doyoungyoung · 2 years
Gues whos back
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
Any suggestions about nct smuts?? Or what you want members to do to you?
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
[ 04:00 am ] pain of thunder
Warning - heavy angst, major character death
Weather was angry. No one knew why the nature decided to be terrifying, maybe signifying someone's pain or someone's cry for help.
You were sitting inside your room thinking about the same question, seriously confused by the weather's sudden change. It made you give up your sleep which you were craving for hours. After the death of doyoung everything went hell. You never expected something like this to happen in the million years but someone its not in human hand, maybe you done something so bad that god decided to take him away from you, leaving you with all the responsibilities you never thought you will have to handle. The shock of the news saying how doyoung was found death because of a car accident when he was coming back home. You told him to take the car but he wanted to save money for both of them. It made you lose your sleep for months before finally it came back like a truck. Before that sleeping at 5 in the morning and waking up at 7 for your classes for normal now its hard to stay awake for more than 10 hours. Today was the day same like everything but for the first time in 2 months you couldn't sleep. Sleeping the most in the past month made you forget about the pain which used to keep you up at night.
Thunder in the background was trying to target ur numb and broken heart, trying to make you remember all the memories you spend with your boyfriend. The way he used to hug you and patted your head whenever there was a storm and singing a song for you to make you sleep during the wild thunders. Memories came out of your eyes like a tear drop which got unnoticed by you, remembering how doyoung used to kiss your tears away.
"Baby i promise i will always be their for you"
The promise which you used to keep it inside you locked inside you but at the end it for broken. You wouldn't understand why god do this to the most kind hearted person who did nothing but to love you. How wrong he was for doing it? These were some unanswered question you never got the answer to.
You were trying to ignore the thoughts and questions coming into your mind and sleep. But youe heart beat was matching the roar of the thunder. Heart aching so much that it made you wanna take it out. Hugging a pillow like you used to do so thinking it was doyoung wasn't helping today instead it was getting wet by the tears which wasnt coming to a stop.
Lightening outside made you scream. It was filled with pain. The pain you want to forget by any means. In the end you lost it. You were screaming and shouting doyoung name, wanting him to come back, memories flooding in ur mind, hurting like a pin in your heart. But no one was here to listen. But maybe doyoung was listening to her from wherever he was rn maybe thats why the nature was showing his pain in the from of thunder.
Hours of struggle and you ended up sleeping by 6 in the morning without knowing when which also let to the stop of the storm.
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
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Summary: Never leave someone without telling them or simply you shouldn't have left doyoung alone
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: heavy angst
Doyoung and you had the relationship everyone wanted in their lifetime. You were so lucky to have him around you, were basically living with him, waiting for him to come back home from his work, and almost jumping on him when you see him. Everything was perfect, too perfect that it scared you. The fear that was keeping you awake at nights came true when you got a job and they wanted you to leave the country and go to America. The idea of being away from doyoung made you cry, you had your doubts but you never thought it will come so soon. Facing doyoung became difficult from that day, you cant even look in his eyes properly. 
Doyoung works enough for both of you to have a good 2 bedroom flat for both of them but the problem was your parents. You have to give them money so they can survive. It was hard, exhausting, you are stuck with them forever even  though you hated them but there was no way for you to get rid of them. The moment you told them you have to go to America, they were like
"Thats the best thing"
"Yeah now you can leave that rabbit dude"
This is why you hate them they dont care about your life they only care about your money.  
There was only a week left before you have to go but you havent told doyoung it just couldn't come out of your mouth. You were scared to see how he will react, how angry he would be and that was ur most cruel thing you ever did.
You were super clingy with him knowing you have to leave him today for 2 years or more if they didnt let you go. The thing you were doing was absolutely wrong but still you didn't have to courage to say it loud
"Why you are so clingy today?" Doyoung ask while caressing ur hairs softly making u sleepy
"Just bcoz- wait do we really need a reason for cuddling?"
"No you dont i was just ask- " you didnt even let him complete his sentence and kissed him. He smiled in the kiss and wrapped your face in his hand and deepen the kiss. When you both were satisfied he broke it. 
