chinchuqui · 3 years
Do you know when we will see the other royal families or at most learn who they are?
Hmm, I think we’re slowly getting more into that phase, I think a few generations away from Komma we will explore them a bit more
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chinchuqui · 3 years
Kómma Diamond-The Fun (Pt. 4)
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Kómma Diamond The Fun 471-535 Reign: 492-519 Married to: Costico Firestone Children: Karlos Diamond, Joseph Diamond, Via Diamond, Simieon Diamond, Karla Diamond, Aliana Diamond, Carmen Diamond
Mornsia’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/652285044057145344/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-1
Part 1:  https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/656826245039931392/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-1
Part 2:  https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/659726869686599680/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-2
Part 3: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/662772705888747520/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-3
Part 4
Part 5: 
Part 6:
Via’s BIO:
In late 499, Kómma would give birth to her fourth, Prince Simieon Diamond. He was the spitting image of his mother, and the nannies nicknamed him, "Little Kómma." He was a louder baby but a sweet one too. Kómma and Costico were happy with the newest addition to the family. Sakura was happy for her friend but still baffled by the fact that Kómma still put herself through the pain of labor.
Queen Comma Diamond would then throw the biggest party in Sunar History to celebrate the year 500. It was a true spectacle. Sunar had been around for 500 years! It was something to celebrate.
To add to the celebrations, Queen Mother Mornsia, Queen Kómma, and Crown Princess Via Diamond all decided to walk through town to see their people. The Sunarians were thrilled to be able to see three generations of Diamond. Kómma was excited to see what this new century would bring.
That same night, Queen Amy and King Ji made it to Sunar. Sakura had already been there to help Kómma with her kids. All of the monarchs and consorts had their own party. Sakura and her husband were the most energetic being from Sabiar. Sakura seemed to be a bit more excited according to Kómma. Queen Amy and her husband were a bit more clam, but excited to start a new year. King Ji had his typical cold stare, but his wife was really happy. Kómma and Costico were also energetic being raised in Sabiarian culture. It was just a loud and very messy night. The maids complained the next morning of the mess they had to clean thanks to the royals.
All of the adults had a bit too much to drink, but Sakura seemed to take in a lot. It shocked many how she could ingest all that wine. Her husband just put it off to her "Lostoos" genes she was given. The drinks only added to Sakura's excitement. She lifted her cup up and laughed, "It's a new year and century my friends! We have to live it to it's fullest while it lasts!" She then chugged the cup down. Kómma had a fun time, and wished these small moments would never end.
In late 500, Queen Kómma Diamond gave birth to Princess Karla Diamond. She had her grandmother's purple hair, freckles, and Kómma's green eyes. The Princess's cheekmarks were a circle with a dot in the middle. Karla was the first Sunarian Princess born of the century. Kómma was really tired after the birth and almost dropped her new baby girl. Costico was able to hold Karla in time for the Queen to fall asleep. The family was excited to welcome the newest addition.
A week later, Kómma received news of Sakura's youngest. Kómma was shocked and confused. She thought that Sakura didn't want to have any more children. When Sakura visited, Kómma asked what happened. Sakura explained that the same thing with the first two occurred. She didn't know she was pregnant and ended up going into labor out of nowhere. She was just happy that this time it wasn't twins. Sakura named her new baby girl Princess Berry Lostoos. Kómma found it a bit amusing that Sakura had another kid despite her pledge not to have any more.
Kómma was satisfied with her life. Hearing her children run around, laughing and playing, brought the Queen joy. Kómma loved to throw parties at the smallest of things. When her children said their first words, a party was thrown. When her children read a book, a party was thrown. When her children learned proper manners, a party was thrown. Kómma never tired of this way of living, but she also made sure it didn't get to her head. She had a line that divided her royal duties and her parties. She also learned how to control herself.
In early 501, Teleftaios would be married. Kómma was excited when she heard that her brother would start a new chapter of his life. She was even happier when she was put in charge of the wedding party. The wedding was beautiful and fit for royalty. Kómma made sure to include in her toast that her little brother was one of the best men out there. She wished her brother and his new wife an amazing life.
The wedding, however, got the Queen to think. Memories of her brothers and sisters who she lost all those years ago began to come back. Kómma wondered how differently life would've been had they lived. Would Próta still have been mean to her? Would she and Agápi ever be as close as they were now? Would Costico and Próta end up together? But most importantly, what families and memories would they have made? Kómma began to miss them a bit, wishing that the monsters never had taken them away from her and her family.
This happy life would not last long. In mid 501, Karlos, Joseph, Via, Simieon, and Karla all fell ill with high fevers. Their faces were completely red and they had a hard time breathing. The best physicians in the Kingdom were summoned to try to heal the children. Their illnesses were too severe, and many of the physicians believed that the children would not make it. Kómma still demanded that they did their best to save her children. In the mean time, all she could do was hope that they would all survive.
Late 501 rolled around, and Kómma would find out she was pregnant. This was a bittersweet surprise. The Family was to get a new baby, but now Kómma and Costico couldn't visit their children. They couldn't risk getting Kómma sick and losing the baby.
The Crown Princess Via Diamond, Prince Simieon Diamond, and Princess Karla Diamond would, by some sort of miracle, all pull through their illnesses and make their way through recovery. Kómma and Costico were so happy that the children were able to live their lives out. But Karlos and Joseph wouldn't be so lucky. On Sunria 11th, 501, at 12:30 AM, Prince Karlos and Prince Joseph Diamond were pronounced dead. Karlos was a month shy of seven, and Joseph was five and a half years of age. When Kómma heard, she burst into their rooms, not caring about anything. All she wanted to do was to hold her babies. But her mother and husband stopped her despite the fact that it hurt their hearts just as much. The castle was shocked with the news, and the cries of the Queen and King could be heard throughout the entire Kingdom.
Both Kómma and Costico were greatly affected by the loss. Kómma hardly smiled. She was unmotivated to do anything and very emotionally vulnerable. Costico became closed off and rude. He rarely let anyone near Kómma in fear that they would just make her even more upset. The nobles and physicians feared that Kómma's state would cause her to lose the baby, and that was the last thing both they and she needed.
In early 502, Queen Kómma Diamond would give birth to her sixth. Princess Aliana Diamond was a happy baby born with black hair, her grandmother's pink eyes, and a square with a dot in the center as her cheekmarks. Kómma, although happy with the new birth, found it hard to smile. She was so hurt that her new baby girl would never get to meet her late older brothers. The birth of Princess Aliana did bring some joy back to Kómma's life. And as her children grew, she was able to heal and move forward from the death of her sons. Something that many were happy that she was able to recover from. King Costico, however, would forever hold that pain in his heart. He lost a bit of himself with his sons and wasn't as kind as he once was. Something that caused the Lady Quofer to question his true intentions.
The early 500s were filled with happy children screaming and running around the castle together. Kómma and Costico ruled over Sunar and built their relations with their friends. Life was slowly shifting back to normal. Kómma was happy whenever she saw that her own children were happy.
In mid 503, Via's nanny rushed to Kómma while she was doing paperwork. The woman, panicking, told the Queen that the Crown Princess Via and Prince Thorn had fallen out of a tree. Kómma panicked, thinking her daughter had been seriously injured. She couldn't bear the thought of losing another child. But her fear would be quickly hushed upon seeing Via and Thorn perfectly healthy, and laughing. They both had broken a leg, but nothing more. Sakura and Kómma were both disappointed. Thorn tried to explain what had happened, but it wasn't the best and he didn't seem to take it seriously. Kómma looked at Sakura, "Sakura, Thorn seems to have inherited your sense of sarcasm when it comes to serious situations." Sakura crinkled up her nose and shot back, "Yeah? We-Well Via has your happiness and optimism!" Kómma smirked, "And that's bad how?" Sakura's eyes narrowed, but before she could say anything, her husband and Rose walked in, ready to head back home.
Princess Via seemed to have picked up that she was a lot like her mother, and it seemed like the young Diamond liked that. In late 503, Princess Via and Princess Lilah were playing. Amy and Kómma decided to check on their daughters and found them playing "Kingdoms," a game that children will play to represent their home. Via was her mother, and Lilah was hers. Kómma and Amy found it adorable. Amy cooed, "Look, Via is exactly like you Kómma! She's so sweet!" Kómma nodded her head, "Yes, and little Lilah represents her mother in every way, sass and all." Amy smiled before the realization hit her, "Yes-Wait-Sass!?" Kómma giggled and headed back to her office. Amy trailed behind her, asking a myriad of questions.
One thing that many scholars have noticed when studying Kómma's history is that her children never left Sunar until they were older. This strikes odd to many since it was normal for royal children to visit other kingdoms on diplomatic missions. Many believe that this was simply because the Diamond children didn't have enough time. But there a few that speculate that Kómma didn't want her children to lose their sense of Sunarian.
In mid 504, Kómma's uncle Cladius would pass away from natural causes. Despite Queen Mother Mornsia's efforts, Kómma could see through her mother's mask of happiness. She knew that Mornsia and Cladius were very close when they were younger, and it must've hurt a lot to lose a brother. Kómma knew all too well what it was like to lose a sibling. The Crown Princess Via, being only seven years old, also noticed her grandmother's pain. "Mama, what's wrong with Grandma Star," Via asked one day. Kómma looked at her sweet daughter, knowing she wouldn't understand, and responded, "Grandma Star lost her brother, your grand uncle Cladius." Via tilted her head, "She lost him? Where is he?" Kómma responded, "He's, well, he's dead my dear. But don't worry, he's in a gorgeous place with your brothers, a place where there is no pain."
Kómma worried for her mother, fearing that she would never see her smile again. She knew her mother had lost a huge piece of herself when all of Kómma's siblings died, and it hurt the Queen when she returned from Sabiar and saw how her mother had changed. Kómma desperately wanted to keep her mother with her. In early 505, Kómma would discover she was pregnant. She hoped the news would lift her mother's spirits, but it only made Mornsia more vocal. But this small progress brought hope to Kómma that her mother would return to the woman she once was.
On a rainy morning in mid 505, Queen Kómma Diamond would give birth to her youngest, Princess Carmen Diamond. She was a curious baby born with her father's hair and eye color, and golden rectangles with a dot in their centers as her cheekmarks. Queen Kómma was happy with her new baby, and hoped that maybe now she can feel whole despite the fact that there were still two members of her family who were gone. Two members who would never return.
The nobility were satisfied with their royal family, and that the Diamonds would be secure with all of the Princesses. The Diamond children were happy, safe, and healthy. Kómma and Costico were happy, or at least Kómma was. She had the family she had wanted ever since she was little, and she was looking forward to their future and what all of her children would accomplish. What kind of Queen would Via be? Who would her children marry? What would their children be like? All of these questions Kómma was looking forward to answering. And was going to protect her children no matter what. She was going to ensure that at least they could answer her questions if she were to die trying to protect them. She didn't want her children to suffer the same torture and fate that her siblings suffered. And she didn't want their lives to be cut short like her sons' lives were.
In late 505, King Father Nathera Diamond Volno passed away. Queen Mother Mornsia had woken up next to his dead body and her cries filled the castle. Kómma was shaken up by the news. She was close to her father, and it hurt a lot to lose him. She wished she had spent more time with him. She wished he had got to see her grow up. Kómma noticed how hard her mother took the death, and she didn't know how much more her heart could handle losing another parent. She asked her uncle Newbius to come over just to cheer her mother up. It did work, but Kómma still saw that her mother suffered. It didn't help with the Queen's own mental health.
It was around King Father Nathera's death that Queen Kómma noticed how similar Via was to her. Via, much like Kómma, stepped up when her family was sad. Many of the nobles commented that the Princess resembled her mother. Via also had her own things. She loved music and telling jokes. But much like her mother, Via was able to bring a smile to everyone's faces.
It was around this time that Via also got closer to her mother. She was always lingering around the Queen, and it brought joy to Kómma to see her daughter everyday. The young Crown Princess also began asking her mother what was it like in Sunar. Kómma was happy to get to share these memories with her daughter, and share the good experiences with the small child. Kómma also took this opportunity to teach Via the ways of Queen. She instilled habits in her daughter that would be essential to her reign.
In mid 506, Kómma's uncle Newbius passed away. Kómma saw her mother slip into a depression with this death, and Kómma decided she wasn't going to sit around and sulk about losing her mother. Kómma didn't want her children's last memories of their grandmother to be depressing, and she didn't want her mother's last years in life to be depressing. So, the Queen did what she did best and got to work in cheering up her mother.
Kómma spent the majority of her time with her mother, and had Costico rule over the kingdom for a while. Inspired by her daughter, Queen Kómma was able to bring a smile back to Queen Mother Mornsia's face. Kómma explained to her mother that Nathera was now with Próta and all of the other children. She pointed out that Mornsia's oldest brother Sunsta would no longer be alone with the company of his younger brothers. She told the woman that they would want her to celebrate their lives and to be happy. She also brought to Mornsia's attention that she still had many alive who loved her and needed her. Kómma needed her mother to be there to help guide her, Mornsia's grandchildren needed a grandmother to give them lots of love, and the people of Sunar still wanted to see .their Star Queen thrive despite her old age. Kómma wished her mother happy memories in the final years of her life.
In late 507, the castle would awake to the cries of a maid. Queen Mother Mornsia Diamond would be found dead on the floor, and she presumably died of natural causes. Kómma took the death hard. She knew that this day would eventually come, she just hoped that it wouldn't be for another few years at least. Sakura helped her friend and gave her advice. Sakura would eventually encourage Kómma to celebrate her mother's life. "Do as you have done for those you have lost in the past. Your mother would want you to be happy Kómma, not depressed. Smile for her, me, your children, but most importantly, yourself."
Taking her best friend's advice, Queen Kómma Diamond stood tall and celebrated her mother's life. She had small festivals thrown in the kingdom to honor the Star Queen who bravely fought and won the Monster Rebellion. Kómma tried to see the positives in life while trying to express her emotions in a healthy manner. She would visit her mother's grave and talk to her about all the things that happened that day. She wrote down in her journal, "When I speak to my mother's gravestone, it feels as though her spirit is there with me, watching over me and my children."
Kómma would spend the next few years of her life in peace and joy. She spent time ruling over Sunar and organizing festivals to keep her people happy. She trained Via to be the best next Queen she could be. She helped raise her children. She spent more and more time with her friends. And they began to get closer too. It helped strengthen the alliances between the Kingdoms and helped strengthen the friendships between the monarchs' children. It should be noted that Kómma began seeing less and less of Costico. She was lucky to even wake up beside him. Whenever the Queen went looking for her husband, she always found him in his office. Kómma began worrying that perhaps Costico had never really gotten over the death of their sons, and was overworking himself to cope with the loss. But whenever Kómma tried to talk to him, she was either summoned away or he had already left his office to work someplace else.
In 510, Kómma's uncle Marius passed away from old age. Although Kómma wasn't all that close to her uncle, the death brought back the pain of her mother and her memory. Kómma began to slip back into that similar sadness, but she was brought out of it thanks to the presence of her children. Just being around her children brought the Queen true joy. And she wished nothing but happiness for her children, and once again reminded herself to keep her promise.
In early 511, the Crown Princess Via Diamond turned 14 years old and received the royal magic wand. Kómma was happy for her daughter and excited that the nobility of Sunar was there to witness it. Sakura, Amy, and their children all came to see it and Kómma decided to throw a private after party for her daughter. Costico however didn't show up. Kómma, sick and tired of this behavior, decided to go and find him. She was not going to tolerate him missing their children grow up. She first tried his office, but was surprised to find him not there. She then began asking the servants where he was, but the servants didn't know where he was. Kómma then began looking in places where he'd usually be, but he was no where to be found. Kómma was about to give up when a girl who worked in the castle came up and reported a strange noise in one of the guest rooms. The girl led Kómma to the room...
Kómma stared at the stone door, hearing the shuffling the girl had told her about. Something about the door seemed off to the Queen. Almost like she didn’t want to open the door. She looked back to the smaller girl, confirming this was the room. The pink haired maiden nodded her head and then directed her eyes back to the door. 
Kómma took a deep breath as her fist met with the stone. She called, “Costico? Are you in here?”
Kómma waited a couple of moments before opening the door into the dark room. She peeked her head in. A loud gasp left her mouth as her eyes widened. She couldn’t believe it. 
Her husband against the wardrobe, his arms wrapped around a woman. A woman who had black hair with blue at her roots. They were in an intimate moment. Kómma's eyes couldn’t even believe that it was Costico until he stopped to look at his wife. 
“K-Kómma!?” The brunette pushed off the woman. He began to stammer, “I-It’s not what it looks like! Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?”
Kómma's head slightly nodded, her mind still trying to wrap what she was seeing around her brain. “Y-Yes, as should you be-”
Before the Queen could add anymore, the woman cut her off, “Didn’t your worthless mother teach you how to knock?”
Costico’s eyes darted to the woman as he hissed, “Marcie!”
