chippokenabokura · 4 years
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World Trigger - Volume 21 Extras Part 1
Finally I have something from vol21 extras ready to post! I just haven’t had the energy and time to get these done as quickly as I used to, sorry guys. But I’m still chipping away at them, and they will get done.
Anyway, as you may have heard, AnimeJapan 2020 has been cancelled due to ongoing circumstances. World Trigger anime was supposed to have a stage during that expo, likely with some announcements for the upcoming anime continuation, so that’s cancelled too obviously :(
On a nicer note, the next issue of Jump SQ will have two chapters, so that’s something to look forward to!
112 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 4 years
World Trigger Ch191 ‘Yuba Squad 4′ Translation
First of all, as always, thank you to everyone who sent me nice messages!! You’re all so kind and I’m honestly a bit amazed you guys are still here so thank you <333
Secondly, I finished this translation a lot faster than the past few times, sadly because it’s just one chapter again this time (but no word of hiatuses yet so best of wishes to Ashihara’s health), but hopefully this means I’ll have time to post the volume extras before the next release.
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Now, one by one, the pieces are falling
Sakurako: And the progress of battle has undergone immense developments!
Panel 2
Sakurako: Ikoma squad is now wiped out!
Sakurako: It has become a conflict between 3 teams!
Panel 3
Sakurako: For Tamakoma Second, who needs ‘3 more points’ Sakurako: It is painful for them as the number of people decrease while they remain unable to earn points!
Panel 4
Sakurako: On that point as well Sakurako: Can it be said that Sakurako: Agent Obishima’s decision here will have an effect in the future?
Ouji: Mhm, that’s right
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Panel 1
Ouji: Both Kai-kun and Obi-nyan
Ouji: Had probably predicted where Tamakoma, who wants points Ouji: Would be butting in
Panel 2
Ouji: With Tamakoma deliberately showing himself there
*wind howling*
Ouji: And aiming to try and earn 2 points through his own power
Panel 3
Ouji: And Kai-kun’s aim of trying to mess things up and create a chance for himself
Ouji: Since he’s injured
Panel 4
Ouji: Obi-nyan did a good job calmly evading them and earning a point
Ouji: Is what I thought
Panel 5
Sakurako: I see…!
Konami: Ngghh…
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Panel 1
Sakurako: In that case, for Agent Kuga
Sakurako: Would it have been better Sakurako: For him to use Bagworm and enter the scene with a covert attack?
Panel 2
Kurauchi: That would be difficult to judge
Panel 3
Kurauchi: This season, Agent Kuga Kurauchi: Have shown multiple times a surprise attack with Bagworm
Kurauchi: So the level of vigilance of the other teams should be fairly high
Panel 4
Kurauchi: Even if he takes 1 person down with a surprise attack
Kurauchi: I think there would have been a risk of him taking damage from a counterattack
Panel 5
Kurauchi: The result this time is that Agent Obishima took a point Kurauchi: But, with Agent Tonooka down, it doesn’t change the fact that Yuba squad has it tough
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Panel 1
Kurauchi: How they conduct themselves from here is very important
Panel 3
Inukai: With Tono-kun down, Tamakoma’s running free right now
Inukai: Is it okay not to go to Obishima-chan?
Panel 4
Yuba: That guy’s doing her job properly
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Panel 1
Yuba: I can’t be sitting on the fence here
Yuba: Riiight!?
Panel 2
Inukai: Your face is scary, Yuba-san
Panel 3
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 4
*impact impact impact*
Panel 5
Yuba: !
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Panel 1
Fujimaru: Right side!
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4
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Panel 1
*bam bam*
*impact impact*
Panel 2
Inukai: Thank you, Tsuji-chan, you saved me
Tsuji: Thank you for waiting
Panel 3
Sakurako: Agent Tsuji joins up here! Sakurako: Has Agent Inukai’s full-on running born fruit!?
Panel 4
Konami: We don’t know yet
Konami: Because Yuba-chan is the ‘Attacker Killer’
Panel 5
Sakurako: By ‘Attacker Killer’ you mean…?
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Panel 1
Ouji: In the first place, Yuba-san’s style Ouji: Is so that he can have the advantage against Attackers who have Senkuu
Panel 2
Ouji: This was devised
Ouji: By referencing Suwa-san’s double Shotgun
Panel 3
Konami: The range of effectiveness of Yuba-chan’s revolvers
Konami: Should be a bit more than 22m
Panel 4
Konami: This is just beyond
Senkuu Kogetsu Range
Konami: What an Attacker can reach ‘stepping into a Senkuu Kogetsu’
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Panel 1
Konami: If he can maintain that distance between them
Konami: Yuba-chan can beat the Attackers up one-sidedly
Panel 2
Konami: By the way Konami: Born from opposing Yuba-san’s style was
Konami: ‘Ikoma Senkuu’
Sakurako: What…! Such history behind the technique…!
Panel 3
Izumi: It’s true that Tsuji-chan Izumi: Can’t unleash his firepower when Yuba-san’s the opponent…
Panel 4
Izumi: But if the 2 of them devote themselves to defence and buy enough time…
Panel 5
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
Panel 2
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Izumi: The ace will finally arrive
Panel 2
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Panel 1
Fujimaru: Ninomiya squad fucking assembled! Fujimaru: Can you return!? Yukari!
Obishima: I’ll try!
Panel 2
Obishima: I’ve achieved my goal having taken Minamisawa-sempai down Obishima: I’ll pull him along like this
Obishima: And pit Kuga-sempai against Ninomiya squad…!
Panel 3
Panel 4
Obishima: !!
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Panel 1
Obishima: Mikumo-sempai’s Spider…!
Obishima: I was too preoccupied with Kuga-sempai…!
Panel 2
Sakurako: Oh my! In the fight on the eastern side, Agent Obishima Sakurako: Is caught in Agent Mikumo’s Spider!
Kurauchi: He read where Yuba squad would meet up and set it in that location
Panel 3
Sakurako: Now, In the Spider Zone, Agent Kuga’s
Panel 4
Sakurako: Wire High Speed Manoeuvre unfolds!  
*impact impact impact impact*
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Panel 2
Yuuma: !
Panel 3
*impact impact impact impact impact*
Panel 4
Sakurako: Oh!?
Sakurako: Agent Obishima counterattacks with Omnidirectional Shooting!
Panel 5
Ouji: A countermeasure that aims for a draw even if she can’t follow his movements with her eyes
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Panel 1
Ouji: On Kuugar’s side, he can guard against it if he widens his Shield
Ouji: But perhaps she intends to break it open with Kogetsu if that happens?
Panel 2
Ouji: Considering that Ninomiya squad have an entire 3 people remaining
Ouji: Kuugar probably doesn’t want to take damage here either Ouji: So it might have gotten a bit difficult to attack
Panel 3
*machine whirr*
Panel 4
Panel 5
Obishima: Scorpion Throw!
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Obishima: !!
Panel 4
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Grasshopper
*machine whirr*
Panel 2
Panel 4
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
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Panel 1
Obishima: …!!
Obishima: Scorpion Pinball…!?
Panel 2
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Panel 4
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Panel 1        
Yuuma: You’ll become strong, Obishima-chan
Panel 2
Yuuma: I guarantee it
Panel 3
Sakurako: Agent Obishima bails out! Sakurako: With this Tamakoma Second needs 2 more points!
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Yuba squad is left with 1 person!
1. Sakurako calls Osamu 'Mikumo Taiin' which is why I translated it as Agent Mikumo but it's probably a typo since otherwise it's always been 'Mikumo Taichou' which I translate as Captain
2. As always, thank you Ashihara for giving female characters these chances that usually go to male ones. To have Obishima be the lesser rival to the protag that has him promising she'll get stronger, he will guarantee it...this is what I love about World Trigger's female characters
3. In conclusion, I think chances are better than ever that Chika will have a pivotal role in this match, especially against Ninomiya since I think this chapter has built up Yuba getting something in against Nino but ultimately losing to him which will make it easier and more likely for Chika to also get something in against Nino since he won’t be at full power.
And since it was just one chapter this time, I also translated the Ouji Nickname guide that came with it:
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Ouji Kazuaki’s Nickname Collection Spring ‘20
Captain Ouji Kazuaki of Ouji squad, serving as commentator for ROUND 8 as it sparks with fierce fighting. His strong style of throwing in nicknames he made himself without hesitation into the commentary, something that is required to be easily understandable, is just like him but also deadly for first-timers. I have made a summary, I hope it can be of assistance.
Tamakoma 2nd
Mikumo Osamu = Ossam
Kuga Yuuma = Kuugar
Amatori Chika = Amatoriciana
Hus = Huston
Ikoma Squad
Ikoma Tatsuhito = Iko-san*
Mizukami Satoshi = Mizukaming
Oki Kouji = Okky
Minamisawa Kai = Kai-kun
Ninomiya Squad
Ninomiya Masataka = Ninomiya-san*
Inukai Sumiharu = Sumi-kun
Tsuji Shinnosuke = Tsuji-chan
Yuba Squad
Yuba Takuma = Yuba-san*
Obishima Yukari = Obi-nyan
Tonooka Kazuto = Tono-kun
*As expected, with those older, you can see his prudence in not cutting loose too much
And Many Others! A spirit that burns for naming!!
Though there exists many nicknames created by Captain Ouji, it seems he did not give them much thought in their creation. Among them there are those, like ‘Pokari’, that have permeated widely throughout Border. In addition, it appears that the one that has spread the least is ‘Jakuson’.
Katori Youko (Katori Squad) = Katorine
Wakamura Rokurou (Katori Squad) = Jakuson
Teruya Fumika (Kakizaki Squad) = Teruteru
Hokari Atsushi (Arafune Squad) = Pokari
I can't believe I didn't realise until now that Pokari is an Ouji Nickname. It's so obvious in hindsight
41 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 4 years
Hello, I hope this message will not bother you if you already have tons of them ^^ I was just wondering if you intended to continue your translation of World Trigger. Also I wanted to thank you for your "accurate" translations for all this time (I think I discovered you like 2-3 years ago by chance ... I don't even remember how). Thank you again. A French World Trigger fan.
Short answer...yes >.> Long answer, the past month or so have been a busy one (I was on holiday for a chunk of it etc.) hence why I haven’t posted these earlier, but you guys aren’t here for excuses. I’m glad you like my translations! And trust me, compliments are never a burden XD This goes out for all the other nice messages I received as well, thank you so much everyone for taking time out to write such nice messages
Also, congratulations to the World Trigger anime for getting a continuation! So far there hasn’t been much official information about it, though the key poster having Hus in the Tamakoma Second uniform is pretty suggestive, I thought. But they’re getting a stage at AnimeJapan 2020 on 23rd March, so hopefully we learn more then.
Now on to the translation!
World Trigger Ch188 ‘Hus 9’, Ch189 ‘Amatori Chika 8′  & Ch190 ‘Yuba Squad 3′ Translation
For this post I have all the chapters that have come out until now:
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
Osamu: Chika! Kuga!
*clatter clatter*
Yuuma: We’re fine
Panel 3
Yuuma: Chika protected us with Shield
Panel 4
Osamu: I see…!
Osamu: Alright…first, let’s move!
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Panel 1
Osamu: Why did Meteora explode?
Osamu: Did you see anything?
Panel 2
Chika: The cube was shotChika: From the back…
Panel 3
Osamu: The back…which means from the south…
Osamu: Were we seen by Yuba squad’s sniper…!
Panel 4
Chika: I’m sorryChika: I…
Osamu: I was the one who gave those instructions
Osamu: It’s my mistake
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Panel 1
Osamu: But thanks to you, Chika, the two of you finished up with no injuries
Osamu: We’re seeing the result of your training
Panel 2
Chika: …
Panel 3
Fujimaru: Well done, Tono!
Fujimaru: Your quick wit worked, didn’t it!
Tonooka: No, I didn’t finish her off, can’t really say that…
Panel 4
Tonooka: I’ll keep following Tamakoma
Tonooka: Watch for a chance and try one more time
Panel 5
Osamu: Kuga
Osamu: Can you go take down the sniper in the south?
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Panel 1                      
Yuuma: If the sniper shoots one more time for us
Yuuma: I don’t know where he is right now
Panel 2
Osamu: That’s true…
Osamu: Yuba squad’s sniper…Tonooka-sempai
Osamu: Gave the impression of being quite a cautious person
Panel 3
Osamu: If I send Kuga to search for Tonooka-sempai
Osamu: But he stays hidden during all of it
Osamu: Kuga won’t be able to fight during that time
Panel 4
Osamu: …alright
Panel 5
Osamu: Let’s aim towards where Hus is together with the three of us!
Osamu: If there’s a place where the line of sight from the south is cut offOsamu: Kuga will split from us there and hurry to save Hus!
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Panel 1
Osamu: Me and Chika will hide ourselves first
Osamu: And then set up at a spot where Chika can support you with her sniping!
Panel 2
Osamu: And take care not to have Ninomiya-san’s group catch up to us!
Panel 3
Yuuma: Roger
Chika: …roger!
Panel 4
Osamu: It’ll take time, but we don’t have any other choice…!
Osamu: Hus…!
Panel 5
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Panel 1
Mizukami: What was that big one jus’ now?
*wind howling*
Oki: Looks like Amatori-chan exploded
Minamisawa: Seriously!?
Mizukami: But she ain’t dead
Panel 2
Usami: Meteora was shot by Tonooka-kun’s snipingUsami: But with Chika-chan’s Shield, those three are okay!
Hus: I see…Hus: Understood
Panel 3
Hus: It’s predictable that Chika would be marked
Hus: Was my judgement too optimistic
Panel 4
Hus: ShioriHus: Give me a detailed map of these surroundings
Usami: Roger!
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Panel 1
Ouji: I said a bit about this earlier
Ouji: But with this kind of meleeOuji: The more you’re on the ‘inside’ the more of a disadvantage you have
Panel 2
Ouji: Because no matter how skilled
Ouji: It’s hard to be on guard for 360°
Panel 3
Ouji: But on the flip sideOuji: Surviving this far makes Huston a badass
Ouji: You could say as well…
Panel 4
Kurauchi: …losing a leg
Kurauchi: Makes the situation a fair amount more difficult
Panel 5
Kurauchi: Since he has to stop moving and concentrate trion on defending
Kurauchi: There’s no opportunity for him to demonstrate his inherently high attack power
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Panel 1
Sakurako: So you mean that he has his hands full with defence
Sakurako: And no chance to counterattack…!
Panel 2
Konami: Though there is still a chance for him to take advantage, more or less…
Konami: Since those surrounding him are all ‘enemies’ as well
Panel 3
Sakurako: …!
Sakurako: …by which you mean…!?
Panel 4
Konami: If Hus goes down like this
Konami: Ikoma squad has the advantage with numbers and location, rightKonami: Yuba squad’s gonna do their best to not let that happen
Panel 5
Konami: And on the other hand, Inukai-sempai
Konami: Is okay with the current situation continuing until NInomiya-san’s group arrives…
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Panel 1
Konami: The ones doing the surrounding all have different opinions too
Konami: Hus should know that too
Sakurako: I see…!
Panel 2
Kurauchi: The more damage Agent Hus takes
Kurauchi: The more the surrounding sideKurauchi: Is conscious of ‘after Agent Hus is taken down’…Kurauchi: I agree that has merit
Panel 3
Sakurako: Which means, taking advantage of that psychologySakurako: There’s a chance Agent Hus could survive…!?
Panel 4
Ouji: No
Ouji: Now that’s not going to happen
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Panel 1
Ouji: Even if they’re calculating the pros and cons at the back of their heads
Ouji: The upper B-ranks are not so soft thatOuji: They would let Huston escape
Panel 2
*machine whirr*
Panel 3
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 4
*machine whirr*
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Panel 1
*light light light light*
Panel 2
*impact impact impact impact impact*
Panel 3
*impact impact impact impact impact*
Panel 4
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
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Panel 1
Minamisawa: Hus-chan went that way!
Panel 2
Mizukami: OK, Ah see him
Panel 3
Inukai: You can’t get away with that foot
Panel 4
*impact impact impact impact*
*impact impact impact*
Panel 5
Sakurako: Agent Hus begins his attempt to break through
Sakurako: The mid-range group tightly keeps him in place!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Agent Hus is surrounded once more!Sakurako: Is the difference in mobility having an effect!?
Konami: …ah jeez, it’s making me anxious…!
Panel 2
Konami: Don’t put on airs
*mumble mumble*
Konami: Hurry up and use your ‘secret weapon’…!
Panel 3
Kurauchi & Ouji: ‘Secret weapon’…?
Panel 4
Sakurako: By ‘secret weapon’Sakurako: You mean something like a trump card…!?
Konami: I don’t know, I’m not saying, I won’t tell you!Konami: Because it’s a ‘secret weapon’!
Karasuma: …
Panel 5
Kitora: Karasuma-sempaiKitora: By ‘secret weapon’, she means…?
Karasuma: It’s about Viper
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Panel 1
Kitora: …!
Kitora: Making everyone think the bullet he has is Asteroid, but actually…
Kitora: Viper…!
Panel 2
Karasuma: Hus is pretty skilled
Karasuma: Not as much as Nasu-sanKarasuma: But he can draw the trajectory properly every time
Panel 3
Karasuma: No matter the opponent, he should able to get them the first time
Panel 4
Kitora: It’s true…with that trion amount
Kitora: It’ll be a fatal wound for anyone…!
Kitora: …but
Kitora: In that case, then why…
Panel 5
Inukai: I wonder why he’s not using his ‘secret weapon’?Inukai: Hus-kun
*wind howling*
Inukai: You’ve got something up your sleeve, right?
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Panel 1
Inukai: There’s no need to be reluctant in the final battle, right
*wind howling*
Inukai: Keep going like this and it’s gonna end without it being used?
Panel 2
*bang bang bang*
*impact impact*
*light light light light*
Panel 3
*clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 4
Karasuma: Yuba squad isKarasuma: Moving as if they’re splitting the work of taking on Ninomiya-san’s Fullattack strategy between the two of them
Karasuma: Thanks to their countermeasures against Ninomiya-san, they’re somehow getting through this
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Panel 1
Karasuma: Ikoma squad is…
Panel 2
Karasuma: While the attacker presses forward
Panel 3
Karasuma: Mizukami-sempai supports him, the same as usual
Panel 4
Karasuma: And then…
Panel 5
Ikoma: Senkuu…
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Panel 1
Hus: Escudo
*machine whirr*
Panel 2
Panel 3
*bang bang bang bang*
Ikoma: !
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Escudo as a catapult!?Sakurako: Captain Ikoma is tossed into the air!
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Panel 1
Kurauchi: So he can even activate Escudo with his foot
Panel 2
Konami: A chance!
Panel 3
Ouji: Take down Iko-san
Ouji: Or aim for withdrawal
Panel 4
Hus: Slip through this boxing in!
Panel 5
Ikoma: …kogetsu
Panel 6
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Panel 1
Panel 3
Hus: !
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Panel 1
Satori: Acrobatic Ikoma Senkuu!
Arashiyama: He can hit a mark like that
Panel 2
*impact impact impact impact*
Sakurako: The breakout with Escudo Catapult is halted by Captain Ikoma!
Panel 3
Sakurako: And furthermore, Agent Hus loses his right foot too!
Panel 4
Karasuma: …I seeKarasuma: So that’s how it is
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Panel 1
Inukai: The angle of the Escudo used for that big jump just now…
Panel 2
Inukai: At the end of his jump would be…
Panel 3
Ouji: It seems that Huston
Ouji: Wanted to use his ‘secret weapon’ on Ninomiya-san
Panel 4
Ouji: In fact, in the first placeOuji: ‘Huston will defeat Ninomiya-san’
Ouji: Was that Tamakoma’s scenario, I wonder?
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Panel 1
Yuba: Obishimaa!
*wind howling*
Yuba: When Hus falls, the 2nd round is gonna start immediately!
Panel 2
Obishima: Roger!
*wind howling*
Obishima: I’ll move to make sure I’m not surroundedObishima: While trying to create an opening in Ikoma squad!
Panel 3
Mizukami: Hus shoulda lost quite a lot of trion by now, butMizukami: Don’t let ya guard down
*wind howling*
Panel 4
Ikoma: Not an opponent ya can let ya guard down with even if he’s on the verge of death anyway
Minamisawa: True!
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
Inukai: Even if Hus-kun was to fight Ninomiya-san
Inukai: Ninomiya-san will probably win, but…
Panel 2
Inukai: …risk
*wind howling*
Inukai: Need to be eliminated as much as possible
Panel 3
Computer: WarningComputer: Serious trion leakage
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
Sakurako: There are cracks in Agent Hus’s combat body…!
Ouji: It’s finally reached this point
Panel 3
Kurauchi: The amount of trion Agent Hus can use in a counterattack
Kurauchi: Is running low too
Panel 4
Ouji: If Huston is taken down
Ouji: The match might move all at once
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Panel 1
Inukai: Hus-kun acted as if he’s aiming for Ninomiya-san’s group
Panel 2
Inukai: There’s the chance that those 3 from Tamakoma are heading your wayInukai: So please be careful at least
Panel 3
Hiyami: The one who went after Tamakoma just now should’ve been Tonooka-kun
Hiyami: So it might be better to move in secret right about now
Panel 4
Ninomiya: …understood
Tsuji: Roger
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Panel 1
Hosoi: Ninomiya-san and Tsuji-kun jus’ disappeared!
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Mizukami: Can’t take it easy anymore, Ah see
Panel 3
Sakurako: The enveloping formation slowly pressing in!
Sakurako: Which team will bring down Agent Hus!
Panel 4
Ouji: Probably Ikoma squad
Ouji: Yuba squad should be letting Ikoma squad take HustonOuji: And taking advantage of that opening
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Panel 1
Konami: Will Yuba-chan use such an indirect move?
Panel 2
Ouji: It’s not Yuba-san’s way
Ouji: It’s Kandata’s way
Panel 3
Obishima: I will make Hus-sempai move and put him in Ikoma squad’s crosshairs!
Panel 4
Yuba: Don’t press in too deeply!
Panel 5
*wind howling*
*impact impact impact*
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Panel 1
*machine whirr*
Panel 2
Obishima: Escudo!
Obishima: Under my feet!?
Panel 3
Obishima: !?
Panel 4
*impact impact*
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Panel 1
Yuba: That car with Escudo…
Yuba: Obishimaa!
Panel 2
*rattle rattle*
Obishima: …I’m fine!
Panel 3
Inukai: Yuba squad’s co-op has broken down
Inukai: In that case
Panel 4
*impact impact impact*
Inukai: I’ll have to put on the pressure, won’t I
Panel 5
*machine whirr*
*impact impact impact impact impact*
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
Ikoma: Senkuu Kogetsu
Panel 3
Sakurako: Once again, Ikoma Senkuu!
Panel 4
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Panel 2
*machine whirr*
Panel 3
Satori: Fullguard!?
Panel 4
Arashiyama: The Senkuu was a fakeout!
Panel 5
Konami: …here!!
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Panel 1
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Ikoma: …!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: !?
Konami: Viper!
Panel 2
Computer: Combat body active limit reached
Ikoma: Kai!
Panel 3
Minamisawa: Yes, yes!
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Minamisawa: !?
Panel 5
Minamisawa: Are you Nasu-san!
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Panel 1
*machine whirr*
Panel 2
Minamisawa: !
*impact impact impact impact*
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Mizukami: Finally
Panel 5
Mizukami: Checkmate
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Panel 1
*impact impact impact impact*
Panel 2
Computer: Combat body active limit reached
*crack crack*
Computer: Bailout
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Captain Ikoma and Agent HusSakurako: Bails out one after the other!
Panel 2
Panel 3
*machine whirr*
*impact impact impact impact*
Panel 4
Mizukami: If Obishima-chan’s there, then that means…
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Panel 1
Mizukami: Yuba-san’s over here
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Mizukami: Oh my…
Mizukami: This’s no good
Panel 4
*bam bam bam bam bam *
*impact impact impact impact*
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Agent Mizukami, stuck between Captain Yuba and Agent InukaiSakurako: Also bails out here!
Panel 2
Sakurako: This is Yuba squad’s point!Sakurako: Captain Yuba’s quick draw wrested away the point!
Panel 3
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second, Ikoma squad, and Yuba squad
Sakurako: Have all earned 1 point!
