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The whole LGBTQ and straight pride month situation I have seen recently.
Now to begin I’m no expert on anything but my life experience so I may not know everything if I don’t let me know (kindly preferably.) Now I’m not educated on the LGBTQ but I believe it’s save to say it’s almost all but straight/heterosexual. I can agree strongly with the fact these people have been oppressed for incredibly long amount of time unfairly and it should never have happen but sadly did. Now with time this community while still oppressed has pick up more traction in the public eye then say 1800’s for the better; and wish to have a parade or are going to have one in hopes to bring more attention and stop the violence against it. With that to my knowledge that’s amazing and good I personal want equality for all in so we can get past it and look to our problems to the human race together. However I then saw Straight Pride and thought “fair enough everyone should be proud of who they are no matter what” (unless morally wrong) Then I saw people wanted a Straight parade and thought “don’t know why but I mean sure if you want to be proud.” Then I saw the Straight Flag and finally thought “Sure I don’t see the problem with that.” But then I saw that good amount of people on Twitter were against it and they thought there is no reason for it that it’s not needed and felt attack that people trying to victimize themselves. Now before I state my opinion let me just restate I’m no expert but I am allowed my own opinions. I’ll only go into the what seems to be LGBTQ against Straight Pride for I believe I stated my thougts on the LGBTQ community at the start. I find the whole LQBYQ vs. Straight Pride little backwards in the fact of its trying to silence the voice of people in a way. It’s true that LGBTQ have gone through more than they ever should have and need less people to be violent towards them and acknowledge them and have equally rights. However I must also acknowledge the fact of people shouldn’t be ashamed by themselves or others for being Straight and find it backwards in the fact that some are nearing insulting them (in a way) for being Straight and having pride in it. Under the first amendment people should have the right be able say their sexual preference and government not say anything. As well as under human rights especially the 1, 18, 19, and somewhat the 28 rights to say it without others people having a say so. So we are kinda oppressing Straight Pride by government saying no to this as well as people lashing out against these people. My opinion on it simply is as followed 1. No one no matter their sexuality shouldn’t be oppressed. 2. This includes Straight Pride and LGBTQ community (sorry if there a simpler way say that I’m not exactly sure) 3. Should both be allowed a parade yes. 4. However even as a heterosexual male I don’t see a point in a Straight Parade. If I said something you like to discuss in this please talk to me. I believe the best thing for a situation hear someone else stand point on the matter. I just downloaded Tumblr due to wanting to voice my opinion and I seen that this community has extremely nice people and sadly some toxic people with it that I thought it be a great place to voice this matter. Sorry for any grammar mistakes as one thing I lack is good spelling.
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