datarrr · 7 years
“Tweek x Craig” was a Gay Love Story All Along
Tumblr is rightfully spazzing over South Park's "Put It Down," but in light of the episode, I want to talk about "Tweek x Craig" instead. It's not the show's finest episode, but it might deserve more credit than I've been giving it.
The traditional read of "Tweek x Craig" is as follows: Tweek and Craig are shipped together by their entire town, even though neither is gay. The only adult who admits he is unhappy about the situation is Craig's homophobic father, Thomas. Tweek and Craig are bothered by the pornographic fanart of them and stage a breakup so they won't have to see the pictures anymore. Their dramatic breakup breaks the heart of the whole town; even Craig's father wants the two back together. To make the town and their parents happy, Tweek and Craig pretend to be a couple, and the sun shines once again.
Read this way, "Tweek x Craig" is an unhappy story about caving into societal expectations; the parallel to this would be a story celebrating a gay man getting a beard to maintain a sense of normalcy. But this interpretation is predicated on the assumption that Tweek and Craig aren't gay. While both boys say they aren't gay at different points in the episode, giving the assumption credence, we never outright learn what they're thinking. If we assume the opposite, that both boys ARE gay, "Tweek x Craig" is unequivocally a love story. Let's put it in simple terms under the cut.
Tweek and Craig are plagued with the school rumor mill that they are gay. Because they're the most overtly gay boys in their class, everyone assumes they're a couple, making the rumors even more exaggerated. The boys are both freaked out by the rumors and decide to take action to put a stop to it.
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But both boys are gay. In Tweek's case, he doesn't realize that he's gay because he's young, and he's grown up thinking that he's straight. Craig knows that he's gay, but because his father is homophobic, he doesn't want to admit it. Craig's strange "solution" is to stage a breakup with Tweek; they'll admit they're gay, but not that they're a couple, which will subdue the loudest rumors--the only rumors Craig's father can't dismiss.
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During this process, the two fall for each other. Tweek has a supportive family; all he needed was to overcome society's expectations for himself. Craig opens up his world by treating the idea of being gay as normal, and by expressing faith in Tweek's talents--Craig doesn't hesitate to rely on Tweek as a partner, despite Tweek's reputation. In short, Tweek falls for Craig both because he doesn't look down on Tweek's sexuality and because Craig is, hey, cute and really nice.
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As for Craig, he always found Tweek cute, which is why he recommends that they stage a breakup instead of find a "normal" solution to the problem, like getting a fake (or real) girlfriend. The solution is one that will let him both act out his fantasy of being out and proud--and that will end the rumors, which clearly bother his father.
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The "breakup" is the turning point for both boys. For Tweek, the whole exercise is liberating and fun. He's admitting to the whole school that he's gay, and he has a partner with him! His stutter disappears, and he puts on an incredible act. For Craig, who already knew he was gay, the exercise is much more painful. He gets a taste of what it's like to be in a real relationship, even if Tweek is just putting on a show, but knows he can't really have one at the risk of displeasing his father. He also realizes he really likes Tweek, who is pretty fucking funny and interesting, once he gets out his anxiety-hardened shell.
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Tweek confronts Craig about the breakup soon after, essentially admitting that the process made him realize that he likes Craig... and maybe Craig might like him back. Craig turns him down, but is clearly heartbroken about doing it.
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Not all is lost, however. Thomas watches Tweek's bold (and gutsy!) exchange and realizes that Craig has been holding back his real feelings on his father's behalf. Seeing his son so distraught, Thomas goes to Craig and admits that he was wrong; it's clear from Tweek's confession that Craig's and Tweek's feelings for each other are very real. With Thomas's blessing, Craig finally feels free to approach a relationship with Tweek. The power of love wins.
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Prior to "Put It Down," I wouldn't have been inclined towards this interpretation. But "Put It Down" makes it clear these boys aren't faking it, and in that light, they never were in their debut as a couple either. If we assume that Tweek and Craig are homosexual and not heterosexual, "Tweek x Craig" is, like its titular characters, extremely, actually, unequivocally gay.
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datarrr · 7 years
Why I feel that YoI betrayed its own narrative - part 2
DISCLAIMER: I love Yuri on Ice. No, listen, you don’t understand, I! LOVE! YURI! ON! ICE! Deeply! It’s very special, extremely important to me. It has touched my heart in ways that few stories have, it’s one of my favourite things across any media. There’s not a single character I dislike. I’ve recommended it to everyone I know. I have cosplay plans. My phone’s ringtone is History Maker. Every night before bed I read fanfiction. I ordered the official soundtrack. Currently on my desk sits my mini christmas tree sporting an acrylic charm of the main trio and Makkachin. I’m wearing Yuuri on my shirt as I write this. Ok? We’ve established this. I love, adore Yuri on Ice, and I wish I could be feeling for the finale the same levels of pure joy the episodes have been giving me every week since it aired. But I’m not.
