Mark Rober explained traumatic insemination (as done by bedbugs) to me yesterday, and it’s still bouncing around.
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When your padawan shows you his “katas” and just jumps and does a 360 for the 415th time in two days.
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imagine you as a child, rummaging around in the current version of your room. what would they be drawn to?
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This is what I look like
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Inktober: Day 11- “Wander”
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Image description:
a grey scale drawing with the following general composition:
from the outside, looking into a spaceship’s window, you see three detailed figures, then two less-defined figures further into the background. From left to right, there are the two background figures, then Magnus Burnsides—a tall, strong man with overgrown sideburns, wearing a hoodie. His expression conveys tearful sorrow. To the right of Magnus, stands Taako. Taako is a male elf with long blonde hair put up in a bun. He is also wearing a hoodie, and has tears running down his stricken face. Finally, on the right stands Merle, a white-haired dwarf with fluffy hair and beard. His expression is that of shock and concern. Reflecting in the glass of the window, a planet cracks in half: debris begins to fill the surrounding clouds of darkness. Two blocks of text are depicted: one on the upper left, and one on the lower right. Combined, they read: “You hate to say it…That you get used to it”.
end description.
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Inktober: Day 12- Spicy
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Sizzlin’ it up!
image description:
a grey scale drawing of Taako, a light-skinned male elf with blonde hair put up in a bun. Taako is wearing a dark sleeveless top, grey pants, and an apron. He is holding a pan forward, posed a bit dramatically. The pan has a giant flame erupting from it, contrasting against the bits of food being tossed within. The background is a dark grey.
end description.
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Inktober: Day 10- Fortune
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Image description:
a grey-scale drawing, with the following general composition:
In the background, a large circular doorway—like that of a safe—is partially opened, to reveal an intricate gauntlet set in the foreground of a dark room, edged with black soot. In the doorway are three silhouettes: a short, bearded dwarf wielding a hammer; a long haired elf wearing a wizard’s conical, wide brimmed hat; and a strong human man, who is currently pushing the door open.
End description
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Inktober: Day 9- Bounce
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Sorry, gotta bounce—I’m sensing a lich’s presence emanating from…your umbrella?
image description:
a greyscale drawing of two figures, pictured waist-up, standing outdoors, backed by a white stone fence and a starry night sky. One figure, Kravitz, is a skeleton in a dark, hooded robe, who is holding a large scythe in his outstretched right hand. Near the scythe, there is a glow of an open portal that is just out of shot. Kravitz’ eyeholes are shaped to express, perhaps regret. His left hand is also outstretched, in the other direction, resting on the shoulder of the second character, Taako. Taako is a light skinned male elf with blonde hair tied up in a bun. He is standing—revealing a side profile—and facing Kravitz, with arms crossed. He is wearing a loose shirt with cut-out sides to reveal an undershirt. There is a bag’s strap hanging from his shoulder. His expression is quietly shocked and blushing. There are stylized indicators emanating from Taako to convey his surprise. Below, and spanning the width of the image, there is a long block of white which contains the following words: “Taako, I’ve had a lovely night. Do you think I’ll be hearing from you again any time soon?” end description.
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Inktober- Day 8: Toad
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Magnus doesn’t really have a sense of self-preservation to begin with. Add fresh-baked cookies and one thing’ll lead to another, and…
image description:
A single panel comic—drawn in grey-scale—depicting a kitchen. On one countertop, there is a plate of chocolate chip cookies. In the kitchen are two characters: one, who is standing in the background, is Taako, a light-skinned male elf with blonde hair in a bun, who is wearing a pair of shorts and a cropped t-shirt that reads “kiss my”. His expression is incensed as he faces forward, with right hand gripping a spoon. With his left hand, he is pointing a wand toward the second character depicted. A spiky speech bubble connects to Taako, reading “you little-!” The second character is a toad with sideburns, surrounded by a glow of magical energy as he seemingly flies toward the foreground. The toad is holding a pilfered cookie in his right hand. The words “ZAP!” accent the action of Taako casting a transformation spell on the now-toad.
end description.