Panel 4
Sakurako: So Agent Hus’s ‘secret weapon’Sakurako: Was Viper!
Konami: That’s rightKonami: Though I was so nervous when it looked like he was going to go down without using it
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Panel 1
Inukai: Hus-kun’s ‘secret weapon’ was more or less what I expectedInukai: Though the keenness of his proficiency was above what I had thought
Panel 2
Inukai: Now I need toInukai: Make sure not to die before meeting up
Panel 3
Panel 4
Hus: Stopped at 1 point, huh…
Hus: ButHus: I did the minimum that needed to be done
Panel 5
Hus: No…Hus: There’s one more thing to do
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Panel 1
Osamu: Hus was taken down…
Yuuma: Well, can’t be helped
Panel 2
Chika: Hus-kun was…
*badump badump*
Chika: Hus-kun was taken down…
Panel 3
Chika: The same as that time
Panel 4
Chika: Because I couldn’t do it well…
Chika: Ah
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Panel 1
Hus: Chika
Hus: It’s Hus
Panel 2
Chika: !
Hus: My bad I couldn’t let you shoot like we practiced
Panel 3
Hus: I died
Panel 4
Hus: On the actual battlefieldHus: If Chika doesn’t shoot the enemy
Hus: There’s a chance Yuuma or Osamu could die
Panel 5
Chika: Again, it’s my…
Chika: My fault…
Hus: That’s why, Chika
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Panel 1
Hus: I leave Yuuma and Osamu in your care
Hus: In my place
Panel 2
Chika: …!
Panel 3
Izumi: Hmmm…
Izumi: Now hasn’t this turned into an intense development
Izumi: Tamkoma Second
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Fight. And prove yourselves.
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Panel 1
Izumi: Yo, Kyousuke
Panel 2
Izumi: Didn’t this turn out interesting
Karasuma: Izumi-sempai
Panel 3
Karasuma: You’re not in the upper seats today
Izumi: It’s the special final match after all
Panel 4
Izumi: SoIzumi: How is it, your ‘disciple’
Izumi: Isn’t he troubled with his big game piece taken down
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Panel 1
Karasuma: I wonder
Karasuma: He’d been thinking of various strategiesKarasuma: So I think he’ll be alright though
Panel 2
Karasuma: If I have to say, the one I’m worried about is…
Panel 4
*impact impact impact impact*
*bang bang bang bang*
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Panel 1
*bam bam bam*
Panel 2
Minamisawa: Uwah, not good, not good!
Panel 3
Sakurako: With 2 people taken down all at once, Ikoma squad has sudden reversed into a crisis!Sakurako: Will it develop into the 2 from Yuba squad chasing after Agent Minamisawa
Panel 4
Ouji: They would want to take down Kai-kun in this sceneOuji: But they wouldn’t want to let Sumi-kun get away either
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Panel 1
Yuba: Wanna turn Minamisawa into a point hereYuba: But if we let Inukai go, Ninomiya squad’s gonna fucking complete the set unscathed
Panel 2
Ouji: Times like this
Ouji: If Kandata was hereOuji: Is what you start thinking…
Panel 3
Obishima: …Yuba-san!
Panel 4
Obishima: I’ll defeat Minamisawa-sempai!
Obishima: Please chase after Inukai-sempai!
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Panel 1
Yuba: …aalriightYuba: Go, Obishimaa!
Yuba: Don’t forget the advantage of range!
Obishima: Roger!
Panel 2
Sakurako: Yuba squad splits into two here!
Sakurako: Can it be said that they’ve made a slightly momentous choice!?
Panel 3
Kurauchi: I believe these movements have been seen by the 3 from TamakomaKurauchi: But on Yuba squad’s side, Agent Tonooka is still marking Tamakoma
Panel 4
Kurauchi: Depending on who Tamakoma makes a move on
Panel 5
Kurauchi: The flow of the match will change, it seems
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Panel 1
Panel 3
Panel 4
*impact impact impact impact*
Fujimaru: Distance 20!
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Panel 1
*bam bam bam*
Panel 2
*impact impact impact*
Panel 3
Sakurako: Captain Yuba’s bullets have caught Agent Inukai in their grasp!
Konami: Yuba-chan’s faster in close range
Panel 4
Inukai: A shootout’s bothersome, as expectedInukai: Let’s devote ourselves to running
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Agent Inukai shows movements that aim to outrun by using obstacles!Sakurako: …on the other hand, is Tamakoma joining in from the opposite side!?
Panel 2
Osamu: We’ll aim for Minamisawa-sempai’s group
Panel 3
Osamu: Because there’s the risk of an induced explosion like beforeOsamu: This time you can’t use Meteora
Osamu: Instead, our move will be using Hound to unbalance the opponentOsamu: And me and Kuga taking them out
Panel 4
Chika: …right, got it!
*machine whirr*
Panel 5
Tonooka: She’s alone now
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Panel 1
Tonooka: Tamakoma’s gone towards ObishimaTonooka: I’ll aim from the back
Fujimaru: Roger!
Obishima: Roger!
Panel 2
Chika: Hound!
*machine whirr*
Panel 3
Tonooka: Now this isn’t gonna be Meteora, right
Tonooka: But this time…
Panel 4
Tonooka: I can aim for the main body
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Tonooka: !
Panel 4
Yuuma: He took the bait
Panel 5
*wind howling*
Chika: …found him!
Usami: Changing to Sighted Guidance
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Panel 1
Tonooka: Uwa, they got me
Panel 2
Tonooka: Her left hand side was open
Tonooka: Because she wanted to narrow down the direction she’d be sniped from, huh
Panel 3
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 4
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Panel 1
Tonooka: !
Panel 2
Tonooka: Oh my…
Panel 3
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Agent Tonooka bails out!
Sakurako: The one who nabbed him was Ikoma squad’s Agent Oki!
Panel 2
Panel 3
Yuuma: Oh?Yuuma: Did Chika’s ones hit?
Panel 4
Osamu: …noOsamu: It was Ikoma squad’s point
Panel 5
Panel 6
*shake shake*
Chika: Wrong, wrong…!
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Panel 1
Chika: Next time
Chika: I’ll hit the mark…!
Panel 2
Konami: That Okky really hid himself well…
Kurauchi: An ambush that put Agent Tonooka to shame
Panel 3
Ouji: I wonder if he had been marking Tono-kun since the Big Meteora Explosion?
Panel 4
Ouji: Because it gets scary later on if you lose Tono-kunOuji: So I understand how he feels
Panel 5
Mizukami: Oki-kun?
Mizukami: Ya couldn’t use those skills ta save us?
Oki: Well, it seemed snipin’ was bein’ guarded agains’ on that side
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Panel 1
Oki: Kai
*wind howling*
Oki: If ya run that way, Kuga-kun’s probably there
Panel 2
Minamisawa: Uwah, then
Minamisawa: Would a one-on-one with Obishima-chan be better?
Panel 3
Minamisawa: I’ve only got one arm so it’s pretty tough though!
Oki: Brin’ her this wayOki: Ah’m on my way too
Panel 4
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
Oki: !
*machine whirr*
Oki: Hound!?
Panel 2
Oki: I’ll lead it on then in the opposite direction…
Panel 3
Oki: !?
Panel 4
Oki: Wrong, these’re
Oki: Composite bullets
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Panel 1
*impact impact impact impact impact impact*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Oki: I can’t, I can’t, seriously I can’t
Oki: Ninomiya-san’s
Panel 4
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Panel 2
Oki: Eh, no way
Computer: Combat body active limit reached
Panel 3
Sakurako: Ahhh!?
Sakurako: Agent Tsuji had gone on ahead!?
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Panel 1
Sakurako: A flash of Kogetsu!
Sakurako: This has become Ninomiya squad’s first point earned!
Panel 2
Kurauchi: This has…
Kurauchi: Really taken me by surprise, speaking personally
Panel 3
Kurauchi: When Captain Ninomiya shoots Composite Bullets, he always
Kurauchi: Had either one to guard him, was my impression, so…
Panel 4
Ouji: Okky probably thought the sameOuji: He sure is composed
Panel 5
Sakurako: …!Sakurako: And on the opposite side!Sakurako: This is…
Konami: Yuuma!
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Panel 1
*machine whirr*
Panel 2
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second’s other ace!
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Agent Yuuma encounters these two!
Panel 3
Obishima: Kuga-sempai…!
Panel 4
Minamisawa: …ahhh ahhh
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Panel 1
Minamisawa: Kuga-chan showing himself means…
Minamisawa: It’s that pattern with Mikumo-chan in hiding?
Obishima: …!
Panel 2
Obishima: That’s true…if that’s so
Obishima: It’s 2 vs. 1 vs. 1…!
Panel 3
Panel 4
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second, who wants 3 more points for a sole no.2 seat!
Panel 5
Sakurako: Swoops down on Agent Obishima and Minamisawa!
*machine whirr*
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Panel 1
Minamisawa: Ugh!?
Panel 3
Minamisawa: Eh~…
*crack crack*
Minamisawa: Just nowMinamisawa: Didn’t it feel a bit like it’s gonna be us two working together…
Panel 4
Obishima: Sorry!Obishima: I want points!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Oh!?Sakurako: Agent Obishima’s Blind Shot has taken out Agent Minamisawa!
Panel 2
Konami: Ngh…
Ouji: A good judgement, Obi-nyan
Panel 3
Sakurako: Now then, two teams who both want points!
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Will this become a clash that breaks up the future to come!?
1. Any other manga (and I do still do this with World Trigger sometimes), I would have thought this starting placement means Tamakoma 2nd will definitely join the expedition as a team because otherwise we won't get to see them work together. But this IS World Trigger, famous for so many instances of 'oh I kind of wanted to show this but I lost my chance oh well' :/ And Ashihara has said before that he sets up chara positions on the map so he can get the match result he wants without compromising the characters' abilities, so it could very well be that he deliberately surrounded Hus with enemies because he wants him to go down before Tamakoma 2nd can fight as a team and eliminate their chance to go on the expedition as 'Tamakoma 2nd'...
2. I always forget Minamisawa and Hus are the same age and then we get something like 'Hus-chan' ._.
3. Apropos of nothing, I think Ouji's face hearing Konami spoil Hus's 'secret weapon' is hilarious
4. In conclusion, one thing I always love about World Trigger fights is how everyone is always learning new things, or changing up their tactics. It's never just our protags learning about their opponents, thinking up countermeasures and maybe having the opponents counter with countermeasures of their own. So often, World Trigger opponents will do something different right out the gate because the situation calls for it and it makes the fights so exciting.
Coming up next, volume 21 extras! Let’s see how many I can churn out before more chapters drop next week.
29 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Ch186 ‘Hus 8’ & Ch187 ‘Yuba Squad 2′ Translation
Hi guys, hopefully by now you’ve all heard that there is no World Trigger in this month’s issue of Jump Square due to Ashihara’s ongoing health issues. At this point, it should be in next month’s issue so not quite a hiatus situation yet *knock on wood*. And hopefully volume 22 is still coming out on time next month too, but since ch187 is literally the end of vol22 it’s hard to say if they might want another month and a bit of backlog before releasing a volume. We’ll see.
Anyway, on to last month’s release!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: While an extremely flashy firefight breaks out on the west side of the map Sakurako: Premonitions of a collision in the east are also on the rise!
Panel 2
Sakurako: Will the 2 from Yuba squad clash with
Panel 3
Sakurako: Tamakoma’s Agent Hus?
Panel 4
Sakurako: Or Ikoma squad’s Agent Minamisawa?
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Ninomiya squad’s Agent Inukai and Ikoma squad’s Agent Mizukami too
Panel 2
Sakurako: Feels like they might participate in this battle!
Panel 3
Minamisawa: Whoaaa!
Minamisawa: There’s like a lot coming this way!
Panel 4
Minamisawa: This’s bad! Minamisawa: I might be really popular!
Ikoma: ‘Kai is popular’ Ikoma: Roger
Panel 5
Hosoi: Kai! Hosoi: Yer not allowed to rush in by yerself this time!
Minamisawa: It’s fine, Mario-sempai!
Hosoi: Yer not allowed!?
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Captain Ikoma and Agent Oki’s movements, are they going around so they can come in from the south?
Sakurako: Meanwhile on the west side…
Panel 2
Sakurako: The 2 from Tamakoma are distancing themselves from Ninomiya squad with Bagworm
Sakurako: Is their plan to not have a shootout head-on
Panel 3
Ouji: Amatorichiana shot ‘normal bullets’
Ouji: Has she become able to shoot them?
Panel 4
Ouji: But the fact that they’re not going for a firefight
Ouji: I see that as there still being grounds for concern
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Panel 1
Konami: They’re probably just prioritising meeting up with allies
Konami: Once the team is all together Konami: Chika’s Meteora’s gonna go boom!
Panel 2
Konami: I was chased out in the middle the day before yesterday Konami: But I get the feeling that’s the plan they made in the end!
Karasuma: From this point on can’t be shown to commentators
Youtarou: Sorry, Konami
Konami: But Youtarou’s fine!?
Kurauchi: What a sad story…
Panel 3
Tsuji: They’re not shooting at us
Hiyami: They’ve disappeared from radar, so a withdrawal is likely Hiyami: Though there’s a non-zero chance they’re lying in wait
Panel 4
Ninomiya: Whether Amatori can shoot or not
Ninomiya: Still isn’t confirmed
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Is Tamakoma Second trying to Sakurako: Have 3 of them join up then all go together to meet Agent Hus?
Sakurako: As they are moving while hiding, it looks like their speed has dropped somewhat
Panel 2
Tonooka: This distance…
Panel 3
Tonooka: Feels like it’ll be blocked since Kuga-kun’s with her
Tonooka: Can’t they leave her by herself…
Panel 4
Sakurako: East of the map
Sakurako: Are Agent Hus and Yuba squad about to come into contact!
Panel 5
Kurauchi: For the isolated Agent Hus Kurauchi: I believe there is the choice of hiding himself and aiming to meet up however…
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Panel 1
Hus: …
Panel 2
Sakurako: Just as Agent Kurauchi predicted!
Sakurako: Agent Hus Sakurako: Activates Bagworm and disappeared from radar!
Panel 3
Ikoma: Hm? Ikoma: One person disappeared
Mizukami: Oki~
Oki: Yeh, yeh
Panel 4
Oki: Ah only saw an instant
Oki: But it looked blue, so it’s Tamakoma Oki: From the physique, might be Hus-kun?
Panel 5
Oki: Seems like he’s gonna turn to the south and avoid Yuba squad
Ikoma: ‘Hus is south’ Ikoma: Roger
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Panel 1
Mizukami: In that case, let’s at least block off this end
Panel 2
Minamisawa: I’ll chase from behind!
Panel 3
Sakurako: Here Ikoma squad makes their move
Sakurako: To encircle Agent Hus who has erased his presence!
Panel 4
Usami: Hus-kun, your movements are being read Usami: You might be watched by a sniper
Panel 5
Hus: Seems like it
Panel 6
Hus: Is the one watching Ikoma squad or Yuba squad…
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Panel 1
Yuba: Obishimaa
Yuba: Who just disappeared?
Obishima: Right
Panel 2
Obishima: To use Bagworm here
Obishima: If it’s not for an ambush then it’s
Obishima: ‘A person wanting to join up with their allies in the west’
Obishima: In other words…
Panel 3
Obishima: Hus-sempai
Obishima: Inukai-sempai, Tsuji-sempai Obishima: One of these!
Panel 4
Yuba: Alllright, well, you pass
Yuba: Whether it’s Hus, or Tsuji/Inukai Yuba: It’s a bother if we let them get away here
Panel 5
Yuba: Get that one first without delay!
Obishima: Roger!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Agent Hus’s movements have faltered! Sakurako: He’s becoming surrounded by Ikoma squad and Yuba squad!
Panel 2
Konami: Jeez, that idiot! Konami: He should have used Bagworm from the start!
Ouji: Hmmm, I wonder…
Panel 3
Yoneya: Can’t use Fullguard if you’re using Bagworm
Kodera: When there’re a lot of Snipers like this time Kodera: You must take care even with covert operations
Panel 4
Miwa: …His transfer position was too bad
Panel 5
Yoneya: Yeah Yoneya: Either way
Yoneya: Joining up is gonna take work
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Panel 1
Usami: The 3 working in concert with a sniper is Ikoma squad Usami: The other, probably two-man group, is Yuba squad
Usami: The remaining one is Inukai-sempai then
Panel 2
Hus: Looking at Ikoma squad’s movements, the other enemies are coming this way too
Hus: Before I’m completely surrounded Hus: I’ll defeat one of the ones down south and break through
Usami: Roger!
Panel 3
Oki: He just went towards Iko-san Oki: One road to the west
Panel 4
Ikoma: ‘One to the west’
Ikoma: Roger
Panel 5
Usami: Hus-kun
Usami: Ikoma squad in 40 metres!
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Panel 1
Ikoma: Senkuu Kogetsu
Panel 2
Panel 3
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Oki: Whoa
Oki: He predicted I’d go with Ibis
Panel 3
Ikoma: Found Hus
Panel 4
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
Usami: They’re coming from the back too!
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Konami: Watch out!
Panel 4
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
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Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
*clang clang clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 3
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Panel 2
*bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Usami: Obishima-chan’s disappeared!
Panel 4
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Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
Sakurako: Ikoma squad and Yuba squad surges forward with their attacks!
*clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 3
Sakurako: Agent Hus endures!
Ouji: I wonder why he didn’t die from that…
Panel 4
Sakurako: But the situation is still dangerous!
Sakurako: Can Agent Hus extract himself from this crisis!?
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Panel 1
Map South West
Chika: Osamu-kun!
Osamu: Kuga! Chika!
Panel 2
Yuuma: Looks pretty bad Yuuma: Shall we go help Hus?
Osamu: No Osamu: We probably won’t be in time
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Osamu: We’ll back Hus from here!
Panel 4
Tonooka: The two from Tamakoma
*wind howling*
Tonooka: Has met up with Mikumo-kun
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Panel 1
Osamu: We’ll back Hus from here!
*wind howling*
Osamu: Chika and Kuga, please climb up this apartment!
Panel 2
Osamu: We’ll create an opening for Hus with sniping!
Panel 3
Yuuma: Roger Yuuma: But
Yuuma: We’ll be found by Ninomiya-san and the rest when we shoot
Panel 4
Osamu: I know
Osamu: That’s why it’s a speed competition!
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Panel 1
Osamu: Before Ninomiya-san and the others catch up to us
Osamu: We need to break Hus out with one shot Osamu: And meet up with him like that
Panel 2
Osamu: With Hus’s ‘ace up his sleeve’ Osamu: And Chika’s Lead Bullet sniping
Osamu: We’ll open a hole in the opponents’ encirclement!
Panel 3
Chika: …!
Osamu: I’ll check up on Ninomiya-san and the others
Panel 4
Osamu: And in other places Osamu: I’ve also created small fake wire zones
Osamu: It should earn us a bit of time…!
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Panel 1
Osamu: …can you do it!?
Osamu: Chika!
Panel 2
Chika: Yeah!
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Minamisawa: Ahhh, I see!
Minamisawa: That’s how it is!
Panel 4
Minamisawa: It’s not me, it’s Hus-chan that’s popular!
Panel 5
Ikoma: ‘Popular’ Ikoma: ‘Wasn’t Kai’
Ikoma: Roger
Oki: Was that confirmation necessary?
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Panel 1
Mizukami: Inukai’s comin’ up behind Iko-san
Mizukami: Please be careful so ya aren’t taken down by him while ya fight someone else
Panel 2
Ikoma: ‘Inukai from behind’
*clang clang*
Ikoma: Roger
Panel 3
*clang clang*
Panel 4
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Panel 1
*clang clang clang clang clang clang*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Panel 4
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang*
Panel 3
*clang clang*
Minamisawa: Whoa oof!
Panel 4
Minamisawa: Yuba-san so scary!
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Panel 1
Mizukami: Looks like Yuba-san’s group’s aimin’ for Hus
Mizukami: It’s fine if we just follow along and sandwich him
Panel 2
Minamisawa: I don’t like multiple teams surrounding one person
Panel 3
Panel 4
*clang clang clang clang clang clang*
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Panel 1
Sakurako: On the east side of the Map, 8 people of 4 teams have plunged into a melee!
Sakurako: Agent Hus, who has been caught in the middle has taken damage!
Panel 2 Ouji: It’s Mizukaming who’s leading the melee
Panel 3
Ouji: He’s controlling the situation with his bullets and his position to keep Huston on the ‘inside’
Panel 4
Kurauchi: Agent Inukai also understands that Kurauchi: And moving so that Agent Hus can’t get away
Sakurako: I see…!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Agent Hus had shown his overwhelming strength in Round 7
Sakurako: Do they intend to make certain they take him down!
Konami: I don’t think he’ll let himself be taken down without doing anything in return though
Panel 2
Kurauchi: Even so Kurauchi: If the ones in the west meet up, then the situation will change
Kurauchi: So I don’t think the ones surrounding him have too much slack
Panel 3
Sakurako: Those ‘ones in the west’
Sakurako: The 3 from Tamakoma aren’t heading for the scene of the melee Sakurako: But are moving to back Agent Hus up with sniping from the south west!
Panel 4
Ouji: It’s true that way seems faster
Ouji: But…
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Panel 1
Konami: Nghhhh, that’s bad, bad
Kurauchi: Because the Tamakoma trio has Agent Tonooka glued to them
Panel 2
Kurauchi: Agent Tonooka is a sniper who is very good at covert operations Kurauchi: He’ll make sure his first shot hits
Panel 3
Kurauchi: I believe in recent capture and concealment training he was 3rd
Konami: You’re even checking that kind of thing!? Konami: Kuracchi, you’re amazing!
Panel 4
Ouji: From his movements, has Yuba-san Ouji: Given him orders to mark Amatorichiana?
Panel 5
Ouji: Because Amatorichiana’s Shield can even protect against Ibis
Ouji: He probably intends to aim for the moment she attacks
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Panel 1
Tonooka: Amatori-chan’s on top of a south west apartment
Panel 2
Tonooka: I’ll keep marking her
Tonooka: And shoot when she makes the motion for attack
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Obishima: Roger!
Yuba: Go all out, Tonookaa
Panel 4
Inukai: Amatori-chan and the others disappearing means
Inukai: Either Lead Bullet sniping or bombarding?
Panel 5
Inukai: Though there’s also the chance of Kuga-kun coming over here…
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Panel 1
Mizukami: It’s too quiet over where Ninomiya-san and the others are
Panel 2
Hosoi: At some point bullets are gonna come flyin’ from the west or the south! Hosoi: Be careful of lines of sight!
Ikoma: ‘Bullets from west or south’ Ikoma: Roger
Panel 3
Usami: …it’s no good, Osamu-kun! Usami: They’re on the lookout for sniping!
Usami: Our lines of sight can’t get through!
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
Osamu: Damn it
Osamu: There’s no time…!
Panel 5
Osamu: Hus!
Osamu: Either way I’m gonna get Chika to take a shot with her Ibis Osamu: So take advantage of the confusion and…
Hus: No
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Panel 1
Hus: Meteora
Hus: Drop Meteora where I am
Panel 2
Osamu: !?
Panel 3
Yuuma & Chika: !
Panel 4
Hus: If my luck’s good I’ll withstand it
Hus: And even if I die, we can take down the surrounding enemies all at once
Panel 5
Hus: If we get 4 points Hus: There’re no problems even if I’m down
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Panel 2
Osamu: …got it!
Osamu: Chika!
Panel 3
Osamu: If it’s Meteora your range is probably at its limit! Osamu: Get as close as you can and shoot!
Chika: …roger!
Panel 4
Osamu: Kuga, watch the radar
Osamu: And please tell Chika where to aim
Panel 5
Yuuma: Roger!
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Panel 1
Tonooka: Hm?
Panel 2
Tonooka: Oh man…!
Panel 3
Tonooka: The water tank’s in the way…!
*wind howling*
Fujioka: Huh? What’s wrong, Tono!?
Tonooka: No, it’s fine!
Panel 4
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
Panel 2
*clang clang clang*
*bang bang*
Panel 3
Hus: Tsk…!
Panel 4
Sakurako: Agent Hus takes damage in his leg!
