deuslock · 4 days
Hi again waxwitch enjoyers (population: me)
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deuslock · 6 days
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To Melinoë.
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deuslock · 6 days
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“I want to know what's going on with you two. I see the way you look up at her as she trots by.”
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deuslock · 12 days
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I have a feeling that beneath the little halo on your noble head There lies a thought or two the devil might be interested to know You're like the finish of a novel that I'll finally have to take to bed You fascinate me so
You Fascinate Me So, Blossom Dearie
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deuslock · 3 months
Lute said that Charlie and Vaggie’s love, being a demon and angel, was an abomination.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the GRAVITY of that sentiment if Adam were to go to Hell next season and become a sinner?
As far as an antagonist ship goes, it ships itself, babes.
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deuslock · 4 months
I may be in the minority for this thought, but I don't think Alastor's deal has anything to do with Charlie or the hotel. In the pilot, we get a pretty clear shot of Alastor seeing the news broadcast of Charlie's pitch:
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This doesn't seem to me like the face of someone who already knows what the princess of hell is doing, but someone who is seeing it for the first time and is highly intrigued it. Whether or not that intrigue could be linked to his deal remains to be seen, but I don't think he came to the hotel because of some obligation to keep the hotel or Charlie safe. Not to mention, we also get a clear indication from his ballad in the finale that he is shocked that he nearly allowed himself to be destroyed for their sake, almost like he was getting too caught up in the fun of battle.
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deuslock · 4 months
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Watch us all make these in-depth theories of why Alastor has his mouth drawn like this and Viz just comes out and just goes like-
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deuslock · 5 months
when i was younger i had a really bad fear of seto kaiba when i was going to sleep so my older brother gave me a watch that he set to like 8 hours ahead so that it was always daytime on the watch when i was asleep and he told me it would confuse seto kaiba and he would think it was daytime and get scared of the sun and leave me alon
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deuslock · 6 months
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he’s so babygirl
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deuslock · 6 months
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deuslock · 6 months
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deuslock · 6 months
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deuslock · 6 months
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I'm actually not late to a fandom !! exciting stuff
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deuslock · 6 months
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sparks [click for detail]
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deuslock · 7 months
no, no. these are horrors beyond your comprehension. i understand them, though. i desire them carnally.
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deuslock · 7 months
Shout out to Armin’s voice actor because that scream made me burst into tears. The absolute devastation is palpable.
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deuslock · 8 months
wanna hear a wild story? my brother’s history professor is closing in on 80 and basically lives at the university. one night my brother visited him for a meeting, and it came up that my brother was gonna be performing as a court jester at the castle the following day. and his professor busts out: “ah, that reminds me of my youth!”
he then proceeded to tell the tale of when he and his friends went backpacking to greece back in their early 20s. then one day they found themselves completely penniless. so they decided that the only reasonable thing to do was to set up acrobatic shows in skimpy outfits on the beach at day, and then drink up the money at night.
after a week or so they gained some traction, and a gang of young greek men walked up to them like “hey y’all are cool as hell, can we join y’all for drinks tonight?” and my brother’s professor was like “of course! y’all have to wear these revealing outfits and do somersaults with us tho” and the greek gang said “sounds dope. y’all are invited to live with us for however long y’all want.”
anyhow, they proceeded to live like this for the better part of 3 months, doing shows, drinking, and sleeping at the greek gang’s apartment. but after a while they decided enough was enough, and said thank you for everything, but we’re going back to sweden now. and the greeks said “sure! love y’all have a safe trip xx”
half a year later my brother’s professor gets contacted by the greek police. they ask him about the months they spent in greece, and then informs him that their greek friends have been convicted of serial homicide and robbery. that the group of young greek men had joined up with several tourist groups for several years “for drinks”, and then killed and robbed them all, terrorising the beach city for several years. with one exception, of course, because “this one group of swedish acrobats in slutty strongman suits were just ‘so damn nice’”.
and that’s the story of how one swedish history university professor survived sharing a flat with a group of serial killers for several months by performing acrobatics in slutty outfits on the beach. moral of the story? be kind of heart, thicc of ass.
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