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Inktober- Day 7: Drip
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You know she’s wearing this to get ice cream from Walmart at 11pm
image description:
A mid-detailed black and white drawing of Lup, a female elf with a mischievous smile and long, dark, shiny hair. She also has one large circular earring visible, as the other is obscured by hair. The picture is cut off just above the knees, and she is posed with her left hip jutting sideways, with both arms hanging relaxed at her sides. On her neck are two necklaces: one a thin chain, and the other a chunkier, more intricately beaded style. She is wearing a flower patterned dress shirt with a low cut v-neck that reaches nearly all the way down to her waist. Underneath the shirt, she is wearing a dark undershirt with leaf-like edges. Her pants are high-waisted, and nearly all black, excepting for a horizontal corduroy pattern that overlays any highlights on the fabric. Lastly, cinching her waist is a dark belt with a rectangular buckle that reads “LUP”.
End description.
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Inktober- Day 6: Golden
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This dude has a fake “work accent”
Image description:
A drawing of Kravitz, a dark skinned man with shoulder length black locks that are up in a half-do. He is wearing intricately patterned layers of black clothing. At the clasp of his feather patterned cloak, there is a large, round, golden gemstone. His slightly pointed ears are adorned with a few cuffs and a star studded chain. He has thick, dark eyebrows; hooded, almond shaped eyes with golden irises; a wide nose, full lips, and an incisor tooth poking out over his lower lip. His expression is serious, and almost nervous.
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Inktober: Day 5- “Map”
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“Your name is Barry Bluejeans. You are afraid of the dark. Your very favorite thing in the world is swimming in very cold water on a very hot day. You get ill when you drink milk or anything with milk in it. Your father Gregor died when you were too young to know him. Your mother Marleana had soft grey hair when you were born, and was the most wonderful woman who ever lived. You remember them, but you have forgotten so much. And right now, in this moment, you feel a dull weight in your chest. It’s the weight of a love that defined and redeemed you, but you’ve forgotten who that weight belongs to. Barry, I’m you, just moments ago, and I remember who that weight belongs to, and I can help you remember it too.”
edit: Never have done image descriptions before, but @anistarrose helpfully recommended it. Here’s their lovely description:
black and white art of Barry Bluejeans from The Adventure Zone. He's a chubby man who appears as a silhouette, rubbing his head and staring at a map with X's all over it.
A picture of Lup's face is pinned to the map, and an empty dialogue bubble comes from the coin in Barry's hand. Puddles of liquid lead from his feet back to an open vertical tank. End description.
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Inktober- Day 4: Dodge
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Image description:
a black and white comic strip, starting at the top with a speech bubble reading, “Oh, sir—that’s…I’m sorry for bringing up something so—“. To the right of the speech bubble, there is a square-framed picture of fried chicken breast, sliced and topped with a light-colored sauce, and garnished with a sprig of dark berries. Below the first frame, there is a second speech bubble—this one dripping with dark ichor. It reads, “—clearly upsetting”. Below this speech bubble is a series of equally-sized square-framed pictures. The left most is a picture of Taako, a male elf with a messy bun of blonde hair, wearing a professional chef’s uniform. He is smiling widely, eyes closed. In the background of the first frame, there is a small depiction of the word “cough”. The frame’s upper edge drips with a little black ichor. The next frame shows a slightly darker background, with more words filling in the space: words such as “cough”, “gag”, and “ack”. Taako is again centered in this second frame, but is slightly closer. His expression has changed: a confused and worried look has mingled with his shrinking smile. The upper edge of the frame drips with more back ichor. Finally, a third panel reveals an even darker background, nearly completely filled with black and words such as “cough”, “gag”, and “ack”. Taako’s face is now close up, revealing his openly horrified expression. Below this series of three square panels, a large one depicts a horrific mountain of shadowed faces and limbs. The faces are either anguished or depicted with x’s over their eyes. Overshadowed by the pile, and desperately running toward the foreground, is Taako, still wearing the chef’s uniform and the messy bun. A stark shadow spans below him, outlining the word “murderer”. Below this panel, there is a back-shot of the head and shoulders of Angus McDonald. Angus McDonald is a dark skinned boy with short, curly hair, round glasses, and a brimmed cap. His expression, though not fully revealed at this angle, is sorrowful. He is facing present-day Taako, who is now wearing a wizard’s hat and cloak. Taako has his left elbow propped against a table, and his left hand is cradling his cheek. Taako’s expression is seemingly dismissive, as he looks away from angus. There is a speech bubble connected to Taako that reads, “Yeah. It’s fine, Agnes.” end description.
