danicubed · 4 years
theres a webcomic where the artist buys adoptable sparkledog ocs from young deviantart artists and has them all as characters and it's so so fuckin good
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its called Preeny Has To Repeat 6th Grade and you can read it here!
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danicubed · 4 years
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danicubed · 4 years
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danicubed · 4 years
Leaving the ace flag out of a pride post is a sign the creator is an aphobe! 😤🙅‍♀️😡💢❗️
Leaving the lesbian flag out of a pride post... probably just means they forgot? Or are doing it because the creator of the lipstick- oh you mean the orange and pink one? Well I mean it’s still kinda similar dont you think? Also I heard the creator of that flag is an aphobe so... oh she’s not? Well. Idk but anyways you can’t expect everyone to know about your flag, it’s not like it’s the first result whenever you google ‘lesbian’. Also the colors are hard, have you thought about that? Very hard colors. You should also consider it’s because you lesbians have bad attitudes? Maybe if you asked more nicely you would have your flag included? You can’t expect people to include you if you keep meanly asking them to include you. You’re really annoying. Give them leeway it’s not like they are lesbophobes I’m pretty sure that’s not even a real thing. Some people are lesbian repulsed be sensitive.
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danicubed · 4 years
Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show, a movie about sex: Okay. I need to sing every line of this song like I’m nutting
Tim Curry in Ferngully, a movie about fairies for children: Okay. I need to sing every line of this song like I’m nutting
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danicubed · 4 years
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Redditor perfectly describes why CR is shit - and why I personally feel it's contributed in a BIG way to the game being invaded by SJW types who do the same thing to everything they get their hands on - proceed to ruin it by turning it into a cheap political projection machine.
Cant have even a little escapism anymore, because EVERYTHING must be viewed through the scope of sociopolitical activism.
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danicubed · 4 years
This is clip is actually from the 1992 LA Riots. I do believe he was able to rebuild his store after the riots ended! I could be wrong though I’m afraid I can’t remember his name.
When we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.
These riots over the past few days have caused nothing but pain and suffering. This is not justice. This will not get justice. It will only create new victims.
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danicubed · 4 years
Not diagnosing a child doesn't mean they won't notice they're different. It just means that instead of thinking "I'm struggling because I have autism/adhd/anxiety/depression/schizophrenia", they will just conclude that they are struggling because they are stupid, weak, annoying, unlovable, etc.
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danicubed · 4 years
I find a lot of arguably mean things funny, but there's a special place in my heart for hardcore hipsters who insist they love tea despite having no idea how to brew it and just choking down that hot bitter disaster while insisting it's God's gift to man
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danicubed · 4 years
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"Erected to the imperishable memory of the valiant fallen of the First Regiment of Virginia Infantry who through seven American wars endured hardships with patience, met defeat with constant courage, did not vaunt their victories and steadfastly kept the faith with God and their country."
This WAS a monument to ALL the fallen soldiers of the First Virginia Regiment which was formed before the Revolutionary War and fought in every American War. This was not a Confederate statue (nor should it matter).
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danicubed · 4 years
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This was suggested months ago, I’m sorry it took me so long. It was extremely painful to draw. This is the sad story of “Roscoe”. Please know that so many dogs suffer the same fate.
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danicubed · 4 years
This is very similar to the 1992 LA Riots where Black and Korean businesses were absolutely destroyed. Here’s a clip from those riots.
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If you support destroying innocent people’s businesses because another innocent man was murdered then you never really cared about innocent people now did you?
I don’t know how to tell you that doing this isn’t helping the cause.
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danicubed · 4 years
I frequently see ppl who don’t like kids and babies call them “parasites” and I’m just so put off by that like. If by “parasites” you mean children rely on the adults around them to provide for, nurture, educate, and protect them then sure I guess.
But actually they are human beings that did not ask to be here, but here they are, and the world can be scary, and people can be bad, often the people who are supposed to care for them, and they can’t do anything about it, so they grow up living whatever life is provided for them, for better or for worse, and when it’s for worse, they look around them for guidance and hope from the people who haven’t hurt them.
So sure you don’t have to like or be around kids, but maybe at the bare minimum speaking about them with just a HINT of compassion, especially publicly where kids desperate for guidance and love may see/hear your words, would be, you know, nice.
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danicubed · 4 years
Hey guys
If you don’t know, I just recently went through top surgery last week. On my way up to portland to get my drains removed, My car decided it was the perfect time to throw out the clutch on my car. I went to go get it diagnosed and now I have to pay up to 3000$ in car repair fees. Im going to try and set up a Gofundme, but in the meantime Id love some help if I could. Due to the whole Covid thing I also currently dont have a job. If you cant help support, maybe spread it around to have more people see it? Im under a lot of stress cause its going to take up all of my savings for my trip to georgia for school this fall. I currently only have about 1500$ so anything would help. I hate asking for help like this, but Im just at a point where I have no other options to do so. My paypal link is
Thank you.
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danicubed · 4 years
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danicubed · 4 years
A representation of my thought process at all times
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danicubed · 4 years
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