Yuuri Katsuki’s character arc
Yuri Plisetsky’s character arc
Victor Nikiforov’s character arc
The resolution of Victuuri
Missing pieces and inconsistencies
HUGE THANKS to @soobaki for doing the beta on this monster and for the constant emotional support as I wrote it! 
Warning: this is a long post.
Yuri Plisetsky - on learning humility, bonds and being himself
In great contrast to how Yuuri starts the story at the lowest of the low, Yurio is standing at the top. He is introduced to us as the Junior Grand Prix Final gold medalist. Later in the same episode he is referred to as a rising star and already assumed to be a future champion in his upcoming senior debut, alongside Victor. His confidence is peaking, he is a skating prodigy, he is younger, more talented than Yuuri, everything is going fantastic for Yurio.
So how do we, the audience, meet Yurio? He follows Yuuri into a bathroom, stands outside the stall listening to his crying, kicks the door, then proceeds to yell in his face that he should quit because two Yu(u)ris are unnecessary in the senior bracket and Yuuri is obviously the inferior one.
It’s quite the character introduction. Certainly leaves an impact.
Next time we see Yurio, he is firmly rejecting the attempted advice Victor gives him on his skating, dismissing it as not mattering because he won anyway. He then proceeds to tell Victor to stop nagging him and right after that purposely ignores Yakov lecturing him.
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The last time we see Yurio in episode 1 is with this scene.
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This is how the narrative decides to establish Yurio for us: an overconfident rude brat who has no respect for his seniors, his coach or his fellow competitors, who slacks off his training, and who believes he’s good enough that anyone trying to even help him is doing nothing but annoy him and waste his time. Just in case we weren’t sure of just how high Yurio’s levels of confidence reach, episode 2 spells is out for us.
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Yurio is 100% confident that he will win the Grand Prix Final at his senior debut, all he’s missing is the right tools for the job: AKA Victor’s choreography. At his side, Yuuri is even a bit shaken by just how sure Yurio is that he will win. He doesn’t talk about attempting, he doesn’t talk about wanting to win, Yurio takes it for granted that he will win. And he’s a 15 year old willing to fly to another country, by himself, on a blind chase for the man he thinks will help him get there.
And that’s Yurio’s personal goal, to make a brilliant senior debut by winning gold at the Grand Prix Final, and do it specifically with Victor choreographing his programs. I can already hear some of you saying that, if Yurio shares a similar story goal to Yuuri’s, then isn’t him achieving it just as justified as Yuuri achieving it?
It’s not, because while Yuuri’s story goal is linked to his character goal, as in his wants are connected to his needs, what Yurio needs for his character is the opposite of what he wants.
When you have a character that starts off like Yurio, at the top of the world, extremely arrogant, believing himself to be above everything and acting dismissive of everyone, you don’t build him up further. That does nothing for character development. So what’s Yurio’s story about then, if it’s not about him winning the Grand Prix?
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datarrr · 7 years
i concur
the only explanation that would justify yurio being a complete punkass bitch in episodes 1, 10, and 11 is that he was always yuuri katsuki’s biggest fan
Yurio and his crush on Yuuri -Meta (Part 1)
This title is self-explanatory, if you’re interested to read my theory/meta on why  I’m 100% convinced that Yurio has a crush on Yuuri, then please keep reading after the cut. It will be probably a long post with many pictures.  
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datarrr · 7 years
it all makes sense now
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so i’ll admit i was a little confused when michele said that line
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now i know
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datarrr · 7 years
surrogacy tho
although this might’ve gone smoother if i said brood of adopted children from 20 different countries
how do these people still exist?
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“victor doesn’t mean anything when he touches yuuri’s lip, it’s just fanservice for that sweet fangirl cash”
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“yuuri doesn’t LOVE love victor, that was just a platonic declaration of gratitude”
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“it’s normal for coaches to cuddle naked with their athletes after treating them to an extravagant dinner that definitely doesn’t qualify as a date”
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“that wasn’t a kiss, we didn’t see their lips touch, it was just a hug, nohomo bro”
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what’s next?
“oh they’re not actually married, that was just a photoshoot for publicity”
“oh that half asian half russian child isn’t theirs, that’s obviously a relative’s”
“oh they didn’t grow old together, they were just eternal bachelors that shared a house, a car, a bank account, and shampoo”
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datarrr · 7 years
how do these people still exist?