Kómma's head went light as she registered the face she was seeing. Her body began to sway a little. This was all too much for the Queen. The air felt stiff and her head was aching. 
She muttered, “M-Marcie? Oh, oh no, I-my, I-I’m such a fool.” Her voice began to crack a little as she desperately tried to resist the tears. Her eyes began to glow as her emotions began to overwhelm her. She resisted the urge to activate her Magestity form and just end them there on the spot.
Marcie’s sharp eyes turned to Costico as she barked, “I told you to be quiet!”
Costico whimpered back, “She was at a party this time!”
Kómma’s thoughts finally came back together as her brain registered everything. The anger soon began to boil. 
“This time!? You mean to tell me that instead of watching your children grow up or spending time with me, you’ve been in bed with her,” the Queen shouted.
Kómma's emotions soon got the better of her once more as her voice wavered, “I-I can’t, I-” 
Costico began taking tiny steps toward the Queen as he blubbered, “Kómma, love, I-”
“Oh-Oh my...” Kómma tried to gather her next actions, carefully analyzing the consequences of each action. 
She then blinked as she made the final decision. Costico stopped dead in his tracks when Kómma finally looked him in the eye. Her dead glare sent chills down his spine. 
Kómma deadpanned, “I’ll let you live.”
Costico paused. “W-What?”
Kómma continued, “I’ll let you live. But you will be king only in name. You are to be treated like a prisoner, someone who gets food for themselves and clean themselves. You are never to leave the castle. Your mistress will never step a foot in Sunar again.”
Costico began stammering, not knowing what to think. It was his turn for his emotions to get the better of him. 
Kómma’s fists clenched, trying to keep her emotions inside until she was alone. “But make not mistake, Costico Firestone. You will never talk to your Queen or her children from this point forward. Let your actions haunt you forever,” the Queen declared. 
Costico’s eyes widened as he became desperate, “Kómma, please, I-I”
Kómma’s glare sharpened as she turned around. The kind wife he once knew was gone. She began taking quick steps as she headed to her room. Costico began shouting her name, but all the Queen could think about is the betrayal.
But Costico’s voice faded away into the empty mind of Queen Kómma.
Costico had cheated on Kómma. And it wasn't with just any woman, but the woman who had tormented Kómma ever since she was young, Marcie. Kómma felt so betrayed and was still in shock by the time she made it to her room. She couldn't believe what had just happened, and it would be years before Queen Kómma would heal from this event.
Kómma knew that this scandal would eventually break out, and that everyone in the Kingdom would find out. The Diamond family's enemies would jump at this opportunity to try and break them. The Queen knew that finding out your father cheated on your mother was already enough to bare, but add on the scrutiny that would come with it, Kómma didn't want her children to go through that. To avoid this, the Queen made the most controversial decisions to keep the attention on her and off her children. Anything the Queen would do for her children, even if it meant hurting herself.
Kómma's older brother Agápi rushed to Sunar as soon as the news broke. He comforted his younger sister and assured her there was nothing wrong with her. The Grand Duke ensured that the servants would not talk bad to his sister, and Agápi made sure that Costico knew of his mistake. The nobles when they learned immediately turned a sharp eye to the Firestones. The whole affair would be called, "The Firestone Affair." The Firestones were put under immense scrutiny for allowing this to happen, for not raising Costico better. The Quofers went really hard on the family to defend the Diamonds. Kómma's extended family would also glare at the Firestones. The Diamond Family, and those close to them, all resented House Firestone. To try to take control of the situation, Lady Firestone (Costico's cousin) disowned Costico as a Firestone. Costico was abandoned by both family sides. The people of the Kingdom also felt the pain their Queen felt.
0 notes
chinchuqui · 3 years
Kómma Diamond-The Fun (Pt. 3)
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Kómma Diamond The Fun 471-535 Reign: 492-519 Married to: Costico Firestone Children: Karlos Diamond, Joseph Diamond, Via Diamond, Simieon Diamond, Karla Diamond, Aliana Diamond, Carmen Diamond
Mornsia’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/652285044057145344/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-1
Part 1: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/656826245039931392/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-1
Part 2: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/659726869686599680/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-2
Part 3
Part 4: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/665873219495100416/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-4
Part 5: 
Part 6:
Via’s BIO:
A week later, a letter arrived. It was addressed to all of the Diamond children. King Lostoos summoned them to the throne room and handed the letter to Kómma. She looked at it and slowly opened it. The entire court went silent as Kómma began to read the letter out loud. "My dearest children, I am happy to inform you that the war has ended. Sunar claimed victory and now awaits your return." The children couldn't believe it. Could this really be? King Lostoos smiled as he bowed to the children, showing his respect to Sunar for winning the war. The children all looked around as every royal, noble, and servant bowed to them. Joy filled their hearts. Kómma looked to all of her brothers and smiled, "We're going home!" They all cried and hugged each other, both excited and anxious to return to a kingdom they hadn't seen in so long. They began to pack and the day came for their return to Sunar...
Kómma looked up into the bright blue sky, she still couldn’t believe it. A day she thought would never come has finally arrived. She clouded out the sounds of Ektos and Teleftaios playing in the grass. The sound of Agápi trying to organize the suitcases perfectly because the servants “couldn’t do it right.”
The Crown Princess was snapped out of her thoughts as the carriage rolled in. The servants began to load all of the bags into the spare carriage. Kómma looked up at the Sabiarian castle, knowing that the next time she would see it, she would be with her nobles. 
The coachman approached the tall girl, “Your Highness, the carriage-”
“Sakura,” Kómma interrupted. In front of her was the blonde who she had shared so many memories with, and would hopefully share many more with.
The Sabiarian Princess looked out of breath, as if she had just barely ran all the way to see her friend. Her purple eyes glimmered in the sunlight, and her pale skin complemented the environment around them.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the council meeting,” asked the Princess, her voice shaking a little. She was a bit relived the hear that when she departure from Sabiar, Sakura would be unavailable. She didn’t want to see her upset. 
Once Sakura caught her breath, she chuckled, “I wanted to see you off.”
That smile left as soon as it came and was replaced with a sob. Sakura’s eyes closed as she hugged her friend. 
She wailed, “Oh Kómma!”
The black haired maiden took a moment to comprehend what she was feeling, and then sobbed back, “Sakura!” 
They separated and opted to hold hands as their tears still blinded them. 
Sakura lamented, “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”
“You’re the only true friend I’ve ever had,” Kómma cried back. 
“I’ll try to visit,” sniffled the blonde has she let go of Kómma's hand. 
Kómma responded, “I’ll write to you.”
The Sunarian Princess then turned to face the carriage that would sweep her away from her old home. She took the first steps.
Sakura called out to her, “Try not to kill Marcie!”
Kómma looked back and frowned, “Sakura-”
“Remember that you have many people who love you!”
“I know,” Kómma sheepishly smiled. The carriage doors shut and the coachman yelled out. 
The two Princesses kept eyes contact until they weren’t visible to each other any more. Kómma's face scrunched up as she sniffled. 
Goodbye Sabiar.
. . . .
Mid 488
“We’re home! We’re home,” Teleftaios’ voice cheered. 
Kómma’s eyes shot open as the pressure of her little brother jumping on her stole her breath for a moment. 
The carriage came to a stop and the young black haired Prince jumped out, bumping into the coachman, knocking him to the ground.
Agápi chuckled as Ektos blankly stared at his sister, waiting to see her reaction so his could follow.
Kómma’s brow furrowed a bit, annoyed to have been awoken so rudely. The coachman coughed a bit as he stood up, dusting off the dirt. He reached his hand up to the Princess and helped her down. 
Kómma looked around, memories flooding in. It felt as though a hundred had been bred here, yet a few only seemed to have remained in her head. 
I wonder, how much has changed?
Soon enough, servants and guards began to show up. Their numbers were few, most likely the only ones the Queen trusted to not make a scene. Kómma could barely recognize them. She knew that many of them were still young when she had left, yet small wrinkles decorated their rough faces. 
She turned to her brothers and they started a conversation, anything to disrupt this odd feeling that resonated inside of them.
“Presenting Her Majesty Queen Mornsia Diamond and His Majesty King Nathera Diamond!”
Kómma’s eyes widened as she turned her head. She blankly stared at the two people she had been longing to see for the past seven years. 
Queen Mornsia Diamond and King Nathera Diamond, her parents. They both looked older than they should’ve been, had the war really been that bad? Or was it the loss of their other children and the guilt of sending the living ones way tearing their appearance? 
It didn’t matter to Kómma, the only words that came out of her mouth as the tears began to form were, “Mother! Father!”
Kómma had returned, and Sunar had gained its Princess once more. The nobles were put off a bit seeing how different the children were. The way they dressed and spoke made them feel like they had stolen Sabiarian royals rather than gaining their Sunarian royals. Kómma decided to ignore these remarks, she was just happy to be back home. Marcie had come along with Costico to stay in Sunar for a month. This bothered the Princess a lot, but at least Marcie wouldn't have the liberty of insulting her. She was a small woman in a whole other country. Even a fool wouldn't dare insult the Crown Princess of a country that wasn't theirs.
One thing that Kómma's return that had been the topic of the court was Queen Mornsia's height. Expectedly, the Princess had grown a lot. She was on the taller scale considering her father's height. It wasn't so much that the Princess had grown, rather it was more that Queen Mornsia wasn't the tallest Queen. Granted, she wasn't the shortest either. Queen Clodine holds that title. It was just something that never came up due to the war. It was a useless fact that many liked to throw around as jokes, even Queen Mornsia herself would joke about it.
Mornsia would pull Kómma aside and then the Princess would be informed of her engagement to Costico Firestone. Kómma stared at her mother uncomfortably, and shuffled a bit. She wished her mother had told them years prior since now Costico was in a relationship with Marcie. When the Queen wanted to know more about the girl, Kómma decided she would change the subject. Lord Firestone's heiress tried her best to spend as much time with Kómma as she could. Kómma understood it was a way to ensure that the Firestone's wouldn't be on bad terms with the Diamond Family.
The end of the month came and Marcie had to leave Sunar. Kómma was happy to see her leave. Her happiness would be short-lived when she found out Costico was going to stay in Sabiar for a while longer, just to see if he liked the thought of living there. Kómma decided to see him off, knowing that this may be the last time she'd see him for a while. They said their goodbyes and Kómma watched as the carriage left Sunar. She would receive a letter from Sakura. The letter was a bit messy which confused the Sunarian Princess, but it would all make sense when Sakura then went in to detail about her first cup of wine. Kómma chuckled at the letter, missing her friend.
In early 489, Agápi would be married to a Sabiarian woman. She had been the Prince's friend and the two had fallen in love shortly after Agápi was left by his other girlfriend. Kómma was happy for her brother and couldn't wait to see what family he and his new wife would create. She would then begin to think about her future and her time as Queen steadily approaching.
A week later, Kómma would get another letter from her friend. Although she noticed this one was shorter than all the rest. The letter read, "My dearest friend Kómma: I am well too. How are you doing? I hear that Agápi was engaged, how is that going for him? Also, just a short thing to add here. I may have tampered with Costico and Marcie's relationship. Although I don't remember. Just be prepared for that. Anyways, I have to go and do Princess things, you know how it is. From, Sakura Lostoos."
“Your Highness, you have a visitor Shall I send him in?”
Kómma looked up from the paperwork her mother had given her. She made eyes contact with her maid, tilting her head a bit. She had rarely received unannounced visitors. 
She nodded her head, “Yes.”
She looked back at her paper, waiting for her visitor to announce themselves. She heard the shuffling behind her, but no voice. All she could hear were shaky breaths.
Kómma turned her head around, preparing to scold the person, but stopped. Her eyes opened as her mouth opened, but no words came out. 
Costico was at the door. His brown hair was tidy, but his eyes looked like there was confliction in his mind. His face was flushed, and his frame leaned towards the Princess. 
Kómma finally managed to speak, “Costico!? Are you-”
Before the Princess could finish that thought, the man rushed over and swept her into a hug. The suddenness of the hug caused the Princess to freeze up. 
“I’m sorry,” the brunette lamented. 
Costico pulled away from the hug, his hand set firmly on the Princess’s shoulders. 
He continued, “I found out from Sakura how Marcie has been treating you. How mean and cruel she can truly be. And I just sat by and let it happen.”
He looked down, like he was too ashamed to be facing her when he had done so much wrong. He shakily breathed, “So I ended our relationship.”
Kómma’s eyes widened. She hadn’t expected that. Costico and Marcie seemed like the type of couple that would always forgive each other. The Princess couldn’t help but think, was Marcie truly cruel to him too?
Kómma's eyes narrowed a bit as she consoled, “Oh, I’m so sorry Costico.” She didn’t want to see him. She had wished that he and Marcie would end their relationship so that she could be with him, and now she didn’t want to face him.
“And then my uncle told me how the Queen offered me your hand in marriage, and that we were engaged years ago.”
Kómma's heart sank. She didn’t want Costico to feel like he had to love her, so she decided to not tell him about the engagement as to not ruin him and Marcie’s relationship, and she wanted him to love her all on his own. 
The Princess looked down as she painfully responded, “You don’t need to worry Costico, I’m sure I can find a way to break-”
“No,” yelled the man quite loudly, taking her hands into his, “Um no. Kómma, I’ve always loved you. Ever since we became friends I’ve always had a special place for you in my heart. So, only if you are comfortable, will you date me?”
Kómma blankly stared at the man she wanted to marry. Was this really happening? Her emotions flew everywhere as she looked at his eyes once again. 
Smiling, she responded, “Yes!’
She took him in a strong embrace, resisting the urge to cry. 
She then pulled back, “Wait, how did Sakura tell you about Marcie.”
Costico’s face went a bit pinker as he looked off to the side. “Well, I mean, she didn’t really tell me. She and Marcie got into a fight about your feelings for me,” he confessed. 
Kómma and Costico had finally began a relationship (Although that bothers me considering that they were already engaged, but you can't argue with historians. Seriously, they will bite.) Sakura was happy for the two, but Kómma didn't know what exactly happened to Marcie. The Princess felt a bit bad for the woman, they were once friends. Kómma and Costico kept it a secret from many of the adults to get back at them for not informing them of their engagement. Kómma was happy with how things were turning out, and she couldn't wait to be Queen.
The rest of the year went normal for Kómma. She was being trained by her mother on Queenship, her brothers were moving on in their lives, and she and Costico spent a lot of time building their relationship. Sakura kept Kómma updated on her life and it seemed that things were going well for her too.
In Mid 490...
“Are we there yet,” Kómma asked impatiently. Costico had approached her and asked her to put on a blindfold and to follow him. They had walked for what seemed like ages ,and Kómma was starting to think she was about to die. 
Costico grinned, “Yes! Oh, and watch your step.”
Kómma stood, waiting for her lover to instruct her what to do next.
“Take a look,” the brunette instructed pridefully. 
Kómma grumbled, “Costico... I’m still blindfolded.”
“Oh! Right-you can take that off!”
Kómma placed her hand on the soft cloth and looked around. They were outside, and by a lake. She looked down.
“Tada,” Costico smiled. 
On the lake were lily pads, each one had a candle gently placed on top of it. And they were placed carefully to make out the words:
Kómma’s annoyance disappeared and was replaced with overwhelming joy. She turned her head and beamed, “Are-Are you serious!? Of course I’ll marry you!”
She jumped into his arms, kissing him affectionately. Kómma smiled, her life was falling into place. 
. . . . . . .
“Oh Kómma my dear! I’m so happy you’re moving onto the next big chapter of your life,” Queen Mornsia chirped. She had long awaited to see her children continue her legacy, the Diamond’s legacy. And marriage was the first step.
Kómma smiled back, excited herself to have a husband. Something she had dreamed of since she was little.  
Mornsia then tilted her head a bit, “But if I may ask, what happened to Marcie?”
Kómma's mind began to panic. She didn’t want to speak of what happened between Sakura and Marcie. So she opted to respond with, “Costico and Marcie got into an argument and ended their relationship.”
Mornsia looked at her daughter, like she was scanning to find any other part of the story. Kómma couldn’t tell if her mother had seen right through her, or if Mornsia was just looking at her face. 
The Queen simply shrugged and smiled, “Oh, I see... Well then, why don’t we begin the plans for your wedding?”
. . . . . . .
Early 491
Kómma walked through the doors in her wedding dress, a mixture between Sabiarian fashion and Sunarian fashion. The entire room had all their eyes on her, but Kómma had her eyes on Costico.
Her smile grew as she walked towards to soon-to-be husband. Her black hair majestically flowing with each step. 
“Do you, Crown Princess Kómma Diamond, 5th born and heiress to Queen Mornsia Diamond, and future Queen of Sunar, take Lord Costico Firestone as your husband and future king?” 
Kómma's eyes met with her parents, their smiles and approvals giving her courage to say out loud, “I do.”