Ouji: Now this is tough
Panel 5
Yuuma: Shiori-chan Yuuma: Please mark where I’m looking
Usami: OK!
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Panel 2
Chika: …target confirmed!
Panel 3
Chika: …Meteora!
Panel 4
Sakurako: Meteora!?
Ouji: Does she intend to include Huston in her aiming!
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Obishima: !  
Panel 2
Obishima: Yuba-san!
Panel 3
Yuba: Tonookaa!
Panel 4
Kodera: In that position, Tono
Kodera: Shouldn’t be able to see the target…
Panel 5
Panel 6
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Panel 4
Chika: !
Chika: Ah
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Osamu: !?
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Panel 5
*wind howling*
Panel 7
Osamu: Chika!!
Osamu: Kuga!!
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Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang*
Sakurako: !!
Panel 3
Sakurako: They’re alive! Sakurako: Is it Agent Amatori’s Shield!?
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second saved by a hair!
Panel 4
Teruya: ‘Affixed Shield’! Teruya: Even though she didn’t use it that time against us!
Ui: She’s grown~
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Agent Tonooka’s priceless one shot!
Tonooka: Eh? Tonooka: They didn’t die in that?
Tonooka: For real
Sakurako: Halted Agent Amatori’s bombardment!
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second’s plan has failed!
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 4
*wind howling*
Sakurako: Has Agent Hus been driven into a corner!?
1. This match is giving me all the mid range fighters getting cool roles and I love it.
2. Also more evidence of Konami using all the HQ members' nicknames. IDK I just find that cute.
3. In conclusion, growth! I love it :D
29 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Ch184 ‘Yuba Squad’ & Ch185 ‘Ninomiya Squad 2′ Translation
First of all, so much thanks for everyone who sent nice comments to my inbox! It reminds me that there are still people reading my posts and gives me a reason to keep posting here.
Also thanks to the anon who reminded me that Reddit World Trigger actually does have posts that aren't about OCs sometimes lol Reddit isn't my kind of place, but I had a peek and was forcefully reminded how I really disagree with how the localisation translates sometimes...at least it's good motivation to keep posting my translations (so extra thanks to those who likes reading more than one translation of the series). So don't worry guys, not enjoying translating is never the problem XD It's more about time especially since my casual gaming is somehow taking up so much time recently...I was actually doing pretty well this time, I finished translating about 3/4 of it about two weeks after it came out, but then a new event started on two of the games I was playing and I just barely finished yesterday...
In conclusion, this one's for all of you telling me that you're waiting for my translations <3
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Panel 1
Sakurako: People of Border, good evening!
Sakurako: I am Ebina squad’s operator, Taketomi Sakurako!
Panel 2
Sakurako: It’s the eighth B-rank Rank War, evening division!
Sakurako: The last match for this season has finally arrived!
Panel 3
Sakurako: This time, in the commentating seats, are these distinguished guests!
Panel 4
Sakurako: Tamakoma First’s ace Attacker, Konami-sempai and!
Konami: Thank you for having me!
Panel 5
Sakurako: From Ouji squad, who have finished their fierce battle in the day division Sakurako: We have Captain Ouji and Agent Kurauchi!
Kurauchi: Thanks for having us
Ouji: Thanks for your hard work
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Now then
Sakurako: To summarise the results of today’s day division’s match
Panel 2
Sakurako: Azuma squad got 4 points, Kageura squad got 3, and Ouji squad also got 3
Sakurako: Was the result
                          | Points Earned | Survival Points | Total Azuma squad     |           2           |            2           |     4 Kageura squad  |           3           |                         |     3 Ouji squad         |           3           |                          |     3
Panel 3
Sakurako: Our two Ouji squad members Sakurako: How was the match?
Panel 4
Kurauchi: As it was the exhibition hall stage, which is Azuma-san’s strong point Kurauchi: We were on guard for sniping as the fight progressed, but…
Panel 5
Ouji: To think Okkun and Koara had equipped bullet triggers
Ouji: We were taken completely by surprise
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Panel 1
Ouji: Finally, even Kage-kun, chased by Azuma squad
Ouji: Had his attention divided by Okkun’s bullets Ouji: And was taken down by Azuma-san
Panel 2
Ouji: Rather, I think we should be praised Ouji: For ending it with 4-3-3, with such slim margins
Sakurako: I see…!
Panel 3
Sakurako: And…a big point for the last round is
001 Ninomiya squad 002 Kageura squad  < 003 Tamakoma 2nd  < 004 Ikoma squad 005 Ouji squad
Sakurako: The fierce competition for no.2 between Kageura squad and Tamakoma Second
Panel 4
Sakurako: With Kageura squad earning 3 points
Sakurako: Tamakoma Second will now Sakurako: Need 4 points to become no.2
Sakurako: How do you feel about this, Konami-sempai?
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Panel 1
Konami: 4 points is child’s play!
Konami: Nicely done, Azuma-san and Ohji!
Panel 2
Konami: I shall praise you!
Ouji: Yay
Panel 3
Sakurako: In which case
Sakurako: The chances of Tamakoma Second reaching no.2 or above are high…!?
Panel 4
Konami: This time it’s a four way fight so there are more people
Konami: If it’s our kids, they can surely get 4 points
Panel 5
Konami: In the previous four way fight
Konami: They got 6 points and won
                           | Points Earned | Survival Points | Total Tamakoma 2nd   |            4           |             2          |     6 Azuma squad     |            2           |                         |     2 Kageura squad  |            2           |                         |     2 Suzunari First     |            1          |                          |     1
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Panel 1
Ouji: Hmmm, well Ouji: If we look at the previous match, it’s true that’s what happened, but…
Panel 2
Ouji: Tamakoma earned 6 points due to the fact that ‘survival points were included’
Ouji: What they earned from defeating enemies were ‘4 points’
Panel 3
Ouji: And this time Ouji: Huston’s abilities are now well known
Ouji: So it doesn’t seem like it’ll be as easy to earn points as before Ouji: If we think of it that way
Panel 4
Ouji: I believe they might actually only barely get it
Panel 5
Konami: Then all they need to do is get the survival points again this time!
Ouji: Can they?
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Panel 1
Ouji: This season, Ninomiya-san
Ouji: Is the person with the highest survival rate next to Azuma-san, you know?
Panel 2
Konami: …!
Sakurako: That’s true…!
Panel 3
Sakurako: The only times Captain Ninomiya was taken down was
Sakurako: When he took Captain Ikoma’s Senkuu from the other side of a wall in Round 2 and Sakurako: When Captain Kageura took them both out with his ambush in Round 6, just twice!
Panel 4
Sakurako: If they don’t take that Captain Ninomiya out Sakurako: They can’t get survival points…!
Konami: Hmm…
Panel 5
Konami: So that’s why Osamu
Konami: Was making countermeasures for Ninomiya-san so much
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Panel 1
Ouji: Huh
Ouji: Ossam was?
Panel 2
Sakurako: ! Sakurako: Yuba squad has decided on the map just now!
Panel 3
Sakurako: The map they chose is ‘Urban Area B’!
Kurauchi: Yuba squad will always pick this map when they have the right to choose Kurauchi: So it’s just as expected
Panel 4
Sakurako: Talking about Yuba squad…
Panel 5
Sakurako: Captain Ouji and Agent Kurauchi are
First Generation Yuba Squad
Fujimaru Nono                                 Yuba Takuma Kanda Tadaomi                 Kurauchi Kazuki                Ouji Kazuaki
Sakurako: Connected to them having been ‘initial Yuba squad members’
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Panel 1
Sakurako: From your viewpoint Sakurako: What is your impression of Yuba squad as they face the final match?
Panel 2
Kurauchi: As expected, they seem to be having it hard without Kanda
Ouji: Because Kandata was an extremely thorough man
Panel 3
Ouji: If Yuba squad drops from the upper tier here
Ouji: Kandata is likely to feel responsible Ouji: So Yuba-san probably wants to do all he can to remain in the upper tier
Panel 4
Konami: Ahhh, it’s true Yuba-chan seems like he’d care about that kind of thing
Panel 5
Sakurako: I see…! Sakurako: Whether Yuba squad can remain in the upper tier or not
Sakurako: Is also one of the points to focus on in this match!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: …now
00:13:24 Until Start
Sakurako: Only a little left until the start of the fated match!
Panel 3
Osamu: …alright
Osamu: One last review
Tamakoma 2nd Operation Room
Panel 4
Osamu: In the opening phase, everyone head to where Chika is
Osamu: This is the priority this time too
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Panel 1
Osamu: If Chika and Hus can join up
Osamu: Progress to a firepower battle like we practiced
Panel 2
Osamu: I will spread the wire formation for insurance
Panel 3
Osamu: This time it’s different from the previous match Osamu: Chika has ‘normal bullets’
Osamu: So even if it becomes a game of hide-and-seek Osamu: We can make the opponents move with Meteora or Hound
Panel 4
Osamu: The ideal is to tighten our defences
Osamu: And lie in wait in the wire formation
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Panel 1
Yuuma: So a powered up version of the tactics used on Katori squad and Kakizaki squad
Chika: Yeah, got it
Panel 2
Osamu: Next
Osamu: What’s important is ascertaining the positions of each team’s ace
Panel 3
Osamu: If Chika and Hus get together
Osamu: I don’t think they’ll lose in a shootout against any opponent, but…
Panel 4
Osamu: Ikoma-san’s ‘Long Senkuu’
Osamu: Has the power to take Hus out along with his Shield
Panel 5
Osamu: Listen to Usami-sempai’s instructions Osamu: And don’t let Chika enter Senkuu’s range
Hus: Right
Usami: Leave it to me~!
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Panel 1
Osamu: And Ninomiya-san Osamu: Might use composite bullets if Inukai-sempai or Tsuji-sempai are near
*knead knead knead*
Osamu: Be careful not to have your defence torn down by Gimlet
Panel 2
Osamu: Enemies that approach by using buildings to block bullets Osamu: Are to be defeated by Chika’s Meteora or Osamu: Kuga’s Wire Manoeuvres
Yuuma: OK
Panel 3
Osamu: If it seems difficult for Chika and Hus to meet up
Osamu: Transition to the backup plan with Kuga and Hus as the focal points
Panel 4
Osamu: If it seems like we can earn points somewhere else Osamu: We don’t need to fixate on forcing a battle of firepower
Panel 5
Osamu: I leave the timing of using your ‘secret weapon’ Viper Osamu: Up to you, Hus
Hus: I know
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Panel 1
Osamu: …alright
Osamu: 4 more points
Panel 2
Osamu: It’s the final match Osamu: Let’s get them!
Yuuma & Chika & Usami: Roger!
Panel 3
Yuba: The most hopeless development
Yuba: Is the one where Amatori bombs all over the place and we can’t do nothing about it
Panel 4
Yuba: Since just talking about firepower
Yuba: She’s an even harder opponent than Ninomiya-san
Yuba Squad Operation Room
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Panel 1
Tonooka: But, it still Tonooka: Ain’t decided that she can shoot, yeah?
Tonooka: She didn’t shoot anyone until recently, right?
Panel 2
Tonooka: Can you start shooting so quickly?
Yuba Squad Sniper Tonooka Kazuto (16)
Panel 3
Fujimaru: Didn’t she turn Okudera into dust in the last match
Fujimaru: Deal a hit and you’ll gain some guts, that’s how it works
Yuba Squad Operator Fujimaru Nono
Panel 4
Yuba: Either way, Tonookaa
Yuba: This time, you just aim for Amatori
Panel 5
Tonooka: Man-mark?
Yuba: That’s right
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Panel 1
Yuba: We don’t need your support
Yuba: Whatever you do, don’t leave Amatori free
Panel 2
Tonooka: Roger!
Panel 3
Yuba: Obishimaa
Obishima: Yeah!
Yuba: What do you do if you face Kuga in this match?
Panel 4
Obishima: During the last bout Obishima: He noticed I wasn’t fighting proactively and used a powerful move Obishima: So this time I’ll push him and not stay on the defence!
Panel 5
Yuba: …does that work
Yuba: On the Kuga in your head?
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Panel 1
Obishima: !
Panel 2
Obishima: …no
Obishima: If it’s Kuga-sempai…
Panel 3
Obishima: Having made an impression with the move from last time
Obishima: I think in the actual match he will have prepared a different move!
Panel 4
Yuba: So you do get it
Panel 5
Fujimaru: Get motivated, guys!
Fujimaru: If we fall out of the upper tier here, that Kanda’s gonna be like…
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Panel 1
Fujimaru: Yuba squad really is hopeless without me
Panel 2
Fujimaru: …comment like that with a shit-eating look!
Tonooka: If it’s Kanda-san, he would be considerate and say something like that
Panel 3
Yuba: I’ve booked the eatery already
Yuba: For us it’s for remaining in the upper tier Yuba: For Kanda it’s for his university acceptance
Panel 4
Obishima & Tonooka: Yeah!
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Panel 1
Ikoma Squad Operation Room
Panel 2
Ikoma: The other day when Ah went to do some solo matches ikoma: Jin was there fer the first time in ages
Mizukami: Huh, Jin-san Mizukami: That’s a rare character
Ikoma: Right?
Panel 3
Ikoma: Alright, let’s fight, Ah thought Ikoma: But Tachikawa was there first
Ikoma: And it didn’t seem like it was gonna end soon
Panel 4
Ikoma: So Ah got in the stage from the middle Ikoma: And watched their fight super close
Mizukami: They’d get distracted
Oki: Such a surreal picture
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Panel 1
Ikoma: Those two really are strong Ikoma: Ah was moved
Minamisawa: I wanna fight Jin-san too!
Hosoi: What kinda conversation’s this
Panel 2
Hosoi: It’s right before the match Hosoi: Ain’t there anythin’ else to say?
Ikoma: Anythin’ else…?
Panel 3
Ikoma: Ah was thinkin’ the wind was really strong
*blow blow*
Ikoma: But it turned out to be the sound of me breathin’ Ikoma: Did Ah talk ‘bout that?
Hosoi: Really what kinda conversation’s this!?
Panel 4
Minamisawa: I haven’t heard that yet!
Mizukami: Ah don’t need to hear
Ikoma Squad Attacker Minamisawa Kai (16)
Panel 5
Hosoi: Actually didn’t ya just say the whole thin’
Oki: Same as always
*ha ha ha*
Ikoma Squad Operator Hosoi Maori (17)
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Panel 1
Mizukami: Well, we’ve fought both of ‘em at least once before Mizukami: We got Hus’s data too Mizukami: We just need to do well dependin’ on our positions after transfer
Ikoma Squad Shooter Mizukami Satoshi (18)
Panel 2
Oki: Nothin’ we can do to counter Amatori-chan’s explosions anyway
Hosoi: Ya’re the one markin’ her, ya know?
Ikoma Squad Sniper Oki Kouji (17)
Panel 3
Ikoma: …the final match
Ikoma: Is right after this
Mizukami: Who’re ya talkin’ to?
Ikoma Squad Captain ‘No.6 Attacker’ Ikoma Tatsuhito (19)
Panel 4
Ninomiya Squad Training Room
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Panel 1
*bam bam bam bam bam bam*
Panel 2
*step step step step step*
Panel 3
*bam bam bam bam bam*
*step step step step step*
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Panel 1
*bam bam bam*
Panel 2
*bam bam bam*
Panel 3
*clatter clatter clatter clatter*
Panel 4
Hiyami: Inukai-sempai Hiyami: Tsuji-kun
Panel 5
Hiyami: It’s time
Ninomiya Squad Operator Hiyami Aki (17)
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Panel 1
Inukai: Roger
Ninomiya Squad Gunner Inukai Sumiharu (18)
Tsuji: Roger
Ninomiya Squad Attacker Tsuji Shinnosuke (17)
Panel 2
Ninomiya: …let’s go
Ninomiya Squad Captain ‘No.1 Shooter’ Ninomiya Masataka (20)
Panel 3
Sakurako: All teams
00:00 Until Transfer
Sakurako: Begin transfer!
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Panel 1
*machine whirr*
Panel 2
Sakurako: Each agent
*machine whirr*
Panel 3
Sakurako: Transfer complete!
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
B-rank Temporary No.1 Ninomiya Squad
Sakurako: Each agent starts at a random point
B-rank Temporary No.3 Tamakoma 2nd
B-rank Temporary No.4 Ikoma Squad
Sakurako: With a certain amount of distance between each other!
B-rank Temporary No.7 Yuba Squad
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Panel 1
Sakurako: These are the starting positions!
Sakurako: It seems two people of each team Sakurako: Have been transferred fairly closely to each other
Panel 2
Sakurako: For now
Sakurako: Do they aim to join up with the remaining separated agents?
Panel 3
Ouji: The separated agent in Yuba squad is the sniper Tono-kun
Ouji: So they don’t need to force themselves to meet up
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Panel 1
Ouji: Tono-kun was always a kid who moved independently a lot
Panel 2
Ouji: The one who’s in danger by himself is Ossam…
Panel 3
Arafune: Position-wise, the one that seems unfortunate Arafune: Is Tamakoma’s newcomer
Panel 4
Arafune: Yuba squad, Ikoma squad, and Inukai Arafune: Has him surrounded
Panel 5
*machine whirr*
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 4
Oki: The two together in the north’re Yuba squad
Panel 5
Hosoi: They’re movin’ to capture anyone by themselves Hosoi: They might go over to you, Kai
Minamisawa: Roooger!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: On the east side of the map Sakurako: It is Yuba squad on the move first!
Konami: Looks like they want to take opponents down before they’ve met up
Panel 2
Sakurako: On the other hand, on the west side of the map Sakurako: It seems Ninomiya squad and Tamakoma Second will be facing off 2 versus 2!
Panel 3
Kurauchi: Since on radar it looks like Agent Kuga is by himself
Panel 4
Kurauchi: If it’s Ninomiya-san, he’d try to catch him without hesitation
Panel 5
Osamu: Is it difficult for Hus to come over here…?
Osamu: …Kuga! Chika!
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Panel 1
Osamu: We’ll go meet up with Hus from our end! Osamu: Please come to where I am!
Yuuma: Roger Yuuma: Shall I use Bagworm too?
Panel 2
Osamu: That’s right Osamu: That way is…
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Panel 4
Osamu: !!
Osamu: Bombings!
Panel 5
Yuuma: !
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Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
Oki: Oh?
*flow flow flow flow flow*
Panel 3
Ikoma: Is it Ninomiya-san?
Mizukami: ‘bout right
Panel 4
Yuba: So Ninomiya-san’s that way
Obishima: I wonder who’s been targeted?
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Panel 1
Panel 2
*crash crash crash crash*
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
Panel 4
Tsuji: It’s Kuga-kun and Amatori-san
Tsuji: Shall I give chase?
Ninomiya: Of course
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Panel 1
Ninomiya: Confirm whether Amatori can shoot or not
Ninomiya: Tsuji act as Kuga’s opponent
Ninomiya: Inukai lock down the east side of the board
Panel 2
Tsuji: Tsuji, roger
Panel 3
Inukai: Inukai, roger
Panel 4
Sakurako: A heavy barrage right from the start!
Sakurako: Captain Ninomiya’s Salamander smoke signals the start of battle!
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Panel 1
Sakurako: Ninomiya squad are in pursuit of Tamakoma!
Sakurako: How will Tamakoma move in response!?
Panel 2
Osamu: Chika! Osamu: Can you engage them with Hound!?
Panel 3
Osamu: Lead Bullet would be no good!
Hound + Lead Bullet
Osamu: There won’t be enough defence!
Hound + Shield
Panel 4
*ba-dump ba-dump*
Panel 5
Chika: Y…yeah!
Chika: I’m alright!
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Panel 2
Yuuma: Alright, Chika Yuuma: One shot
Chika: …!
Panel 3
Yuuma: Just let off one shot of Hound
Yuuma: Stop Ninomiya squad in their tracks Yuuma: Switch to Bagworm, and run
Panel 4
Yuuma: If they think we won’t fire back Yuuma: They’ll easily chase after us
Panel 5
Yuuma: Is that alright? Osamu
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Panel 1
Osamu: So a sudden shootout would be difficult, huh…
Osamu: If we could, I’d rather have her shoot after meeting up with Hus the way she trained…
Osamu: …got it! Osamu: Fire one shot then immediately withdraw!
Panel 2
Chika: …Hound!
Panel 3
*machine noise*
*crash crash crash crash cash crash crash*
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Panel 1
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Panel 3
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
*bang bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 4
Tonooka: A gigantic Hound…
Tonooka: I found Amatori-chan
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Yuba: Now that’s appreciated
Panel 2
Yuba: While Ninomiya-san and Amatori are
Panel 3
Yuba: Going at it with each other
Panel 6
Yuba: We’re earning points
Yuba: Starting from these guys over here, Obishimaa!
*wind howling*
Obishima: Roger!
1. Regarding the commentators being two from Ouji squad, I wonder if it's a hint that they've never reached A-rank? So far all commentators have been A-rank or used to be A-rank (or Osamu), so I wonder if Ouji and Kurauchi were chosen to come together because they don't fit that criteria...or it's all just a coincidence...
2. It's a bit of a pity that we didn't get to see the exhibition hall map before this season ends, but I suppose functionally it wouldn't have been that different from Urban Area D except that there would have been even less places to hide if Chika unleashes her might.
3. So it didn't take long before we got the 3 stages of Yuba squad (that we know of): Captain Yuba and Operator Fujimaru with Ouji, Kurauchi, Kanda. Then Ouji and Kurauchi leaves and the team becomes Captain Yuba and Operator Fujimaru with Kanda, Tonooka, Obishima. And now finally Kanda has left leaving Captain Yuba and Operator Fujimaru with Tonooka and Obishima. I guess we don't know if there were any other member changes between Ouji and Kurauchi leaving and Tonooka and Obishima joining so this might not be all of it.
4. I can't remember how I used to write Ikoma squad's Kansai dialect...sorry...
5. More nicknames from Ouji: Tono-kun is a play on that being a homophone for the title 'lord' (the Japanese equivalent, that is). But mostly he just picks what sounds silly but still derivative of the original name.
6. Yes, the 'smoke signal' is a pun since it's literally smoking. But also it means beacon as well.
24 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Ch182 ‘Tamakoma Branch 6’ & Ch183 ‘Tamakoma Branch 7’ Translation
Look at my timing...
I suppose it’s time for apologies again, though I’m not sure by this time anyone’s still here or, if they are, whether you’d even want to listen to more excuses. But, well, I always do lose motivation when we get to the match the protags have to win to advance the story. Maybe I’m wrong and Ninomiya squad will still win, because that’s how World Trigger usually works, but on the other hand Tamakoma 2nd has pretty much won every one of their matches, and this in particular they need to win if they don’t want to be separated...
Anyway, I still love World Trigger, and translating, and translating World Trigger, so I’m going to keep going for as long as I can, even if I end up late.
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: Ahhhh! Jin-san!
Yuuma: Thanks for your hard work~
Panel 2
Jin: Hey
Osamu: Welcome back
Panel 3
Midorikawa: Jin-san, did you come to do solo rank wars!? Midorikawa: That’s so rare!
Jin: I’ve been coming pretty frequently recently
Panel 4
Midorikawa: Then fight me too!
Jin: Well~ Jin: I’ve already fought a lot with Tachikawa-san and the others today…
Midorikawa: Ehhhh~~!
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Yuuma: Jin-san… Yuuma: The truth is, I Yuuma: Owe a favour to Shun this time…
Jin: Hm?
Jin: …haha, I see
Panel 3
Jin: Ok, ok Jin: Then first to ten wins
Midorikawa: Yaaaay!
Panel 4
Osamu: Thank you very much
Jin: What about it
Jin: An elite with talent is always so popular
Panel 5
Jin: It’s been a while since I’ve fought you, Shun~
Jin: Have you gotten better?
Midorikawa: That’s for you to look forward to when we fight!