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"victor doesn't mean anything when he touches yuuri's lip, it's just fanservice for that sweet fangirl cash"
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"yuuri doesn't LOVE love victor, that was just a platonic declaration of gratitude"
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"it's normal for coaches to cuddle naked with their athletes after treating them to an extravagant dinner that definitely doesn't qualify as a date"
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"that wasn't a kiss, we didn't see their lips touch, it was just a hug, nohomo bro"
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what's next?
"oh they're not actually married, that was just a photoshoot for publicity"
"oh that half asian half russian child isn't theirs, that's obviously a relative's"
"oh they didn't grow old together, they were just eternal bachelors that shared a house, a car, a bank account, and shampoo"
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datarrr · 7 years
i live to pls
victor!!! on ice
okay so i recognize that victor is mr. hottest most mysterious bachelor in the world and has spawned like a thousand conspiracy theories, but after episode 5, i believe i have properly decoded his thoughts and feelings and have decided to write out the premiere from his perspective. musings of a very deep man behind the cut.
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datarrr · 7 years
victor!!! on ice episode 3
okay so this was eons ago, but i remember when yuri on ice episode 3 aired and we were all convinced that victor was a (fabulous) russian spy, intent on sabotaging yuuri's already horrific career, smashing his heart into 50 shards of ice, and instigating WWIII. time has passed, so i decided to explore the third episode from his perspective to see whether or not these theories have merit.
my stunning conclusion? victor’s not evil. he's GAY.
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hi my name is victor nikiforov, five time world champion and homosexual casanova extraordinaire, and i come bearing both good and bad news.
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good news first. my crush just asked me out on a date!
now the bad news. if my crush doesn't win the onsen on ice competition, i'll have to leave him and return to europe with this...
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... thing.
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but don't worry i have an amazing plan
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if yuuri realizes that ~i~ am his eros, we'll have the best sex ~ever~, he'll understand his routine's theme ~sexual love~, and he'll win the competition!
so u can consider this a done deal because boy do i have GAME. observe:
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if this coaching thing doesn’t work out, i’ll write the book on pick up lines, i swear
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go away you chickenpoxed cockblock
... maybe it's time for a change in tactics
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hi, my name is victor pls-observe-my-naked-chest-i-totally-forgot-how-to-tie-a-bath-robe nikiforov, it is like 8PM, and i still haven't had sex with yuuri katsuki
... was i being too subtle?
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thank the lord, i've been waiting like 5 hours for this--
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did he just express a preference for pig meat over my man meat
this is going to be the week from hell, isn't it
one week later...
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don't mind me, i'm just drowning away my sorrows in alcohol because
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it is one day before the competition
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yurio found his inspiration
(thx to my stellar coaching, might i add)
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but if yuuri found his, it didn't involve me :(
there have been some misCALculATIONs
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lol yeah i "forgot"
real talk though: am i a bad person if i'm ardently considering breaking my promise to a 15-year-old and single-handedly changing the trajectory of his career and attitude towards life all because i have a massive crush on a dude whom i saw in a 5-minute youtube clip and who might not even like me back?
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i’ve never been so stressed about a performance, and i am 27-year-old five time world champion figure skater i am sustained by stress and glitter alone
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look, i don't hate yurio, and i don't want him to fail. he's like a straight, significantly less fabulous and less talented version of me, and i can’t help but root for that.
but can he suck just a little bit so that i can coach yuuri instead?
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damn it.
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well what the heck let's get this over with
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hi darling i'm totally fine i'm not at all dreading that u will screw this performance up and doom me to returning to a country where my sexuality is a crime and where the closest thing to yuuri katsuki is an angry, pint-sized, leopard-spotted fashion disaster named yuriO, no sirree
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i'm sure you won't be too broken up either, you weren't even that interested in me to begin with--
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oh shoot
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i really don't
(want to lose him)
want him to lose
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help i can't b re a th e
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soooooo would it be okay if i drugged yuuri and stuffed him in a suitcase for my trip back to russia? i mean i think that's called smuggling and i'm p sure it's illegal, but i am good looking and rich and famous so i can probably get away with it?
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soooooo i realize that snapchat and instagram and texting exist but yuuri doesn't use any of them which means that if he loses and i leave he might as well be dead. i think the only social media he uses is email, and i can't use email, i'm not old.