“Do you, Lord Costico of the noble House of Firestone, take her Royal Highness the Crown Princess Kómma Diamond of Sunar as your wife?”
Costico smiled, “I do.”
And with that, they looked at each other and sealed it with the traditional kiss. The crowd cheered, celebrating the union. 
In early 491, the Crown Princess Kómma Diamond would marry Lord Costico Firestone. The two families rejoiced as they were united. Although the path to get to this point was rocky. The wedding was wonderful and Sunar celebrated their new Crown Prince. Many were looking forward to the family the two would make and the rulers they would become. Sakura was very happy for her friends. Kómma was happy seeing her friend and the two caught up on a lot. Sakura would inform the Crown Princess that she was to be engaged. Kómma was shocked seeing that Sakura was never in a rush to find someone whom she loved. Sakura explained it was her father's bidding to build relations with one of their noble families. Kómma tried to cheer Sakura up, but Sakura brushed it off and decided to redirect the focus on the wedding.
The next year would be spent preparing Costico to be King, and Kómma being put in charge of situations in the place of her mother. The Kingdom was still getting used to peace, and Kómma was tired of seeing them suffer from the shadow of war. Kómma would put in money to charities devoted to helping those who were affected by the war. Kómma would also organize plays that would cheer up the people. For this reason, Kómma became really popular with the people. Kómma was also beginning to get most of her Sunarian back, and she was getting ready for the day she would be crowned Queen.
Kómma and Costico had a very strong relationship. One that could be compared to Florine and Jet's. They often did their lessons together and studied together. Kómma would try to include Costico when it came to making important decisions. She wanted to do what ever she could to get him accustomed to palace life. The servants and people grew to love the Crown Princess and Crown Prince's relationship. Many aspired to be as close as they were. Things were looking up for the Royal Family.
Kómma would soon enter the phase that I like to call, "Family Frenzy." She became obsessed with the thought of having her own children in the future. What would they be like? What would the future Queen of Sunar be like? All of these questions soon drove the Princess crazy. She would often visit Agápi and play with his daughter, Lady Charlotte who was turning one soon. She was excited to provide her niece with baby cousins to play with. Mornsia found it adorable while Costico panicked a bit thinking his wife would want to conceive soon. Agápi teased Costico by telling him that when Kómma was younger, she had dreamed of having so many children that they could fill up the castle. Costico nearly fainted. But a royal baby Prince or Princess wouldn't come until 494.
Kómma did try to spend more time with her extended family. She tried visiting her Aunts and Uncles, people she hadn't seen in years. Seeing her cousins all grown up was a bit shocking to the Princess. Seeing that some of them had also started families only fueled Kómma's passion with children. Costico began to worry and almost tried to stop her from seeing her family so much. The nobles were already beginning to think of a future marriage thinking a royal baby would come soon. Kómma decided to distract herself from such thoughts and decided to focus on her charities, much to Costico's relief. But life was good for the family, and Mornsia felt that the Kingdom would be in good hands. And then the day finally came...
In mid 492, Kómma Diamond was crowned Queen Kómma Diamond of Sunar. And Costico was crowned King. The woman was so excited to start her reign. The celebration was grand, and many of Sabiar's nobles came to congratulate an old friend. Many of Sunar's nobles were looking forward to the close relationship that would form between the two Kingdoms. Sakura was very happy for her friend. Kómma and her talked about Sakura's coronation and how they would be Co-Queens. About a week and a half later, Kómma and Costico set off for Sabiar.
Towards the last few weeks of mid 492, Kómma and Costico arrived in Sabiar. It was a bit shocking to the two. They hadn't visited the Kingdom in a while, and all of their childhood memories came flooding back. The Sabiarian people were happy to see the King and Queen of Sunar back. King Lostoos welcomed them back with open arms and treated them like they were his own children. Duchess Quofer would later comment, "His Majesty treated Her Majesty Queen Kómma with such kindness that many mistook them for relatives. One could see a hint of envy in Princess Lostoos' face."
In late 492, Sakura would be wed. Kómma was happy for her friend, even if it was something other than love. Later that night, Princess Sakura would then be crowned Queen Sakura Lostoos, 34th Queen of Sunar. Costico and Kómma were put off a bit with how high the number was for Sakura. Kómma would ask her friend why there were so many rulers of Sabiar. Sakura bluntly explained that at one point 250 years ago, the crown switched between rulers about 10 times. All were members of the Lostoos family, it was just really complicated. When Kómma asked why she had never been taught this, Sakura shrugged, "I guess Father thought it was irrelevant for a Sunarian to learn."
Despite that strange interaction, the party was amazing. Typical for Ancient Sabiar. Kómma and Costico were asked by many of the nobles when they would have their own child. They were "dying" to see a little version of them running around. Kómma and Costico had yet to feel ready, but said it should be soon. Sakura and her new husband seemed to go well together as friends, but there wasn't much chemistry. Not many records are kept of Queen Sakura's husband. Kómma described him later in her journal as, "A tall man. He had white skin that complemented his emerald green eyes. His hair was blonde but one could mistake it for white."
Kómma and Costico would set back for Sunar a week after the coronation. They would adjust to ruler life well (with the help of Mornsia and Nathera). Kómma's nobles suggested that she try to make relations with other rulers, hoping for a good relation much like the one with Sabiar. Kómma decided to look into it, but never thought too much about it.
In 493, Kómma would make her first royal act. Back in late 490, Queen Mornsia brought up a tradition that read, "Once a Sunarian Heiress turns 16, all members of the royal families who are children will attend a ball held in Sunar. The following kingdoms will be invited to join, Sunar, Sabiar, Firestone, Holdworth, and the Underworld (as well as any other kingdoms that may form in the future)." Kómma looked at the new families and added the following families, the Tiger Family, the Blackcone Family, the Carterback Family, the Costa Pit Family, the Slinta Family, the Waters Family, and the Cana Family. She also added on, "Those who are children and unmarried shall attend the ball. If the parents of the child deem the child too old to dance, they may exclude them from the ball."
Kómma was described to be a fun Queen to be around. She managed to make the council meetings enjoyable rather than a drag. She was the exact type of Queen needed after a devastating war. Kómma also witnessed her mother slowly grow colder and colder by the day. She worried that she was hardening her heart after the war. The Queen would shrug it off and just tell herself that she was overthinking things.
Kómma would spend the next few months enjoying life. Spending time with her family and working hard as the Queen of Sunar. She continued to visit Sakura as much as she could, and Sakura tried to visit her. Life was going well for the Queen. She and Costico were as close as could be. Much like when they were still the Crown Princess and Prince, they tried doing all their tasks in the same room. They were very affectionate with each other, and many were surprised how a surprise child hadn't arrived yet.
In mid 494, Queen Kómma Diamond would announce her pregnancy. King Costico was in bed passed out. When Kómma had told him about it, he got so energetic and excited to scream the news that he hit his head on the door frame. Contrary to popular belief, this baby was planned. Many were looking forward to the new arrival, and the nannies began working at once.
In late 494, Queen Kómma Diamond would give birth to her oldest. Prince Karlos Diamond was born with brown hair and his mother's green eyes. The kingdom welcomed the new baby with a huge festival. Costico was so stressed during the birth that he almost passed out. The King and Queen were very excited to introduce their first baby to the world. Sakura was excited for her friend, and excited to have her own kids to have the two royal babies play.
Kómma would throw a party shortly after the birth. It would become one of her many famous parties. The family were eager to meet the new baby Prince. Kómma and Costico were happy to see all of the love their little baby would grow up in. Although Kómma could already feel the pressure from her nobles to have a baby girl. She told herself not to worry, her grandmother and grandfather were blessed with a baby girl when nobody thought Queen Florine would have one.
Kómma loved being a mother. She and her baby seemed to get along so well. She couldn't wait to see what Karlos would be like when he was older. Who would he be? Who would his children be? What was held in his future? All these questions that she was looking forward to answering with her son. But she could wait, she wanted to enjoy these small moments.
About three weeks later, Kómma decided to check on her baby. When she walked in, she was met with shock. There, in the nursery, was a huge dragon eye. She couldn't quite make out what it was trying to tell her. All she could see was a woman and perhaps a child? She couldn't tell if the woman was weeping or laughing either. Kómma just stared at it for a moment until it began picking up her baby. Before she could act, one of the nannies walked in and caught the Queen's attention. Kómma briefly looked at the woman before snapping her head back, the eye was gone. Was she dreaming it?
In mid 495, Kómma would discover that she was pregnant. She was so excited to have another little one running around the castle. Costico was also filled with joy, and this time he didn't pass out. The kingdom also celebrated the great news and were preparing to welcome another royal baby.
In early 496, Queen Kómma Diamond would give birth to her second, a baby boy. Prince Joseph Diamond Firestone. He was a whiny baby boy given black hair and brown eyes. Joseph wasn't the most happiest of babies as mentioned before. When he was with his nannies, they would have to put in ear plugs just to protect their ears. However, one should note that the newborn baby Prince would finally find peace when in the arms of his mother or father. Karlos was happy to have a baby brother, and couldn't wait to play with him and have adventures.
A letter would arrive about a month and a half later. It was from Sakura informing Kómma of a surprise. Apparently, Sakura had been pregnant, and 16 days after the birth of Prince Joseph, Queen Lostoos went into labor. But she wasn't blessed with just one baby, she was blessed with two. Princess Rose and Prince Thorn Lostoos (496 - 561) were beautiful children who had their mother's blonde hair and the blue eyes of the Lostoos family. Princess Rose was eldest of the two, and thus the heiress to the throne. Kómma decided to visit her friend, but Sakura beat her to the visit. Sakura managed to bring her two children and herself to Sunar. When Kómma asked how Sakura didn't know that she was pregnant, the Queen shrugged, "I-I don't know what happened. I did gain weight, but not enough to be pregnant with twins! No matter, I'm just thankful that my children are healthy, because I refuse to have anymore! That birth was so painful Kómma, I don't understand how you could do that twice! And you'll have to go through it even more if you want to have a baby girl." Kómma just laughed it off and decided to have her children meet the new babies.
Sakura and Kómma now had an excuse to visit each other more often, it was to build alliances with the future of each Kingdom. Although Kómma enjoyed seeing her friend, she enjoyed it more watching her sons grow up and Sakura's children grow up. Although, watching Princess Rose made the Sunarian Queen want a daughter of her own. But she knew that it wasn't time for the baby girl to come. She wanted to take life one step at a time.
In mid 496, Ektos would be wed. Kómma was so happy for her baby brother and his new wife. She couldn't wait to see what family they would make and what future they would create. The party was fun for the family, and it was nice to have children running around parties once again. The sound of their cheerful screams brought Kómma back to when she was younger, a simpler time.
In late 496, Kómma would find out that she was pregnant again. She and many others worried a bit seeing that she had only given birth nine months prior. But it was already set that she would have another child. The Kingdom began preparing for the new baby, and Joseph was moved out of the nursery and into his very own room.
In early 497, Queen Kómma Diamond would give birth to her third, a baby girl. The Crown Princess Via Diamond. She was a calm baby blessed with brown hair, brown eyes, and golden triangles as her cheekmarks. She resembled her father in almost every physical feature besides her eyes, whose belonged to Kómma. The Kingdom rejoiced as the future Queen of Sunar came into the world. Festivals were thrown throughout the month and later a huge party would be thrown by Queen Kómma. The nobles gained more interest in the young Princess and their sons, already thinking about engaging them to the newborn.
Soon after the birth, Kómma would become friends with Queen Amy Cana (470 - 533) and King Ji Slinta (469 - 531). Queen Amy was a gorgeous woman who was albino. A feature that is very, very rare to find. She had the stereotypical white hair and bright red eyes. Her skin was almost like the snow itself, she could go invisible in winter. She had a daughter, the Crown Princess Lilah Cana, who also had albinism, born in mid 496. King Ji was a bit of a quieter man. He had red hair and yellow eyes, and a cold stare to complement it. Although, it was said by his wife that he was a very sweet man. He had two children, his youngest being Prince Coran Slinta, born in early 496. Sakura introduced the Sunarian Queen to them, and Kómma never had a problem with them. Queen Amy and her many considered to be very distantly related since Princess Cana was a Diamond, and King Ji was a Slinta, Kómma's great something grandfather also was a Slinta.
In about early 498, Kómma decided to have Via befriend Sakura, Amy, and Ji's children. She would often have them visit the Sunarian Castle and had the nannies watch over them. Many of the nobles were satisfied that they would have strong relations with the other kingdoms in the future. And they were looking forward to it.
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chinchuqui · 3 years
Kómma Diamond-The Fun (Pt. 2)
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Kómma Diamond The Fun 471-535 Reign: 492-519 Married to: Costico Firestone Children: Karlos Diamond, Joseph Diamond, Via Diamond, Simieon Diamond, Karla Diamond, Aliana Diamond, Carmen Diamond
Mornsia’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/652285044057145344/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-1
Part 1: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/656826245039931392/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-1
Part 2
Part 3: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/662772705888747520/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-3
Part 4: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/665873219495100416/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-4
Part 5:
Part 6:
Via’s BIO:
In late 481, Próta, Défteros, Tétartos, Ogdoo, and Enatos were all killed. Kómma was given the title of Crown Princess, and she hated it. Kómma didn't take the news well at all, and she cried for many nights. She hardly ate, slept, and talked. The court commented that the Princess lost a lot of her spark and began to shut herself off. Kómma rarely spent time with Sakura or her brothers. Many feared that the Princess would never return to her old self. Kómma tried to open the letter her older brother had given her, but it was hard to do and she put the task off.
In early 482, Kómma finally decided it was time. She walked in her room and over to her desk, and opened the letter.
“Dear Kómma, 
By the time you get this letter, I'll be dead. I trust that Agápi has given you this letter and I hope you are well. I wanted to apologize for being a horrible to you and being a tormentor rather than an older sister. I can't tell you why I was always so mad at you. Sometimes it felt like they weren't my emotions. I know that this doesn't make up for all those years, and I know there are no excuses. And I don't expect you to forgive me, and that's in your right. However, I suppose I owe you an explanation as to why you lived while I died. About two days ago, a week before I have to go, I had a dream. In this dream, a spirit came to me and told me that you would die in my place with all of our other brothers and sisters. I felt horrible about letting you die, so I took your place. I couldn't let your life end in such misery. I wish I could've saved all of them, but it wasn't in my power. But I could at least save you. Please don't cry over me, I will be fine. Celebrate the lives of our brothers and sisters. And smile for them and me. You were always so good at it. Please help Agápi, although I know it may be hard since he was so cruel to you too. But it was me who forced him to be. He will live with the guilt while I get a pass. And please be a better sister than I ever was. Well, this is it. I love you Kómma, more than you will ever know. I'm sorry. Well, this is goodbye. I'm sure we'll meet again. And I'm sure you'll make a great queen.
Sincerely, Próta Diamond”
Kómma stared at the letter as her emotions began to go wild. What was she to do with this letter?
“Is that the letter Próta wrote,” Agápi’s voice cut Kómma out of her thoughts. 
In shock, she looked at him. “Agápi?” 
The Prince stood in front of his younger sister, unclear himself what he was feeling. His small body trembled slightly as the wind blew in the room. 
Kómma looked at him, “How did you-”
“I was there when she wrote it,” the boy quickly responded. His eye’s squinting a bit. His face delicate yet firm as he resisted his tears.
Kómma's brows furrowed as her teeth gritted, “Why didn’t you save her!?” Her voice slightly cutting off at the end. This all didn’t make sense to the now Crown Princess. 
“You would’ve died,” Agápi quietly responded. He found it hard to look into the grape colored eyes of his sister. She was so innocent and didn’t deserve to be exposed to this pain. 
Agápi took a deep breath, “Kómma, I am so sorry. I have been such a horrible brother and caused you so much suffering and pain.”
Kómma's breath paused as she looked at her brother. Her breathing began to fasten as she started to process everything. 
Agápi continued, “There is no excuse for the way I acted. I don’t expect you to forgive me.” His voice began to waver like he was a small baby. “A-And you can hate me-” 
Kómma stopped him with a hug. Agapi’s eyes widened as the entire world stopped. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around the smaller girl’s body, crying alongside her. 
Sakura and Costico smiled behind the door. Eager to just run in and hug her friend, Sakura found herself holding back. She smiled, “See Costico? This is sibling love!”
Costico’s eyes narrowed, “I didn’t know Agápi could be so emotional.”
After many years, Kómma and Agápi were able to fix a relationship that many saw as a lost cause. Kómma was happy to have an older brother back. Ektos and Teleftaios were so excited that they could play with their older brother and sister without any fights. Many of the nobles commented that the children had gained a family bond that they had lacked since they arrived. Kómma also noticed that Agápi seemed to push Kómma to befriend Costico. Kómma was a bit confused seeing that he and Agápi were closer and would make better friends than she and Costico. Many believe that Agápi found out about the engagement between the two and tried to get it started not wanting his sister to be bitter about the marriage. However, Agapi's efforts worked and Kómma and Costico ended up becoming best friends. Sakura also got close to Costico and the three were often seen together. Kómma soon got used to life in Sabiar and soon began to lose a little bit of her Sunarian language. But she didn't worry too much and would relearn what she felt she had lost. This habit of hers she would lose as she got older. People still tried to break into the palace that Kómma lived in to receive "magical blessings." Kómma found them amusing at first, but after a few months her patience for such break ins shrunk. To solve the problem, she put grape juice above her window and those who tried to break in would go blind from the juice.