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Panel 2
Osamu: Alright…
Osamu: Now then
Panel 3
Osamu: Let’s organise the information we gathered
Osamu: First let’s start with what we got from Yuba squad
Yuuma: Roger
Panel 4
Yuuma: We met two of them this time
Yuuma: Yuba-san was quite strong
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Unlike watching the logs
Yuuma: He drew his guns too fast for my eyes to follow
Panel 2
Yuuma: There’s no doubt that he’s reducing the range and number of bullets of the trigger Yuuma: To stuff trion into the power and speed of the bullets instead
Power   Speed   Range
Panel 3
Yuuma: From the start, it seems his way of thinking
Yuuma: Is different from the other gunners’ style of ‘using range to thoroughly wear the opponent down’
Panel 4
Osamu: Satomi-sempai said this
Osamu: ‘In a close-range one-on-one going bang he might win even against Ninomiya-san’ Osamu: About Yuba-san
Panel 5
Osamu: There’s the chance Kuga was beaten this time because Osamu: That situation was Yuba-san’s specialty
Yuuma: That could be true
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Because I didn’t even manifest Shield in time
Yuuma: It’s impossible to do something after seeing him
Panel 2
Yuuma: A counter-measure would be Yuuma: Either blocking attacks with thick walls or something and aiming for an opening when bullets run out
Yuuma: Or using Osamu’s wires to slow down the opponent as they chase us…
Usami: We might be able to use Hus-kun’s Escudo too!
Panel 3
Yuuma: And then, of course
Yuuma: I think it’s also important to fight outside Yuba-san’s range
Panel 4
Osamu: Which means Osamu: Me or Hus’s ranged attacks
Osamu: Or going after them with Chika’s Lead Bullet Snipe might be good
Panel 5
Chika: …
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Panel 1
Osamu: According to Yuba-san’s logs
Osamu: Sometimes he uses Viper Osamu: Or set up ambushes with Bagworm…
Panel 2
Yuuma: It seems what he uses depends on his opponent
Panel 3
Yuuma: Opponents he can break open and kill with Asteroid
Yuuma: He’ll crush them along with their Shield with a Fullattack
Panel 4
Yuuma: Opponents with high trion and solid defence
Yuuma: He’ll ‘tear them down’ using Viper or ambushes
Panel 5
Yuuma: For Hus and Chika who have high trion Yuuma: It might be better to be on your guard against being ‘torn down’
Hus: Got it
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Panel 1
Osamu: What about the other one from Yuba squad?
Panel 2
Yuuma: I only got to see Allrounder Obishima-chan’s Kogetsu
Yuuma: But her movements felt light and her defence was good
Panel 3
Yuuma: In the most recent logs she used Shooter triggers too
Yuuma: But she likely mained Kogetsu originally
Panel 4
Yuuma: Her image is like Nasu squad’s attacker…
Usami: Kuma-chan
Osamu: I see…
Panel 5
Yuuma: It seems she covers for Yuba-san a lot Yuuma: So she’s an opponent we want to take down while she’s alone if we can
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Panel 1
Yuuma: This is about all I’ve got on my end
Yuuma: It’s big that I managed to fight Yuba-san directly
Panel 2
Youtarou: Hm hm
Youtarou: What about Osamu’s end?
Panel 3
Osamu: What I heard from Satomi-sempai is…
Panel 5
Hus: …I see Hus: Tactics that specialise in one-on-ones is it
Hus: There were point earning scenes like that in past logs too
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Panel 1
Usami: I might have heard of that too
Usami: Ninomiya-san’s Irregular Fullattack
Panel 2
Usami: It’s true that when Ninomiya-san’s the opponent, there’s the impression that everyone Usami: Tries not to make it a one-on-one
Panel 3
Youtarou: If it’s you, can you win in a one-on-one with Ninomiya, Hus?
Hus: I have the advantage when it comes to trion Hus: …but
Panel 4
Hus: When it comes to Ninomiya’s tactic, if I end up on the receiving end even once Hus: I’m afraid even I would be taken down just like that
Panel 5
Youtarou: Hm…?
Youtarou: Why would that happen?
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Panel 1
Hus: To block Ninomiya’s two types of bullets
Hus: I would need to use two Shields at once too
Panel 2
Hus: But Hus: While both hands are using Shield Hus: You can’t use attack triggers
Panel 3
Hus: Even if you can defend, you can’t counterattack
Hus: At some point you’ll break down and take damage
Panel 4
Hus: Being able to one-sidedly attack a fortified opponent Hus: Is the reason why Ninomiya’s tactic is so strong
Panel 5
Youtarou: Then
Youtarou: Hus, if you use the same tactic…?
Panel 6
Hus: In that case, I too need to equip bullet triggers in both hands
Hus: And then make the first move…
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Panel 1
Hus: But a Fullattack while acting alone
Inukai: An opening
Hus: Has the risk of your defence being wide open
Panel 2
Osamu: …!
Tokieda: A Shooter/Gunner about to go into FullAttack
Tokieda: I think it’s fine to actively aim for
Tokieda: That kind of ‘opponent that wasn’t guarding from the beginning’
Panel 3
Hus: In the previous match too Hus: When the positions of the snipers hadn’t been revealed yet
Hus: Ninomiya kept one hand open and protected himself
Panel 4
Hus: Unless it’s a case of
Hus: ‘A one-on-one between the last two people left’
Panel 5
Hus: Rather than bearing the risk of not guarding to enact Fullattack
Hus: It’s probably more realistic to join up with allies and work together
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Panel 1
Hus: The fact that ‘one-on-ones’ with Ninomiya have been decreasing Hus: Supports that
Youtarou: Hrmm
Panel 2
Yuuma: Which means
Panel 3
Yuuma: What Shiori-chan said yesterday
Yuuma: The plan with ‘Chika protecting while Hus shoots’ Yuuma: Is a pretty good one after all
Osamu: It’s true, it is…
Panel 4
Osamu: …
Osamu: But Osamu: If it’s just that…
Panel 5
Youtarou: About that
Youtarou: Chika-chan has something to tell us
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Panel 1
Osamu: To tell us…?
Panel 3
Chika: …I Chika: In our next match
Chika: I’m going to shoot normal bullets too
Panel 4
Osamu: …!?
Panel 6
Osamu: Normal bullets…
Osamu: You mean ones that aren’t Lead Bullets…!?
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Panel 1
Chika: Yeah
Chika: Though I talked to Shiori-san and Hus-kun too
Panel 2
Hus: If Chika can shoot unadulterated Hounds or Meteoras Hus: We can probably earn points quite easily Hus: And we can win in a shootout against NInomiya too
Panel 3
Hus: Basically the opposite pattern to Shiori’s strategy Hus: Chika will shoot and I will protect
Osamu: …!
Panel 4
Osamu: It’s true…if they can do that
Osamu: We will have a great advantage in firepower
Osamu: But…
Panel 5
Osamu: Chika, you…
Osamu: Can you really shoot?
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Panel 2
Chika: …
Panel 3
Chika: …I think I can shoot
Chika: Because I understood Chika: The reason inside me why I couldn’t shoot 
Panel 4
Osamu: …
Panel 6
Yuuma: Why not
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Panel 1
Yuuma: If Chika thinks she can shoot
Yuuma: I think it’s good to give it a go
Panel 2
Yuuma: The ones who decide is Chika herself
Yuuma: And the captain, Osamu
Osamu: …!
Panel 3
Osamu: The fact that Kuga is saying this
Osamu: Means Chika isn’t lying then…
Panel 4
Chika: …
Panel 5
Osamu: …
Panel 6
Osamu: …got it
Osamu: Let’s go with that plan
Osamu: …but
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Panel 1
Osamu: The timing of Chika shooting actual bullets
Osamu: Will be decided by me Osamu: You can’t panic and shoot randomly
Panel 2
Chika: …right…!
Panel 3
Yuuma: Supposing you get into a shootout with Ninomiya-san
Yuuma: The role of protecting Chika goes to…
Panel 4
Hus: Considering trion ability
Hus: It’ll probably be me
Panel 5
Hus: But like I said yesterday Hus: There’s the possibility I can’t join up with Chika
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Panel 1
Usami: Hmmm, either way, in the end
Usami: We need another ‘option’…
Panel 2
Osamu: …
Panel 3
Osamu: Usami-sempai Osamu: Just for example…
Panel 4
Osamu: In the training room…can we do something like this?
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Panel 1
*brrr brrr*
Panel 2
Karasuma: What’s wrong? Osamu
Panel 3
Osamu: Excuse me, Karasuma-sempai
Osamu: I would like you to help our team with something…
Panel 4
Karasuma: …got it
Karasuma: I’m actually going there right now
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Panel 2
Karasuma: …and? Karasuma: What do I need to do?
Panel 3
Osamu: We want you to act as a virtual Ninomiya-san Osamu: Karasuma-sempai
Karasuma: Virtual Ninomiya-san…?
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Panel 1
Osamu: According to what I heard from Usami-sempai
Osamu: It seems you can even fiddle with trion amount settings in the training room…
Panel 2
Karasuma: So basically Karasuma: Giving me the same trion amount as Ninomiya-san Karasuma: And then fighting you guys?
                               Torimaru                <----- Ninomaru                <-----                                Ninomiya
Osamu: Yes
Panel 3
Karasuma: My speciality isn’t as a Shooter
Karasuma: I’m no match for NInomiya-san’s skills
Panel 4
Osamu: We’ve found several scenes of his Fullattack in the logs Osamu: If you can just copy them…
Usami: You’re very dextrous, Torimaru-kun, so you’ll be fine~
Panel 5
Yuuma: Hus seems like he can act as NInomiya-san too, but…
Hus: Then I wouldn’t be able to train
Panel 6
Karasuma: …I see Karasuma: …wait a moment
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Panel 1
Karasuma: …thanks for your hard work
Karasuma: Sorry, can you take my shift for dinner duty today?
Panel 2
Karasuma: Osamu called me to help with their training…
Karasuma: …ask Jin-san? Karasuma: No, it’s hard asking someone above me, right
Karasuma: …eh? Karasuma: Well…that’s true Karasuma: …no, I respect you Karasuma: I do respect you, really Karasuma: I’ll cover for you next time Karasuma: …yes, thank you in advance
Panel 3
Karasuma: …we’ve come to an agreement
Karasuma: It’s OK
Osamu: He was talking to Konami-sempai, definitely…
Panel 5
*machine whirr*
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Panel 1
Karasuma: Now, shall we begin
Panel 2
Osamu: Yes, please!
Panel 3
Jin: …Huh? Jin: Were you on duty today, Konami?
Konami: I swapped for him! Konami: Because I’m nice!
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Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
*bam bam bam bam bam bam bam*
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Panel 1
Computer: Combat body active limit reached
Panel 2
Hus: As expected Hus: It’s difficult if he gets the initiative
Yuuma: But you managed to endure it quite well this time
Panel 3
Yuuma: Couldn’t you have made it if you’d managed one more Escudo?
Hus: No Hus: Ninomiya is likely even faster
Panel 4
Karasuma: …I get that these are countermeasures against Ninomiya-san Karasuma: But
Karasuma: Why ‘one-on-one’?
Panel 5
Karasuma: If you want the advantage against Ninomiya-san Karasuma: Shouldn’t your countermeasure be to make it so he can’t ‘use’ Fullattack?
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Panel 1
Osamu: …that’s what I thought at first too
Osamu: …but right now my thinking’s changed a little
Panel 2
Osamu: The Fullattack that Ninomiya-san uses in one-on-ones is super strong
Osamu: But on the other hand, you can say it’s also ‘the moment when his guard is sure to be down’
Panel 3
Osamu: In other words Osamu: If we use the one-on-one situation
Osamu: You’re wide open
Osamu: I think we can create a big opening in Ninomiya-san’s defence
Panel 4
Osamu: What I’m having you help us with right now
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Panel 1
Osamu: Is training to memorise the timing of making that opening
Panel 2
Osamu: And training to lengthen the one-on-one
Osamu: To prolong the period when Ninomiya-san’s guard is down
Panel 3
Karasuma: …in other words Karasuma: They’re not countermeasures to ‘defend against’ Ninomiya-san’s Fullattack
Karasuma: But to ‘actively make him use it and get him when his guard is down’
Panel 4
Osamu: Yes
Panel 5
Karasuma: I can understand your goal
Karasuma: …but
Panel 6
Karasuma: What will you do if Ninomiya-san does not respond to your invitation to a one-on-one?
Karasuma: There is no reason for the sole no.1 Ninomiya squad Karasuma: To deliberately have a one-on-one shootout with Hus, right
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Panel 1
Osamu: ‘Ninomiy squad’ might not
Osamu: But Osamu: I think ‘Ninomiya-san’ will respond
Panel 3
Karasuma: You have something behind that conviction?
Osamu: It’s not really a conviction, but… Osamu: Well…
Panel 4
Yuuma: Torimaru-sempai Yuuma: Do Yuba-san’s fast draw too
Hus: And Ikoma’s Senkuu Hus: You can do it
Karasuma: Don’t ask the impossible
Panel 5
Osamu: …
Osamu: When we met Ninomiya squad at the BBQ place…
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Panel 1
Hiyami: To think that she would go on a journey with civilians with that timing
Osamu: The others were calmly accepting
Tsuji: Since she couldn’t go ‘over there’ even if she’s in Border, it can’t be helped, can it?
Osamu: Regarding Hatohara-san
Osamu: And that changed my impression a little
Panel 2
Osamu: What Ninomiya-san did
Ninomiya: Don’t just stand there, sit down
Osamu: Was a more emotional act than I had thought
Panel 3
Ninomiya: There is definitely a mastermind who instigated this idiot
Osamu: Isn’t Ninomiya-san, unexpectedly
Osamu: The type of person who acts more on emotions than reason…?
Panel 4
Yuuma: Humans will fairly often act in ways that go against reason
Yuuma: There are many cases where it’s better to read a person’s personality or habits rather than what’s reasonable
Ninomiya: Say that after you’re chosen
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Panel 1
Osamu: If the situation becomes a one-on-one with Ninomiya-san
Osamu: Even if there’s a measure of risk he will take up the challenge
Osamu: It will surely develop like that…!
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Konami-sempai’s curry is so delicious
*chew chew chew chew*
Konami: Of course~!
Panel 2
Osamu: After dinner we’re continuing working on the countermeasures with Karasuma-sempai’s help
Osamu: Tomorrow is the real deal Osamu: The training based around you and Hus working together, Chika
Chika: …yeah!
Usami: Roger!
Panel 3
Konami: Oh yeah, I’ve been called to do the commentating for the last match
Konami: So make sure your match doesn’t embarrass Tamakoma branch!
Panel 4
Yuuma: Konami-sempai’s commentating…
Karasuma: Will it be okay?
Konami: I’ve done it before, you know!
Panel 5
Osamu: Alright… Osamu: It’s the last spurt
Osamu: Let’s go
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Panel 1
And then
March 5th
Panel 2
B Rank Rank Wars
Panel 3
Evening Division
Panel 4
Final Battle
Well, we can rule out Miwa squad and Arashiyama squad out of the second commentator spot (though their operators could still be involved). Personally I’m still hoping for Captain Kusakabe, but now that the season is almost over I think she might show up at the Captain’s meeting instead. Currently my bet is Tsukimi, hence why the entire Miwa squad is here. As you can tell, I haven’t read the spoilers so I don’t know yet.
26 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 5 years
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World Trigger - Volume 20 Extras Part 4
Yay, I managed to post this today like I wanted. And it looks better than last post. All I can ask for, really.
Also can I just point out that Ashihara just lowkey said all the troublemakers are from First Middle...and put Yuzuru in this school...but honestly, what disappoints me the most is the fact that Ashihara didn’t introduce the school uniforms :(
Anyway, this is the last part of the extras from Volume 20 that I will be posting. Well, this and the changes from the magazine issues.
There’s only one major one this time, another fix for a main trigger/sub trigger issue. In the magazine it was like this:
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Osamu shoots Asteroid with his Bagworm still on. Unless he’s changed his trigger spread from what he had in BBF, this isn’t possible according to the rules of Border triggers.
In the volume this has been changed to:
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The Bagworm dematerialising as he shoots, and is gone completely by the time Osamu is rushing in with his Raygust.
In conclusion, next two chapters come out tomorrow! I will do my best to post tomorrow.
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Ch180 ‘Satomi Kazuma’ & Ch181 ‘Yuba Takuma’ Translation
Well, that ended up being a much longer gap than I intended. But I’m finally feeling all better...more or less...I only coughed like a few times today so I’ll take it!
Anyway, this post is mainly to confirm that I’m still alive to anyone who’s still keeping tabs on me on this site, but also to post the last two chapters because I’d been working on them on and off during the last few weeks and I didn’t want to waste all that effort and not post it.
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: Good work, guuuuys
Panel 2
Midorikawa: So, in the end, Mikumo-sempai’s coming too?
Osamu: Yeah
Panel 3
Osamu: Actually, instead of Yuba-san Osamu: It’s your sempai I want an introduction to, Midorikawa
Midorikawa: Huh, really? Midorikawa: That’s fine
Panel 4
Yuuma: What kind of person is this sempai of Midorikawa’s that I’m meeting tomorrow?
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Panel 1
Konami: If it’s for connections to Yuba squad then it’s probably Satomi
Konami: Yuba-chan’s disciple and a Ninomiya-san worshipper
Panel 2
Osamu: Ninomiya-san worshipper…!?
Yuuma: Yuba-chan
Panel 3
Midorikawa: Kazuma-sempaaaaai
Satomi: Oh Satomi: Good woooork
Panel 4
Satomi: Hiiii, hiiii, nice to meet you!
Satomi: I’m the Gunner of Kusakabe squad, Satomi Kazuma!
A-rank No.4 Kusakabe Squad Gunner Satomi Kazuma (17)
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Panel 1
Satomi: Thank you for playing with Shun
Satomi: While we weren’t here~~!
Panel 2
Yuuma: Hi, hi, I’m Kuga Yuuma of Tamakoma Second
Yuuma: This is my captain…
Osamu: I’m Mikumo Osamu: Thank you for meeting us today
Satomi: Yeah, yeah!
Panel 3
Satomi: I already ran it by Yuba-san!
Satomi: He said he’d be in his squad room by 3
Panel 4
Satomi: So just keep an eye on the timing and you’ll be OK!
Satomi: That person is the punctual type
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: If it’s until 3 then we have time to have a few matches, don’t we?
Yuuma: No, no, it’s bad to be late, right
Panel 2
Yuuma: Hey Yuuma: Yuba-san is your mentor, right, Kazuma-sempai?
Panel 3
Yuuma: From your point of view, Kazuma-sempai
Yuuma: What kind of person is Yuba-san?
Panel 4
Satomi: Hmm? Satomi: You mean personality-wise? Satomi: Or skills-wise?
Yuuma: Skills-wise
Panel 5
Satomi: I guess…
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Panel 1
Satomi: In a phrase…
Satomi: Strongest in one-on-one
Panel 2
Osamu: …!
Panel 3
Satomi: Well, that’s just how I personally see it!
Satomi: But I think Yuba-san’s strength in a one-on-one Satomi: Is top class
Panel 4
Yuuma: Stronger than Kage-sempai?
Satomi: Ahhh! Kageura-san, oh yeah! Satomi: Because he’s got that! That’s right!
Panel 5
Satomi: But actually, Yuba-san Satomi: Matched up well against people like Tachikawa-san…
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Panel 1
Satomi: People like Kazuma-san, Ninomiya-san, Kou-san
Satomi: Are ‘people who don’t fight in solo matches that much but have a lot of wins so they rank high’ Satomi: Unlike them
Panel 2
Satomi: He has a high rank accumulated from thousands, tens of thousands of matches against tough fighters
Satomi: So I end up empathising with that more~
Panel 3
Satomi: Well, this season he’s concentrating on team matches
Satomi: And doesn’t seem like he’s doing solo matches much Satomi: Did you hear about that?
Panel 4
Osamu: Ah, yes Osamu: I’ve heard a little about it
Panel 5
Yuuma: Yuba squad Yuuma: Had another member until December
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Panel 1
Konami: Yeah, Kanda-san
Konami: That’s right Konami: He quit because of university exams
Panel 2
Osamu: Exams… Osamu: Aren’t they right after December?
Konami: Because he’s always been smart Konami: And his mock exam results were all really good apparently
Panel 3
Konami: But in the end he wanted to concentrate on the exams
Konami: So he did the rank matches right until the last possible moment and then quit
Panel 4
Osamu: Then Osamu: Yuba squad dropping in rankings this season is because…
Konami: The gap Kanda-san left behind was a big one
Panel 5
Satomi: That’s right!
Satomi: Kanda-san wasn’t flashy, but he was really skilled
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Panel 1
Satomi: While Yuba-san is dealing with his one-on-one
Satomi: Kanda-san takes command and deals with the other enemies! Satomi: This style Yuba squad had was really cool!
Panel 2
Satomi: If you’re interested, you should watch the logs from the last season!
Yuuma: Hm, sounds fun
Panel 3
Yuuma: Ah, it’s almost time
Panel 4
Midorikawa: Then we’ll be off
Midorikawa: Mikumo-sempai apparently has business with you, Kazuma-sempai, so please look after him
Yuuma: See you later, Osamu
Panel 5
Satomi: Eh?
Satomi: Well, bye
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Panel 2
Satomi: And? And?
Satomi: You have business with me, Mikumo-kun?
Osamu: Ah, yes
Panel 3
Osamu: Satomi-sempai, I heard that you…
Osamu: Respect Ninomiya-san…
Panel 4
Satomi: That’s right! Satomi: No one’s as much a Ninomiya worshipper as me!
Osamu: He admits he’s a worshipper…
Panel 5
Osamu: From your point of view, Satomi-sempai
Osamu: What’s Ninomiya-san’s strong point?
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Panel 1
Satomi: In a phrase…
Satomi: Strongest in one-on-one
Panel 2
Osamu: …!?
Panel 3
Osamu: …that Osamu: Didn’t you say that about Yuba-san too?
Satomi: I did
Panel 4
Satomi: In fact, my fighting style
Satomi: Is kind of like copying Ninomiya-san’s style with Yuba-san’s technique
Panel 5
Osamu: …! Osamu: Ninomiya-san’s style…!?
Satomi: That’s right, that’s right
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Panel 1
Satomi: Ninomiya-san has this super strong tactic for one-on-one
Satomi: Well, it’s simple when you explain it
Panel 2
Satomi: Bullets that are divided finely with the focus on ‘numbers’ and
Satomi: Bullets that are divided coarsely with the focus on ‘might’
Satomi: He uses Fullattack with these two types according to the situation
Panel 3
Satomi: Use fine bullets and when the opponent spreads out their Shield
Satomi: Use big bullets to crush it
Panel 4
Satomi: Or in contrast, use big bullets to lure out concentrated Shields
Satomi: And then using fine bullets to grind you down
Panel 5
Satomi: Combining Ninomiya-san’s skill and trion amount
Satomi: And this simple way to unsettle someone becomes really really strong
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Panel 1
Osamu: … Osamu: Um…
Panel 2
Osamu: We’re going to be facing Ninomiya squad in the next match Osamu: Is it okay to show Ninomiya-san’s cards?
Satomi: Completely okay~ Satomi: Everyone knows about it
Panel 3
Satomi: Because they can’t defend against it even though they know
Panel 4
Satomi: It’s better to think of it as if he catches you you’ll be erased Satomi: Seriously
Osamu: …
Panel 5
Satomi: In fact, in the current B-rank rank wars
Satomi: Instead of how to defeat that tactic…
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Panel 1
Satomi: All the countermeasures are aiming at
Satomi: Not getting into a one-on-one with Ninomiya-san in the first place
Panel 2
Yuzuru: You should hurry, Zoe-san
Yuzuru: …J probably can’t buy you much time
Satomi: If you slip up and get caught in Ninomiya-san’s sights
Satomi: Either concentrate completely on running and try to buy time
Panel 3
Satomi: Throw it all away for a sacrifice play
Panel 4
Satomi: Or consider yourself dead and get some work done…something like that
Kitazoe: Oh of course~
Panel 5
Satomi: Well, even in his A-rank era, only Izumi was able to face him properly
Satomi: So I think it can’t be helped if you come to that kind of decision
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Panel 1
Satomi: Personally
Satomi: I want to see Ninomiya-san actively exchanging shots though!
Panel 2
Satomi: On that point…
Panel 3
Satomi: That new guy from your place, Mikumo-kun
Satomi: It looks like his skills and trion wouldn’t lose to Ninomiya-san
Panel 4
Satomi: So I’m looking forward to a rare exciting exchanging of shots~
Osamu: You’re right, if there’s a chance…
Panel 5
Osamu: …um
Osamu: A simple question
Panel 6
Osamu: If the two ‘strongest at one-on-one’ were to fight
Osamu: Which would be stronger?