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Inktober- Day 3: Path
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Sometimes, a thing happens
Sometimes, you make a choice
And everything that led you there—carried you there
Everything you trusted
Everything you followed
Takes something away, without explanation
It takes your faith, and slaps your face with it
it takes your hand, and leaves you behind. ———————————————————————
“God lied” -Merle Highchurch
image description: a back and white drawing with the following overall composition: in the center, a rough hewn crystal, surround by globules of dark energy. Surrounding said crystal are four circled frames, depicting—from upper left, to upper right, to lower right, to lower left—a series of events:
The first shows Merle, a bearded dwarf in a space suit, reaching for the central crystal, as a speech bubble behind him reads “Merle”. The suit has a tear in the pinky finger. In the second frame, Merle’s hand is holding the crystal. He is surprised and confused to see his hand is now beginning to turn into a crystalline material that matches the crystal he is holding. The third frame depicts two characters: Merle is in the foreground, saying “fellas…”, and Magnus—a human man with sideburns, who is also wearing a space suit and wielding an axe—stands in the background. Magnus appears to be quite alarmed, and is beginning to swing his axe. The final frame is a higher contrasted image, with Merle’s silhouette flinching away as a slashing effect (reading “slice”) separates Merle from the hand holding the crystal.
End description
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Inktober- Day 2: Spider
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Spiders are feared, if you’re stupid
Respected, if you’re smart
And so it goes, with darkness, too.
The Black Spider demands both from you.
Image description:
A black and white drawing with the following composition: a black background, accented with a white spiderweb design, centered behind the head of Magic Brian, or “The Black Spider” as he calls himself. Also in the background, a giant black spider, known simply as “Brian”balances on the previously mentioned webbing. The perspective of the drawing is angled upward from Magic Brian’s boot, causing his body’s proportions to shrink as they become further away from his feet. He is a dark elf, posed with left foot forward, right hand on hip. His left hand is also brought forward, and is holding a white cane that is topped with a dark, shiny sphere. His visible hair is a dark , shiny sheet of bangs that hang down and away from his tilted head. He is wearing a dark, loose fitted shirt with a white spider design on the chest. His sleeves are white, puffed, and pleated in the upper arms, that transition to more fitted, dark sleeves on his forearms. There is a white belt—with an off-center round buckle—cinching his waist. underneath this tunic, Magic Brain is wearing fishnet leggings, and thigh-high, skin-tight black boots with white trims. The lower right portion of the drawing is whited out, contrasting against the spiky words reading “Back Spider”
end description.
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Inktober- Day 1: Dream
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She hadn’t known it had been all a dream, until she had woken up. 
She had believed—the promise that the fire in her veins sang. 
She could see forever in every direction, with his hand in her hand. 
Now, it’s so clear—so impossible: you can’t fly in real life, no matter how real the butterflies feel. 
She hadn’t known it had all been a dream, until she had woken up. 
Woken up with an empty left hand. 
Woken up with with a sinking, sinking, feeling. 
Her chemicals had lied, her potions. 
Her wand’s partner has died. 
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Reblog and put the species of the nearest stuffed animal
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