dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Why Homeopathy is a Great Choice for Treating Acne
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Since more than 200 years ago, homoeopathy has been used as a type of alternative medicine. It is predicated on the notion that the body can mend itself and that natural substances can be employed to speed up this process. The treatment of skin conditions like acne has been discovered to be one area where homoeopathy has been found to be very beneficial. We will discuss why homoeopathy is a fantastic option for treating acne and other skin conditions in this article.
Homeopathy for Acne and Other Skin Disorders
Acne and other skin conditions can be treated on an individual basis with homoeopathy. Homoeopathic treatments for acne include Pulsatilla and Antimonium tartaricum, which may be effective for acne with large pustules that are painful to the touch as well as acne that is exacerbated by eating fatty or rich foods. There are additional homoeopathic treatments for different skin conditions, and a qualified homoeopath can recommend a chronic therapy programme for long-term advantages. Case studies indicate that homoeopathic treatment significantly reduces acne. A holistic approach to treating skin conditions is provided by homoeopathy, with an emphasis on enhancing the skin's disease resistance and fostering general health and well-being.
Advantages of Homeopathy for Skin Disorders
Taking Care of the Root Cause:
Homoeopathy focuses on treating the underlying cause of a problem rather than just the symptoms, which is one of its main benefits. There may be a number of underlying causes for skin conditions like acne, including hormonal imbalances, stress, a poor diet, or even environmental issues. Homoeopathic doctors work to identify the underlying reason of each patient's ailment before prescribing a unique treatment strategy based on that cause. Homoeopathy can offer long-lasting relief from acne and other skin conditions by treating the underlying cause.
Secure and Kind:
Homoeopathy also has the benefit of being a gentle and risk-free kind of medicine. Homoeopathic treatments are manufactured from natural ingredients and are devoid of toxic chemicals, in contrast to conventional pharmaceuticals that may have negative side effects. Homoeopathy is therefore a fantastic option for those seeking a safe, all-natural method of skin healing. Homoeopathic medicines are also made in a method that is gentle on the body and unlikely to result in any negative side effects.
Individualised Care:
A highly individualised kind of medicine is homoeopathy. Homoeopaths weigh the patient's specific symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors before deciding on a course of treatment. This suggests that a customised treatment plan is developed for each patient and adjusted to suit their requirements. Because each person's skin is unique and may require a different course of action, this customised approach is essential for treating skin issues.
Homoeopathy has been demonstrated to be effective in treating a range of ailments, including skin conditions like acne. In one study, acne patients who got homoeopathic care reported significantly better skin health than those who received a placebo. Homoeopathy is useful for treating additional skin diseases in addition to curing psoriasis, eczema, and acne. Homoeopathy treats a condition's underlying cause rather than just its symptoms, which contributes to its success.
Promoting General Well-Being and Health:
A comprehensive approach to therapy, homoeopathy strives to enhance overall well-being and health. Homoeopathy can enhance a person's general health and wellness by treating the full person, not just their skin problem. This may result in enhancements to immune system performance, mood, sleep quality, and energy levels. Homoeopathy can aid in preventing future health issues by fostering general health and wellness.
In conclusion, homoeopathy is a fantastic option for treating skin conditions like acne. Its benefits include treating the condition's underlying cause, being gentle and safe, providing individualised care, being successful, and boosting general health and well-being. If you are dealing with a skin condition, think about finding a licenced homoeopath to determine if homoeopathy is the best treatment for you. Homoeopathy, with its natural and comprehensive approach to healing, can offer secure and efficient treatment for acne and other skin conditions.Why Homeopathy is a Great Choice for Treating Acne
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Power of Homeopathy as an Effective Treatment for Migraine
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Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from the frequent neurological ailment known as migraines. Migraine is a condition that causes severe headaches, nausea, and light sensitivity that can last anywhere from a few minutes to days. A person's quality of life may be negatively impacted by the debilitating nature of migraine headaches and their potential to interfere with daily activities. Even though homeopathy is an alternative therapy, traditional medicine provides several migraine remedies, such as painkillers and prophylactic drugs. Homoeopathy is a type of complementary medicine that stimulates the body's own healing mechanisms by using greatly diluted natural chemicals. Homoeopathy has been used as an alternative medicine for over 200 years.
Homoeopathy for Migraine
Homoeopathy is a well-liked complementary treatment for migraines. Among the homoeopathic migraine treatments are Natrum muriaticum, Bryonia, Iris versicolor, and Belladonna. These treatments are thought to function by bringing the body's own energy into balance, lowering inflammation, and enhancing blood flow.
One benefit of using homoeopathy for migraines is that it doesn't have the potential side effects of using painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which are common traditional migraine remedies. When administered as prescribed, homoeopathic medications are generally safe, though some patients may develop allergic responses or other negative effects.
There isn't enough data to say whether homoeopathy works to cure migraines, according to a review of clinical trials on the subject that has been released in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The general caliber of the data is regarded as being low, despite the fact that certain individual research has shown encouraging results. To evaluate whether homoeopathy is useful for treating migraines, more research is required.
Types of Migraine: 
There are two main forms of migraine.     
Auratic migraine
Classical migraine is another name for migraine with aura. In this form, a feeling of aura (neurological symptoms) such as visual disturbance, hemisensory complaints, hemiparesis, or dysphasia frequently precede the attack. Most often, a visual aura is present. The aura often lasts a maximum of sixty minutes and develops over a period of 5 to 20 minutes. A headache, feeling of unwellness, and/or photophobia accompany it. The agonizing headache could persist for four to seventy-two hours.
Migraine without an aura
Ninety percent of migraine sufferers in women have this type of migraine, making it the most prevalent. This form of headache does not have an aura and only happens in episodes. An emotional condition, such as tension, euphoria, or any intense light or odor, may be the source of the headache. The headache primarily affects one side and gradually gets worse. The headache is frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, food intolerance, or sensitivity to bright lights and strong odors.
Prevalence of Migraine:
Females are more likely than males to experience migraines, with a male to female ratio of 1:3. Ninety percent of migraineurs have a family history of the condition.  As people get older, migraine attacks become less common.
What Causes Migraines?
Genetic Propensity
High Oestrogen Levels
Sleep Deprivation
Emotional Strain
Noxious Odors
Migraine Symptoms:
Migraine Symptoms Without An Aura
 The sort of vascular headache that occurs the most frequently is a migraine without aura. Moderate to severe headaches, a pulsating quality, a unilateral location, worsening by climbing stairs or engaging in other common activities, nausea and/or vomit, photophobia and phonophobia, and repeated attacks, each ranging 4 to 72 hours, are among the symptoms.
Migraine With Auratic Symptoms 
The premonitory symptoms of headache can include motor, sensory, or visual complaints. Most victims have stated that visual problems are the most prevalent. Headache, feeling dizzy, and photophobia follow the aura.
Homoeopathic Migraine Treatments
A popular homoeopathic treatment for migraines is belladonna. The deadly nightshade plant's byproduct, belladonna, is said to have anti-inflammatory and blood flow-improving properties. Migraines with throbbing discomfort, redness, and heat are frequently treated with belladonna.
A typical homoeopathic treatment for migraines is bryonia. Bryonia, which is produced by the white bryony plant, is thought to function by easing pain and promoting blood flow. When a migraine occurs accompanied by a monotonous, throbbing pain that gets worse with movement, bryonia is frequently prescribed.
