elitegleeksrp · 3 years
Just here to leave a quick note letting everyone in the tags know that we’re still here. You don’t need to know Elite or Glee to join this secret-based, drama-full little group. The setting is Spain, the plot is rich people are being forced to mingle with normal people. Not everyone is happy about it. Some of the rich parents are exploiting the opportunity for some good P.R. There’s an elite college involved, but not everything surrounds the schools; there are business owners around here too, open town rp style. Someone might die. I won’t tell you who the murderer is. Who knows what will happen? 
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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“What do you guys say when you answer the phone? Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say, “ahoy, ahoy” when he answered the phone. It was Edison who decided that “hello” was a more appropriate greeting. 
This week’s Glee club theme is HELLO.
There are two main reasons for this. First, it’s the beginning of the school year and there are new students all over the place. So it’s the perfect time to reach out and get things started. The second is because it’s time for some reinvention, to bring something new and better to competition. We need a new hello.” --The Glee club coach at San Esteban McKinley on Monday
@elitegleekblaine is the Glee club coach at Las Dalton Encinas, so you can go to him if you’re looking for some advice on what to do and your character attends the elite university. This assignment can be done as a solo, duet, or small group project. Participation is easy, all you have to do is post a song to your character’s blog as if you’re posting it on social media, however you want to do that. It can be a video or a music post, and it can be just the song or it can include a visual performance of some kind. You can write a small para explaining how things went down when they performed for the club, or you can post in social media format.
The way this works ic is Blaine announces the themes every week on Monday in Glee club after school at Las Dalton Encinas and at the same time the Glee club coach at San Estaban McKinley Community College announces the same theme.
This way, we can exploit the rivalry between the private and public schools that are shown in both Elite and Glee. Remember, these two Glee clubs are RIVALS. Not only do they have social status and the fact that a parent that donates to the private university also owns the construction company that was working on the community college when its roof collapsed. Nobody knows that it wasn’t just an accident, but it still causes tension and the construction company owner is still trying to get the press on his side. That was the whole point of him donating to reinstate the scholarship program to Las Dalton Encinas, to get some good press. And that could be another point of contention, some of the students that used to be in the community college’s Glee club are now students of the private university. So they’ve switched sides and these two have to COMPETE in competitions and ONLY ONE can go on to the end. So post your piece on social media but also comment on other people’s social media posts of their performances with this in mind. 
If your character isn’t in Glee club, these performances posted on social media can be the perfect way to get them interested / curious.
I’ll lay out the general step-by-step process for weekly club themes too (Glee club is the only one we’re doing right now, because it’s integral to the Glee tv show plots and drama):
Blaine will usually post the weekly theme, I just did it because it’s late and these will usually be posted on MONDAY to give everyone ample time to plot, play out rehearsals, and post if they want. I’ll drop the post on the main here too, because it is part of the main plot too.
All week long ic, Glee club members perform their theme participation piece during club time. 
You have until FRIDAY to plot things out and get stuff started on the dash. Consider plots related to Glee the tv show and even Elite the tv show as well and get creative. How can you best use these themes? They will be picked based on what’s going on in the group as a whole, so there will be content to exploit for plotting. If you’re not sure what to do, you can post ooc in the ooc blog asking if anyone wants to plot or you can go to Blaine ic/post an open starter. 
Reset button hits with a new theme on MONDAY after a weekend with no classes.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
I just joined elitegleeksrp and it's so much like the old school days of rp, I'm surprised. People are so in character and I'm having so much fun. I'm already thinking about taking a second and third character.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
I know you just did a shoutout to them but I have to say I joined EliteGleeks timidly after a lot of poor experiences in the community and they are great over there! If anyone is looking for a good group to join I recommend!
