The observations are key to explaining how the M87 galaxy, located 55 million light-years away, is able to launch energetic jets from its core.
The astronomers pinpoint the location of the central supermassive black hole and reveal how a gigantic jet is being born.
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How did the dinosaurs die?
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Is the mass extinction and the Chicxulub theory misleading? Many studies using new technologies show a perfect state of preservation in a way that the cells,  soft tissues and blood cells are so preserved as if they are still alive. that the scientists can even see that the cause of death was trauma and asphyxiation. But the scientists are hijacked by the mainstream extinction theory and came to the conclusion that they must have been caught in a flood and suffocated then buried and preserved. But this study proves that the preservation theory is totally wrong. The so called mineralization theory that takes a long time couldn’t be the case with dinosaur fossils because what we see in the microscopic images show that the preservation couldn’t have happen after a long time after death but on the contrary it must have happened instantly as many of the vital signs of life should have disappeared short after death as the cells start to decompose short after death, the cells have a self destructing mechanism and wouldn’t be preserved in the way seen in the study.                                A group of scientist is investigating some complex issues connected to dinosaur death and the state of preservation of bone structure and cells using different advanced technology. Remarkable discoveries such as condensed chromatin in duckbill dinosaur cartilage and newly presented discoveries of dinosaur vascular veins, venule valves, and nerve fibers and even preserved soft tissue. UV Autofluorescence Microscopy of Dinosaur Bone Reveals Encapsulation of Blood Clots within Vessel Canals.  Ultraviolet fluorescence (UVFL) study of Triceratops horn, rib, vertebra, and frill thin sections shows extensive clotting in most vessel canals, probably as a result of asphyxia though to happen while drowning.  While preservation methods for dinosaur soft tissues (dst) involve the degradation of sugars into glycation end products and the employment of highly oxidative hydroxyl radicals to “fix” tissues no hydroxyl radical infiltration into the lacuna-canalicular network was found. And even the autolytic destruction of cells and intracellular contents may begin within seconds after death. This means that the petrification process happened very fast after death before hydroxyl radical did occur. This contradicts the mainstream mineralization theory which assumes that the process took a long time. When this theory occurred there wasn’t any ability to observe what can be seen today and they wouldn’t be able to explain such a status of preservation. Under new microscopy the specimens look as if they were still alive. Dinosaur remains, especially fossil bone, continue to reveal exceptionally preserved dinosaur soft tissues (dST) including endogenous osteocytes, chondrocytes, intact vessels, collagen, and other soft tissues that have been widely reported from dinosaur compact bone fossils. Recently, condensed chromatin within chondrocyte nuclei undergoing chondroptosis-mimicking cellular metaphase was reported from duckbill dinosaur fossil material recovered in the late 1980s at the Two Medicine Formation in Montana and other dinosaurs from other places.
Using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) soft tissue structures; venous valves, veins, and nerve fibers, from Triceratops horridus bone and even valve leaflets have been found. Normally after death within hours blood cells lyse, iron is freed from the hemoglobin and generates copious amounts of hydroxyl radicals, which would be expected to damage ultrathin valve cuspids and other soft cells but no damage blood cells lyse, iron is freed from the hemoglobin and generates copious amounts of hydroxyl radicals, which would be expected to damage ultrathin valve cuspids (see Soft Tissue Preservation Methods below). We observed no damage was  blood cells lyse, iron is freed from the hemoglobin and generates copious amounts of hydroxyl radicals, which would be expected to damage ultrathin valve cuspids and other soft cells but no such  damage was observed. Nerves were recovered from T. horridus exhibited under birefringence in polarized light. Polarized light examination of extant vertebrate nerves reveals an undulating or zig-zagging sub-structure called “Bands of Fontana,” a feature characteristic of vertebrate nerves. These white bands are also seen in the dinosaur nerve fiber. All this is a sign that the petrification was very fast or even instant. In the case of the Triceratops horn examination, collected from the Hell Creek Formation, suggesting that Fenton reactions never occurred within the lacuno-canalicular network of the horn and thus never acted on cell membranes or filipodial extensions. Another sign that the petrification was so fast before this process even could start.  In the case of Triceratops animals buried at Hell Creek, trauma and asphyxiation are suggested as the cause of death thought drowning while suffering major tissue injury in a flooding event according to the mainstream theory. The heavy clotting of the microvasculature within bones suggest the drowning theory. The mainstream extinction and petrification theory is totally wrong. The dinosaurs must have been killed by an unknown cosmic force that led to the instant petrification of the dinosaurs that caused the death of the animals and also trees that faced the same apocalyptic catastrophe, which could be a fore driven by the impact.. The sudden petrification caused an instant failure of the organs that led to the mentioned observations including breathing. The mainstream petrification or mineralization theory don’t provide real data about the process they suggest like the timeline of the process and did it start from the outside to the inside or reversed. We don’t see that the petrification did happen in stages as we should see layers that shown a timescale and stages of the process, what we see is that the process happened at one time for the whole specimen. If the process would have started from the outside to the inside the outer layer would prevent any fluid getting through as the density wouldn’t allow that to happen. And if reversed from the inside to the outside the outside layers would suffer greater erosion which isn’t the case. Scientist should look what led to the petrification because what is observed is that the fluids or water inside the bones is what have been preserved, just turned to silicate, the minerals inside the specimen didn’t come from the surrounding environment but are the minerals that are inside the fluids while living like metabolism. A cosmic force that don’t normally exist on earth must have changed the atomic structure of the water. That is possible as gem stones and diamonds have been created from gases in the lab under extreme conditions.
