cawy-x · 3 years
Sick | Oikawa Tooru x reader
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You stopped counting how many times it had vibrated since the beginning of your lesson, which had only started ten minutes ago. You groaned in annoyance, you could not concentrate at all on what the teacher was saying and some of your classmates were giving you glares. You carefully took your phone off your pocket and hid it behind your pencil case. You noticed that you had at least twenty notifications from Tooru. You rolled your eyes and put your phone on silent mode before putting it back in your pocket.
“You are free to leave,” the teacher announced after the three hours lecture. You sighed of relief and stretched your legs. You packed up your things and put everything in your bag. You left the amphitheater and immediately took your phone. You now had fifty notifications, one from every social media you owned, three missed calls, and a lot of text messages. You decided to look at the messages first.
“I need you. I am bored. Help me.”
“Where are you? Why are you not answering?”
“I am dyiiiing.”
“Your boyfriend is dying, and you are ignoring him.”
“____-chan, please answer.”
“I think I need to go to the hospital.”
“My throat is so sore that it’s almost hard to breathe.”
“And I can’t even breathe through my nose! I miss the good old days
The texts went on and on about him dying and his final wish being seeing your face one last time. Your boyfriend could be quite dramatic sometimes. You sighed and rolled your eyes and as you were about to put your phone in your pocket you felt it vibrate. You looked at the notification from Iwaizumi and chuckled.
“Make it stop or I’ll have to end it myself.”
“Don’t tempt me! I would even pay you to end it quicker. But don’t worry I’m on my way 😉”
You put away your phone and started to walk towards Tooru’s place, fortunately, he did not live too far from the university. You decided to stop at the convenience store, knowing your boyfriend, he probably only had painkillers and had probably planned on ordering food. You took some soup and other food that are easy to digest as well as some medicine. You almost felt embarrassed at the number of things you had bought. You paid for the grocery and quickly made your way to his apartment.
You knocked on the door, and waited patiently but no one answered. You knocked again, still no answer. You were losing patience and started banging on his door. The door swung open to a sleepy Tooru. He had the worst bed hair you had ever seen, sticking out in all directions. He was only wearing his boxer and a T-shirt and was not so graciously scratching his stomach while rubbing one of his eyes with his other free hand.
“Iwa-chan you’re too loud, you gorilla,” he complained in a hoarse voice. He yawned and finally took a good look at you. His hands stopped as his eyes started widening, you could see his cheeks gradually turning red. He was frozen to the spot, a stupid expression etched on his face. You gave him your sweetest smile.
“A gorilla, huh? I am not sure I am into that new pet name,” you teased him and took a step forward. Before you had time to take one more step, the door was shut abruptly to your face.
You stood in front of the door dumbfounded and you could hear loud noises coming from his apartment. He was probably trying to tidy it as much as he could. You banged on the door.
“If you don’t come out in ten seconds, I am leaving Tooru!” You threatened him. You started to count in your head and the door finally opened again after nine seconds.
Tooru casually leaned against the door frame. He was panting heavily but tried to not show it. He was wearing pants and you noticed that his hair was slightly damp in the hope to tame his bed hair. He gave you one of his charming smiles.
“Hey, there.” His voice sounded funny which made it hard for you not to laugh at his attempt to look cool.
“Hi, there,” you said back, “are we pretending that you were not a total mess two minutes ago?” You mused, raising an eyebrow.
“I-,” he puffed his cheeks, “I didn’t know you would come.”
“Really? Despite the hundreds of messages telling me to come and that you were on the verge of dying,” you put your right hand over your heart and clenched on your shirt, “I must be a terrible lover for you to think that,” you dramatically added.
“The worst. Actually, you’re so bad that I’m willing to sacrifice myself and keep you to myself so that other men won’t have to go through this pain,” he stated proudly with a soft look in his eyes.
“So generous,” you rolled your eyes and chuckled lightly. “Can I come in now?”
Tooru did not move and looked conflicted.
“Are you sure? I mean I have a cold, I don’t want you to catch it
“You know what they say, only idiots
” you trailed off and stepped forward.
“Yes, that's why I am worried about you,” he snickered as he moved out of the way to let you in.
You looked at him, seriously pondering if hitting someone sick could be considered a crime.
“Says the actual idiot with a cold.”
He childishly stuck out his tongue at you and you sent him a kiss. You made your way towards the kitchen and put the grocery on the counter. As you began to unpack, you felt two strong arms snaking around your waist and your boyfriend’s face nuzzling into your neck, he gave you a quick kiss on the crook of your neck and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Thank you for coming,” he whispered. You smiled and finished unpacking while Tooru was still embracing you.
