chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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$20.00 that's all it takes. On average we spend $20.00 or more on
•Getting our nails done💅
•Eating out🍴
•Trips to the mall🛍
Tomorrow is the last day to join me in making $200-$3,000 a month from your phone. For only $20.00❗Get out of your own way❗
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
I'm coming for everything they said I couldn't have!
-Boss Babe
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
Just a girl boss building her empire!
-Boss Babe
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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Just one of our many beautiful customers! Look at that difference.
She changed her life! And made herself a healthier future!
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
What would you do with an extra income?
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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Raise of hands who is nesting right now? 🙋🙋🙋🙋 I woke up this morning no energy, did not sleep last night all but an hour.
However housework needed to be done. So instead of the typical Maxwell House. Your girl grabbed some SKINNY COFFEE this morning. ☕☕☕☕
Let me tell you I'm so glad I did, it gave me the boost of energy I needed to get done everything in my house by 10:30am.
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
I did it!
Today I put away a whole paycheck in to savings for our dream house. Never in my life did I think I would be doing this.
I work from Wi-Fi, at home and I've never been happier.
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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Went to the OB and got a surprise!
While today marks 23 weeks 2 days for me we are measuring 27 weeks. That's 5 weeks ahead...
Doctor did not show to much concern, he told me to lightly exercise and he will see me in 4 weeks.
He then informed me he will be measuring me again in 4 weeks, and if we seem to still be measuring bigger then we will be getting another sonogram. And talking about the possibility of being induced early.
Mind you, my next appointment in 4 weeks I will officially be 27 weeks. So if I'm still measuring 5 weeks ahead I'll be measuring 32 weeks.
IDK if I'm more excited or scared.
Anyone else been through this?
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
For the past week I've been having on and off what seems like contractions. They are in my lower abdomen, radiate down my legs into my hips and lower back. They come and go, today I caved in and call my OB.
After desrcibing what was going on the nurse told me it could be a UTI! And went ahead and scheduled me an appointment for 2:30 this afternoon.
Anyone else ever have this? I feel like its more than that. Oh well we will see right?
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
Biggest Dream I have!
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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I always pictured myself as that women who would always have a 9-5 job no matter what happened in my life. Probably for the simple fact that growing up it was beaten into my head that 9-5 jobs are the only way to make money.
So I did what I was told started working at the age 15, now sure the paychecks were nice especially because I still was in high school I didn't have any bills.
As the years went on I graduated, still working that 9-5, in the middle of it all I got a degree and worked in the medical field. It was so rewarding being able to help others. Right around that time I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. There were days I could not even get out of my own way.
I started bouncing from job to job, nothing seemed to fit, my passion for medical was gone. Now I know alot of people may say you should just get on meds. Well I did plenty of them until we could find the right one. However something was still missing.
I knew all my life I was meant to be a wife and a mother. I knew o was meant to stay home take care of the kids, clean the house, run errands. It's just what I wanted in life. So where does that 9-5 job come in??? That's just it... It doesn't!
It wasn't until my fiancè and I were having fertility issues that it really smacked me in the face. I was going from job to job trying to find my niche trying to find my perfect fit. So far nothing until after 2.5 years we got a BFP(big fat positive) pregnancy test.
I looked at my fiancè and said "I'm done" We have tried so hard for this little peanut, we lost 3 babies in the process. As it was I still hadn't found the right job. So I said to him "Give me a year", well actually more than that my entire pregnancy and until the babies first birthday to find a stable income. He wasn't upset and agreed, we both wanted me to stay home the first year anyway.
During my time of being pregnant (currently NOW) I had to find a way to keep myself entertained. So I turned to Instagram and started talking about my pregnancy journey, connecting with other moms like myself. And although this was amazing it wasn't bringing in any income.
One day a mom reached out to me. Her story was almost like mine, she couldn't keep a job, had battled a miscarriage, and already had a baby boy, pregnant with her second. We had so much in common. There were two differences that set us apart...
She was pregnant with her second boy, already had a 1 year old. (I'm just now pregnant with my first son)
She was making money great money from home, a full time income from Wi-Fi and her phone. (I was not)
With talking to her a friendship formed, and as if that wasn't enough, I got so intrigued with her home buisness. I began doing research on my own. I studyed the buisness inside and out.
I finally reached out to her and said sign me up. I saw the income she was making, the everyday happiness on her face of not having a 9-5 job. But she was making a 9-5 job income.
Well needless to say I have not turned back since. Now I am making a full income at 6 months pregnant. I don't get up in a bad mood, due to having to leave for a job that's not me. I'm working from the comforts of my home.
I get PAID 5 TIMES A MONTH! and that will never change I will always get paid 5 times a month. I've been able to start a savings for our new house. We've been able to supply everything our rainbow baby is going to need and then some.
I've changed my life, and have helped so many other women do the same. I went for my dreams, and now those dreams are my day to day life.
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
23 Weeks as of yesturday!
23 weeks already, I feel like it has flown and yet has taken its time... Whatever sense that makes!
Just the thought of food makes me sick.
Lower back pain at 100%
Lack of sleep on high
Restless legs especially @ night
All I want to do is cry ALL THE TIME
Fearing labor already
That sums up how Ive been feeling!
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chelss0430-blog · 5 years
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As an expecting mom, I've been there. I've lived paycheck to paycheck! I've counted change just to get a gallon of milk. I had stacks of overdue bills I stressed out about, and cried about almost daily.
I'm here to let you know that doesn't have to be you. You can find financial freedom. You can live the life YOU DESERVE!
Message me, get YOUR life back!
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