cheapsugar · 5 days
SNIPPET #3 — vil x idia
vampire!vil and the human (?) he's captured.
she/he vil | he/they idia
Idia's eyes were wide as his back pressed onto the stone wall behind him. Vil can hear the way their heart pounds in their chest, like the lovely sound of a hummingbird's wings. She can hear the blood rushing—Idia sounded so alive. It made her...hungry.
He watches as Idia shakily cranes his neck to the side, leaving himself open like a fine wine Vil intends to indulge in.
She steps closer, hand resting on Idia's shoulder. "...Are you sure you want to do this?"
Idia nods at first, adam's apple bobbing as they swallow, before opening his mouth to speak. "Y-You said you haven't eaten all week, right?"
"That's true. But, I can hunt. I'm sure I can find some animal...or some unfortunate fool-"
"No!" Idia cuts in, surprising even himself it seems. Vil can only blink at them for a moment, before an eyebrow raises in question. "Don't..." Idia's eyes close, screwing shut as pink starts to work into their hair. "...find someone else."
Vil is still mildly confused, eyes darting around their face for some sort of answer. "You don't want me to feed on someone else?"
This question causes Idia's hair to adopt even more pink, it's nearly rushing away all the blue and it finally clicks in Vil.
She couldn't hold back the smirk even if she tried, laugh pushing out as a finger runs across Idia's neck. He uses the excuse of pushing hair away, but in truth he wishes to hear that rush of blood again.
"Idia..." She coos. "...I'll feed on you." 'From now on' is unspoken, but they both know it to be there anyway. It causes Vil's undead chest to blossom with a feeling of love.
Nothing more is said as Vil leans forward. Idia smells delectable—the sweet smell of amaryllis and pomegranate. And there's that rush of desire in them that adds that extra layer of fragrance that can only be described as simply Idia.
Hand cups Idia's cheek, thumb caressing the skin there before she leans over and bites.
She can feel Idia tense, hear the rush of air they breathe in before sagging against the wall. The euphoric numbing feeling of a vampire's bite starting to take into effect, their hands wrap around Vil's waist. And as that ecstasy takes them away, their intoxicating blood takes Vil away with them.
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cheapsugar · 19 days
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SNIPPET #2 — vil x idia
vil uses she/he
Idia uses he/they
parents! domestic! nameless daughter! yay!
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cheapsugar · 27 days
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SNIPPET #1: vil x idia
so, i decided i’ll also post little slices of scenes that i don’t have any plot/planned fic for but i just wanted to write! so, here’s a little domestic scene!
NOTE: vil uses she/he and idia uses he/they
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cheapsugar · 1 month
Sure, I’ll post it here! I uh, wrote a fanfic today! Wrote it, edited it and posted it all on the same day because I’m thee most impatient being in the world!
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cheapsugar · 1 month
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ONE SHOT 01. vil x idia title: konami romance contains: fluff, playing video games summary: idia's playing his favorite mmorpg. vil decides he wants to try too. note: very clearly came up with a little... parody? of ffxiv here. but, please know i know nothing about that game so i took creative liberties! i hope you like it! this will be uploaded to ao3 as well.
Despite his ever busy schedule, Vil always made sure to dedicate at least one day nearly entirely to Idia every week. A sort of arrangement that Vil was quite surprised to hear Idia have some reservations about. The "loner otaku" didn't want to be so alone after all. Having someone else to care for, for what must've felt like the first time in so long, Idia had found himself really wanting to just... be around Vil.
It was incredibly sweet, Vil had to admit. And he did feel bad about having to squeeze time between the school week to see him, resulting in maybe two? Three hours a few days a week? It's something they're still both working on.
So, it's quite a surprise when Vil finds himself just... sitting on Idia's bed. Alone. He's flipping idly through a magazine filled with anime and manga news, all in a language he can't understand, keeping himself mildly busy as Idia begged to just play a little bit of Last Fantasies XIV. He had gone on about some sort of event going on... "raids" was a word used a few times, "limited edition armor"...?
He wasn't really sure. But what he was sure of was that he was unequivocally bored. Vil contemplated demanding Idia turn the game off, but... he knew he couldn't do it. Looking at his flame haired boyfriend, there was just so much sadness in his life... in the way he moved... Vil found it increasingly difficult to snuff out his happiness.
Fine. He's gone soft, but only for Idia. Something he does his best to hide when he's around others. But, in the privacy of Idia's room, Vil doesn't feel the need to put up a front.
At the end of the day, he just wanted to keep that genuine smile going for as long as he could. That's what he gets, he supposed, for playing the hero.