We love love so feel free to send in all the love! @elitegleeksrp
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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BLAINE ANDERSON, the Las Dalton Encinas alumni that has returned to coach the glee club and take a few classes @elitegleekblaine
ALISTAIR, the Las Dalton Encinas scholarship student @daltonalistair
CHRISTIAN, the returning Las Dalton Encinas scholarship student @varelachristian
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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Welcome to non-graduating LAS DALTON ENCINAS scholarship alumni CHRISTIAN EXPOSITO. Check out our newbie checklist if you’re not sure how to start and send your account in within the next 48 hours to get started!
Alias: Abby
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 25
Timezone: est
Chosen FC: Miguel Herrán
Name: Christian Varela Expósito
Age: 25
Birthday: March 30th
Gender: cis man
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: unsure
Social position: poor
Occupation: motorcycle technician, aspiring influencer
after a seriously bad motorcycle accident (though he still isn’t entirely sure if ‘accident’ is the right way to describe what happened to him), christian spent nearly two years of his life in a swedish hospital and rehabilitation center, working on his physical therapy. though things have improved far more than was expected of him, he currently still uses a cane to walk around. he hates it, but he knows that it’s certainly better than the alternative, of being stuck in a bed, or a wheelchair for the rest of his life. recently, he moved back to spain, where he’s been working hard with the hopes of finally getting to move out of his parents’ house. working on the thing he once loved to ride around on, but is no longer able to isn’t always easy, but until he gets his big break and becomes instagram famous, it’s his only way to make money. in an attempt to avoid becoming a victim of another ‘accident’, he has yet to contact any of his old friends - or enemies - in order to make his reappearance known. he misses them a lot (definitely some more than others), but he’s not interested in turning into any more of a laughing stock than he already used to be back in high school. walking down the hall naked was one thing, but with a cane? risking comparisons to tiny tim? more than he can handle. still... something tells him it won't be long before he runs into any of them again, whether he wants to or not.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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Welcome to LAS DALTON ENCINAS as a late-starting scholarship student, ALISTAIR. Check out our newbie checklist if you’re not sure how to start and send your account in within the next 48 hours to get started!
Alias: Jax
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 27
Timezone: EST
Chosen FC: Miyavi fc
Name: Alistair
Age: 24
Gender: trans man
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: gay
Social position: scholarship
Occupation: employee at the drive-in and the roller skating rink
Growing up in an area with so many rich socialites while not being a rich socialite himself definitely made Alistair know what other people thought of him. From a young age, he understood that there were people that were going to look down on him no matter what he did just because of how little his family was worth monetarily. He got older watching bullies and the way that the human mind grew and became pessimistic in some ways but optimistic in others. As far as other people are concerned, he's quick to judge; if someone is rich, they only have to do one rude or degrading thing to another person and that was that, you were a mean person in his eyes and he wanted nothing to do with you from then on. He's very open and accepting for everyone else though, and he's helpful whenever he can be for other people.
He didn't want to take the scholarship at first, he wasn't sure he could get through finishing college surrounded by people that were doomed to look down on him, but in the end the opportunities won out. He doesn't want fame or fortune, but he does want to make enough to support his family. ANYTHING ELSE ⇨
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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Welcome to LAS DALTON ENCINAS as a returning socialite student, BLAINE ANDERSON. Check out our newbie checklist if you’re not sure how to start and send your account in within the next 48 hours to get started!
Name: Blaine Anderson
Age: 29
Birthday: February 22
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Social position: (Socialite Student/Employee of LDS)
Occupation: (Glee Coach)
Blaine Devon Anderson grew up in a tightknit, loving, and overall supportive family. His parents, Rebecca and Marcus, worked hard to ensure that Blaine always felt able to explore his own interests and likes. Rebecca, known for a long and fruitful career in theater and musical theater, fostered Blaine's love for all things theatrical. Some of his earliest memories revolve around car rides to nowhere with his mother, singing their hearts out to various show tunes. Marcus, having his own love for the theater, did not work professionally in the arts and is known for being a statesman and politician. Due to his parents' careers and success, Blaine grew up living a wealthy and elite lifestyle. Still his parents worked hard to make sure that didn't leave him spoiled or entitled.
