empress-things 2 days
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Oh that's why she moves so slow during those wagers.
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empress-things 3 days
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chillin in the hot springs 馃尡
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+ a closeup
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empress-things 3 days
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228 notes View notes
empress-things 3 days
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Bond forged 馃挄
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empress-things 3 days
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more melnem doodles!!
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empress-things 3 days
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dora has had ENOUGH 馃槫
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empress-things 5 days
Considering her stance on both the judicial system and desire to make life fair, it's obvious that Nem is the true punk of the family.
Which means melnem is literally valedictorian/cheerleader falls for the punk.
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empress-things 5 days
When Chaos first meets melinoe it's right after they've been lied to, tricked, and stolen from. They're reticent to meet anyone new, especially another unknown quantity. But they're curious, they crave newness, novelty, chaos. It's all they are, discovery, creation, entropy. So they meet Melinoe, someone dedicated to her family in a way they've only seen once. But it's so different. Zag's pain was hidden in his smile, Mel's pain is hidden in her stilted speech and caution. They're so different and chaos can only make note of it. Yet they offer help all the same. Because they crave the newness. Melinoe is different and fascinating to them. Chaos didn't prefer Zag, they just hadn't met another Hades child yet. So they only had one point of comparison.
Chaos is a mad scientist whose experiment is the universe.
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empress-things 5 days
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We鈥檙e so back!!!!
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empress-things 7 days
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Cooking up some leather jacket Nemesis
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empress-things 7 days
*me at a sleepover* imma play some white noise real quick
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114 notes View notes
empress-things 7 days
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the girls are fighting 馃槼
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empress-things 7 days
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95K notes View notes
empress-things 7 days
One of the fun things about melnem is the parent reactions. (Talking about Hecate and Od). Because Hecate has the typical "You stay away from my daughter!" Dad reaction. Thinks Nem is not good enough, absolutely hates the idea of Nem and Mel dating.
Meanwhile Od is offering to cover Nem's guard shifts and totally trying to set them up on dates and meetcutes. He also unsuccessfully tries to talk Nem into being nice to the girl she likes rather than picking on her. But he just doesn't understand sapphic bullying being a key part of the courtship.
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empress-things 7 days
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So I finally broke down and made a Human!AU for these two. The main thing is that Chronos did a hostile takeover of Hades' company, created a scandal and now Melinoe's family (and Nemesis' mother) are in hiding. It has derailed their lives. Melinoe never got to meet her family after being raised by Dr. Hecate and placed in boarding school. Nemesis had to leave her career despite initally being told it would be okay.
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empress-things 7 days
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bffs 馃惛
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empress-things 8 days
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hot springs
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