King Lostoos looked at the three children and decided that he would put Sakura, Kómma, and Costico in music and arts classes. These classes were for children of all standings to learn the ways of Sabiar. Although there was a hierarchy within the students. Kómma, Sakura, and Costico were at the top of this hierarchy. In these classes, the children would meet a simple commoner named Marcie (470-532). She was a beautiful girl with light blue hair and light green eyes. The four children got along well and were all good friends. Although meeting Marcie would cause Kómma great problems later in her life.
Kómma was very good at music and arts. She was the top of her class and was noted to be a very talented girl. She was also the most popular student since she was not only a Princess, but a Diamond. She would get the wand very soon and many were looking forward to how she would use it.
The day finally arrived in mid 485. The Crown Princess Kómma Diamond inherited the royal wand. It was the first wand ceremony in Sabiar and the nobles were left in awe. Sakura was so impressed and interested with the magical heirloom. She had never seen anything like it. And just like that, Kómma's training began.
A year later, King Lostoos organized the Song Day Festival that Queen Mornsia had requested. Kómma was so excited since Sabiar would hold the festival, and to her, their music was gorgeous. The day came and Kómma wore a traditional Princess dress of Sunar. All of the nobles did the same to honor the Princess although many of the men expressed a discomfort when wearing pants. Sakura followed in this tradition and she asked Kómma how she could stand being in a corset for so long. She also felt odd in such a puffy yet tight dress. Kómma found it amusing but appreciated that her friend was trying. Kómma's Song was titled, "The Diamond with the balloons on her cheeks." It was a joyous night for the Princess.
Kómma's life soon settled down and she looked at Sabiar as a permanent home. She was well known within the streets of the Kingdom and well respected among the nobility. She was another Princess of the Kingdom. In late 486, Kómma and Agápi were studying for an upcoming test in their lessons. Agápi looked at Kómma and commented how much she acted like their mother. Kómma looked at him and laughed it off. However, she thought about it more and did find some similarities that she and her mother shared. The thought made Kómma miss Sunar and reminded her of the war that was raging in a place she once lived in. It also made her anxious thinking the war would never end. She decided to take a walk through the garden to clear her head...
“Kómma,” Sakura’s voice echoed through the garden. 
Kómma turned her head to spot two of her best friends. She smiled and greeted them, “Sakura! Marcie!”
The blonde Princess was a smiling bubble, just as she always had been. Marcie however seemed a bit down, perhaps it was just one of those days. 
Sakura bubbled, “We have some good newwwsss!” The girl was bouncing up and down so much that Kómma believed she was ready to jump into the sky. It made Kómma chuckle. How did Sakura manage to maintain this happiness?
“Costico told a friend who told me that he thinks you’re cute!”
“What!?” Kómma's face quickly turned red and began to heat up. She never had even considered Costico to be someone she wanted to be romantically involved with.
Sakura skipped over to her friend. She stood on the tip of her toes to drape her arm over the Princess as she giggled, “You heard it here my dear! Costico thinks you’re cute!”
Kómma stood blinking at the floor, trying to get her emotions under control. Sakura smiled as she stepped away. 
She sighed, “Well, me and Marcie are going to the festival. See you later!”
Kómma looked up, only able to mutter a goodbye. Marci glared at the Princess as she began to follow Marcie. 
“Don’t get too excited Princess.” 
Kómma looked down, taken back a bit by being disrespected. “Excuse me?”
“Costico is mine, stay away from him,” the blue haired maiden ordered. 
Komma’s eyes narrowed. “Costico is not an object, Marcie. He can choose freely who he wants to love,” the Princess chided. 
Marcie chuckled as she turned to face the girl of high status. One would be shaking in their boots facing a Diamond like this. “You honestly think that he would like a girl with childish balloons on her cheeks? A girl who was abandoned by her own mother because she failed to protect her own children,” she snickered. 
The Crown Princess’s chest twisted as her stomach felt like it could jump out at any moment. “Marcie, enough,” she warned. 
Marcie’s brows raised as her smirk only grew. She found twisted pleasure in seeing the Princess hurt. 
She continued, “A girl whose worth is determined by a wand?”
Kómma’s anger began to bubble up as she took a tight grip to her wand. It took everything in her to not make Marcie beg for her life. 
“You think Costico would like that in a girl,” Marcie finished, folding her arms in pride. 
That pride was short-lived as Kómma whipped her arm in front of her, wand in hand. Marcie’s life flashed before her eyes witnessing the might of the wand. 
“I said enough.”
Silence filled the garden as the two women stood in front of each other. Kómma looked down on Marcie, showing her Diamond blood as the wand only shone brighter. 
“You forget to whom you are speaking to. I think it’s best you catch up with Sakura.” 
“You’ll see Kómma Diamond.”
Kómma and Marcie's friendship would begin to fall after this event. Kómma was in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Not only had she lost a friend, but she also was disrespected by said ex-friend. That night she got ready for bed and was just about to go to sleep when her balcony doors shoot open. Confused the Princess walked over to find that nobody was there. She shrugged it off as the wind and closed the doors. She was then met with her ancestor Salvia Diamond. Kómma was so shocked but decided to speak to the old Queen. After about thirty minutes, Sakura walked in. She was surprised to find a spirit there and asked, "What other secrets do you Diamonds have?"
After about a week of reflecting Kómma came to realize that she had feelings for Costico and also thought he was quite attractive. She decided that she wanted to confess. Kómma decided to tell Sakura about it. Sakura was on board and very excited that her best friend's love life would be starting. Kómma thought that Costico may even be her future King. Kómma began to feel very anxious about confessing and Sakura had to push her out of her room to try and get her to Costico. Eventually Kómma came around and soon began to walk with confidence. She was going to tell him for sure!
The halls were filled with the giggles of the two Princesses of two different lands. One known for inhabiting the wonders of music and grape, and the other known for being ruled by the great Sunria Diamond.
Kómma covered her red face as she gushed, “ooooooooooo- I can’t wait!” 
Sakura giggled. It brought her joy to see her friend so happy. It had been a while since she had been a witness to such happiness. 
Sakura opened the door as she beamed, “Costico!” She almost wished she hadn’t opened the door. 
Kómma and Sakura’s eyes widened as they walked into a moment of intimacy between Costico and Marcie. 
Sakura’s eyes filled with rage seeing Costico holding another girl who wasn’t Kómma. And Kómma’s eyes filled with pain seeing Costico kissing another girl, just when she knew she loved him too. 
The two stopped to look at the girls. Costico spluttered, “O-Oh! Kómma! Sakura!”
“Costico, what is this,” Sakura sputtered. 
Costico sheepishly smiled as he looked at Marcie. He grinned, “Well, Marcie and I are in a relationship.” 
Both girls looked at their friend and Marcie in shock. In a relationship? How could this be? Sakura was sure she heard that he liked Kómma. 
Costico continued, “I know it’s sudden, but we both felt the same way for each other.” 
The pain only grew seeing Costico look at Marcie with such kind and loving eyes. Kómma looked at Marcie’s light green eyes. She looked back and smirked. Kómma's tears threatened to leave their trap as Sakura began asking questions. 
The conversation was stopped as Kómma clapped her hands. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you two! I wish I could celebrate this moment, but my magic training time was moved.” 
Sakura looked back at her friend, slightly frowning when she saw the fake smile Kómma put on. The Sunarian Princess turned around and made her way back to her room. 
“Hey, wait,” Sakura called out. 
The two walked through the long halls of the palace. Why did they have to be so long. Kómma felt like they were mocking her for believing she would ever even find love. 
“Kómma wait!” 
Sakura’s voice was only drowned out by Kómma’s thoughts, her only goal was to get into her chambers. 
The Princess made it to her room and rushed in. Sakura raced to the door to meet her friend. The blonde softly pushed the door open, calling out her friend’s name one last time, “Kómma?”
“Marcie knew that I liked him back. She still went for it. What a friend,” the Princess whimpered.  
Sakura’s eyes rolled, “Yeah? Well, Marcie is a b-”
Kómma sobbed into her friend’s arms before she could continue that thought. Sakura’s heart shattered hearing her friend suffer in so much main. She sighed, “Oh Kómma.”
Kómma had experienced her first heartbreak, and it wouldn't be the last time. To distract herself from the pain, Kómma decided to practice her magic more and more. She tried her best to avoid Costico and Marcie, but she still saw Costico as a good friend and didn't want to leave him alone like that. This discord that was set in her mind caused her to practice magic even harder. I was very impressed with the Princess, it's a shocker she didn't even consider trying to end the Dark Ages.
Kómma then decided to strengthen her magic in her Magestity form. She began to publicly show it off to all of the people of Sabiar. People outside of Sunar had only heard tales of the Magestity form. It's said to be admired and feared by outsiders. The people of Sabiar were in awe of the Crown Princess's power. Kómma's brothers weren't too fazed, they were just excited to see Kómma's form of Magestity. Sakura was impressed with her friend and bragged to all of the nobles that her friend could turn into a butterfly full of magic. Marcie was not too impressed. Costico had been having doubts already and it caused a drift in their relationship. Marcie soon realized that the boy still had feelings for Kómma and it did not sit well with the girl. She would get angry every time Kómma accomplished something grand. It only raised her reputation with the people. Marcie had so badly wanted to see Kómma fail. But it seemed like the Princess wouldn't be facing any troubles in her achievements any time soon. Kómma's Magestity Form was often used in the plays that would be produced after she returned to Sunar. Kómma was the only Queen to have connected this well with the Sabiarian people and many considered her one of them. She had become fluent in the language and culture. Kómma's Sunarian identity was soon shoved down deep in her memories. The thought of returning home was lost to her new life, and Kómma began preparing to live in Sabiar permanently.
Kómma spent the year 487 to help the people of Sabiar. She would help construct buildings, carry large objects, and entertain the children of the kingdom. She performed in plays and helped to organize festivals in the kingdom. Kómma began to flourish. Marcie got incredibly jealous of the Princess. To get back at her, she would kiss Costico whenever Kómma walked past them. Costico found it strange while Kómma just smiled and didn't let Marcie think she was getting to her. But just like she had before, the Crown Princess hid her feelings from the world.
The rest of 487 had gone by just like the years before. Kómma worked on her spells and spent time with Sakura and her brothers. She spent more time in plays and even began to write some. These plays would feature at least once every year Sunarpendance was held in both Sunar and Sabiar. Kómma and Sakura donated to orphanages and others who needed it. Kómma was well-loves. But what happened inside the mind of the Princess was a different story. The heart ache of losing her friend Marcie and seeing her with Costico was getting too much. This sadness would sometimes creep into the Princess's behavior and she would mope around more often.
Sakura saw her friend's happiness decline. It upset her that she was letting one boy get to her so easily. Although Sakura tried to understand her friend even if she herself had never felt a heart break. Kómma's sadness was more noticeable during holidays. A time when the Crown Princess would be happy. So it made Sakura's resentment towards Marcie and Costico only grow. She just wanted to see her friend happy again, and it was hurting those around Kómma as well seeing her in this state.
Kómma also began to think more about her future and the title of Queen she would hold. She feared that perhaps something horrible would happen to her parents and she would have to fight in a war all while mourning. She got worried that her people would have a hard time accepting her since she had lost her Sunarian identity. Sakura tried to reassure her that she would be an amazing Queen. 
In early 481, Kómma’s wand disappeared for an unexplained reason. Kómma began to freak out as Sakura blankly stared at her friend. The wand fell on Kómma’s head to announce it’s return. This confused to Princess. But little did she know that that was the beginning of something amazing. 
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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Princess Kómma Diamond receiving the royal wand on her 14th birthday. Having a hard time after losing almost all of her siblings and being forced to seek refuge in another kingdom, she tries to smile.
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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“Fear has shunned the sun, But fear not, Fear had not defeated Kómma the Fun.”
Kómma's BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/656826245039931392/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-1
Kómma was a test for both jgss0109's Festiva and SVTFOE's Festiva. For cannon Festiva, they both share the nature of hiding one's true feelings. As for jgss0109's, it's all the story for the two. Kómma would've passed if only war hadn't broken out and Mornsia was forced to send her surviving children away. Kómma faced the same challenges with love as Festiva did but it all worked out. Except for one factor that would happen later in marriage.
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chinchuqui · 3 years
Kómma Diamond-The Fun (Pt. 1)
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Kómma Diamond The Fun 471-535 Reign: 492-519 Married to: Costico Firestone Children: Karlos Diamond, Joseph Diamond, Via Diamond, Simieon Diamond, Karla Diamond, Aliana Diamond, Carmen Diamond
Mornsia’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/652285044057145344/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-1
Part 1
Part 2: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/659726869686599680/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-2
Part 3: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/662772705888747520/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-3
Part 4: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/665873219495100416/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-4
Part 5: 
Part 6:
Via’s BIO:
Kómma Diamond was born in mid 471 during the dark ages and as the 5th child to Queen Mornsia Diamond and King Nathera Diamond Volno. She was born with her father's black hair, green eyes, and balloons as her cheekmarks. The Princess was a carbon copy of her father and didn't look a thing like her mother.
Kómma had four older siblings. Princess Próta Diamond who was 3 3/4 when Kómma was born, Prince Défteros and Prince Agápi Diamond who were both two years old, and Prince Tétartos Diamond who was a year older than the Princess.
Kómma's birth was welcomed by a big family and she was a very cheerful baby. Her nannies were pleased with the Princess since she rarely cried. One of her nannies commented, "It's as if she knows she's already a Princess." Kómma was a very cute baby as well, and she often brought smiles to her parents, nannies, siblings, and grandparents. Próta and Kómma were very close when Kómma was a baby. The Crown Princess wanted to be by her sister and even would have her lessons in the nursery.
In mid 473, Kómma would attend her uncle Marius' wedding. She was a very energetic toddler and ran around with her brothers and sisters. She would later gain a little brother that year. Prince Ektos Diamond was born in late 473 when the Princess was just two years old. She was happy to be a big sister and loved her new baby brother.
Kómma spent a lot of her time with her maternal grandmother, Queen Mother Florine Diamond. She loved her grandmother with all of her heart and was very interested with the stories she would tell of her sea adventures. She also got to know what Mornsia was like when she was Kómma's age. Kómma also got to see a lot of her cousins since her grandparents wanted to see them. It was a nice first years for the Princess and she was already thinking about her future as a loyal Sunarian. She and her siblings often played a game they dubbed as "Queen." Próta was Queen and the children often played different roles to simulate adventures.
In early 474, Kómma noticed a shift in her siblings' behavior. Próta, Défteros, and Agápi all began to distance themselves from the Princess. She didn't understand why they were acting so strange, but decided it wasn't too bad. Perhaps they were just playing a big kid game. So instead, she decided to play with Tétartos and Ektos. Her spirits weren't brought down by her older siblings.
In late 474, Kómma would gain two little sisters. She was happy with the arrivals of Princess Ogdoo and Princess Enatos Diamond. Kómma was excited to have little sisters and do all the things she and Próta did together.
Although playing with her younger siblings was fun, Kómma found it more fun to play with Tétartos and all of her older brothers and sister. They could all play more and they were older and understood more. Kómma didn't think she was too little for their games and thought she was like the big kids. She was pretty tall already, so why didn't they let her play with them? Kómma did eventually receive attention from her older brothers and sister, but it wasn't the attention she desperately wanted.
Kómma was just playing with her dolls one day when Próta, Défteros, and Agápi walked into her room. Próta began making fun of her. She pointed out the way she acted, spoke, dressed, etc. Kómma was very confused and didn't understand the situation. Próta then went from verbal abuse to physical abuse. She hurt the Princess and caused a huge bruise on her eye. Every time the bruise would fade, Próta would ensure that it returned to Kómma's small face.
Kómma tried to hide the bruise believing that Próta didn't mean to hurt her this much, and that it was all a game. However, her mother soon noticed something off about her daughter when they made eye contact. She could tell that Kómma was trying to hide something. Mornsia was shocked when she found her daughter's bruised face. Kómma refused to tell her mother who had done this, fearing that her sister may be sent away. But she couldn't stop her mother from walking in about a month later to find Próta, Défteros, and Agápi hurting Kómma. Mornsia quickly picked up Kómma and began to shout at the other children. Still being confused and scared, Kómma gripped onto her mother as she continued to shout. When Mornsia and Nathera asked how long this had been going on, Kómma smiled and said, "This game has been going on for a while! It's so fun Mama and Papa!" Kómma thought it was all a game, and hearing this broke her parents' hearts. How could she be so innocent and forgive her brothers and sister?
