coldflash-corner · 8 hours
The ability for Barry to be both good and bad at lying is deeply unexplored. [Note: Barry Allen totally has the vibes of having all three together so that's where I'm coming from, but these apply even if you don't think he has #1 and/or #2]
ADHD, Austim, and Trauma Haver Here.
The combination of the above three conditions has also granted me Forever Oversharing Disorder and Crippling People Pleaser Disease, with an underlining chronic condition of If I Displease An Authority Figure I will Die.
So this means when coming up with lies on the spot? I will perish. My brain goes blank with just YOU CAN'T FUCK UP YOU CAN'T MAKE ANYONE MAD and THIS AUTHORITY FIGURE IS GONNA BE SOOO MAD THERE'S NO ESCAPE screaming in my head, and whatever comes out of my head is utter transparent nonsense bc the only thing driving the mouth train rn is the Forever Oversharing Disorder
But lies I'm used to giving? Lies made and forged in the fires of needing to please, and to not set up the authority figure I was scared of? Those I can do with professional skill. I was able to keep up certain facades for 8 entire YEARS with a person I spent 90% of my day with.
So what I'm saying is, Barry can absolutely lie to people's faces by way of acting like he likes or trusts them when he doesn't, if they're people who fall into authority figure categories or are friends with people he cares about and he doesn't want to displease anyone by rocking the boat. He can lie fairly convincingly about things he's in denial about and don't want to face, depending on the subject. If he wants to pretend he's allowed somewhere bc the CCPD sent him there, he's pretty solid- has done it before, will do it again, and lying means the authority figure isn't mad.
But when he has to improvise?
[Gestures at the Lewis Job]
You get personas like "Sam"
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coldflash-corner · 3 days
Cisco being annoyed with the Obvious Coldflash Tension is good. Classic.
However, I raise you: His gaydar being SO BAD that even when witnessing All Of That, he's shocked to find out later that they are now in fact together
Additional funny idea, for the lols: Cisco picking up that they're flirting, but assumes they are just obliviously pining and starts actively telling Barry to either pursue that crush or give up bc the pining is unbearable... But Barry and Snart have been actively together for like 2 years
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coldflash-corner · 4 days
Plot Concept:
No Legends AU
Snart and Mick going about their day to day shit, which may or may not include but definitely doesn't necessarily require criminal activity
Mick doesn't know who the Flash is and while he's aware Snart wants to fuck the Flash it makes him look stupid, he doesn't know they've become friends or much beyond the main vibe
Snart sees Jax, not as Firestorm, in serious trouble
Decides in a split moment that shit, that's Barry's lil guy, and he would be forever devastated if something happened. Snart should probably prevent that from happening
And that's how Mick found himself sharing a car with some random kid,
Jax found himself not-kidnapped by the local crimelord,
And Barry found out he was so attracted and in love with Snart that he might actually faint
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coldflash-corner · 4 days
God I love Barry Allen because he's such a tasty combo of "I want to be friends with everyone!" and "I kind of hate everyone a little bit"
Which, as a Trauma Haver Myself, is intensely validating
(Please keep in mind this is referring to the Live Action TV Show. I have never read the comics and don't intend to comment on characterization I haven't seen)
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coldflash-corner · 7 days
Snart : do you want to know your gay name?
Barry : my... My gay name??
Snart : yeah, it's your first name-
Barry : Haha. Very funny lenny-
Snart, getting down on one knee : -and my last name.
Barry : oh- oh mY GOD!
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coldflash-corner · 9 days
I have created an entire au in my mind where cisco and lisa had two kids (dante "danny" and nelly aka nell), and barry & leonard (+mick but he's not like, married and coldflash are) are The Best uncles
then additional au where snart still dies with the legends but like, later in the General Hypothetical Timeline, so the main uncle Danny and Nell know is Uncle Barry, even tho he's not really related bc Uncle Lenny died b4 their wedding
Then this spiraled into Snart coming from early in his legends timeline to this future and witnessing barry being like, an awesome role model and family member to lisa's kids
cue split-second panic that barry and lisa somehow got together while he was gone, before realizing that almost certainly did not happen, and if those were barry and lisa's kids, they definitely would not have just called him Uncle Barry
Then that made me think about Lisa and Barry becoming friends and Lisa insisting on calling Barry her brother-in-law, despite the wedding never being able to happen
so, uh, yeah. i have adhd.
have these thoughts, as a gift
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coldflash-corner · 10 days
this but it's drunk barry texting len, trying to compliment him and len just responds with "it appears so."
