crystalsoba · 3 years
Holy cow you guys actually like my writing?! I feel honored! I also do requests so feel free to ask for anything ^w^
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crystalsoba · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Reader is the daughter/Son of Lord Moreau, a gift given to him as a sacrifice for mother Miranda as a token of protection. The child takes a strange liking to Moreau and mother Miranda let him keep you.
Warnings: None, enjoy
Age, 1 year old:
.Two hooded figures carrying a basket were walking through the short path to the edge of the forest just at the edge of the reservoir. The basket containing a one year old child, as mother Miranda demands more personal offerings from the village she called upon the small community for a new born out of desperation. But with no child young enough for the offering the village decided they would offer the best next thing, you.
.Your parents didn't want to give you up, but they couldn't ignore her forever. And guaranteed safety for the village was deemed worthy enough to sell there own child.
.The world was unforgiving and cruel especially to you. Since the moment you were born the village doctors deemed you cursed by the mold, infected with the virus at a young age the doctors said you would die soon. But in some stroke of luck you had managed to survive the mold, making you strong and resilient to its corruption. But that didn't mean it was painless, you spent most of the time crying from your ailments. Your body being pushed to it's limits at such a young age was physically effecting your well being.
.Your mother tried cradling the basket in an attempt to calm your sobbing while your father cleared the path. As they arrived at the gates of the great lord Moreau's domain they knocked hesitantly still wondering if this was the best thing to do. They slowly made there way into the reservoir as the gates opened with a loud screech. They laid down the basket gently and got on there knees, starting to plea that there sacrifice would be taken without upseting mother Miranda for not giving what was asked of them.
.As a swarm of ravens appeared they turned silent, awaiting her reaction. She gently opened the basket eagerly awaiting the results. Once she had seen it was not a new born but instead a child she grew displeased.
."Mother Miranda, please we beg of you. Take this child! There has not veen any new borns to deliver in the village. We ask of you to take our child instead." Your mother pleaded with desperation.
.Mother Miranda inspected the small child currently sleeping in her arms. She could tell it was strong but not as physically healthy as shed like. "I shall take the child. Thank you for cooperating to my desires. Your village shall live in safety for the time being."
.And with that she disappeared as a swarm of ravens flew off. She took you to her personal lab to tinker and research. She could tell you held potential but lacked the health you needed.
.She laid your sleeping figure down on the operating table and prepared your shot. You started to cry as the liquid was dosed into your body. Miranda quickly grabbed her note pad to write the results. She watched as your crying became louder to the point where it started to hurt. The more you cried the more you cried the more nauseous she felt. She gripped her head in pain as the screaming continued, she could feel herself getting dizzy. She looked at you in horror as she fell over to the floor.
.Your screams could be heard from the hallways of the building echoing around the area making anyone who could hear them sick to the point of collapsing. Moreau was hoping to meet mother Miranda to discuss something she had been wanting to ask of him. As he waited for her he heard the sound of a child's cry, as if it was calling out to him he felt somewhat compelled to go towards the noise. He walked towards the noise walking through the hallway to a door.
.Not wishing to possibly intrude on mother Miranda he slightly cracked open the door to see her on the floor nearly unconscious. He ran into the room to her side grabbing hold of her hands. She limply pointed to the child wailing on the table "Get....The child." She breathed out in pain. He staggered towards the child and picked it up, inspecting it for a short while.
.As he attempted to hold you, you soon calmed down. Your crying coming to a stop. He watched as mother Miranda re gained consciousness and weakly sat up. You smiled at him while trying to grab at his face. He had never been so close to a child before, he never realised how wonderful they could be. A child would never see him as a freak or moron, you were pure and innocent not easily tainted by the world around you.
.Mother Miranda watched as the two of you formed some sort of bond with each other. She looked at you, she could tell you drained her powers as if you sucked the energy out of her. She felt weak to the point of falling over. She couldn't have you be Roses vessel. Your powers were too much to handle or contain. She had to get rid of you.
."Moreau. May I speak with you for a second?" She made it sound like a request but she had a plan. Surely he couldn't handle taking care of you, you'd probably starve or get injured under his care. Moreau walked towards her still holding the child as it kicked in excitement. "I have a request."
