carefreemonk · 19 hours
☆ e-erm... (nw if it's too late to do this i just did not see it in its initial glory lol)
[ azama steps up to the mic ]
Must I...?
... Fine then.
He's everything you could want in a knight! Stubborn, uptight, dashing, and oh so loyal. The sort who's easy to tease - almost too easy, if you ask me.
But he does seem possessed of a virtuous heart - the sort that many a god look favourably upon. Maybe that's why he's so lucky...
ahem. That should be enough, yes?
(Not in the habit of rooting for competition, sorry not sorry.)
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carefreemonk · 2 days
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ compliment me.
[ azama steps up to the mic ]
A lovelier bastard I have never seen! (This is a lie.)
The blackness of his wings beautifully matches the colour of his spirit! Kudos for that!
He has a flair for chaos near unrivalled, I must say. If he were a student in my class, he'd probably be the designated shit disturber! (affectionate)
I could probably stand to learn a thing or two from him insofar as meddling goes. Hmm hm~ ♡
Also, his dancing is *hilarious*
100% you don't want to miss out on it. It will better your life if you don't die from laughter first
Rooting for you! You beautiful dastard of a bird! Keep on causing problems!!
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carefreemonk · 2 days
☆ (have mercy)
[ azama steps up to the mic ]
Well now, who have we here but young Alcryst!
I'm impressed! By the fact he's managed to further this existence of his! See, I wouldn't have expected it from a guy whose backbone wouldn't even serve to feed a dog.
... Is that what you were expecting me to say?
Actually, that's not giving him enough credit. He has plenty of other perfectly serviceable bones to spare, after all ♡
... I jest! Don't look at me like that!! His reputation may differ greatly depending on which of his peers you ask, but my own experience fighting alongside him has left me with a net mostly-positive impression.
I'd be more confident fighting alongside him if he looked more confident in himself, mind. Perhaps the problem here isn't a spine so much as it might be proper motivation...? I swear I sense some bark in him, I do! I've seen hints of it!
Rooting for you! I'll be sure to invite you to my next wedding!!
Wait I forgot the compliment part didn't I uhhh I like his choice in hairclip! Quite bold! Très avant-garde! ✨️
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carefreemonk · 2 days
hit me with ur best shot
[ azama steps up to the mic ]
Laslow is the best at what he does!
(And what he does is entertain :) when he fails spectacularly at wooing women. His reputation is quite legendary, even in Hoshido, ohoho!)
Always good for a laugh! I do so appreciate that about him. Truly.
Legitimately think, based on his Divas performance, La slow should change tack and simply impress with his good looks and his dance moves instead of his words.
Rooting for you! :)
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carefreemonk · 2 days
Fingers stroked the scruff on his chin, fuzz not near enough to warrant being called a proper beard. Brows pinched together, not in anger, nor in confusion. Simply, the monk lent himself to a moment's thought, and upon reaching a conclusion, deigned to share:
"Tell me: if I were to call you wise beyond your years, Miss Maria... I would not be the first to do so, would I?"
Just a guess!
A faint smile tugged at the monk's lips.
She had promised. Given her word.
But promises could be given to breaking under pressure. Snap. Crackle. Pop! Words awayed with the wind. Humans were, not unlike the gods who might have fashioned them in Their image, fickle creatures.
And life wasn't always fair.
"And thank you for your trust," Azama said, returning her gratitude in solemn kind. Up they went (and yes, he did require a spot or two of help to properly set himself aboard their mount -- gods, falling to his death would be such a funny, albeit unfortunate way to go), and off they soared.
It would have been a perfect day for a nap. The warmth of the sun embraced the cool of the wind against his face. Squinting against the bright skies, Azama wondered at the stormy duty awaiting them. Even beautiful days could be mourned.
"Down there," he pointed. Trees had been snapped, foliage askewed, in a small, disappearing path toward the mountainside.