"Baby i will go now and buy the things you told me to okay wait for me i will be right back" he kissed ur forehead and went to our room to take his wallet. You watched his every step wanting to suck in all his beauty, his feature in your mind to keep the memory something you can think about when you will reach there. 
Time went faster than you expected, after saying goodbyes and love yous he left. The nostalgic feeling you were feeling moments ago hitted you hard making you cry out loud in pain. Nothing like this would have happened if her parents were working so all the blame was on them. And then being away from doyoung was more hurtful. Maybe you did really bad things in ur past life that you are stuck in this situation. You put urself together and packed your things maybe taking away two three of his hoodies bcoz they give you the comfort like doyoung do. Everything was done under an hour, his arrival was close you changed your clothes, took a cab and was able to escape to the airport before he could come back.
Doyoung was happy. He bought all the stuff even though he was confused why will you even need it. He was thinking about u making him smile. You made him the happiest without doing a thing and he was ready to spend his whole life with you. He came back home, placing the stuff on the table and you werent there on the couch and it felt a bit empty he didnt knew why. He brushed off the awful feeling and moved to your room. 
"Y/n where are you" 
He opened the door and maybe he forgot how to breathe for a moment. Everything was out there was only a bed which was only used for sometimes or else u were sleeping with him. His heart was trying to tell him dont think that dont think that but it was so obvious he found a letter laying on now an uncovered bed, he slowly took it, scared to look at it.
Dear doie,
If u are reading this you might be back home and heartbroken after seeing i am not here. Doyoung it wasnt in my hand. You know how i have been helping my family for years now and still they struggle so i got a job opportunity in america and decided to take it. I know i made a very selfish decision but i hope you can understand why i took this path. I wish maybe we can be together when i get back from there i dont think it will take way too much so only i can wish. Its too much to ask right?? I shouldnt. Doyoung you are one of the best things that ever happened to me and i love you the most in this whole world. No one ever made me feel the things like you do and i hope you remember this. Btw i took 3 of your hoodies with me to have the same feeling i feel when i hug you i hope u dont mind that. I am sorry doyoung for doing what i did but please dont take anything on urself, you deserve much better person than me. U can find anyone if u want. In the end i just wanna say
I love you doyoung please stay safe and stay healthy <3
Doyoung eyes were filled with tears which was on the verge of falling down while reading the letter. He doesnt understand why you didnt told him. He may have understood you but now you were gone leaving him in the apartment which he tried so hard to earn just for the sake of them living together. At this point the tears made its way out of his eyes. His heart was hurting like someone just cut it open making a wound which he thinks is never gonna heal. He falls down on the down trying so hard not to scream it hurts it hurts more when you were his first love. The love which he tried so hard to keep but all his efforts went to waste when you left. 
He pulled himself together after that day he spend all his time for 3 4 days in your room ,crying, screaming, hurting himself. He wasnt able to come out of this phase and accept the fact he lost you. 
On the 5th day he woke up with dark circle under his eyes, ruffled hairs, smelly clothes bcoz he may have forgot to bath. He was feeling numb thought of you was out of this mind too fast for his liking but it felt nice for the first time in 4 days. Feelings weren't there he doesnt feel anything and doesnt even pay attention to it. He takes a bath, puts up some makeup to hide his dark circles and leaves the house for his office. He already was on a leave for 5 days and it may risk his job. He went there, worked and came back and he didnt knew when all the time passed by
5 years later
"Y/n boss is calling you" mark told her making her a bit confused on the sudden invitation. U entered his place kinda intimidated by the office layout. It was too dark for her liking but who can question his choice.
"Yes sir"
Jaehyun made you sit down on the chair in front of him
"So listen y/n you have been working here for 5 years now and i am really impressed by your work and i think your job is done here. I will allow you to go back to korea and i will talk to the boss their to get you on a higher post so dont worry about the salary"
The words leaving his mouth made you so happy that u almost jumped.
"Thank you sir i will moved out tom"
"Sure" he send me off giving me the cutest smile which everyone was a fan of.
Your stay in america was nice, you were given a place to live while working, you made some new friends which made you forget about doyoung for a bit but he never got out of ur heart like he sat in ur heart and never stood up. Living without him was more tough than you thought but now the suffering was gonna be over you can go back to your place back to him and now even your parents approved of him as the best guy for you because no one can take his place. 