Before the events of 475, Kómma grew up without worries or quarrels with her older siblings. She would often look up to her grandparents and loved to spend time with them. She adored the stories of their youth and would look forward to having those same adventures. She enjoyed spending time with her younger siblings and playing with them. Although the Princess still faced difficulties as Próta still bullied her, and her words were getting harsher everyday. Otherwise, Princess Kómma Diamond was a very happy Princess. Her smile was said to be infectious.
On the subject of Próta, it's actually unknown why the Crown Princess was so adamant on bullying her younger sister. It's believed that perhaps she was jealous of Kómma for being able to win over the hearts of everyone. Some speculate perhaps the Princess's kind behavior annoyed Próta. But very few do believe that perhaps there was something influencing this hatred towards Kómma.
In 475, Kómma's uncle Maxecus got married and she attended the wedding. The Princess found the festivals to be very enjoyable and had a fun time playing with her cousins and younger siblings. Prince Défteros then walked over and offered Kómma to play a game with him. Kómma eagerly nodded her head and followed him out of the ball room. She was met with Próta and Agápi smirking as Défteros led her into another room. Kómma asked what game they would be playing, and Défteros explained it was a fighting game. Her against Próta and Agápi
.In all the records left by Queen Kómma herself, she states that she doesn't remember how the game went, and she likes it that way. All other records just simply state, "Kómma lost this fighting game." I myself wish to keep it that way since the details are way too gruesome for me to sit here and retell. The only thing Kómma remembers is afterwards she hid in a closet and began to sob her heart out. Queen Mornsia would eventually pass the hallway her daughter was hiding in and find her. Queen Mornsia was horrified to see her daughter in such a state. When Kómma looked at her mother, she began to panic thinking that it was Próta. When she calmed down, she only explained that she lost a fighting game between Agápi and Próta. Kómma tried to put on a brave face, but on the inside she was still suffering. Mornsia was upset her four-year-old daughter had learned how to keep her emotions to herself. After that night, Kómma's father Nathera (along with a few guards) stayed with her at all times. She was told she wasn't allowed to go anywhere without her guards or her father. Her older siblings all of the sudden stopped talking to the young royal. And if Kómma found herself in a situation without her guards and any of her older siblings were near by, she was to run to the nearest adult and stay with them.
In early 476, Kómma would gain her little brother Prince Teleftaios Diamond when she was 4 1/2 years old. The Princess was happy with the newest addition to the family.
In 477, Kómma's uncle Gocal would be wed. The Princess got to stand with her mother as she gave the toast. Kómma felt pretty important in that moment. Many of the nobles confessed that they were more focused on the Princess's bubbly behavior rather than the Queen's toast. Kómma spent the whole night holding her mother's hand as Her Majesty talked to the nobles. Próta did try to lure Kómma away, and she managed to convince the Princess to leave her mother's side. But Mornsia caught Próta when Kómma let go of her hand. Mornsia pulled Próta aside and began to scold the child. Kómma stood and looked at her sister who was glaring back at her. The young Princess soon hid behind her mother's dress as the screaming continued.
When Próta left, Kómma looked up at her mother and asked her why she was so mean to her older siblings. Mornsia looked down at the young child as she explained that they were bullying her. Kómma's happy expression left as she looked around, trying to think of a reason to justify her sister's behavior. When she couldn't think of one, she asked her mother why Próta was doing something so mean. Mornsia's tears began to flow down as she pulled her daughter into a hug, stating she didn't know. Kómma's view on her older sister and brothers shifted that night.
In early 478, Kómma's grandfather King Father Jet Diamond Carterback passed away. Kómma was heartbroken with the news, and struggled with the grief. But this death would spark her personality. One night when the Princess was walking down the hallways, she passed her grandmother's room. She saw her mother and grandmother both in a state she had rarely ever seen them in. She could see her mother struggle trying to help Florine, and Florine was so broken down. Kómma then took it upon herself to try and bring joy to her grandmother's face. She spent time with Florine and helped her take life one step at a time. She would take her through the flower garden, make her flower crowns, play dolls with her, just be a joy to be around. All these small things were helping Florine slowly recover from such a heartache. Many at court commented how the Princess was a lot like her mother after Prince Sunsta passed away. Many also noted that Kómma was more effective at bringing smiles to her mourning family's faces. Kómma did bring a smile to her grandmother's face, and she was happy to see her methods were working. But just like this new spark, the habit of keeping her emotions to herself also grew. And this habit would bring Kómma problems later in life.
In 480, Queen Mother Florine Diamond passed away. Kómma was struck with pain and grief from the death, but her attentions were quickly shifted. Rather than focusing on cheering up her family, Kómma's resentment towards her older sister began to show. The two had started their own feud, one that reminded many of Violaina and Harpaina's feud. A feud that ended with one of the sister's deaths. The two could never get along, and many of the staff members often heard their arguments. Queen Mornsia did try to soften the situation between her daughters by organizing parties for the two. But this didn't work out the way Her Majesty intended it to. The two had gotten in such a heated argument that Próta threw her tea cup at Kómma. It missed but the blow could've blinded the Princess. Kómma made a plan to move far away from the castle and Sunar. She didn't want to live in a kingdom ruled by Próta. But this plan would never be put into action.
The year 481 would be the year Kómma's life turned upside down. In mid 481, Princess Próta Diamond, Prince Défteros Diamond, Prince Tétartos Diamond, Princess Ogdoo Diamond and Princess Enatos Diamond all went missing. Kómma was woken up by her mother bursting into her room. When Mornsia spotted the tired Princess, she was pulled into a tight hug. Kómma was soon informed of the situation and she was so shocked. She was put into a room with her remaining brothers. Kómma whole world came crashing down. Despite what many may think, Kómma was worried sick for Próta. She was her sister, and she loved her. Not only did the family connection worry the child, but with Próta gone, Kómma was the sole heiress and the future Queen. Although it wasn't official yet.
Queen Mornsia and King Nathera tried their best to keep their children oblivious to what was happening. But when Kómma, Agápi, Ektos, and Teleftaios were all moved into the same room, Kómma knew something was terribly wrong. Guards were constantly in the room except when the room and out of the room. The children had to leave the room with a group of guards. However, the situation became known to Kómma and Agápi when Teleftaios was playing with his toys. It was about children being kidnapped by monsters and their mother trying to save them. When Kómma asked him where he had come up with this idea, he turned and smiled, "Mommy and Daddy were talking about it!"
Kómma began to feel really guilty when she found out that the monsters planned to kidnap all the Diamond Princesses, and had succeeded. But they missed one. Kómma didn't understand why she wasn't taken. Why wasn't Próta or one of her little sisters left behind? Kómma's memories of when she was younger came back to her, times when she and Próta got along. Kómma's spirits were brought down, and she tried to keep it all to herself.
The panic around the castle made it hard on the children to focus on their daily lives. Kómma found it stressful as she took over Porta's lessons and some of her Crown Princess duties. All of the stress caused Teleftaios, who was only five years old at the time, to cry a lot. Kómma took it upon herself once more to cheer up her family. Kómma however couldn't be dishonest with herself for too long and she would sometimes cry in her new office. The Princess missed her brothers and sisters, and wished for their safe return.
Some of Kómma's worries were settled when she was informed that her aunt Shortsta and her family had been saved from an attack. Although Kómma could see her mother was happy that Shortsta and all of her children were safe, Kómma could tell that the Queen may have been a bit jealous considering all of Kómma's cousins were still with their mother. But soon after this incident, Kómma was informed that she, her brothers, and Lord Costico of House Firestone (486-529) would all be sent away to the neighboring kingdom Sabiar. She was to stay with the Royal Household Lostoos until further notice.
Kómma was so shocked that she'd be sent away. She knew how to speak Sabiarian, but wasn't the best at it. And she was scared to be sent to a place where she didn't know anybody. And she was scared that perhaps Agápi would pick up where Próta left off in the bullying. But it was already set, and Kómma sent her maids to begin packing her things.
The dreaded day soon arrived. Kómma was woken up and put in her dress. She walked out to the castle gate and looked at her parents. She wished them goodbye and couldn't hold back the tears as she did so. Kómma and her brothers were informed that they would try to get their other siblings back to them as soon as they could. However, if the wand was sent it meant that they were all gone and Kómma was new Crown Princess. Kómma got into the carriage and took a shaky breath as she looked at her parents. The carriage moved throughout the town, and all of Sunar wished their royals a farewell. The nobles gave the children gifts of goodbyes and the peasants gave them flowers as they wept away. (Keep in mind the people had no idea which Kingdom the children were being sent to, and they switched carriages often) The town set up banners of the Diamond family's crest, and many festivals were held to honor the children. The music, cheers, and cries flooded the streets of Sunar as the carriage rode through. It made Kómma and her brothers smile. Kómma tried to stop the tears as she left the gates of Sunar, wishing it farewell. Silence filled the small space the royals sat in, and it really sunk in that they were leaving. Anxiety filled Kómma, hoping that her brothers and sisters would be sent instead of the wand. And as the carriage left, the children entered a new chapter in their lives.
The journey was not a short one. And Queen Kómma recalls it being silent for the most part. She and Teleftaios would occasionally speak to one another and talk about all the adventures they would have in the new kingdom. Besides that, the children were very quiet. Kómma often looked out the window, trying to avoid eye contact with her older brother. The children did have to switch carriages often to avoid being caught and killed.
The day came when they arrived at the kingdom of Sabiar. It was a custom in the kingdom to walk to the palace to remind the people what you look like if you're a royal or noble. When Kómma was helped out of the carriage, the cultural shock hit her really hard. The music, art, clothes, and architecture were all different. She and her brothers stood in awe at the passing people. However, all eyes fell on the children as they made their way through the kingdom. The Diamonds all felt left out considering what they looked like. Many whispered about the clothes they wore and how the Diamond were in their kingdom. Kómma's cheekmarks didn't go unnoticed either. Many pointed them out and thought that Kómma had magic with her. Many people tried to get close to the Princess to receive magical blessings from her. The children all were scared and wanted to go home.
When the children reached the palace, they were greeted by the royal family. The Lostoos family consisted of three members. The Diamond children all introduced themselves. The nobles all were shocked by the children's appearances. The King told the children that they were residents of the Kingdom, and they had every right of a royal. Costico was told he was also a noble of this kingdom and was to be treated as one. The children were then dismissed to their rooms. Kómma wasn't able to make it a few steps before the Crown Princess Sakura Lostoos (471-534) stopped her. Sakura was a very beautiful girl who had blonde hair and purple eyes. She was also a very bubbly Princess and eagerly greeted her and began to ramble about how cool Kómma was. Kómma just sat there and hardly spoke a word. Sakura then looked at her and beamed, "And as a welcome gift, I'm going to help you get ready for dinner!" Kómma tilted her head and just simply responded, "Um, o-ok?" As Kómma walked through the hallways of the kingdom, she noted how this castle looked more like a mansion than anything else. And the nobles flooded the palace, much like Sunar. They all looked at Kómma and their Crown Princess walking through the halls. Kómma put her head down to which Sakura responded with glaring at the nobles.
That night Kómma was presented to the other royals. Agápi was so shocked, he didn't even recognize his little sister in this new look. The King complemented Kómma stating how it was as if the stars wanted her to be there. Sabiar's society worked differently from Sunar as well. Instead of their royalty having the first born daughters take over, it was just the first born children. It worked a lot like the nobility back in Sunar. Kómma also took the time to look at Costico, the boy who had been sent with her and her brothers. To her understanding, Costico was an orphan who lived with his uncle. Kómma wrote, "He was a calm boy. Brown hair and eyes, very basic colors in my opinion. However, he was a very quiet boy and always looked sad. But he managed to look quite attractive and sad." One other thing that Kómma noticed with the Sabiarians is that they had an odd obsession with grapes.
A couple of days later, Sakura invited Kómma to pick grapes with her. Apparently it was a common activity among the nobility and royalty to pick grapes in Sabiar. Kómma helped her new friend but her confusion about why the Kingdom loved grapes so much only grew. She picked up some grapes and looked at them. She tried to see if there was some sort of celestial element to them, or something so grand about these grapes. She held them above her eyes and Sakura shouted, "Um-Kómma! Be careful with the grape juice." Kómma put the grapes down and tilted her head as she asked, "Why?" Sakura walked over and stated, "These grapes are used for dye in our kingdom, and they are very strong. When I was about six years old, I accidently got grape juice in my eyes. The physicians said that I would go blind. But a magical user came and healed me but my eyes were purple and yadda yadda. Point is, those can blind you." Kómma's eyes widened as she looked at the Princess and asked, "Are you alright?" Sakura laughed and nodded her head, "Yes, I'm fine. I was just labeled the grape Princess since I lost the blue eyes of my family." Kómma looked at the grapes and decided to stay away from them.
Since Sunarian was Kómma's first language, she and her brother's had to be taught Sabiarian. Although they did know it, they knew little of the advanced terms. Costico chose not to learn any more Sabiarian since he was so quiet. The children at first only talked to each other in Sunarian. Although that would change in the next year as Sabiarian became their first language.
Kómma had never really gotten over the treatment she had received back at home. The bullying from her siblings had left unwanted memories behind in the Princess. And she held a slight grudge despite feeling horrible about what was happening to her missing brothers and sisters. Kómma sometimes took this grudge out on Agápi and had a harder time talking to him. Their little brothers saw this thick tension, but didn't know exactly what to do about it. They tried to bring their older brother and sister together, but it would result in small arguments that ended in the two leaving the room.
In late 481, Sabiar was celebrating the new year. The whole Kingdom rejoiced throughout the night. Sabiar didn't get too much snow during winter, so the temperature was nice for the festivities. The palace's party was one of the grandest that Kómma had ever been to. The Sabiarians knew how to throw a good party. She and her brothers celebrated the new year with all of their friends. But they once again stood out seeing as they were wearing the typical Sunarian fashion of the time. Kómma and her brothers didn't mind it and continued to enjoy the party. Kómma and Sakura were the joys of the party as the two Princesses were the loudest. Many of the higher nobles looked at the two as a living form of their alliance between Sunar and Sabiar. Kómma even managed to get the orchestra to play some songs from Sunar and integrated some of her home's traditions in Sabiar. It was roughly around one hour until the new year hit, and Kómma decided she wanted to spend it in her room by herself. She left the party after talking to the nobles and walked to her room.
Kómma sighed as she undid her hair, ready to watch the night as the new year marked it’s arrival. Just as she was about to call for her servants, a maid called from behind her, “Princess Kómma, you have a visitor.”
Kómma turned her had slightly, shocked that someone wanted to visit her. She was a popular Princess yes, but nobody ever had the courage to approach her.
She responded, “Oh, thank you.” 
The maid smiled and turned around and took her leave. Kómma sighed as she followed and walked down the palace. It was a beautiful structure making her castle look bland. 
Before the Princess could wander in thoughts, she heard a familiar voice call out, “Kómma!”
The Princess looked up to see a woman with purple hair, blue eyes, and cheekmarks that resembled Queen Mornsia’s.
Kómma's smile grew faster than the flowers back at home as she chirped, “Auntie Shortsta!”
She ran up to the woman who she hadn’t seen in months. Was she here to take them home? Were her siblings safe? 
Kómma began her questioning by asking, “Is the war over?” Shortsta's expression shifted slightly, showing a small frown. She took a deep breath before reaching into her bag. 
She pulled out cloth that looked to be wrapping something. Perhaps a jewel from Kómma's mother. 
Shortsta began, “Kómma, dear, your mother wanted me to give this to you.” The woman began to reveal what lied within the soft cloth. 
Kómma's green eyes darted towards the object, and her whole world cam crashing down. Her eyes widened as she stared at the object that had assisted her family in many trials. 
“T-The wand?” The Princess took a few steps back, starring at the heirloom. Could this be true. Her aunt began instructing King Lostoos about Kómma’s wand ceremony and her Song Day Festival. 
Shortsta’s words passed the Princess’s ears as her thoughts began to whirl around. Kómma’s tears threatened to break through the smile she once wore.
This had to be a joke. They couldn’t be dead. They were supposed to live! Próta was supposed to come back and learn with the wand. Why did Kómma have to take her place? 
The Princess’s eyes darted towards Sakura’s purple ones. The Lostoos Princess looked at her friend, concerned about her. Sakura had been kept in the dark about Kómma's siblings, and the Princess couldn’t afford to let the blonde see her in such a state. 
Kómma darted in the other direction, her aunt calling out for her. Sakura did the same as the Diamond Woman, and chased after the newly Crowned Princess. 
Sakura found her new friend in her room, the only light being from the hallway behind her. Sakura looked at the child and gently called, “Kómma?” 
Kómma didn’t move, she didn’t want to accept it. It was all to hard. 
