celestereve · 6 months
The end of the world as we know it
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The end of the world looks so pretty 🧟🌲🪷🍄🐾🌻🌏🌍🌎
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celestereve · 7 months
Just finished the second book. So different from the show!
I never got too deep into the tv series and honestly didn't even know it had a book adaptation but were there any big differences between them?
so many. to be fair to the show — with all the grace i'm willing to give jason rothenberg lmao — the show & the first book were developed at the same time from the same base concept kass had come up with for it.
that being said, here are some differences!
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthe time between the nuclear apocalypse — called the cataclysm in the book — and the beginning of the story is 97 years in the show and 300 years in the books.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthe ark is referred to as the colony, and consists of three major “ships” (phoenix, arcadia & walden), rather than the 12 or so stations (medical, earth monitoring, agro, alpha, arrow, factory, hydra, mecha, prison, tesla, flint & orchid) on the ark.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤin terms of comparability, phoenix & alpha seem to be the most “rich” of the stations / ships, and arcadia & walden being comparable to factory or mecha in terms of being the working class stations.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthe colony itself has a far more in depth look into the classism on it’s ships, with phoenix being the “upper class” ship where people can have a better life through their status and wealth, vs arcadia & walden being more “working class” where people struggle to get by and a lot of the ships resources are not allocated properly. there is also a law divide between the ships, as those on walden or arcadia are not allowed to travel between the ships to phoenix without permission, and doing so could result in punishment.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤin the show, clarke & bellamy are the two main leads; in the books, there are four pov characters, with wells being one and another being glass sorenson, who isn’t in the show and doesn’t have any composite character there.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthere are no grounders in the books; instead the people found on the ground when the delinquents land are a rebellious offshoot of the main group known as the earthborn. however they are more equivalent to a “good” version of the mountain men; as their ancestors survived in the mountain bunker before leaving it 50 years before the books start. they are led by max walgrove.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤas such, there are no grounders from the shows in the books. other characters from the show’s main group that don’t exist in the books : raven reyes, finn collins, john murphy, marcus kane, monty green, jasper jordan, harper mcintyre, eric jackson, nathan miller, etc etc.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤlincoln also does not exist in the books but there is a character similar to him in concept — a person from earth falling in love with a sky person & being rebellious against their people — in max's daughter, sasha walgrove.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤraven reyes also has a character similar to her in luke, glass's boyfriend. both are engineers who struggle to keep their loved one alive & suffer a leg injury some time into the show / book.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤvarious name changes from show to book are: ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤaurora blake is melinda blake. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤabby griffin is mary griffin. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤjake griffin is david griffin.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthe colony’s law follows the gaia doctrine, the ark follows the exodus charter.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthe skyboxis referred to as confinement or the detention center.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthe nuclear apocalypse (praimfaya or apocalypse one) is referred to as the cataclysm or the exodus.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤthere’s no name for the tree in the show, but in the books, it’s referred to as the eden tree & it is set on fire by wells' in order to get himself sent down to earth.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤoctavia is 16 in the show & 14 in the books. bellamy is 23 in the show & 20 in the books.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤwhile clarke & bellamy are confirmed bisexual by the show & actors, it is unknown if kass intended for them to be bisexual in the books also. however, octavia is confirmed bisexual or mspec, as she has been shown to have crushes on wells & graham, & kissed a girl named anna.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤbellamy is wells' half brother, with wells’ father, chancellor jaha, who had slept with melinda blake before getting into a relationship with wells’ mother. as there are no described races in the books, the ethnicities of the boys & their parents are unknown. this did not carry over into the show, as bellamy is played by the half filipino, half white actor bob morley, & wells is played by the black actor eli goree.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤbellamy & clarke are a confirmed couple in the books, having gotten engaged in the last book, rebellion.
ㅤㅤㅤ•ㅤmary & david griffin are revealed to be alive in homecoming, surviving unlike their counterparts in the show: jake (who died before the show started via being floated) & abby (who was murdered by russell lightbourne.)
this was a very long post & there are probably other differences but i'm in the process of rereading the books now so i'll reblog this with any others i find if i do!
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celestereve · 11 months
Another chapter up today! Chapter 27
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Trying to get restarted on my Devotion series… it’s so hard to find the time to write, and when I do, I’m so stressed over the things I’m putting off that it just doesn’t work… so. Trying. Trying. Trying.
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celestereve · 1 year
Another chapter up ❤️
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Trying to get restarted on my Devotion series… it’s so hard to find the time to write, and when I do, I’m so stressed over the things I’m putting off that it just doesn’t work… so. Trying. Trying. Trying.
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celestereve · 1 year
Might actually pass out
Pretty sure when I get the notif Chickenpets started Pacify Part 8 I'm going to have some kind of event like a full blown fainting spell or a tiny little heart attack from happiness.
