dragon-police-force · 10 years
As they boarded on the plane, Brett couldn’t stop his mind from running off in all different directions and thinking several steps ahead in each. He knew it was pointless and would all be revealed when Neil talked to him about it, but he couldn’t help it. Just like he couldn’t help his pulse racing and his hands sweating slightly in anticipation.
As soon as the Captain finished explaining, Brett nodded. “I believe I can execute the task satisfactorily.” Oh how he despised humans like that with a burning hatred; he would jump at any opportunity to return to them what they deserve. He could most definitely do this. There was no “perhaps” in this case; Brett knew he needed to be up to the task and even if he wasn’t, he would make himself up to it.
As the plane started taking off, Brett put his seatbelt on and accommodated himself to the seat he had next to the Captain. Brett wasn’t one to fall asleep during plane rides so he sat with the most upright posture as he looked out the window to his left.
"Good." Neil said, trying not to let the relief show through his tone and failing. He relaxed a little more into the seat, glad that he would have company this time. "There's a little more that goes with this, but it's honestly a formality because our main goal, if nothing else, is to bring these people to justice." He handed Brett the file on the case. "In there you will find the inventory of the supplies and weapons being brought with us, and the possible aliases yo have to choose from. There are also a few maps that have marks where they have stuck and where we notice a clear pattern in their habits." he explained. "The rest is sort of self explanatory."
With that, the dragon sighed and closed his eyes, trying to focus on things that would allow him to sleep. He never slept well when he was assigned this sort of thing.
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
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…and are willing to share it with people that want to get to know you
Reblog if you have this:
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
Neil nodded and noted the obvious frustration in Sid's actions. He could clearly hear his teeth grinding, and the sound made shivers run up his back. After a moment of silent thinking and scribbling on his note pad, he looked up at Sid once again with a small, understanding smile. "Well let's ask around again together, shall we? I'm sure between the two of us, we'll be able to make them think twice before lying this time." he tried to think of anywhere Efina could have wondered off to around here, but his mind was really coming up with a blank. This was not his day. "Even if we don't find any more information talking to people, we may find clues as we walk around. Make sure to keep an eye out." Neil reminded him as though he were a little kid. It wasn't like he meant it in a bad way, it was just an automatic reminder, and he was very stressed about the day's events.
   He let out a soft sigh. During the past few months and towns he’s been to, Neil and Brett had to step in due to circumstances at each town. Sid and Efina had both seen how the two had worked, and yet… being on the receiving end of this felt foreign.
          ❛ I think she either sneaked out at night to wander around town, or some crook took her away. I’m sure she can defend herself, but if there were more than one… also, no. We weren’t fighting or on bad terms recently.❜
   Sid took out his memo pad and started sifting through the notes he had written down the whole morning. ❛ This town is, unfortunately, overridden with crime, and I’m sure there would be one or two persons interested in dragons…❜ He trailed off.
   Though he wasn’t sure why they would have kidnapped Efi. Perhaps as a lie detector?
          ❛ I did ask around town, but none of them admitted to seeing her. I believe some are lying, but—❜ He gritted his teeth in frustration. ❛ I can’t exactly prove that.❜
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
We finished the cosplay holy shit it looks so gooood!! Ill post pictures tomorrow
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
Sorry about not answering guys ive just been goin through some stuff and ill answer asap. Thanks for being patient
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
Should i post some fanart on here? Idk ive been in a drawing mood lately.
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
❣ ◎
Upopular opinion i have:Uhhhh idk im very fond of raw tofu??? Idk also i like the new scooby doo series. Theyre doing a lot more character development in that shit and scooby doo on saturday morning man.Relationship status:Single. Very very single. I dont think ive dated anyone for...five months? Six? I dont know irl stuff never works for me unless i met them online first. The best relationship i ever had was six months online and then eight months irl. Idk something about having them online and have nothing else to do but just talk lets me know so much more about them. I might have trust issues idk.
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
❤ - Tumblr user I would date ❣ - An unpopular opinion I have ⋆ - My personal blog url ❧ - Other websites I’m on ✗ - Skype ☒ - My nickname ☑ - My real name ♞ - My age ✾ - TV series that I love ◎ - Relationship status ❂ - Post a picture of myself ☄ - My opinion of you
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
((i wonder how long it will take him to notice 10:15pm currently))
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
((I am a horrible friend, and yet, also the best))
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
((The Mod of This Blog is a Huge Nerd))
(( o( *`ω´)o #yolo #swag ))
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
I feel really shitty now
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
He could see that Sid was giving him a once over, and Neil was so grateful when he decided to hold his tongue. He didn't think he could handle someone pointing it out to him, and he'd really just like to get on with this case to help find the little dragon. "Hello, Sid." he said quietly with a little forced smile. "I wish we had met up on better circumstances, but I'm afraid we have some business to attend to." His smile faded and he looked to Sid seriously. "I need to ask where you think she could have gone. Did you have a fight before she left? Do you have any reason to believe she was kidnapped?" he asked, taking out his notebook. "I assume I don't have to go through the whole talk with you, so please, just tell me what you know so that I can help."
   While he waited for the dragon to come around, Sid decided to check his possessions. A memo pad, a pen, clothes (maybe he’d discard/trade them later)… and a small stash of candy. Hopefully he’d be able to find more for Efina to snack on later. If they found her. 
         Maybe he should stop thinking about the if and actually try          to believe that they will find her. Negativity will do you no good.
   Sid heard the soft thud of boots landing on the ground; and sure enough, he spotted a tall figure in the distance, which was presumably Neil. However, he seemed really… disheveled, unlike all the other times the con artist has had seen him.
