coffee-and-kadena · 1 month
Okay, the audience is dying to know...
What is your favorite T line?
Excellent question!! I have a soft spot for the Green Line, despite all its flaws. You really get the best of both worlds: the grungy, historic subway tunnel aesthetic and the fun above-ground trolley vibes! I love the angry, frantic, enthusiastic ding ding ding of the bell when a car or bike decides to fuck around and find out. And the way the tracks sing a beautiful aria just for you when you approach Boylston 😍 And who doesn’t looooove being crammed into a narrow train full of sweaty Red Sox fans and a malfunctioning air conditioner after a game on a hot summer day? (I know I sound sarcastic right now but I’m being dead serious. I get sad when people talk about how much they hate the Green Line. The Green Line has character. The Green Line is a character. She’s the heart and soul of Boston. She’s old and falling apart but she’s trying her best! She’s habitually running late and loves to scream and sometimes goes off the rails. I can relate.)
I’m especially fond of the design of the type 7 cars. Fun fact: have you ever noticed that all the old Green Line trolleys are made up of one type 7 car and one type 8 car? This is because despite being the fucking ugliest outer design of literally all the MBTA trains ever created, the type 8 cars have an accessible entrance while the type 7s don’t, so each train is legally required to have at least one accessible car. The new type 9 Green Line cars are all accessible though!
But yeah. The Green Line.
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coffee-and-kadena · 2 months
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coffee-and-kadena · 2 months
every time i start to feel cringe for being too deep in the hyperfixation i remember the intense depression i have waded through and have to remind myself that enjoyment is fleeting (so grab it with both hands), and life is for loving (so hold that love close), and if anyone thinks i’m cringe they must not be having a very good time (and i hope they can find a good time soon).
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coffee-and-kadena · 2 months
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Braids and Bowlers: Indigenous Bolivian Women Skateboard in Style in Celia D. Luna’s Empowered Portraits
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coffee-and-kadena · 2 months
“Nobody’s going to want to sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours to get from New York City to LA.”
Me. I will sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours. I’ll sit on it for days. I’ll write and read and nap and eat and then do it all over again. I’ll stare out the windows and see America from ground level and not have to drive. I’ll see the Rockies and the deserts and cornfields and the Mississippi River and your house and yours and yours too. I’ll make up stories in my head about the small towns I see as we go along. I’ll see the states I’ve yet to see because driving or flying there is a fucking slog and expensive to boot. I’ll enjoy the ride as much as the destination. And then I’ll do it all over again to come the fuck home.
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coffee-and-kadena · 2 months
anyway the actual point of fandom is to inspire each other. reading each other's fics and admiring each other's art and saying wow i love this and i feel something and i want to invoke this in other people, i want to write a sentence that feels like a meteor shower, i want to paint a kiss with such tenderness it makes you ache, i want to create something that someone else somewhere will see it and think oh, i need to do that too, right now. i am embracing being a corny cunt on main to say inspiring each other is one of the things humanity is best at and one of the things fandom is built for and i think that's beautiful
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coffee-and-kadena · 2 months
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butches appreciation!!
bonus: not canonically butch... but not not butch
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coffee-and-kadena · 3 months
Me: Hey, it's that show I kept seeing ads for in 2018! Maybe I'll watch I-
She ra: Abuse isn't as simple as being born bad. It's a learned trait that is extremely dangerous and hard to stop. Even the most likable, trust worthy seeming people can be abusive. Someone can love you more than anything and abuse you. Abuse isn't just hitting. Abuse isn't just a sad backstory, it changes how you view the world and yourself and every relationship you have. The idea that there's a set point where you become irredeemable is dangerous, not because you're not allowed to not forgive but because deciding you're beyond forgiveness so you might as well just keep digging is extremely destructive to everyone around you. It's important to recognize abusers can love not because that means you have to forgive them, but because you need to acknowledge you are capable of abuse. And that you can stop. You can change and become a better person. Bad traits are often learned and you are not static, no one is. The most dangerous thing is to view the world as black and white or unchanging. Even people who started out kind and loving can become abusive. Even people who started out cruel and abrasive can become gentle and kind. Good is not a constant thing. You don't get to act however just because you were Good in the past, so you will always be good. You are not irredeemable just because you were bad in the past, you can keep going and change it. Good and bad are not static. You are alive. You have a choice.
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coffee-and-kadena · 3 months
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Korra & Asami from The Legend of Korra
Art by @/scarecrux
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
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Finally got the time to fuel my new hyperfixation yippeee <3
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
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“You’re beautiful.”
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
Autumn in Republic City
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
Everyone always wants to talk about Hook or Pan. Everyone always wants to debate which one is good and which is evil - who we’re supposed to follow and who we aren’t. The Peter Pan mythos has pretty much shrunk down to nothing but Hook and Pan (Hook, SyFy’s Neverland, Pan, OUAT, etc). Occasionally Tinkerbell factors in (Hook, Disney’s Tinkerbell, OUAT, etc). There’s one character, however, that always gets sidelined - which is puzzling since they are the main character of both the play and the book. That character is, of course, Wendy Darling.
Peter Pan is Wendy’s coming of age story. Wendy who decides to run away from home. Wendy who realizes that she must grow up - and that there’s no shame in that. Wendy who sees Peter as deficient and sees Hook as empty and decides that, no, she doesn’t want to be a part of that. Wendy gets the adventure she’s always wanted and she turns away because she realizes that it’s lacking. She’s the only one who truly sees the hollowness of being young forever. Barrie even says “You need not be sorry for her. She was one of the kind that likes to grow up. In the end she grew up of her own free will a day quicker than other girls.”
People always debate on who the hero is. When they learn that Peter could be horrid they assume it has to be Hook. Of course, the answer is that neither of them are the hero. Wendy is the hero of the story. You’re not supposed to be like Peter, who kept every good and bad aspects of being a child and can’t tell right from wrong. You’re not supposed to be Hook, either. He let go of everything childish and loving about him and became bitter and evil. They’re both the extreme ends of the scale. You’re supposed to fall in the middle, to hold onto the things about childhood that make it beautiful - the wonder, the imagination, the innocence - while still growing up and learning morality and responsibility. You’re not supposed to be Hook. You’re not supposed to be Peter Pan.
You’re supposed to be Wendy Darling. 
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
I work as a programmer for $35 an hour.
They once forgot to pay me for 8 extra hours that they needed me to work on Thanksgiving weekend. They simply needed me to be present for 8 hours in order to quickly fix any problems that happened during their busiest weekend, and no such problems ended up happening.
When they saw the mistake and paid me for it, the gross pay for that day was $420 (base of $35 x 8 hours x 1.5 for overtime).
The first thing I noticed was how that compared to what I got paid at my warehouse job before I became a programmer. When I started the job at the warehouse, I got paid $10 an hour. For a full time week, I got paid $400.
I got paid more for that one day of doing practically nothing as a programmer than I did busting my ass at the warehouse for a whole week.
So enough about this "I work harder than them so I deserve more pay" bullshit. You're all the working class. In our fucked up system, hard work does not equal more pay. If you want more pay, you need to fight back against the rich assholes who profit off your labor and pay you jack shit, not fight with other people who are underpaid about who deserves to be more underpaid.
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
"someone who allows you to rest" is the relationship dynamic of all time
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coffee-and-kadena · 4 months
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