Eh, this wasn't a bad "consequence". If it even was one.
Closing the magazine, he turns until he's resting on his knees in the other's direction. "Idia." Vil called out, but his dear boyfriend had his headphones on. With a sigh, he calls out again. "Idia!"
"H-Huh?!" Idia pulls one side of his headphone away from his ear, eyes wide as he looks over at Vil.
"You know, it's incredibly rude to have your boyfriend over and then proceed to ignore him!" Vil starts. And this seems to make Idia cower just a bit in his seat, an apologetic look on his face.
"Ah, S-Sorry..." He pulls his headphones down to hang around his neck. "It's just this event is loaded with quality loot! I mean, my character is already pretty OP but it never hurts to add more stats, hehehe."
Idia sits up straighter, excitement leaking through his voice. "Usually, I hate playing with newbies, but this time I'm joining every open party I find! And if they're too slow to find the chests in time, that's on them! I'm teaching them a valuable lesson about the MMORPG world!"
All of that flew right over Vil's head, but he finds himself smiling somewhat anyways. He could tell that Idia wasn't being the nicest player around, but he wasn't going to chastise him for that. It was just a game, after all. And, anyways, shouldn't one do everything they can to better themselves?
Vil looks at the holographic screen, seeing Idia's character obediently standing there. He can also see people whizzing by to and fro, chat bubbles on the edge of the screen and the clearing they all seemed to be in.
"I'd like to try." Vil says, looking back at Idia. But he was surprised with what he was met with. "What's with that face?!"
"That face" was Idia staring at Vil, controller gripped tightly as Idia's eyes widen. His mouth was agape... Vil wasn't sure if he was breathing...?
"You..." Idia sounded almost breathless. "...You want to try out the game with me?"
There's more silence between them as Idia clearly takes time to process this. "...Seriously?"
Vil doesn't even have the ability to feel annoyed, Idia's reaction was quite humorous. A bit of a laugh leaves him as he moves to stand up, making his way to Idia. "Yes, Idia! Seriously!"
And that seemed to do the trick! Idia starts shuffling in his seat, finally fixing his god awful hunched posture as he reached a hand to his headphones to turn off the Bluetooth function. And just like that, Vil can hear the audio of the game fill up the room. He continues to watch as Idia finally seems to settle. Surprisingly, blue tips turn a soft pink as Idia clearly seems to be mulling something over.
Timidly, and after a swallow, a hand motions to the spot between his legs. "You um... you can sit here. The chair's pretty roomy so..." The sentence trails off.
Vil smiles, bending over to give Idia a quick kiss on the cheek. This makes the pink tips that much more brighter. Good, that's what he wanted.
Carefully, Vil takes the spot Idia offered and settles back into his boyfriend. He wasn't the type to admit it, but, he likes being held. And Idia seemed to like doing the holding. Vil takes a moment to admire the way the blues and pinks of Idia's hair seem to engulf him as well. It was gorgeous, Vil never shied away from reminding Idia of that. Fingers reach for a strand, twirling it momentarily, before he felt Idia's nose brush up against the side of his face.
"Mm, I can get used to this." Vil speaks. He feels Idia nod. Idia brings the controller over and in front of Vil, motioning for Vil to take a hold of it. When he does, Idia places his hands over his.
"So, this is Last Fantasies XIV. TLDR: you wake up in Lindow, one of the three villages that take up the continent of Erostey. The last thing you remember is fighting a hooded figure. Currently, we still don't know who these hooded figures are. The developers update the game about every few months and with each update we get more and more of the story." Idia starts, before using his thumb to make Vil move the character over to a large sign post.
"For the time being, you need money and XP. So you join the Explorers Guild and start to do things like Quests, Raids and Tasks. Quests pertain to things that effect the story of the game, Raids are basically for grinding and Tasks help you gain coin. This sign post is basically how you trigger them."
Vil nods, eyebrows furrowing a bit. "Okay..." He says. "So... I'm assuming these hooded figures are the bad guys?"
"Yeah. At least, that's what the forums think." Idia uses his fingers to move Vil around again, taking him towards the village square. "They attack you and your party randomly during Raids. Noobs go down pretty quickly because of them. But I can handle a whole group of them all by myself." Idia's unique, conceited laugh bubbles out again.
Prior to getting with Idia, If you had told Vil that one day he would find someone bragging about their little virtual character in a game attractive, he wouldn't have believed you. But things are different now. He adored when Idia oozed confidence. And it helped that his snarky comments weren't directed at him half as much as they used to be.
