dsmulder4u · 18 days
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Fallen Angel//1x10
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dsmulder4u · 24 days
Hiiii! I insanely love your work! Would you like to write a fic of scully always saying “oh my god I’m coming” when Mulders rubs her when fucking? Our man Mulder can tell the exact time when she will say it 😂
She's beautiful, raw, and vulnerable. He doesn't know what makes him feel luckier: the fact that he's able to read her so readily, or the fact that she trusts him enough to allow him to see her like this.
He's grateful for either option.
She's pliant and warm in his lap, her skin velvet soft and dewy with the light misting of perspiration that has gathered from their exertions. Her previously shower-damp hair has become humid and mildly frizzy, contributing to her beautifully wild look as he runs his palms up and down her bare back. She's panting as he thrusts, her little hands resting on his shoulders for leverage. Each exhale of her breath brushes lightly in his chest hair.
"Oh..." she whispers, "Oh...Mulder...oh yeah..."
Her voice is husky, devoid of oxygen, and he can discern the little twitches in her pelvis that denote her impending orgasm. She feels so damn good, so hot and wet and snug, and he knows the minute he feels that first pulse he's not going to last.
Gotta make this good for her. Always gotta make it so good for her.
He peppers kisses along her jawline and down her throat, knowing she responds positively to passion-coincided gentleness. He feels the vibration of her moan against his lips as he skillfully edges his middle finger to where they are joined, seeking out her slick clit. He knows she's sensitive tonight when he feels her nails dig sharply into the ball of his shoulder. Her other hand clasps his wrist, holding his rubbing fingers in place between her legs.
"Oh—" she gasps, "Oh yeah...oh—"
Any moment now, he prays as he concentrates on kissing, stroking, and thrusting, any moment now she's going to make that sweet little grunt and she's going to come un—
"Oh...oh my god, I'm coming..." Her eyes slip closed as her brow furrows, her hips writhing against his. Almost immediately the very-rare-to-impossible happens and he feels his balls seize, his body melding to hers as they slowly fall headlong over the cliff of blissful oblivion. Their mouths meet messily, not so much kissing as it is sharing their frantic breaths.
She breathes quiet little "oh my god"s against his lips as she slowly, steadily descends, and he does his best to brush her hair from her eyes in a somewhat coordinated fashion. He shivers with aftershocks, the ghost of her voice telling him she's coming threatening to pool his blood again well before he's ready.
"How do you always know," she breathes against the crook of his jaw, "exactly what I need?"
He chuckles into her sweat-dampened hair.
"Let's just say you make it easy for me," he replies affectionately.
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dsmulder4u · 2 months
3 Times Mulder & Scully Suggested They Sleep At Each Other’s Place- Cut Dialogue
The End
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War of the Coprophages
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The Pilot
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dsmulder4u · 2 months
Do you have a list of comfort fics? Not them comforting each other but for when you're feeling wrecked and you just need something lovely to make it better?
randomfoggytiger's Comfort Fics
I'm not joking: I've reread more fics than I'll ever read new ones. My usual routine is to pop open Google docs, select an author, and mow down their list.
These three pieces were the ones that started it all; but I forgot to include @seek-its-opposite's photosensitivity. A+s, all of 'em.
Authors that I can't single out comfort fics from and can't tag because Tumblr is restricting my tag options: @baronessblixen, @settle-down-frohike, @onpaperfirst, @markwatneyandenesemble, Lapsed_Scholar, Apostrophic, @ghostbustermelanieking, @o6666666, touchstoneaf, @welsharcher, @scenes-in-between, @mldrgrl, @spooky-nerd, @melforbes, etc.
**Note**: Will ghost edit later~
Bittersweet Comfort Fics
misslucyjane's Scully seeks insomnia advice from Mulder, and Mulder dies, then lovingly watches Scully live the rest of her life
Kipler's cancer arc set casefile involving WWII vets and letters
melforbes's cancer arc Mulder takes his new bride to the sea for her last spring, and Pre-IWTB Mulder and Scully finally have a home
MldrItsMe's AU Redux II Scully is REALLY suffering, and Sein und Zeit Mulder's suicidal confessions
@discordantwords's Mulder and Scully are almost killed by the Fiji mermaid
mixiz877's Mulder and Scully fight off a gryphon
@fbismostunwanted1158's Scully is beaten down ala Stella Gibson in The Fall
Joyce's S5 AU Mulder is killed, comes back to life to save Scully, and Mulder dies but stays as Scully's partner solving cases with her (Part 1, Part 2, and-- my favorite of the three-- its Halloween sequel)
@teethnbone's post Travelers fic with Mulder and Scully
@sarie-fairy's AU Tithonus love confession, Post Milagro Scully realizing what it feels like to be Mulder, and Post The Unnatural Scully is bleeding out on a failed Sasquatch hunt
@sigritandtheelves's Post Monday Scully remembers Mulder's death
whatliesabove's Post Milagro Scully stays dead (or does she?)