Blaine realized early on in life that he was gay, and had a strong attraction to other men. When he decided to come out in high school, Rebecca was nothing but supportive. Though this seemed to impact his relationship with his father a bit negatively. Marcus wasn't outright unsupportive or homophobic, but it seemed to be a fact that he struggled to comprehend and even spent time attempting to get Blaine interested in activities that were viewed as traditionally masculine. This did not achieve the intended result, however, and while the two have seemed to put things aside, the relationship has been tarnished with the knowledge that he couldn't simply outright accept Blaine. He has faced many hardships relating to his sexuality, having been bullied and harassed through school, and even being physically attacked after his first date with another man.
His whole life, Blaine has been interested in and had a love for drama and theater, and his life was changed when after transferring into Las Dalton Encinas and becoming a member of the competitive singing group the school hosted. He spent four years involved in the program, and acted as captain for three years prior to his graduation. Even after that, though, he still felt a strong connection to the school and the group. He has returned to Las Dalton Encinas to coach their competitive singing group, and to take a few additional classes.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
I will be putting out the pairing list for our first event, a social media project, tonight or tomorrow so now is the time to get your new characters in here; before that list goes out. Elite Gleeks is a non multiples Glee rp, set inside the plot of Elite. We have a few Elite characters here too, and I’m open to accepting other open town/college muses. 
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
Students sat down to their Literature Class at Las Dalton Encinas on Friday to a new project; a partner project on social media. Everyone was told that they would be paired up with someone else in class and the assignment is making a fake social media account and curating it for your partner for a week. You don’t have to do anything for this, but it would be fun if you did. Feel free to reach out to each other ooc to plot with this too. 
“Social media is now the best place for us to introduce ourselves to others and the world, right? What we reveal or what we hide about ourselves tells the story of who we are. And that is why we will be working in pairs. You will need to create your partner’s profile for a social media platform of your choosing. We can demonize social networks, like they do in other places, or we can use them as tools for learning. Get the most out of this opportunity, get close to your partner but keep it appropriate. And most of all, adapt it to your goal. Please, be creative. Use photos, videos, interviews, anything. You have access to all of the resources here at Las Dalton Encinas. 
How this will work is simple, you will all get together outside of class with your partner to talk about how you want to go about representing each other. You will all keep your own social media accounts, don’t worry, you won’t be handing over passwords; the accounts for this project will be made brand new. They can be on any social media networking platform, including Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, etc. You may open up accounts on more than one platform, but only one is required. You will run your partner’s new social media account, and you will do your best to represent them. That means you’re going to have to get to know each other. You will continue to run this social media account for a full week, at which point we will be speaking about this again.”
➽ Las Dalton Encinas social media project partners:
The ooc view for how this will work is simple too. You will continue to post roleplay as your own character, and you will continue to post content for your own character’s main social media accounts. You can plot ooc to use this for plotting purposes once partners are assigned and you now have a reason to reach out to someone ic too. Think about secrets that your character has or things that nobody knows about your character and how you might be able to use that. You can watch Elite episode 2 to find out how it is used for plots on the show, or consider any Glee source material involving two people being alone together and how that opens up plotting potential. The characters that are not attending Las Dalton Encinas are more than welcome to participate as well, perhaps inspired ic by what they’re hearing and seeing about the project. Mention in the ooc blog whether or not you want to participate in this for me so that I can pair people up accordingly, so everyone that wants to use this has the option.
You don’t have to do anything at all, these aren’t real school projects and nobody is going to be failing you if you don’t participate, but this is something that you can use to give yourself a reason to be on the dash. 
Once I have handed out partners and you have figured out how your characters are going to hang out to get to know each other, whether you do that ic or ooc, you can then start making social media posts for your character’s partner. You get to make up a URL, pick a social media platform, and post whatever you want, knowing that the goal is to show who the other character is in a full sense. That means more than pictures, it can mean so many things. Think of how eclectic and full a personal Tumblr blog can be, or your Instagram or Twitter. Text posts, aesthetics, moodboards, memes, gifsets, videos from YouTube, and anything else you can think of is on the table. You can even write out full interviews in character through para, phone call, text, pm, etc and then post those in interview format. To keep track of these, I’ll be posting them on the @elitestarters blog so just @ the blog like you do for open starters.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
do you have an ooc blog or an ooc discord?