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celestereve · 1 year
I’ve posted two new chapters just since New Years Day ‼️
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Trying to get restarted on my Devotion series… it’s so hard to find the time to write, and when I do, I’m so stressed over the things I’m putting off that it just doesn’t work… so. Trying. Trying. Trying.
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celestereve · 2 years
Greatest Harry Potter fanfic ever <3
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“It was Severus’ mugshot, and there the man was, barely out of his teens, radiating malice like a scornful sun and sneering back at the camera with two fingers held up. His nails were varnished black, and his face was bruised and bloody, and he looked like a damn hooligan. Knowing the adult Severus as well as he did, the sheer riff-raffishness of the picture was shocking, and for a moment Kingsley seriously considered nicking it to give to Harry. Now that Harry knew about that arrest, it was like a keepsake. Look at your feared and distinguished partner, Severus Snape, he thought. Giving the V to a clot of Aurors with a number on his chest. Looks rather like he got slammed into the floor, doesn’t he? What a legacy.“
Pacify Part 6, Chapter 17 by @chickenpets
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celestereve · 2 years
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celestereve · 2 years
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The pretty parts…..
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celestereve · 2 years
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not totally happy with this one but not sure why
I’m just…. hemorrhaging feels.
Like I’ve been hit by something, all of a sudden I know exactly what I want for my life.
I kinda knew, I guess, I’ve certainly been thinking about it but… I just know now.
But that doesn’t mean it’ll work out and I’m just drowning in the hopes and love and what if’s and maybes
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celestereve · 2 years
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I’m in my feels about Vegas it seems. I spent a year living in Vegas that ended my relationship with the love of my life. It’s odd (ok, totally nuts) that I want to return there to marry him now that we’ve found our way back to each other but it just feels right. I want to show him all the parts of the city that I knew. I want to remember the good times there, and share that with him. To let go of the bad.
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celestereve · 2 years
Sooo well done! I want to watch it over and over
The way in which the conflict between Mav and Rooster was handled was so good. It wasn't Rooster being a brat, or Mav being a deadbeat substitute father.
Mav had his reasons for pulling Rooster's papers, but it's clear that they're rooted in his own fears. He acts out in anger when they're flying, and at the briefing. And while it's obvious he's always loved him deeply, he needs to learn to let go and let him (literally) fly on his own. But he still believes in his potential, and is ready to die for him without an instant's thought. When it's clear Rooster can't eject, Mav doesn't even try.
Rooster, despite of the resentment he had for Mav, also clearly loves him. He provokes him, tells him things he knows will hurt him, but he attacks Hangman because he suggested that Goose dying was his fault. He helps Mav up on the beach, like he'd forgotten their last few years. And, when it comes to it, he trusts Mav with his life, and would risk his for him, despite how much Mav wishes he wouldn't.
It's all complex and they both have their reasons and their faults, and they can still love each other and grow to heal.
That matters.
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celestereve · 2 years
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Run away with me 💋
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celestereve · 2 years
How to get back into a WIP when inspiration is lacking
1. Character exploration
You may be feeling uninspired because you find it difficult to enter your characters' minds.
A great way to dive into a character's point of view is writing a paragraph from their perspective on a topic like death, the meaning of life, loss etc.
I usually do this before I start a project, but it can be a great way to get back into the swing of things in the middle of a book.
2. Character songs/playlist
A lot of people write with music, curating playlists for their WIP.
I don't write with music, but it can be great to listen to a song or two before writing a specific scene or character's POV.
Curate a Playlist for your POV characters and listen to it when inspiration is running low.
3. Fake promotional material
This may just be a weird thing I do, but I love it.
When I really need a motivation boost, I create fake promotional material or swag designs for my WIP. Mock covers, bookmarks, posters, ads etc.
It reminds me what I'm working towards and that can help a lot.
4. Moodboards
Creating physical mood boards for your WIP or specific characters/locations and putting them up int your work space can do wonders for inspiration.
Every time you look at the moddboard, you're taken back to the moment when the idea first got into your head - a moment when you had oodles of inspiration.
You can also add to those mood boards whenever you need an extra shot of inspiration.
5. YouTube
Every time I watch an Authortube vlog, I feel motivated to work on my own writing.
Pick an Authortuber who resonates with you and has the life you hope to build. Watch one or two of their vlogs and that should light a fire under you.
Reblog if you found these tips useful. Comment with your own ideas. Follow me for similar content.
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celestereve · 2 years
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Accidental chicken acquisition
Trying to cram chicken-care
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celestereve · 2 years
The Ides of March are no lie my favorite day on this webbed site. Nobody else but historians gives a shit. The memes are stellar. The most random thing, but we go full out. It's all I'm gonna see on my dash tomorrow. It's my favorite holiday
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celestereve · 2 years
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