ChaneenW's Pre-IVF arc Mulder is shot into a parallel timeline, reliving the Small Potatoes adventure with Scully
dee_ayy's post Amor Fati recovery fic (with baseball)
@bohoartist's Sein und Zeit through Scully's eyes, and Post Closure Scully rescues a photo of baby Mulder
Lolabeegood's AU where S8 Mulder is returned with false memories (would also recommend Lolabee's IWTB era fics, btw.)
@dreamingofscully's AU S9 Skinner entices Mulder back into profiling... and it doesn't end well
@television-overload's Pre-IWTB Mulder surprises Scully with a baseball field (and his old self again)
@queeenpersephone's AU where IWTB Scully stuck it out with Mulder
@danascullysjournal's Post IWTB bonding fic between a discouraged Mulder and uplifting Scully
@kateyes224's Mulder and Scully content in their UH, and Mulder sells the UH, and Scully buys it
@realmofextremepossibility's Breakup Mulder waiting for Scully's return Part I and Part II.
vulcanscully's Post Breakup Scully stops hearing from Mulder and assumes the worst
enigmaticdr's AU post IWTB Scully thinks she has cancer again (she's pregnant), Breakup Mulder is defeated at their anniversary dinner, AU where Revival Scully gets cancer, and The Revival baby laughs for the first time
prufrockslove's AU Mulder is a Welsh prince, Scully is his betrothed bride, and lots of Prince John high court drama ensues (part I of a sweeping, interconnecting AU series)
Thanks for reading~
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dsmulder4u · 3 months
XF Fics I’ve Read More Than Once
and would 100% read again. in a heartbeat. 
Shred of Doubt I / Shred of Doubt II - I’m a sucker for Established MSR Casefile Fics With Angst (put this on my headstone) and this is my favorite of them all.
Overnight Sensation - I love anything by Syntax6 but this is my personal favorite. 
Blinded By White Light - almost certain this is the first MSR fic I read and I still hold it as one of my favorite pieces of literature. 
No More Demons - so. fucking. good. 
The Unfinished Universe - the way this fic is organized puts me at ease and the characterization is amazing. 
The Common Fate Of All Things Rare - I stayed up all night reading this in December and I swear it changed my life. 
Andromeda -  the summary itself drew me into this fic. its so poetic and good I’m gonna post it. bravo, @h0ldthiscat, this took my breath away. 
He thinks of the dozens of books he has on the cosmos, the hundreds of articles he’s read on star clusters and galaxies, and how he wants to show them to her, wants to pour over them together until they find a constellation that is Scully, until he knows the map of her. Marijuana makes him awfully poetic, he thinks.
Machines of Freedom - isn’t sad to see Chris Carter write revival episodes when @amalnahurriyeh exists? 
An Acceptable Level of Happiness - you’ll never meet a Muslim who loves Christmas more than I do, give me all Christmas fic. 
All That Is Dark and Bright - not a big Emily resurrection fan, but this one is amazing. its filled with angst, and MSR, and case file, and sadness, and happiness, and just, ugh, MalibuSunset is amazing but this is by far her best work. 
Above Minnesota - I love planes and the confined spaces that force characters to address issues. I love plane fics. send some my way. havei mentioned I love plane fics. 
Basketball Therapy - I love basketball and I’m in therapy and this is amazing. 
Ripped - I fell in love with two characters other than Mulder and Scully here congrats on fucking doing that. 
The Way Things Are - I and II - I love this AU so much 
Speechless/Perfect - okay, I get goosebumps reading this fic because its so poetic in a dark but beautiful way, it transcends all wavelengths. READ READ READ 
Undercover Swing - okay, I’m going to put a WIP here and I know you all know of it, because well, of course you do. I finally had a chance to read this two days ago. I may be the last person too. I had to read it more than once - the first time to just read it and the second time to truly read it and this fic is so much more than smut, its art. Queen of Smut, we are not worthy.
The Professional I / II / III - can you tell I love angst, because I do. This is so angsty and so good. 