."Anything for you mother." He insisted. She looked at the child. "Take care of the child for me, raise it as your own." He was surprised, he had no knowledge of raising a child or any creature at that. But mother Miranda had a task for him, and you did seem to enjoy his company. He was silent for a while contemplating the possibility. "Of course mother. I shall take care of them." He knew if he could succeed at raising a child than the other two lords would finally see him as more than an idiot. She nodded and disappeared.
.He didn't know where to start or what to do. He knew that the reservoir wasn't the safest place for a child to be wandering around. So he searched for help in the village. Searching for knowledge on how to raise a child. He read as many books and ad much advice as he could. Slowly preparing himself.
.He noticed how you had grown closer to him over the next few weeks. You attempted to walk to him, speak to him, play with him. He found himself enjoying his new life with you, he learned how to make you laugh and how to tend to you when you were unhappy.
.He knew that he'd have to shelter you from the darkness of the world to preserve your innocence and to keep you away from the other two lords. But that seemed easy enough.
.He also decided on a name for you, "Y/N." He vowed to always protect you from the world to the best of his abilities.
Present day
.You were on a walk through the forest with your father trying to take his mind off of work. He's been pushing himself to hard lately. You didn't quiet understand what it is he does but he works for mother Miranda and that's all he has ever told you about his work. Personally you never liked Miranda, your father was being used by her like a pawn. You never said anything but you knew that she never truly cared for your father. You hinted at it, attempting to get him to see the truth for what she really is.
."Father can I come to the meeting just this once?" You desperately pleaded. You wanted to know more of his work and what he was really doing for Miranda. You knew asking was pointless but you'd still try at the very least.
.He shook his head "The other lords are too dangerous to be around." He waved dismissively. "I don't want you getting caught up in the business." You rolled your eyes
."Well didn't Mother Miranda give me to you as a baby? Don't you think she might want to see how I'm doing?" He didn't say anything for a while considering it. You headed the fact you had to use her as an excuse but you were tired of her.
."I will think about it, first you have to prove to me that you can handle the other lords especially Lady Dimitrescu and Heisenberg."
.You smiled and hugged him "Thanks dad." He sighed and hugged back "Of course you know this means that mother Miranda will ask you to preform certain tasks for her." You nodded. Maybe then you would have a chance to prove she's using him.
.The next few days you worked hard to prove yourself, running the reservoir while your father worked for Miranda. As the days approached for the next meeting your father asked to host. Much to everyone's displeasure.
.You cleaned up the reservoir as best as you could, clearing out the over grown plants and gunk. It wasn't much but it was at least looking better. You were excited to see what your father actually does.
.On the day they were going to be arriving you put on your best clothes to look presentable. You waited eagerly for every one to show.
.The first to arrive were Lady Dimitrescu and Beneviento. You watched as your father greeted the two women from the docks. Both of them looking disgusted by the smell of the reservoir.
."It smells like something died here. When was the last time you cleaned around here" the tall woman scoffed as she trudged through the mud. "Honestly I don't know why you wanted to hold the meeting here. It's such a waste."
.The next was who you assumed to be Heisenberg. He looked to be around your age, and to be honest he didn't look too bad.
."Really Heisenberg? You're late again? Honestly I don't know what mother Miranda expects from you." Was she really like this all the time?..
.The man responded with a glare "Well so what I was a little late? At least I can do my job without making it the biggest hassle in the world. I can see why mother Miranda has been choosing me over you as of late." He turned his back to her as she growled.
.You let out a small laugh at the two's childish behavior as you crossed the water by boat. You made your presence known as the boat hit the dock with a small thunk. The three lords looked at you.
."Moreau, who is this? You never had a servent before." Dimitrescu eyed your form from top to bottom.
."And why do you get the pretty ones?" Heisenberg winked at you behind the glasses he wore making you slightly flustered as he took a step closer to you.
.Moreau quickly stepped in between you and the others "Not a servant! This is my child, Y/N." He quickly stated before gesturing to you.
.You bowed lightly as the others stared in shock. "I'll be damned. You made them? I don't believe you." Heisenberg purred. Dimitrescu stepped forward "Such a pure soul. How ever did you of all people manage to raise a child. And Heisenberg put it back in your pants, would you. I doubt they would want anything to do with you." She sighed.