“I brought some medicine, I figured you did not take any. You should take some before eating,” you said as you turned around to face him. He was unwilling to let you go which made it harder to face him as you struggled in his embrace. He grimaced at the sight of the medication.
“They taste awful,” he complained as he put them aside.
“Seriously? How old are you again? I didn’t know I had to shop for a little kid.”
“You’re so mean ____-chan. You should not be mean to a sick person,” he sighed, pouting, letting you go and grabbing the bottle of syrup on the counter.
“And a sick person should not be all over their loved one spreading their germs,” you retorted, “drink this and then go back to bed!”
He narrowed his eyes at the syrup and unwillingly poured some on a spoon. He made a gagging noise at the smell. He pinched his nose and quickly drank it. His face contorted in disgust.
“See, it wasn’t that bad you big baby.”
“It was terrible! I would not even recommend it to Tobio-chan!” He groaned and then seemed to be in a deep reflection, “well maybe for Tobio-chan
You rolled your eyes and pushed him towards his bedroom. Once he was comfortably in bed and after he had begged you to stay with him, you went back to the kitchen to make something for the both of you. You opted for a pea and carrot soup with rice. You put on a timer and took advantage of the rice boiling to check on Tooru. He was, fortunately, still laying in his bed watching intensely at a video on his phone. You did not have to check to know that it was something volleyball-related. His eyes left his screen and fell on you. He smiled gently and put down his phone next to him. He pushed his cover aside and motioned for you to join him. You slowly closed the door behind you and joined him under the cover, snuggling under the cover. You planted a chaste kiss on his forehead, it was still warm. You buried your face in his chest and he engulfed you in his arms, bringing you closer to him. His head was resting on top of yours. His hands were gently caressing your back. You stayed still for a moment, but you could feel his hands wandering not so aimlessly under your shirt.
He hummed in response and started to give you small kisses on your neck.
“What is it ____? Do you want me to stop?” He asked despite still leaving trails of kisses all over your face and neck.
“You should rest, you’re sick,” you said without much conviction.
Before you could comprehend what was happening, Tooru had you pinned under him on his bed.
“I am fine. You should read the room ____-chan,” he said in an attempt to sound sensual, but his voice still sounded funny from his blocked nose. You found it more adorable than seductive.
His face came closer to yours; you closed your eyes anticipating his kiss. Instead, you felt something moist falling on your cheek. You immediately opened your eyes and looked at Tooru’s face hovering an inch from yours, snot running down his nose.
“Ewww Toooooru, that’s disgusting!” You laughed half-disgusted, half-amused, as you pushed him away from you. “You should read the room,” you repeated mockingly.
He looked at you puzzled by your sudden outburst, seemingly offended.
“I am not disgusting thank you very much,” he huffed and sniffled. That is when he noticed that he had snots coming out from his nose. He immediately covered his face and looked down at you as he was still on top of you. His eyes stopped on the wet spot on your cheek and his face completely changed into a mixture of horror and shame. He rapidly left the bed, almost tripping on the clothes on his floor. He grabbed the box of tissues on his nightstand and immediately cleaned your face, apologizing profusely, eyes not meeting yours. Once, he had made sure that your face was clean, he blew his nose. He stayed seated on the floor, his head hanging low. It must have been a blow to his ego.
“It’s fine Tooru,” you were about to add something when you heard the timer ringing. You hurriedly left the room to prepare the food. You put everything on the tray and came back to his room. He was curled up under his cover, hiding. You put the tray on the nightstand and sat next to him.
“Come on little snail, come out of your shell, dinner is ready,” you said patting his back.
“Don’t make fun of me ___-chan, I am mortified!” He whined.
You smiled, holding back a chuckle.
“That was so uncool,” he continued whining and groaning.
“It was,” you said, and he groaned, “but you’re sick it could have happened to anyone, don’t worry. Now let me see your pretty face and let’s eat before it gets cold.”
The covers moved as his pouty face poked out of it. You smiled at him and squeezed his cheeks together until his lips puckered. You kissed him and turned your attention toward the food. You felt the mattress move under his weight and suddenly his arms snaked around your waist.
“I love you,” he whispered and sat next to you on the bed, opened up his laptop, and turned on your tv show.