The source:
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Kazakhstan’s stone spheres
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I think that the geologists are making a big mistake if the try to relate every thing to earth geology theories and ignore the fact that cosmic forces are responsible for matter creation and planets. In this case using some logic you should realize from the first look that these spheres are space rocks as the split when hitting the earth. It would be misleading to be convinced that the most of the matter the most of the earth rocks belong to the beginning of the earth formation but probably a big part of the earth crust could be very young. The earth must have been continuously bombarded by different sized space rocks, the asteroid belts belt are the best prove for the existence of such rocks in our solar system. The spheres on earth are not a natural product caused by erosion or dinosaur eggs but the have been formed in space under extreme cosmic conditions. They formed by high speed concentration and compression of matter as you can see, layer after layer. These rocks could have been formed inside the black holes as building blocks for new worlds. These spheres are found in many parts of the world and some are perfectly round, but they are on the surface which means they must be very young.
Source: https://alienstar.net/scientists-are-baffled-by-kazakhstans-massive-stone-spheres-video/?fbclid=IwAR3icbGlHVRFKwFwOdLLcpIy7uC5sTLHF45uq6ib9GXmDfAq-PV9mhwhV-A
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Observations of M87's monster black hole
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In the spring of 2017, as the EHT team was gathering some of the data that would result in the epic imagery, nearly 20 other powerful telescopes on the ground and in space were studying the M87 black hole as well. A new study describes this huge and powerful data set, which contains observations across a wide range of wavelengths gathered by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, as well as a number of other scopes.  Jets, or beams of radiation and fast-moving particles have been observed rocketing outward from M87's black hole. This observation is an evidence that the Schwarzschild radius theory could be wrong as the mass can't be compressed that contradicts the laws of physics as the internal force inside the atom wouldn't allow it, there will be a nuclear fusion and energy. But when the star collapses two different things happen: a gravitational wave due to the vacuum happened and the emission of the remaining gasses of the collapsed star escaping the black hole from the center of the black hole making a 90 degrees angle. As we see here that the matter is escaping and not been compressed. And here we see clearly that the matter is escaping the center of the black hole in the form of jets and not being trapped forming high density matter that doesn't exist in reality.
Source: https://www.space.com/m87-supermassive-black-hole-observing-campaign?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_content=space.com&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwAR3B_J79lV_AO8tbkyMtLhrP5FxU2hNksY95i-wYJ2g-amL9AqfueUFjlT0
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Titanosaur footprints discovered on the roof of a French cave
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A discovery that could be an evidence for my hypothesis that the dinosaurs may have existed on a different planet. French scientists found gigantic dinosaur footprints on the roof of the Castelbouc cave the Lozère region of southern France. A good look to the photo shows that the top of the cave don’t belong to the same formation like the lower part. The theory says that the foot prints were on the surface where the giant creatures traveled, and over time the site was buried by geological processes. According to my hypothesis that the lower part is a crack in the crust and the upper part is a fragment of the surface of the destroyed planet that collided with the earth. You notice that the lower part is hardly damaged by the collision and the crack was also a result of the impact.