Versicolor iris
Homoeopathic treatment for migraines that is frequently used is iris versicolor. Iris versicolor, which comes from the blue flag plant, is thought to have anti-inflammatory and blood-flow-improving properties. Iris versicolor is frequently prescribed for migraines that come with severe, excruciating pain and nausea.
Muriatic natrum
A typical homoeopathic treatment for migraines is natrum muriaticum. Natrum muriaticum, which is made from sea salt, is thought to act by easing inflammation and enhancing blood circulation. Natrum muriaticum is frequently prescribed for migraines that come with throbbing pain and susceptibility to light.
There are generally no risks associated with using homoeopathy to treat migraines, unlike conventional migraine treatments.  While homoeopathy may offer some migraine patients some relief, it's vital to speak with a doctor before utilizing it as a therapy. To guarantee that you obtain the right care for your migraines, it is crucial that you see a doctor. Visit us and book an appointment now with Dr. Shubham Tiwary. 
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Homeopathy and Its Role in Diabetes Management
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A patient is treated holistically with homeopathy. The homeopathic doctors enquire about the patient's nutrition, lifestyle, other potential symptoms, family history, family illnesses, environment, and place of employment, stress levels, routine behavior, and other things. Based on the responses, they then create interest and abilities of the patient before prescribing the course of action.
Every patient receives a unique course of therapy, and prescriptions are written to meet those needs. As a result, homeopathic treatment takes time, and the patient may need several appointments to describe their case to the doctor fully.
A chronic illness that affects a billion people worldwide is diabetes. It is characterized by elevated blood glucose (sugar) levels, which can result in a variety of health issues. Diabetes can be controlled with medicine, such as insulin therapy or oral drugs, as well as lifestyle modifications including diet and exercise. Homeopathy offers a mild and natural method for managing the condition, making it useful in the control of diabetes.
A collection of illnesses known as diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, are characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. Diabetes mellitus develops when the body's cells do not react to insulin adequately or when there is insufficient insulin release (a pancreatic hormone necessary for turning the sugar from eaten foods into energy). Inadequate insulin production results in systemic glucose synthesis that mixes with the urine.
Psychosocial elements that cause diabetes mellitus. Most of the time, though not always, this disease is caused by recent life events that are stressful. From the late 1930s until the mid-1950s, this illness is widespread.
Diabetes and Homeopathy
Medicines used in homeopathy are derived from plants, minerals, or animals. Just minute quantities of the cultural construct remain in the medicine after it has been diluted to this extent. Homeopathic medications seldom or never cause adverse effects because just a particle shape is included in the actual dosage.
The medication is prescribed by homeopathic practitioners in a variety of ways, including
Sugar granules
Diabetes is treated with homeopathy by addressing the abnormalities that patients' bodies develop because of life force imbalances. Diabetics who receive homeopathic care also receive therapy for the symptoms brought on by elevated blood sugar levels. The most prevalent signs of diabetes include,
Excessive urine, particularly during the night
Mouth ache
Frequently feeling hungry
Type 1 weight reduction versus type 2 weight increase
Distorted vision
Prolonged wound and cut healing
Types of Diabetes
Type 1, as well as type 2 diabetes, can both be treated with homeopathy. When the immune system of the body attacks and kills the cells of the pancreas that make insulin, type 1 diabetes develops. When the body develops insulin resistance or when the pancreas fails to manufacture sufficient insulin to meet the needs of the body, type 2 diabetes develops.
Blood sugar levels can be controlled, and insulin sensitivity can be increased with the aid of homeopathic treatments. Also, they can aid in lowering the risk of diabetes-related complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease.
Among the typical homeopathic treatments for diabetic management are:
Syzygium jambolana
This medication is made from the Indian native jambolana tree's bark. It may drop blood sugar levels because of what is known as a hypoglycemic impact. Diabetes mellitus is frequently treated with it, particularly when there is an excessive amount of thirst and urination.
Uranium nitricum
When there is increased thirst, increased urination, and weakness associated with diabetes mellitus, this remedy—which is derived from uranium nitrate—is used to cure it.
Phosphoric acid
When there is stiffness, exhaustion, or mental fatigue, diabetes mellitus is treated with this phosphoric acid-based treatment.
Lycopodium clavatum
Whether there is excessive thirst, hunger, urination, or even digestive problems, this medicine prepared from clubmoss is employed to treat diabetes.
Calcarea carbonica
Whether there is obesity, weariness, or coldness, this medicine produced from oyster shells is used to cure diabetes mellitus.
It is significant to remember that homeopathic medicines should only be utilized when directed to do so by a licensed homeopathic practitioner. They should be seen as supplemental therapy to assist manage diabetes symptoms rather than as a replacement for standard medical care.
By assisting in the control of blood sugar levels, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and lowering the risk of problems related to the condition, homeopathy can be a useful tool in the management of diabetes. Homeopathic treatments are a safe and effective substitute for traditional medicine since they are mild, natural, and non-toxic. A skilled homeopathic practitioner can help you choose the best treatments for your unique needs.
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Homeopathic Solutions for Stress and Anxiety
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Anxiety and stress are a natural byproduct of daily busy living. Yet, for other people, it becomes a much bigger problem and begins to interfere with daily life. When worry dominates your life, even the smallest tasks seem impossible. It turns into a psychological condition that requires immediate treatment. Anxiety can cause symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, fast breathing, tremors, changes in appetite, and trouble sleeping. The best course of action for treating this mental disease is to see a psychologist, however even homeopathy claims to offer some help.
Stress is a result of any demands imposed on your mental or physical faculties. Any circumstance or event that irritates or worries you out could cause it. On other hand, a sense of anxiety is one of fear, concern, or unease. It might happen as a result of stress, but it can also develop for no apparent reason.
The signs of both anxiety and stressful situations are similar and include:
Difficulty sleeping
Digestion problems
Having trouble concentrating
Skeletal tension
Irritation or rage
Most people experience some level of anxiety and concern at some point, and it isn't necessarily a "bad" thing. After all, stress and worry can occasionally work as a catalyst for individuals to finish difficult tasks or exhibit bad behavior (but really should). But, if left unchecked, stress and worry can start to negatively impact your everyday existence and your physical and mental well-being.
Fundamental distinctions between anxiety and stress
The primary distinction between anxiety and stress is that there is a clear trigger present. Stress is frequently connected to certain circumstances. 
Maybe you're worried about taking an upcoming test. Or perhaps you work from home while juggling three young kids who compete for your attention. Each situation's cause of your tension is different.
However, this does not imply that stress is always transient. Chronic stress is a term used to describe persistent stress brought on by ongoing strain, such as a demanding job or a family dispute. In contrast, anxiety may not always have a distinct stressor.
Homeopathic Treatments for Stress and Anxiety
While having anxiety or feeling worried before an interview is acceptable, it is not normal to allow that anxiety to rule your life. You can have an anxiety condition if your anxieties and worry make it difficult for you to go about your daily activities. Do not be alarmed; homeopathy can help. Here are just a few homeopathic treatments to soothe a person who is experiencing anxiety issues.
Top Homeopathic Treatments for Anxiety
See these homeopathic treatments for panic attacks and anxiety for great assistance. These homeopathic medications are risk-free, ad-free, and have no adverse effects.
Kali phosphate: A potassium phosphate known as kali phosphatic aids in calming persons who are experiencing anxiety episodes. This is appropriate for those who are too sensitive, easily stressed, insecure, irritable, and depressed. It also aids in overcoming the effects of fear and grief. This bio-chemical salt can also be used to cure physical symptoms brought on by anxiety, such as weariness, slowness, and lack of energy.