Good a place to start as any.
wondrous tails
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carefreemonk · 5 days
The rat orchestra from last year’s Ethereal ball is apparently back and looking for work again. That’s the only explanation you can think of, anyway, when you start hearing rumors about rodents gathering in some out-of-the-way alley in town to play music on instruments stolen from the monastery. At the same time, a second rumor has started up: students have reported hearing a long C-sharp before going to bed at night, only to discover the next morning that one of their classmates has gone missing! That’s three in the span of a week so far. Are these things related? The Knights won’t get involved and the monastery staff appears unbothered, so you decide to take these matters into your own hands. [Grants Sword +1]
"Oh dearie me..."
Azama couldn't help being popular. Wasn't his fault he had such a natural charm, you know?
But this... Well, this manner of affection was a bit much for his liking, truly.
"All right, all right, that is quite enough." Soulful eyes regarded him, full of an absolute lack of understanding. "I realize you saved me from mean ol' Snagglefang, who seems to have it out for me even on a good day, but I really must be on my merry way now. Shoo. Off you go."
With one final lick that mussed Azama's hair (none the worse than it already was), the aegir hound pup bounded away.
"Now then."
The last thing he remembered, upon nearing the end of his employment-mandated patrol, was hearing a strange song. He'd gone to investigate, and then...
He'd come to, surrounded by a gaggle of not-quite-mice clamouring about some missing hero of theirs. Before he'd much chance to take stock of the situation beyond his greatly diminished stature, they'd shoved a tunic over his head, a staff in his hand, and sent him on his merry way to complete some... quest, in their hero's stead.
Fickle not-rats, if you asked him.
Now then. Standing before the garden bed-turned-forest, thumb-tall Azama stood scratching his head.
Hadn't they said something about finding him a trusty sidekick for this gig?
to the Deepwood Shrine~! [300 word max]
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carefreemonk · 18 days
“Agh— wait, w-wait, no-!”
Too late. Why? Whyyyyy?
“Miss Hilda, c’monnn, it was just a small jest, a joke, a jape,—” he’d stooped, plucking wayfallen crystals back into the bag with no little haste for fear of actually being left behind, and, well, why he was bothering in the first place begged for answers, really,
(he suspected it was probably because he actually did enjoy his paycheck, no matter how sparsely he could live if he put his mind to it),
“You wouldn’t truly make an old man lug all this by his lonesome, would you-?”
Oh, he already knew the answer to that, even as he hefted the pack over his shoulders with a grunt. Suppose he could simply pretend he was on one of ye olde pilgrimages father had been obsessed with sending him on back in the day.
Still, he had to keep trying.
“Don’t you care about your grade any? Even the tiniest sliver? Hup—” almost tripped over a rock, whoops. “And if not that, then, well…”
He’d finally caught up, at long last.
He smiled at the wall, and the crack of light teasing just the least hint of the outside world awaiting them.
“… Do you think my fellows in the profs’ lounge would listen to me if I told them you could stand to be pushed much harder than they are at the present?”
He removed the pack, under flimsy pretense of rearranging it.
“Besides, I think I hurt my ankle back there.”
He didn’t look it but. Who knew? Maybe it was the truth. He was, after all, a holy man. One of the holiest! Don’t tell Seiros he thought so.
“I can keep going, if you need.”
All the while, free hand covering his eyes, Azama squinted at the crack. Hard to make out what awaited on the other side… Hmm…
slacker, no slacking
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carefreemonk · 1 month
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alright, alright, I get it already. I—
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Sweet Fucking Mila that's not a bloom festal it's a goddamn boop festal
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carefreemonk · 1 month
"Oh, woe is me…" Python languishes about the medical tent in a very pointed manner——pointed directly toward a particular Hoshidan monk. To tell the truth, he's seen more of the man's combat skills than his healing ones, but there's a crucial detail about the archer's particular woes that makes this medic the ideal one for the job. "Won't someone take pity on poor, ugly Python?" Poor, ugly Python is more than capable of walking on his own, albeit with a bit of a limp. He still half-drapes himself against Azama. For the effect. "I was told I need to find someone willing to look past my unsightly face if I want to be healed, y'see." He tilts his head now, so dramatically that it droops against the monk's shoulder. His voice drops as well, adding in a low, nasal little grumble: "Maybe the Lions could use a seminar on more creative insults..."
