dianaxriley · 7 years
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1000 Picspams Challenge | #427 - Modern Icarus
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dianaxriley · 7 years
remember icarus for his flight, not his fall. remember him as the boy who touched the sun. and he fell, yes, but isn’t that better than flying low your whole life? because that is what mortals do, we fly with our heads down and we never marvel at the sun.
the boy who touched the sun by m (via rustofstardust)
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dianaxriley · 7 years
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icarus aesthetic
(more here)
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dianaxriley · 8 years
Time for an update! @havilliard and I went to Leviosa Con and two of the agents we met with were really excited about ALHF and asked us to send a sample! We’re both really excited and now are sending out query letters to some other agents while we have some momentum. We’ll let you know what happens!
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dianaxriley · 8 years
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At Least He Flew - A Story of Icarus
[inspired by Hamilton]
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dianaxriley · 8 years
In 23 20 days @havilliard and I are going to have 15 minutes to convince at least 1 of 3 people that our book is something to invest in. Oddly enough I’m not freaking out as much as I thought I’d be
Still freaking out though.
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dianaxriley · 8 years
“Why did you come here?” Nikolaos asked again, pausing behind every word to let it sink in. “It’s suicide.”
“Because it’s wrong, what happens here.” Icarus replied, not missing a beat.
Nikolaos remained quiet, but Icarus could almost hear him considering a reply. He tried to imagine what he might say. That Icarus was a fool or that he was brave or that he was selfless or that he was naive.
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dianaxriley · 8 years
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dianaxriley · 8 years
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MYTHOLOGY MEME / (2/2) Mythological Objects
According to Greek mythology, Ariadne was willing to help Theseus find his way out of the Labyrinth. In exchange Theseus promised to marry her and take her back to Athens. Ariadne gave him a BALL OF THREAD and told him to secure one end at the entrance to the Labyrinth. He could then unravel the ball as he made his way. By following the thread Theseus would be able to find the way back to the entrance.
Theseus slowly made his way through the Labyrinth, unravelling the ball as he went. He encountered the Minotaur, and after a struggle slew the beast. Together with the others he followed the thread back to the entrance and out of the Labyrinth.
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dianaxriley · 8 years
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for dwarrowdamned​
Ἴκαρος was the son of Daedalus, he longed to escape Crete, and created a pair of wings, his father warned him to not fly too close to the sea or to the sun, otherwise his wings would break.
Icarus ignored his father and flew too close to the sun, the wax holding his wings melted and he fell into the sea.
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dianaxriley · 8 years
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everyone forgets that Icarus also flew
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