.Moreau held out a hand for you to help you step out of the boat. You looked stunning, Heisenberg could feel himself longing for you, his stupid hormones getting in the way. But he had to admit the fish freak had done something right for once. "Karl Heisenberg, please call me Karl." You smiled as you shook his hand "Y/N." Your voice wad soft compared to his.
.Before anything else could be said your father pulled you back next to him, glaring at Karl. The two had a short eye contest before mother Miranda appeared. A group of crows swarmed the area leaving feathers scattered everywhere. She sure was intimidating, her tall stature and ominous look was enough to show she had power.
.She looked around at everyone spotting you, she looked at you with a forced smile. "Y/N my child I have not seen you since you were a child." She tilted your head up to inspect your features. "It is an honor to meet you mother." You also faked a smile as she nodded. Karl was the only one to notice your disliking to her presence, he started thinking. Maybe you were special.
.With that you backed up behind your father as the meeting went on. You found it quiet boring to be honest. You noticed Karl taking quick glances at you smirking ever so slightly. Not that you minded. You were also interested in him and how he joined mother Miranda.
."Y/N." You felt everyone stating at you as she motioned you forward. When you stood in front of her she put a finger to your forehead but flinched away after a few seconds. You tilted your head in confusion. You sensed fear when she pulled away, something she couldn't control. "My child you have been blessed with a very... interesting ability. I must ask of you to join your father in helping me. I can teach you to control your supernatural abilities if you join me and become part of my family."
.You didn't know how to react. House Y/N did have a nice ring to it. But at the same time you didn't trust her. But if you said no... "It...It would be an honor. Mother Miranda." The others clapped for you, welcoming you to the 'family'. Your father looked at you proud and some what worried. Heisenberg must have sensed the hesitation as he only stared at you as if wanting to stop you from joining.
.You walked back to your father starting to feel like you had made a mistake of some kind. He hugged you as the others started to leave "I'm proud of your decision Y/N." You nodded with another lie of a smile. You knew Miranda was up to something. If only your father could see the lies she was spinning around him. At least with you here you could put some sort of barrier between them.
.Before you could leave Karl walked behind you. "You know, I've never gotten to see the reservoir before." You looked around for your father not knowing what to say. "Do...do you want a tour?" You scratched the back of your neck nervously. "I'd love one." He gave you one of his signature smiles and a wink. You quickly turned around to hide the look on your face.
.You both walked for a while, you showed him all the functions of the reservoir and the work you do for your father. As the tour came to an end he stoped "Your not his real child are you?" He questioned. "No... not biologically. But he was the one who raised me after mother Miranda gave me to him." He hummed in understanding. "Mother Miranda....." so that's what this is about. "You don't like her do you." You gulped and clenched your fists. "...No." he chuckled "Good, I was scared I was the only one." He smiled at you, his hat covered half of his face.
.He watched as slight shock appeared on your face. He couldn't help but smile at you, as much as he hated it he could feel the human part of him yearning for you, something about you was special. He could feel it.
.You laughed, effectively confusing him. "What are you laughing at?" Your laugh turned into a soft giggle before speaking "Us. What are we going to do? Is there anything we can do? I don't know what she wants or what she's going to do to us. I mean is there any way we can take her down?" He blushed before smirking "Us? You mean were going to work together to take the psycho down?"
."Oh...I just assumed that..." He waved it off "No, no, I like it. So. You and me, partners?" You smiled and shook his hand "Partners."
.The two of you parted ways, going back to your respective areas. You felt comforted to have someone on the same page as you for once.
.Over the next few weeks you had only seen Miranda twice, the first time was to privately discuss what it was she wanted you to do. She wanted you to learn to control your powers and use them in the village to be her prophet. She explained what it was your powers were.
.Your emotions are so strong that they could effect the others around you if you chose too. Giving you the ability to heal to an extent or bring joy to the people around you. She didn't say anything about what your negative emotions could do to the others but you figured that's what she initially saw back at the meeting.
.You walked to the village with her on the second time she visited. She brought you to the village to introduce you as a new lord and prophet to the people. You noticed how sheep like they were. Listening to her out of fear more than devotion. You felt pity on them and figured that you might as well help them as best as you could. You never explored the village, your father told you to stay away. It looked run down and abandoned. You started to come to the village whenever you could, to calm the villagers to the best of your ability. The strange thing was us that a few of them almost said that they recognized you, but you brushed it off. They soon warmed up to your presance, greeting you whenever you came around.