Now, there are alot more, but we’ll start with these. I know you all have read these fics, but read them again. And reach out to the authors and let them know how awesome they are.! tag anyone I missed and add your own fic if you want :) 
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dsmulder4u · 3 months
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dsmulder4u · 3 months
Hi I love your writing so much and I was wondering if you could write something sort and soft about Mulder proposing to Scully please???
Thank you for thinking of me! Short and soft it is💕
They're stretched out in their massive oak bed, naked and molded perfectly around each other. A soothing spring breeze blows through the open window, billowing the floor length curtains through warm rays of the rising sun. Their son is safe and they are alive and there is no darkness here. Their daughter snoozes peacefully in her bassinet - pink-cheeked and milk-drunk - and he chooses now to ask her what he’s yearned to for years now. Decades, even.
“Marry me, Scully?”
She stills, inhales, and stops sliding her fingers through his hair.
“Why now?”
“Why not?”
She exhales, delicate hands slowly smoothing over his shoulders, his chest, letting his thudding heart beat beneath her palm. She’s savoring this, his Scully, and he waits. Her sea-deep eyes buoy him, always calming him in even the roughest waters.
She’s beaming now and so is he. She is his northern star and he is hers - the brightest of lights guiding each other home.
“Okay,” she says simply.
And it is, it’s the simplest thing in the world.
His hand cups her jaw, long fingers cradling her flushed cheek. She kisses him softly, sweetly, and he swears he can feel tendrils of his heart strings tangle tighter around hers.
No, there is no darkness here.
Their future has never been brighter.
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dsmulder4u · 3 months
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The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati//7x02
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dsmulder4u · 3 months
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Fight the future, behind the scenes pictures
Credit: https://xfilespreservationcollection.com/products/exclusive-fight-the-future-photo-pack-5x7-pack-7
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dsmulder4u · 3 months
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2.10 Red Museum
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dsmulder4u · 3 months
My first novella just has been released. I hope you like it...
0 notes
dsmulder4u · 4 months
god the flirting in rush is something else. the way scully lightly smacks mulder on the shoulder with the police report to announce her presence. the way he’s so fucking happy to see her.
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later when she plays with his tie and says “please? for me?” with that little pout and those big doe eyes.
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boggles my mind that some people don’t believe in the season of secret sex bc look at them. they’re finally giving in to their feelings and they’re having the time of their lives
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dsmulder4u · 4 months
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745 notes · View notes
dsmulder4u · 4 months
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insp. (x)
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dsmulder4u · 4 months
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic
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They’ve been debating which case to work on next week so long that the car windows are all Rorschach test splotches of fog.
There’s a moment’s lull in conversation. Mulder reaches into the console, fishes out his bag of seeds and pulls it apart. His eyes lock on twin silhouettes in trench coats moving through the mist about twenty feet outside their car.
“You know, I hear they’re more than just partners,” he offers in a conversational tone.
“Gillis and Perez,” Mulder says, cracking open a sunflower seed, gesturing out the front windshield. “That’s the water cooler gossip, anyway.”
“Spending a lot of time at the water cooler, Mulder?”
“I’m in the know, Scully.”
They’ve been waiting in the car outside a row of weather-battered warehouses for two hours, part of a coordinated raid that hasn’t gotten its go-ahead yet. There have been days of briefings and prep, but something seems to have gone to shit, because they’re sitting positioned with practically the entire Bureau twiddling their thumbs. Dressed for action with no place to go.
Mulder suspects they’re probably not really necessary in this operation, which is about the size of the invasion of Normandy. They’d probably not be missed if they drove off and went to pick up some hamburgers.
But they’re nothing if not team players. And besides, this isn’t so bad. Scully sighs next to him, and he subtly glances at her. She’s leaning back against the seat, the soft arch of her neck exposed and her lips slightly parted. There are worse ways to spend an evening.
He turns back to watching Gillis and Perez through the front window. They’re dutifully walking the perimeter of the closest building.
The two agents don’t look overtly romantic, he decides. If it’s true, they’re discreet. They do walk side by side, very little distance between them, but they don’t touch one another. Gillis is a tall woman, so she stands almost at Perez’s height, and their heads keep arching towards one another to talk.
He wonders what they’re talking about. It could be anything—the raid, the weather, their favorite sexual positions.
Scully’s eyes track them, too, seeming to note every possible tiny physical clue.
“Hmm,” she says slowly and thoughtfully, “I admit, that’s interesting.”
“Interesting that it’s an open secret and there don’t seem to be any repercussions?”
