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I’ll just leave this here. :v
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Something that I do while I was free. I thought to myself, “Why not combine Elsword and BlazBlue in one universe?”. So, here it goes. I use all Imperial class from Elsword to make it look more... unique? Add some crest from the original BlazBlue game to make it look BlazBlue-like. I got inspiration after listening to this song:
The song is called SIX-HEROES from BlazBlue Chronophantasma. Thus, this fan art title is called ‘The 11 Heroes’. I put 10 heroes earlier, but since Lu and Ciel is 2 different character, so I make it to 11 heroes instead.
“Demon invasion spreads across the continent. No one was able to stop them, not until when 11 people stood up for humanity and halt the demon forces. With unique skills and extraordinary willpower, these 11 people stop the demon invasion once and for all. Some people call them warriors, some call them lifesavers and some call them humanity’s vanguard. But, to the people of Elrios, they are call, The 11 Heroes.”
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After months of effort, I finally got my PoS title. I dunno how many times I fight Ran just to unlock it. Nevertheless, still totally worth it.
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Well, I do realise that Mako and Tamako has the same voice actress. But, I didn’t expect the Akatsuki destroyers was voiced by her. Call it a surprise. :v
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Watching this makes me wants Mokou as a playable character. I mean, she’s strong. Although her past is quite sad, but it’s her power that makes me like her more. Phoenix, flame, ressurection. Hourai Elixir sure is great huh? :v
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My personal stand on the Magic Wardrobe issue?
I just want custom skill cut-in, HNO IB and LuCiel to arrive at UK. That’s all. :v
Also, like people said MW is gonna be a tedious job to for the developers. Of course you bitching MW isn’t in your server cause you’re not in their shoes. I don’t take programming course or any course related to it, but I know how tedious a programming can be. Same goes to game developer.
Ok. Time for the real business. Now, this is gonna be a long one and as I said in my title...
You can diss me or call me anything you want, but I’m still with my personal stand. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. I said it again, don’t read it. If you do read, feel free to give your opinions about it.
I can see many kinds of suggestions for the flaws of MW that kinda irritates me. Here’s my personal opinion or answer based on some suggestions that I see in every forums:
Remove 1-piece avatar
Hold it right there mate! You do realise that there are other people who still likes the 1-piece avatar right? This is the most ridiculous suggestion that I have ever heard. Also, you realise that KR drops +9 & +10 scroll like candy and how OP they are even without the 1-piece avatar? Well, unless God of RNG loves you the chances for you to get +9 & +10 scroll is 0.01%. (I know that void servers are easier to get. I’m talking about official servers.) So, why we need it? Stats, stats and stats. You wanna get stronger don’t you?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I find that my main BM character in UK looks good with his karate avatar. Look at him!
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Elsword is a fashion game
Ok. I know you wanna be stylish and look fabulous with your friends and guildmates and show how ‘rich’ you are in affording those IBs and avatars. But, what’s the point of having elegant IBs/avatars, but you can’t even kill Karis? All I know Elsword is a 2.5D action RPG-anime game. (Correct me if I’m wrong) Maybe you think that MW is good for you and you need it, but think of the other players who can’t even afford to buy it for the first place. The players who just wants to enjoy this game and have fun. The players who just wants to hang out with their guildmates and friends in game. If you call yourself a community, you not gonna abandon them, aren’t you? You’re not selfish are you?
Let the developers do some fixing or translating etc
Easy for you to say. Why not you do it then? Of course you don’t want to because you don’t know a single thing about ‘developing’ it, right? Then, why on Earth did you say ‘Let the developers do some fixing so that we can have MW in our server,’? Developers are human too. The one who ensure that the server is online, ensure that your account is safe and secure, ensure that the community is alive are all humans, like us, like me and like you. I know some people might think it’s just an excuse or they just too lazy to do it, but they are trying their best to bring MW into the server. Let me tell you one thing:
Imagine this. You got two companies; Company A and Company B. Company A and Company B has 20 clients. Company A released 20 products since they start their business while Company B released 20 products too, but different content from Company A. Of course, they can just have some ‘mutual marketing sharing session’ for their products, but... how does company A wants to release company B product if they don’t have the blueprint for Company B content? Think it thoroughly.
There’s more suggestions that I find ridiculous and hilarious too, but I won’t discuss it further since that gonna takes time. All I’m saying is that, there are some content that differs from KR and other servers. I’m quite sure that we’re not gonna get all of them. Few examples of differences:
- KR don’t have bank sharing while we have. - KR don’t have 1-piece avatar while we have. - In KR, Ariel sells ress stone, pil reset, VIP Store, elixir reset (that’s how I call it) while our Ariel (Dunno about other server) just sells Pet Name Engraving, Invitation Card & Guild Establishment Permit. - In KR, you can expand bag and bank with ED while we use EC or K-Ching to expand it. - KR don’t have PVP rematch while we have it.
And the most important part and the one I like to highlight most:
So, from now on no matter whether MW is coming to your server or not, I’m with my personal stand that MW doesn’t have any big impact on the game itself other than just to be fashionable. So, Elsword fashionista I’m sorry if you find this post offensive. Also, bringing MW into the server is a TEDIOUS job. Enough with the blames, insults and hatred towards our developers, CoMa and GMs. I’m kinda feel sorry for them. They have done their best to keep the server and the community alive. Give them a break okay? If you say that they didn't do their job, then why the hell are the server still alive? Try to be in their shoes for awhile. Also, do understand the whole picture before making false accusations or assumptions. Don’t just because your dream (in this case Magic Wardrobe) is shattered, you let emotions took control you. Act smart not act hard. :)
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Kaga~ :3
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At the moment, Magic Wardrobe is the most concern issue and a hot topic in the Elsword community right now. This is taken from Void forums.
Link to full thread: Source
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So, I saw this news in the Elsword UK forums. More like a bad news to me. No wardrobe in UK... T_T
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Something I did in free time. Using the cash shop skill cut in, I did a RavenXRena thing. I’m not good in making ‘love quotes’ but I did the best as I could.
Full image link: http://imgur.com/Zvut8a8
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Reblogging this for the luls... :v
What happens when LPMM appears IRL
If they exists in canon universe:
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People who are too pure for the world:
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I don’t know why DE is there but LP and MM are probably making out inside the room.
People who came just for the yaoi:
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People who have too many ships:
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They’re kissing but I can’t show it in a gif so yeah…
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Hardcore Photographers/Paparazzi wannabes/Photo bombers (Epilepsy warning):
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DE fans:
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And lastly, everyone else who doesn’t ship LPMM:
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Elsword Wallpaper of all characters that are available right now in KR. Might do some custom wallpaper for specific character.
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Why the heck Raven hugs a Rena dakimakura? Well, as long it's Rena I'm sure don't mind. :v
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It's been a year I've created this blog. So far, so good. I should start posting more. :v
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Good, this reminds me that I need to update a few things since I deleted and change class some chars. :v
For those that don’t know, removedfromgame is a little fansite a player made to let other players create mini sigs like the ones I have in my sidebar. You can display a picture of your class, the IGN/Rank/Guild/Server/Level and update the picture without changing the link...
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Quoted from a comment:
Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World is so perfect with Rock. It's really one of these themes that are just made to have Rock arrangement like this. The vocals also add some emotions in the mix, making something truly extraordinary. They sound somewhat sad for some reasons.
Yup. It is. Agree on this one. I think I might starting to follow this circle. :v
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How the hell did I miss this song? One of my favorite theme from Touhou and in Vocal/Rock at that. Double the fun, double the enjoyment. :D
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