd saluting him. 
—————————————————————————- ( OTHER DETAILS ) SMOKES? yes [ ]  ||  no [  ]  ||  Occasionally [ x ] Is fond of tobacco, but doesn’t do it often or socially. DRUGS? yes [ ]  ||  no [ x ] ||  Occasionally [ ] He would never poison himself.   DRIVER LICENSE? yes [ x ]  ||  no [  ]  And he loves driving. He prefers not to have a driver for Equalist business.  ———————————————————————
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equalmachines-blog · 7 years
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Korra sketches ♡
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