Source: https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/titanosaur-footprints-discovered-in-french-cave?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&facebook=1&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1617931547
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Evidence for the extraterrestrial origin of the dinosaurs
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110-Million-Year-Old Armored Dinosaur was found in a small “impact crater”  within a deep-sea sediment layer, somewhere it never would have dared to venture back during the Early Cretaceous. The mainstream theory of petrification and mineralization could be totally wrong and misleading as the petrification must have happened very fast and was probably directly related to the extinction event. Here explaining how the specimen reached the ocean: And here how the mainstream explains the issue: This particular nodosaur probably lived along the coastline, and had a great time munching on as many leaves as it liked. Something unfortunate befell it, however, and it died, falling into the coastal waters and drifting out to sea. Eventually, it arrived in the ocean, by which point it would have started to decompose quite quickly. Had it been still on land or even in shallow coastal waters, its armored skin would have been lost to time. Fortunately for paleontologists, something rather disgusting took place. The bacteria breaking down its organic components were expelling quite a lot of gas as they did so. This caused the body to swell up and become buoyant enough to float far out into the middle of the ocean. At some point, it burst, which caused it to sink to the seafloor.  An explanation would fit in a children story book. Under the scanning electron microscope they would see that the story with the bacteria is totally wrong and the bacteria would lead to to decay of the biggest part of the cells. Source: https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/110millionyearold-armored-dinosaur-turned-stone-geological-medusa/?fbclid=IwAR2imV7wnVmwpzMFSsFyoJzuqwxYv4fWz4hh1veW-E_9i5ynssU-IGaF4MM
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Dinosaur Sitting on an Entire Clutch of Eggs
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Scientists has announced the discovery of an extraordinary fossilized nest in China, preserving at least eight separate dinosaurs.
This discovery sheds some light and proves that the mainstream theories about the extinction of the dinosaurs and the petrification prosses that became facts may be wrong and misleading and is more or less just some fantasy. Just a good look to an image of a dinosaur bone under the scanning electron microscope should raise doubts about he theory. Finding a dinosaur sitting on the eggs is a prove that it couldn’t happen in the way the paleontologists like to believe. It’s always believed that a kind of flood or land slide suddenly buried the dinosaurs which led to the preservation of of the specimen, but here we see that it couldn’t be the case as the dinosaurs and the eggs should be scattered and the eggs should be damaged, “ The body of the adult oviraptor is preserved in "extremely close proximity to the eggs", with little to no sediment in between” . Another point is that the mainstream theory suggest that the mineralization happened through the exchange of minerals in the water submerging the specimen and the content inside it, but her we see that in the case of eggs its impossible to happen in that way as the egg shells wouldn’t allow any fluids from the outside to penetrate. The mineralization theory suggest that the prosses needed a long time to happen, but actually how long would the cells inside the egg need to decay? 
Another conclusion is that the petrification is connected to the extinction itself and must have happened instantly due to a cosmic event that led to both. 
Source: https://www.sciencealert.com/fossilized-dinosaur-found-brooding-on-a-nest-of-preserved-eggs-with-actual-embryos-inside/?fbclid=IwAR32HeIiqS_yMJizGCVQ9XGGG37sl-FvQpcNLjNzL7KT58NCNN6NLSJ4qbY
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Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones are less than 40,000 years old
This study could be an evidence that supports my hypothesis about the petrification of the dinosaurs and if they really existed on earth questioning the mainstream theory about the petrification of the dinosaurs and it’s dating. But the big question is: is the main stream science censoring new studies and hypothesis? 
Researchers have found a reason for the puzzling survival of soft tissue and DNA fragments in dinosaur bones - the bones are younger than anyone ever guessed.  Carbon-14 (C-14) dating of multiple samples of bone from 8 dinosaurs found in Texas, Alaska, Colorado, and Montana revealed that they are only 22,000 to 39,000 years old.  
Members of the Paleochronology group presented their findings at the 2012 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Singapore, August 13-17, a conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS).
