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Sekhmet Rising
Collab with Anisis
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Goddess of the hot desert sun, plague, chaos, war, and healing
Requested by @ihavetoomanyfandomstobesane
Requests are open
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Sekhmet, Goddess of war and plague
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Sekhmet was a very popular Goddess in Ancient Egypt, and her priests were known to be effective doctors and healers. She is the Goddess of flame, plague, illness, justice, fertility, war, conflict, healing, anger and represents the destructive aspect of the sun. In some myths, she is her own Goddess. However, in many myths, she is an aspect of Hathor or Bastet. I personally believe she is an aspect of Hathor.
At the beginning of the year, the priests would perform a ritual. This ritual was designed to repel the "7 arrows of Sekhmet" which were 7 plagues/illnesses sent out by Her. The ritual was performed to, first and foremost, protect the King. Yet, the people of Egypt and the priests themselves also received protection. As well, Sekhmet had 7 messengers who would bring illness and bad luck to wrongdoers.
She is the wife of Ptah, mother of Nefertem, and daughter of Ra. Her most prominent myth is from "The book of the Celestial Cow" where she punishes humans threatening to kill Ra by slaughtering them. However, she loses control and begins to kill all humans. Ra, now worried, sends Thoth to stop her. She is then tricked into drinking beer dyed red to look like blood, and wakes up as Hathor, Lady of Drunkenness.
The sun
Colors red and yellow
Lions and Lionesses
Cows (from her connection with Hathor)
Beer (especially red)
Spicy foods
Hibiscus juice
Cranberry juice
Lady of Terror
Eye of Ra
Lady of Ma'at
Lady of massacre
Mistress of blood
Great of flame
Lady of life
Great Healer
Devotional acts
Give to charity
Learn the arts of healing
Learn the art of weaponry
Shadow work/Therapy
Take up martial arts
Play the sistrum or sing
Drink in her honor
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She is the lady of drunkenness, the queen of the dance. She stabs the enemy, drives back the rebels, kills off the enemies in the place of internment; she is Sekhmet the great, who has power over the masses - the countless crowd trembles upon seeing her.
-Offerings to the Gods in Egyptian Temples, Sylvie Cauville
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Sutekh and Nut. Two holy beings.
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This trio of statues of goddess Sekhmet are located in the Sackler Wing of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Sekhmet was an Egyptian goddess of healing and war.
Brandon Falls Photography
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The goddess of the sky, Nut, inside the sarcophagus of King Merneptah, (XIX dynasty, 1273-1202 BC) This celestial goddess covered with stars, arches covering the Earth.
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No need to thank me.
Doesn't matter how much hate you get, duty is duty. Keep at it.
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graceful gallop
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Some devotional art in honor of Set, god of thunder and chaos!
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Dua Set!
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Kitchen Staples and Their Properties
If you're any kind of kitchen user, there are a few things that are usually present. Things like bread, cheese, beans, and vinegar are all things that many kitchens keep in stock. So, here is a list of some staples you may have in your kitchen, and what they mean.
Bread: health, abundance, the hearth, kindship
Beans: wisdom in choices, luck, money, divination, prosperity
Butter: peace, friendships/relationships, spirituality
Cheese: goal completion, happiness, moon magic, health
Eggs: feminine/goddess magic, fertility, mysticism
Honey: joy, love, sex, wisdom, lust, purification, health
Milk (Cow's): feminine parenthood/guidance, love, sustenance, spirituality,
Rice: fertility, protection, luck, money, growth
Salt: purification, protection, grounding, cleansing
Sugar: banishing negativity, love, affection, invoking kindness/sweetness
White Vinegar: cleansing, purification, protection
Adding some things together melds their properties! Cooking in butter for your friends can strengthen your relationships with them, and baking bread can bring abundance into your home.
As always, do your research, practice safely, and blessed be!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi!
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The Gateway
"I need an icon, an image of my God(s), it's $300 I can't afford it."
Hold up.
Just... hold up.
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Go out into the world.
Yes, leave your computer. I believe in you.
Go outside, and walk as far as you need to walk, until you find: a rock.
What kind of rock? It's not for me to say. A small rock, a big rock, a jagged rock or a smooth rock, a beautiful rock, a rock only a mother could love -- the kind of rock is entirely up to you, and you will pick this rock from all the rocks because it calls to you and says "I am the rock". Trust me. It will happen. No, not… not verbatim. It's a vibe. There are no talking rocks in this equation.
