deletusmyfetus-blog · 7 years
1) sexual orientation: leaning to hetero 2) what i'm really bad at: math 3) the one person who's arms i'd like to be in: my future partner 4) my best first date: we went to my house, watched bruce lee movies and ended up making out with each other.[hadn't had any "real" dates tbh] 5) a description of my self-esteem: non-existent, even tho i act like it does 6) who my best friends are: depends 7) my favourite book: have too many 8) biggest turn offs: bad smell, obesity and dirty appearance 9) a description of my best friend: all of 'em are weird af, but still cute 10) my favourite animal: fox 11) someone i miss: my grandfather 12) the reason behind my last break up: he broke up with me because it didn't work out for him anymore - the rlship itself was pretty twisted 13) what i did yesterday: go visit my cousins university and skip school(because we had to go on a trip w/ bycicles) 14) what my greatest achievements are: - 15) a description of the person i dislike the most: my current exboyfriend 16) my favourite songs rn: nearly anything from mac demarco 17) how my last kiss went down: french kissing behind the school gym, if i remember it correctly, lmao 18) tall, rather skinny figures, coats, glasses, dark hair/eyes, classical gentlemen appearance, suits, gentleman characteristics, etc. 19) all of the pets i've ever had: fishes and my cat 20) favorite flavor of ice cream: strawberry and oreo 21) the one place i want to be rn: not here 22) the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me: that i'm ugly in their opinion, i guess 23) where i have lived before: my neighbour city 24) i'll love you if...: you'll be a nice, intellectual guy with interests in politics, history and memes 25) what are my future plans: studying at a university to be an professor, idk 26) an internal conflict i have with myself: if i'm fat or nah 27) what i'm doing tomorrow: going to school, sadly 28) what i want to be when i get older: a lecturer/professor at a university 29) most embarassing moment: idk had too many 30) two of my insecurities: my weight, especially my tummy 31) what i would do if i won the lottery: prbbly give it to my momma 32) a description of the boy i like: currently none 33) what i love most about myself: my eyes and my smile 34) my biggest pet peeves: idk tbh 35) what bands i've seen live: none 36) who my best friends are: haven't we had that question before? 37) how many kids i want in future: lol, none. Or maybe 1 or 2. 38) my idea of a perfect date: idk, just that my partner will be a nice dude 39) what i'm really good at: used to be good at drawing, now idk 40) most traumatic exp: when i fell on that glassdesk as a child 41) where i would like to live: great britain or the usa 42) the nicest thing anynones ever said to me: that i'm the most beautiful girl they've ever seen *sIGh* 43) do i like where i am rn: idk could be worse 44) what i can hear rn: mac demarco singing and the sound of me typing stuff w/ my keyboard 45) my relationship w/ my siblings: dunno, don't talk to them that often 46) all of the pets i've ever had: we had that before 47) my biggest worry currently: that i'll never get 100% over my current ex 48) smth i've wished for repeatedly: idk 49) my relationship with my parents: on/off lol 50) what words make me the best about myself: idk 51) smth i should've said a long time ago: i'm not ugly 52) what my last txt msg says: " <3" 53 ) what i hate most about myself: my tummy 54) biggest turn ons: intellectual guys 55) what words upset me the most: "tsss" "pah" 56) what i hate/hated most about school: the whole system is fucked up tbh
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deletusmyfetus-blog · 7 years
i’m mari.
i’m 16 and new to tumblr
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