Since dinosaurs are thought to be over 65 million years old, the news is stunning - and more than some could tolerate.  After the AOGS-AGU conference in Singapore, the abstract was removed from the conference website by two chairmen because they could not accept the findings.  Unwilling to challenge the data openly, they erased the report from public view without a word to the authors.  When the authors inquired, they received this letter:
Source: https://www.newgeology.us/presentation48.html
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Neutrino spotted blasting out a black hole
In a distant galaxy, a supermassive black hole ripped a star to bits, sending out an enormous blast of energy. For the first time, researchers have observed a neutrino that probably came from this type of cataclysm, which is called a tidal disruption event or TDE. According to my hypothesis the two forces inside the black hole could cause this. Its the below absolute zero temperature and the motion faster than the speed of light . The temperature under absolute zero cases the atoms to stall which neutralizes the power that holds the components of the atom together and causes it to split in addition to the high speed.
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The Schwarzschild radius theory
The Schwarzschild radius theory could be wrong as the mass can't be compressed that contradicts the laws of physics as the internal force inside the atom wouldn't allow it, there will be a nuclear fusion and energy. But when the star collapses two different things happen: a gravitational wave pulling the surrounding matter due to the vacuum happened and at the same time the emission of the remaining gasses from the collapsed star escaping from the center of the black hole making a 90 degrees angle in the form of a jet. And here we see the matter ejected from the center and don’t form a high density sphere as the Schwarzschild theory imagine, there is no matter left in the center. Source: https://www.space.com/baby-black-holes-misbehaving-experts-perplexed
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How possible a black hole 6.5 billion times the MASS of the sun
Black holes can get so big as they consume a whole galaxy and killing the suns in the galaxy turning to a cluster of black holes and combined they form a galaxy sized black hole, like a kind of chain reaction.
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These beautiful mysterious black holes
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These beautiful mysterious dark object in the universe could be the most important element in the creation of new worlds, they could be themselves endless big bangs. The astrophysics and mathematics made it possible to detect them but couldn’t tell much about the process and why we can't see them directly. Only some logic and fantasy cant solve some puzzles. So I would like to share a hypothesis of mine about the issue. Every solar system and galaxy must have a beginning and an end as the central power in the form of a star losses energy what ever we call this episode supper nova or what else it collapses suddenly in femtosecond like switching off the light creating a huge vacuum and a huge vortex with escalating speed pure mechanics, the speed can be mathematically calculated by comparing the size of the star to the time needed to reach the size of zero. In such a case the center becomes like the hollow eye of a storm and the speed gets bellow the speed of light therefore they cant be seen. Faster than contradicts Einstein because it's a matter of mechanics and not physics a movement in void no resistance plus the huge gravitational wave created. The black hole doesn't create heat but the temperature gets below absolute zero therefore no heat detected. This cause the planets to break in different sizes but no melting as there is no heat. the rocks obtain their characters or get harder but the fluids and gasses change their atomic structure due to the huge forces inside the black holes and that's the work of physics creating gemstones and heavy matter. The black hole start to lose energy and slows down spreading it's matter around creating new worlds. It's a huge recycling machine creating matter for the new worlds. We notice that some planets still have rings even Uranus has these rings with their moons and dust and different sizes of rocks are remnants of black, even our earth probably had rings but were swallowed by the gravity. The collisions of the falling rocks create melting of the planets and even the sun. Lot of our earth crust are probably such rocks and dust that fall on earth later as the earth became bigger and could pull the rocks. The babbles and sand grains should be remnants of that event even the granite that is covering many parts of the world is a compressed matter by high speed rotation a kind of snow ball effect and no sign of melting to assume that it's of volcanic origin. The grains inside the granite are solidified gasses and fluids that have been compressed. Which means that our earth contains parts of planets in the same state the were before destruction and even live building blocks. That's my simple logic easy explanation for what could have happened inside the black hole. https://www.cnet.com/news/astronomers-watch-black-hole-spaghettify-and-devour-a-star-in-real-time/?UniqueID=0F717D3A-4B8A-11EB-8BE5-16A896E8478F&ftag=COS-05-10aaa0a&ServiceType=facebook_page&TheTime=2020-12-31T17%3A03%3A10&PostType=link&fbclid=IwAR3fDfAP_j8Ksz5R58aiGDBrk8_SfqP3IkqIVUarI2LASBrtb5ENI-Rfvoc
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Another evidence that the petrification process of the dinosaurs happened instantly
The mainstream theory that the petrificatin of the dinosaur bones happened through a slow and long period of time could be misleading as the life signs that have been preserved would disappear in a short time after the death of the dinosaur. The petrification didn’t happen due to submergence in mineral rich water or soil but through a cosmic event that caused the petrification and the extinction at the same time. Exceptional preservation of soft-bodied parasitical microorganisms found inside the vascular canals of a non-avian dinosaur, a senile titanosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Southeast Brazil. Tens of parasites were identified throughout the specimen's vascular canals indicating an aggressive case of osteomyelitis sign of infectious bone disease associated with parasites. I add this study to my other evidences to prove my hypothesis. 