Sakura sighed as she made her way towards the bed and sat next to the child. She then asked, “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”
Kómma looked at her friend, and then decided to let her know. She explained it all. How Próta and the others went missing. How she and her brothers were sent here for protection along with Costico. The girl struggled between words, trying her best not to sob right then and there. 
Sakura listened patiently before asking, “Why didn’t your mother send you with the wand before?”
Shutting her eyes as the tears flowed, Kómma responded, “She wanted to hold on to the hope that she may have been able to rescue them.” Kómma then pulled out a picture of her and her mother. 
Sakura’s eyes widened as she commented, “Woah, your mother’s gorgeous!”
Kómma’s heart ached as she hugged her friend, sobbing silently. She didn’t care for putting up the image of a Perfect Princess anymore. 
Sakura waited a few minutes before pulling out a letter. She looked at her friend before handing it to her. “Here, your brother wanted me to give this to you. He said to open it when you’re ready.”
The Princess left the room, leaving Kómma all by herself. The girl looked at the letter, wondering what her brother wanted her to know. 
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chinchuqui · 3 years
Mornsia Diamond-The Morning Star (Pt 3)
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Mornsia Diamond The Morning Star 444-507 Reign: 465-492 Married to: Nathera Volno Children: Próta Diamond, Défteros Diamond, Agápi Diamond, Tétartos Diamond, Kómma Diamond, Ektos Diamond, Ogdoo Diamond, Enatos Diamond, Teleftaios Diamond
Florine’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/650090137175326720/florine-diamond-the-flower
Part 1: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/652285044057145344/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-1 Part 2: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/654435508184907776/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-2 Part 3
Kómma’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/656826245039931392/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-1
Mornsia was apprehended by the monsters and taken to the king of the Underworld. “Your Majesty, Queen Mornsia Diamond of Sunar,” one of them announced. Mornsia glared her eyes as she spotted King Underwillow of the Underworld. 
He was a taller man, pink hair, light pink skin, red eyes, and long horns on the top of his head. “Well, well, well,” he began. “If it isn’t Mornsia Diamond herself.”
Mornsia shifted a bit being confronted with the man who killed her children. The memories of the day she found them would never leave her. 
King Underwillow narrowed his eyes, “Why are you here?”
Mornsia took a deep breath as she began, “I am here because we both care for our people.” 
“Yes, my people. The people your ancestor killed and the ones you insist on killing,” hissed the King as he walked down the stairs of his throne. 
“The ones who killed my children,” Mornsia harshly added. 
Mornsia stopped herself from angering him further. She was here to make peace, not encourage the war. “But that’s not why I’m here. I have a proposition,” the purple haired Queen explained. 
“A proposition,” the demon questioned. 
Mornsia nodded her head before she continued, “I will cast a spell that will heal all of your wounded soldiers and the war can end. On the condition your kingdom doesn’t bother my kingdom.”
The Demon King looked at the Star Queen skeptically. Crossing his arms, he asked, “What do we get?” 
Mornsia responded, “An alliance between our kingdoms. I will organize a ball marking our peace and friendship.”
Mornsia out her hand, waiting for the king to shake it, marking the end of this brutal war. King Underwillow paused and stared at the hand. Mornsia couldn’t tell what he was thinking. 
“We have an alliance,” were the only words he said before shaking the Sunarian’s hand. 
Mornsia smiled as she summoned her wings to fly out of the Underworld. She was greeted by the stars fading as the soft sun began to rise. Once she was above the air and could see the war raging below her, she lifted her hand hand summoned the wand. 
The heirloom appeared in her left hand as her eyes began to glow pure white. She looked just like a Star herself. The crystal began to shine as the world was filled with the Queen’s magic. 
And when she cast the spell, the only thing one could see was the Morning Star.
Once the spell was finished, Mornsia opened her eyes. Her heart was filled with pure joy, ignoring the wound that had returned from all those years ago. 
“I-I did it,” she gasped. 
The wand returned to its original owner as Mornsia’s head began to get dizzy. “I-” The world began to fade to black as she was left falling peacefully in the sky.
In early 488, Queen Mornsia Diamond ended the first Monster Rebellion (481-488). The war had lasted almost 7 years, and many lives were lost. When Mornsia had cast the spell, all soldiers were healed. Nathera who had been severely injured found himself awaking in bed with no injury. The servants informed him that Mornsia's old wound seemed to have returned and opened, a consequence of casting her spell. She was close to death, but the staff worked effortlessly and managed to save her. Nathera wasn't too pleased she had kept him in the dark and risked her own life. But that wasn't on their mind for too long as one of the nobles asked when they should organize the festival for the return of the Princes and Princess. Mornsia's heart was filled with joy, she could see her children again.
The moment a guard informed her the carriage had arrived in mid 488, both Mornsia and Nathera rushed down to greet their children. So much had changed within the last 7 years, and it brought tears to Mornsia's eyes seeing her children all grown up and getting along. They all stopped and looked at each other. Although the situation was awkward, Mornsia spent no time running over and hugging her children. They all hugged back and Nathera would soon join. It was a heartwarming scene and Mornsia felt like she got apart of herself back.
A few things about the children's behavior stood out to the nobles. For one, they all wore what looked like dresses. It wasn't talked about with Kómma as much as it was with the other children. Mornsia explained to the nobles who questioned this fashion sense that it was the culture back in Sabiar, and she didn't want to force them into something they had known for almost a decade. Another thing that stood out was how the children spoke in Sabiarian to each other. They also had thicker accents when they did speak in Sunarian. This was off to the nobles and they felt that they had just taken royalty from Sabiar rather than gaining their royalty back. Mornsia and Nathera hushed these remarks and allowed their children to be themselves. They were just happy to have their children back home and didn't care how they dressed or spoke.
One of the other things that didn't go unnoticed by the people was how much the two oldests had grown. It wasn't so much about the children had grown, but more about Mornsia's height. She wasn't the tallest Queen Sunar had seen in its history, but compared to her daughter who was so small when she was last seen, Mornsia looked like the child.
Mornsia then pulled her daughter aside and informed her of her engagement to Costico Firestone. Kómma stared at her mother for a moment before shuffling. She stressed that her mother should've told them sooner since Costico was in a relationship himself. The girl's name was Marcie, and when the Queen asked the Crown Princess more about her, Kómma decided to change the subject. Lord Firestone wasn't too happy with his nephew and apologized to the Queen, assuring her he would find a way to sway the boy.
Mornsia spent a lot of her time properly training Kómma since she never had that Queen's guidance and lived under the rule of a King for almost a decade. Kómma also lost a bit of her Sunarian language and had to be retaught some of it. The Crown Princess never did lose her Sabiarian accent and never would, and it would bother the people for a while until they got used to it. Mornsia and Nathera noticed that when asking Kómma about her time in Sabiar, she would often go back on her words and seemed to cut things out of her stories. They never peered into it and just decided she may have had a harder time in Sabiar being a Princess of another kingdom.
In 489, Agápi was wed to a Sabiarian woman. Mornsia was happy for her son but felt a little sad knowing her other children would never get a wedding or have their own children. Then in mid 490, Kómma announced her engagement to Costico. Well, I wouldn't call it an engagement since they already were engaged. When the Queen asked her daughter what happened to Marcie, she only responded, "They had a fight and broke it off. Nonetheless the family was happy for the Crown Princess.
In late 490, Mornsia then made the following tradition among the royals, "Once a Sunarian Heiress turns 16, all members of the royal families who are children will attend a ball held in Sunar. The following kingdoms will be invited to join, Sunar, Sabiar, Firestone, Holdworth, and the Underworld (as well as any other kingdoms that may form in the future). "It's unknown why Mornsia chose the age she did. Some speculated that its because Kómma was 16 when she promised King Underwillow to organize a ball. But the nobles believed it was that she didn't have to see the Underworld Royals as much knowing her granddaughter would be the first Princess to dance in the ball, and she would be long gone by then.
Roughly around one week later, Agápi had his only child, Lady Charlotte. Mornsia and Nathera were excited to be grandparents, and their children were excited to have a baby niece.
In 491, Kómma was wed to Costico. Mornsia and Nathera were a bit sad to let their only living daughter go, but they were proud of what she'd become and the Queen she would be.
It was around this time Mornsia decided to spend a bit more time with her siblings considering she hadn't due to the war. She and Newbius had reconnected after years of moving on with their lives. Mornsia's siblings often talked with caution around her since they knew the wound of loosing her children was still healing, and forming an alliance with the ones who killed them had reopened that wound.
In mid 492, Mornsia Diamond decided to pass down the crown to her daughter, and a new Queen was crowned. Mornsia was so happy and excited for her daughter to start her reign and have her own family. She then decided to wear things that covered her arms more as she moved on in age. She just wanted to spend as much time as she could with her family while also raising her two youngests.
Mornsia wasn't a very soft old woman. Her granddaughter Via stated, "My grandmother had grown hard feelings due to the war she faced in her times, and the loss of my uncles and aunts made her harsh. She was very formal and taught me and my siblings how to properly represent our family. Mother and uncles always told me that although Grandmother was colder, she still loved us despite her formal act. Although Uncle Teleftaios told me that he had few memories of Grandmother before the war, but she was a softer and kinder woman. I wish I knew that woman."
In 494, Queen Kómma Diamond would give birth to her oldest, Prince Karlos Diamond. The Queen threw a party shortly after the birth, and it would be one of many famous parties of the Queen. Mornsia enjoyed these parties and got to spend time with her first grandson, she was excited for his future.
In early 496, Kómma would give birth to her second, Prince Joseph Diamond. Yet another party would be thrown for the baby prince. Mornsia and Nathera were one of the main entertainers of the children when they were younger. The nannies took care of their needs, but the Princes were often seen in their grandparents' care.
In mid 496, Ektos was wed to a Sunarian woman named Alstoria Kinol. Mornsia was very happy for her son but upset that she only had one little boy left before he moved on with his life.
In early 497, Kómma gave birth to her third and heiress, Princess Via Diamond. A huge party was thrown celebrating the future Queen of Sunar. Mornsia was very pleased with the new baby girl and hopeful for her bright future. She also noticed that Via was a lot like her mother when she was a baby and was very cheerful and happy. Ektos would also bring a new member of the family with his oldest Lord George. Mornsia was happy seeing her family grow so much.
In mid 499, Ektos had his second, Lord William. Mornsia found herself attending two parties that year as Kómma would give birth to her fourth, Prince Simieon Diamond. Mornsia and Nathera were happy with all the children filling up the castle. Some of the nobles said that the new children may have been comforting for them since they got to be apart in raising their grandchildren and got to be apart of something they missed out in due to the war.
Mornsia and Nathera did try to spend a lot more time with all their grandchildren, but it became difficult as they got older in age. Kómma was too busy with her reign to organize get-togethers with her brothers so that her parents could see the children. Due to this, Mornsia and Nathera built a stronger bond with Kómma's children since they lived in the castle with them. This did bother Mornsia a little bit, but she didn't mind too much as she got used to this life.
The year 500 rolled around, and this was a big year for Sunar. The kingdom had been around for half of a millennium, and the biggest party was thrown to celebrate. Mornsia was pleased that her daughter was in charge of the festivals since she was an expert. To add on to the celebration, Kómma asked Mornsia if she wouldn't mind putting on her old Queen's dress and walking around the town with her and Via. Mornsia decided it would be fun despite the cold and all of Sunar got a chance to see the three generations of the royals. 
In late 500, Queen Kómma Diamond gave birth to her fifth and the first Princess of the century, Princess Karla Diamond. Another party was thrown to welcome the new baby and Mornsia was happy to have another baby to look after and teach.
In early 501, Teleftaios would be married to Princess Susta of the Carterback Kingdom. Mornsia was happy for her son but a little bit sad having her youngest now married off and moved out. It also reminded her that her other children would never get these moments with their children.
Mid 501 would bring many tragedies to the royal family. All of Kómma's children were struck with very high fevers. The physicians believed that they all would pass away. They still did all that they could, but Prince Karlos and Prince Joseph Diamond passed away. The other children managed to survive, but Kómma was very upset. Mornsia when comforting her told the Queen, "Don't cry my dear, the Princes are in a better place now, a place with no pain among the stars." Kómma, who was pregnant, still had a hard time with the losses.
In early 502, Kómma would give birth to her sixth, Princess Aliana Diamond. Mornsia was happy for the new baby, but worried about Via. Via's little brother and sister were too young to remember their older brothers, but Via still asked about them and clearly remembered them. The Crown Princess was happy with the new baby and didn't seem to be angry that her older brothers were taken away and replaced. The royals were relieved and tried to move on from the deaths.
In mid 502, Teleftaios had his oldest, Lord Medi. Mornsia was happy for her son and very happy with the newest grandson since she had only been getting granddaughters. And in late 502, Ektos had his youngest, Lady Wendy.
In 503, Teleftaios had his second child, Lord Tosh. Mornsia and Nathera were happy with another grandchild and were proud to see how much their family had grown.
Nothing lasts forever. In mid 504, Mornsia's older brother Cladius passed away from old age. Mornsia was very upset when she received the letter but tried to stuff her emotions away from her family, insisting she was alright. And things seemed to get better with the birth of Teleftaios' third, Lady Nora. And later in mid 505, Kómma gave birth to her youngest, Princess Carmen Diamond. Mornsia felt like she could be happier with the new children.
But in late 505, King Father Nathera Diamond Volno passed away from natural causes. Mornsia had woken up to find her husband dead. She was broken by this death and wasn't herself. She was pained by all the memories of when they first met and how mean she was to him. She hardly left her room and often confided in the stars. Kómma invited her uncle Newbius to try and comfort his struggling sister. It did bring peace to the Queen Mother's mind having Newbius there, but the death still was hard on her.
Things seemed to only get worse for Mornsia when in mid 506, Newbius passed away. Mornsia was brought back to when Sunsta had died and all the pain had returned. She didn't understand why the universe was being so cruel to her. It took away all the people she loved while leaving her behind. The nobles noticed that the Queen Mother had a harsh attitude around them but was softer on her family. However, Mornsia was a very hard person to talk to since she had become so harsh. Even her grandchildren found it hard to try and cheer her up.
Queen Kómma Diamond, despite going through a hard time herself, decided she would try to cheer her mother up and lessen her pain. Many of the nobles thought the task to be impossible, but nobody objected since the woman was the Queen. Kómma, like so many years ago, was able to bring smiles to people's faces. She managed to get her mother to see the bright side of things in her life. She pointed out how Nathera was with all their other children, and her older brother wasn't alone now that he had Cladius and Newbius. She also made Mornsia realize she had all the ones she loved still with her. Her grandchildren, children, and some of her siblings were still there to love and support her. Kómma wanted her mother to have happy memories with her grandchildren rather than sad and depressing ones. And with Kómma's help, Mornsia was able to pick up her life, and move on.
In early 507, Teleftaios had his youngest, Lady Deathea. Mornsia was happy to see how far her family had come, and happy to see how her grandchildren were growing up. Many believe that the birth of Deathea, Mornsia's happiness increased.
On a night in late 507, Mornsia was performing her regular night routine when she heard the stars speak to her. She walked to the balcony and listened in, "The first one with eyes of a dragon cursed the first borns of those whole rule, we advise to only bare one." Mornsia thought about it for hours throughout the night when she finally decoded the message. She remembered of her ancestor Colina Diamond, and then remembered that she had casted a spell on Suna and Muna. That spell was a curse on the first borns. Mornsia burst out of her room, but as she did, Colina's spirit approached. Mornsia Diamond was found dead the floor at 63 years old. She was said to have died of natural causes. Sunar wept for their hero and their first Star Queen.
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chinchuqui · 3 years
Mornsia Diamond-The Morning Star (Pt. 2)
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Mornsia Diamond  The Morning Star 444-507 Reign: 465-492 Married to: Nathera Volno Children: Próta Diamond, Défteros Diamond, Agápi Diamond, Tétartos Diamond, Kómma Diamond, Ektos Diamond, Ogdoo Diamond, Enatos Diamond, Teleftaios Diamond
Florine’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/650090137175326720/florine-diamond-the-flower
Part 1: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/652285044057145344/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-1 Part 2 Part 3:
Kómma’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/656826245039931392/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-1
Mornsia and Nathera were wed in mid 464. The whole family celebrated the wedding and the kingdom was thrilled with the newest royal couple. All of Mornsia's siblings came up to congratulate their sister on opening the newest chapter in her life. It should be noted that when Newbius went to congratulate his little sister, he threatened that if Nathera ever broke her heart, he would tear his. Nathera was scared straight seeing his friend like this while Mornsia grew annoyed.
In 465, Mornsia Diamond was then crowned Queen of Sunar. She began to get very anxious knowing that her duty to end a tragedy was steadily approaching. No new Queen wants to have a very rocky reign, but tragedies do happen and Mornsia knew peace in Sunar couldn't be eternal. Nonetheless, Mornsia was very thrilled to be Queen.
