eclecticethan · 1 year
I know this probably doesn't need to be said, but I'll say it anyway:
You don't need a classicists or history degree to be part of the Hellenic religion. You don't need to know everything about all the gods ever and all the history behind every single one of their stories and the symbolism within every single myth, etc, etc. I feel that many people I come across do have degrees of some sort (on Tumblr specifically), but I just wanted to reiterate that it's not a requirement for worship.
It is ok to not know everything, and it's ok to not be a professional studying the ancient Greeks. Hell, it's even ok if you don't have a major love for history and whatnot. You are still more than welcome within this community.
When people say to do your research, they just mean to make sure you aren't misinformed. You mostly just need the basics, and you'll likely be fine with just that. Try not to worry so much about learning every little detail about the Hellenic religion, the gods, and the ancient Greeks. Remember that this is supposed to be enjoyable; don't research extensively if it stresses you out or doesn't make you happy. It's ok to just learn things along the way sometimes.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
Spiritual eugenicist dingbats be like "medications and therapy are all bad for you, so you must do shadow work instead", and bruh, who's going to tell them a psychologist came up with the whole concept of shadow work as a form of psychotherapy.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
none of the mutuals (that i dm’d w and such) are active anymore so im looking for some friends :-)
please reblog, like, dive into my dms PLEASE :-)
this post is aimed at y’all polytheists in specifc
-hellenic pol
-norse pol
-celtic pol
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eclecticethan · 1 year
Things crystals can do: be an object of focus for a meditation, visualisation or ritual ~ be a visual reminder of your goals/intentions ~ have meaning SPECIFIC TO YOU that strengthens over time and with repeated use ~ be a psychological ‘anchor’ ~ look pretty ~ hurt worse than Lego when stepped on
Things crystals cannot do: heal illness ~ stand in for medical treatments or vaccinations ~ purify water ~ heal dogs or children ~ deflect bad vibes ~ have inherent magickal powers ~ replace therapy or psych meds
Witchcraft is about discernment, not believing in everything. Wisdom is a balance of intuition, learning, experience and critical thinking.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
"Destroy gender roles!" I hope you're including trans people in that statement? I hope you're not shaming trans girls who want to be butch or trans guys who want to wear lipstick. I hope you're not accusing feminine trans guys of "not trying hard enough" or being "confused lesbians". I hope you're accepting trans men who wear dresses and lipstick. I hope trans drag kings and trans drag queens are welcome in your spaces. I hope trans women with facial hair and trans men without are being treated well for their choices. "Abolish gender roles" means jack-shit if trans and non-binary people aren't included.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
Since ancient times, in cultures across the globe, people have participated in religions from the moment of birth.
Children have worshipped divine beings since thousands of years ago.
So yes, even if you're a beginner, even if you're young, just go ahead and pick a deity who's piqued your interests, and start praying. They won't bite.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
"I'm a victim of narcissistic abuse."
"I'm a victim of abuse. But simply saying that often results in society defending my abuser and blaming me. It's much easier for me to get support if I throw mentally ill people under the bus, because we live in a society that glorifies abusive people but demonizes mentally ill people. This will do jack shit to stop society from normalizing abuse, but I'm okay with that."
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eclecticethan · 1 year
is hbo seriously making a hp reboot. okay fuck off
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eclecticethan · 1 year
Trans men who haven’t had top surgery are handsome. Pre/non-op trans men are still men.
accessible, non-colored version here
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eclecticethan · 1 year
So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom
It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education
602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡
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eclecticethan · 1 year
hello! i was hoping you could help me with some trouble i’ve been having. i started to work with hermes for two, maybe three weeks when i saw a video that said this person thought they were worshipping apollo for months on end and it turned out to be a trickster spirit. i already asked my deck for confirmation, i’ve asked questions to confirm, and his cards come up sometimes when i’m about to start a personal reading. i’m not really sure how to tell if something is off and that i should actually be concerned, or if this is just paranoia.
Hey, Nonny, thanks for the ask!
To be entirely honest with you, the whole "trickster spirit" thing is kind of played up to be more of a problem than it actually is, in my opinion.
Within ancient worship of Hellenic gods, I don't think "trickster spirits" who pretended to act like the gods were ever really a problem. Of course, I could be wrong, but I've never seen it mentioned. It is assumed that when you call on the gods, it is the gods who will respond, not some random spirit who wants to fuck with you for funsies. As far as I'm aware, these imposter/trickster spirits are a relatively new concept regarding Hellenic Polytheism and Paganism.
On top of that, why would a spirit want to risk the punishment of being caught impersonating a god? Because I think it's very important for all of us to remember that impersonating a god, taking their offerings, and deceiving their worshippers are all things that would likely come with a heavy price to pay. I don't think any god would be very happy with someone masquerading as them for shits and giggles. I don't think the potential punishment would be worth it for most spirits to even consider pretending to be a god.
In the end, however, it's up to you to form your own beliefs about these sorts of topics. I'm always happy to share my views on such things, but I - nor anyone else - am not the sole decider of what is and isn't true within spiritual practices. If you disagree with me (or if anyone else disagrees), that's perfectly fine as every person's practice looks different from the next. There is no set format that you have to follow - no Holy Bible that dictates your actions and behaviors. Believe what feels right to you, so long as it's not appropriative or actively harming others.
Within my personal belief, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just continue treating Hermes well, building Kharis, and forming a good bond with him. Hermes is an extremely helpful and kind god, so I wish the best for you as you get to know him better! <3
I hope this helped! Have a wonderful day/night! :)
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eclecticethan · 1 year
Hear me, O Zeus Ktesios, most highly honoured, serpentine protector, source of blessings and abundance, I call to you. With your hand held above, you watch over the oikoi of your devoted, passing blessings of wealth in stores, in family, and in money. For this, I offer to you sweet incense, wine and ambrosia.
O mighty king and father, receive the offerings given in your honour, and look kindly upon my requests: I pray you grant great prosperity to all whom dwell here; may you protect our stores so, even as times get harder, we do not suffer from scarcity.
Hymn to Zeus Ktesios
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eclecticethan · 1 year
“J.K. Rowling just retweeted a guy calling the Pride Flag's Black and Brown inclusion stripes "shit on our flag" in case you were worried she wasn't completely racist in her bones. Instead of separating art from the artist, I recommend separating the artist from society.”
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eclecticethan · 1 year
You can’t be a “women’s rights activist” and have far right, conservative white supremacists (fascists) agreeing with you. It’s mutually exclusive.
Fascists are misogynists. They think women are subservient and consider them beneath men.
If your talking points are attracting fascists then there is something deeply flawed with your “women’s rights activism.”
Women’s rights are for all women. And I mean all, not just the ones you consider worthy. If fascists are agreeing with you then you don’t support women’s rights. You support cis, white, conservative right, privileged women supremacy. That’s not women’s rights. That’s women’s fascism.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
Seeing as though the topic is going around, unfollow me if you claim to be a starseed or support the idea of it. No room for that bullshit here.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
Take Hermes more seriously and give him some respect and decency. I am begging you to treat him less like a stooge and your tumblr funny man while constantly demeaning and disrespecting him.
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eclecticethan · 1 year
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☼ Apollo protects trans boys and helps trans boys in growing into adulthood ☼
☽ Artemis protects trans girls and helps trans girls in growing into adulthood ☾
☼ Both Twins support trans individuals regardless and grant them comfort ☾
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