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Source:                  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0195667120303591
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A Black Hole Ejects A Star Out Of The Milky Way Galaxy!
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Another discovery showing that black holes are not only swallowing matter but also ejecting it at high speed. We see that the black hole controls the speed of the objects influenced by the speed and gravitational force inside which could create a centrifugal force throwing matter near the edge of the black hole away.
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A T. rex and Triceratops, tangled together as though they died in combat
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“As the sun bore down on Garfield County, Montana, in the summer of 2006, a fossil hunter named Clayton Phipps made the find of his life. Phipps and his team were surveying a Montana ranch owned by Lige and Mary Ann Murray when Phipps’s cousin Chad O’Connor found a trail of bone bits that led to a Triceratops pelvis eroding out of the hillside. Months of off-and-on digging eventually revealed that the chocolate-brown fossil consisted of a largely complete Triceratops—as well as a neighboring tyrannosaur. For more than a decade, paleontologists have speculated about this fossil that preserves skeletons of two of the world’s most famous dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops. Not only are the bones arranged as they once were in life, but the dinosaurs are practically intertwined.
Each specimen is among the best of its kind ever found. Together, the pair—nicknamed the “Dueling Dinosaurs”—present a paleontological mystery: Did the beasts just happen to be entombed together by chance, perhaps as carcasses caught on the same river sandbar? Or had they been locked in mortal combat? Nobody has been able to study the fossil to find out.                                     Other fossils have captured both predator and prey before. In 1971, Polish and Mongolian paleontologists found a fighting Velociraptor and Protoceratops, an early cousin of Triceratops, that had been buried after a sand dune collapsed.”    This is another evidence that the petrification of such species happened instantly while while living and is directly connected to the extinction. A cosmic event caused that extinction, weather the species lived on our planet or these are remnants of a destroyed planet by this cosmic event where these species lived. Such a preservation cant”t happen when being caught in a flood as the flood would separate the two creatures and the same in the case of collapsing sand dune.  Source:  https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/11/dueling-dinosaurs-fossil-finally-set-to-reveal-secrets/?cmpid=org=ngp::mc=social::src=facebook::cmp=editorial::add=fb20201117science-duelingdinosfossil::rid=&sf240076990=1&fbclid=IwAR1zAH6ZFSieO7Lbi0Q0f5cNUw8tn2Dqa-b892niVp0Bb99EhqPK-Ieqs2o                                                          Read more my other posts about the subject.
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Gem stones created in space
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As a proved for my hypothesis that gem stones have been created in space under extreme physics conditions and not due to volcanic activities and that’s probably what happened to the petrified dinosaur bone. A dying star with a mass similar to the Sun is capable of producing a structure on par with the appeal of these beautiful gems. A new image of a bubble of ultra-hot gas at the center of one of these expiring stars, a planetary nebula in our galaxy called IC 4593. At a distance of about 7,800 light years from Earth 4593 has X-rays from Chandra in purple, invoking similarities to amethysts found in geodes around the globe. The bubble detected by Chandra is from gas that has been heated to over a million degrees. These high temperatures were likely generated by material that blew away from the shrunken core of the star and crashed into gas that had previously been ejected by the star. This composite image also contains visible light data from the Hubble Space Telescope (pink and green). The pink regions in the Hubble image are the overlap of emission from cooler gas composed of a combination of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, while the green emission is mainly from nitrogen. According to my hypothesis that the water or Oxygen in the dinosaur bones is what have been converted to an opalised bone and the different colors within the petrified bones is due to the minerals in the fluids inside the bone and not from the soil covering the fossil. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-11-cosmic-amethyst-dying-star.html?fbclid=IwAR0Njf6XNdLqCDNWrouPgFDCPjcQOSbtrThQnyN5HWJA6JUMtOX0k940sro
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Seven fossilised eggs of herbivorous dinosaurs, weighing 2.6kgs each, found in Madhya Pradesh
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