Next day 
You were here, here in your hometown seoul which was one of the prettiest place for you. You were happy more happy than you were ever in the other country. You decided to visit the bridge you love the most that maybe be the place where doyoung first confessed to you. It holds a special pace in your heart so you made your way there. 
The weather was a bit chilly but it was warm enough to roam around in a jacket. The trip to the bridge was beautiful. Night time in seoul is one of the most beautiful things you can encounter making your heart full. You reached the place and took all your sweet time to reach the top. You were about to reach it when you saw him. 
You saw his broad shoulder he was wearing a black tshirt his jacket was in his hand. You can tell its doyoung by his hairstyle he never changes it. He was looking at the city which was lighted like Christmas. You stood there behind him observing how he was breathing slowly taking all the scenery in. But..... you didnt have to courage to face him. All of the sudden you were scared remembering how everything was ur mistake and maybe its very wrong to be back to him after hurting him for so long. U were busy with your own thoughts that you didnt realise him turning back and your eyes met. That moment felt like all the time in the world stopped. Everything stopped moving around them like it was only them in the world.
Doyoung in the past 5 years went through a lot. His job gave him a hard time but he worked hard getting promotions after promotions making him the manager in his company. It made it easy for him to buy a new home for himself in the expensive area of this town. He was living a good life now without worrying about anything. But seeing you there standing front of him felt like the wound he thought he closed 5 years ago opened up in broad nightlight. It hurts he forgot how things feels after you left. All the feelings he burried in that 5 days were back he wasnt sure if he was happy, angry, sad or everything at the same time. He was out of words. You were staring in his eyes with so much love that he might have melted away at that moment. You became more beautiful than how he was used to see you before. You looked matured like a business lady. It made his feel things after so long which he forget how it felt. It didnt last long when all the pain he went through those 5 years hitted him making him almost loose his balance. When u saw him looking a bit lost u decided to start the conversation
"Hey doyoung" hearing ur voice was too much for him he cant figure out how he feels he was confused he was hurt he was on the verge of crying again but he tried to maintain himself.
"Hi y/n" it felt right and wrong at the same time hearing your name again from his lips made you feel the butterflies again but it also felt painful at the same time. Before you can say anything he spoke
"Why are u back?" Fuck that hurts he said it with so much coldness. the eyes which was filled with emotions 2 seconds now were filled with hatred. 
"B-bcoz i am done with my work there now i can have a better post here so they sent me back" u were suddenly nervous that you might trigger him or something. 
"Good for you" he dropped the topic more quickly then it started. 
" what about you?" 
"I am a manager now at the same company"
"Congratulations doie your hard work paid off-"
"Dont call me doie" "you lost the right to do so"
His words were like a swords piercing through ur heart knowing u deserve it u deserve all of it. Doyoung saw it he saw ur eyes getting teary. He was mesmerized even though he hates you now from all his heart he still was in love with the same person who he confessed to on the same place they are standing rn. No one can take ur place even after trying a thousand times. He took ur wrist and pulled you closer. Your heartbeat increased at the dangerous speed like a teenager in love. You looked into his eyes you felt the love when you saw the same doyoung you loved 5 years ago. 
You were about to say something when you felt his lips on yours. Your heart might have bursted in love. It felt so soft it was perfect, his lips moved with you pulling each other closer to feel what was missing for 5 years. U were crying between the kiss overwhelmed by the whole situation. He was the one who pulled back he kissed you for the one last time, and he got backed to his cold eyes which made you cry harder. He whipped your tears away and walked a little far from you.
"One day we will meet again y/n. i am leaving u here. I loved you the most y/n and u still decided to do all of this leaving me to suffer. Lets hope we wont meet again bcoz if we did idk if i will make u suffer like you did to me or will give u all the love we both missed in 5 years. So dont ever try to find me again bcoz the wound you made will never be healed"
And he walked away.
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
sasaeng | l. taeyong (m)
DESCRIPTION: Someone’s obsessed, but it’s not who you think… In which an idol is completely, utterly, disgustingly obsessed with you.