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Panel 1
Satomi: Fighting normally
Satomi: It’d be Ninomiya-san in the end
Panel 2
Satomi: Ninomiya-san’s trion ability is higher
Yuba Takuma Parameter Trion                                 7 Attack                              10 Defence/Support            5 Mobility                            7 Skill                                   9 Range                              2.5 Command                         5 Special Tactics                 2
Panel 3
Satomi: So his range is that much longer and he has a wider range for his fighting style Satomi: …but
Panel 4
Satomi: In complicated terrain Satomi: If Yuba-san can get him within his range
Satomi: I feel like Yuba-san might have the advantage
Osamu: …!
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Panel 1
Satomi: A Shooter’s attack involves Satomi: ‘Manifesting the cube’, ‘dividing the cube’, ‘aim’, ‘fire’ Satomi: And each action takes a bit of time
Panel 2
Satomi: But a Gunner is just Satomi: ‘Aim’, ‘fire’ Satomi: The more you practice, the faster the movements you make before the attack
Panel 3
Satomi: If he gets him within his range and goes ‘bang’ Satomi: I think a close-range Gunner like Yuba-san has a chance Satomi: Though I think someone else might have a different opinion
Osamu: I see Osamu: You have a point…
Panel 4
Osamu: So, Satomi-sempai, you are a gunner
Osamu: Based on that superiority
Panel 5
Satomi: No, no!
Satomi: I’m not that smart!
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Panel 1
Satomi: I’m simply not suited for the Shooter style
Satomi: When I panic my bullets fly in weird directions…
Panel 2
Satomi: On that point, the Gunner style
Satomi: Let’s you shoot on reflex as long as you drill the moves into your body Satomi: It fits my disposition
Panel 3
Satomi: I can’t make traps by leaving bullets around like Shooters
Satomi: But the feeling of it becoming more and more like a part of my body the more I use it is really fun! Satomi: Gunner triggers!
Panel 4
Satomi: If you ever feel interested just let me know, Mikumo-kun! Satomi: I’ll give you a lecture!
Osamu: Ah, yes, thank you
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Panel 1
Osamu: …I’m glad I got to listen to you today Osamu: Please let me thank you somehow in the near future
Satomi: No, no, something like this isn’t that big a deal!
Panel 2
Kusakabe squad: Kazumaa~
Satomi: Oh Satomi: Yoo~
Panel 3
Satomi: Now then, Mikumo-san
Satomi: See you!
Osamu: Yes Osamu: Thank you for your time
Panel 5
Jin: Oh, Four Eyes-kun
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Panel 1
Osamu: Jin-san
Jin: Good work today
Panel 2
Jin: You gathering information for the final match?
Panel 3
Osamu: Yes Osamu: I had Midorikawa introduce me Osamu: And asked about Ninomiya-san
Jin: Yeah, yeah, I see Jin: Aren’t connections with your peers great
Panel 4
Jin: But still
Jin: Hearing about No.1 from a No.1 Jin: That’s pretty extravagant
Panel 5
Osamu: …eh? Osamu: No.1…!?
Jin: That’s right
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Panel 1
Jin: No.1 Gunner Satomi Kazuma
Jin: The current top of all agents who use Gunner triggers
Panel 3
Doesn’t know his own ranking
Panel 4
Yuuma: Will we make it on time?
Panel 5
Midorikawa: It’ll be fine, we’re here
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: Huh
Midorikawa: The door’s open
Panel 2
Midorikawa: ‘Ello~…
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: Ah Midorikawa: Yuba-san
Panel 2
Yuba: …You finally made it
Yuba: Kugaa
Temporary B-rank No.7 Yuba Squad Captain Gunner Yuba Takuma (19)
Panel 3
Yuuma: Hi, hi
Yuuma: Nice to meet you
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Panel 1
Yuba: …you finally made it
Yuba: Kugaa
Panel 2
Yuuma: Hi, hi, nice to meet you
Panel 3
Panel 4
Yuba: Obishimaa!
*peak out*
Obishima: Yeah!
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Panel 1
Obishima: Ah…
Panel 2
Midorikawa: Yooo
Panel 3
Yuba: They’re guests Yuba: Greet them
Obishima: Ye- yes
Panel 4
Obishima: H-hi…
Yuuma: Hi, hi
Panel 5
Yuba: Obishimaa…
Panel 6
Obishima: …yeah!
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Panel 1
*breathe in*
*breathe out*
Panel 2
Panel 3
Yuuma: Hm?
Panel 4
Yuba: …this guy saw your match
Yuba: And got all excited ‘parently
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Panel 1
Yuba: Play nice
Yuuma: Oooh, oooh
Panel 2
Yuuma: Now that is an honour Yuuma: Let us both do our best, young man
Obishima: Ah…
Obishima: Yes, thank you
Panel 3
Panel 4
Yuba: Oi, hey, Kugaa…
Yuuma: Huh?
Panel 5
Midorikawa: Obishima-chan is a girl
Yuuma: …eh?
Panel 6
Obishima: …ah Obishima: Yes
Obishima: I actually am a girl
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Panel 2
Yuuma: Please
Yuuma: Excuse my rudeness
Panel 3
Yuuma: I humbly present my apologies
Obishima: Eh, no, that’s
Panel 4
Obishima: I normally get mistaken quite often
Obishima: Please don’t mind
Yuba Squad Allrounder Obishima Yukari (14)
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: Yeah, yeah, you don’t have to go that far to apologise
Midorikawa: Aren’t you exaggerating too much?
Yuuma: No, no, no
Panel 2
Yuuma: I have prior experience of mistaking someone for a man
Yuuma: And having it leave a lasting effect…
Midorikawa: Prior experience?
Panel 3
Yuba: Prostrating yourself immediate, I like your attitude, Kugaa
Yuba: While you’re apologising Yuba: Have a training match with our Obishima
Panel 4
Yuuma: Oh?
Panel 5
Obishima: Ah Obishima: I’d be glad if you could!
Yuuma: I see Yuuma: In that case…
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4
*pop pop*
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Panel 1
Yuba: Oi, you, Kugaa…
Panel 2
Yuba: Don’t go easy on her so obviously, hey!
Yuuma: No, no, not at all
Panel 3
Yuuma: Obishima-chan’s talent shines very brightly
Midorikawa: No, you were obviously going easy on her
Panel 4
Yuba: I know you’re more than this
Yuba: Take this seriously, hey, I mean it
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Then
Yuuma: You be my opponent, Yuba-san
Panel 2
Midorikawa: Oh
Panel 4
Yuba: …I refuse
Yuba: Is anyone dumb enough to show their cards to their upcoming enemy?
Panel 5
Yuuma: If you say that, aren’t I also in that position…?
Yuba: You messed up with Obishima, didn’t you Yuba: Pay her back properly
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: Why don’t you show them a new technique or something?
Midorikawa: You might not be allowed to leave if you don’t, you know?
Yuuma: You look like you’re having fun…
Panel 2
Obishima: Putting aside a new technique
Obishima: I want to fight you seriously, Kuga-sempai!
Panel 3
Yuuma: Hm…?
Yuuma: …then, just once
Panel 4
Midorikawa: Alright then
Midorikawa: Ready…
Panel 5
Midorikawa: Start!
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Panel 1
*clang clang clang clang*
Panel 2
Panel 3
Obishima: !
Obishima: He threw it!
Panel 4
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Obishima: It’s coming!
Obishima: Left hand is a feint Obishima: The right!
Panel 4
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Panel 1
Midorikawa: !
Panel 2
Yuba: !
Panel 3
Obishima: …!?
Obishima: The one he just threw…?
Computer: Trion supply mechanism destroyed
Panel 4
Panel 5
Panel 6
Yuba: ‘Mole claw’…?
Yuba: No…
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Panel 1
Yuuma: I transformed the one I threw earlier
Yuuma: By connecting it to my Scorpion from under the ground
Panel 2
Yuuma: It’s a variation of Kage-sempai’s ‘Mantis’
Panel 3
Obishima: …!
Midorikawa: Ooooh, I see! Midorikawa: Interesting~!
Panel 4
Obishima: I had no idea what he did to me…
Obishima: This is Kuga-sempai’s technique…!
Panel 5
Yuuma: …is this okay for the new technique?
Yuuma: Then I’ll take my leave…
Yuba: …wait, hey
Panel 6
Yuuma: ?
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Panel 1
Yuba: …you’ve overpaid, Kugaa
Yuba: This is your change Yuba: I’ll fight you just once
Panel 3
Yuuma: …oh
Yuuma: Much appreciated
Panel 4
Midorikawa: Yes, yes, okay?
Midorikawa: Alright then Midorikawa: Ready…
Panel 5
Midorikawa: Start!
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Panel 1
*bang bang bang bang bang*
Panel 2
Yuuma: !
Panel 6
Computer: Combat body active limit reached
*bam bam*
Panel 7
Yuba: …my bad, but the next one’s the last match for us too
Yuba: Getting to stay in the upper tier or not is on the line for us
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Panel 1
Yuba: This is as much as I’m gonna show you
Panel 2
Yuuma: I see…
Panel 3
Yuuma: It really is
Yuuma: Much faster than what I saw in the logs
Panel 4
Obishima: …thank you for today, Kuga-sempai Obishima: I learned a lot!
Yuuma: No, no, I should be saying that
Panel 5
Yuuma: Thank you too, Yuba-san, for being my opponent
Yuuma: Please allow me to get my revenge in the match
Yuba: Just you try, if you can
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Panel 3
Yuba: …tsk Yuba: That’s not an opponent I wanna face straight on…
Obishima: Yes…!
Panel 4
Yuuma: I’m looking forward to the next match now
Midorikawa: I know right
Once again I'm putting off comments since this was released so long ago, though I just want to point out how amazing it is that a dude like Yuba gets a cutesy nickname like -chan, by people younger than him like Konami. Also, yay, we finally get no.1 Gunner! Satomi having more points than Yuba is amazing too, even if it's because Yuba has been concentrating on his team (congrats to everyone who guessed right that Yuba squad dropped in the rankings because they lost a person).
And while on the subject of Yuba, I'm glad we got his stats, but there are so many newly introduced characters I want stats for...we don't even have a profile for Kanda!! Also, my apologies for how I couldn't find a good way to translate how gangster Yuba talks without making it cringy, I could barely keep in the way he elongates names to sound intimidating (he does it with other words too). I couldn't even find a good translation for 'kora'...what is a really rude and kind of admonishing way of saying 'hey'... (there's also Obishima and her youth culture '-ssu'...)
In conclusion, fingers crossed I’ll be able to post the last of the volume 20 extras before the new chapters come out on Saturday.
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
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World Trigger - Volume 20 Extras Part 3
Hi guys, I’ve been really sick the past two weeks, hence why this is so late. And why it looks so shitty. I really did want to finish the volume 20 extras before the next update coming out...tomorrow...today...but I was pretty much out of it. Luckily the next volume doesn’t come out until December; I will try to finish the last section of the extras after the new chapters tomorrow.
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Q&A - 12-14th June 2019
And this marks the last of the twitter Q&A for this round! As usual they are gathered from the fanletters sent in to the department.
Q: Does Kageura wear a mask to hide his jagged teeth?
A: That and plus the goal of minimising the amount of skin showing for his peace of mind when it comes to his Side Effect, it seems.
Q: What would happen if Chika uses Spider? Will a giant spider web be completed in one shot?
A: The number of wires she can set up is more than a hundred times that of Osamu's, but I think the density of wires is so high she won't be able to move and the wires would pierce into her and her allies.
Q: Please tell us the names of Tsuji-kun's brothers.
A: His older brother is Ryoutarou, younger brother is Souhei. [There was no furigana so I just guessed what the pronunciation would be]
Q: Would flesh prevent the removal of the trion organ from the body? Is it possible to retrieve just the trion organ without killing the person?
A: It is not possible at the current level of technology, I believe. A Black Trigger might be able to take it out leaving the body unharmed?
Q: What presents would you enjoy, and what do you find a bit troublesome?
A: While hospitalised, Ashihara doesn't really like rice porridge (unflavoured), so the preserved seafood we received from readers was very useful. (We did receive permission from the hospital) There isn't really anything that'd be troublesome, but it seems the editor department's regulations say no handmade food.
Q: Rinji-san was 20 years old half a year before the start of the story, was he in the same school year as Ninomiya-san? Or was he the same year as Kazama-san?
A: He's the same year as Ninomiya. They might have passed by one another in high school or university?
The one with the most interesting implications is the last one, in my opinion. Though I suppose there’s a chance that Ninomiya and Rinji don’t actually know each other and Ashihara just made them the same age as a parallel. But it’s a nice thought.
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Q&A - 10th & 11th June 2019
I was wondering what to do since my next translation for the volume extras is gonna be late and then the official twitter posts some more Q&A (that didn’t make it into the volume) so that’s that problem solved.
Q. Are other people not able to use Tamakoma First triggers?
A. They can use it just fine, but because Tamakoma triggers' performance is quite cutting edge, I think people who aren't used to it will find it difficult to use. Geist Arashiyama, Nasu-san (Axe), Fullarms Iko-san are possible, at least.
Q. What do Trappers do? Do they have no weapons, and just solely set traps?
A. They solely set traps. The trigger that Trappers use, 'Switchbox', is not just difficult to use but also has high trion consumption so it seems they basically don't equip offensive triggers.
Q. Why was Betsuyaku Taichi scouted?
A. His youth and so-so trion amount, his energetic manner and shining gaze are the deciding factors behind his scouting.
Q. In the manga volume of 'Jujutsu Kaisen', Akutami Gege announced the image songs for the characters; does World Trigger characters have any songs like that?
A. Right now, only Yuuma has a song connected to him. It's Yoru wo Kakeru (Dash Through the Night) by Spitz (sorry I could only find a live version on Youtube, but the quality is good)
Since this was such a small post though, I thought I'd translate the lyrics to Yuuma's image song:
An unpolished bluff, a room plastered with lies The night sky we ran out to gaze up at Jumping over the twisted chain-links like usual Dashing down the hard pavement
We who are nothing alike are tied together by a thin string Not the common red one At the place we rendezvoused at, even the large trees have stopped their commotion Only the sound of the two of us breathing permeates
The urban area where I played with you, one that held no one else Laughing every time our eyes meet Dashing through the night, don't shoot us now Dashing towards the far off lights
Graffiti on the wall, the clock that had stopped unnoticed Grants us eternal freedom Falling over onto our backs, the feeling of cold concrete Beyond the sweet and bitter tongue, one more time
Drawn haphazardly, a rose-coloured imaginary drawing In the west lightning gleams Dashing through the night, don't shoot us now Tearing down the destined destruction as we dash
The urban area where I played with you, one that held no one else Laughing every time our eyes meet Dashing through the night, don't shoot us now Dashing towards the far off lights
It’s actually pretty positive...yay...(also I really like this guy’s vocals)
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger - Volume 20 Extras Part 2
First, thanks for the nice messages, guys, as always. To the comment that thanked me for still translating with the fandom so slow nowadays, I am unworthy considering how I also spend a lot of time flirting with other fandoms right now >.>
In fact, I’ve only got the Afterword for this post...I’ll get to the rest by next week hopefully.
My First Egosurf
This space was originally to feature the preview for the next volume, but because the chapters in the magazine haven’t gone beyond this volume + 1 chapter, it doesn’t seem like there’s much that can be used for a preview, and so I will hastily write an afterwordish essay here.
Now then, egosurfing. Searching for things about yourself on the internet (probably). Ashihara’s mind is about as fragile as baked pudding, so Manager had strongly forbidden me from egosurfing. Up until now, I had lived in a dystopia-like censorship system where I just smirked at the funny impressions that Manager had found, but with the return of serialisation after 2 years I was slightly worried: ‘with a 2 year hiatus would they read this?’ I lost to my desire to see the impressions of the first chapter after the return in real time, and tried my hand at the forbidden egosurfing. The result was that it was very interesting.
Actually trying out egosurfing, the biggest problem I felt was that ‘egosurfing really takes up a lot of time’.
More than: you’ll get full of yourself from praise, or you’ll lose energy from scorn, what was really bad was that it ‘can use up time infinitely’.
This time what I egosurfed was internet impressions from Ch165~Ch169. I had saved up to Ch169 at the point of reserialization so I had the free time, but I thought egosurfing each chapter is a bit too much for Ashihara who is slow at all kinds of work (especially after, with the hospitalisation and the surgery, all the free time was gone). And so I think I will return to the censorship style from now on and listen to impressions through Manager.
By the way, it seems Manager does the fixes for the manga volumes by looking at the internet impressions on the day the magazine comes out, so if you notice anything please write your impressions.
That is to say, ‘the fans see more than we do’.
What surprised me was that, just from the fact that: ‘Taichi thought up Suzunari’s plan’, ‘the stage is Shopping Mall’, and ‘the setting is night’, quite a few people got right that it was a ‘mall blackout operation’. World Trigger readers are sharp. Ashihara is the kind of manga artist who doesn’t really get bothered when future developments are guessed right, so I got quite excited.
Besides that, what was interesting was that in regards to Murakami’s black Kogetsu there were people saying ‘has Lead Bullet’s effect been added to the Kogetsu?’ For some reason, the idea of Blade + Lead Bullet had never come to Ashihara, I thought ‘that’s really interesting!’ and was really moved. In the future, when they go on expeditions, I had thought it’d be pretty difficult to wave blades around enemies in human bodies, so a Lead Bullet blade seems like it’d be a good solution. If it does end up in the manga, people who advocated the Lead Bullet Kogetsu theory, please make a smug face that ‘it was my idea’.
Also, separate from the egosurfing, I received a lot of letters with impressions of the story or support after reserialization (and during the hiatus), and it really encouraged me.
As always, thank you very much.
Those who only follow the manga volumes might not know what I’m talking about, but in the first half of 2019 Ashihara had a series of problems with my physical condition and I couldn’t draw manga the way I wanted. Even now, I’m still not back to normal condition yet, so I intend to rally in the second half.
The plan is to have a preview in this space in the next volume, but if there doesn’t seem to be enough for the preview again I might write about the hospitalisation and surgery.
See you in volume 21.
- Ashihara Daisuke
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger - Volume 20 Extras Part 1
I’m going to start off with the Q&A again this time, which has some very interesting implications seeded in the answers this time...
Question Corner 14
Q: Can Enedra’s ‘Vorvoros’ make things like just his hand from a distance?
A: It seems possible, but it seems he can’t make fine movements. But it’d likely be interesting if he could move it.
 Q: Can Moira’s ‘Spiralskia’ sever an object if it is inserted into the hole? Or is the window unable to close?
A: I think it won’t be able to sever it, and spit out the object instead. If it had the ability to sever, it seems likely there would be several people who’re cut in half by accident.
 Q: Can Hairoein’s ‘Alektor’ create bullets in the shape of humans?
A: It doesn’t seem like there are bullets of mammals that don’t reproduce through ‘eggs’, but he was using things that looked like jellyfish which goes planula larva -> polyp strobilation, so maybe he can.
 Q: Can ‘Alektor’s’ ability to take in trion from surrounding cubes and heal the body be used on other people’s trion bodies?
A: It doesn’t seem like he healed Moira, so it seems it can’t.
 Q: You had a character whose name means ‘pig’ in your last work (Schwein), and in this one Hus means ‘pig’ too. Is there some kind of meaning behind this?
A: There isn’t really any meaning, but since the author likes pork cutlets he might be subconsciously giving the title of ‘pig’ to capable characters.
 Q: What are the criteria used to choose the commentator and colour commentators for rank wars?
A: It seems colour commentators are mostly those who have A rank experience, but sometimes B rank captains are called up too. Anyone can be a commentator as long as they can talk, and honestly it doesn’t have to be an operator but because you need to operate equipment a lot are operators. There have been times when the commentator was a combatant or an engineer.
 Q: Kako-san doesn’t have a Gunner trigger on her main trigger side, so why is she a Shooter?
A: This comes from BBF. Thank you for reading. The positions are based on the equipped trigger with the most solo points (except All-rounders). Kako-san’s Hound (custom) that she equips in her sub has the highest solo points, and the Scorpion she equips in her main hasn’t reached 6000 points yet, so she’s a Shooter.
It looks like she wants to increase her Scorpion to over 6000 points and become an All-rounder.
In the Galopoula battle, it seems she equipped Hound (custom) in her main too in preparation for a firefight.
Question Corner 15
Q: Can the things on a trion body like the clothes you’re wearing or shoes be taken off?
A: You can set it to can be taken off or can’t be. The composition can be simpler if set to can’t be taken off, so that can save trion cost.
Border’s on-duty combat bodies are generally made so you can only take off the outerwear.
 Q: Does Jin-san use his Side Effect in solo matches? If he does, then what is the cause when he loses?
A: It seems he uses it against A rank agents. He used it actively in his past matches with Tachikawa too. A common case of him losing has him getting absorbed in reading the future and neglecting the present as the main factor.
 Q: Up to the Large Scale Invasion, Hound was written with the kanji for ‘guided bullet’, but from rank wars it’s written with the kanji for ‘pursuing bullet’; why is this?
A: ‘Detection guidance’ which chase trion responses is written ‘guided bullet’, and ‘visual guidance’ which locks on to the target with line of sight is written ‘pursuing bullet’, but there are quite a few mistakes here and there so don’t worry about it.
 Q: Is there anyone of 18 and above who has a driver’s licence for a car or a bike?
A: Aside from Reiji who has already driven in the story, it seems Fuyushima-san, Azuma-san, Suwa, Tsutsumi, Kako-san, and Kakizaki have normal driver’s licences.
The top brass and Sawamura-san have licences too. Tachikawa doesn’t as you might expect.
Zoe has a motorbike licence, and Kage and Touma have motorised bicycle licences. It seems Arafune and Hokari want motorbike licences too.
 Q: Konami-sempai is Attacker rank no.3, does this mean she shows up in the solo rank wars? And in that case what triggers does she use?
A: Studying came first for Konami up until the end of her middle school years so she didn’t do any solo rank wars then, and only participated in the period from her middle school graduation and part way through her first year of high school.
Back then, in that period, Jin had become a Black Trigger user and Tachikawa had kind of lost his motivation, so Konami sharpened her blades against those like Kazama-san to reach all the way to Attacker rank no.1. After that, along with Tamakoma’s separation, she took a step back from rank wars, but her solo points have only been surpassed by Tachikawa and Kazama-san so she’s still Attacker no.3.
Her triggers at the time were dual-wielded Kogetsu (fairly short).
Some thoughts:
First, is this proof that Hus does mean pig?? And does that anecdote about Kako mean that Osamu will soon be in the top 9 Shooters who participate in rank wars? Also, thank god you don't have to worry about the kanji used for the two types of Hound because I have no idea how to maintain that difference in English without making it awkward.
Finally, and most importantly, Konami is only in her 2nd year of high school which means Tamakoma only separated a year ago!! Around the same time that Usami and Karasuma joined Tamakoma...dun dun dun...
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Ch179 ‘Amatori Chika 7’ Translation
So apologies first for missing last month. I was out of the country and had no idea that even Tumblr is blocked in China now until way too late. Oops. I suppose I could have used that chance to finally make a blog or something like I’ve been meaning to but I think Blogspot’s banned too...
Anyway, it worked out because World Trigger had to go on a short hiatus this month because Ashihara got intestinal blockage from complications from his surgery (he’s already released from the hospital and is healing well but jeepers cripes...) so I’m posting last month’s chapter (which was only 1 chapter because Ashihara had to prepare for his surgery). Volume 20 still came out today on schedule and I’ll be translating the extras from it over the next week or so (I’m still distracted though...thanks BTS for getting me back into Kpop after 10 years of freedom...)
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Panel 1
Hus: I
Hus: Think Chika can shoot people
Panel 3
Youtarou: Hm…?
Youtarou: What would happen if Chika can shoot people?
Panel 4
Hus: The premise behind our strategy will change greatly
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Panel 1
Hus: Instead of
Hus: Me shooting and Chika protecting me
Panel 2
Hus: Chika shoots and the other members protect her
Hus: If we can use that in our teamwork
Panel 3
Hus: Just by devoting herself to Meteora and Hound
Hus: Chika can probably earn 5 or 6 points
Panel 4
Hus: Even if we don’t come up with specific countermeasures for the enemy
Hus: We can overwhelm them with sheer power
Panel 5
Hus: That’s why I want to clear things up here and now
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Panel 1
Hus: Can you shoot people
Chika: …
Hus: Or not
Panel 2
Usami: Clear things up… Usami: It’s already clear!