Aconite Napellus: Aconite Napellus is derived from the same-named purple flowering plant. It can be used for a variety of purposes, but primarily for anxiety management. One of the greatest homeopathic treatments for severe panic attacks and post-traumatic anxiety is this one. Moreover, it aids in reducing anxiety's aftereffects, such as lapses in memory, agitation, hypersensitivity, and fits of wrath.
Argentum Nitricum: Nitrate of silver is another name for the substance known as Argentum nitricum. When anxiety causes a person to feel uneasy and uncertain of what to do, this is beneficial. You're more likely to feel hot and need something sweet when you're stressed. Both of these are cyclical signs of anxiety and, if ignored, have the potential to get worse. Argentum Nitricum, a homeopathic remedy, helps to reduce anxiety by calming the effects of sugar on the digestive system and cooling the body.
Arsenicum Album: It is a constitutional medicine that can be used to treat both acute and chronic conditions. Those who are mindful of safety and security respond well to this. This homeopathic treatment is perfect for you if your worry is being caused by problems with your health, finances, or break-ins. Moreover, it eases restlessness.
Calcium Carbonate: This homeopathic treatment uses the center layer of sea shells and has a variety of uses. Calcarea Carbonica is an effective anxiety remedy for persons who are too controlling and afraid of change. Excessive perspiration is a symptom of this anxiousness and is brought on by effort and stubbornness. These folks frequently experience animal and nighttime phobias as well as confusional tendencies.
When used in small dosages, homeopathy has many benefits over allopathic medicine, including the absence of adverse effects. Yet, when used in high dosages, even homeopathic medications for anxiety disorders can cause negative effects. Consequently, it is wise to seek medical advice before using self-medication. You can always consult with Dr. Shubham Tiwary to receive answers to your queries if you have any worries or questions! Visit us at dharmahomoeo.com to book your appointment today.
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Science Behind Homeopathy: How It Can Help Heal the Body Naturally
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The German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) developed the homeopathic medical system, first postulating it at the end of the 18th century and codifying it in the first edition of his Organon in 1810. Unlike other pre-science medical theories, it developed during the period of transition from the traditional teachings—theories about the excess or lack of four physiological fluids or theories about "corrupted juices"—and the dawn of the scientific era. It has persisted to this day. Homeopathy treatment was far less invasive and severe and did not hurt patients as other extreme therapies of that era did, which is one of the grounds for its continuance.
Homeopathy has continually clashed with science & modern medicine as a consequence of its survival because it does not meet the standards of contemporary, evidence-based medicine and should never be used. However, homeopathy's supporters and practitioners continue to insist that it is effective, citing various, frequently incongruous justifications for their beliefs. On the one hand, they twist and distort research to show that homeopathy does have an effect beyond the placebo effect, and they clamor for the medical and scientific communities to acknowledge this.
However, supporters of Hahnemann's approach are quick to criticize science and evidence-based medicine as not being able to adequately explain its effects. This has actual and grave ramifications, and it's not just one of many examples of cognitive biases. Refusing medical care in favor of homeopathy can prolong illness and suffering or even result in death for patients or their parents. It squanders limited healthcare resources that could be used elsewhere. Additionally, by undermining research and the scientific process, it contributes to the alarming spread of anti-science and anti-truth ideologies that gradually erode public confidence in scientific organizations and science itself.
The fundamental tenets of homeopathy
The underlying presumptions that underlie homeopathic medicines are, in the opinion of the scientific community, either debunked or implausible. First, there is no current scientific proof or support for the prescientific concept known as the principle of similarity. Hahnemann, like the other doctors of his day, was greatly affected by the different manifestations of the old similarity principle, from the earliest "magic of likeness" to the central idea of Middle Age healthcare as well as the early modern era. In essence, resemblance is an anthropocentric and teleological concept: comparable human categories were "sensuously" associated with the external similarity of things that occur in nature. Since the walnut's shape is similar to the human brain, it must be useful in treating brain illnesses.
Beans were also believed to have the ability to treat renal conditions. Even simple name resemblances were enough to combine contexts of meaning. In pre-scientific eras, man's innate propensity to contextualize seemingly unrelated events was a typical attempt at rationalization to safeguard one's self-image from feeling utterly arbitrary.
“Homeopathy has been deceptively advertised as a benign drug with no side effects and also in accordance with natural remedies, despite the fact that this is clearly not the case.”
Hahnemann derived his theory that a chemical that causes a sickness in a healthy individual ought to be able to treat the same sickness in a sick person from these rudimentary forms of the likeness principle.
This school of thought was not new; William Cullen & John Brown, as well as Michael Alberti's (Treatment according to the resemblance principle), had already made arguments about the usefulness of similia for medications. Without a doubt, Hahnemann was greatly influenced by Paracelsus as well. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Hahnemann founded his theories on a misunderstanding of an investigation that could have led to his obsession with the concept of similarity: He experienced the same symptoms after consuming cinchona bark that were typically treated with quinine.
Testing medicines on healthy subjects was a wholly novel concept that is based on the concept of resemblance and is another tenet of homeopathy. Hahnemann believed that all that was required to diagnose a substance's side effects was to test it on healthy volunteers. As a result, he would surely arrive at the conclusion that this chemical would work just as well as a treatment for people who had the same symptoms.
Of course, given the fallacious premise of the principle of resemblance and the fact that the chemical hasn't been evaluated for treating pathological symptoms, this doesn't demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship. However, these medication trials also fall short of today's norms. The test subjects frequently consume the medications over a longer length of time while documenting all changes & symptoms at all concentrations for future analysis. How could this demonstrate a trustworthy causal relationship between ingesting the test chemical and any state changes that could occur? Large-scale testing versus a placebo, in fact, have not found any relationships between test subjects' reports.
The third tenet of homeopathy has come under the harshest attack from the scientific community. It is believed that through a dilution procedure known as "potentiation," which is accompanied by ceremonial shaking blows, a "spiritual healing power" is transmitted from the original ingredient into the solvent. By creating an "artificial ailment," this "spiritual healing power" aims to restore a sick person's "out-of-tune" spiritual life force to the "normal state". This is an occult-vitalistic theory of disease and its causation, which, after Rudolf Virchow's discoveries of tumor formation 1 a few years before Hahnemann's passing, had definitely become scientifically untenable.
Homeopaths frequently refer to the "energy" or "information" that is produced and transferred into the solvent during potentization. This runs counter to physical and chemical laws, which forbid the amplification of an effect with increasing dilution. Potentiation that is increased in increments of 10 or 100 fast results in dilutions that have no pharmacologically added extra of the primary substance even while having more solvent impurities than primary substance. In classical homeopathy, potencies of 30C, or a 1:1060 concentration of the original material, are frequently utilized, and considerably greater dilutions are common. While using highly diluted remedies contradicts the dose-to-effect connection and the law of mass action, the principle of potentiation, which states that anything "more" than the starting material can be achieved as a result of a dilution procedure, conflicts with the two principles of thermodynamics.
Homeopathy and the truth of science
Homeopathy does exist, and many nations' healthcare systems even promote it, despite the reality that the assumptions behind it are not backed up by scientific data. 3. It is even granted legal privileges and is permitted for statutory healthcare insurance reimbursements in Germany, where it originated. According to the German Federal Affiliation of Pharmaceutical Companies, homeopathic sales in Germany total hundreds of millions of Euro; the Food and Drug Administration estimates that they total around three billion dollars in the United States, having increased by a factor of three over the previous ten years. Through training under the supervision of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors, the medical profession in Germany formally awards an "additional homeopathic designation." With this certification, almost 7,000 doctors are qualified to provide homeopathy in conjunction with required health insurance. It means that several doctors in Germany combine the use of evidence-based medicine with the use of a dubious sham technique.
