darkficwriter · 23 days
Thieves Jewel - Stephen Bonnet x Fem! Reader Chapter 1
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Warnings: Violence, angst, stealing, language.
The dimly lit tavern was crowded with drunken men, gambling, and illegal deals. Stephen Bonnet sat with his men and a few others at a table, gambling as usual. He was a man who made his own luck. The last time he didn’t win is unknown. It is a rare sight to see; in fact, he was just about to win his fourth game of the night when in strolled a group of people. Multiple men dressed similarly to himself, and…a woman. She was dressed in a white gown with a corset overtop. It ended just under her breasts, accentuating them. The dress itself had a slit high on one side, that showed off her leg every time she stepped. Her hair hung loose, glowing in the dim light. Stephen Bonnet looked away, uninterested in the whore that found herself with a group of pirates. That is until a man spoke up from the group. 
“We present the lovely Mistress Y/N Y/L/N, may her voice enchant your souls,” At that, the woman he saw walking in with them stepped up onto the bar. He paid no mind until she opened her mouth and her voice rang out. “My heart is pierced by Cupid. I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me. But my jolly sailor bold” her voice enchanting the men in the tavern, all eyes focused on her as her body moved to the words. She sat on the edge of the bar, crossing her leg out of the slit over the other. Her head was thrown back as she sang. Unbeknownst to everyone, her crew mates traveled around pickpocketing and stole whatever they could get money for. As soon as her song ended the men cheered and asked for more. She flirtatiously obliged. This time getting bolder, walking through the crowd and dragging her supple hands over men's shoulders. Until she got to the table that held a certain captain of the Gloriana, his diamonds and rubies were laid out as an incentive for his current gambling match. The twinkle caught her eye as she dragged her hand under the captain's chin, forcing her to look at him. After catching his attention, she moved on to the next, but not before giving her fellow crew mates a subtle look. A look that said “bullseye”. As she splayed across a table, hair wild, leg bent, and arms up, Captain Bonnet’s eyes were glued to her. He sensed something; his gut told him there was something wrong. However, his thoughts were interrupted by his match. 
Three days passed, and each night, Stephen found himself at the same table with the same men and deck of cards. His prised diamonds and rubies still sat on the table. Each night the little siren came back to enchant the men, and each night her crew took. Tonight, she was more forward; she wore a style similar to the usual. This dress, however, adorned two slits on each side and was black. Her breasts spilled beautifully from the confines of her corset. “Yo Ho, All hands, Hoist the colors high” She had pranced her body over to the captain again, settling herself between his thighs as she took hold of them and seductively swayed her hips down to the floor and up again. Bending forward to give him a good view of her chest, heaving as she sang. She then pranced away. However, when he looked back at the table this time, two of his five jewels were missing. His eyes narrowed on the girl, watching as she danced around the men; her sleight of hand was good. Then he noticed every so often that her hand would slip below her skirt after flirting with a man, the slit making easy access. At this moment, he realized her singing was all a ruse, all a distraction. 
***Y/N POV***
Tonight had been the most successful night in this port. I had finally gotten some of those jewels, as well as many more earnings. We always start like this in every tavern we go to. It's subtle, where I just sing, and the crew poaches. Then I slowly make my way down into the crowd. Stealing those jewels from that man, was no easy feat; his eyes always seemed to stray to his precious jewels. Lucky for me, I had heard he was staying for a few nights. So I could plan a strategy, and tonight was just the trick. 
As I stood in front of the small bed in the tavern, where we had all gotten rooms for our stay, I began to unlace my corset. Right before I finished my last lace I turned around, only to be shocked at the sight of the man whom I stole my largest prize from. “I’m sorry, sir, but I think you have the wrong room,” I stated, voice stern and unwavering. His eyes roamed my body from head to toe and back again. A slight smirk rose to his lips.
“So ye aren’t the little siren, o stole my precious jewels?” he said, Irish accent thick on his tongue. His voice had a darkness to it that rang in my head as a warning bell. How did he? I began to back away, holding my corset up, the sleeves of my dress slipping from my shoulders.
“You must be mistaken, sir. I only sang to you, now, would you kindly get the fuck out.” I sneered, no questioning in my voice. Before I had time to process I was against a wall with a hand to my throat. My hand immediately reached to take hold of his wrist. His hand squeezed tightly to either side of my throat, not enough to not breathe, but enough to make me feel dizzy. My knee lifted to strike him in the groin, but before I could, he had spun me around, my front pushed into the wall. Body trapped between his and the hard surface. His hand dug into my hair, keeping my face planted into the wall. His voice rang out right next to my ear.
“Now, I will give ye one last chance. Where are me gems sweet’art?” I rolled my eyes at the nickname, driving my elbow into his gut. He stuttered and stumbled, allowing me to wriggle free and make a break for the door. Before I could open it, I was thrown to the floor. He landed on top of me and pinned my arms beside my head, straddling my waist. I continued my struggle, my hands now pinned by one of his above my head. The click that sounded next to my head is what stopped my struggle. The cold barrel of a gun held to my temple stopped me in my tracks. “Perhaps we can comb to an agreement.”
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darkficwriter · 23 days
Thieves Jewel - Stephen Bonnet x Fem! Reader Masterlist
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Hello all! I am finally posting my first fic on here! This will be a Dark! Series; although, seeing the character, I'm sure that could be inferred. This will be updated with links to each chapter. I hope you enjoy it; feel free to comment with ideas and suggestions.
Summary: Stephen Bonnet finds himself enraptured by a thieving female pirate with the voice of a siren. He never thought a woman would be a part of a crew, let alone be the primary source of their thieving and prophet. He catches her stealing ways when she tries to take something precious of his. Just how will he react? 
Warnings: This is a DARK! Story, 18+ MDNI. Dubcon/Noncon, smutt, violence, manipulation, etc. (warnings will be updated in each chapter to ensure an accurate warning is provided).
As a reminder, this is a dark story, Consume AT YOUR OWN RISK. Also, I do not condone rape or sexual violence, or just about anything that happens in this story. This is merely fictional writing; if you or someone you know needs help, please contact someone!
Chapter 1
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