Usami: Surely if Chika could shoot people she’d already be doing it!
Panel 3
Reiji: You think ‘Chika can shoot’
Reiji: What’s your proof? Reiji: Hus
Panel 4
Youtarou: Reiji!
Usami: Reiji-san
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Panel 1
Hus: I have no proof Hus: But
Hus: On the battlefield, I have seen both ‘people who can shoot’ and ‘people who can’t shoot’
Panel 2
Hus: To me
Hus: Chika looks like a person on the ‘can shoot’ side
Panel 3
Hus: …on the contrary, let me ask Hus: Where is the proof that Chika is on the ‘can’t shoot side’?
Panel 4
Hus: If she can hit people with bullets of weight
Hus: Skill-wise, she should be able to hit with normal bullets too
Panel 5
Hus: Despite that, what ‘reason’ is there to say Chika can’t shoot people?
Reiji: …
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Panel 1
Yuzuru: Amatori-san can shoot normally in training
Yuzuru: Maybe because you know it's not hurting the opponent
Panel 2
Chika: That’s…probably
Chika: …because I’m scared to see the opponent hurt by my hand…
Panel 3
Usami: That’s right! Even in a fight with trion bodies Usami: There are kids who associate it with damage to real bodies!
Reiji: …Hatohara was like that
Panel 4
Usami: Thinking ‘if the opponent was a human being in a real body’ Usami: And becoming scared of shooting people isn’t unbelievable, is it?
Panel 5
Hus: You mean not being able to shoot if you start thinking of the battlefield as real?
Hus: …that’s weird
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Panel 1
Hus: On the actual battlefield Hus: If Chika doesn’t shoot the enemy
Hus: There’s a chance Yuuma or Osamu could die
Panel 4
Chika: …!!
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Panel 1
Hus: I haven’t known her long
Hus: But Chika
Panel 2
Hus: Is someone who can use herself as a game piece for the sake of her friends
Chika: …I
Chika: Am okay with that
Hus: I know that
Panel 3
Hus: If Yuuma or Osamu get into a pinch in a real fight
Hus: Chika would shoot
Panel 4
Chika: …
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Panel 1
Usami: Chika-chan, are you okay!?
Panel 2
Hus: …it seems an answer is going to be impossible for now
Panel 3
Hus: I will gather the data with Youtarou
Hus: If it’s impossible, then it’s impossible, it doesn’t matter Hus: Try to give me an answer as soon as you can
Panel 4
Reiji: …
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Panel 1
Usami: How is it? Usami: Calmed down a little?
Chika: …yes
Panel 2
Usami: Ugh, Hus-kun is so outspoken Usami: It overwhelms you, doesn’t it
Reiji: It was a pretty subjective opinion
Panel 3
Usami: You don’t have to force yourself, Chika-chan Usami: Our chances of winning are pretty good as we are
Chika: …
Panel 4
Chika: …um…
Chika: Um…I…
Panel 5
Reiji: …what is it?
Usami: Whaat, Chika-chan?
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Panel 1
Chika: …I don’t know Chika: If I can say it properly…
Chika: I…
Panel 2
Usami: Uh-huh Usami: Uh-huh, it’s fine
Usami: I’ll listen
Panel 3
*inhale exhale*
Panel 4
Chika: I…when I was a grade schooler Chika: I was chased by a trion soldier
Chika: But… Chika: Border wasn’t around back then
Chika: No one knew
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Panel 1
Chika: Even dad, even mum…even everyone in my class
Chika: No one believed me when I told them…
Panel 2
Chika: I had only one friend who believed me Chika: A girl called Aoba-chan…
Chika: Aoba-chan…
Panel 3
Chika: Went Chika: Missing
Chika: Probably Chika: Taken by a Neighbour
Panel 4
Chika: I…at the time, I was scared
Panel 5
Chika: Not because Aoba-chan disappeared
Chika: Or because the people around me didn’t believe me
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Panel 1
Chika: But that everyone Chika: Started believing my words
Chika: That they start thinking ‘what she was saying might have been true’
Panel 2
Chika: I was more scared that they’ll say ‘it’s my fault because I got her involved’ Chika: Than the fact that Aoba-chan disappeared
Panel 3
Chika: Even when Border was set up and the idea of Neighbours became more widespread
Chika: I was thinking Chika: That everyone would think Aoba-chan was taken because she was with me
Panel 4
Chika: So I decided not to say anything to anyone…
Chika: I thought…
Panel 5
Chika: So…that is…
Usami: Uh-huh
Chika: What I’m trying to say is…
Usami: Uh-huh
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Panel 1
Chika: The truth is, I’m... Chika: Not scared of hurting people…
Chika: I think what I’m scared of Chika: Is being blamed for hurting people
Panel 4
Chika: If I thought of shooting someone…I might be able to shoot
Chika: Um…s...
Chika: Sorry
Chika: But if I keep shooting people with my trion Chika: What would they think of me
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Panel 1
Chika: Won’t they find me scary?
Chika: Won’t they think it’s unfair?
Chika: Will they resent me?
Chika: Will they hate me?
Chika: That’s Chika: Scary
Panel 2
Chika: But Chika: I didn’t want Osamu-kun or Yuuma-kun
Chika: To think I’m useless
Panel 3
Chika: So I do my best
Chika: But I convince myself that I can’t shoot people Chika: That I’m weaker than other people
Chika: So that they would go easy on me
Panel 4
Chika: …but Chika: When Hus-kun
Chika: Said that Osamu-kun or Yuuma-kun might die Chika: If I don’t shoot
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Panel 1
Chika: If that’s true, then Chika: Even if the opponent is human Chika: I think I’d shoot too
Chika: I would want to save them, and more than that
Panel 2
Chika: ‘It’s your fault because you didn’t shoot’
Chika: I’m scared that someone would think that of me…
Panel 3
Chika: …I… Chika: I’m
Chika: In the end Chika: I only think of myself…
Panel 4
Reiji: …!
Usami: Chika-chan…!
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Panel 1
Usami: That’s normal!
Usami: Anyone would be scared that people think ‘it’s your fault’! Usami: I’m the same!
Panel 2
Usami: You don’t have to act like you’re such a bad person!
Usami: If you’re a bad person then most people are bad!
Panel 3
Reiji: …even if the situation deteriorates Reiji: Because you couldn’t shoot
Panel 4
Reiji: I don’t think Osamu or Yuuma would blame you
Chika: …!
Panel 5
Reiji: And the same with me
Usami: And me!
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Panel 1
Usami: Let’s just do what we can, Chika-chan
Usami: Because there are a lot of things you can do as you are…!
Panel 4
Usami: To think Chika-chan would say things like that about herself…
Panel 5
Chika: I can’t stay still
Chika: If there’s even the slightest possibility…
Usami: Did Chika-chan say she want to go on expeditions Usami: Based on this self-condemnation too?
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Panel 1
Reiji: In the beginning it might have been
Reiji: But that can’t be all there is to it now
Panel 2
Reiji: She is
Reiji: Someone who can act for the sake of others
Panel 4
*step step*
Panel 5
Reiji: …even if the situation deteriorates because you couldn’t shoot
Reiji: I don’t think Osamu or Yuuma would blame you
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Panel 1
Chika: I don’t think so either… Chika: Osamu-kun and Yuuma-kun would surely never blame me for not being able to shoot
Panel 2
Chika: …but that’s why…
Panel 3
Chika: I
Chika: Want to fight properly too…!
Panel 4
Tamakoma Branch Operator Room
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Yuba squad
Yuuma: Feels like they’re ‘strong under the right conditions’ Yuuma: Similar to Katori squad
Konami: True, they might be like that now
Panel 2
Osamu: Yuba-san isn’t so much a Gunner
Osamu: As ‘an Attacker that fights with guns’
Konami: Yeah, that’s more or less right too
Panel 3
Yuuma: Hmmm, if the opponent leans towards Attacker
Yuuma: I want to fight them before the match
Panel 4
Yuuma: When I fought Ikoma-san Yuuma: It felt a bit like I lost because I didn’t get to
Yuuma: It feels longer than what I saw in the logs
Yuuma: That extending Kogetsu
Osamu: I see…
Panel 5
Yuuma: …oh?
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Lucky
Midorikawa: My sempai is familiar with Yuba-san. Shall I get you an introduction with Yuba-san?
Yuuma: It will be a big help if you can. Recompensation is negotiable.
Midorikawa: [OK Stamp]
Yuuma: Shun says he’ll introduce me to Yuba squad people
Panel 2
Osamu: Midorikawa?
Yuuma: Uh-huh Yuuma: It seems a sempai from Shun’s team is familiar with Yuba-san
Panel 3
Osamu: Midorikawa’s team…
Osamu: A rank No.4 Kusakabe squad…!
Panel 4
Yuuma: I’ll go see them for a bit tomorrow
Yuuma: Shun’s sempai and Yuba-san
It feels a month too late to give my commentary on this chapter, but ahhhhhhhhh Chikaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! One of my favourite types of characters is the one who is self-centred/absorbed, is self-aware enough to realise that about themselves, and hate themselves for it. Chika was already one of my faves but now she is absolutely my favourite character. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh~
Also, some interesting reveals for Yuba squad: like why they dropped to mid tier but now is back. And they called him 'Yuba-san'! Proof that he's 18 or older?? Sad that once again we have more of an All-rounder than a Gunner, but this way it does seem likely that Yuba is a high ranking one, maybe even the most high ranking Gunner?? 
In conclusion, we should be back to two chapters per month next month but who knows how these surgery complications screwed things up? At least we have new characters to look forward to. And the new volume!
25 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 5 years
World Trigger Ch178 ‘Ninomiya Squad’ Translation
First things first, there’s only one chapter this week because it’s the last chapter of volume 20. Next month there will be only one chapter again because Ashihara is having surgery to take out his gallbladder (there is nothing wrong with it at the moment, but apparently he gets gallstones really easily so it’s a preventative measure). On the other hand, because of a public holiday next month’s issue comes out on 2nd May.
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Panel 1
Konami: Ahhh! Konami: It’s Tsuji-chan!
Usami: It is! Tsuji-kun!
Panel 2
Tsuji: Ah Tsuji: H…
Tsuji: …nk you for your hard work…
Panel 3
Konami: Tsuji-chaaaan
*rustle rustle*
Hiyami: Alright, alright, don’t play with Tsuji-kun
Usami: Tsuji-kuuuun
*rustle rustle*
Osamu: …
Panel 4
Osamu: Tsuji-sempai is weak to women…
Inukai: Didn’t expect that, did you?
Osamu: Yes…
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Panel 1
Inukami: Konami-chan, play with me too
Konami: Ehhh
Konami: You’re not innocent enough, Inukai-sempai
Panel 2
Hiyami: You can see Tsuji-kun at school too
Usami: Well Usami His guard is up at school, so I couldn’t help myself
Panel 3
Usami: Chika-chan, Osamu-kun, what do you want to eat?
Inukai: The flap meat is very good, the flap meat
*chatter chatter*
Usami: Isn’t that expensive?
Tsuji: Which one does Azuma-san like again?
Hiyami: The reed tripe (the abomasum)
*chatter chatter*
Ninomiya: Two oolong teas, orange juice, and ginger ale
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Usami: Here you go~ Salty beef tongue~
Konami: I’m looking after this meat
Konami: I’m going all the way to well done
Osamu: Isn’t well done for steak…?
Panel 3
Tsuji: You’re amazing, Mikumo-kun… Tsuji: You were gonna have a meal with 3 girls by yourself…
Osamu: Now that I think about it, I was
Panel 4
Usami: You don’t get nervous facing girls, do you, Osamu-kun
Konami: Because this guy’s mum is beautiful
Inukai: Ehh, is that so!
Osamu: I don’t think my mother has anything to do with that…
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Panel 1
Osamu: …but it’s true Osamu: I don’t think I have ever met a woman more intense than my mother
Tsuji: So it’s true you are tempered by your environment…
Panel 2
Konami: Ah! Konami: This kid is eating nothing but rice again!
*nom nom*
Chika: Rice is delicious
Usami: Eat more meat too! More meat!
Panel 3
Hiyami: How’s the reed tripe? Good?
*chew chew*
Tsuji: I can’t chew it up
Panel 4
Osamu: You can talk normally to Hiyami-sempai
Tsuji: I have known Hyami-san for a long time, after all
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Panel 1
Inukai: The girls Tsuji-chan can have a proper conversation with
Inukai: Are just Hyami-chan and Hatohara-chan at this point
Panel 2
Osamu: !
Osamu: Hatohara-sempai…!
Panel 3
Tsuji: Because Hatohara-sempai was kind from the beginning…
Hiyami: Saying it like that makes it sound like I’m not kind
Panel 4
Tsuji: You had a wall around you in the beginning
Hiyami: And now?
Tsuji: You’re kind
Hiyami: Good
Panel 5
Inukai: Do you guys know, Mikumo-kun? About Hatohara-chan
Inukai: She stole a march on us and went ‘over there’ first, our sniper
Osamu: Ah, yes…
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Panel 1
Inukami: You were asking around at Tamakoma too, weren’t you?
Ninomiya: Yeah Ninomiya: …but not to Usami or Konami
Panel 2
Usami: Ehhh~ This is new!
Konami: What, what’s that Konami: What are you talking about?
Inukai: Oh my
Panel 3
Konami: Hey, what are you talking about~!?
*pull pull*
Inukai: You really jump at this kind of thing, don’t you, Konami-chan
Panel 4
Hiyami: Now that I think about it, we went to BBQ just before Hatohara-sempai disappeared as well
Tsuji: For Inukai-sempai’s birthday
Panel 5
Hiyami: To think that she would go on a journey with civilians at that timing
Tsuji: Since she couldn’t go ‘over there’ even if she’s in Border, it can’t be helped, can it?
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Panel 1
Osamu: I wasn’t expecting them to bring up
Osamu: The topic of Hatohara-sempai so lightly…
Osamu: I thought it was more serious…
Panel 2
Osamu: Um…why did Hatohara-sempai Osamu: Want to go ‘over there’ so much?
Panel 3
Inukai: Same as Amatori-chan
Inukai: Her little brother was taken ‘over there’
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
Chika: Little brother…
Panel 5
Inukai: She was aiming for the expedition selection test so she can search for her little brother
Inukai: But she wasn’t chosen
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Panel 1
Konami: Because she couldn’t shoot people, right?
Inukai: Right Inukai: That’s similar to Amatori-chan too
Panel 2
Inukai: Though in Amatori-chan’s case
Inukai: She might have overcome it in yesterday’s match
Panel 3
Konami: That’s right Konami: Because in the next match Chika is going to blow everyone up by herself
Konami: Resign yourself to it
Panel 4
Inukai: What’s scary is that you can’t say there’s no possibility of that
Inukai: But wouldn’t Amatori-chan be too awakened, doing that all at once
Panel 5
Inukai: For now, leaving Amatori-chan as someone to be wary of Inukai: Currently the most realistic threat Inukai: Is actually the double feature of Kuga-kun and Hus-kun, right
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Panel 1
Konami: Be a little wary of Osamu too!
Konami: Don’t you feel sorry for him, only leaving him out!
Konami: Osamu might get a new trigger and go on a rampage next time!
Panel 2
Inukai: No… Inukai: Mikumo-kun’s trion is at its limit, isn’t it
Inukai: Is he gonna abandon the wire strategy at this point?
Konami: Ugh…
Osamu: They all know…
Panel 3
Inukai: …talking about the double feature Inukai: I heard a weird rumour yesterday
Panel 4
Inukai: That Hus-kun came from ‘over there’ or something
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Panel 1
Konami: Just C-ranks’ delusions
Konami: That guy has a big attitude and lots of trion so he stands out
Panel 2
Inukai: It’s true his trion amount was insane
Inukai: I can understand why there’re rumours like that
Panel 3
Inukai: …but if we’re talking about amazing trion
Panel 4
Inukai: Amatori-chan Inukai: Is even more like ‘someone from over there’
Osamu: Eh?
Chika: Eh
Panel 5
Konami: What are you saying!
Konami: It’s not Chika!
Inukai: I see
Inukai: It’s not Amatori-chan
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Panel 1
Konami: …ah!
Inukai: Ahahah, you’re so honest, Konami-chan
Panel 2
Ninomiya: We already know Hus’s ‘identity’ Ninomiya: We’ve had a notification from the PR department
Panel 3
Konami: Wha…
Panel 4
Konami: Then you should have said that from the beginning!
Inukai: Sorry, sorry
Panel 5
Inukai: But Inukai: It made sense when I heard Hus-kun’s true identity
Inukai: How strong he is
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Panel 1
Inukai: How freely he used Border’s triggers, that you wouldn’t think he just started
Inukai: And his dynamic way of thinking and tactics
Panel 2
Inukai: He’s got plenty of trion too
Inukai: Seems likely he has plenty of hidden weapons besides Escudo
Panel 3
Inukai: …when I think of it like that
Panel 4
Inukai: Compared to how much trion he has
Inukai: The power of his Asteroid felt weak
Panel 5
Inukai: Is there some kind of trick
Inukai In the bullets?
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Panel 1
Osamu: …!
Osamu: He’s seen through our strategy…!?
Panel 3
Ninomiya: …we’re wrapping up
Inukai: Eh Inukai: But I’m still in the middle of negotiations~
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
Osamu: Ninomiya-san!
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Panel 1
Osamu: I said if we are chosen for the expedition team Osamu: I would like you to tell us the information on Hatohara-sempai…
Osamu: Do you remember that?
Panel 3
Ninomiya: …my answer is the same as then
Panel 4
Ninomiya: Say that after you’re chosen
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Panel 2
Yuuma: Hm
Yuuma: So they knew the Viper strategy
Panel 3
Osamu: Probably…
Usami: Inukai-sempai might have noticed because he sees Ninomiya-san’s shots all the time
Panel 4
Osamu: Hus went to all that trouble
Osamu: Hiding it for ‘next time’ too…
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Panel 1
Hus: I don’t think there’s a problem
Yuuma: Yeah
Panel 3
Hus: Viper
Hus: Can be used on the other teams besides Ninomiya squad to earn points
Panel 4
Yuuma: Inukai-sempai
Yuuma: Was probably also trying to say Yuuma: ‘Don’t use your hidden weapon on us, but on the others’
Panel 5
Hus: We just need to think up new plays to use against Ninomiya squad
Osamu: …I see…
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Panel 1
Usami: He might have been trying to disturb your composure too, Osamu-kun Usami: Inukai-sempai saying it like that
Konami: Ahhh, that’s likely, psychological warfare
Panel 2
Konami: Don’t go around getting manipulated the way he wants
*ruffle ruffle*
Osamu: Right
Osamu: It seemed like Konami-sempai was the one being manipulated the most…
Panel 3
Youtarou: Don’t worry, Osamu
Panel 4
Youtarou: My Hus will defeat Ninomiya
Konami: Why are you acting so self-important
Panel 5
Usami: Hm
Usami: Youtarou does have a point
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Panel 1
Osamu: Have a point…
Youtarou: …by which you mean?
Panel 2
Usami: Only Hus-kun and Chika-chan Usami: Can win against Ninomiya-san’s trion Usami: If we’re facing him head-on it’ll have to be these two
Panel 3
Konami: You can’t use Chika to face him
Usami: Not using Chika-chan to attack
Panel 4
Usami: Having Chika-chan use Fullguard with Shield
Usami: Then fighting with Hus-kun’s bullet triggers
Usami: I think they’ll be invincible in firefights
Panel 5
Konami: That’s true…
Konami: They’re not going to lose in a battle to whittle each other down
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Panel 1
Usami: It’ll be annoying if the other teams get themselves involved
Usami: But it’s pretty attractive being able to beat Ninomiya squad in firepower
Panel 2
Yuuma: And it’s bothersome trying to reach Ninomiya-san with a blade
Panel 3
Hus: …putting aside the firefight with that
Hus: If it becomes a mobility battle, Chika won’t be able to keep up
Panel 4
Hus: There’s also the danger of Chika exposing herself at all times
Hus: And there’ll be times when I won’t be able to join up with Chika
Panel 5
Hus: It’s not bad as a strategy
Hus: But we want more options
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Panel 1
Osamu: …alright
Osamu: Then let’s do this
Panel 2
Osamu: Hus and Chika look over Ninomiya squad’s logs Osamu: And work out counterattacks for firefights Osamu: Usami-sempai and Youtarou, you support them
Usami: OK!
Panel 3
Osamu: Me and Kuga will think of other plays Osamu: And gathering information on the other teams
Yuuma: Roger
Panel 4
Osamu: And if we can get some advice from you too, Konami-sempai…
Konami: It can’t be helped!
Panel 5
Konami: Come on, come on, we’re going to the operation room!
Yuuma: Right, right
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Panel 1
Usami: Nnnnnng…
Panel 2
Usami: There aren’t any teams willing to go into a shootout with Ninomiya-san Usami: So there aren’t many firefights to find…
Panel 3
Hus: …before we start talking about strategies
Hus: There’s one thing I want to confirm
Panel 4
Hus: Chika
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Panel 1
Hus: You can actually
Hus: Shoot people, can’t you?
Panel 2
Chika: Eh…
Usami: Eh…!?
Panel 5
Usami: Hus-kun, what do you mean!? Usami: You know Chika-chan can’t shoot people!?
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Panel 1
Hus: I know Chika says that
Hus: But Hus: That doesn’t mean it’s the truth
Panel 2
Hus: There’s the possibility that she just thinks Hus: ‘I can’t shoot people’
Panel 3
Hus: I think
Hus: Chika can shoot people
1. Now another anime canon has become manga canon (since we got the New 3 Idiots names): Azuma's favourite meat for BBQ.
2. And while we're on the subject of trivia: if you check the panels, the ones who got the oolong tea are Tsuji and Inukai since they have the same tone/colour in their glasses, and Ninomiya's favourite is ginger ale so Hiyami must have gotten the orange juice.
3. Did Chika just eat four bowls of rice OMG Is she supposed to be the Goku or Luffy of World Trigger...she does have the power potential...
4. Like Osamu I'm surprised by how easily they talk about it, but it does fall in line with World Trigger and their characters. And the word choice Inukai used: 'stole a march' kind of makes it sound like he's gonna meet up with her once they're in the Neighbourhood, that they all have the same goal...I guess that's what gets to me, no one is worried for Hatohara. Do they not know enough about what the Neighbourhood is like? Only Ninomiya seems to be really looking into it, and he's doing it more because he thinks she's been tricked (while the others on the squad seem to treat it as her decision...but then, they are younger than her, except Inukai who is still a peer and not older and in charge of her like Ninomiya is, AND Inukai is known for his psychological warfare - no wonder kageura doesn't like him - as revealed in this chapter...and I don't know where I'm going with this, but they are so not worried that even Osamu brought it up...) Anyway, this is probably why Yuzuru doesn't like them. He thinks Hatohara quit and is pretty cut up about it, but Ninomiya squad knows she secretly went to the Neighbourhood instead and they're okay with it (except Ninomiya).
5. Anyway, I wonder who else Ninomiya asked about Hatohara, since Inukai mentioned 'too'.
6. And a theory is confirmed! The photo was taken from Inukai's birthday party, the day before Hatohara left.
7. And another theory as well, that Hatohara went to the Neighbourhood for her little brother. To be fair, this was the most common theory ever since we saw her family makeup in BBF; all those parallels to Chika...
8. I'm not sure if I brought it across well enough, but in Japanese the particle Konami uses does have connotations that Chika isn't but someone else is. It's a common trick but you don't really get this in English.
9. Only Hus and Chika beats Ninomiya in trion so Yuba squad can't be higher than trion 11. Though thanks to Kitagawa showing up in the Parameter Ranking in BBF, we'd always known that Yuba squad's trion had to be Rindou Takumi (9) size or lower and same goes for every other unintroduced HQ character. Unless of course Kitagawa is only on there because she's one of the few trappers and other unintroduced characters would have been on the ranking but for spoilers.