Azama flips through parchment, scanning names, taking stock of those who need some degree of medical attention versus those who are clearly pretending and just wanted out of the fight earlier versus those who really ought just walk it off but complain loudly anyway--
He pauses, not because lugging Python's weight as he wordlessly continues through his checks is overly encumbering, but because he's debating whether he should console the poor man, laugh at him, or both.
"Ahem." He settles on neither. For now. "So you came to me because..."
The monk doesn't have to gesture at his own face, eyes near perpetually shut, but he does anyway.
"Well! It seems your opponents cut quite deep... I suppose there's no helping it - ol' Azama will simply have to see what he can do."
Whether lugging or pushing along, he drags poor, ugly Python to a cot all his own, sits him down (whether he likes it or not!), and draws the curtains.
It is at this point he simply cannot help it anymore, and the dam breaks.
"Pfft... Pffwahaha...! 'Unsightly'? Someone called you that? To your face? Today? During a mock battle?" He pauses. "Did they know it's not that kind of 'mock' battle? Bwahahaha!" Oh, gods preserve him, he's hilarious!!
Shoulders shudder with his laughter.
"W... Was this a student?"
He stills, suddenly. Starry eyes blink open, briefly, gleaming with mischief.
"If so... are they aware it is within your power to make. them. run?"
A pensive hum overtakes the monk, until finally, he settles again. Head cants to the side and he looks Python up and down. Brows draw in a furrow - an uncharacteristic but clear expression of concern.
"... My staff doesn't heal bruised egos, for better or worse, but... Are you hurt anywhere else?"
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carefreemonk · 2 months
“Why ever would I do that?”
His smile lingers, never quite fading. Why does it unnerve people so, that one might settle on a smile as their default? It’s not his fault he’s such a chipper guy. “One might be given to imagine you think I’ve something to hide.”
They dance, and dance some more.
It’s nothing graceful, mind. Not even akin to cats circling each other, looking for weakness. He feels more like a bird looking from on high and cackling at some poor wingless sod below. Azama doesn't doubt for a second that Delthea likely feels the same, sat atop an imaginary perch of her own.
“Oho! A promise then, is it?”
Gutsy, this one. He'd have to see if she was full of hot air. He'd poke and poke if he had to. As nonchalant an air as he was putting off... it's not like he isn't curious. About Python, and, well--
He blinks, just now processing the girl's whole tirade about his purported corruption and just what ???
“Me, steal money from a student?… Miss Delthea, what are you…?”
This game has developed in a surprising new way! And not in a good way! Aha. Ha.
Actually though, the fire's out before he can even get to tamping it down. Shoulders relax. Brows prior knitted together settle back into perpetual bemusement.
"You haven't been able to get your hands on these, and yet you're going to kick my butt? Pfffft." A funny girl, this one. Azama finds himself half fond. He deals the cards, and looking at his own hand, he hums. There have been some card games similar to this one in Hoshido, but he can't say he's ever been an expert.
"Your go, first," he offers. Worst case, he can follow her lead for this, he supposes. But that extends only to the cards.
“Now, about this mutual understanding you mentioned… What exactly did you have in mind?”
you kinda look like pot of greed... +1 authority .
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carefreemonk · 2 months
What in the worlds is this little miss doing…?
Azama watches with a mix of fascination and horror. Certainly, the spirit is there, and L’Arachel’s natural… flair, let us say, cannot be denied.
This is where the monk’s positive appraisal ends.
He holds his hand out to receive her newly fashioned creation.
Surely she does not expect him to wear it…?
Morbidly intrigued though he might be, he does not think he can sit through another.
“… passable, yes, yes! Quite passable. I knew you could do it. A for effort!"