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cawy-x · 4 years
Trap | Hisokaxreader
You were huffing and puffing, trying to catch the air that you were painfully missing. You were running with a limp, trying to focus on something else than the unbearable pain all over your body. You crouched down behind a rock, biting your lips in agony, you carefully touched your stomach, you probably had some broken ribs. You wiped your sweaty and bloody forehead; you didn’t have time to relax. All your muscles were tensed, ready to leap. You heard a rustling sound in front of you, you immediately stood up, on guard. Your heart was beating fast, too fast. A silhouette appeared, slowly making his way toward you, with a smile on his face.
"Hey there little kitty ~ ♄"
You shook with fear. Your mouth became dry as you looked around, you were trapped. You breathed in, trying to remain calm. You stumbled forward.
"Hisoka, let me go."  You pleaded.
His amber eyes were peering at you. His crooked smile increased as he licked his lips. You felt like a prey trapped by his predator.
"That won’t do, you’re not broken yet ~" He cooed.
A cold shiver ran down your spine. You stepped back; you weren’t ready to die. You desperately thought for a way out, but the only answer was that you had to fight. You couldn’t outrun him, not in your state. Hisoka was still standing in front of you, patiently waiting for you to make a move. He had only some small scratches and ripped clothes, nothing that could give you an advantage. You took a deep breath and looked at him determined. He smiled back. You rushed at him; he didn’t move as you expected, in a matter of seconds you were in front of him. You jumped, ready to kick him. You saw him moving slowly to dodge it, you swiftly shift position, and your foot collided with his cheekbone. You felt a sharp pain in your leg as you landed; you looked down, blood was running down. You glanced at Hisoka; he was licking his razor-sharp card, unaffected by your hit.
"My turn now ~ ♄"
You didn’t have time to ask what he was talking about that he was already charging at you, throwing cards, you managed to dodge them all, but your speed and agility weren’t as good as you hoped, too many of them cut you in the process. You were out of breath, and your body couldn’t keep up with you anymore. You noticed a cliff in the corner of your eyes. If you could reach it, you would have a better chance of survival than keeping on fighting Hisoka. He charged again. You blocked as many blows as you could, wincing in pain at each one of them. You throw one of your knives in what looked like a desperate attempt. He easily dodged it, you smiled.
"You’re not the only one with a cool Nen." You stated.
Your knife came back as if you had thrown a boomerang, catching out of guard Hisoka, whose only choices were to retreat or take the hit. He jumped back, and you choose this instant to rush toward the cliff. You looked down, gulped, closed your eyes, and jumped. The cold air was hurting even more than your wounds, it was like millions of razors slicing your skin. You braced yourself as you were about to hit the ground, but the impact never came on the contrary. He lifted you back on top of the cliff. You were attached to his Bungee Gum; you didn’t know when he had done that, since you used Gyo all the time.
"You can’t run away like that, that’s really rude." His voice broke the silence.
He walked toward you, playing with a card in his hand. He put it to your throat.
"Now, where were we?~" ♠
"Just kill me already." You clenched your teeth.
He positioned himself in front of you, faking shock.
"Kill you?" He repeated. "I won’t do that... Well, not today ~ ♩"
He let go of you and started walking away.
"You still have a long way to go ____, I can’t wait for our next meeting, I’m sure you’ll be able to please me then ~ ♄" He said, waving at you.
You watched at his silhouette slowly disappeared from your sight. Your body shook uncontrollably, and your knees gave up on you. You fell on the floor and started laughing. You couldn’t wait for your next meeting either, but this time he will be the one on his knees.
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cawy-x · 4 years
Hunting for clues | Cedric Diggory x reader
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You looked around, firmly holding your wand as a warm light was illuminating the tip of it. You knew it was not a good idea the moment you agreed to it. You glanced to your left and saw the figure of the tall young man standing next to you, his grey eyes appeared almost silver under the glow of his wand. Your eyes met, he raised his eyebrow as if asking if you were ok. You smiled in response to assure him that you were fine. You turned your attention to the dark-haired man on your right. He was tensely examining around him, his wand going back and forth between the different eerie sounds of the forest. You lifted your hand to warn them to stop walking. 
"Can you remind me why we are doing this again?" You asked, trying to keep your voice in a lower tone. You did not want any unwanted company. 
Viktor Krum had been the first to ask you to accompany him to the Forbidden Forest. You had been friendly to him since the moment he arrived in Hogwarts. You were not sure what to expect when you first approached him as he was quite famous for his age, and already had a fan club following him around, much to his dismay. However, Viktor turned out to be unexpectedly friendly despite his grumpy look and gladly answered all the questions you had about Durmstrang. Therefore, when he asked you for help concerning the second task, you immediately accepted. 