10. Anyway, the fact that they bring up that plan against Ninomiya here means it probably isn't going to work the exact way they said, but also that some kind of frontal confrontation with Ninomiya is likely to happen...!
11. in conclusion, I’m going to be overseas when the next chapter comes out...we’ll have to see how this goes...
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chippokenabokura · 5 years
Thank you for all your hard work! I've been a fan of your blog for a while now and I'm grateful for how much insight you gave us on World Trigger. I have a question I hope you might have some thoughts on: I was rereading the latest chapter and reached the point where Ema was targeted while he reloads. Why is there a need to reload when they don't use real bullets or a variation of pre-stored trion bullets? I assume it's implied that the trion snipers/shooters use is supplied by trion bodies?
Since I didn’t manage to answer any asks before the new chapters came out, I’m going to answer this one quickly while I post the translations.
According to BBF, sniper rifles use up a large amount of trion in one shot so they cannot rapid fire. I presume it works on a similar premise as Gatorin’s Vasilissa. I hope that makes sense!
World Trigger Ch176 ‘Netsuki Eizou′ & Ch177 ‘Mikumo Osamu 17′ Translation
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Panel 2
Usami: Now then
Panel 3
Usami: Our turn’s over; what do you want todo?
Usami: Watch the evening division?Usami: Though it’s not for another 4 and a half hours
Panel 4
Hus: The records can probably be viewed atTamakoma base too right
Yuuma: We’re going to go do some solo rankwars
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Panel 1
Chika: I have to go meet Izuho-chan…
Usami: I see, roger that~
Panel 2
Usami: Hus-kun, horns! Be careful!
Hus: I know
*machine whirr*
Panel 3
Usami: Let us know when you’re heading back
Osamu: Then let’s disperse for now!
Panel 5
Usami: Ahhhh~ at any rate…
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Panel 1
Usami: It was a good match today~Usami: We earned 6 points against upper tier teams!
Osamu: Yes
Panel 2
Usami: It was worth you working hard to getHus-kun onto the team, Osamu-kun
Osamu: That’s rightOsamu: It went beyond my expectations
Panel 3
Usami: That reminds me
Usami: Did the ‘bad premonition’ youmentioned before we left go away?
Panel 5
Osamu: No…that’sOsamu: The truth is it’s still…
Usami: Ehhhh~? Really?
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Panel 1
Usami: I wonder what it could be? Your ‘badpremonition’Usami: Chika-chan looked fine…
Panel 2
Usami: When you had a difference of opinionwith Hus-kunUsami: I thought, will this cause a fight later?Usami: But in the end it doesn’t feel like Hus-kun is dissatisfied with thematch results
Osamu: You’re right…
Panel 3
Panel 4
Osamu: A message from Kikuchihara-sempai…
Usami: Oh, what’s it say?
Panel 5
Kikuchihara: Congrats on winning the match. Kikuchihara: You were prettypointless this time.
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Panel 1
Osamu: Pointless…
Usami: That Kikucchy, always saying somethingmean…
Panel 2
Osamu: Let’sask Kikuchihara-sempai too
Osamu: Thankyou very much.Osamu: Even though we won the match,for some reason I feel uncertain.Osamu: I wonder what this could be
Panel 3
Kikuchihara: Isn’t it some kind of sad premonition that ‘the new guy is strong so Iwon’t have anything to do’?
Panel 4
Usami: Is it? I don’t think so though
Osamu: Hmmm, I don’t know…
Panel 5
Osamu: Ifthe next opponents are cautious of Hus’s Escudo and choose an outdoors map,Osamu: The wire formation and leadbullet sniping would be effective again, so I think there are still things Ican do…
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Panel 1
Kikuchihara: …whatKikuchihara: So he does get it
Utagawa: ?
Panel 2
Panel 3
Kikuchihara: …?
*chatter chatter*
Panel 4
Usami: Hm? It’s me this time
Panel 5
Usami: Yes, yes, hello
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Panel 1
Utagawa: Usami-sempai, good work today
Usami: Good work to you too, Utty. What’swrong?
Panel 2
Utagawa: Sorry, I just wanted to check…
Usami: Check…?
Panel 3
Utagawa: Tamakoma Second’s new member’s identity
Utagawa: It hasn’t been officially released,right?
Panel 4
Usami: Eh…?
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Panel 1
Utagawa: According to Kikuchihara, someC-rank agents in the loungeUtagawa: …probably the ones who saw the match just now, I think
Utagawa: It looks like they’re gossipingaboutUtagawa: ‘isn’t Tamakoma’s new member a Neighbour?’…
Panel 2
Usami: Eh!?
Panel 3
Usami: …right!
Usami: Right, got it, thank you!
Panel 4
Osamu: A rumour that ‘Hus is a Neighbour’Osamu: Among the C-ranks…
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Panel 1
Osamu:My squad is moving in a good direction
Osamu:The chances of success for the next match shouldn’t be low either…
Panel 2
Osamu: Inbattle, Kuga and Hus are overwhelming the other teams…
Osamu: Andyet…
Panel 3
Osamu: …That’s it
Panel 4
Osamu: That’s what my ‘bad premonition’was!
Osamu: Hus standing out too much was the problem!
Panel 5
Osamu: That’s why, no matter how good thematch was goingOsamu: My ‘bad premonition’ didn’t go away…!
Usami: Ahhh~! I see!
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Panel 1
Usami: It’s true he made a big splashagainst the upper tier teams in his debut match
Usami: Is the Neighbour rumour because hisappearance and name looks foreign?Usami: Maybe the fact that we’re the pro-Neighbour faction has something to dowith it too?
Panel 2
Usami: …but what do we do?Usami: I don’t think the ones spreading the rumours have any proof
Usami: But we don’t know what will happenif it spreads further
Osamu: That’s true…
Panel 3
Usami: Might it affect the expeditionselection too?
Usami: I want to think it won’t go as faras Yuuma-kun getting suspected too…
Panel 4
Osamu:If I had made Hus stand out less…
Osamu:…no, that might have made it impossible to get 6 points
Osamu:The match itself should be fine like that…
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Panel 1
JIn: Don’tfalter
Panel 2
Panel 3
Osamu: …either wayOsamu: I have to go for a bit
Osamu: Please contact Hus and the others,Usami-sempai!
Usami: Right, got it!
Panel 4
Panel 5
Osamu: …Sorry, Branch Chief Rindou
Osamu: I have a sudden request
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Panel 1
BorderHQPublic Relations Department
Panel 2
*knock knock*
Panel 3
Osamu: …pardon the intrusion!
Panel 4
Netsuki: …You’re here, Mikumo-kun
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Panel 1
Netsuki: Branch Chief Rindou has made anappointment
PublicRelations Department ChiefNetsuki Eizou (39)
Panel 2
Azuma: Good work today
B-rankAzuma Squad CaptainAzuma Haruaki (25)
Panel 3
Osamu: Azuma-san…?
Osamu: Thank you for your hard work
Panel 4
Osamu: …sorry to bother you
Osamu: I would like to consult with you regardingan issue with Hus
Panel 5
Netsuki: The matter of the ‘rumour’, Isuppose?
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Panel 1
Osamu: …!Osamu: Yes!
Netsuki: I have received the report fromCaptain Kazama
Panel 2
Netsuki: Jeez…Netsuki: This is why I opposed his enlistment…
Panel 3
Netsuke: …and?
Netsuki: What do you propose I do aboutthis?
Panel 4
Osamu: I was thinking if Border HQofficially
Osamu: Refutes the rumours…
Panel 5
Netsuki: Don’t say something so foolish
Panel 1
Netsuki: If we officially react in such a rushto suspicions that are only at the rumour levelNetsuki: It’s as good as saying there’s something to be guilty about
Panel 2
Netsuki: What’s so troublesome about thismatter especially
Netsuki: Is that it’s not a ‘baseless rumour’
Panel 3
Netsuki: As an organisationNetsuki: Announcing a lie to the public for just a temporary measure
Netsuki: I am obliged to say it is too biga risk
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
Netsuki: Well…having said that, we cannotallow the rumours to spread any further either…
Panel 5
Osamu: That’s very true…Osamu: I didn’t consider it deeply enough
Netsuki: Hmph…Netsuki: There is no need to apologise
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Panel 1
Netsuki: Tamakoma Second or not
Netsuki: It is our job to protect theorganisation’s reputation
Panel 2
Netsuki: With this matter, for now
Netsuki: We shall deal with it by overwriting the rumour
Panel 3
Osamu: ‘Overwriting’…
Osamu: The rumour…!?
Panel 4
Netsuki: We create and spread a rumour that isNetsuki: More believable than the current one
Netsuki: Is what I’m saying
Panel 5
Netsuki: ‘Tamakoma Second’s Agent Hus is’
Netsuki: ‘Tamakoma Branch’s Chief EngineerCronyn’s relative’Netsuki: ‘And was scouted due to his exceedingly high trion ability’
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Panel 1
Netsuki: ‘He has been at Tamakoma branchfor several years’Netsuki: ‘And it was planned for him to be assigned to Tamakoma First afterAgent Jin left’
Netsuki: ‘But as Agent Jin has returned toA-rank’
Netsuki: ‘He has been incorporated intoTamakoma Second instead’
Panel 2
Netsuki: …are the contents of the rumour
Netsuki: We will spread it under CaptainAzuma’s name
Panel 3
Osamu: Under
Osamu: …Azuma-san!?
Panel 4
Netsuki: Do you think we would get anyresults if we spread it under your name?
Panel 5
Netsuki: This time the ‘original rumour’ ismore newsworthy
Tamakoma’sNew Member is a Neighbour!?
Actually Tamakoma’s Teacher’s Pet!
Azuma-san Tells All
Netsuki: Without enough credibility, it wouldn’tbe able to overwrite it, would it?
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Panel 1
Osamu: …but doesn’t that mean
Osamu: We will be making Azuma-san telllies…
Panel 2
Azuma: Well, it’s just a ‘rumour’ in theendAzuma: For the time being we are planning on spreading the rumour at tomorrow’sjoint sniper practice…
Panel 3
Azuma: I’ll make the contents a bitambiguous for the collaborators too
Satori:It seems that Azuma-san said…
Hanzaki:According to what SatoKen heard from Azuma-san…
Azuma: And only have them spread it as‘hearsay’
Panel 4
Azuma: If I myself am asked to confirm itAzuma: I will keep the fact that I spread the rumour ambiguous
Azuma:Did I say that?
Azuma:Well, anyway, it fits, probably
Azuma: And just approve the contents
Panel 1
Azuma: If for some reasonAzuma: There’s a need to reveal Hus’s identity to someone at some point
Panel 2
Azuma: The false information spread undermy nameAzuma: Will be explained as being done under Netsuki-san’s orders
Netsuki: IndubitablyNetsuki: It is my responsibility
Panel 3
Netsuki: Of course, we will have Tamakoma’scooperation as wellNetsuki: We must have consistency with what we ‘establish’
Osamu: …
Osamu:Before I arrived, they’ve already…
Panel 4
Osamu:Finished the countermeasures…!
Netsuki: ThenNetsuki: We must get our story straight with the agents who already know Hus’sidentity
Azuma: And the people who know Chief Cronynis a Neighbour
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Panel 1
Netsuki: For goodness sakes…with this kindof situationNetsuki: The fewer people involved as possible the better…
Panel 2
Netsuki: If the ‘rumour’ spreads outside, it would cause us many moretimes the trouble we have currentlyNetsuki: So if we do not shut the rumour down now…
Osamu: Sorry for taking up your time…
Panel 3
Netsuki: …wellNetsuki: I suppose I need to say that you have made progress
Netsuki: Coming to report this yourselfbefore the problem becomes a big one
Panel 5
Netsuki: I will go summarise the mainpointsNetsuki: Sit and wait for a while
Osamu: Ah, yes!
Panel 6
Osamu: …I am indebted for your help…
Azuma: Ah, well, don’t worry about it
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Panel 1
Osamu: …you already knew then, about Hus
Azuma: Those with expedition experiencewill probably notice from the nameAzuma: Since we know Chief Cronyn’s identity
Panel 2
Azuma: It’s a message from Branch ChiefRindou that those in the know will understand
Osamu: I see…
Panel 3
Azuma: …anyway, Mikumo
Osamu: Yes?
Panel 4
Azuma: Is Amatori
Azuma: Alright?
Panel 5
Osamu: …eh?
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Panel 1
Osamu: Eh…?
Panel 2
Osamu: ‘Alright’Osamu: What do you…?
Azuma: …no
Azuma: It might not be my place to say
Panel 3
Azuma: But I know someone else like Amatori
Azuma: Who ‘can’t shoot people’
Panel 4
Osamu: …!
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Panel 1
Osamu: Are you
Osamu: Talking about…Hatohara-san?
Panel 2
Azuma: What, you already knew?
Osamu: Um…I heard from Reiji-san
Azuma: I see
Panel 3
Azuma: It was on my mind
Azuma: When Hatohara accidently shotsomeone during a rank warAzuma: It was quite bad
Panel 4
Osamu: By bad…Osamu: You mean?
Azuma: She threw upAzuma: And was laid up
Panel 5
Osamu: Eh…!
Azuma: So I was worried about AmatoriAzuma: If she seems fine then it’s all good
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Panel 1
Osamu:To receive that much damage…
Osamu:Was she a different type from Chika…?
Panel 2
Osamu: …I had heard that Hatohara-sanOsamu: Was ‘a sniper who only aimed at and destroyed the opponents’ weapons’
Osamu: But was it that badOsamu: Every time she hit someone by accident…?
Panel 3
Azuma: Hm? No…
Panel 4
Azuma: Hatohara has only hit someone once
Azuma: She has never failed except that onetime
Panel 5
Azuma: She trained single-mindedlyAzuma: So that she would never hit aperson
Osamu: …!
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Panel 1
Azuma: …well, a sniper shot is differentfrom an explosionAzuma: It might not be a good comparison
Panel 2
Azuma: Think of it as an example of whatcould happenAzuma: And look out for Amatori
Osamu: …right!
Panel 3
Azuma: …but
Azuma: There’re finally only 4 days left…
Osamu: …?Osamu: Yes
Panel 4
Azuma: The press conference
Azuma: Where you said sharply that you will‘go on the expedition’Azuma: Was just a little over a month ago
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Panel 1
Osamu: …!
Azuma: That you would actuallyAzuma: Reach the point where you almost have your hands on the qualifications for it
Panel 2
Azuma: When I heardAzuma: ‘This season’s rank wars will end with Round 8’
Azuma: ‘For the expedition selection,B-rank No.2 and above will be considered A-rank’Azuma: From the top brass
Panel 3
Azuma: I thought that, points-wise
Azuma: It might be impossible for youTamakoma Second to reach the selection
Panel 4
Azuma: Have you already devised the means tohave Hus joinAzuma: By that point?
Osamu: Ah…yes
Azuma: That is quite meticulous
Panel 5
Netsuki: With your positionNetsuki: I would like you not to back any specific teamNetsuki: Captain Azuma
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Panel 1
Azuma: I’m not backing anyoneAzuma: I’m just saying how
Azuma: Tamakoma Second is interestingbecause they rose up using different means from the other teams
Netsuki: I don’t think there’s anythinginteresting…
Panel 2
Netsuki: The main points of the plan
Panel 3
Netsuki: Take it back and dispose of itafter it has been sharedNetsuki: Make sure nothing is saved
Osamu: …yes!
Panel 4
Osamu: Thank you very much!
Osamu: I will definitely return this favoursomeday!
Panel 5
Netsuki: It’s not like I need thanks
Netsuki: This is our job from the start
Osamu: No
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Panel 1
Osamu: Exposing an agentOsamu: To a problem that could have been predicted
Osamu: Is the mistake of the Captain whogave the order
Panel 4
Osamu: Please excuse me
Panel 5
Netsuki: …
Panel 6
Azuma: So putting aside the ‘reputation ofthe organisation’Azuma: The ‘reputation of Hus’ is his responsibility, huh
Netsuki: …hmphNetsuki: I wonder
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Panel 1
Netsuki: If it becomes known that he isusing a talented Neighbour as a mercenaryNetsuki: Mikumo-kun himself will be under fire too
Netsuki: In the end is he not just puttinghis own interests first
Panel 2
Azuma: He isn’t that kind of person
Azuma: According to what I heard fromKazamaAzuma: Before Hus, it seems he tried to get Jin to join his team
Panel 3
Netsuki: …
Netsuki: Huh!?
Panel 4
Netsuki: What the heck!Netsuki: That’s beyond unfair!
Azuma: It’s very shameless
Panel 5
Azuma: Indifferentwhen it comes to himselfAzuma: But burdens himself with otherpeople’s problems…
Azuma: Howunbalanced…
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Panel 1
Usami: I see!
Usami: So Netsuki-san will be dealing withit for usUsami: Thank goodness~!
Osamu: Yes
Panel 2
Izuho: I tried to find the source of therumour indirectly
Panel 3
Izuho: But at firstIzuho: It was just
Izuho: ‘What if he’s a Neighbour~’
Panel 4
Izuho: But then ‘I saw him during the LargeScale Invasion’Izuho: ‘Tamakoma’s new member is a Neighbour!’
Izuho: Someone started sayingIzuho: And the rumour really caught fire
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Panel 1
Konami: Did that guy really see Hus?
Konami: Not just saying the first thingthat came to their heads for attention?
Izuho: I think that’s probably it
Panel 2
Izuho: My eyes are really good
Izuho: But Hus-sempai was so far away Icouldn’t see his face
Izuho: Even though I noticed Ochibi-sempai byhis hair colour right away
Panel 3
Izuho: Even looking at him now
Izuho: I wouldn’t think he’s the Neighbourfrom that time
Panel 4
Konami: Besides, how would you even
Konami: Come to the conclusion thatKonami: ‘The Neighbour from the Large Scale Invasion has become a Borderagent’?
Hus: Because it’s a rumourHus: As long as it’s provocative, it works
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Panel 1
Usami: No, but it’s actually true
Yuuma: Truth is stranger than fiction
Panel 2
Osamu: Well, in any case, we have takenmeasures
Panel 3
Osamu: Make sure you memorise Hus’s‘backstory’Osamu: Then act normally
Chika: Right, got it
Yuuma: Roger
Panel 4
Usami: …oh?
Panel 5
Usami: Our opponents for the final matchhave been decided!
Osamu: …!
Usami: Our next opponents are…
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Panel 1
Usami: No.1 Ninomiya squad, No.4 Ikomasquad, and Yuba squad who have risen to No.7
Panel 2
Osamu:Ikoma squad…
Osamu:Ninomiya squad…!
Panel 3
Yuuma: It’ll be our first time going upagainst Yuba squad
Panel 4
Hus: Ikoma…
Ikoma: Sorry
Panel 5
Usami: The rumour issue is worryingUsami: But we need to prepare properly for the match too!
Osamu: …yes!
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Panel 1
Panel 2
JointSniper Training
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Panel 1
BorderHQPublic Relations Department
Azuma: I think we have managed to overwriteit among the C-rank snipers
Panel 2
Azuma: All that��s left isAzuma: How wide the new rumour can spread and…
Panel 3
Azuma: How stubborn the one who said
Azuma: ‘I saw Hus’ is…I believe
Panel 4
Netsuki: Well, I think it’ll be fineNetsuki: But if this is no good
Netsuki: Worst case scenario we will haveto think about using memory sealing measures…
Panel 5
Netsuki: If there are any problems, reportimmediately
Osamu: …understood!
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Panel 2
Konami: HmmmKonami: Then it more or less went well, right?
Osamu: …I think so
Osamu: Though we still don’t know whateffect it has yet
Panel 3
Konami: Well, there’s no point thinkingabout it any furtherKonami: Why not think about something else and concentrate on the last match?
Panel 4
Osamu: Yes
Osamu: I plan to
Panel 5
Konami: How many people for dinner today?
Usami: Isn’t it just the 4 of us?
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Panel 1
Usami: Yuuma-kun is with Zoe-san and theothersUsami: Reiji-san went drinking with Suwa-san and the others
Usami: Torimaru-kun is on defence duty withSuzunariUsami: Jin-san and Hus-kun has gone out with Boss and the others
Panel 2
Konami: Then we’re eating out todayKonami: My treat
Konami: It’s too much bother to cook
Usami: Oooh, how generous!
Panel 3
Konami: Meat. We’re going to go eat meat
Osamu: Thank you for the meal
Panel 4
Panel 5
Konami: No ordering anything too expensive!
Osamu: Roger that
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Panel 1
Osamu: Ah
Panel 2
Inukai: Oh?
Panel 3
Osamu: Thank you for your hard work…
Inukai: What a coincidence
1. If we go with the day division happening at about noon (because that’s one of the meanings of the word ‘hiru’ and if so I might actually need to change my translation to noon division) and since the match is about an hour, that means the evening division happens at about 6 (since the aftermatch commentary might take up to half an hour). This is nothing we haven’t inferred before, but I just wanted to lay it out anyway.
2. I know it’s a common theory that these rumours are the plan that Lata hinted at the last time we saw Galopoula, but I can’t help but feel it’s a red herring just because if they have the capability to spread rumours this way wouldn’t they do something more direct with a higher chance of stopping the expedition…? But then again, Ashihara doesn’t really trick the audience through fakeouts, (surprises in World Trigger are usually not because Ashihara chose the less likely option unless it’s only less likely because we the audience don’t have all the facts and/or backstory) so I guess this could be their plan? After all, Izuho makes it sound like the switch to Hus definitely being a Neighbour was very sudden…
3. Anyway, there really is a giant Arashiyama…it is SO OBTRUSIVE
4. Jin really was in Tamakoma First before he became S class. This was a pretty popular theory so it’s nice to see it validated. But does that mean Jin will become part of Tamakoma First again? That’s what this new rumour is suggesting at least
5. It’s always nice to see adults being competent and showing why they are the adults, and World Trigger is really good at that. But another thing it’s good at is showing (and allowing) characters take responsibility for what they’ve taken under their charge.
6. I had Azuma say 'we’ when talking about those who’ve gone on expeditions because that’s the implication when he started talking about it when Osamu mentioned him knowing about Hus. But I just want to point out that in Japanese he does not actually come out and say that HE has been on expeditions, Ashihara loves these kind of word tricks where he lets your expectations blind you (no, I still haven’t forgiven him for that A-rank ranking q&a). But on the other hand, Ashihara also loves Occam’s Razor, so Azuma could have gone on expeditions, especially since he used to be A-rank No.1. And if his A-rank No.1 team really was Ninomiya, Kako and Miwa then they might know too. After all, Kazama was talking about Tamakoma’s Neighbour engineer right in front of Miwa in volume 3 (actually, does this mean Narasaka knows as well, since he was there too?)
7. There are so many theories about who Hatohara might have shot, but most of them are of existing characters while I feel, since this is Ashihara, it’s more likely to be someone we haven’t even met yet. Like someone from Kusakabe squad.
8. I’ve given up on trying to translate ochibi with honorifics into a viable English nickname, though chibi by itself still works if I use 'squirt’.
9. But, man, Izuho doesn’t seem to have much of a reaction to Hus, does she? I wonder how much she knows that she’s okay with it all despite everything that happened to them, especially Chika, during the invasion
10. Yay, Yuba squad! As a reminder of the interesting things to look forward to about Yuba squad: they’re the last upper tier squad to be revealed, they’re Ouji and Kurauchi’s old team, they have quite possibly the last HQ B-rank female character to be introduced (unless Yukari is actually a boy, or one of the masculine names not yet introduced is a female character, unlikely with Ashihara but K did have a male character named Yukari so…), Yuba is our last chance to see a strong dual-weld handgun character since he’s the only dual-weld handgun character who hasn’t been introduced yet and the others are Yuiga and Chano squad (A-rank does have 1 unintroduced single-weld handgun character - Satomi - as well as 2 introduced - Kitora and Miwa, who are strong), and finally Yuba is also one of the characters Jin said was one of the Fuujin candidates (despite being a Gunner) and is called 'Yuba-chan’ by Jin - since so far Jin has used -san or their title for everyone older than him, there is a high chance that Yuba is 19 or younger.