Gods help this poor girl.
a charming encounter!
The younger members of the clergy empathize deeply with the fearful students. Noticing that it’s the Guardian Moon, one of them decides to show the students how to make a “Saint Seiros charm” from their hometown, a traditional craft for Saint Seiros Day. The bit of Faith magic woven into it gives the trinket a certain comforting aura, something much-needed during these perilous times. Others offer instruction about their own version of charms that, while not for Saint Seiros, offer a sense of togetherness and cultural connection, and helps take one’s mind off the cold.
[100 words per response challenge]
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carefreemonk · 2 months
Oh, wow. The girl could swing!
“Useless? What hogwash… I saw that strike. You’ve been pulling the wool over your dear ol' professors’ eyes this entire time!” Not that he could blame her. In fact, kudos for mostly pulling it off. But with his current role as a teacher, he’d allow himself a mite of indignation over a student selling themselves short. It was his duty, was it not?
“I daresay you should try to apply— AUGH!! Not on my robes-!!”
Shoulders drooped. Gross. “Gods preserve me…”
Extricating himself from the better part of the webs (not without her help, mind), Azama made a face. Tried to flick some webbing residue off. Failed.
This girl. This girl…!
All the same, he couldn’t but worry. “Careful with those. I don’t wave my healing staves about for those who hurt themselves carelessly.”
(She would have gotten a free pass for getting him out of the webs, but she’d negated it handily with her desecration of his favourite tiny outfit. Tsk, tsk!)
It was quiet around them, he was noticing now that he'd a moment's reprieve to him.
The spider probably wasn’t coming back. Even so…
“I think I saw an alternate path back there when we were running if you’d rather turn back that way. I’m not sure how many more crystals we can lug out of here with my pack in this state, anyhow… Hmm…”
Just then, an idea!
“Stand still a moment, will you?”
(If she did, she’d notice her back getting mysteriously heavier…?)
slacker, no slacking
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carefreemonk · 2 months
If Azama notices Corrin’s shock and awe, he doesn’t show it, but, like,
of course he notices. Because it’d be blasphemous to have missed out on it. And it’s a look he very much intends to commit to memory.
(Idly, he fancies his dear dorm neighbour, Jakob, might next bury him were he to learn of this… Heh.)
Corrin settles without rebuttal, which is frankly easier than the monk had been expecting. He beams down at his accomplice, though he doesn’t pause in his efforts. (Tchk. Tchk. The sound of shovel displacing earth one small patch at a time.)
“There’s a good lad.”
A playful grin, then:
“Ohoho... You should have told me you actually liked eating dirt, though - I might have tried to pick out a better plot for you, you know.”
Nearly done now. He’d only settle a thin layer near Corrin’s head - truly, he’d no intention of suffocation the man. Azama could be silly at times, but let none call him treasonous…!
“Hmm… Missing something…”
Ah. There.
Flowers land atop the sliver of Corrin’s face yet visible, covering the remainder. (Don’t ask where he got them. Might not like the answer!)
“I shall be off to the side, milord, feigning sleep. It’d be more fishy if there weren’t some guard posted at this point, right? Our culprit will be wary, I imagine, but I bet you they’ll still fall for our trap.”
With a light pat to the earth now atop Corrin’s chest, the monk chuckles.
“Well! When it comes to timing, trust your instincts, yes? It’s one of the best things you’ve got going for you, after all.”
And with that, off he goes! Nap time, yay~!
Graverobbing with My Sister's Bestie
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carefreemonk · 2 months
Azama still couldn’t believe he’d the opportunity to help with bestowing a name upon a living, breathing creature of this world, and he’d settled on. Soup. Un-be-lieveable.
“What, like playdates for wyverns? Is that a thing?”
He supposed it very well might be, in the same vein as socializing pups when young to see that they turned out. Although that was a psychology Azama had yet to read much into. 
“Oh! You mean like right now.”