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Genre: stalker/ sasaeng + idol au angst | “romance” | psychological thriller WC: 15k Warnings: graphic smut (humping, masturbation, fingering, cum shot/creampie, preg kink), unhealthy obsession, drug addiction, graphic violence (depicted beating, poisoning), slight coercion
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
Guys so i have a whole oneshot written to post here but idk how tumblr works can anyone explain it to me pretty please🥺
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
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                ✧     ˒ 𝗱𝗼𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 ' 𝖫𝖠𝖸𝖮𝖴𝖳𝖲 ― 𝐴𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑁𝐺 𝐵𝐴𝑁𝐺.
                ✧     ˒ like or reblog if u save. don't respost.
                ✧     ˒ filtro por @mirufiltrs no ig.
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
𝓓𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
I wanna post an oneshot here how should i do it?????
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
aaaa i love ur new layouts !!
aahhh thank you sm anon :> kithkith
ican'twaittoshowuguysthelayoutofmyothernewblogcuzithinkit'scutehehe :>
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
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icons/layouts doyoung - nct
like/reblog if you save
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
Doyoung reader yuta please🥺🥺🥺🥺 or u can make doyoung reader jaehyun😳
help !! ive started working on a new story and i can’t choose one
taeyong x reader x yuta
doyoung x reader x yuta
last but not least
taeyong x reader x jaehyun
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
Can someone tell me some fics to read i am having a drought
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
Finally one of my fav stories are over
Thank you so much for this
It was very great🥺🥺❤❤
𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐙𝐘 — 12 (finale)
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gif not mine
pairing: taeyong x doyoung x reader
warnings:「dotae x reader, car accident, mentions of panic attack, mentions of blood. character goes into labor」
word count: 「 3,7k 」
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
My fav doyoung pic is finally over and i fucking loved it
Thank you so much for completing ❤🥺
Epiphany (P1. 13, FINALE)
A collection of  NCT werewolf AU stories.
Doyoung (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4) (pt. 5) (pt. 6) (pt. 7) (pt. 8) (pt. 9) (pt. 10) (pt. 11) (pt. 12) (PT. 13 FINALE)
Summary: The wolf population kept decreasing and those who were left had a hard time trying to fit  into society. Sure, people didn’t consider them as dangerous as vampires, but wolves could still sense some hostility every time they did as much as go for a walk in a public place. Thanks to wolves’ natural magical abilities, NCT (one of the remaining packs) found a safe place among witches in a town where no one knew their secret, allowing some members to finally get a job, study and interact with others without fear of being rejected.Life seems to finally be peaceful for them… except that wolves have needs, and one of those needs is finding their mate.
Pairing: Werewolf! Doyoung x Witch! female reader
Warnings: smut
“So you’re okay with this?” you asked
In awe, he nodded and you wasted no time.
You straddled him again and with no warning you pumped his length a couple of times, lined yourself up and started to sink down.
Desperately, Doyoung scratched the couch to the point he tore the soft fabric up, mumbling something you couldn’t quite comprehend.
If you weren’t so turned on you would have laughed at his weak attempt to stay still while you were sitting there, taking all of him. You thought that convincing him would be harder, but he was clearly about to lose it.
“Are you sure you don’t want to touch me?” you teased, giving a tentative bounce.
He sobbed and squirmed, still babbling nonsense.
“What was that?” you asked leaning closer so you could hear what you were sure was a string of curses and moans. Instead it was more coherent than you expected, and in Latin.
A spell?
You sat up just in time to see a dim light surrounding his wrists, glueing them efficiently to the couch.
“The handcuff spell? Seriously?” he was either being childish or kinky. Handcuffing himself with magic to control his wolf? “How long can you keep the spell going though?” you scoffed.
“I-it’s not up to m-me,” he sighed, slightly relieved that the spell had worked. “It will vanish once you say the password.”
“So, a safeword? Fine, what is it?”
“You’ll h-have to figure it out,” he had the audacity to smirk when he wanted this as much as you. Maybe even more than you, he was the one who got physical pain if he couldn’t have his mate.
“Have it your way,” you said, giving another bounce. “ Like I need your help to get off.”
“We’ll see a-about that.”
You decided not to argue anymore, quickening the pace instead and effectively turning him into a moaning mess. Or maybe the one moaning was you, you couldn’t quite tell at this point.