"Oh! Uh, sorry, you... do you want to create your own character? We'll have to make you a new account—"
"Wait." Vil started, looking over his shoulder at Idia the best he could. "You made this character?"
"Um, yes...? You usually do for MMORPGs." A small breath of a laugh. "How could I expect a normie like you to know that..."
Vil lets that one slide. For now, at least. Idia knew for every "normie" he threw at Vil, Vil adds another "face mask night" in the proverbial jar.
"Can I see them more up close?"
He suddenly feels Idia tense up behind him. "Uh..." Another nervous noise. Which... actually isn't something that's too out of the ordinary for Idia. But, the context of the situation did raise a bit of questions in Vil. "Don't you want to just get in to playing? My character is pretty strong, so it should be easy for you."
"Okay? But, I want to get a look first." Vil turns his head back towards the screen, stepping the character more into the open. "I haven't played many video games, but creating a character has always been my favorite part. I want to see what you did."
Now, if he remembered correctly, he believed... yes the right analog stick moves the camera around! And now to zoom in all he needed to do was tip it forward and... oh!
What stood in front of him was a beautiful elven-like man. Blonde shoulder length hair framed a sharp face, features carefully placed and entirely modelesque. Piercing violet eyes looked back at him, the color much more vibrant against the soft purple eye shadow and sharp liner. Lips were delicately painted with a dark lipstick, his neutral face alone could strike down anyone.
Vil blinked as he realized he was looking at... himself?!
His lips were already starting to quirk up. "Idia... is this supposed to be..."
He didn't even have to finish his sentence as pink suddenly engulfed him. Idia's hands retract to cover his face, a groan escaping him. "Y-You weren't supposed to see that...!"
The smile finally graces Vil's face before a light laugh escapes. "Are you embarrassed? There's hardly any reason to be." He turns, sitting sideways on his lap to get a look at him. "This is very flattering. And... Seven, really really endearing."
Slender fingers separate as topaz colored eyes are seen between them. "Y-You're just saying that! It's... it's totally creepy!"
"Oh, come now! What did I say about putting words in my mouth?" He leans over, kissing the back of Idia's hand. He's met with Idia's surprised gaze. "I meant what I said. I am sincerely flattered."
Idia slowly lowers his hands, the pout still on his face as his cheeks and hair remained a soft pink. Like this, Vil takes the opportunity to lean over to give him a proper kiss. Quick but sweet.
"How did you do it?" Vil asks.
This somehow seems to fluster Idia all over again, who reaches over to pull his hood over his head. Thankfully, not enough to hide his face completely.
"...U-Using the... the selfies you sent me." He says, voice shaky and small. "It took me about an hour. I um, have a folder of your selfies on the cloud, so I was basically looking through them all..."
Vil's eyes light up. "You have a folder of my selfies?" That's... ugh, can Idia get any more... cute?! He made him feel like a silly little middle school boy, warm fluttery insides and happy heart skips.
He's already reaching over for Idia's secondary holographic screen, having gotten comfortable with understanding how to maneuver it. Of course, only at a basic level. The right level to know how to look through files.
"V-Vil!? Hey! W-What are you doing?" Idia's already attempting to take control of the screen himself.
"I'm looking for this folder, of course! Now, do you have it saved under my name? Or have you decided to use a pet name for it instead?" Vil asks, letting out a small laugh when Idia finally manages to swat the screen away from Vil.
"T-That isn't—Didn't you want to try my game?!" Idia's tone is nearly desperate, but Vil can see a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "Let's focus on that!"
Well... Vil supposed he had to accept defeat, didn't he? For now, at least. "Okay, fine, fine." He shuffles until they're back to their previous position. This time, Vil takes one of Idia's hands and attempts to guide it over so Idia could be holding him. Thankfully, Idia got the message loud and clear, as he wraps both arms around Vil's middle.
He drops his forehead onto Vil's shoulder, letting out a slow breath. Vil could see his hair steadily going back to normal.
"You're going to be the death of me one day...!" Idia says.
"But what a lovely way to go, isn't it?"
He could hear the smile in Idia's tone as he says, "if the Seven decide to be in my favor for once."
Vil hums before holding the control better in his hand, thumb on the right analog stick as he attempts to put the camera where it was before. "Okay. What do I do now?"
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cheapsugar · 3 years
the writers den
thank you for stopping by to have a look see! this is a space i’ll be using to try and get back into the swing of writing fanfiction! something about the look of tumblr posts always successfully made it easier for me to write? so, i’m hoping this will break my 3+ year block!
i’ll also be posting these on ao3! that can be found here!
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