cleanshooter-blog ¡ 6 years
Still blaming gun laws??? Ever since the Parkland shooting our shooting range has experienced a lot of questions regarding our feelings toward the shootings and our opinion on gun laws. Our stance is simple this young man was ill and nothing short of being held in a mental health facility could have stopped him from inflicting harm on another human being. It may have not have been this tragic, but the gun didn’t kill these kids, he did. Society is failing as a whole with so much compassion and excuses being given to anyone with a mental health issue. Where is the accountability go? When did it become ok to not be responsible for your words and your actions? Why do we keep failing to protect the innocent with compassion for people who lack it? When did freedom become a weapon and why do we blame the very thing we give to men and women younger than this to protect it?
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cleanshooter-blog ¡ 6 years
This article in the NY Times is very informative on the actions at the state level, however, the problem is a national problem that is unlikely to end with stricter laws. Some of the issues are that the current laws are different between states which leads to confusion. Simplifying gun control at the national level would bring unity to this controversial issues and eliminate individual states being called “gun friendly.” Offering training courses or even mandating them for people to carry concealed or purchase a firearm would provide knowledge and initial wait times between the decision to get a gun and the final purchase date. Laws are supposed to protect the people and taking guns out of peoples hands due to the poor choices of a few is not the way to go. All the laws in the world will not stop someone who wishes to harm people, but they will stop law abiding people from the ability to protect themselves.
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cleanshooter-blog ¡ 6 years
It’s in the ownership! This article has great information about employee involvement in the sustainability of a company. CB Bhattacharya does a wonderful job of explaining the process in getting people to take ownership through social responsibility thus creating more engagement, profits and greater job satisfaction. 
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cleanshooter-blog ¡ 6 years
Gun laws or education?
As an owner of a local shooting range gun laws are obviously very important to my business. In light of the recent school shooting in Florida and news of student marches calling for stricter gun laws, I feel compelled to say that the bigger issue is a lack of education than the laws themselves. I deal with people daily that are looking for more information on firearms because of the stigma that hand guns have in the aftermath of these horrible tragedies. The are just trying to understand and I have realized that very few people are educated on proper handgun safety and use. This number gets lower every day and the stigma handguns have grows with every unhealthy individual that decides to unleash their pain on the public. The laws are strict and if they get any stricter the public with be forced to hand over their means for protecting themselves and the individuals that they need to be protected from with still be armed. Education is what we need.
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cleanshooter-blog ¡ 6 years
Keeping things clean
So a new addition to the cleaning industry has been the introduction of the flat mop. These things are genius! They have Velcro pads that allow you to change them quickly and efficiently with out cross contamination. However, the fact that they are flat and drag the dirt does not remove the need to sweep! I have noticed in nursing homes, hospitals, and stores that the floors are smeary muddy messes and I ponder on why? It has to be that these new contraptions that hug the floor ever so tightly have caused the user to become lazy. They collect the dirt so you don’t have too... Only... You do! Water and dirt make mud whether you see it while it is wet our not. Please don’t leave ta smear of yuck for the end user.
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cleanshooter-blog ¡ 6 years
Go Eaglets!!
I am not an Eagles fan, however, considering the week I’ve had and all the negativity I have seen in the world I was moved by the end of the Superbowl and the expression of Christianity by both the couch and the QB. They played an exceptional game!
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cleanshooter-blog ¡ 6 years
Tumblr media
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