Evidence-based medicine operates under the pragmatic principle that therapeutic approaches should be scrutinized for particular efficacy regardless of initial plausibility. A drug candidate must pass rigorous research and tests to prove both its particular efficacy as well as its safety before being approved for the market. Homeopaths utilize the numerous studies on the effectiveness of homeopathy, all of varying quality, to scream for recognition. To gain credible information, it is now necessary to demand successful replication, meta-analyses, or reviews rather than relying solely on one study, which is no longer the accepted standard of proof.
Homeopathy is an illustration of how a lack of knowledge of science and scientific methodology may lead to views that can have serious negative effects on patients. Other areas are likewise impacted by similar factors. Another instance of how irrational ideas have prevailed over public discourse at the price of objectivity is the widespread resistance to green gene technology. Despite a vast body of scientific evidence demonstrating vaccines' safety and efficacy, a small but vocal and persistent minority's very aggressive opposition to vaccinations is one particularly unsettling trend that is fueling rising public skepticism about vaccination. Subjectivity, a lingering mistrust of science, and the erroneous freedom to make decisions for one's own health as well as the health of one's children again inhibit logic.
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Homeopathy- A Natural Alternative to Conventional Medicine
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Alternative or complementary medicine is homeopathy. This indicates that there are significant distinctions between homeopathy and procedures used in traditional Western medicine. It is based on a set of concepts created in the 1790s by one German physician by the name of Samuel Hahnemann.
The idea that "like cures like"—that a drug that creates certain clinical signs can also aid in their eradication—is a fundamental tenet of the "treatment" process. A second fundamental idea is based on a dilution and shaking procedure known as succussion. According to experts, a substance's ability to relieve symptoms is increased the more it is diluted under this way.
Many homeopathic treatments are made up of ingredients that have been repeatedly diluted in water until nearly none of the original ingredient is left. Homeopathy is utilized to "cure" a very broad range of ailments, including physical ones like asthma and mental ones like depression.
Homeopathy, also known as homeopathy, is a 200-year-old alternative medicine that makes the claim that it can improve the body's capacity for self-healing and elicit a healing response. Its practitioners assert that it represents a comprehensive medical approach built on the principle of treating "like with like." It makes the claim that by utilizing carefully formulated, very diluted treatments, it can activate the body's natural healing reaction to illness.
Homeopaths claim that in addition to considering the patient's medical history, personality, lifestyle, and hereditary variables, they strive to cure the whole person. Homeopathic remedies are provided for specific patients because every person is different.
The efficacy of homeopathy has not yet been validated by medical research. Homeopathic remedies are not a substitute for conventional medical care in the treatment of serious illnesses or infections, there is no such entity as a homeopathic vaccination.
Homeopathy can be dangerous if an as such on it as a medical care and uses homeopathic medicines in place of conventional medical care when treating serious illnesses or infections. While homeopathic medicines are not in and of themselves harmful, homeopathy can be dangerous if a person does so.
Homeopathic medicine
A homeopath will take into account all of the patient's symptoms, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional, and will choose the remedy that can produce symptoms in a healthy individual that are the most "similar" to the ones the patient is experiencing. Homeopathic drugs come in a variety of forms, including liquid, granules, powder, and pills. A treatment plan from your doctor may also include general nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.
According to homeopaths, symptoms can occasionally briefly worsen before they improve. Homeopathy may be used to treat this "stress and frustration" of symptoms. If you experience any side effects, you should inform your homeopath and physician. If required, your homeopath may suggest that you see a doctor or another type of healthcare professional.
Homeopathy and conventional medicine
All medical procedures have the possibility of interacting with one another, whether they are performed using conventional or alternative methods.
In order to ensure that you are not harming somebody, you should:
If you intend to begin a homeopathic treatment regimen for your ailment, let your doctor know.
Never discontinue taking conventional medications without your doctor's knowledge and consent.
Inform your homeopath about the prescription medications you take.
When is it implemented?
Numerous medical conditions are treated with homeopathy. Many medical experts believe it can cure any disease. The following are a few of the most typical ailments for which individuals seek homeopathic treatment:
●            Ear infections and asthma
●            Hash fever
●            Mental health issues include anxiety, stress, and depression Allergies, like food allergies
●            Dermatitis (a severe allergic ailment)
●            High blood pressure
●            Arthritis
And other innumerable diseases
Creating homeopathic remedies
The process of "potentisation," or repeated dilution and shaking, is used to make homeopathic medications. According to homeopaths, this procedure makes the medicines capable of igniting the body's own healing processes. Homeopaths contend that even if there is no chemical evidence of the original material in the medication only after 12th dilution, it still possesses the same properties.
Evidence of homeopathy's benefits
The effectiveness of homeopathy has been the subject of numerous assessments of the scientific data:
The Hall of Commons Technology and Science Committee stated in 2010 that there is no proof that homeopathy works as a therapy for any illness. The assumption that specific substances can also assist treat particular symptoms is unsupported by any research. The notion that substances can become medicines by being diluted and shaken in water is also unsupported by any evidence.
Homeopathy is based on theories that are not recognised by mainstream science and that contradict established truths about how the physical world functions.
The "like heals like" premise is "theoretically weak," according to the Committee's 2010 study on homeopathy, which also stated that this is the "established position of medical science."
For instance, many homeopathic treatments are diluted to the point that it's improbable that even one particle of the original ingredient is left in the finished product. Homeopathic treatments in situations like this are made entirely of water.
Some homeopaths think that the original substance "imprints" itself on the water during the succussion procedure. However, the method by which this could happen is unknown.
The 2010 report stated that it was "scientifically improbable" for compounds that had previously been dissolved in ultra-dilutions to retain their imprint.
A phenomenon called the placebo effect may cause some homeopaths to experience an enhancement in their health.
You might pass up other therapies that have been shown to be more beneficial if you decide on medical procedures that just have a placebo effect.
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Homeopathy vs. Conventional Medicine: Understanding the Differences
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Homeopathy and Conventional medicines are two different ways to cure various illnesses. What distinguishes Conventional medicines from homeopathy, though? Let's examine what Conventional medicines and homeopathy are, how they differ from each other as medications, and how they affect the body.
Homeopathy literally translates to "similar suffering." A healthy person may exhibit specific symptoms when given significant quantities of pharmacologically generated drugs. The foundation of homeopathy is the idea that by diluting the same drugs, they can be used to treat comparable symptoms that have distinct root causes. Homeopathic remedies are known for bolstering the immune system rather than going after microorganisms to fight disease-causing causes. Homeopathic remedies can strengthen the patient's psychological, emotional, and physical well-being, which is a crucial component of treatment, in addition to fortifying the body's defenses.
The "whole person" philosophy underlies homeopathy. In homeopathy, the treatment plan is individualized and tailored to the patient with the goal of curing the underlying condition.
Objectives of the Homeopathic Method
1.           A Homeopath's "Detective" Role
Homeopaths are believed to monitor their patients, analyze and think about the data they have gathered, and then identify the underlying issue. In this procedure, which might be compared to a riddle, the homeopathic "detective" looks for areas in the body where the energy flow has been obstructed or hindered. Each sign or symptom that the patient provides can be used as a cue to identify the proper treatment. Eye contact, posture, respiration, speech quality, and facial expressions of the patient are also noticed as potential indicators. The data must then be rebuilt, much like it would in a mystery book or movie.
