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how we doing callowmoore nation??
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Ya'll I cant stop thinking about the fact that Ashton has said time and time again that he does not liked to be touched. Touching hurts them in ways that is both deeply personal and intricate to their character and yet at the prospect of finding Fearne around the corner, they throw it to the wind to hug her
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People can say Callowmoore is doomed all they want but when one angsty conversation can make the ENTIRE CAST DO THIS
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You know it’s good. Callowmoore stay winning
Also bonus
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"And then I give her a big ol' kiss." EXQUEEZE ME SIR YOU WHAT. I just had to paint it lol.
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I love her.
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fearne and ashton rolling up to kick otohan's ass in ep 83
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Something hard to steal back
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Ashton Greymoore we need to work on your charisma because there's only so many times I can mentally yell "KISS HER GODDAMMIT" at the screen
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look this is far from the most important thing right now but ashton and fearne,,, the sex is gonna be mindblowing
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Taliesin Jaffe and Ashley Johnson really gave us 20 whole minutes of giggling, hair twirling, feet kicking awkward flirting and expects me to be normal about it.
The flirting?? The banter?? the playful innuendos??? Ashton and Fearne just getting to be in each other's space, testing their new powers, hugging and holding hands and being a normal pair of people with developing feelings???
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look at them. Really taking the fucking crown for "most slow burn, realistic Critical Role romance" I have ever seen.
"I will accept your greatness."
And Your Honor, what if I said that Taliesin Jaffe gave us Ashton Greymoore's version of the Princess Bride's "As you wish"
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Well… that was quite the emotional rollercoaster. I have a lot of thoughts.
Firstly, I am over the moon about the callowmoore shenanigans! I love me a slow burn (pun absolutely intended). Pure fucking awkward chaos - nom nom nom! I don’t think the events with the shard spell the end of anything. We’ve seen romances weather worse storms. Remember that one time that Yasha nearly killed Beau? I love their whole dynamic and I’m excited to see it hopefully blossom into something more, and how they deal with all of this.
I’m disappointed that Ashton took the shard, but honestly that’s mostly because I think the narrative is going to be worse/less compelling for it. Seeing Fearne and Ashton learn how to navigate such a connection to another person is infinitely more interesting to me personally than Ashton adding to their already complex stack of abilities. Not saying it’s bad, or uninteresting, just less so than what could have been.
While watching Ashton nearly get shattered (again!!) was incredibly stressful, it was also the kinda high-stakes drama I enjoy. I’m really looking forward to the conversations that’ll come from this in the next episode.
After 4SD, I’m of the opinion that Fearne was scared of the power the shard holds and the potential of being corrupted by it. I also think part of it might have been not wanting to steal Ashton/Tal’s thunder. For Ashton, I reckon it was a combination of things. From their perspective, they’ve been a nobody their whole life, they finally have an opportunity to be a somebody. They want to take hits so others don’t have to. They want to be a hero. I think I get why we ended up here.
Am I a little mad at the characters for being kinda stupid? yes. Am I glad the cast RP their characters making stupid decisions? Also yes. As dumb and avoidable as this all might have been, it was a great piece of entertainment.
I’m surprised that I’ve yet to see anyone talk about Imogen and Laudna being so ready to abandon Ashton when they thought they were going to die… especially considering Ashton’s history. Even more so when looking at Ashton’s own reaction to other party members being close to death. I really hope that gets discussed at the table at some point. Could get some juicy RP moments.
I think I’ve rambled enough for one evening. Really looking forward to next week’s episode, let the drama begin!!
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Again, the fandom is aggravating when a character makes a controversial choice.
What Ashton did was reckless, and he will get HELL for it from the group, but what I don’t like is people acting like they did some big betrayal towards Fearne.
- “Ashton took what was meant for Fearne and it was selfish! It was her moment!”
Bruh, Fearne was like John Snow with how many times she and Ashley have been like “I don’t want it” “it’s not for me” “if it’s up to me I think you should have it.” She LITERALLY said that in their talk. If she wasn’t comfortable, forcing her to do it would have been not cool.
- “Ashton used Fearne’s feelings for them to get what they wanted!”
Preeeeeetty sure they just explained their stance and requested her help, which she consented to. They didn’t “use” anything. And yes, she got nervous and was having second thoughts, which makes sense because Ashton coulda DIED. But he didn’t force her to do anything.
- “Man, Callowmoore is dead. She’ll never trust him again! She said it!”
She was worried and angry about how close that was. They do owe her and everyone an apology, but their relationship isn’t RUINED, good god.
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Not finished the episode yet but OMG!!! I knew it!!! I have been waiting for 77 episodes for this!!
Holy shit FINALLLLY!!
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also getting real godsdamn emotional about ashton, orphaned at a young age, abandoned and left for dead by their friends, by their found family, being left their whole life over and over and over, and fearne, leaping directly into fucking lava to feel for him, to get to him, and to help him
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everyone's going over this shot, "look, Fearne steals from Ashton!" but it's not even the only or first time she steals from Ashton in the intro.
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Arrives, puts her hand behind Ashton
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takes their coin purse
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puts it in her bocket
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Not to be a shipper on main but tumblr, WHERE is the Callowmoore fic?! I think I’ve read every word of it on AO3 (and half of that is actually Orym/Ashton in disguise) but after the most recent episode??? Emperor and Empress??? She jumped into lava for him??? “You’re both meant to be here”??? I have grabby hands. Gimme the fiiiiiic.
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Ohhh okay so you want me dead
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