However, you did not expect that Cedric Diggory would ask the same thing. Being the same year as him, you quickly became friends. He was always nice and eager to help you whenever you needed help. That is why you could not turn him down. It also did not help that you had a huge crush on him since the first time you had laid your eyes on him. You accepted in a heartbeat, completely forgetting about your previous arrangement with Viktor. 
Your stupid smile quickly left your lips, when it came to your mind that you had said yes to the both of them. You nervously started to think about a solution. You could not say no to Cedric, if your fellow students were to learn that you helped your school enemy over Cedric, they would not let it go. Plus, you have been friends with Cedric for years, and even though he would be polite enough to not show it, you know that it would hurt him. Yet, dismissing Viktor was not a solution either. He was the one who came to you first, and although you had not been friends with him as long as Cedric, he was still your friend. Not able to choose, you decided to meet them both at the same time. 
That same day, in the middle of the night, hidden at the edge of the forest, you waited for them. Cedric was the first to arrive. He beamed when he saw you as your heart skip a beat. His smile faded and his brows knitted together, eyeing something coming in the distance. You narrowed your eyes, trying to distinguish the silhouette walking toward you. 
"Viktor." Cedric muttered. His voice was calm and collected, but you knew that something was off. 
"Cedric." He replied in the same tone. 
"Are you lost? I know that Hogwarts can be a maze when you don’t know your way around." Cedric asked. 
Viktor stared blankly at him. 
"Sank you, but I have a meeting vith _____. I am guessing zat I am not ze only one meeting her." He said while finally facing you, giving you a questioning look. Cedric imitated him. You shrank under their stares, trying to be as small as possible. 
"I agreed to help you both. It did not feel right to turn any of you down. I am sorry, I could not choose." You confessed, dreading their reactions. Viktor was the first to break the ice. 
"It’s alright, ____." 
"Yes, don’t worry. I wouldn’t want you to choose." Cedric said looking gently at you. "Plus, three minds can only be better than one." 
Viktor nodded in agreement as you let out a sigh of relief. You led them into the forest. Far enough to not be caught by the teachers. You were used to the forest. You found it fascinating, but you were always careful not to go too far, in order to not get lost, or worse encounter one of its creatures. But tonight, you ventured farther away than usual, and even though you were not alone, you could not prevent the fear slowly creeping inside of you. It was also not helping that you could feel some sort of tension between the two boys.
"I thought that since the eggs were taken from dragons, maybe we could find a clue somewhere with creatures. Maybe it will open in a certain place related to them." Cedric answered your previous question, "because we all know what happened last time we try to open it..." He added. You all frowned at the unpleasant memory of the shrieking egg. 
"I zought ze same. You told me zat you knew ze Forbidden Forest, zat’s vhy I asked you." Viktor stated. They were sizing each other up. The tension in the air was becoming stifling. As you could not bear it anymore, you announced that here would be the perfect spot to open the eggs. 
They took their golden eggs out of their bags, carefully handling them. They glanced at each other, and in a silent agreement, they opened them at the time. They immediately started to screech horribly. You put your hands over your ears, trying to protect yourself from the horrible sound. Maybe it was due to the eerie silence of the woods, but it felt as if the sound was worse than the first time. Cedric and Viktor seemed as surprised as the first time with the racket, their faces distorting in horrible ways. 
"CLOSE IT!" You yelled over the noise. They snapped out of their stupor and quickly shut them off. You eagerly welcomed back the silence, which was only interrupted by the heavy breathing of your friends. You look anxiously around you. 
"We should leave!" You whispered loud enough. "Right now." You emphasized searching the distance for an eventual threat. 
"You’re right, let’s go." Cedric said as he put the awful device back in his bag. 
You turned back and picked up the pace. You could not relax, you were still deep in the woods, and you were certain that your little trip in the forest did not go unnoticed. You glanced at Cedric, still on your side but he was looking behind you with a horrified look. 
"_____ watch out!" Cedric shouted but before you had time to comprehend what was happening, the young man plunged forward and pushed you away. You fell on your back, the leaves cushioning your fall. You took one look at where you were standing, you briefly met Cedric’s eyes before something slammed into his body and sent him flying against a nearby tree in a horrible thud. You cried out his name as you stared at his motionless body. You immediately turned your attention to Viktor who was making his way toward Cedric, wand up, trying to keep the creature at bay. However, its attention was not on him as it was walking to you. Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness so you could finally distinguish your attacker. A forest troll. You watched in horror as the twelve feet creature loomed over you. You had heard rumors about them living in the Forbidden Forest, but they were supposed only be rumors. You firmly gripped your wand ready to fight. 