“Yes,” Scully says, pushing back against the seat and stretching out her limbs like a cat. “And interesting in other ways, too.” She reaches down and, peeking first, helps herself to some of his sunflower seeds, her small hand slipping into the bag’s interior without crackling the wrapper.
Mulder makes an affirmative humming sound. “I thought so, too.”
“I mean, on some level it’s perfectly understandable,” Scully adds, placing some seeds between her lips, her eyes still focused out the window where the pair have disappeared around the corner. “They’re both very attractive. It’s hard to date in this job. People have needs.”
Mulder glances at her warily again. Jaw working on his own handful of seeds, he doesn’t answer right away, cautiously processing this statement. “Sure,” he says mildly. “I guess you’re right.”
And then the car is quiet, only the sound of cracking seeds and the rustling of the bag as he reaches for more.
“Actually,” Scully says casually, “it makes me think that we could do something like that.”
Mulder turns to her. “Something like what?”
“What Gillis and Perez are doing.”
“What?” He blinks rapidly. “Are you being serious?”
“Yes,” she says. Staring out the front window, she certainly appears serious, if a little uptight.
“You’re teasing, right?”
She looks down and carefully smooths the dark pants she wore for the raid, as if she has just noticed many sudden wrinkles. “If you don’t want to, fine. I was just raising the idea.”
“Raising… the idea,” he repeats, bewildered.
“Okay, Mulder,” she says with a small sigh. “I get it. It’s out of the question.”
“I’m just shocked that you would bring it up like … that you would just … it’s unexpected.”
“Let’s change the subject then. How do you like the Knicks this year?”
“I mean…” Mulder runs his hands down the sides of his face, dragging his cheeks. “What are you suggesting, exactly? How would you see it working?”
Scully’s eyes flash to his. “I’m not suggesting something in particular. It would be open to negotiation.”
“Open to negotiation,” Mulder says, shaking his head in disbelief. “Jesus, Scully.”
“What’s your concern exactly?”
“So this would be a ‘meeting needs’ kind of deal,” he says, using finger quotes. “A ‘taking care of basic urges’ situation.”
“That’s one possibility,” she says brusquely.
Mulder’s head twists rapidly back towards her. “What are the other possibilities?”
“Well,” Scully says. Her face changes color. “It could be a little more traditional than that, I suppose.”
“Traditional like what?”
“I don’t know, Mulder,” she says, throwing her hands up. “It would be open to negotiation. Is there an arrangement you would prefer?”
“To be honest,” he says, “I’d prefer not to have an arrangement at all.”
“Then we certainly don’t have to discuss it any more.” Her lips draw tightly.
“No, no,” he says, and he reaches out to place his hand on hers without thinking. “That came out wrong.”
“Mulder,” she says, stiffening under his touch, “let’s just gracefully drop it, okay? I regret bringing it up.”
“I just don’t want an arrangement,” he repeats meaningfully. “I don’t want a negotiation.”
“I get it,” she says shortly, jerking her hand out from under his.
“No,” he says. “No, you don’t.” He takes a deep breath. “It’s not that I don’t want … what you suggest. I’ve thought about it. A lot. Maybe too much.”
Scully’s mouth twitches at the corners as she apparently absorbs this. “Okay,” she responds. A pause. “Then why not?”
Mulder rubs his temples aggressively.
“I don’t think I could do it without … all of it. I mean, that’s not strictly true. I could do it. I’m only human. But I think it would end … really badly.”
“End badly how?”
“I don’t know about you, but to me sometimes it seems like things are too complicated between us already. This would be upping the ante. I’m pretty sure I’d always be wanting the whole thing.”
She’s confused. “What do you mean by ‘all of it?’ The ‘whole thing?’ We could negotiate that, if you wanted it. Make it part of the arrangement.”
“Scully,” he says in a fond, exasperated tone. “You can’t negotiate being in love. You know that, right?”
He thinks for a moment she’s not going to respond.
“And that’s what … you want?”
“Well, it’s probably not something I’m going to have a ton of willpower about, so don’t test me,” he says with a rueful hitch in his voice. “But in my experience, it’s a bad idea to enter into a sexual relationship with someone you’re in love with if they’re not in love with you.”
Scully is very still, apparently reacting to the implied revelation. He steels himself for more.
“I admit, I’ve done it in the past,” Mulder says. He’s proud of how calm he sounds. “I might even be prone to it, whatever that says about me. It’s ended in spectacular fucking heartbreak. You think it will work out, that you’ll convince the person, and it feels real. But it’s not. And in those cases, it wasn’t like…” He breaks off. “Well, it wasn’t like this partnership. Which, as I hope you know, is ... already different from most other kinds of relationships. I just think this would be a lot worse. More painful.” He hesitates before saying the last word. “Devastating.”