In early 467, Newbius would get his turn in receiving the family's attention with his wedding. Mornsia gave a wonderful toast, but added a few embarrassing stories as revenge for how Newbius acted towards her husband. When confronted, Mornsia blamed it on her pregnancy mood.
In mid 467, Mornsia gave birth to a sweet baby girl and her heiress. Princess Próta Diamond had her mother's purple hair, her father's green eyes, freckles, and a weird shape triangle thing as her cheekmarks. The royal family was happy for the Queen.
The eye returned and this time displayed a missing person's poster, and what seemed like a child being murdered. Mornsia thought it was all a dream.
About a week later, Shortsta would have her wedding. Mornsia, despite having a baby the previous week, attended her little sister's wedding. When her mother asked her why she was out of bed she explained, "My dearest sister will only have this happy moment once. I wish to be a witness to the sun that will shine brightly as she weds the love of her life." It was a wonderful night and Shortsta got to spend some more time with her niece.
Time went by just as it had during the Queen's youth. Mornsia and Nathera ruled Sunar in peace and were well loved. They played with their daughter and worked to raise her well. Florine assisted her daughter with ruling from time to time. It was all just peaceful. It got so peaceful Sunar had forgotten Mornsia's role as a Star Queen.
In mid 468, Cladius had his wedding. Mornsia decided to tease her older brother just like she had with Newbius. She began talking about the times she beat him in wrestling contests and joked about his wife being the man and him the woman. Claudius found this irritating and shot glares at his little sister. This only irked Mornsia to tease him more. Nathera and Cladius's wife were then informed by Jet that these small moments reminded him of their bond back when Sunsta was alive.
One night in 469, Mornsia was preparing to go to bed when she heard the stars give her a message. "The stars celebrate and make room for one, but this one has a surprise with it." Not knowing what it meant, she went to bed. The next morning, Queen Mornsia gave birth to Prince Défteros and Prince Agápi Diamond. The Queen was 24 years old and surprised with the arrival of twins. They both were blessed with black hair and pink eyes. They'd be identical if Défteros didn't have his mother's freckles. The kingdom was happy with the baby boys. Mornsia began to try and listen to the stars again seeing as they were talking to her again. The servants thought this was strange but decided it was a "Star Queen thing."
In mid 469, Briloght got married. Mornsia was excited to have another wedding in the family. She and her sisters talked about their expectations for the future. Shortsta expressed her excitement of becoming a new mother and Mornsia talked about her children. It was a sweet bonding moment for the girls. But seeing Briloght move on made Mornsia realize that one day her own children would start their own families. She wasn't too happy about that.
In late 469 about a week after Mornsia and Nathera had a moment of love during a night, the Queen received the following message, "A moment of affection sparks a fire bright enough for a small star." The next morning Mornsia woke up feeling sick. The physician then confirmed it, Mornsia was pregnant.
In mid 470, Mornsia would give birth to Prince Tétartos Diamond. He was a very whiny baby with pink hair (from Florine), green eyes, and freckles. A 24 1/2 year old Mornsia was excited to welcome her newest baby. Although she was surprised a bit since she only intended on having three kids.
Another message would soon arrive to the Queen that stated, "Due to the cursed, we send you one that will shine brighter than all the smaller stars." Mornsia wasn't too surprised when she was told she was pregnant two weeks later. In mid 471, Queen Mornsia Diamond would give birth to a baby girl. Princess Kómma Diamond. She was a cheery girl with black hair, green eyes, and blue balloons as her cheekmarks.
By the age of one, Kómma already began to show her talent of making those around her smile. She hardly cried and the one of her nannies joked, "It's as if she already knows she's a Princess." Many said this attitude was derived from Mornsia when she cheered her family up after her brother's death. The way the two smiled was very similar and Kómma became a favorite of the nannies. Although Mornsia didn't know it, this favoritism of the nannies would only make Kómma’s life harder.
In mid 473, Marius got married. Mornsia stood up and gave a toast to her brother. Unlike her older brothers, Mornsia gave words of encouragement to her little brother. Newbius and Cladius were quick to catch onto this. When confronted, Mornsia pretended not to know what they were talking about.
In late 473, Mornsia would give birth to Prince Ektos Diamond. A boy with purple hair, pink eyes, and freckles. He looked the most like Mornsia out of all the Diamond children. The family was excited with the new arrival, and Mornsia was happy to see her family grow.
In late 474, Mornsia would give birth to two more Princesses. Princess Ogdoo Diamond was born with blue hair (from Ocina), green eyes, freckles, and a party hat as her cheekmarks. Her twin, Princess Enatos Diamond looked exactly like her but having a circle with triangles inside of it as her cheekmarks. Mornsia was happy to have two more girls and new additions to her already big family.
One day, Mornsia walked past Kómma. The two made eye contact and Mornsia noticed something off about her daughter. When she looked closer, she was shocked to see a huge bruise on her daughter's face. When questioned, Kómma just smiled stating she had fallen. Mornsia kept pushing her daughter to tell her, but Kómma wouldn't budge. It seemed as if the Princess was scared. About a month later, Mornsia caught Próta, Défteros, and Agápi bullying Kómma for her height. At only three years old, the child already reached to her 5 year-old-brother's chin. Mornsia yelled at her children and scolded them harshly. They got in even more trouble when Nathera found out. Mornsia then learned from a maid that Próta had caused the bruise on Kómma’s face. The Queen was livid when she learned this information. She punished her eldest daughter and was worried sick. Would Próta be that great of a Queen? She worried that maybe in the future, Próta may even kill her little sister.
In 475, Maxecus was wed to his soulmate. Mornsia was happy for her little brother and excited for him to share the joy of starting a family. One thing that caught everyone's interest was the Queen's dress. It was a style Florine often wore back in the 430s, but it had a spark of Mornsia in it. This dress was so popular that it would be placed in museums after her death.
Back to that night. It seemed to be a very fun night. Mornsia and her mother got a chance to talk about the kingdom and other things. Mentioning cute things the children said or did was one of the main topics. Mornsia then heard quiet crying in a closet. She opened the doors and found a crying Kómma. When she looked closer, her daughter was beat up. When Kómma looked at her mother she began panicking and begging Próta not to hurt her. Mornsia calmed her down and asked what was wrong. Kómma sobbed, "Défteros let me play a fighting game with Agápi and Próta. I lost." Mornsia touched her daughter's delicate face. Kómma then smiled and told her mother she was just fine. Mornsia was hurt that her daughter had learned to keep in her emotions at 4 years old.
Mornsia considered sending her daughter away to live with Newbius and his family. Nathera wasn't fond of the idea of sending his daughter away. He didn't want to send the message to Kómma that her family didn't want her or for her to forget them. The King and Queen then decided that Nathera would be with his daughter (along with a guard) at all times. This was the best option to protect the sweet child.
In early 476, a 31 1/2-year-old Queen Mornsia gave birth to her youngest. Prince Teleftaios Diamond was a baby boy with black hair, green eyes, and freckles. Mornsia was happy with the final baby and happy to have a big family just like her mother had. Sunar was content with its royal family.
In 477, Gocal got married, marking the last of Mornsia's siblings to be married. One thing that should be noted is that when Mornsia was giving her toast, she had Kómma standing next to her. It's believed she did this to show favoritism. But the truth is that she did it so that Kómma wasn't lured away by her older sister. Próta at one point did try to get Kómma to leave her mother's side. Mornsia who was talking to Duchess Quofer didn't notice. That is until Kómma let go of her hand. She turned around and caught the Crown Princess. She pulled Próta aside and harshly scolded her. Nathera would scold her after the party. After Próta left, Kómma asked why her mother was so mean to her older siblings. Mornsia, trying to stay strong, explained, "Kómma, my child, your brothers and sister are bullying you." Kómma’s happy expression shifted as she asked, "Why?" Mornsia hugged her daughter and mumbled, "That information is far from my reach, dear."
In early 478, King Father Jet Diamond Carterback passed away of natural causes. Mornsia was upset, but was there for her mother. Kómma then began assisting the Queen in cheering up Florine. Mornsia was happy and not surprised, and the servants began comparing Kómma and Mornsia. Many pointed out Kómma's natural ability to cheer up people where as it seemed Mornsia had to force it. Seeing Kómma and her grandmother laugh and interact reminded Mornsia of the times when she and Ocina would laugh like that. It left a sad feeling in Mornsia knowing she wouldn't do that with her grandmother ever again.
In 480, Queen Mother Florine Diamond passed away due to natural causes. Mornsia was very depressed respectively when she heard the news. She found it very hard to walk through the garden considering her mother adored the flowers. She was very quiet for the longest time and whispered when she did speak.
To make matters even more stressful, the feud between Próta and Kómma hadn't settled down. Many nobles stated that their relationship was much like Queen Violaina Diamond and her sister Harpaina Diamond's relationship. This didn't help with Mornsia's fears that Próta or Kómma may kill each other in the future. Mornsia tried her best to stop the tensions between the two. She organized many tea parties for all of her daughters in hope that the two would get closer and stop hating each other. But these parties didn't work, it only made things worse. It got so bad that Próta ended up throwing her tea cup at Kómma. It missed thankfully, but the hit could've blinded Princess Kómma. Mornsia desperately hoped for the day her daughters would get along. But that day would never come.
On Xiano 7th, 481 (mid 481), two days before Próta’s birthday, Princess Próta Diamond, Prince Défteros Diamond, Prince Tétartos Diamond, Princess Ogdoo Diamond, and Princess Enatos Diamond all went missing.
The Kingdom was put into a panicked state. Five of the Diamond children were gone without a trace. Mornsia and Nathera ran around the castle to make sure none of their other children went missing. Their sons were all fine, and Mornsia ran to make sure Kómma, the next in line, was safe. Kómma was just fine and Mornsia was relieved. King Nathera and others went out to try and track the location of the missing children. Guards were put around Kómma to make sure she didn't go missing. Nathera came back with not the most uplifting news.
Mornsia's children were kidnapped by the monsters as an act to try and take back Sunar. They took all the girls in hopes of ruining the royal line. But they missed one girl, the Princess Kómma Diamond. Mornsia wasn't happy at all but was relieved to hear that all her kids were alive so they had a chance of getting them back. Mornsia found it odd, the monsters hadn't bothered Sunar ever since Sunarpendance. Could this be the tragedy that she was meant to end? Mornsia was then informed that the monsters had attacked the vacation home that Shortsta was staying at. Luckily, Lord Aisto of House Firestone (which would also become a kingdom later) was able to fight off the monsters long enough to retrieve Shortsta and her family. Mornsia was so happy to see her sister alive.
To honor Lord Firestone's brave act, Mornsia offered him any reward he saw fit. The man only asked that his nephew, Costico Firestone (468-529) who was left an orphan to be engaged to the Princess Kómma Diamond. Mornsia agreed but decided not to tell the children until they were older.
After long debates, Nathera and Mornsia came to the conclusion that Sunar wasn't safe for their remaining children. Mornsia decided to send them (along with Costico) to the neighboring kingdom Sabiar to live with the royal household Lostoos. The family all said their last goodbyes, knowing it would be a long time until they each other again. Seeing the carriage leave, Mornsia thought of all the time she would miss. Watching her children grow would slip out of her grasp, and it broke her heart. But this was for the best.
Soon enough, plans were made to rescue the royal children. And in late 481, Mornsia, Nathera, and the guards all stormed the tower they were trapped in. Mornsia was the first one to rush in, hoping to hear her kids call for her and run up to her. Mornsia rushed into the dungeon of the tower and froze. Her children were killed three days before their arrival. The guards caught the monsters and the nobles and Nathera began questioning them where the children were. But they all stopped hearing the desperate cries of the Queen. They all knew that it was too late. Duchess Quofer described the cry as, "A joy-stripping sound that can make any parent's heart sink knowing a child's life was taken." The murders became known as "The five lost Diamonds."
Mornsia knew the monsters wouldn't stop until they had the wand, and then they would go after Kómma. The wand wasn't safe in Sunar. Mornsia called Shortsta and asked her to take the wand to Sabiar. She chose Shorsta since she was a Diamond and could use the wand if she found herself in any trouble. Mornsia also sent a letter arranging Kómma's Song Day Festival if she was still in Sabiar. Soon after Shortsta's departure, Mornsia declared war on the Underworld whose King arranged the assassinations.
The year 482 was full of grief for the Queen. She and Nathera had a hard time thinking about how helpless their children were. Mornsia became very quiet and stayed inside her castle watching war rage on. She then looked at her cheekmarks and remembered her duty to Sunar. This was the tragedy she was supposed to end. Win the current war raging on. In mid 482, Nathera ended up getting severely wounded in battle requiring him to stay in bed for the next few weeks. The Queen was worried and felt even worse seeing how deadly things were getting without her magic. Mornsia, with a shattered heart, picked up the memories of her children and walked out on the battlefield. By early 483, she was ready to fight. Sunar felt more hopeful knowing their Queen was there to fight. And the demons' confidence shattered with her addition.
Mornsia was a pretty hard fighter and stood strong in her battles. She did have to be trained by guards, but she mostly used her Magestity form to fight. However, in mid 483, a monster shot the Queen with an arrow that went straight through her torso. She was rushed back to the castle immediately. Physicians predicted that the Queen wouldn't make it. Nathera feared that he would lose his wife and that his daughter would have to come and rule a kingdom in war. Then a skilled physician came over and healed the Queen at the cost that she would no longer be allowed to fight.
Mornsia had done the same thing she did before she fought in the war. She sat and watched. She began to feel even more useless knowing her people were dying while she watched in a safe castle. To cope with the guilt, she decided to go into the royal archives. She looked at old portraits of her family, and held the dolls she used to play with when she was younger. She came across a doll of her grandmother Ocina Diamond and began to cry. She was reminded of the stories her grandmother used to tell her and all the good times the two shared. She then placed the doll down and decided that if Sunar won the war, she would dub it the Monster Rebellion.
Mornsia then tried to live her life as it was before the war began. She held meetings with her nobles and dealt with matters of the kingdom. However, this leading of a normal life would cause a great pain in the Queen. She was constantly reminded things weren't normal when the absence of her children grew more and more. She was still in great mourning over the loss of her children, and she knew that pain would never leave. She also began to wonder how her surviving children were doing. It caused great discord in the Queen's mind when she tried to imagine their faces at their respective ages. She never could manage to see them older than when they left. She wondered how much they've grown. Did Agápi have his own friends and a potential future wife? Had Kómma and Costico began loving each other? Was Ektos into stars just as much as his mother? How big had Teleftaios gotten? She began to think she would never see her children again.
The stars then spoke to Mornsia again. It was on a clear night just two days into the new year of 488. Mornsia received the following message, "The seed of advice was planted, and it takes tears of a star to grow it into a beautiful era of peace." Mornsia was a bit confused and decided to sleep on it. It didn't make sense until the next day when Shortsta and Newbius were discussing how Nathera and Mornsia's relationship evolved into something beautiful. Mornsia then remembered the advice her mother gave her, "A fool would let their emotions dictate their actions. A Queen's actions are dictated by the well-being of her people and what's best for the kingdom." Mornsia then gathered her emotions and knew what she had to do.
Mornsia called a meeting with the generals, nobles, and her husband. She instructed them to keep the monsters at bay, but to not kill them. Her men were confused and asked what was her plan. She only said, "My mother once gave me advice that was lost long ago within my memories. And I have figured out what I am to do and what's best for my kingdom." The Queen then revealed she would be going to the Underworld, alone.
Nathera wasn't happy at all and begged Mornsia not to go alone, to take guards at least. Mornsia smiled and declined. She told him it would ruin what she had planned. Mornsia took his hand and assured him she would be fine, and that this would save Sunar. She asked him to do his part and to have faith in her. She then set off.
When she arrived, the place looked like it was half-populated. It never struck Mornsia how badly the monster population had been suffering since Sunarpendance. She didn't make it too far until she was spotted and apprehended. She was roughly handled and brought to King Underwillow. Mornsia was determined to bring her kingdom peace.
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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Queen Florine Diamond helping her daughter, Princess Mornsia Diamond, walk on a nice summer night. 
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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King Nathera Diamond Volno Info.  Married to: Mornsia Diamond Children: Próta Diamond, Défteros Diamond, Agápi Diamond, Tétartos Diamond, Kómma Diamond, Ektos Diamond, Ogdoo Diamond, Enatos Diamond, Teleftaios Diamond 20th King of Sunar
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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Princess Mornsia Diamond receiving the wand on her 14th birthday. A bright little girl ready to observe the stars!
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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“In the night, Only shone the morning star, Setting the Legacy of Stars Forever more.”
Mornsia’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/652285044057145344/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-1
Star Queens work differently in my universe. In Sunarverse, Star Queens are sent to end a tragedy or war. Or something that plague's society (like racism or sexism). Mornsia was sent by the Star God to end a war. Setting the legacy of Star Queens in motion. However her actions would cause her daughter to fail her test later on in her life.