"______ move out ze vay!" You heard Viktor yelled. You could see flashes of light behind the troll, Viktor was probably trying to attack it with different spells, but it did not seem to have any effects, only making it grunting louder. You rolled on your side as a gigantic green hand landed loudly were you were staying a second ago. 
"Stupify!" You shouted, but nothing happened, it only angered the creature, that grabbed you. You felt your body being roughly lifted in the air. You were being crushed between its fingers, all of your bones were cracking in a sickening sound. The pain was too much to handle. Everything was aching. You were gasping for air as your lungs were being compressed. Your vision started to get clouded, and the inside of your mouth tasted like metal. Finally, your body stopped responding to you and you dropped your wand on the ground. Viktor came running toward you, he was yelling something, but you could not hear it. The troll raised the hand you were in and slammed it against Viktor. You did not know which one of you cried in agony but it was the last sound you heard before fainting. 
A hideous smell filled your nostrils as you slowly regained consciousness. Your head was pounding, and your body was still aching. You were relief when you noticed that you could still wiggle your toes and fingers. You scanned the place, but it was too dark to see anything. You felt something hard and cold under your hand. A bone. You clenched it, without your wand that was your only plausible weapon. Even if the odds were slim. You sensed the troll coming back before you could see it. You wondered how it could have sneak up on you like that since each of its steps was making the ground shake. 
He was now in front of you. It stretched its hand to grab you as you cry in pain. He moved your body closer to its mouth. You shuddered to the thought that he was going to eat you alive. You raised your bone, which was bigger than you imagine. Good. You started to hit him with all your might. Kicking, biting, swinging. The adrenaline made you forget about the pain for a while. The troll was jerking you around, grunting, displeased by its recalcitrant dinner, but you hold on. Without warning, it dropped you. You cried out when your body hit the floor. Unable to go back on your feet, you started to crawl away from the creature. You briefly checked its whereabouts, it was making its way toward you. You clenched your teeth and use your last remaining strength to go faster, bracing for the worse. He was almost at your level when a trunk appeared on its side and smashed it. Before the troll had time to react, the trunk charged again aiming for its head this time, striking it several times. You saw its eyes rolled behind its head as its body began to sway. It took everything you had to roll on your side as the troll fell unconscious where you were. 
"________?" Cedric’s voice called out. "________?! Are you ok?!" 
"Over here!" You try to scream but your voice got stuck in your throat. He still found you right away and rushed to your side, examining the damages. Once he made sure that you were fine, he helped you up. You grimaced at the movement. 
"Sorry. Bear with it a bit longer." He said concerned. He was not in better shape but he ignored it.
He slid his arm around your waist and you put yours around his shoulders, supporting each other. You staggered back to the castle. The realization that Viktor was nowhere to be seen, suddenly hit you. 
"Where is Viktor?!" You asked Cedric, fearing the worst. 
"He’s fine. I asked him to back to warn the teachers that you were in danger." Cedric replied, tightening his grip around your waist. "He was hard to convince, he really wanted to go after you." 
You breathed out of relief, happy that your little excursion did not end in a horrible note. 
"I...," the young man started, looking for words. "It may sound really selfish..., " you glanced at him. Selfish and Cedric were not words that you would associate together. He was looking away. "But I am glad that I was the one who saved you." He finished, giving you a sheepish smile. Your heart skipped a beat. 
"Because I will forever be indebted to you?" You joked, trying to play it off. A chuckle escaped his lips too. 
"That’s exactly what I was thinking about while I was battling the troll." He laughed and suddenly turned serious and stopped walking. "No, seriously, _______. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you...You’re important to me." He said the latter in a whisper. You could feel a blush creeping on your face. 
"You’re important to me too." You muttered. He seemed surprised by what you just said. You were  now awkwardly looking at each other. Finally, a shy smile reached his face. 
"I know it’s not the best timing, but...Would you like to be my date to the Yule Ball, ____?" He asked. His eyes showing a mix of anxiety and hopefulness. Your heart was about to explode.
"I would love to." You answered, your voice reaching a higher pitch than usual.
You both smiled to yourselves as you made your way back to Hogwarts. You may not have discovered the secret being the golden egg, but you learned something far more important. That maybe your crush was not one-sided in the end. 
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cawy-x · 4 years
Who is the thief?!