TL;DR: a rock.
Take that rock home.
You're going to need some limited supplies and procedures.
First, you're going to want to wash your rock. Get all that dirt off of it, make it as clean as a little rock can be, though a little bit of dirt is certainly not going to be a dealbreaker. It's just a good idea not to bring a bunch of outdoor dirt inside unless you have intimate knowledge of the area the rock was in. Dirt may have more than just "earth" in it. In addition, I would recommend purification. Bury the dry rock in salt or clean sand for the next 24 hours before bringing it "into service" on your shrine or altar setup.
Second, you're going to need writing or painting implements. This could be a pen (if you feel it can actually, successfully write on your rock), a sharpie (very good for writing on rock), or paint! But if you're like me and can't paint in a straight line to save your soul, don't worry, use whatever you can use to write on this rock. I recommend steering clear of the color red in terms of paint and ink when thinking about my own Kemetic practice, but if your personal practice has no holds barred in terms of color selection, I am certainly not going to be a person to stop you.
Next, you're going to need a word, set of words, or phrase. Often, the word or words is going to be the name of the Deity you are trying to represent, but it could easily be something else if you feel so moved to go in a different direction. I am not teaching you how to be a cookie-cutter magician here, I am encouraging you to navigate your life and your choices on your own; but, for the basic guidance, a name is certainly sufficient. It's important to note that this name needs to be one you understand. Writing is one of the most powerful forms of magic in this universe, but if what you are writing is meaningless to you, you are losing a functional amount of this power because you are putting a lot of energy into basic comprehension. Choose a language or symbolism for the name you will be writing that holds meaning to you within your own mind and your own heart. You should see this name, these words, or this symbol or set of symbols, and immediately feel your Deity within the moment you see it and within yourself. It should be recognizable at a glance every single time. If you want it to be extra special in another language (particularly one of ancient origin), you want to ensure you comprehend it in this one-glance way. You should not have to sit and think and remind yourself "What does this mean". Instant recognition is what you are looking for.
Finally, you are going to paint or write this name, phrase, symbol or set of symbols, onto your rock, and while you are writing, you are going to be putting your energy in the form of 'intent' into this creation. There are a lot of ways you can do this. You could be thinking of the Deity in question while you do the decorative aspect of this project. You could be playing music, you could be singing, you could be chanting, you could be reciting a phrase or poem or set of words that holds meaning between you and your Deity. What is important is that you focus your intents into the writing of your Deity's symbolism whereby that rock is the focus point of this intent, and that rock in turn becomes your intent.
Yes, it's true: this simple, lowly rock, will be your icon, and it will be just as if not more effective than any other store-bought icon you could have possibly found on the internet because of the process you are undertaking now. Because it isn't about how closely your icon resembles your Deity. It isn't about how much money you've spent on your iconography, either. It isn't about new materials or old materials, it isn't about one person's interpretation or spelling of a name or another, it isn't about one particular kind of phrase or the exact words of a spell or chant or song. You do not need to spend $100, $300, $2,000 on a shrine icon, because the point of a shrine or altar or ritual icon is not what it looks like or who crafted it or what materials went into it.
The purpose of a shrine icon is all about:
And as you impart your focus and your intent, coupled with one of the most powerful forms of magic -- writing, you are creating and inscribing and imbuing a representation and embodiment of the Deity you follow, issuing a bond between you, Them, and that object that cannot easily be broken. This icon is going to be with you, on your shrine or altar or in your ritual setup, representing the powerful presence of your Deity and giving you a focus point for your communication, intention, energy, and direction.
Once completed, this icon should be treated with the same dignity and respect you would treat any altar or shrine icon that is representative of a Deity. You should keep it relatively clean, decently protected from harm or accident, in a purified state (which can include re-doing the salt or sand purification if needed), packed with care when moving, and deprecated in an appropriate manner if you will no longer be using it (probably a post for another time).
This is no longer just a rock.
This is a gateway, that you have created, and the bounds are limitless.
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This is my favourite artistic interpretation of Sekhmet. She just looks so badass.
Art by David Sanhueza
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Kemetic Gods
Regional forms (Southwest US/Arizona)
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(Names in the alt text)
Part 2
Part 3
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| The Slayer | Devotional art to my beloved Set 🌩️
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