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(brb setting up [email protected])
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jesus can we start I CAN'T BR  EA T H   E
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no really AHEM
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*breathes* ok
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hi my name is victor nikiforov, i am 27 years old, and i have fallen truly, madly, deeply, this is the real fucking deal, in love
with a man who never fails to surprise me
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datarrr · 7 years
one of these episodes these two are going to wake up half naked in a hotel after having clearly slept in the same bed and yuuri's gonna go put on a shirt and brush his teeth like it's the most natural thing in the world and people are still gonna have trouble believing they are A Thing
I’m surprised that some people still refer to Yuri on Ice’s content as ‘yaoi fanservice’?
Like, I get that all the butt shots and Victor’s need to get naked every episode are fanservice of some form, but Victor and Yuuri’s relationship just isn’t.
Or, if you think it is, then just tell me: when do interactions between two characters of the same sex stop being ‘fanservice’ and start being a canonical relationship?
Like, seriously how much further do they have to go for you to realize that they’re *gasp* gay for each other?
I mean, what are you expecting? The things we see in straight couples? Like, Idk, maybe physical closeness? Hugs? Holding hands? Touching foreheads? Public declarations of love? The desire to seduce/be seduced by your partner? Mental support? The desire to help someone find confidence in their skills? The desire to know someone better but also the tact of knowing not to push too far? The act of understanding love thanks to one very specific person? The act of dedicating your best work to one specific person? The act of always being there for one specific person?
Come now, you must be dreaming, no pair of two characters of the same sex could get that sort of development.
Oh wait. They already did.
Tell me one more time that Yuri on Ice offers nothing but yaoi fanservice. I double freaking dare you.
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datarrr · 7 years
ask and ye shall receive
victor!!! on ice
okay so i recognize that victor is mr. hottest most mysterious bachelor in the world and has spawned like a thousand conspiracy theories, but after episode 5, i believe i have properly decoded his thoughts and feelings and have decided to write out the premiere from his perspective. musings of a very deep man behind the cut.
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datarrr · 7 years
victor!!! on ice episode 2
okay but after episode 6 i have a kind of nuanced, multi-faceted theory on victor that i would like to address in detail. it is too complicated to merely describe so i have decided to explore the second episode from his pov to illustrate my perspective.
spoiler: my theory is that victor is gay and thirsty af
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hello i am victor nikiforov, world class skater and regular russian gay james bond in the flesh, and i am currently on a very important and complex mission:
part 1: ascertain that yuuri katsuki wants a coach
part 2: ascertain that yuuri katsuki wants a boyfriend ;)
wish me luck!
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haha you think i'm sleeping, right? i realize i am perfect but do you really think people sleep this seductively? of course i've been AWAKE THIS WHOLE TIME, trying to figure out my new paramour, but unfortunately some attractive woman is speaking to him in japanese and i don't understand a damn word.
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i can, however, understand that you're checking out my shoulder god bless these japanese yukata
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and that you're feeding me
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and that you're putting up with me ripping on you
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AND that you're willing to handle and unload my packages
... if u know what i mean ;)
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okay, no more messing around time to lay down the MOVES
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act casual
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act casual
(am i smooth or what)
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boi if you're straight spare me and speak now
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haha so NOT straight
now to move in for the kill--
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haha well that totally went as planned
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but wow he is so mysterious and complex and tough to read???
he refined as he is foine i have amazing taste
i am going to know e v e r y thing about him, especially:
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do u have a crush?
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are u taken?
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do u have A N Y O N E, so i can at least know if i've got a chance or not, so help me lord
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am i smooth or what
is mr. stoic playing hard to get or is he just not that into me
at least i've got some time to figure this out--
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i was until you showed up, you punk ass midget
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i did promise you a program, didn't I
and i am technically an adult and u r literally nine so
(and i'm not convinced yuuri likes me so)
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why do you have to be such a little shit though
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shut up and let me drown myself in a cool, classic glass of japanese beer, and unfortunately that’s not a metaphor i really do need some beer right now
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and by glass i mean wine-sized bottle, pls go away
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jesus universe, the one night you decide to not be on my side, i'd trade a fucking grand prix for this
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well i already stalked yuuri across two continents and the pacific ocean because i saw him in a 5 minute youtube clip, so stalking yuuri across town because he wanted to take a walk is child's play
i can't wait to learn everything about my new mystery man (¬‿¬) 
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... wow. your friends speak very highly of you.