.You were helping with cleaning the house of an village elderly when you heard the television turn on by itself. You turned around to inspect it. "Hey Y/n. You there?" It was Karl's voice. "Karl?" You mumbled. "Yeah. Who else would it be?" You smiled "How are you doing that? You asked. "I'll show you later. You need to meet me at the factory." He stated.
.You nodded trying to figure out where the factory is. "I'll send a lycan to escort you." And with that the television turned off. You stared at it in amazement before getting ready to leave. "I have to go now, the other lords called for my assistance." You yelled out to the old lady upstairs before leaving. You had read very little about what lycans were, so you had no clue of what to expect.
.Once you arrived at the factory you were welcomed in by Karl, other lycans circled you like dogs meeting someone for the first time. "So why did you call me here?" You smiled at him
."Well I figured since we are officially partners i should show you what it is I'm planing." He smiled as you both linked arms to the factory. He smelt something different about you as you were near him, something sweet and comforting as you walked inside.
."Woah..." you breathed out as you looked around. He watched you marvel at his creations. "How did you make these?" You asked.
.He smirked as scrap metal started to levitate around you. Your jaw dropped lightly while smiling. The smaller bits of metal started to come together, twisting and changing form into a rose. "It's beautiful." You mumbled. "Your work is amazing!" He handed you the rose before turning around
."Not as beautiful as you." He murmured.
."So what's the big plan you wanted to discus." You asked. He cleared his throat and waved you over to follow him. You followed him through the factory to an area full of lycans. "I'm building an army. With our powers combined we'll be able to wipe her out! She has some sort of fear of your powers from what I can tell. Speaking of what are they?" Didn't she say your were gifted or something?"
.You nodded "My abilities have to do with my emotions. When I'm happy the people around me benefit from it in ways such as healing or feeling safe. I know I can choose when to use my powers but i don't know how to stop them if they get out of hand... she didn't say what would happen with my negative emotions. But that's why she fears me." He nodded following along, that's the explanation for the strange smells radiating from you earlier.
."Now its going to take a long time before I have enough members for ud to fight her but for now we wait until the time is right." You nodded.
.You both realized how late it was, the moon starting to rise in the distance. "Its too late for you to leave now, there's no telling what you'll find lurking around this late." He wanted you to stay with him, it would give him an excuse to get closer wth you.
."Stay." He whispered. "Its to late for you to go out on your own." He gently grabbed one of your hands and tuned you around to face him. "But...my father....." you looked back outside "No. I'll talk to him, I can make an excuse. We both no its too dangerous for you to go out this late." He lightly grazed your chin and turned your head to face him. "Please. For me?" That dam smile, it sent a shiver up your spine. You sighed "Okay, but he won't like whatever you say."
.You closed the door before following Karl. He brought you to his bedroom, it wasn't much. But neither was yours. "Did you make all of this? You examined the small room full of metal furniture. You sat on the bed next to Karl still looking around the room. "Yep. All by myself." He bragged a little. You laid down on the bed "Where am I sleeping tonight?" He gave you another smirk "With me. I don't have any other...comfortable places to possibly sleep." You didn't know what to say. Sure you've never slept with another person before but it wasn't anything weird. "Oh."
.You laid down and got under the covers still blushing. You felt strange for sleeping with Karl. But why? You also didn't know why it made you happy. You felt the bed dip down as he climbed in next to you. You sighed and tuned around catching him staring at you. You both stared at each other, his eyes looked stunning behind the glasses. Gorgeous gold and green colors. Why did he make you feel this way?.. "Karl...What am I feeling?" You asked snapping his attention to you "What do you mean?" You took a second to think.
."Why do you make me feel sick but at the same time wonderful? Like I want to push you away but stay with you at the same time." You held the rose he made you in your hands twirling it. He laughed at you, making you slightly embarrassed. "Oh kitten... you've never been in love before have you? Love... the word made you melt when he said it.
.He pulled your waist to his. Your body pressed next to his chest. He leaned in next to your ear "Do I have to spell it out for you?" He whispered into your ear. You didn't say anything as you listened to his heart beat getting quicker "You're in love kitten." You felt like you were going to explode.