For all that she might come across the more timid of the Hoshidan royals, Sakura could prove just as single-minded strong as her siblings when she had set her mind to something. This, Azama had learned over the years - which was both good and yet unfortunate, as she had become less of an easy target to tease for reasons unfathomable to the monk.
All the same, Azama watched, arms crossed loosely over his chest and chin tilted in curiosity. Would Soup pass this test also?
Well… He seemed to be faring all right at the moment.
“Good for him,” he said, and though the monk would never admit to it, the hum that followed had a decidedly pleased pitch to it. Proud parents, indeed. Ha.
And still Sakura continued to blaze ahead, determination driving her despite the lack of an easy path ahead.
“Do they usually have decorations at hand for stables…?” He’d learned something new today, if so. “I’d always thought them more minded to practicality, but… Hmm…”
Well, a name plate was not so inconceivable an ask, he supposed. After all, academy nobles probably didn’t want their mighty steeds getting confused for some dirty peasant’s.
“Maybe in one of these crates, then…” He mumbled to himself, crouching to pry one of the lids off. Aha. Easier than expected. Almost like Sakura had a special ability to have whatever she needed near at hand. Maybe it was a princess thing.
“Look! There’s all sorts of stuff in here, including a nice slate of wood that ought prove serviceable. And!”
Reaching into his own satchel at his side, he rustled about and,
An inkwell, nicely capped. A brush, clearly well tended.
“Only the finest ink and bristles of hoshidan make for our precious Soup, yes?”
He held his hands out.
“Would you do the honours, milady?”
She was hundred per cent sure about the choice of the name and she couldn’t be more happier than this, since for once, she managed to agree with Azama’s decision: it was in Sakura’s nature to usually get along and agree with other’s decisions, but when it came to her retainers or her siblings retainers, most of the time she found herself in front of a wall. She got used to it throughout the time, but when this special occasions happened… she was extremely happy and satisfied with the outcome, especially when the agreement was settled with Azama, one of the toughest retainers of the royal family of Hoshido –she had nothing against him, really, but she knew how much difficult it was to be on the same wavelength as him.
She was still lullabying the baby wyvern as she was listened to Azama’s proposal, examining as well the observant manners and attentions that the humble monk was giving to each wyvern in the stable nearby Soup, taking care of everything as he has always done, a very diligent retainer indeed. Sakura bobbed her head lightly as she hummed and watched carefully the inspection of Azama, then eventually grinned at him as she heard the results: passed! Their Soup was a very soft and kind wyvern, treating everyone in the stables like a relative, even if it was actually unknown for Sakura, since she truly didn’t know the actual relations in between all those wyverns. Yet, one thing was for sure: Soup needed some company.
“I’m afraid so..” her pale visage darkened for a second, then she immediately eyed some cute wyvern babies strolling nearby Soup’s stable, “Maybe we can try and have some of the other babies playing with Soup?” she was tempted and with slow pace, she got closer to one of them, she gently put down the baby wyvern and patiently waited for him to react, snuggling up close to have a better point of view: the other creature was perplexed at first, but then it stretched its neck towards Soup, probably to properly sniff the newly acquired friend. Soup was hesitant at first, but feeling the vicinity of Sakura gave him the courage to stay still and sniff back the other wyvern.
“He made a new friend!!” she chirped, careful to not talk aloud as she didn’t want to scare the entire stables. Now that Soup was busy making friends, it was the perfect time for both Sakura and Azama to take care of the decorations of the stable. Getting back on her feet, Sakura quietly clasped her hands together in happiness, then shared a seraphic smile with Azama.
“We can have him chitchatting with the new friend for a little while we take care of the nameplate and some more decors in the room” she said, looking around for any clue where to find something useful for the plate. “I’m not sure where to find it… but I can add another manger in here in the meantime, so that Soup can have something to eat together with his new friend!” she shifted her gaze to stare at them, which were eagerly playing with their tails, adorably.
“What else can we add?”
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carefreemonk · 2 months
[ child generator meme ]
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Don't ask how their hair works - they're convinced it's got a mind of its own tbh.