As the minutes went by and the air grew thicker, your whole body was trembling as you felt him grow inside of you.
“O-oh, god,” you panthed. “ Are you getting b-bigger? Is that your knot?”
Doyoung, who had been observing you with lidded eyes the entire time, finally had something to say.
“Uh, n-not yet. That’s just m-me…”
“Oh… but that means that knots...are a thing, right?
“Y-yeah, it normally happens during heats, but it can also happen if we...get really worked up,” he said, licking his lips. “ But it takes a while of uh...fucking for that to happen. You know, basic werewolf anatomy.”
You looked at where your bodies were connected, your mind completely blank. You had stopped listening after he confirmed he could indeed knot you. You had never thought you were into that before, but there was something so animalistic about being knotted that you could only think about that now.
With a new purpose in mind, you gathered the strength you had left and rode him hard. Doyoung looked at you with wide eyes.
“D-does that turn you on?” he asked in disbelief in between moans.
You whined and nodded. Normally you wouldn’t admit it, but your pride was long gone.
“Yeah? My needy little mate wants my knot? Oh- so g- ah! That feels so good, baby. Just like that, just like that,” Doyoung was also leaving all formality behind, seeing you so desperate for him.
His praises served you as motivation to continue moving, even though your legs had given out. Frustrated, you tried to force yourself to ride him, only managing to grind harsh and slow.
“I can’t, please!” you sobbed incoherently.
“Keep going. Keep fucking going. Come on baby, use me,” he encouraged you while trying his best to thrust his hips into you. He couldn’t fuck you properly if he couldn’t move freely, but it was better than nothing. You were willing to take anything.
“More, more please oh my god,” you gasped as he gave you a few more thrusts, mixed with the weak movements your body could offer in your state.
“Are you gonna cum soon, hmm?” he hissed. “A-re you satisfied?”
“No!” you wailed. You were oh so close, but you didn’t want to cum just yet. “Y-your knot, want your knot.”
“Fuck!” he growled and his member twitched inside of you. “I wanna breed you so bad. You’re mine, mine, mine-”
It was the possessiveness in his voice that had you reaching your climax and collapsing on top of him while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
“Good girl, you did so well. I love you so much.”
“Love you too,” you replied weakly, closing your eyes to welcome what you thought would be a long nap, when you heard a sudden snap and Doyoung’s arms surrounded your body.
“Finally,” he growled next to your ear and before you could even blink, he manhandled you so you were on your back under him.
“Wha-” you tried to question what had just happened when he connected his lips with yours into a passionate kiss.
“Did we really have to go this far for you to admit that you love me?” he asked between kisses. “I literally had to fuck the confession out of you.”
“T-that was the password?” you asked gasping when he kissed his way to your breasts.
“Not necessarily,” he delicately licked at one of your niples before sucking on it, moaning.. “The only condition was that you admit your true feelings for me, whether you felt something or not.”
He released the sensitive nub and gave it a last kiss before going back up and pinning your wrists above your head with just one of his large hands. His other hand travelled down to grab his member and without a warning he re-entered you.
You literally shrieked and squirmed under him.
“Too s-sensitive-AH!” your eyes rolled back when he pushed himself in deeper than he could when he was tied up.
“Shh, baby. Don’t you want my knot?” he purred, grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his cock again and again.
“Oh my god, ohmygod,” was all you could mumble.
“Fuck, you like that, baby?” he gritted as he lifted one of your legs and his pace accelerated.
The new angle and how deep he could reach now had you arching your back and letting out a silent scream.
He pulled his hips into him harder and faster, his knot slowly forming at the base of his length. He let out a shaky moan as he forced it inside of you, your mind too blinded with pleasure to feel any pain at first, but when the rest of it started growing inside of you, you panicked.
“It’s too big, s’ too much-please” you scratched his arms and back.
“Take it,” he simply said as his knot grew further while he fucked into you. “I’m gonna fill you up so good.”
Your entire body was shaking. You had never felt so full. And just when you thought the pleasure couldn’t be better than this, Doyoung gasped dramatically and halted his movements. Your eyes followed to where he was looking: at the very bottom of your belly there was a little bump.
“Y/n, look,” he said, caressing your belly as if he was hypnotized. “I’m so deep inside of you.”