   This put him a little on the edge. What if it wasn’t Neil? However, he wasn’t going to find out if he just stayed put. The logical (and probably dangerous) option was to check this person out. Which he did.
   To his relief, it was indeed Neil, who seemed worse for wear. Sid actually felt bad for captain. It wasn’t even the afternoon yet and he looked like he’d been through a lot… the con artist decided not to open his mouth about the matter.
          ❛ Didn’t expect you to be this quick… s’ppose I’ll have to thank you for coming here. Now, about Efi…❜
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
Of course Neil had heard him; he'd been writing down everything of import the moment he'd begun talking. After the other abruptly hung up, he assumed they were supposed to meet. Getting up, he walked over to the coat closet to grab his coat and caught himself in the mirror, the sight making him sigh. He fixed his hair a little bit and just shoved his coat over the mess that was the rest of his clothes. Fuck, he looked like shit. Oh well, he couldn't really think about that right now. Very unsatisfied with his appearance, Neil moved from the office, basically ignoring people who tried to talk to him or shove work onto him. As soon as he was outside, he was in the air, going to the specified meeting spot he had just heard a moment before. The sensation of the air against his face made him sigh and improved his mood, even if only by a small amount. When he landed down, however, the mood fell again. His hair had been fucked up because of the water and the flying was like a mega blash blow drier. Incredible. Trying to shove it from his mind, he shook his head in an attempt to at least make it look better, and tried to find Teo- er..Sid.
          ❛ I won’t be able to come to the station, unfortunately. And hold on for a bit.❜ The girl was now staring/glaring at Sid, obviously wanting her phone back. He gave her more candy and told a few more harmless truths and she went away for a bit again, giving him time to collect his thoughts again.
          ❛ Back… for now.❜ A sigh. ❛ And yes, I was hoping for that, actually… I don’t really have a death wish as of now.❜
   On the other hand, if the shadow dragon were to come, it’d be easier, of course. But the cons were far worse than the pros. Though it was undeniably a strange feeling; Sid taking over Brett’s place for this search.
          ❛ Right, I have to hang up soon. This girl is bothering me. I’ll be by the infamous inn in this town. You know. The one that’s overridden with crimes and whatnot; just the town after Gold Town.❜
   He wasn’t sure how, but the girl managed to snatch the phone away just after he had finished the last sentence. Guess Sid wasn’t really paying attention to his surroundings. To avoid her being even more annoying than she already was, he thanked her with even more candy, and she gladly left him alone.
   Candy he had been saving for Efina.
   He hoped that Neil had managed to catch whatever he had said. If not… 
   Rather than brood over the bad possibilities, Sid decided to wait by the inn, like he said he would. Not many would be passing by this area around this time, but compared to other places, this place was pretty safe. 
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
At first, Neil didn't realize that his partner had arrived. He was on time for once, which told Brett that it was a serious matter, and completely lost in himself. But the second time, he actually jumped a little bit, looking at his partner in shock. Then the expression melted into a calm, smile and he forced himself to relax. He wasn't feeling how he presented himself, but in a public place around pretty much his best friend, he didn't like to show it too much. Besides, it would just worry Brett even more. The captain snapped his fingers and pointed at Brett's bags. Immediately, two people picked them up and began to load them onto the plane. He turned his complete attention back on Brett again and started to walk, gesturing for his partner to follow. "Come, walk with me." he invited, giving another kind smile to him. Eventually he gathered himself enough to begin talking again, and spoke in a serious tone. "I apologize for not telling you where we were going before hand. I have to admit that i've been a bit on edge since receiving the news myself, and have been in no state to explain to you before today. However, it means a lot to me that you would come without question. I chose right when I made you my partner." Neil praised Brett, as he tended to do often. He liked to help him feel at ease, as though he were doing many things correct. Neil ever wanted him to feel lesser than anyone else ever again. After a brief smile to Brett, he went back to telling him about their task. "I cannot speak about it much in such a public place, but I can tell you where we are going." the old dragon said, the wear and tear of several years of these kinds of cases showing even in his voice. "We are going to Italy primarily to go undercover in catching some wretched human beings. Human beings who hunt and kill dragons for sport." His voice was very grim, and it was obvious this was not the first case he'd had like this, even though it was the first he'd taken Brett on.
After receiving a call from his superior, Brett didn’t need any explanation to head out on the trip. He left his house in a timely manner, arriving early to the airport with Neil.
After all, one of the major reasons people didn’t like leaving their houses was because they were afraid of change, or they had a family to leave behind. Brett had neither. Of course the only one that could be considered his family was the one he would be traveling with, the Captain, Neil.
Ever since Brett was young he had admired Neil’s heroic attitude from the moment he rescued Brett from the hell he was living. When he was taken away from those criminals he felt like he could finally breathe after years of being underwater. However, all the pain and the suffering could not be erased, nor did Brett want it to be. He put his all the pain to good use by making sure no other dragon had the cruel fate of living the way he did. It was his own mission, so to speak.
As Brett’s belongings needed for the trip were loaded; his mind couldn’t help but wonder what would lie ahead for them in this case they had been assigned. The fact that Neil had not elaborated on the specifics of the mission made the case all that much more intriguing with the holes in the puzzle Brett tried to fill. 
Although he had thought about it all he could gather was the readily available facts so he decided to break the silence and ask Neil.
”Captain,”Neil seemed lost in his thoughts, so naturally Brett tried getting his attention in a slightly rougher way than usual, not a very noticeable change, but something that would get a response out of the Captain. ”Captain, Where will we be traveling to this time?”
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dragon-police-force · 10 years
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