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well, doesn't matter if you're homo or not, you're apparently a sweet, shy kid and you're a skater in the same way that van gogh's a painter, and it looks like i have stressed you out because you DO at least want me as a coach
i feel kinda lousy now
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i gotta feeling a little kissing will do you some good though ;)
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like so
i want to see you tango
for professional purposes i swear
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i am only able to smile here because i, victor nikiforov, world class skater and celebrity extraordinaire, guest to thousands of tv show hosts and subsequent breaker of their hearts
am also an idiot who sold a year of my soul to an angsty 15-year-old kid in exchange for two minutes of pissing off my old coach
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pls say "victor" and save me from this hell of my own making
i'm kidding, even IF you wanted to, and that is an IF so help me lord, you're too shy--
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... is this some japanese colloquialism or did i just get asked out on a date
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i never thought i'd find someone's nostrils attractive, but the sexiest thing in the room right now is
well, it's me obv
but you're definitely second
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i try to hide my real smile from the public because it's cute only in that so ugly its cute sorta way but you know what
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i'm pretty happy rn
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mission: SUCCESS!
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datarrr · 7 years
yes thank you
they’ve been doing the nasty since episode 4
after episode 6 im 99% convinced that yuuri and victor are already in a relationship.
no seriously hear me out. this is just a theory but im v passionate about it
like we’ve already mentioned before, time is going by in the series. like, its skips a lot. victor first arrived in april and we’re already by at least september (last weeks episode was certainly september, i cant remember when china’s competition took place in this episode). 
so what if yuuri and victor started dating somewhere between all those months (or fairly recently, after months of knowing each other) and we’re just supposed to know it?? (which, imho, would be better if they straight up mentioned it but. censorship i guess)) 
these are no longer hints of them liking each other (like in the first few episodes), these are hints that they’re already in a relationship.
first off, and we’re starting off p tame, the hugs. since last episode, weve noticed that theyre… pretty physical (specially victor). and its NOT made out to be a big deal (except for certain scenes in particular, where the hugs/contact was relevant to the situation e.g. when yuuri got nervous and victor hugged him from behind to help him calm down). victor will walk up behind yuuri and hug him and they stay like that and thats it. no biggie. but it says a lot about how close and comfortable they are at this point. when they were in the plane? victor was sleeping leaning on yuuri. when victor got drunk, yuuri was p chill til he started to strip.
second, when phichit publishes the picture of naked victor clinging to yuuri, what’s yuuri’s first concern?
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yup that’s what worries him
usually when gimmicks like these are used on anime, the character reacts like “OH NO NOW EVERYONES GONNA THINK WE’RE GAY!! THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE” WHICH IS NOWHERE NEAR HOW YUURI REACTED
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do i even need to get into thi s scene. do i really
(also please note victor wasnt flustered, but slightly surprised. not because yuuri was being affectionate, but because yuuri was being the one taking iniciative.)
and now the final blow
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boom goes the dynamite
whats that????? hes not talking about his love for victor, but victor’s love for him???? OH???? SO HE KNOWS IT’S NOT ONE-SIDED??
SO YEAH i mean at the end of it all take this w a grain of salt but. what this could be is not the buildup to a romantic relationship but the flourishing of one
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datarrr · 7 years
so how did victor know yuuri's grand prix final weight?
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take 1: it's not like i looped every youtube video of you ever in the 12 hours between watching you do my routine and landing in japan, and why don't you have a better social media presence so i can stalk u online?
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take 2: it's not like i remember you from the time you cruelly rejected my motion for a commemorative photo 95 days, 8 hours, 15 minutes, and 22 seconds ago, and btw i'm still up for a selfie especially if we strip
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datarrr · 7 years
victor!!! on ice
okay so i recognize that victor is mr. hottest most mysterious bachelor in the world and has spawned like a thousand conspiracy theories, but after episode 5, i believe i have properly decoded his thoughts and feelings and have decided to write out the premiere from his perspective. musings of a very deep man behind the cut.
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yay i won
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but am i #winning? i'm more invested in evaluating punky brewster than celebrating like a champion.
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do i have to smile and listen to this salty little--
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i know what i'm doing tonight and by what i mean whom ;)
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this line works every time, i swear it's nice to be famous and good-looking
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well shit
is he straight, or am i really losing my touch?
this is going to wreck me for MONthS
months later...
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that was the least inspired performance of my career and i still win gold wtf
it was missing SOMETHING.
or SOMEOnE...
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definitely not this punk ass kid lol
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???????????????????? good shit go?? sHit?? thats ? some good????shit right????th ?? ere?????? right?there ??if i do??a? so?my self ?? i say so ?? thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: wtf format?????) mMMMM???? ???? ???O0??OOOOO???Oooo?questionmarks ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????Good shit
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such booty dayummmmmm that boy foineeeee
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okay so how am i going to win this kid over, what if he refuses to get in the damn rink, thank god i have some time to thin--
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this should do it
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u r welcome.
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