“Fuck,” you were officially losing it now. Your locked your legs around his hips, trying to fuck yourself into him. “Give me your knot, give it to me.”
He didn't need to be told twice. He pulls you into him as he fucks forward as fast and hard as he can.
“You want it? You want me to cum right inside of you where I belong?”
“Yes! yes, yes,yes, yes, oh fuck!”
You spasmed around him and reached your high as he fucked you brutally. Right after, he fell forward, his knot squirting furiously inside of you as he let out a delirious laugh, lost in pleasure.
“Oh, y/n look at how good you take it,” he gritted while his hand reached for your clit and rubbed it quickly. “One more time, baby, cum for me one more time, come on.”
Sobbing desperately you felt another wave of pleasure hit you, your entire body trembling before you relaxed completely. You felt Doyoung panting next to your ear, before he started licking and sucking on the mark he had left there weeks ago.
It must be a wolf thing, you thought gaining back some of your long forgotten ability to think.
“Sorry. I'll remember to use a condom for the next round,” he said softly. “I’ll also get you plan B if we need it.”
“You’re lucky I’m on the pill. How many rounds are we talking about?” you asked breathlessly.
“Enough to fuck the attitude out of you-ouch!” he laughed when you hit his arm. “I don’t know, it could take one more round or we could be here all week.”
“Well, fuck.”
“Yep, fuck indeed.”
You two remained in silence for a few minutes before he broke the silence again.
“Can we please be together now? Like, really together. As a couple? I mean, we don’t have to, but-”
You bursted out laughing, but stopped when you saw the insecurity in his eyes. Seriously, only he could get insecure when his knot was locked inside of you.
“On one condition: I get an A for my last written assignment.”
He stared at you in disbelief before he let out a chuckle.
“I’ll reread and re-evaluate every single assignment you wrote this year, after I make you squirt.
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doyoungyoung · 3 years
The amount of time i waited for this😭😭
Thank you for the update🥺 will be waiting foe the next
Epiphany (Pt. 12)
A collection of  NCT werewolf AU stories.
Doyoung (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4) (pt. 5) (pt. 6) (pt. 7) (pt. 8) (pt. 9) (pt. 10) (pt. 11) (pt. 12)
Summary: The wolf population kept decreasing and those who were left had a hard time trying to fit  into society. Sure, people didn’t consider them as dangerous as vampires, but wolves could still sense some hostility every time they did as much as go for a walk in a public place. Thanks to wolves’ natural magical abilities, NCT (one of the remaining packs) found a safe place among witches in a town where no one knew their secret, allowing some members to finally get a job, study and interact with others without fear of being rejected.Life seems to finally be peaceful for them… except that wolves have needs, and one of those needs is finding their mate.
Pairing: Werewolf! Doyoung x Witch! female reader
Warnings: future smut
"Don’t be silly, Y/n,” he cooed, licking his lips. “It won’t work if you’re lying to yourself. That’s why magic is so useful. Now be a good girl and tell me one thing: do you have feelings for me?”
You stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity.
Did you have feelings for him? You could always see how attractive he was; you were not blind. But did you like, like him? Was it maybe more than just liking?
“Well?” he was growing impatient, his nails digging into the fabric of the couch.
Just imagining those nails against your skin made you squirm on top of him and you discovered you were sitting on a very prominent bulge.
“A-ah,” you gasped. “You’re hard.”
“Yeah, no shit y/n,” he gritted trying hard not to arch his back to the feeling.
You pressed yourself harder against him and he hissed. Whatever he had asked before was long forgotten, all you could think about now was how right it felt to be together like this.
Like it was the most natural thing to do, your hands found the hem of his shirt and started pulling at the material to take it off, causing his hands to immediately grab yours to fight back.
“Whyyyy?” you whined childishly, still pulling at his shirt.
“Not until we talk!”
God he was so stubborn. Hesitantly you let go and cleared your throat.
“I don’t know,” you finally said.
“You don’t know...?”
“I don’t know if I have feelings for you.”
You waited for a few seconds, giving him some time in case he wanted to say something too. When he just stared at you dumbfounded, so you tried to continue what you started but he once again resisted.
“No, y/n! We won’t do anything if you’re not sure.”