"Then...what about you?.. Do you fell the same?" You were terrified, what if he was just playing you, using you as a tool to take down Miranda. "I can give you a list of how you make me feel sweet heart... for starters your breath taking and sweet, your smiles make me feel like I'm in heaven, and you're the only person to ever show me kindness." He chuckled "Don't make me repeat myself... You know I want you." You felt your heart beating your chest, he really felt all of those things about you. "Would you be willing to deal with my shenanigans? And help me, even if I'm at my worse?" He whispered to you. You smiled "Always. Partner." You answered.
.His eyes softened as he leaned in to your lips. Connecting the two of you together. You could smell the metal and cologne he wore ad you both deepened the kiss. The sound of both of your heartbeats was the only thing you could hear. His chapped lips touching yours, and his hands wrapping around your waste to bring you closer to him. You felt like you were in heaven.
.You both broke the kiss for air, breathing out heavily to catch your breath. "I don't know what i did to deserve you. But I'm glad you're here." He mumbled sleepily. You wrapped an arm around him as you hummed in agreement as you fell asleep.
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crystalsoba · 3 years
Okay yeah but can I get a Scooby doo themed skin for dbd?
Imagine it, Felix or Dwight could be Fred, Kate or Meg could be Daphne, Claudette could be Velma, and Jake could be Shaggy.
Ghost face can get a sheet ghost skin.
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crystalsoba · 3 years
Soulmate au
Dbd killers x reader
Warnings: none, enjoy!
I don't know if this has already been done or if there's anything similar but I wanted a new kind of soulmate au so I came up with something of my own.
It has to do with the six senses including sight, taste, hearing, smell, touch, and pain. Before you find/meet your destined soulmate you only have five senses, gaining your incomplete one after meeting them.
Idk it sounds pretty good and I wanted a new kind of soulmate au, feel free to use the idea if you want.
Frank x Reader, touch
Tumblr media
Frank's pov,
.Frank sat next to Julie at the end of the bus carving his name into the back of the seat in front of him using his pocket knife, Julie wouldn't stop talking on and on about someone she meet the other day as she had the tendency to go on long rants if she's interested. He nodded along but wasn't really listening as he turned his attention to the grey fogged window next to him, putting his right hand to it only to feel a dull and almost empty feeling.
.He could never feel the cold window or freezing snow. It was just a numb feeling of something missing, but he gave up on finding his soulmate a long time ago as he was moved from foster home to foster home. Really he didn't mind it just became a inconvenience for him, any texture he felt was hard to figure out making it impossible to tell exactly what he was holding without looking. Temperatures were a bit impossible to differentiate, often accidentally burning himself or his friends commenting about how his room was always freezing. But that didn't matter, at the end of the day he probably won't even find his soulmate. Not that he was even trying at this point. Knowing his luck they were probably half across the world.
."Frank are you even paying attention?" Julie said in a slightly annoyed tone. Frank only responded with a slight shake of the head still being unintereasted. "Well I spoke to the new kid that moved in next to Joey, they seem at least decent. I don't remember where they're from but I'm meeting them at lunch." She was on her phone not bothering to look up anymore to check if he was still paying attention. "Oh and they're blind so be a little easy on them" after that he turned her out again as the school came into veiw.
.Once the bus stopped they both stood up from there seats and started shuffling to the small school. They both parted ways to their first classes.
Your Pov,
You stood in front of your new school, anxiety filling your senses as you refused to move or make any kind of attempt to find your way around the area. You moved with your family about a week ago, your parents needed to relocate after a series of bad events from the past month. The freezing air nipped at your skin, your coat did nothing to help shelter from the snow falling.
.You looked up but saw nothing, you wished you could see the snow falling around you. You still haven't found your soulmate, you still had hope. No point in giving up now.
.As the deafening school bell rung you were brought back to your senses. Flinching at the sudden noise you started to walk, using a cane to guide you around the stretching hallways with your hand on the wall feeling for any sign to read.
Eventually you stopped at a door with the right numbers and walked in knowing that everyone was staring at you. Your teacher greted you and told you where to sit, once you sat down you dozed off letting the minuets pass by to hopefully leave as soon as possible.