2.           The Homeopathic Approach
Encouragement of the body's natural return to balance and health is the aim of the homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic remedies can "fill-in" the voids in the body to encourage a person's natural healing potential and energies, much like the missing parts of a puzzle. When this happens, the individual will have accessibility to the body's inherent power and wisdom, which may negate the need for additional traditional medications and chemical-based drugs.
Conventional Medicine/ Allopathy
Instead of addressing a disease's underlying cause, allopathic therapy treats its symptoms. Allopathic medications target the body's built-in defenses. The German physician Samuel Hahnemann coined the term "allopathy," which derives from the Greek terms "allos," which means "opposite," and "pathos," which means "to suffer." Allopathic doctors follow the principle of addressing the symptoms rather than the underlying problem.
The majority of the time, traditional (allopathic) medicine focuses on treating a patient's physical symptoms. This kind of treatment may also presuppose that a person's symptoms must be managed, muted, or even removed.
The distinction can be shown with a straightforward analogy: Removing the "symptom" of low oil in a car (the danger light) does not alter or correct the underlying cause of the warning (low-oil).
Major differences in Homeopathy and Conventional Medicines
1.           The foundation of homeopathy is the idea that "the source that has caused the sickness can cure it."
2.           It takes some time for homeopathic remedies to help a patient feel better. Homeopathic medications don't work right away.
3.           Homeopathy holds that the body can be changed and healed in order for it to function more effectively.
4.           The body is not in any way harmed by homeopathy. It concentrates on treating both the current and previous illnesses.
5.           Homeopathic doctors think that a patient's various illnesses are brought on by a patient's mental and emotional imbalance. Homeopathic doctors use the least amount of immune-system-unaffected medication to cure illnesses.
6.           Homeopathy has traditionally been a painless method of healing that uses little amounts of medication.
Conventional Medicine / Allopathy
1.           The concept or belief that "the treatment is different from the cause" underlies allopathy.
2.           In contrast, while allopathy rapidly cures the patient, it also has a fair number of negative side effects.
3.           Allopathy thinks that using medications will provide the patient with immediate relief.
4.           Allopathy, on the contrary hand, focuses on treating a specific bodily area that has been affected by the illness. However, it does come with certain unwanted consequences when treating the illness.
5.           Allopathy is referred to as a "two edged sword" because doctors extensively rely on medications to manage illness.
6.           Allopathy requires grueling procedures that involve attaching the patient to numerous machines.
How are diseases treated using allopathy and homeopathy?
The method of treatment is one of the most significant differences between homeopathy and allopathy. Homeopathy focuses on enhancing the body's resistance to the condition while allopathy treats illnesses with medications and occasionally surgery. Homeopathy is seen to be the antithesis of allopathy since, in contrast to allopathy, it employs small amounts of diluted substances and works under the premise that "what created the initial problem also serves as the remedy for treatment."
Allopathy concentrates on the particular organ or body part that is damaged, yet there is always a chance that adverse effects and infections can spread to nearby body parts. Given that homeopathy treats the entire body, not just the diseased region, and has no adverse effects on other body parts, it is typically risk-free.
What Sets a Homeopathic Doctor Apart from an Allopathic Physician?
The type of education and credentials that each doctor holds distinguish allopathy from homeopathy. Allopathic physicians hold a medical license and are allowed to prescribe pharmaceuticals, which are manufactured using chemical substances. Prescription drugs like antibiotics, pain relievers, migraine remedies, chemotherapy, blood pressure medications, and more are some examples of allopathic treatments. To build up the body's immune system, which also will subsequently be better able to battle the illness, homeopathic doctors provide modest dosages of medication. To put it another way, a sick person gets exposed to other illnesses that are similar to theirs but are only mild so that their immune systems can develop antibodies to battle the illness.
The argument between allopathy and homeopathy has existed for as long as recorded history. Both fields still have a lot of research being done, which aids in the development of ground-breaking discoveries in their respective fields. Homeopathic & allopathic treatments both significantly improve society’s health, although taking differing techniques. Both kinds of medications are crucial for treating various illnesses and advancing global medical research.
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dharmahomoeo · 1 year
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Benefits of Consulting with a Homeopathic Doctor
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Homeopathy is a term that is frequently used to try to pique our interest in learning more about it. Many individuals are still unaware about homeopathy and its potential benefits. Homeopathy has historically been difficult to understand, and few people are aware of it. It is a scientific field that has been used for a very long period. Homeopathy is an effective kind of treatment that is risk-free and all-natural and has no negative side effects. It is a medical practice that has frequently been misunderstood.
Humans respond well to homeopathic treatment, which accelerates their bodies' natural ability to heal. Homeopathy treatment aims to speed up the healing process by administering a little dose to the patient. People taking up homeopathic treatment have a high metabolism, good digestion, and adequate sleep. Although homeopathic medicine can heal patients fully from the source, it cannot offer immediate relief.
Homeopathy encourages the body's own natural healing abilities to provide health, vigor, and well-being by looking far beyond labels of diseases to treat their sources rather than simply their symptoms. It heals the sufferer from the inside out rather than just temporarily masking their symptoms. Instead than administering different medications to various parts of the body that are afflicted, it uses medications that address the disruption of the entire person. Patients frequently note an improvement in their overall energy, mood, sleep, and digestion as well as the removal of other symptoms that were unconnected to the homeopathic illness being treated.
Homeopathic doctors link particular homeopathic medicines that can treat these susceptibility patterns to an individual's patterns of reacting to environmental factors, infectious organisms, and possible stresses. The qualities of the medicine selected must be as comparable to those of the patient's ailment as feasible in order to be prescribed homeopathy skillfully. The more precisely the patient's symptoms are understood, the more precise the prescription will be. Homeopathic is unique to the individual and founded on a comprehensive evaluation. In addition to the patient's original problem and traditional diagnosis, the following aspects of the patient, particularly in the case of chronic disease, may be crucial in determining the best course of treatment: the patient's constitution, emotional makeup, and response to physical, emotional, and mental influences and stress in his or her life; the patient's personality; genetic predispositions; and any significant family history of specific diseases.
Benefits of Homeopathy:
The advantages of homeopathy are numerous. A holistic method of care, where the doctor perceives the patient as a whole rather than as a clinical disease or a collection of signs and takes the opportunity to listen, is becoming more and more popular among European residents. From a holistic viewpoint, the patient is viewed as unique and needs individualized evaluation and care as a whole, taking into account all of a person's characteristics, including their physiological, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and other facets. People are viewed as self-healing, self-renewing, homeostatic, and adaptable living systems. The capability of a system, such as a cell, organism, family, or community to respond dynamically to a wide range of external stressors is what is meant by the term "health," which is not just the absence of disease or illness.
1.           A full medical system - Homeopathy:
Homeopathic remedies work to raise one's degree of health by promoting the body's own self-control. Reducing disease processes and vulnerability to diseases and illnesses are both necessary for raising the level of health. This indicates that it is broadly applicable to all ailments rather than being restricted to a few.
Homeopathic treatment can frequently cure chronic diseases in circumstances where conventional medicine would have failed. Homeopathic treatment can greatly help a patient throughout terminal stages of a sickness.
