chiharuyukihana · 9 years
you from singapore? me too!!
Hi there Anon :3 Yes i'm from Singapore :D
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chiharuyukihana · 9 years
Do you have the story for last Christmas' BMPG event? The royal x-mas in the palace one. I can't seem to find Wilfred's route for that event and that saddens me deeply ;-;
Hi Anon, thank you for asking :) My apologies for the super late reply as well! Unfortunately, i do not upload stories online. But i do have the CGs for the event here. And the gacha scenes here.
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chiharuyukihana · 9 years
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prince-keith-from-liberty / kissise. Thank you so much! Your lovely giveaway item has arrived in Singapore safe & sound! I love it! And i am using it in my office <3 *hugs & kisses*
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
Are any of the games you're playing have a Christmas spinoff or will have them?
Hi Anon! I’m actually on hiatus mode at the moment. So i’m only active on the social apps. It’s a little tough juggling in between work and the games. I think there were a couple of christmas spin offs. I’ll link the post to the titles.
10 days with my devil | Be My Princess | Love Letter From Thief X | My Forged Wedding | My Sweet Bodyguard | Pirates In Love 1
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
Who is your fav OTBS Character.
My choice is in between Minato & Kaoru actually! XD I like how “Tsun” Minato is but i also like how clueless kaoru is too :D
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
I'm looking for someone who managed to screenshot the scene you get once you get Seiji Goto's gothic bed at MSB GREE from secret series. Do you happen to have it? I finally got it but it didn't load. :( Thanks! :)
Hi Anon, I’m sorry i’m afraid i do not have it. I did not screenshoot any gacha scenes, only event ones.
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
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Be My Princess Party is coming soon! Gotta save up. Gotta save up money
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
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«Shall We Date: The Niflheim» New Release! Thank you in advance if you use my game invite id: PWmbMtSSYW
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
(I was anon talking a put baby story for DN.) I wasn't offended at all. In fact I'm a bit embarrassed that I sort of came off a bit cross even! I'm just one of those sad people that think of something too much and then it blows up in my head. I do agree with you on the part that it leaves room for imagination but there's that little fangirl in me that just wants to see Yoshitsune get all blushy and excited over a baby when he doesn't even have a Happy Baby News side story. (._.) pitiful, I am.
Hello Anon! First off, let me give you a hug and a pat!
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There’s no need to be embarrassed at all! You were expressing your views :) There’s no right and wrong to it. I think you are an awesome person! I will only think that you are a very sad person if you can’t even express how you feel about things. Everyone has a right to express themselves! And we are all fangirls to the characters we love/adore/admire/etc XD Well, if they do not release a story, you can “make” one out on your own. Dictate an ending that would satisfy yourself! Well, the app introduces the characters to us~ So we can’t have everything go our way. But i still think you can always feedback to Destiny Ninja. I know that the recent title, Ninja Assassin is actually enabling the voting system on different scenarios they have been given by players :)
I just managed to clear my ask that’s been sitting in my mailbox for ages. I’m glad that you read my reply :) Feel free to drop me an ask anytime. Although i might take sometime to reply. Once again, thank you very much for asking!
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
How I can pass at season 3?
Hi there anon, thank you very much for asking! My apologies for the late reply. Unfortunately i do not have an answer to your question above. If you can’t progress on, it could be because the game has not released the season that you want to access.
Assuming that you are asking about releases for Voltage inc’s titles, you can view here. The site provides releases of their titles on a monthly basis.
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
Hey, I've only recently finished the first season of Serendipity Next Door with Masaomi. I want to move onto the next season but it won't let me. Do I have to finish everyone's story?
Hello eyesthroughwater! Thank you very much for asking. My apologies for replying this so late. I’m assuming that you might already have your answer to your question. But i’m still gonna reply to it in case you haven’t. I think that Serendipity Next Door has only season 1 of the stories released at the moment. You can keep yourself updated here. They provide releases of voltage inc stories on a monthly basis.
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
Do I have to buy the ribbon dress and glasses as a set?? Or can I buy them one at a time??
Hi there anon, thank you very much for asking. I apologise for my super late reply. Unfortunately, i do not have an answer to your question because i do not know which game you asking help for. Feel free to drop me another ask if you have any other questions, assuming that you might already have an answer to your question above :) Good day to you.
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
be my princess 2 aslan walkthrough
Hi there anon, thank you very much for asking. I do apologize for my late reply. As much as i would like to do walkthroughs for all available otome games, i’m not able to do so due to time constraints. So i’m only able to provide what i have posted on my tumblr for now. But i am very sure there loads of walthroughs for the one you have requested for :) Good day to you.
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
Hey there, beautiful person! Send this to 10 of your followers who really deserve this wonderful message, alrighty? ;) Spread the love around and make everyone feel especially awesome today!♥
Thank you very much my 臭豆腐, nipnongblocks! I haven’t been around much cause of work! So i’m delighted to see that i’m not forgotten! Here’s a smothering hug from me to you!
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
I just started playing the game and I'm 5 episodes in how do I continue
Hi there anon! Thank you very much for asking. I’m also really sorry for this super late reply. Unfortunately i do not have an answer to your question as you did not state which game you are asking help for.
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
what was your favorite bmp2 prince route? :)
Hi there anon! Thank you for asking! My apologies for the super late reply! Unfortunately i have too busy at work that i only played Hayden’s route! So i do not have a favorite prince as of now :)
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chiharuyukihana · 10 years
When is season 2 comming out?
Hi there anon, thank you very much for asking. Assuming that you are asking about titles from voltage inc. I do not know the exact release dates for the stories. But you can refer to this link to keep yourself updated for their monthly releases for all their titles :)
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