.Before you knew it the bell to lunch rang and you were eager to take a break. The day felt absolutely draining and you wanted nothing more than to relax a little. Everyone had questions for you all day, which you didn't mind so much but you could only take so much before wanting to combust. Back in your old school nobody gave you this much attention before, but to be fair it was a smaller school and an even smaller community. The kind where everybody knows each other.
.It was hard for you to navigate by yourself through the crowded halls of the school. You needed to find a girl named Julie. But you had no clue who anyone was or where anything is, which caused you to start panicking.
.You could feel your heart start to pulse faster and faster as you were pushed and bumped into by strangers. The noise became to much for you as the others around you were speaking loudly trying to be heard over one another. As you stand there frozen in fear you got bumped into by a larger student, knocking your cane onto the floor. And it was about that time where your slight panic became a full on panic attack.
.You backed up slowly with your back pressed to the lockers behind you. You needed to find someone to help you, and without hesitation you made a quick decision to latch onto the person in front of you.
.Frank was having a rougher day than he thought he'd have. He decided he'd just skip the rest of the day including lunch to escape. Not like he was learning anything new lately to even care.
.He made his way through the thick crowd of students, pushing and shoving his way through in a "don't mess with me" aura. But as he was about to round the corner he felt something latch onto the side of his hoodie.
.He reacted instantly to the startling action by quickly turning to face the person, grabbing them by the scruff of their jacket and shoving them back to the locker.
.You let out a surprised yelp as you were shoved back into place roughly, the sudden brace for impact caused you to quickly shut your eyes as your head hit the locker with a thud.
.Frank was about to land a punch before he felt an unknown feeling. He stoped just before his fist met your face he squeezed the hand he had been using to hold your jacket. It was soft...warm...textured...he felt people brushing by him. He froze. Slowly lowering his fist and let go of you.
.When you felt him let go of you, you opened your eyes. In front of you was a boy wearing a dulled worn out hoodie with a white hood and jeans. You didn't know what to do, you didn't know what was happening. It was all so sudden and rushed. You looked around at everything the people passing by, the lockers, the hallway, the colors.
.You felt your eyes start to water as you realized what just happened. The boy in front of you was in shock and you couldn't help but stare at him, his expression was hard to read as he looked down at his hands.
.Frank couldn't process it, he didn't think that he'd ever find you or even know you exist really. But here you were in front of him with tears threatening to spill. He didn't know why but it felt wrong to watch you cry. Something in his head yelled at him to do something, anything than just stand there.
.He stepped closer to you and wiped away your wet face, feeling the wet tears on your warm skin. He wanted to feel every part of you, you were so stunning, and he's never seen you before.
.You watched him savoring the moment as best as you could, he looked absolutely stunning.
."Y/n..." you really didn't know what else to say but you watched as he smiled and barely whispered the word "Beautiful" making butterflies fill your stomach.
."Lets get out of here." He said knowing that here wasn't the best place for now. And you seemed happy at the statement by nodding.
.He didn't know what he was doing but it seemed right to want to hold your hand, so soft and warm. He guided you through the halls of the school to the back exit through the administrations office to the outside. He watched as you looked up in amazement at the falling snow, in childlike wonder. Everything you looked at you looked at with such curiosity and amazement. He vowed to himself that he'd stay by your side from now to forever as he watched you play in the snow with him.
.You both walked around town while holding hands, letting you see the world and frank touch all the textures he could, including your hand. You both talked about your lives so far and where you both had been, sharing experiences and stories making each other laugh. And as the sun set you both walked back to your place staying by each others side together.
Susie x Reader, hearing
.You were frustrated beyond belief. You trudged through the empty hallways with warm tears spilling from your eyes. Today is another soul crushing day dealing with horrible teachers, boring useless classes, and annoying students. That's what you usually dealt with. But today was a special kind of messed up. You were never the type of kid to make friends with any of the people around you, making you a social outcast by others standards. That coupled with your preference to work solo made your life hell. But the reason for the tears falling from your eyes was because of the class you just walked out from.
.It was science and for the next assignment you were all paired in groups of four for a presentation. It really wasn't going to be that bad, sure you'd probably end up doing most of the work but at least you wouldn't have to worry so much about getting a bad grade on participation. But your teacher was known for making the groups usually unfair in some way. Often times breaking friends and couples apart to pair them with people they didn't like or care about. But you don't have any friends or people you hate so they did something worse, pairing you up with the popular kids. The reason they were popular wasn't because of their personality or kindness, but the power they had.
