eiko-chatter · 7 days
Solarpunk dystopia
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eiko-chatter · 8 days
mouth not on fire enough? Habanero powder
Genuinely, I don’t know how else to get the word out, but I feel like if your home-cooked dinners don’t taste right, you're missing either paprika, sugar, butter, or chicken bouillon.
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eiko-chatter · 9 days
dear mutuals, I want to know what your go to drink is !! Anything that isn’t water!! Pls reblog and put all the juicy details in the tags <3
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eiko-chatter · 9 days
we still get immediately shoved out of our immersion in tv shows or films when The Girl find a dead body and immediately shrieks - we just don't find it realistic because we're pretty confident most people would gasp rather than shriek (i.e. sharp inhale rather than sharp exhale) and it also feels unnecessarily (and predictably) misogynistic too, as men encountering corpses almost never do the same on screen
also of course please do tell us if you've actually encountered a corpse unexpectedly, because tumblr is absolutely a place where some people have done this thing and we love a good anecdote
suddenly imagining "burst into song" as a potential response
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eiko-chatter · 13 days
No see results option, I'm forcing you to perceive yourself. rb for more results plus
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eiko-chatter · 17 days
Good morning, you have to be the thing that saves you
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eiko-chatter · 22 days
I'm sick of internet negativity, so let's combat it: reblog this and saying something nice/pay a compliment to the prev in the tags.
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eiko-chatter · 23 days
I'm sick of internet negativity, so let's combat it: reblog this and saying something nice/pay a compliment to the prev in the tags.
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eiko-chatter · 24 days
omfg thank u this came out at the perfect time
Blue Girl Birthdaypost
Today is my birthday! If you want to celebrate it with me, I'd be delighted if you did something nice for yourself - a little treat you want but wouldn't normally get, a small task that will improve your life but you keep putting off, a little favor for someone you love.
If you do this and don't mind sharing, I'd love to hear about it in a reply to or reblog of this post.
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eiko-chatter · 28 days
When was the last time you wrote www on a url? When was the last time you sent an email to a friend? When was the last time you printed something on your own for personal use? The last time you used a CD, or the last time you opened winap?
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eiko-chatter · 28 days
I need to take a picture of me and my room that really completes the set...
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Elizabeth Sweetheart, “The Green Lady” Kitten Kay Sera, “The Pink Lady” Ella London, “The Yellow Lady” Sandra Ramos, “The Purple Lady” Zorica Rebernik, “The Red Lady”
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eiko-chatter · 30 days
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eiko-chatter · 1 month
Any or all:
2) show us a picture of your handwriting?
5) what made you start your blog?
20) favourite things about the night?
2) show us a picture of your handwriting?
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5) what made you start your blog?
20) favorite things about the night?
it's dark, so i can Shine Bright
[Questions here]
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eiko-chatter · 1 month
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tape wall!
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eiko-chatter · 1 month
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eiko-chatter · 1 month
(CW death, suicide) 6 months ago today, I lost a close friend.
Mari was - someone who loved unabashedly and shared it with the world, despite having been horribly wronged by it. She made a point of complimenting strangers because she knew she was unthreatening and wanted people to know the things about them she appreciated. She tried hard to reach out to people she thought seemed neat, even though it took her time to build up the courage - that's how we met in the first place, at skating night. (she told me later she'd been building up the courage to talk to me the first 3 times we'd been at skating together). In my short time with her, she made it abundantly clear how much she loved her people - her entire soul lit up when she talked about them. She told me so many stories about people I didn't know very well and more about people I'd never met - will probably never meet, now - and even though she's gone, a little piece of her love for them remains.
She brought that energy to her hobbies - she wrote and shared really detailed strategy guides for the games she played, made and published free translations of foreign gay comics on request - and her friendships. I met Mari only a few weeks before my roommate's cat died. She came to visit us a day or two later, brought us flowers, and kept us company while we grieved. She checked in on us every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and did what she could to help. She was meticulous about keeping track of people's preferences and triggers, and thanked me whenever i told her about one so that she could use it to be more effectively kind.
I didn't really learn the details of what Mari was going through until a week before she died, but it was - genuinely harrowing. She was really hesitant to talk about it at all, but it eventually got bad enough that she was willing to, and when I heard the details I invited her to come to stay with us to get a break and have some company. She stayed with us for 3 days, during which she was more scared and frightened than I'd ever seen her. By the time I took her back home, things had gotten worse - she said she just wanted to be alone, that she thought that would help, so I hugged her and left. (it was the last time I'd see her. she was smiling at me and making a little heart gesture with her hands as I drove away). But being alone ended up being worse for her - she asked me if she should find someone to babysit her, but I - didn't know anyone in her area (it was a pretty long drive), and she was having a lot of trouble with her local social group, so we planned on having me go down to look after her that Saturday, and I spent the time until then checking in on her as often as I could. Friday afternoon she told me she was really grateful that I was doing that for her. It was the last thing she ever said to me.
When I got there Saturday, she was gone. She'd left out a bunch of things that she wanted to gift or return to people. She wrote a note, apologizing to everyone in her life for not being strong enough to ask for help, telling them how much she loved them and how good they were, and a warning on the door, saying not to come in and to instead call 911. (i didn't listen. i wish i had. even then, she was trying so hard to make sure whoever found her wouldn't be hurt more than they had to).
i loved Mari from the moment i knew her well enough to see her for who she was. i've tried, in the last 6 months, to bring a little bit of her kind and thoughtful spirit into my interactions with people, and to do small things to look after the people i know she loved and cared about.
i wish things could have been different. she deserved so much better than this. so often i see things or meet people and think about - how much she would have loved them, how much i wish i could have shared them with her. i miss her so much, still. losing her was the most painful thing i've ever gone through, by far. my friends and family have been - incredibly kind and patient and loving and generous with me. i know i would be doing so much worse without them and am deeply indebted to them. i'm trying really hard to - continue being the kind of person i want to be, to have the traits that she loved in me. it's - often really hard, though it's been getting easier, bit by bit.
goodbye, Mari. i'll always love you. the world is forever diminished by your absence.
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eiko-chatter · 2 months
Reblog for larger sample size?
Edit: since there seems to be some confusion when I say sensory issues I mean any kind and the poll has no relevance on whether or not it effects your headphone/earbud decision, it's merely if you experience sensory issues or not
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