11. But this really does mean we’ve lost the chance to see Urushima in the rank wars, doesn’t it? SIGH
12. So I translated a lot of 'and others’ for the going out for meals part because the Japanese didn’t specify who they’ve gone with, but my guesses are: Yuuma is with the other 18 year olds (but probably not at okonomiyaki again since Usami said 'Zoe-san and others’ not 'Kageura and others’), Reiji is with the other 21 year olds, we know who Suzunari all are, and Jin and Hus are probably with Yuri and Mikhael as well as Rindou - maybe even Youtarou too. Man, as interesting as BBQ with Ninomiya squad is, I want to see all these meetups too.
13. I did not miss the fact that if Tsuji stays in that seat he might end up surrounded by girls lol
14. In conclusion, the next chapter will be the last chapter of volume 20, I’m expecting something good to end the volume.
30 notes · View notes
chippokenabokura · 5 years
Hello! Not sure if other people asked you about this already but have you read Ashihara's comment for this Jump SQ issue? In Viz's translation he said "20-page increments", what does that exactly mean? Or is this a mistranslation?
Hi back! First, some apologies as I have been on Tumblr even less recently. Some of it is me being distracted (and let me take this chance to thank the people who were very understanding about my distractions and other nice messages! My copy of the Supersons Omnibus recently came in the mail, so distractions are definitely still happening >.>) but some of it is also me figuring out setting up my blog somewhere else (which is also still happening…soon…). Either way, I’m sorry that I took so long to answer asks, some of them are now obsolete, like this one.
To be fair, Ashihara’s comment was pretty vague, but with this issue I think we can infer that he means he is continuing with the pace of about 20 pages per chapter and 2 chapters per issue. Whether he can maintain this pace is something we will have to wait and see.
In any case, I will definitely try not to wait until the next issue of Jump before answering some of the asks still in my inbox. But for now, on to the translation:
World Trigger Ch174 ‘Azuma Squad 2′ & Ch175 ‘Hus 7′ Translation
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Panel 1  
Hus: How many more points to No.2?
Yuuma: 3 more points
*wind howling*
Panel 2
*wind howling*
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Panel 4
*wind howling*
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: Now, Round 7 of the B-rank RankWars is reaching its finale
Yuitsuka: The survivors are five members oftwo teams!
Panel 2
Yuitsuka: These are their current locations
Yuitsuka: Having the advantage of numbers,Tamakoma SecondYuitsuka: Have started searching for Azuma squad who have concealed themselves
Panel 3
Panel 4
*bang bang*
Panel 5
*bang bang*
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: Agent HusYuitsuka: Is plugging up all the paths and narrowing Azuma squad’s avenues ofescape!
*bam bam bam*
Inukai: An Escudo’s standard range is about25 metresInukai: But with Hus-kun’s trion, he can make blockades much further away
*bang bang bang*
Panel 2
*bang bang bang*
*clatter clatter*
Panel 3
Arashiyama: I see
Arashiyama: Tamakoma Second is…
Panel 4
Arashiyama: Having Agent Amatori cover thesouth side that has the large hole in it
Panel 5
Arashiyama: With Agent Hus putting on thepressure from the opposite side
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Panel 1
Arashiyama: And when Azuma squad respond tothat
Arashiyama: Agent Kuga will spring hissurprise attackArashiyama: Is what it looks like
Panel 3
Inukai: Azuma squad is also likely tonotice Tamakoma’s aim
Inukai: I wonder how they will deal withit?
Panel 4
Azuma: Tamakoma’s play is to slowly driveus into a cornerAzuma: The more time passes, the less we can do
Azuma: Let me hear your answers
Panel 5
Okudera: …
Okudera: Let’s retreat
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Panel 1
Okudera: In these circumstances, thechances of winning are low
Okudera: In that caseOkudera: We should limit the damage to as little as possible
Panel 2
Azuma: Okudera chooses ‘retreat’
Azuma: What about you, Koarai?
Panel 3
Koarai: …it ain’t my nature to not give as good as I got
Koarai: If I’m gonna bailout anyway I want to at least take them down with me…
Panel 4
Koarai: …is what I want to say, but…
Panel 5
Koarai: Kuga’s probably hiding aroundsomewhere anyway
Koarai: Chance of success seems low so Iwon’tKoarai: One vote for ‘retreat’
Panel 6
Azuma: …I see
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Panel 1
Koarai: But my foot’s screwed, it’s hard tosay if I manage to get awayKoarai: I’ll probably be discovered if I use GrasshopperKoarai: And the ways out are being plugged up fast
Panel 2
Hitomi: There are still beacons left so wecan still trick them a bit
Hitomi: I’ll mark the escape routes
Koarai: Mako-san, I’m counting on you!
Panel 3
Azuma: Alright
Azuma: First, escape from the mall
Panel 4
Azuma: HitomiAzuma: Give me control of some of the beacons
Azuma: As close to outside as possible
Hitomi: Roger
Panel 5
Osamu: …!
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Panel 1
*beep beep beep*
Panel 2
*beep beep beep*
Osamu: The enemies’ signatures are…
Panel 3
Yuitsuka: Oh? Several of Azuma squad’sradar signatures
Yuitsuka: Are heading to the south!
Panel 4
Yuitsuka: Are they thinking of doing somepressuring of their own
Yuitsuka: By trying to guess at Agent Amatori’s location?
Panel 5
Inukai: Well, from the Tamakoma side
Inukai: It won’t look like anything morethan a bluff…
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Panel 1
Osamu: Thisis probably a diversion using the beacons…Osamu: Should I get Chika to destroy thebeacons with her Meteora?
Osamu: …noOsamu: They might be aiming to confirmour positions by inviting attack…
Panel 2
Hus: It’s a deception
Panel 3
Hus: A feint to put us on the defensiveHus: We can leave it
Usami: Well, usually that’s what you’dthink…
Panel 4
Osamu: Theopponent is Azuma-san
Panel 5
Osamu: Hemight make us think it’s a fake
Osamu: Andoutsmart us that way…?
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Panel 1
Hus: Chika is holding down the frontHus: And I’ve plugged up most of the other exits
Hus: If the enemy make a move to escape wecan lock down on them in an instantHus: The chances of them having already left the building are low
Panel 2
Hus: Setting up an obvious diversion likethisHus: Is proof of how cornered they are
Osamu:The truth is that’s what I think too…
Panel 3
Osamu:But just in case…
Osamu:Just in case if that’s not it…
Panel 4
*disappear disappear*
Panel 5
Osamu: …!?
Osamu:Two of the signatures vanished…!?
Panel 6
Inukai: Whoa, adding even more informationto parse
Yuitsuka: It’s just like Azuma-san tounsettle them like this
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Panel 1
Inukai: Now, this time
Panel 2
Inukai: It’s Tamakoma’s turn to cope again
Panel 3
Yuitsuka: For now
Yuitsuka: It feels letting Agent Amatorimake her escape is the fastest way to deal with it…
Panel 4
Arashiyama: The south side of the buildingcan’t be marked while Agent Amatori is moving
Arashiyama: If Tamakoma wishes to continuetheir current offensive then it’ll be difficult to move her
Panel 5
Yuitsuka: In which case, the move Tamakoma can make is…
Panel 6
Arashiyama: Either decide Azuma squad’s setup is a feint and continue their offensive
Arashiyama: Or consider ‘just in case’Arashiyama: Throw away their offensive and protect Agent Amatori
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Panel 1
Arashiyama: Or
Arashiyama: ‘The 3rd option’
Panel 2
Inukai: But with Mikumo-kun’s personalityInukai: The choice of not protecting Amatori-chan…
Arashiyama: I feel he won’t take it either
Panel 3
Osamu: …stop attacking!
Osamu: Please cover Chika!
Panel 4
Chika: …!
Panel 5
Yuuma: Hm
Panel 6
Hus: What…!?
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Panel 1
Hus: Don’t be a fool!Hus: Do you intend to let them escape from right under our noses!?
Osamu: On the off chance that Chika goesdown hereOsamu: We’d lose Azuma squad anyway
Panel 2
Osamu: If Chika survivesOsamu: Even if Azuma squad runs, we can smoke them out with bombing raids
Panel 3
Osamu: Guaranteeing Chika’s safety is thehighest priority!
Hus: Don’t say something so sloppy
Panel 4
Hus: Did you forget the previous battle?
Hus: Azuma has the skills to shoot downshells
Panel 5
Hus: Chika didn’t face any counterattacksjust nowHus: Only because Azuma was inside the building
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Panel 1
Hus: If Azuma can move freelyHus: He’s going to shoot down the Meteoras next
Panel 2
Osamu: …!
Hus: Azuma calculated your personalityHus: And is leading you to pick the less likely choice
Panel 3
Hus: Like I said before
Hus: I won’t obey instructions that aren’tvalid
Panel 4
Osamu: …
Panel 5
Chika: Osamu-kun…
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Panel 1
Osamu:I know what Hus is saying is probably right
Osamu:I can’t throw out the chance of ‘just in case’…
Panel 2
Osamu:Jin-san said ‘Don’t falter’
Osamu:In this situation…
Osamu:Which choice means I’m not ‘faltering’….!?
Panel 3
Yuuma: Then
Panel 4
Yuuma: I’ll guard Chika
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Panel 1
Yuuma: Chika and Hus
Yuuma: Can act as they did before
Panel 2
Osamu: …!
Osamu: But then Hus will be alone…
Hus: That’s fine
Panel 3
*wind howling*
Hus: This conversation is finishedHus: I will continue searching for the enemy
Panel 5
Panel 6
Yuitsuka: !
Yuitsuka: Tamakoma is on the move!
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: Agent Kuga is heading to coverfor Agent Amatori
Yuitsuka: It looks like Agent Hus hasstayed!
Panel 2
Arashiyama: Moving to deal with bothArashiyama: It’s ‘the 3rd option’
Panel 3
Inukai: But is it okay to spread out theirforces~
Inukai: Like this it’s more or less 2versus 1 inside the mall
Panel 4
Azuma: Onlyone made a moveAzuma: …which means…
Panel 5
Azuma: Thetime limit is until the beacons run out of trion
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Panel 1
Osamu: …
Panel 2
Yuuma: Sorry OsamuYuuma: Please give Hus a chance
Osamu: ‘Chance’…?
Panel 3
Yuuma: Letting Kage-sempai escape
Yuuma: And Osamu getting taken out byYuzuru
Panel 4
Yuuma: Hus considers both of theseYuuma: His mistakes
Osamu: …!
Panel 5
Yuuma: That’s why he wants to earn thosepoints back himself
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Panel 1
Yuuma: He’s very earnest
*wind howling*
Panel 2
*bam bam bam bam*
Panel 3
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 4
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: Slowly blockading from the topYuitsuka: Agent Hus is steadily driving Azuma squad into a corner!
Panel 2
Arashiyama: For Agent Koarai to escape the mallArashiyama: He will need to break down a wall at some point…
Inukai: It does seem like he’ll be discovered by Hus-kun before thatInukai: Will he try to counterattack?
Panel 3
Hitomi: Hus-kun is probably already here, Koara!
Koarai: Roger!
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: Agent Hus has finally locked ontoAgent Koarai!
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 5
Hus: Koarai’sfoot is damaged
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: Will everything be decided here!?
Panel 2
Hus: I’lldecide everything here!
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Panel 2
Yuitsuka: Ah!
Panel 3
Hus:I thought
Panel 4
Hus:That’s what you’d do!
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Yuitsuka: Just the Bagworm…!
Panel 6
Panel 7
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Panel 1
*bam bam bam bam bam bam*
Panel 2
*bang bang*
Panel 4
Hus: Tsk…
Hus:I only got his leg
*crack crack crack*
Computer: Combat body active limit reachedComputer: Bailout
Panel 5
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Panel 1
*wind howling*
Yuitsuka: Agent Hus bails out!
Panel 4
Okudera: You did it!
Panel 5
Yuitsuka: Azuma squad captures a point atthe eleventh hour!
Yuitsuka: And escapes from the shoppingmall!
Panel 6
Koarai: …what do we do from here?Koarai: Do we aim for time up?Koarai: Or bailout immediately?
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Panel 1
Azuma: I suppose…
Panel 2
Azuma: Depending on their nextapproach…
*wind howling*
Panel 3
Hus: Let Chika bomb them
Panel 4
Hus: Both Azuma squad members have damageto their legs
Hus: He can’t snipe and run right now
Panel 5
Hus: Make one shotHus: And Azuma will surely make the decision to withdraw
Osamu: …got it!
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Panel 1
Chika: Meteora!
Panel 2
*bang bang bang bang*
Panel 3
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Panel 1
Azuma: …it’s time
*bang bang bang bang*
Azuma: Withdraw
Koarai: Roger!
Panel 2
*bang bang*
Yuitsuka: Ah, Azuma squad has voluntarilybailed out!
Panel 3
Arashiyama: Because Azuma squad had damageto their legs
Arashiyama: I think it’s a valid decision
Panel 4
Yuitsuka: Azuma squad successfully escapesand leaves the field
Yuitsuka: Surviving to the endYuitsuka: Tamakoma Second receives an additional 2 survival points!
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: And the match ends here!Yuitsuka: The final score is 6 to 2 to 2 to 1!
Yuitsuka: Tamakoma Second wins!
                         | Pointsearned | Survival points | Total
Tamakoma 2nd |           4           |             2           |  6
Azuma squad   |          2            |                         |   2
Kageura squad |          2             |                         |   2
Suzunari First   |           1             |                         |   1
Panel 2
Yuitsuka: A massive 6 points!Yuitsuka: Even though Captain Azuma took him out at the end
*rustle rustle rustle rustle*
Yuitsuka: Tamakoma’s rookie really went onthe rampage! This was the result!
Panel 3
Yuitsuka: How was the matchYuitsuka: For our two commentators?
Inukai: Actually, that…
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Panel 1
Inukai: Azuma-san’s replacement techniqueat the end there
Inukai: How did he do that?
Panel 2
Yuitsuka: Just my guess…
Panel 3
Yuitsuka: But perhaps it was something likethis
1. Hiding among the Dummy Beaconsignatures and wait for Koarai to lead Hus        Hang Bagworm from a Lightning left on the floor above
2. Match Hus’s attack and activateIbis        Lightning disappears and Bagworm falls
3. Shoot Hus when he reacts to theBagworm
Panel 4
Inukai: Whoa, that’s dirty
Inukai: I’ll rewatch the logs later
Arashiyama: This is…the wider the field ofvision of an Agent, the more likely they’ll be caught out
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Panel 1
Arashiyama: On the other hand, Agent Hus
Arashiyama: Also planned for just in caseand left half of his bullets by his side
Panel 2
Arashiyama: Taking Captain Azuma’s mobilityeven as he fell at the end there
Arashiyama: And making withdrawal anecessityArashiyama: I think that decision Agent Hus made was very appropriate
Panel 3
Yuitsuka: …well then, once again
Yuitsuka: Let’s look back on the match andplease give us your evaluation
Panel 4
Inukai: If we’re speaking of the openingphase, Suzunari’s darkness strategy was interesting
Panel 5
Inukai: I was thinking it during the match tooInukai: I think they would have gotten more hits if the opponent wasn’t Kage
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Panel 1
Inukai: Well, the result is that Suzunaristopped at 1 point
Inukai: And Taichi-kun was taken outwithout making a single shot though
Panel 2
Panel 3
Taichi: My strategy failed…
Taichi: So frustrating…
Kuruma: Just being able to throw offKageura-kun means we got a good reactionKuruma: It’s fine
Taichi: Really…?
Panel 4
Arashiyama: Suzunari First’s basic strategyis evolving too
Arashiyama: And on top of that, if they canmake the opponent think ‘there’s no predicting what they’d do’Arashiyama: I think that will become a strength for them in the future
Panel 5
Taichi: Arashiyama-san…!
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Panel 1
Inukai: The middle phase, from whenTamakoma joined inInukai: Was just
Inukai: Escudo being OP
Panel 2
Inukai: It’s amazing enough he didn’t runout of trion even after so many
Inukai: But I was surprised by how he usedthemInukai: Like growing them out of people
Panel 3
Arashiyama: There are two Escudo users inTamakoma branch, Agent Jin and Agent Karasuma
Arashiyama: So he might have gotten hintsfrom them
Panel 4
Hus: I was taught by Torimaru, but not byJin
Panel 5
Inukai: Well, Kou-kun was as badass asusual
Inukai: And I thought Tamakoma and Suzunariwere a fair match…
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Panel 1
Inukai: But Kuga-kun had some understatedlynice moves
Arashiyama: That’s right
Panel 2
Arashiyama: This time Agent Hus’sactivities made a large impactArashiyama: But I thought Agent Kuga’s attentive support overall was just asbig
Panel 3
Yuitsuka: So you are saying that he allowedAgent Hus to capitalise further on his abilities
Arashiyama: That’s right
Panel 4
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Inukai: On the other hand
Inukai: Kage’s movements were pretty lacking
Panel 3
Inukai: Usually it’s like he has morecomposure
Inukai: But it felt like he was morecareful, or more passive
Panel 4
Inukai: Kage trying desperately to run atthe end
Inukai: Also wasn’t like him
Panel 5
Yuzuru: …really?
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Panel 1
Kitazoe: Hmmm, well, he might have been alittle worked up
Kitazoe: Since you getting in the selection for the expedition hangs on this
Yuzuru: Eh
Panel 2
Panel 3
Kageura: …oi
Panel 5
Kageura: …it’s not the end
Kageura: It’s been a while since I foundsomething I wanna do
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Panel 1
Panel 2
Yuzuru: …
Yuzuru: Yeah…!
Panel 3
Inukai: …and then
Inukai: It’s Amatori-chan’s Hyper Meteora
Panel 4
Inukai: The result is that Azuma squadchose to retreatInukai: But that was decided by Koara and Okkun, right?
Yuitsuka: Based on Azuma-san’s trainingpolicy, it should be
Panel 5
Inukai: Putting aside Okkun, it’sunexpected for Koara to choose withdrawal
Inukai: I thought he’d try for one lastchance up to the end
Arashiyama: You can feel his growth
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Panel 1
Koarai: Even if he says I’ve grown
Koarai: Frankly we couldn’t do anything butrun…
Panel 2
Azuma: No
Azuma: With this I know you can judge asituation properly
Panel 3
Azuma: Up to now we have limited you tocoordinating as an Attacker
Azuma: But it’s about time to full-out liftthe ban on sub triggers
Panel 4
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Panel 1
Okudera: Really!?
Koarai: I want Hound!
Azuma: Make sure you discuss it properlywith your trion
Panel 2
Inukai: Well, in the end, my impression thistime is
Inukai: ‘Tamakoma’s scary’Inukai: Basically
Panel 3
Arashiyama: Fully capitalising on therebeing no data on Agent Hus
Arashiyama: And reliably earning points isjust like Tamakoma, I thought
Yuitsuka: I see
Panel 4
Osamu: …Hus
Panel 5
Osamu: You said during the matchOsamu: ‘The reason you won’t use Viper’
Osamu: Just what was that?
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Panel 1
Hus: …my planHus: Was to steal a big lead from Kageura squadHus: But
Panel 2
Hus: The moment Kageura became Suzunari’spointHus: Considering the environment is ‘night’Hus: And Azuma’s forte are strategies that try to get to time’s up
Hus: There was the possibility that wecan’t earn that many points
Panel 3
Hus: If we can’t create a decisive gap thismatchHus: Then the importance of the next match increases
Osamu: …!
Panel 4
Hus: In that case, there is no cause tounnecessarily reveal our hand
Hus: Is what I thought, that’s all
Panel 5
Osamu: …
Osamu:He was already thinking of what’s next
Osamu:In the middle of that match…!
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Panel 1
Hus: Iwill definitely take this team on the expedition
Panel 2
Yuuma:He’s very earnest
Panel 3
Osamu:This guy…
Panel 4
Osamu:He’s really
Osamu:That kind of guy…
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Panel 1
Yuitsuka: …and now, the overall ranking
Yuitsuka: Though as the evening divisionstill remains, this is still tentative…
Panel 2
Yuitsuka: Kageura squad and Tamakoma Secondare tied with the same points!Yuitsuka: In these cases, the team with the higher ranking at the start of theseason goes on top
Yuitsuka: So Kageura squad is No.2 andTamakoma is No.3!
Panel 3
Yuitsuka: The battle around the conditionto enter the selection for the expedition, ‘B-rank No.2 or above’Yuitsuka: Will remain complicated until the end, it seems!
Panel 4
Yuitsuka: With this, Round 7 day divisioncomes to a closeYuitsuka: Arashiyama-san, Inukai-sempaiYuitsuka: Thank you for commentating
Arashiyama: Thank you for having us
Inukai: You did some good work too,Yuitsuka-chan
Panel 5
Izumi: At the very end
Izumi: Kageura squad and Tamakoma are tied~
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Panel 1
Izumi: Doesn’t this mean you guys’ll have abig role, Ninomiya-san?Izumi: Whether Tamakoma makes it into the selection for the expedition or not
Izumi: Match up-wise, there’s a high chanceyou’ll get Tamakoma next
Ninomiya: Who knows
Panel 2
Tsuji: As far as it goes, it seems there’sa tendencyTsuji: Where the less match ups you had in the past means the higher thepossibility of facing each otherTsuji: But there’s still a balance to be struck with the other teams too
B-rankTentative No.1 Ninomiya SquadAttackerTsuji Shinnosuke (17)
Panel 3
Ninomiya: Doesn’t matter who it is
Ninomiya: It’s just a matter of shootingthem down as usual
B-rankTentative No.1 Ninomiya Squad Captain‘No.1 Shooter’Ninomiya Masataka (20)
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Panel 1
Izumi: Ehhhh~ Don’t you have any thoughtsabout this?
Izumi: You were more disparaging last time
Panel 2
Ninomiya: …what about you?
Ninomiya: Has your estimation of Tamakomachanged from last time?
Panel 4
Ninomiya:Do you think Tamakoma Second can win against you guys?
Panel 5
Izumi:As if
Izumi:There’s no way of that happening
Panel 6
Izumi: I suppose…
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Panel 1
Izumi: If it’s the current Tamakoma Second
Izumi: It might get pretty interesting
A-rankNo.1 Tachikawa SquadShooterIzumi Kouhei (17)
Panel 2
Ninomiya: …right
Ninomiya: In the end, that’s how it is
Panel 3
UntilThe B-rank Rank Wars FinalRound 8
4More Days
1. I always enjoy noticeable character growth, and their last match didn't really show much of how Azuma squad's Attackers learned from their experience in the Invasion, so it's nice to see it being highlighted here. I really hope we get a double POV with both the expedition and what the ones left behind are doing because I'd love to see more of Azuma squad once they've dabbled more with sub-triggers since I doubt they’ll be going on the expedition (and the thing is, in another manga it'd probably cut straight to Azuma squad showing up later with new sub-triggers and a short flashback to let us know they started due to the results of this match, but because this is World Trigger it's seeded early in the story to be expanded on in the future)
2. As usual, there are some interesting parallels between Tamakoma and the other teams - this time both Osamu (and Yuuma's) protectiveness of Chika like Suzunari's protectiveness of Kuruma get used against them. In fact, Azuma in general acts a lot like Tamakoma squad has been up until now: creating a target Tamakoma has to react to (what happened to Arafune squad in R2), making his enemies think he's somewhere then popping up somewhere else (what happened to Akane in R3) etc etc
3. The thing is, Osamu's reasoning isn't even wrong necessarily, about the importance of Chika to their strategy. The problem is that this reasoning of Osamu's is really noticeable (to both Arashiyama and Inukai) and really obviously being used by Azuma. Guaranteeing a way for opponents to make Osamu act in a specific way is just asking for trouble (and that's basically Tamakoma's main strategy). Of course, Tamakoma also knows Azuma just as well, and at least Yuuma is always there making up for Osamu's actions.
4. Back on the subject of parallels, we also have Kitazoe and Hus and how their actions managed to benefit their team even as they bailout.
5. A good reminder from Azuma about making sure their trion can hold up to new triggers, since Koarai at 4 has one of the lowest (in fact, he's tied last of the Border characters we have trion values for, except for Osamu the exception of course), but if Kitora can be an A-rank Allrounder with that then I'm sure Koarai will be fine.
5. Also some nice parallels to Ninomiya and Izumi's first conversation in-story as well, with Ninomiya using the exact wording even.
6. In conclusion, is it just me or is Tsuji's jacket shiny...? Is this a Koma-san fashion disaster again, or just what Ashihara thinks happens with boys who can't talk to girls?
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