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chinchuqui · 3 years
Mornsia Diamond-The Morning Star (Pt. 1)
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Mornsia Diamond The Morning Star 444-507 Reign: 465-492 Married to: Nathera Volno Children: Próta Diamond, Défteros Diamond, Agápi Diamond, Tétartos Diamond, Kómma Diamond, Ektos Diamond, Ogdoo Diamond, Enatos Diamond, Teleftaios Diamond 
Florine’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/650090137175326720/florine-diamond-the-flower
Part 1 Part 2:  https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/654435508184907776/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-2 Part 3: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/655701619589218304/mornsia-diamond-the-morning-star-pt-3
Kómma’s BIO: https://chinchuqui.tumblr.com/post/656826245039931392/k%C3%B3mma-diamond-the-fun-pt-1
Mornsia Diamond was born in 444 to Queen Florine and King Jet Diamond. The came into Sunar when it was at its dark ages. She had purple hair from her father, her mother's pink eyes, freckles, and stars with dust as her cheekmarks.
Mornsia was not an only child. She had three older brothers. Prince Sunsta who was 4, Prince Newbius who was 1 1/2, and Prince Cladius who was 1. Mornsia was a huge relief to her parents who had struggled to get a baby girl. Sunar was excited not only that their future Queen was born, but Mornsia was a Star Queen, so they wondered what tragedy she would end. Although her brothers didn't notice it at first, Mornsia was the favorite of all the people in Sunar.
Mornsia would grow very close to the adults in her life, especially her grandmother Queen Mother Ocina Diamond. She also would form a very tight bond with her brothers. Out of all of them, she was the closest to her oldest brother, Prince Sunsta.
Mornsia wouldn't remain the baby of the family forever. She would soon be informed in late 446 her mother would have another baby. Mornsia didn't quite understand what this meant, but was happy since everyone else was. In 447, Princess Shortsta would be born when Mornsia was 2 1/2. Mornsia was very happy to have a little sister to play with. Shortsta was not a quiet baby, and she would cry, a lot. Mornsia's older brothers tried to calm her down along with the nannies, but Mornsia (along with her parents) was the only one who could calm down the baby. It was easy to see who Shortsta preferred. Some of the Princes did get a bit jealous since they wanted to hold the baby, and they threw fits and cried to their mother. Florine's solution? Have the boys all gather around Mornsia and hold half of Shortsta in their arms. This surprisingly worked.
In early 448, Mornsia and her siblings' lives would be put at risk. Normally Mornsia's older brothers would protect their little sisters. It sometimes got annoying, but Mornsia always felt safe. However, one day, Mornsia was all by herself in her room. She was playing with her dolls when her nanny was called to the kitchen. She figured the Princess would be alright so she left her. Mornsia's Aunt, Naterine the 2nd, would walk in, knife in hand. Mornsia smiled, but that smile quickly faded as her Aunt raised the weapon. However, a bright light would flash and her Aunt was gone. Naterine would be caught later and banished. Mornsia's nanny thought the Princess had a strange dream when she was told of the incident. Mornsia never told her mother since nobody believed her, and she herself grew to think it was a dream. However, this so called "dream" would forever stick with her. It would come back to her even in her old age. It made her often think, did she dream the events of that day?
In mid 448, Mornsia would win another pair of siblings. Princess Briloght and Prince Marius Diamond, the royal twins. Mornsia was happy to have more siblings, and was excited to share the world they lived in with them. Her brothers were all happy as well. Shortsta was a bit too young to understand what was happening, but was kind to the new babies when she interacted with them.
Mornsia and her grandmother, Ocina had a very strong bond. They often set time for each other everyday and would talk about all sorts of things. When Mornsia was old enough, Ocina began to tell her of the stories from her days of sailing. Mornsia was so amazed to hear about the lands outside of Sunar, and was inspired by the woman. Mornsia during these stories would often ask, "Will I ever go on these marvelous adventures Grandmama?" Ocina would put on a smile and respond, "Perhaps when you're Queen my dear, you get to decide."
The nobles would often try to charm Mornsia, or force their children to befriend the Crown Princess. Mornsia wasn't too fond of this since she had enough friends with her siblings. She would try to be polite and sit there through all their chatter, but only her mother's presence could stop her from punching a noble.
Ocina and Mornsia also gained a habit of teasing Florine about her seasickness. It was a grandmother granddaughter thing the two had. Florine wasn't very fond of this, and often took her daughter away every time it was brought up. Often mumbling about how horrible her experience was. Mornsia would also begin to look at the stars, and her love for them grew. This relationship can almost be described as a mother and child bond, but not quite. Florine often had to put her daughter to be when Mornsia didn't listen to her nannies.
One night, Ocina decided she would put the princess to bed. Mornsia protested, "But Grandmama! The stars are so beautiful, don't you agree?" Ocina smiled, "Yes, they are. When we sailed, we used the stars to guide us through the mighty waves. So many stars." "I want to see," Mornsia exclaimed. "Hmm, perhaps when after your brother's 14th birthday," Ocina suggested. "Which one?" "Sunsta you silly Star." "Promise?" "I promise my little star, now, go to sleep." "Ok! I love you Grandmama!" "I love you too Mornsia."
Mornsia's mother would fall pregnant once again, leaving the Princess excited for a new sibling. In 450, Prince Maxecus Diamond was born when Mornsia was 6. All the royal children were excited with the arrival of a new baby brother. But they were all surprised when Florine would fall pregnant once again. In 451, Prince Gocal Diamond would be born when she was 7. The youngest Diamond much to the children's pleasure. All the siblings were pretty close with one another, and often tried to help their nannies with the new babies. Each wanted to get a chance to meet the newest additions. Sunsta was the most experienced due to being the oldest, but that didn't stop friendly competition between him and Newbius.
After Gocal's birth, Mornsia became the 4th child out of 9 children in the Diamond family. The castle was full of children. Like I said before, Mornsia was closest to her older brothers. Having sisters was great for the Princess, but they were too young in her eyes and she had a harder time connecting with them. She did spend time with them, but the three older Princes were often seen with the Crown Princess.
The Crown Princess was closest to her older brother Sunsta. This bond had bloomed when Mornsia was a toddler, and servants said the two were always together. Many nobles joked that they were actually twins that were just separated by the will of the fates. I myself have at least never seen the two apart. When asked why she was with Sunsta a lot, she would respond, "He's my best friend!" I do have to admit, Sunsta was a very good brother. He would offer Mornsia advice, listen to her rant about stars, comfort her, and protect her. The two would often gaze at stars with each other.
Newbius was more playful, and the two would often mock nobles together. They also would spend a lot of time making things up and just messing around. Cladius didn't seem to have much in common with her, and it seemed like Mornsia would force him to spend time with her. Many whispered that in his eyes, Mornsia was just the sweet little baby who got all the love and attention. Nonetheless, the four were very tightknit with one another. The Queen and King were very happy for their children.
454 would be marked as the second worst year of Mornsia's life, 481 being the worst. It was Sunsta's 14th birthday, and the whole court celebrated. Mornsia was said to be the happiest one there, and it wasn't even her birthday. She not only was excited to see her older brother grow up, but she would now go out and sail with her grandmother. However, the younger children had issues and the nannies couldn't handle it. Mornsia dealt with Maxecus while Cladius dealt with Gocal. Mornsia was tasked with reading the Prince to sleep. After Maxecus fell asleep (which took 30 minutes), Mornsia went to bed. However, she reports that she had a very bad feeling in her heart, but brushed it off. She would wish she didn’t. 
Mornsia would awake to the cry of her mother the next morning. She and her brother Newbius rushed to see what was wrong. Mornsia's eyes would go wide as she saw her dead grandparents and brother. They all died from poison. Mornsia and Newbius were ushered away by their nanny. When they entered another room, Mornsia fell to the ground and let out a loud sob and began to puke. Newbius and the nanny kneeled beside her and rubbed her back. Newbius sniffled, trying to stay strong for his sister, but he couldn't hold it in. Mornsia finished puking and her nanny pulled the two royals in for a hug, reassuring them it would all be ok. The ones behind the murder were never caught.
Mornsia cried so much that the Sunarians called her tears, "Teardrops of a fallen Star." She would rarely leave her room, she didn't eat, and the only place she went to when she did leave her room was the royal cemetery. She would visit her grandmother's grave first, and talk about all the adventures they could've had. Being only 9, Mornsia would often cry, "You promised me! Why would you leave me!? Grandmama!" She then would go to her grandfather's grave and tell him about her day and all the silly things her siblings did. She would then visited Sunsta's grave. She talked to him about her feelings, even if he wasn't there. Everybody became more strict on Mornsia ever since the murder, and all feared she would be targeted next.
One may think that Mornsia got her title from her infamous nights of staring at the stars. But that one would be stood corrected. After her brother's death is when Mornsia's title was given to her. One night, Mornsia stared up at the night sky. The maids reported that when walking past her room, they heard her speaking. They looked in and she was talking to the stars. They were a bit weirded out by the incident, but the rumors spread quickly. Many speculated that Mornsia's grief drove her to madness. But the stars were indeed talking to the young Princess. She got a message, "The moon falls and rises, and the stars follow its pattern. Through clouds, it may seem dim, but the star still shines. And it shines even brighter once the clouds clears." What many people don't know is that Mornsia was visited by her older brother's spirit. I will not disclose what was discussed that night, some things should remain secret.
After that night, Mornsia underwent a change that shocked many. She was now a very bright and cheerful girl, and managed to cheer up those around her. She would always keep a smile on her family's faces, and reassure them that all would be alright. She was a true light in the dark world, and many speculated that this was the tragedy that she would end. However, the tragedy she would end had yet to arise. Many stated that she was a lot like Sunar's lost Princess, Poldaka Diamond. Florine freaked out a bit considering Poldaka's death. Mornsia asked her mother about this Princess, and her mother responded, "Go look her up in the library."
The fire of 283 had damaged a lot of records, and Mornsia had a hard time finding anything. (She was also looking in all the wrong places) She then came across a journal entry from her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-gandmother Queen Detectiva Diamond. She sat down and it was a case file. She worried a bit wondering what her ancestor had done. She opened it and read, "Princess Poldaka Diamond. 10 A.S-22 A.S. Daughter of Queen Sunria Diamond and younger sister of Queen Magestia Diamond. (One should note she would always torture her older sister) She was always able to make anyone smile and was a true joy. However, she began to go a little crazy seen with evidence of her pranks(?). In 22 A.S she mysteriously drowned. I conclude that Her Highness suffered a hallucination attack in the tub. She was 12 when she passed." Mornsia shook her head and didn't see the resemblance at all, and she sure didn't want to be Sunar's lost Princess seeing how she went out.
In 455, Newbius took an interest in stars. Knowing his sister also loved them and was more experienced in the subject than he was. So he asked Mornsia if they could study astronomy together. Mornsia hesitated at first for two reasons. 1: She didn't want another child to be interested in stars in the family in fear of losing her uniqueness. 2: She didn't want to get too close to her older brother in fear that he would leave her too. Despite her fears and concerns, she decided to study with Newbius. He was going to study anyways, why not join in?
In late 457 at age 13, Mornsia would run into Nathera Volno. He was a boy two years older than her who wore the traits of black hair and green eyes. He was wandering the castle when she encountered him. The two gave a glance before Nathera made a comment and mocked her for her love of the stars. He then nicknamed her, "Star Struck Princess." Mornsia insulted him back and then went to her mother about the situation. She told her mother to behead the boy for daring to mock The Crown Princess. Florine sighed and replied with, "A fool would let their emotions dictate their actions. A Queen's actions are dictated by the well-being of her people and what's best for the kingdom, dear." She then walked away. Mornsia stared at the back of her mother's head, anger fuming from her ears. On the bright side, she wouldn't have to see Nathera, right?
Mornsia would be stood corrected a week later when Newbius introduced her to his best friend: Nathera. The two glared at each other when seeing one another once more. This annoyed the Princess, but it hurt her more. When Nathera came into the picture, Newbius stopped studying the stars with Mornsia and did it on his own time. Mornsia lost her brother, but it was not to death. And she found herself all alone again.
The day came in 458. Crown Princess Mornsia Diamond inherited the royal wand. The girl was very excited to finally make her own spells and make a mark on our history. More surprises would be in store. Her parents gifted the girl a telescope. Mornsia was very grateful and excited. She would spend even more nights staring at the stars, or as she dubbed them, "her stars."
Two weeks later, Mornsia was walking through the garden when an animal (she couldn't tell what) attacked her. She freaked out and was able to get guards to release it, but it had ripped the sleeves of her dress. Mornsia ended up liking the fashion. Yes, sleeveless dresses were a common thing in the royal family, but they were often associated with Beautia. Many were a bit worried that Mornsia would become like her ancestor, but she just went on with life as normal. The sleeveless dresses were then associated with the Star Princess rather than Beautia and many noble women began to wear them.
In 459, Mornsia had her Song Day Festival, "The Morning Star." Mornsia had a great time, until she realized Newbius invited Nathera to sit with him and his little sister. She was not pleased whatsoever, and the two shot angry glares at each other the entire time. However, Mornsia began to feel odd about Nathera, and she didn't know what it was. Later that night, Mornsia was about to get into bed when she heard, "Hello my little star." She whipped her head around to see Sunria and her grandmother. She was so shocked and began to cry. They all talked about subjects regarding the future, and how she would rule. Mornsia was a bit sad she would have to say goodbye to Ocina once again.
You surely have heard of cases where girls tend to gain romantic feelings for their older brother's best friend. Mornsia was not able to avoid such an arrow. In 460, those warm feelings developed into a crush for the Crown Princess. She would try her best not to show it to the boy, but she needed to vent it out to someone. Shortsta was 13 and Briloght 12 making Mornsia feel they were old enough to talk about these things to. This is also around the time the Diamond Princesses' relationship began to grow.
Prince Conser of the Cana Kingdom began to visit a lot. He seemed to be more interested in the Crown Princess than in making relations with the Queen. The two would chat and Mornsia got a sense that the royal liked her. This was also due to the fact that the boy kept sending her roses. Mornsia also noticed a slight annoyance in Nathera whenever the Prince would visit. Mornsia thought he just had something against royals other than her brother.
In 462, Shortsta had her Song Day Festival. Mornsia was 18 now, and was happy to see her sisters grow up and see the events she went through. After the festival, Mornsia was walking down an empty hallway, alone. She ran into Conser, and he tried to force her to do things she didn't want to do. Mornsia cried for help, but nobody was around. She waited for it all to be over when she heard Conser let out a yelp. She opened her eyes to see Nathera standing over Conser. He had punched the man and looked angrier than Mornsia had ever seen him. Conser ran away and Nathera asked if Mornsia was ok. She asked, "W-Why did you do that?" "Even if you don't like me, I wasn't going to let my best friend's little sister have her life ruined. And I never liked that pampered spoiled brat," Nathera explained. Mornsia giggled before she broke down in Nathera's arms, and after an hour, they confessed their true feelings. They began a courtship, and wouldn't tell Newbius until a week later. He was very shocked and was a bit more strict on Nathera. Mornsia found it amusing.
In 467, Princess Briloght had her Song Day Festival. Mornsia was very excited for her little sister and was very happy to see her reach 15 years of life. Nathera was invited this time by the Crown Princess herself. After spending time with Briloght, she decided to go and sit next to him. They talked for a while, and things got a little romantic. It started with kissing, then, well, Mornsia lost the right to be called a maiden that night.
Speaking of the two, just like her parents, Mornsia and Nathera were deeply in love. They spent a lot of time together to the point that Newbius got a bit frustrated that his little sister stole his best friend. If I were to describe every single date they went on, this biography would be 10x the length of Queen Sealish Diamond. I will describe two of the most memorable moments in my opinion.
Date 1: Death Flower Mid 463 Nathera and Mornsia went on a walk through the castle garden. It was a lovely time, and Mornsia didn't want it to end. Nathera then lifted his hand and had a flower in his hand. He said it was all show and he wanted to impress the Princess, and she found it very interesting. But it turned out that the flower was an illness that Nathera almost died from. He had to get the flower removed. He lived, and Mornsia was not happy with him.
Date 2: Star Kiss Spell Late 463 Nathera and Mornsia were in the Princess's room, and Mornsia was practicing her spells. Nathera was impressed and asked to see one of her spells. Mornsia happily began to perform it. As she was finishing it, Nathera pulled her into a kiss. She was shocked that the spell turned into a love spell. This spell would increase the romantic feelings of your partner, and was the only love spell Mornsia ever made. Then what happened on Briloght's Song Day Festival would repeat.
Nathera would propose to Mornsia in early 464. Mornsia eagerly said yes as she jumped into his arms. Her parents were happy and so were her siblings. Well, Newbius was a bit weirded out about the situation, but he slowly came around. They would marry in mid 464. 
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chinchuqui · 3 years
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Ocina singing to her daughter while a thunderstorm rages outside, Florine always found comfort within her mother.
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