The use of homeopathy in treating wounds and accidents can be quite beneficial. Even if surgery is required, homeopathy can still be helpful. Homeopathic medications can be administered both before and after surgery to hasten recovery and combat any side effects from anesthesia, shock, and anxiety. Patients who have received homeopathy typically recover from surgery considerably more quickly than those who have not.
2.           Homeopathy - a powerful remedy:
According to millions of individuals and thousands of homeopathic practitioners, homeopathic remedy is an effective way to cure both chronic and acute diseases. For most illnesses, it may even provide a long-lasting to permanent cure by tackling the disease at its source. The body of scientific data supporting homeopathy's efficacy keeps growing. Three-quarters of chronically ill individuals reported feeling "moderately better" or "far better," according to many study studies. Homeopathy has been demonstrated to have effects that are comparable to those of conventional medicines in certain rigorous clinical trials, while others have shown it to be superior to placebo.
Homeopathy is a powerful substitute for antibiotics in the treatment of infectious disorders since it has no harmful side effects and promotes quick recovery. Homeopathy is also a very effective method for treating viral infections. Homeopathy is additionally useful for a range of pediatric ailments, including behavioral issues. Other medical conditions that have been successfully treated include: skin conditions like acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, and warts; musculoskeletal pain from arthritis and osteoarthritis; allergies; frequent infections; tension headaches and migraines; heartburn, gastritis, constipation; intestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome; frequent colds, tonsillitis, cough; asthma; and respiratory infections; as well as emotional conditions like depression, anxiety, and Homeopathy has been demonstrated to be useful for a wide range of diseases in addition to those that are listed.
3.           A safe treatment - Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is risk-free. Homeopathic medicines, in contrast to other medications, are non-toxic, nontoxic, and have no negative side effects. Homeopathic remedies can frequently be used safely by patients who are unable to take regular prescription drugs because of negative effects. Homeopathic medications are made from trace amounts of natural ingredients like herbs, minerals, and animal products. Based on European Union law and European Pharmacopoeia regulations, the national medical authorities guarantee the products' quality and safety. Without worrying about dosage, they are safe for youngsters, infants, and pregnant women.
With homeopathy, many pediatric illnesses can be treated swiftly and efficiently without any negative side effects. Homeopathic pills don't interfere with digestion or weaken the body's resistance, contrary to antibiotics and other similar medications. Even when consumed for a prolonged period of time, they neither produce allergies nor harm. There isn't any toxicity, reliance, addiction, or withdrawal. Without having any negative bodily effects, millions of people utilize it to benefit themselves, their families, and their pets.
4.           Low-cost treatment: Homeopathy:
Because they are created at minimal cost and are generic, non-patented, and non-patentable medical ingredients, homeopathic medications cost substantially less than traditional prescription drugs.
A longer consultation is necessary because homeopathic doctor need to gather a great deal of data from their patients. In other words, consultations cost more than typical GP consultations. Therefore, the overall expenditures of a homeopathic treatment can be similar to those of a traditional one. But over time, homeopathy costs less money. A person's immediate complaints improve with competent homeopathic care, but also their susceptibility to disease reduces as a result of an overall improvement in health and the consequent reduction in the need for doctor visits. Therefore, the total costs are quite minimal.
Numerous research investigations have proven the long-term benefit. They demonstrate that, compared to patients of conventional doctors, homeopaths used fewer prescriptions, had better health, took fewer sick days, visited specialists less frequently, and spent less time in the hospital. Furthermore, there are no expenses related to issues brought on by negative drug side effects. In other words, homeopathy may significantly reduce costs for public health organizations and the economy as a whole.
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dharmahomoeo · 2 years
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Depression today is a topic that people refrain from talking about; after so much awareness by the media and the debates by our film stars, even today, people hesitate to consult it. They still have the notion that if they say about it or share their feeling, they might become the talk of the town.
Today, depression affects all ages and demographics of people—even young infants. Different people experience depression in a variety of ways. People frequently disregard mental health, which includes stress, worry, mental illness, eating disorders, and tension.
Depression is not common anymore, but it has a wide range and differs from person to person. It is an ailment that can affect human behavior and personality, and how we eat, sleep or talk is all affected by this single disease.
Mood swings, temper control, irrational behavior, and anger issues fall into this category. Feeling sad without reason, getting angry over minor issues, and getting disappointment every second or minute are all parts of depression.
 Causes of Depression
Depression can be because by many reasons, such as people who are working and are not satisfied with their pay or are not getting enough credit for their work has been found to have mental stress.
During the pandemic, it was more common because many people lost jobs and were not able to provide basic needs to their families. Also, women, mainly after pregnancy, feel depressed because of the changes in their bodies and their life gets changed, lack of sleep and attention, and they almost feel disconnected from the world.
Societal pressures to getting married, abusive marriages, divorces, in today’s scenario where everyone is concerned about their looks, many girls are being tortured for not having that perfect body or even the perfect skin.
Depression only occurs once if treated carefully and at the right time. But the variations change with time; some days you might feel bad, dragging yourself to start the day or having self-pity are all the primary symptoms.
Below are the lists of signs and symptoms one should keep in mind:
Feeling sad for no reason, fighting over minor issues, having trust issues, loneliness or feeling internally empty. Crying every time for no reason, comparing your life with your friend or sibling, anger. Frustration with things you can’t do anymore, eating disorders, thinking that no one understands you, no one is there for you when you need them opens the door to depression. We get this notion every time we are alone in this world, even if someone is looking out for us.
When we lose interest in the things we loved once. For example, if you loved painting and now you feel you don’t like it anymore or if there is any subject or anything which is of your choice and you want to pay attention to it you can’t is a sign that something is not correct. You cry and want to have help, and that is the time help should reach you.
Doctors recommend we have 7 hours of sleep maximum. Still, if you cannot sleep because of the overcrowded thoughts crawling in your mind, even if you feel sleepy, you cannot sleep or feel exhausted, getting tired more often than usual. Lack of sleep will cause headaches, insomnia, and stress issues.
If we continuously crave food or someone we know doesn’t feel like having food, reduced appetite or loss of appetite is also a symbol of clinical depression. We may often encounter people who eat very fast, don’t even chew properly, or people who talk so much that they are asked to be quiet for some time, which also shows signs to look out for.
If you have a slow mind meaning you are not able to understand the simplicity of things. And if you are a slow thinker. Shaky hands or fingers, continuously moving your feet or toes while talking to someone. Rushing things over, and wanting to attempt things fast all fall into Clinical depression.
Many therapies, medicines, and experts can help you treat this mental illness. Pscytrists and doctors conduct various sessions to cure this ailment, but the best results were seen from Homoeopathy medicines, but the question is, what is homeopathy? Does it work? The answer is yes.
A lot of research has been conducted to check whether homeopathy works or not, and it has shown positive results. Homeopathy is the oldest method to cure diseases and continues to do so. It is safe and is not harmful to health. Homeopathy for depression is the best long-term treatment for such conditions. People today feel more comfortable consulting homeopathic doctors than regular doctors.
These are some depression medicines on Homeopathy –
1. Arsenicum album -
It is a natural medicine to cure the problem of distress, and anxiety; people who fear that they are left alone in this life, and they don’t have mental support. This liquid can help them control this anxiety and also relax a person’s mind.
2. Aurum metallicum -
This is best for workaholic people who are distressed in life and are not satisfied with their job, their pay, or their financial needs are not satisfactory. For people who feel that they have faced continuous failure and give up thinking that they can’t succeed in life, Doctors recommend that this will boost their morale and confidence in themselves.