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Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
You tried to stay awake until she came back but you slowly fell into a profound sleep. You awakened a few hours later by a monstrous scream, you immediately thought that someone had been murdered by Crow. You run to the kitchen, weapons in hand - well, your pillow in fact- to find Luffy madly shaking Sanji by his shoulders.
"I already told you! All the meat has disappeared from the ship..." He sighed annoyed, exhaling smoke from his cigarette, "I thought that you were the one who ate it during the night..."
"I didn't eat it! Maybe the thief is still on the boat! Chopper, Ussop, let's find the culprit!" He exclaimed, cracking his knuckles.
As they were about to step outside the kitchen, Nami appeared yawning, dark rings under her eyes.
"Why are you screaming so early in the morning?" She asked glaring at the trio.
"NAMI! Did you steal all the meat?"
"Why on earth would I steal food? I like gold, not dead animals!"
Luffy frowned and run outside followed by the reindeer and the sniper, already searching every single place of the ship. You looked at Nami suspiciously.
"You're the one who did it, right?" You finally asked.
"You caught me," she giggled. "I made up this story last night and decided to hide three things he likes, as Crow would.
- Nami-swaaaan! You must be tired of all the preparations to hide the meat last night, here have a coffee ~" Sanji cooed bringing some coffee to you and her.
"Y- You knew Sanji-kun?!"
"Of course! No one plays with food without my consent," he seriously said, "plus it was my dear Nami-swaaan who asked for help! ~ And our idiot captain deserves it!"
"I see...So meat first...What are the two other things?" You asked, curious.
"His hat obviously!" She stated grinning.
"That's too much! His hat is everything to him, I mean...I'm pretty sure that he sleeps and washes with it."
"That's why Sanji-kun is going to help me! He'll take it when Luffy will be asleep. And don't worry we will give him back." She winked before taking a sip of her hot beverage. 
There was no way you could change their minds, and even though you found the idea cruel, you couldn't help yourself from wanting to see how it would end. You finished your breakfast and went to the crow's nest, Zoro was already here training as usual. He looked at you but didn't say a word and kept on exercising. You sat next to the window and watched Luffy and the other searching everywhere for the meat.
"What's up with Luffy, today?" Zoro asked weeping his sweat with a towel behind you.
"Do you remember Nami's story from last night?"
"Yeah...It was lame...So?"
"She decided to hide things that Luffy likes because he deserves to pay for once, so the first thing she hid was..."
"Meat." He finished. "That damn woman, she's weak but she can be really scary..." He concluded sighing at the view of the others who were busy downstairs.
"You're right," you giggled, "but please don't say anything!"
For only answer, the swordsman nodded and returned to his weights. You smiled and returned your attention outside, unfortunately, the trio had already disappeared.
"ZOROOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Luffy yelled as he kicked the door to enter the room.
"I'm busy..." The swordsman sighed, glaring at the unwanted visitor.
"Hmm...Seems like you're trying to change the subject, Mr. Roronoa Zoro, you're our first suspect for the missing meat,"  Usopp said wearing a hat and a fake pipe like a true detective.
"I don't have time for that. I didn't steal your food Luffy, now leave me alone."
"Tututut! We have a few questions for you first, Sir ! Where were you last night between 1 a.m and 8 a.m?"
"I was sleeping..."
"AH AH! No one can prove that you were really sleeping since we were all sleeping!"
"So it was you, Zoro! Why did you do that ?!" Luffy shouted.
"I didn't steal your damn food!" He grumbled. 
"Maybe the culprit is Usopp," you suggested trying to help the poor green-haired boy.  
"W-What? I am the inspector Ma'am! Are you trying to cover for his crimes ?!"
"Well...We all have the same alibi, no one can prove if we were sleeping or not...So, you are a suspect just as much as Zoro, and maybe you're doing this to cover your tracks! Since we all know that you are a good liar!" You added feeling sorry for the sniper.
This time Luffy glared at Usopp. The sniper became awfully pale.
"U-S-O-P-P! What have you done with my meat ?!"
"Nothing! I-I...Why would have...I...No, Luffy, step back! Eeeeeeek, help me!" He said running toward you.
Before Luffy could touch him, someone else stormed into the room, under the annoyed stare of Zoro.
"Yohohoh! Luffy I think I have found the culprit!" Brook exclaimed.
"I know it's Usopp!"
"OOOOOH! Usopp I didn't know you were a thief."  The skeleton shouted out, shocked.
"I AM NOT! I DIDN'T DO IT!" He yelled back, hidden behind you.
"I am disappointed in you my little Usopp! And I thought it was the ghost!"