Honestly doesn't want anything to do with being some fancy dragon or whatever. Doesn't really want much to do with ... whatever it is that Azama does, either. (That said, they'd be content to chill at some remote monastery and just. Help out. Live their life.)
Indifferent save when it comes to being thrust into the spotlight. They're simply not interested!
Despite their penchant for enjoying their alone time, they do seem to have an odd/not-even-trying charisma about them... They suspect this has been inherited from Corrin.
Would prob indulge siblings' antics. Well. Some of them.
Comfy clothing is a must.
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carefreemonk · 3 months
almost caught up but can't shake the feeling i'm forgetting somethin! if i've missed a starter i'm supposed to write/reply to, please lmk!
additionally some of the 'waiting on partner' threads have been sitting for 3+ months -- i don't mind waiting, i know i'm not the fastest myself, but please *do* let me know if you'd prefer not to continue! no biggie, sometimes the thread just doesn't jive, but the communication is appreciated o7
if i don't hear back about em before march 13th, i'll go ahead and consider them dropped.
(also it's super possible some were moved from beta and i spaced on em-- please hmu!)
waiting on me
graverobbing w my sister's bestie w/ @duskofendflame (corrin)
a name for the baby w @gentlenekomata (sakura)
waiting on partner
let them eat cake! w @achaemenidstar (claude)
horsing around w @making-dough (farina)
hazing the newbie w @optimismxmagicism (ewan)
a charming encounter! w @aglaean (l'arachel)
wondrous tails w @princessmacedon (maria)
does it really suit you? w @viridescent-lance (forsyth)
slacker no slacking w @delicatevalentine (hilda)
pot of greed w @sorcerese (delthea)
say yes to the dress w @sacaeblade (lyn)
a coat of red or a coat of blue w @peerlessscowl (raven)
don't starve (together) w @taguelbunnyboy (yarne)
peekaboo w @ shadoll (sara)
please fight me i'm begging w @peerlessscowl (raven)
dread and valor w @beholdenning (denning)
the nerve of some people w @liegebound (kent)
blue sea miracles w @rozyrne (rosado)
an extra helping of faith w @ephemeralove (katarina)
unleash thy fury of thunder w @blaiddllodi (dimitri)
tell me something i don't know w @partnerindestiny (shez)
tastes like bad w @etrefleurbleues (louis)
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carefreemonk · 3 months
Just the gremlin he'd been hoping to see!
He greets her with a smile, cordial as always. He's got important business to tend to - there's this napping spot that rightly qualifies as divine, in his twofold expert opinion - but it isn't yet ready, hasn't yet hit the magical hour where everyone's scarpered off to supper, leaving Azama his peace.
Maybe he'll mess around with her a bit to kill time.
"Not sure it's been quite long enough, my dear Delthea." The corners of his eyes crinkle with genuine mirth, as though he's landed in a particularly funny jest.
Even so, she has posed a fun question. He hums a moment, deliberating.
"Reality isn't so far removed from illusion, if you ask me. The cogs of fate continue to move, and every day we march closer and closer to the preordained finality of our deaths..." He shrugs, quirks his head in consideration. "Suppose Garreg Mach's food tastes better, if that counts?"
But she isn't here for his whimsical thoughts on the finite nature of human life. Soon enough, she gets to the point,
and all Azama can do is bark laughter, chortling with enough force he even wipes a tear or two from his eyes.
"Miss! Are you per chance blackmailing me?" He stifles another bout of giggles best as he can. It sure looks like she is, does it not? "If so, I'm afraid you have much to learn, little one..."
He sits himself across from her in the gazebo, and pulls out some cards - a deck put together by the grace of students too careless to avoid having their stuff confiscated for daring to play in class.
"Let's play, shall we? Teach me, and I will teach you - starting with an important lesson,"
he grins,
"knowing exactly what it is you have - or don't - over your opponent's head."
you kinda look like pot of greed... +1 authority .
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