They don’t say anything for a moment. Scully has a strange, almost dazed expression on her face.
“Gillis and Perez,” Scully says, gesturing to where they’d walked around the corner. “Is that a meeting-basic-needs situation?”
“I have no idea,” Mulder says. “Maybe. Or maybe they’re one another’s soulmates. I don’t know. Water cooler didn’t cover that.”
She nods once. He hears her toying with the edge of the sunflower seed bag.
“For what it’s worth,” she says, after a moment, “I didn’t bring up the meeting-basic-needs idea. You did.”
Mulder’s brow furrows. “Did I? I thought you mentioned ‘needs.’”
“I used the word ‘negotiation,’” she continues, in her precise work voice. “Which doesn’t really reveal anything about the feelings of any of the parties. It just means parameters would have to be agreed on in advance.”
“I guess,” Mulder says doubtfully.
“I don’t know if it would be as risky as you’re thinking,” she adds with finality. “It seems to me that you’re making some faulty assumptions.”
“I don’t think I am,” Mulder says stubbornly. “I know myself pretty well, and I know my feelings.”
“Yes,” she replies, “but you don’t know mine.”
A pause.
“No,” he says in a different tone. “Now that you mention it, no, I guess I don’t.”
“It never occurred to me that we would have an arrangement without … attachment. I suppose I took the attachment for granted.”
She nods shortly.
“And by attachment, you mean…?”
She bites her lip and rolls her eyes. “Mulder.”
“That embarrasses you, Scully? Talking about feelings?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Just a little hard to believe when you were propositioning me for sex a few minutes ago.”
“I wouldn’t describe it as propositioning you for sex,” she says huffily.
“No? Come on. You were basically like: let’s negotiate a contract and take your pants off, Mulder.”
“That’s not what I was like,” she replies, flushing.
“I know what I heard.”
“I was only trying to say that maybe we should talk about this option … that we don’t ever talk about,” she says tightly. “That we both think about.”
“An option that’s literally sitting right in front of us. That Gillis and Perez chose for themselves.”
He squirms in his seat, then pulls in a long, slow breath. “Yeah.” He’s not looking at her. “You’re right.”
“You were the one that made me sound so…” She composes herself. “You were the one that took feelings out of the equation.”
He steals a careful look at her. “I’m sorry.”
She doesn’t respond, and she’s looking away from him, but he suspects, from past experience with the various cadences of her voice, that she’s got tears in her eyes.
“I should have realized you had some protections up, too, Scully,” he adds roughly.
She looks down at her hands.
“Scully,” he tries, gently, “just to be clear in negotiation here—are you saying that … it might be possible for you and me to have a relationship where both parties hold equivalent feelings?”
She lifts her head, and there are indeed tears pooling in the corners of her clear blue eyes. “Don’t you know me at all? Haven’t you been paying any attention?”
He reaches over and takes her hand in his. Her small fingers feel gritty, like the salt coating his sunflower seeds.
“I thought I was paying attention,” he says. “But then you go and do something really, really surprising.”
“I thought I was being logical,” she says primly, looking down again.
He places a finger under her chin and tips her face up. “Very logical,” he says in a low, playful voice. “Nothing says logical like initiating a relationship with Fox Mulder.”
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dsmulder4u · 4 months
"We walked together to our condo, not being able to pay attention to anything else but us."
That's the last sentence of my new fic I am currently working on.
Wow, 17 words. Now I'll play the WIP game of @agent troi...
@katy-kt-katie @agent-troi @baronessblixen @msrafterdark @rxdheaddana @phillippadgettwrites @today-in-fic @cecilysass @alienbaby-babymama @admiralty-xfd @borogirl @drislesbabe @monikafilefan @fistful-of-fandom @femkehermus @knowleitall-super-soldier @lilydalexf
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dsmulder4u · 4 months
"We walked together to our condo, not being able to pay attention to anything else but us."
That's the last sentence of my new fic I am currently working on.
Wow, 17 words. Now I'll play the WIP game of @agent troi...
@katy-kt-katie @agent-troi @baronessblixen @msrafterdark @rxdheaddana @phillippadgettwrites @today-in-fic @cecilysass @alienbaby-babymama @admiralty-xfd @borogirl @drislesbabe @monikafilefan @fistful-of-fandom @femkehermus @knowleitall-super-soldier @lilydalexf
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