.You walked faster to the exit of the school, eager to escape. You exited the prison to see a mile long track covered in thick snow. You sat on the stair case in frront of the door allowing you to catch your breath and stop crying. But the stains were still there. You looked up at the grey sky covered in clouds and started to wish for something in your life to go right for a change. You wanted a friend but someone that wasn't like everyone else. Someone who really cared about you and not their own image. You wanted a soulmate.
.That's how it started, one of the girls was yapping on about how they met there soulmate a year ago. At first you didn't care, simply but then one of them asked if you had found your soulmate yet. To which you shyly shook your head. And that's when you realized you had messed up. They instantly outed you from the group, making fun of you, criticizing you, laughing at you. You finally snapped when one of them said that your soulmate was probably a social reject of a person like you and was probably just a sed nobody with no future or hope left once they meet you.
.At that point you stood up and smacked the girl across the face as hard as possible, the noise echoing in the classroom. You then stormed out of the class to where you are now.
.You hugged your knees to your chest in a way to comfort yourself. You were about to stand up before you heard the door behind you open and close. You quickly tried to clear away any signs of crying from your face, but failing. You only turned your head to the figure standing behind you to see who it was.
.standing behind you was a girl wearing a slightly over sized hoodie with a plaid skirt and tights. Her hair was bright and colorful, it looked nice compared to the bland surroundings. Her face was covered and hidden by the hood she was wearing.
.You could tell she was about to ditch class before she bumped into you, she opened the door quiet enough not to alert attention and she looked rushed to get here.
.You felt embarrassed from staring at her for so long, you probably looked weird to her. She stared back at you with her head tilted as if she was curious about you. To you shock she started to sit down next to you, she didn't say anything and neither did you. You felt her lean into your side at this point you had no clue of what was going on in her head. Maybe it was some sort of joke or attempt to make you feel worse? Either way, you didn't hate it. Affection was rare here for you and she felt so warm compared to the freezing air around you.
.Susie couldn't believe her luck, she finally found you. She listened to your breathing, so calming and soothing. The outside was strangely quiet, she all ways imagined it would be louder. She always knew there was more to you, she never had the courage to actually see if she was right about her gut feelings. But she was glad she caught you like this, alone just for the two of you. She couldn't look away from you the snow and chilled air made you look like an angle.
."What....What are you doing..?" She was shocked, did you not realize you were soulmates? She looked at you with pure confusion on her face, trying to figure it out.
.You slightly regretted saying something, but you had to know what was going on at this point.
.She sighed "You don't realize, do you?" Her voice was soft and gentle compared to yours, you replied with a nod still confused. She breathed out before asking "Can you smell?" You nodded. "Can you see?" You nodded. "Can you hear" you nodded again. "Can you taste?" You shook your head in confusion to where this was going to go.
.She smiled again and slowly leaned towards you. You were frozen still in shock as she put her lips to yours, her chapstick rubbing off on your lips. She broke the kiss and leaned back to see your reaction. You took a second to reboot your brain to process what happened just now. You slowly came to realize that you could taste the chapstick she was wearing. The taste was something strange to experience, it was slightly stingy but good at the same time. She was your soulmate.
."How did you know?" You asked her. She shrugged before replying "I could hear your breathing and heartbeat." She gently reached for your hand that was freezing. "Do you want to get out of here?" She asked. You nodded your head not wanting to go back inside.
.You both got up from your spots and walked away from the school towards her house. Holding hands while you both walked.
.Once you got to her house you both talked, you showed her some of your favorite music and she had you try tasting random foods the rest of the night. Happy with how the day turned out you both stayed inside to watch movies and play a few games.
.You thanked the universe with gifting you such an amazing person as your soulmate. Promising to cherish her forever.
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crystalsoba · 3 years
Quick Note,
Request are open, and will be put as my priority so feel free to ask for oneshots!
I will do:
-Any Dbd killer or Survivor x Reader
-Resident Evil x Reader
-Slashers including,
-Bubba Sawyer
-Harry Warden
-Amanda Young/The Pig
I can do Angst, Fluff, Yandere, Obsessions, and gore
Also just as a quick note this is my first time writing fan fic so I'm still getting the hang of it, I'm always open to feed back though.
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