“Well, none of us was sure that time in the teacher’s resthroom.”
“That’s why I’m trying to do things right this time!”
“But I need-” you stopped yourself mid sentence. What did you need? You didn’t even understand your own actions.
Suddenly you heard Doyoung chuckle.
“I’ll tell you what’s going on. Your body knows I’m in heat, and because you’re my mate,” he stressed the last word with a sharp thrust of his hips, eliciting a soft moan from you, “you want to give yourself to me.”
You did. For some reason you couldn’t explain, you wanted him to have you. And you wanted to have all of him.
“That would be unfair if the bond was forcing you to feel this way, right?” he continued sitting up slowly and elegantly. “ But you took a full moon potion and you still want to sit on my cock, which means you’ve wanted me since the beginning.”
He stopped barely an inch away from your lips. “You little brat.”
You could have melted if it was physically possible. Instead, you tried to kiss him only for him to lie back down with a teasing smile.
“What?” he asked.
“Um...Are we really not…? you know…” you asked incredulously. He was a young werewolf in heat and his mate was sitting on him. He surely wanted to fuck you, right?
“Of course I do. And you’re saying your thoughts out loud again,” he explained.
“Then why don’t you?! I promise I’ll think about what I feel and give you a proper answer later, but please get me off.”
You could see his eyes getting darker at your plea.
“I’ll tell you what, y/n. I won’t stop you if you want to get off. Do anything you want.”
As if on cue, your hands went for his shirt again, this time finding no resistance and successfully taking it off.
There he lay half naked, face flushed and eyes full of lust waiting for your next move. You felt like something was off, but pushed that thought away along with your own shirt.
He gasped in surprise when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra, squirming and sitting up slightly, his mouth hanging open, salivating… but then he took a deep breath in, and lay back down, his hands resting over his head.
You felt a wave of insecurity invade you. Didn’t he like what he saw?
You analysed him. He was breathing heavily and his eyes,shining a red more intense than anything you had seen before, were fixed on your chest. Looking into his eyes, you placed your hands on your breasts, fondling them delicately. Automatically, he let out a needy groan and bit his lower lip, which pleased you almost as much as the twitch of his member under you.
So he did like what he saw.
Satisfied, you lay on top of him, the warmth of his bare chest caressing your own as you sucked on his neck and moved your hips harshly against his. The little sounds that escaped him made you crazy for more, if only he wasn’t trying so hard to control himself.
“What 's wrong, Doyoung?” you asked, starting to feel frustrated at his lack of response. “Don’t you want to touch me?”
“Of course I-nngh! I do.”
“Then why don’t you do it? Are you afraid you’ll hurt me? I’m not that fragile.”
“Sure you aren’t. But I pro-oh! I promised not to touch you.”
You halted your movements, ready to laugh at how he wanted to be a gentleman during the worst possible moment. “That was when you thought I didn’t want you. Fuck that.”
“Is that so? I- I wouldn’t know, since you haven’t exactly told me how you feel,” he gritted, and when you saw the evil glint in his eyes you understood everything.
He wasn’t being a gentleman. He was teasing you.
He wouldn’t do shit until you admit your feelings for him.
Two law students waiting for the other to give in first.
Both equally stubborn.
Who would win?
You pretended to think hard about it, sitting up and letting your hand travel down to palm him over his sweatpants. “Oh, you’re right. I guess you can’t do anything to me, hmm? But you said you wouldn’t stop me if I wanted to get off, right?”
He was visibly shivering by now, scratching on the couch and arching his back.
“Right?” you asked again. You pulled his pants down a little along with his boxers, grabbing his length shamelessly and pumping rhythmically.
He moaned out loud and his hands flew towards your hips, stopping an inch away from your skin. With difficulty he placed his hands back on the couch and thrusted into your hand.
He glared at you like he wanted to either kill you, or fuck you into next week. Instead, he nodded at your question.
“I see,” you said.
You stood up and he whined at the loss of warmth and stimulation, but he interrupted his own protest when he saw you taking your shorts and underwear off.
“So you’re okay with this?” you asked
In awe, he nodded and you wasted no time.
You straddled him again and with no warning you pumped his length a couple of times, lined yourself up and started to sink down.
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