3. Calcarea Carbonica -
When people become confused with their job and find themselves in a situation where they can’t decide whether they should continue this job or not. People often get tired, laziness and also and they feel sad about the work pressure, which often worries them, this medicine has shown positive results.
4. Causticum -
When someone loses their near and dear ones, or they cry for hours for nothing. Forgetfulness becomes a trait in their personality, and they might show sympathy towards someone whom they don’t know and they have a pessimistic approach towards life. People who have tried this medicine have supported this cure.
5. Pulsatilla Nigrician -
This medicine probably is the safest and the best treatment to cure depression. You might have noticed that people start crying out of the blue, such people need encouragement and a lot of confidence, and they become moody and cry over minor issues. For such people, this is the best cure.
6. Sepia -
Sepia is the best medicine if a person wants to be alone and may become angry when others show concern for their sadness. They may feel better after crying, and they prefer not to sympathize.
7. Natrum Muraticum-
People who control their inner feelings and get angry when someone shows sympathy towards them, feel anger, grief, or misfortune. It has been found that they are mostly reserved. This medicine helps them open up, and positive behavior has been noticed.
Homeopathy for anxiety
There are many other Homeopathy medicines that are used for anxiety the condition. we have listed down the most used Homeopathy medicine for anxiety.
Aconite — Aconite is used by Homeopathy practitioners in intense and sudden panic anxiety conditions. The panic attacks are connected to past incidence. Aconite is helpful in relieving the symptoms of panic attacks.
Argentum nitricum — there are many fears or phobia which leads to the condition of anxiety. Argentum nitricum is and Homeopathy medicine that helps to treat such conditions
Calcarea carbonica — this medicine is similar to Arsenicum. It is also used in panic attacks.
Homeopathic for depression
Depression is a serious condition that can have a negative impact on your overall health and well-being, so it's important to know what homeopathic remedies are the most effective for treating this condition. Depression treatment in Homeopathy has been used from last many years to get rid of depression.
Homeopathic remedies are based on the theory of similars, which means that they use substances that cause similar symptoms when given to people with those symptoms. For example, if you have an allergy to bee stings, then a homeopathic remedy made from bee venom will likely help you feel better after taking it.
The best way to treat depression is by finding out what your body is telling you—and then working with it. That's why we recommend using a homeopathic remedy that works specifically with your symptoms and makes sense for your condition.
Dharma homeopathy aims to provide the best results; we strive to make our patients feel healthy.
Dr. SHUBHAM TIWARI, a homeopathic doctor, is a trusted doctor and an expert in this field. His analysis is accurate, and he consistently comprehends the patient's condition. Patients find it simple to open up and discuss their conditions with them. His friendliness makes the patient feel valid in his eyes. In addition, he monitors the patients and asks them for feedback.
We Cure
People have benefitted from us and always refer us to anyone they know. People who suffer from migraine, skin disorders that everyone is facing today, pimples, hyperpigmentation and moles we have cured it all, hair fall is every woman’s problem, with our doctor’s recommendation people have seen some good results.
Kids who bed wet a lot and become a problem for parents, this problem also got a solution.
Many girls who get their periods late or are not on time have asked for his help, and his treatment has solved his treatment and many women’s problems. If you are facing any of these issues, don’t hesitate and consult DR SHUBHAM, he will bring smiles and happiness to your life journey.
Contact info
Phone no-9554053469
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dharmahomoeo · 2 years
What Is Homeopathy and How Effective It Is?
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About Homeopathy
Homeopathy (or homoeopathy) is a 200-year-old kind of alternative medicine that purports to promote a process of healing and increase the body's capacity to heal itself. Those who practise it believe that it is a holistic medical system founded on the notion of treating "like with like." It purports to boost the body's natural healing reaction to illness by employing specially formulated, very diluted medicines.
Homeopaths claim to treat the full person, taking into consideration personality, lifestyle, and inherited variables, as well as the disease's history. Because each person is unique, homoeopathic medications are given to treat individuals.
Benefits of homeopathy
Homeopathy focuses above illness labels to treat the underlying causes rather than just the indications, and it encourages the body's own natural healing powers to restore health, vigour, and well-being. It cures the sufferer from inside rather than merely treating the symptoms. It employs medications that treat the entire person rather than treating individual portions of the body. Patients frequently report increased stamina, happiness, sleep patterns, and metabolism, as well as the removal of additional symptoms that appear to be unrelated to the ailment being treated with homoeopathy.
Homeopathy is risk-free. Homeopathic medicines, unlike conventional medications, are non-toxic and have no negative side effects. Homeopathic remedies can frequently be used safely by patients who are unable to utilise conventional prescription pharmaceuticals owing to negative effects. Homeopathic medications are made from trace quantities of plants, minerals, and animal components. National medication authorities ensure their quality and safety in accordance with European Union legislation and European Pharmacopoeia regulations. They are safe for pregnant women, babies, and toddlers without regard to dose.
Homeopathic medications are substantially less expensive than traditional prescription pharmaceuticals since they are made from low-cost generic, non-patented, and non-patentable medicinal ingredients. In acute diseases, homoeopathic treatments cost less than €1 per day on average, while chronic ailments cost a few cents per day (often a fraction of a penny).
A lengthier consultation period is necessary because homoeopathic practitioners need to acquire a considerable quantity of information from their patients. This implies that consultations are more costly than regular GP appointments. As a result, the overall expenses of homoeopathic treatment may be equivalent to those of conventional treatment.
Homeopathic treatments attempt to improve health by boosting the self-regulatory system. Improving one's health entails lowering disease processes as well as one's vulnerability to illness and disease. That is, it is not confined to specific diseases but is broadly relevant to all ailments. It is frequently employed as a first alternative in some medical disorders, with more expensive and potentially harmful therapy remaining as a second option. Furthermore, it can provide therapeutic choices where traditional therapies have failed or do not exist for the condition, or if they are contraindicated or not tolerated. In many cases, homoeopathy should be used as a first-line treatment rather than as a last option.
Conditions Usually Treated with Homeopathy
Homeopathy is used but is not limited to treating the below-listed conditions, which are –
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Premenstrual syndrome.
Rheumatoid arthritis.
Irritable bowel syndrome.
Also, to better understand the individual condition and the symptoms, the homeopath doctor may ask the below-listed questions.
What kind of symptoms are you experiencing?
Where are the symptoms situated?
How long have the symptoms been present?
When did you start to notice your symptoms?
Did you find any other related symptoms along with these?
These are the most common questions that the homeopath doctor asks and are the best to identify one's symptoms and characteristics to continue treating.
A homoeopath would analyse all of the individual's symptoms (physical, mental, or emotional) and identify the remedy capable of causing symptoms most 'like' the symptoms the person is experiencing from in a healthy person. Homeopathic remedies can be in liquid, granules, powder, or tablet form. As part of a treatment plan, your practitioner may also recommend general lifestyle and nutritional adjustments.
According to homoeopaths, symptoms may briefly worsen before they improve. This 'stress and frustration' of symptoms can be treated with homoeopathy. However, if you have any reactions, you should notify your homoeopath and your doctor. If required, your homoeopath may send you to a doctor or another healthcare practitioner.
Must You Give Homoeopathy A Try?
About 6 million Americans used homeopathy in the previous years, according to the National Institutes of Health's Health Interview Survey. Also, most individuals in this survey agreed that they chose this therapy and its related products on their own.
Many forms of homeopathic medicine include tablets, gels, liquid drops, lotions, and sugar pellets. They can be purchased offline or from online stores.