Everybody stopped moving and looked at Brook excepted for Luffy, whose head was down.
"The...ghost?" He asked, teeth clenched.
"Do you remember Nami's story about the man who was stealing people after his death? And the sign was a crow screaming? I think he came for you!"
You noticed that the young pirate had tightened his fists and was shaking. “Is he that mad?” you wondered. Then, he turned around throwing his arms in the air, eyes sparkling.
"There's a ghost on the boat! LET'S CATCH THE GHOST!" He shouted excited by the news.
"Y-you aren't afraid of him?" Usopp asked still clinging to your back.
"Hun? Why would I?" He answered nonchalantly poking his nose. 
"BECAUSE he kills people! Didn't you listen to the story?"
"...No". The boy admitted smiling. "But if we catch him he won't steal, right?"
"How are you gonna catch a ghost?"  You asked intrigued. 
"I have a plan !" He answered grinning even more. You looked at the other, they seemed nervous and confused about his idea. You turned your gaze to your Captain, still smiling until his eyes met yours. He looked at you then at Usopp, still close to you, and frowned.
"Let's go Usopp!" He announced pulling him by the arm, followed by Chopper and Brook, until they were out of view.
"I don't wanna get involved in it,"  Zoro sighed finally returning to his training. 
You gave him an apologetic smile and left him alone, as you stepped outside someone came behind you and whispered in your ear :
 "Since I've found the culprit...May I see your panties, _____-san?"   
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cawy-x · 4 years
Ghost stories | Luffyxreader
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Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
All the crew was reunited around a campfire, sitting on logs circling the fire. Sanji had brought some marshmallows and other treats for the night while Zoro brought some sake. You were all laughing and talking about everything when suddenly Nami announced that it was time for ghost stories. 
"One time I was possessed by a ghost! It was one of the most feared and dangerous pirates, but I, the great Captain Ussop managed to beat him before he could control my body!"
"Woah! You're amazing Ussop! How did you do?" Chopper asked with sparkling eyes. 
"I-I...hmm...I jumped into the sea! Yeah, that's it! Because you know the sea is salty and ghosts hate salt! You know there's also this one-time wh-"
 "Not that I don't want to hear another of your stories, but let's get down to business!"Nami cut him short, "Robin you go first!"An evil grin appeared on the girl's face telling you that this whole idea was a bad one, and you knew that you would not be able to sleep for days after that. 
"Do you know the story of the infamous pirate Ward, also known as the Bloody Demon?" Asked Robin, her voice already lower.
Everyone stayed silent, waiting for the story. It was a scary one, you unconsciously grabbed Luffy's arms – who was sitting next to you, hoping that the story would end soon. You looked around you, Nami was clinging on Chopper, his face buried in her chest, Ussop and Brook were embracing each other, shaking in fear while Zoro was calmly drinking sake and Sanji smoking a cigarette as for Franky he was intensely listening to the story. You glanced at the boy sitting next to you, -removing your arm of him in embarrassment at the same time- and you were not surprised to find him sound asleep.
"... and that's why Ward, is still hunting and killing pirates long after his death, to take revenge on those who betrayed him." Robin finished with a smile.
 "W-What...H-how...C-Can you tell such a story so collectedly?!" Usopp asked, still in the arms of the musician. 
"Yohohoho! I'm scared to the bone! Ghosts are so scary!" He whimpered.  
"I didn't relate the scariest story but I have others in reserve if you want to. What about the one abo-" 
"NO! We don't want to hear it!" Nami interrupted her. "Anyway, it's my turn now."
Nami made the same smile as Robin earlier, except hers was scarier. She told you this morning that she wanted to make Luffy pay for all the time he stole her mandarins without her consent so you were ready for the scariest story of your life.
"Luffy, this story is for you," she said with an unctuous voice until she noticed the captain snoring next to you. 
"OI! Luffy, wake up!" She yelled.The pirate lazily opened his eyes, looking around him.
"Oh, the story is over? Sanji give me some meat!" He happily asked without realizing the deadly glare of the orange-haired girl on him. Nami took a deep breath and sighed. 
"Luffy, just make sure to listen to the story..." 
"Hn? The story isn't over yet?" He asked his mouth full. 
"It's my turn now, and as I said before, this story is especially for you, so just listen!"
The boy frowned but nodded anyway, ready to listen to the girl. Nami cleared her throat and started.
"You know that pirates love treasures?" 
"Especially you," Ussop mumbled. She glared at him. 