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coldflash-corner · 13 days
"Don't waste your time trying to save people who don't want to be saved"
But you do, don't you? Want to be saved.
You want somewhere safe to go home to at night
You want the guilt and self-loathing to stop eating you away
You want to look at yourself and see someone worth keeping
Let me keep you. Let me give you somewhere safe. Let me love you, and wipe the guilt away
Let me save you, please.
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coldflash-corner · 13 days
Coldflash finding compassion for each other as a gateway to finding compassion for themselves. In this essay I will
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coldflash-corner · 14 days
What if Barry just starts buying Snart ridiculous holiday themed items and apparel after the Christmas incident
Mugs, obviously, and themed marshmallows
But somehow, at some point, it morphs into socks
Ridiculous, fuzzy, holiday socks
For whatever holiday they're willing to sell him socks for
Anyway Barry does this as a very Barry Allen way of flirting
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coldflash-corner · 14 days
Mark: Welcome to the ‘Fuck The Flash’ club, where we all gather to talk about how much we hate the scarlet speedster.
Len: *gathering his things* I may have misunderstood the meaning of this club—
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coldflash-corner · 14 days
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Incorrect Coldflash [1/?]
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coldflash-corner · 14 days
Leonard Snart 100% is a guy that will protect kids who ask him for help
This was true before he joined the Legends and especially true after the Oculus and he was thrown through the time stream in the explosion
So when a young girl suddenly appears in a public space like she just ran there from thin air, frazzled and panicked,
He does not think Twice when she calls him "Dad" and starts pointedly talking about plans and "They're leaving soon, right?"
He's Dad Now. Until he gets her safe
And this is how Barry, years after Snart's "death", father one 2 kids and divorced for about 3 years, stumbles onto his 10 year old daughter chatting rapidly to Leonard "Apparently-Not-Dead" Snart, and calling him "Dad"
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coldflash-corner · 14 days
Brute-Forcing My Way Thru Artist's Block, One Art At A Time
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coldflash-corner · 15 days
Please consider Barry Allen fully knowing Leonard "I've Never Willingly Felt A Feeling" Snart has a thing for him, and wants to pursue that, but Snart is too scared of fucking up or getting Barry hurt to say something
So it's the opposite of that meme I've seen a lot of Barry saying Snart has a crush on him and everyone, Snart included, says he does
Snart: I don't have a crush on Barry Allen
Lisa: Yes you do
Mick: Yes You Do.
Cisco [hiding behind Lisa for protection]: Yes you do
Caitlin: Yes you do
Joe, who hates this but can't stop it: Yes you do
Iris, who equally hates this but surviving: Yes you do
Barry, crying with how much he wants to love this man: Yes you do
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coldflash-corner · 15 days
Coldflash concept currently rotting my brain:
Snart kept his relationship w/Barry outside of the suit (as in, anything not strictly criminal work related) away from Mick bc he was worried Mick would see him growing away from crime and see his affection for Barry and be upset, or jealous, or something
And he doesn't know how to deal with that bucket of feelings
But then Mick officially meets Barry and is just like, Yep. I like this one. I get why Snart is doing hero stuff for this guy. One of us, got it.
Just, immediately accepts Barry into the fold
To the surprise of multiple people, Snart especially
(Barry is mostly just happy about this, but does get extremely flustered when Mick talks about him as if he and Snart are married when they haven't actually had that talk yet, just individually thought about it real hard for like 2 years)
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coldflash-corner · 16 days
I genuinely feel like Barry is so full of love, adoration, and attraction towards one (1) Leonard "Cold" Snart that seeing this man genuinely show happiness would make Barry so genuinely happy and excited that wires cross and slips into actual lust
Snart: [exists in a state of not hating himself and enjoying the new life he built]
Barry: Never have I wanted to make love to someone more. Ever. In my life.
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