We have an optional ooc blog right now, but if you wanted a discord I'd be amenable to making one. They’re nice to have, to organize things and keep in contact and hype things up ooc. 
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
how many characters can you apply for?
I'm going to go ahead and trust you to be able to patrol yourself when you apply, but I'd suggest sticking to 5 or so at first if you’re looking for a specific number from me. Then if you want more after you've settled, you can apply for more.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
do ocs need to be related to canon characters?
No, I'll accept ocs on their own. If you're interested in bringing a canon character from another fandom in here, you can do that too. There are a bunch of slice of life and/or school shows and characters that would work well here. I want this to be open to as many roleplayers that want to join as possible. Just be sure to fit them into the plot, which means they need to be living in Spain and anything supernatural has to be completely erased. Most characters that we have on the masterlist already are either going to Las Encinas or plan on plotting their way in, but the community college is still open as well (and will be featured brewing a glee club rivalry like New Directions against basically every other school’s glee club) and there are plenty of characters in Glee and Elite that don't attend college at all, so I'm allowing expansion into the town surrounding the colleges as well. Business owners are especially welcome. The plot point of this rp is to follow the first season of Glee with the last season of Elite, so there will be Glee club assignments and Glee club drama as well as drama related to the plots featured on the show Elite.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
when are acceptances?
I accept as soon as I get to reading the apps in my inbox, which is pretty immediately. So if you're writing up an app, I suggest letting me know so that I know to hold on accepting any other apps that come in for that character until after you’re done so that you have a chance to app for your first pick. I would just prefer to make the acceptance process as fast as possible for those that are interested, so I don’t do acceptance dates or holding periods on characters that there is no interest in otherwise.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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ANDER MUNOZ, the Las Dalton Encinas dropout that has returned from a trip abroad @munozander
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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Welcome to LAS DALTON ENCINAS as the son of the middle class, Head of Dalton (she now shares power and is under the watchful eye of Benjamin Commerford), ANDER MUNOZ. Check out our newbie checklist if you’re not sure how to start and send your account in within the next 48 hours to get started!
Alias: abby
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 25
Timezone: est
Chosen FC: arón piper
Name: ander muñoz
Age: 24
Birthday: november 8th
Gender: cis man
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: homosexual, homoromantic
Social position: middle class, scholarship student (his mother is the head of the school, so he is allowed to attend at a discounted rate.)
Occupation: student, part time tennis coach
after a backpacking trip around europe with his best friend, ander came back to madrid, completed his high school degree, and made the decision to further his education at university. he’s currently studying to become an oncology nurse, hoping to give back some of the support he received when he was sick.
to make money while he’s working on his degree, ander recently began a side hustle as a tennis coach, in order to help him pay for things like rent and groceries. it’s not his first choice of a way to be spending some of his free time, but it’s something he still has a talent for, and he figures it’s easier than being stuck working retail.
recently, ander has been trying to make amends in the strained relationship he’s had with his father since his parents’ divorce. things haven’t been going swimmingly, exactly, but he is determined to fix the bond they once had. after everything he’s gone through, he knows that life is too short to hold grudges.
i’d just like to say thank you for taking the time to read over my application, and considering me for your group! also -  i mostly just focused on sort of post canon plot points/headcanons for ander set in this group, since i wasn’t entirely sure what other characters decided to include or not in their backstory that might pertain to him, but i’m flexible on figuring all that out! for the most part, i’m planning on just keeping his canon storylines the same, but i’m willing to change whatever needs to be adjusted in terms of his connections with other characters from elite.
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elitegleeksrp · 3 years
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NADIA SHANAA, the scholarship student attending Las Dalton Encinas @daltonnadiashanaa
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