Although most homeopathic medications are probably safe, there isn't strong proof that homeopathy is helpful for any medical disease. Most importantly, homeopathy should never be used as the replacement of vaccinations, despite any marketing, for standard immunization.
It would be suggested that you should consult a doctor before beginning any supplementation if you're thinking about it. Homeopathy shouldn't replace traditional medicine, so if you have a medical issue, immediately schedule an appointment with a homeopath.
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dharmahomoeo · 2 years
Homoeopathy for Migraine Treatment – DR. SHUBHAM TIWARY
What is Migraine? 
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A migraine attack is a specific sort of headache. An episode often unfolds in phases and might span many days. Severe instances can hurt a person’s day-to-day life, including their ability to work or study.
A migraine is more than simply a headache. When compared to other headache illnesses, it is a debilitating neurological condition with distinct symptoms and therapeutic options.
Migraine is one of the most excruciating types of headaches. Common migraine symptoms include throbbing, pulsing pain that is occasionally followed by nausea/vomiting and sensitivity to spotlights and noise. Some of the reasons for migraine include sun exposure, hunger, and stress, which is a widespread problem nowadays.
A warning sensation called an “aura” develops beforehand or during the headaches in certain people. Auras can involve visual abnormalities like flashes of light or blind patches, as well as physical symptoms like discomfort on one side of one’s face, arm, or leg, and difficulties speaking.
Signs of Migraine:
Migraines, which may afflict both youngsters and adults, can develop through four stages. Not everyone who suffers from migraines progresses through all phases.
Before the headache: A study in 2008 proved that 20-60% population tend to suffer symptoms that begin days or even weeks before the headache.
A person may have a “prodrome” at this period, which may include emotional disturbances, notably despair and irritability. A prodrome might also include drowsiness, nausea, hunger, increased urination, and sound and light hypersensitivity.
The headache will be moderate to severe, and it is frequently excruciating. The discomfort may be excruciating and even intolerable.
 The discomfort might be on one or both sides of the head. It might be in the middle or the rear.
Some people get migraines around or around their eyes, as well as behind their cheekbones.
A throbbing, hammering or pulsing sensation is caused by your headache.
 Physical exercise or any movement makes the headache worse.
An individual may get easily irritated by light, loudness, and/or odours.
A migraine episode might last anywhere between four hours and many days.
Causes of Migraine:
Most migraine sufferers experience spontaneous attacks, which means that nothing they did or did not do caused the attack. This is exactly how sickness acts. Some people will experience attacks that may be traced back to a specific reason. Each person’s triggers are unique, but there are a few common causes that affect a large number of individuals. Stress (good or negative), specific foods, skipping meals, drinking, resting excessively or too little, changes in climate or atmospheric pressure, hormone changes in women, injuries, and brain trauma are all common causes.
In a nutshell, the most common causes of migraine include a high level of estrogen production in the body, genetic predisposition, mental stress, allergy to strong odours, lack of sleep, and overthinking can also sometimes lead to migraine.
Statistical fact about Migraine:
Women suffer from migraine three times more than males, and evidence indicates that hormones play a role. Girls are more likely to begin having migraine episodes when they have their first period, and migraine is most frequent in women throughout their reproductive years.
Homoeopathic treatment for migraine:
The homoeopathic remedy is chosen depending on how similar the patient’s symptoms are. The drug is chosen after considering the patient’s physical and mental condition.
Migraine therapy using homoeopathy is successful. Homoeopathic medications can help reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. It also aids in the progressive reduction of traditional therapy doses.
Some of the homoeopathic treatment for migraine includes Gelsemium, Belladonna, Spigelia, Natrum Mur, Glonoine, and Iris Versicolor.
Doctor Consultation:
Migraines are frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated. Keep a record of your migraine episodes and how you handle them if you have them regularly. Then, schedule a consultation with your doctor to address your headaches.
Even if you have a history of headaches, consult your doctor if the pattern changes or if your headaches feel different than usual.
Major Symptoms:
If you encounter any of the following symptoms or signs that might signal a more serious medical concern, see your doctor right away.
A violent headache, like a thunderstorm striking
Headaches with fever, stiff neck, disorientation, convulsions.
Double vision, numbness, or paralysis in any region of the body may indicate a stroke.
Headache often originates from a head injury.
Why consider homoeopathic medicine:
Homoeopathic treatments are typically considered safe, and the chance of major unfavourable side effects from using them is deemed to be low. One should consult your doctor before discontinuing any doctor-prescribed medication or foregoing procedures such as immunization in favour of homoeopathy.
Homoeopathy has the potential to give long-term relief from migraine symptoms. It can treat migraines safely and efficiently. Patients who sought homoeopathic treatment for migraines reported a significant improvement in the severity of their symptoms as well as their general quality of life.
How does homoeopathy medicine work:
Homeopathy medicines have been diluted to the point where not even a single atom of the original solute is likely to exist and provide a significant conceptual hurdle.
Many experts believe that homoeopathic medications’ therapeutic results are purely attributable to the placebo effect.
Benefits of Homeopathy treatment:
The benefit of homoeopathy for migraines is that not three patients receive the same therapy since each patient has various symptoms and requires various remedies based on their personality. You will learn what homeopathic remedies for migraines depend on where the headache begins or when it will happen.
e.g., homeopathic treatments. Silicea or Pulsatilla will be effective for headaches on the forehead, but Gelsemium might be advised for headaches in the occipital area.
There are different types of Migraine:
The major migraine types are listed below.
Migraine Without Aura
Migraine With Aura
Chronic Migraine
Abdominal Migraine
Acephalgic or Silent Migraine
Migraine With Brainstem Aura
Hemiplegic Migraine
Retinal Migraine
Status migrainosus
Homoeopathic remedies:
As discussed above, different types of migraines will be treated with different homeopathic medicines. Some of the common forms of treatments include head pain from strong scents, periodical migraines, pregnancy migraines, headaches caused due to reading, migraine with constipation, etc. To more about major health issues treated in Homeopathy, visit our blog page.
It is vital to consult a doctor when the symptoms are evident and strong. However, consulting a Homeopathic doctor is best advised since it helps in faster recovery without any side effects. Dharma Homeopathy serves as your one-stop destination for all your health-related problems. Book your appointment with us and make your life disease free.
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dharmahomoeo · 2 years
Dharma Homoeopathy
Dr. Shubham Tiwary is a traditional homeopath whose objective is to offer patients with the finest possible treatment. As a licensed BHMS with three years of experience at Dharma Homoeopathy, I believe homoeopathy is the only system of medicine that can heal the mind, body, and soul.
To ensure 100 percent good results, the team at Dharma Homoeopathy treats patients based on their lifestyle habits, stress levels, family history, and previous ailments. Our services are not confined to any one condition, but I and my staff can help you with a wide range of physical and psychological issues, including:
Hair Loss Treatment
Female Infertility Treatment
Diabetes Management
Migraine Treatment
Diabetes Treatment
Skin Disorders Treatment
Joint pain Treatment
Kidney Stone Treatment
Piles Treatment
Bed wetting 
Female Diseases
Gall Bladder (Biliary) Stone Treatment
Dandruff Treatment
Chemical Peel
Frozen Shoulder Treatment
Weight Loss Diet Counseling
Bronchial Asthma Treatment
Allergy Treatment
Obesity Treatment
Access Vision Correction
You can book an online appointment with Dr Shubham Tiwary, at www.dharmahomoeo.com 
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