charlotevives · 8 years
What Vitamins Should We Be Taking?
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Good morning and Happy Thursday!
This morning i woke up to have my Morning Green Smoothie except instead of blueberries, I added Blackberries.
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Toby and I had a visit at my parents’ and his uncles’ house (yes, his uncles are my parents’ cute frenchies, Louis & Bruno, house! )…
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Successful playdate.
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A common question from my students and readers is “What daily supplements should I be taking?”  
I don’t like taking too many vitamins daily because I don’t think we necessarily need them when we eat healthy diets and are getting most of our nutrients from our food. However, these are the ones that I do think are needed supplements. What vitamins do you take daily?
What Vitamins, Supplements & Additions I Take Daily
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Raw Probiotics - This probiotic is my #1 must-have every day. This probiotic in particular made by Garden of Life is also packed with vitamins (C, D, E, B’s, Calcium, Magnesium…plus many more!) as well so I count this as my daily multi-vitamin.  2-in-1, sounds good to me!  Probiotics are known to aid the digestive system with facilitating digestion, providing nutrients and helps the immune system overall.  This might be one of the reasons I never get sick!  (Knock on wood :/)
Flax Seed Oil Capsule - There are so many health benefits to flaxseeds…Read more here for an entire post on them! Some things it’s known for: reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, anti-inflammatory, high in fiber, rich in omega-3s and high in protein.  
Chlorella - This is a new one for me that one of my yoga teachers told me about.  Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water.  Chlorella is packed with amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, sugars, and nucleic acids.  Chlorella is also used to increase “good” bacteria in the intestine in order to improve digestion, which also helps boost the immune system! Just all around good for you! 
Vitamin C - Another reason I may not be getting sick..Although, I do not take this as often as the other supplements.  Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping to aid against any foreign bacteria…again, helping you avoid getting sick!
Pure Apple Cider Vinegar - Yes, this isn’t a supplement but it might as well be.  Good for your digestion, skin, immune system.  Read more here…I can’t stress this one enough.  
I’ve been working on a project and I want to take a survey of all the vitamins and supplements you guys take.
Soo, What supplements do you take on a daily basis?  Do you take a multi-vitamin?  Which do you think are the most important and why?
Comment here, send me a message or e-mail me @ [email protected].
Namaste.  ♥
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charlotevives · 8 years
How to meal prep for a healthy week
Most Sundays, I whip up a few recipes that will make eating healthy throughout the week more convenient. I’ve found that this is the best way to stick to healthy eating!
Why? Because eating healthy takes more work than eating junk. When you get home from work after a long day, cooking a healthy meal from scratch can seem like a lot of work. But taking a bit of time on Sunday to prep those meals is a huge time saver!
I generally prep more snacks and veggies than actual meals. But I’ll occasionally roast a whole chicken or make shredded chicken breasts in the crockpot to use for chicken fajitas, pesto chicken or buffalo chicken pizza.
Here are more prep ideas….
Wash and chop vegetables like Brussels sprouts, peppers, green beans, romaine lettuce, asparagus, etc.
Wash fruit such as blueberries and raspberries and chop fruit such as strawberries, melons, etc.
Cook chicken breasts in the slow cooker with a bit of chicken stock and spices, then shred. Use to top salads or in dinner recipes.
Cook quinoa, rice or other grains. (Tip: cook quinoa in vegetable or chicken broth)
Cook old fashioned or steel cut oats. Try this Slow Cooker Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal or this Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal.
Make overnight oats - ½ cup old fashioned oats, ¾ cup almond milk, 1 tbsp. chia seeds, honey or pure maple syrup, cinnamon and pure vanilla extract to taste.
Make trail mix. Try this Chocolate Coconut Banana Trail Mix.
Make smoothie packs. Here’s how.
Prep slow cooker meals by placing the ingredients in a large releasable plastic bag and placing in the freezer. Try this Crockpot Chicken Tikka Masala.
Make energy balls. Try these Pre-Workout Energy Balls or these Post-Workout Vanilla Protein Balls.
Spiralize zucchini, yellow squash and carrots.
This is what I prepped last Sunday…
Hard Boiled Eggs
Chia Pudding - I made a version with coconut and chai spices like cardamom, cinnamon, allspice and ginger. But you can make chia pudding with whatever spices and flavors you like!
1 cup almond milk
3 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. honey or pure maple syrup
Desired ingredients such as cocoa powder, pure vanilla extract, nut butter, coconut, fresh or frozen fruit, etc.
Place ingredients in a blender. Blend until combined. Refrigerate overnight.
Also try this Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding or this Chocolate Chia Pudding.
3-4 garlic cloves
1 15 oz. can chickpeas (save liquid)
1/3 cup tahini
1 ½ tsp. sea salt
2 tbsp. liquid from chickpeas
4 tbsp. lemon juice
Add ingredients to food processor. Process until smooth.
Lemon Tahini Dressing
2 tbsp. tahini
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
2 ½ tsp. lemon juice
fresh ground pepper to taste
Whisk all ingredients until combined.
Balsamic Honey Dressing
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
1 ½ tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. honey
Whisk all ingredients until combined.
Chopped red cabbage and carrots to add to kale/spinach salads
Do you meal prep on Sundays? What do you prepare to have a healthy week?
from Sweet Success http://ift.tt/1HdRLmk via IFTTT
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charlotevives · 8 years
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ANTES DE HACER EJERCICIO Nunca te ejercites con el estómago vacío ya que te sentirás agotada al terminar. La comida es lo que mantiene tu cuerpo con energía.
20 minutos antes. Consume algo ligero como un licuado, una fruta, un puñito de almendras o un pan con crema de cacahuate, recomienda Raquel Pérez de León, especialista en nutrición clínica y deportiva. 2 horas antes. Haz una comida fuerte y toma agua. Este es el tiempo mínimo que debes pasar antes de tu rutina para sentirte ligera.
La health coach y experta en Nutrición Integral, Guiomar García Travespi, recomienda este smoothie para tomarlo una hora antes de entrenar, ya que te dará la energía necesaria para rendir durante tu entrenamiento. Es fácil de preparar.
SMOOTHIE DE FRESAS 1 taza de fresas congeladas 2 dátiles 2 cdas de cacao nibs* 1 cdta de linaza 1 cdta de chía 1 cdta de maca* 120 ml de leche de coco 120 ml de agua hielo
*Consigue estos ingredientes en: [email protected] Mezcla todos los ingredientes en la lícuadora, ¡Y listo!
Redacción InStyle
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charlotevives · 8 years
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Organic tomatoes! Delicious! Tomates bio délicieuses! #lovelife #healthysxm #healthcoach (en Saint Martin / Sint Maarten)
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charlotevives · 8 years
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charlotevives · 8 years
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charlotevives · 8 years
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charlotevives · 8 years
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Happy Sunday! #lovesxm #lovelife
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charlotevives · 8 years
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Happy! #lovelife
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charlotevives · 8 years
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No excuses! Everywhere drink your water! #lovelife #detoxsxm #healthysxm #reto2litros #defi2litres #2literschallenge (en Rendez-Vous Lounge)
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charlotevives · 8 years
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charlotevives · 8 years
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