"Shut up!... Anyway, there is this one pirate: Will “Crow's nest” Grim, who was infamous for all the treasures he stole during his life, hence his nickname because he would steal everything dear to a person's heart: loots, love, family, dreams...Nothing could stop him. Unfortunately, he was betrayed by his companions and killed by the Marine, but before he died he swore to keep on stealing even after his death, he declared that would take three treasures from every man, especially those with a lot of ambition and since then, many people died, depressed because they had been strip of what was dearest to their hearts. No one knows when Grim will strike but all the victims said that they all heard a crow screaming before everything starts." She concluded.  
"Your story sucked, Nami!" Luffy declared.You thought alike but didn't want to face Nami's wrath. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you heard a crow screaming and flying above you. You instinctively hung into Luffy as Usopp and Brook clung to each other screaming.
"HE'S COMING !! CROW IS HEEEERE! I knew that it was a bad idea!" The sniper shouted. 
"Idiot! It's just a bird and that was just a story..." Zoro grumbled. 
"Or maybe he is coming to kill us all." Robin stated, staring at Usopp. 
"Eeeeeeek!" "It's getting late, let's go back to the ship." Sanji interrupted already gathering all the stuff shortly followed by the rest of the crew. 
"______, I can't move anymore," Luffy said looking at your arms still around him. "I don't know why you were so scared, the stories were boring," he yawned as you let go of him for the second time.
You went back to the ship with the other and for the first time since you joined the Straw hats, you were glad to share a room with two other people.It had been hours since you went to sleep, but you could not close your eyes. Every little noise crept you out, so you stayed, eyes wide-open, hidden under your blanket. All of a sudden, you heard someone's steps. Your heart stopped and you held your breath, furtively glancing under the blanket, ready to scream for help. However, it was not a ghost but Nami who was heading outside the room with a mischievous smile.
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cawy-x · 4 years
I can’t give you my heart | Luffyxreader
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The young pirate was standing in front you, his round eyes were fixed on you, tears freely falling from them. “I'm sorry I can't give you my heart, ____ !”
You froze instantly. Did he find out about your feelings? You had a crush on your captain for some time now, but you honestly thought that he was too stupid to figure it out. You silently gulped, your throat was dry, you weren't mentally prepared for that. Should you deny it? Confront your feelings for good? Ignore it? More importantly, how did he find out? Why was he telling you this? Did your feelings were a burden for him? Your brain was about to explode, you had to think of something and quick! In addition, before you could repress them, some traitorous tears started streaming down your face, and by the time you could hide them, Luffy's warm fingers were already brushing them off. Surprised, you instinctively stepped back.
“Sorry, I am so sorry ____. I wish I could but I really can't! Don't hate me, please! Please, stop crying, I'm begging you, I don't want to see you cry!” Luffy blurted out seemingly hurt.
You wished you could stop those tears, but you couldn't control them from the beginning. You hated looking so pitiable, especially in front of the person you love. Luffy moved in front of you, drew his face closer to yours and started kissing your tears. Your heart skipped a beat, your brain froze, and you pushed him away from you again.
“Ah...Sorry, you were only trying to comfort me, I shouldn't have been so rough...”You apologized once you realized what you did before eyeing in the direction of the young pirate.
What you saw broke your heart. Luffy looked so miserable right now. He was staring at the floor, head down, his fists gripping on his jeans and tears flowing down his face. He was trembling, and his knees finally gave up on him as he fell on the floor. You approached him slowly and gently hugged him, totally confused about his attitude.
“It's alright Luffy, I don't hate you, I would never hate you because you can't give me your heart. I'm not that selfish, you know.” You reassured stroking his back.
The boy stopped sobbing and hugged you tighter in his arms. “You don't hate me, but you don't love me either because I couldn't give you my heart!” He whined.
“I think you already know that I love you Luffy...” You replied embarrassed.
This time Luffy pushed you, put his hands on your shoulders, and looked at you confused as he tilted his head to the side.
“But...That's not possible ____ ! Sanji told me that if you want a lady to like you, you should be able to give her all your heart and I didn't give you mine! And I really tried, I swear! I even ask Tra-guy if he could take my heart but he just sighed, called me an idiot, and hung up.” He said sulking.
“Luffy...Are you trying to say that you love me too?”
“Yes, I love you! But I can't give you my heart like Sanji said!” He replied feeling down again.
“Oh my god, you really are an idiot! You don't have to give me your heart, it's just a figure of speech!”
His eyes widened as he finally understood and he gave you a bright childish smile before launching into you to give you a gentle peck on the lips.
“In that case, I'll give you all of me ______!”
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