captainfirecracker · 2 years
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Brooklyn Tavers
A redesign of a character I had, she’s a business major with the hopes of one day owning a coffee shop. She loves coffee, jazz music, surreal art, and women. I’ll do a more detailed post about her later! 
The art in this post is mine
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
For all my roleplay partners:
Never hold your muse back. For real. If your muse wants to lash out at mine, or kiss mine, or tell mine a horrible secret, or slam mine against a wall — go for it. Don’t ever feel like I’ll get your reply and judge you or your muse. 
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
“Moira, please,” Moira looked up at Eli, an exasperated expression on her face, “I’m not even 25 yet.” She couldn’t help but smile a bit at his comment. She wasn’t a fan of fancy formal wear either but he looked good in a suit. “All the better to dress down then. So we look like people hangin’ out,” the redheaded woman pulled out her phone and looked to see the time. “Well first I think brunch would be a good start.” 
Her stomach had been in knots but it seemed like he wouldn’t be so uptight. “There’s a nice cafe I usually go to, we can walk or catch a cab,” Moira offered. She normally walked a lot, it helped keep her in shape. “Maybe ya can tell me what ya’ve heard about me? My da can tell some tall tales,” not too tall though. Eli would probably find her difficult as a client, she’d find it hard not to imagine one of those romance plots from her books. 
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Iain nodded, returning the polite smile on his face. The young man was in a suit which was a good impression on the older Scotsman, “you as well.” He gave a pointed look at his daughter, “fair warnin’ she’s difficult.” 
“Da,” Moira pursed her lips before turning her attention to Eli. She looked him up and down as subtly as she could. Damn he was a looker. She bit her lip, making a popping sound as she gave him a polite smile. It reached her eyes more than she intended, “nice ta meet ya too Eli… You look very professional.” 
The short Scottish woman pursed her lips again, “look I’m not goin’ ta beat around the bush. Can ya please dress down a bit?” She motioned to her own appearance. She had on a simple light blue v-neck shirt, a chunky light brown cardigan, blue jeans and some short boots. Her long red hair was thrown into a messy ponytail with her bangs framing her face. “It’s kinda obvious who ya are, wouldn’t ya agree da?” 
Iain sighed and bowed his head for a moment. His daughter wasn’t wrong. It would look odd for her to be followed around by a man in a suit. “Fine Moira,” he looked up from his desk, “Eli, wear somethin’ more casual since my daughter insists on dressin’ down.” 
The Scotsman sat down in his seat, “now I hate ta send ya off so soon but I have work that needs ta be done. I expect you for dinner tanight. Usual place.” He turned his attention to the papers on his desk, his brow furrowed.
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“Don’t worry, Sir, I’m sure I can handle it,” Eli said. He wondered how difficult. Then again, she couldn’t be any worse than the people he ran around with. He couldn’t help but notice the little smile on her face and the look in her eyes. No, he reminded himself. That was a bad idea. Eli fought back a laugh, he wasn’t one to shy away from bad ideas. 
Eli glanced down at himself. “Yes, well, this seems to be a professional job.” His brow rose when she suggested that he dress down. It almost felt like a trick. “Er…” He turned to look back at Iain to see what he thought. When her father seemed to agree, he nodded. “Yeah, nothing screams bodyguard more than some guy in a suit.”  
“I’ll make sure she gets there, Sir,” Eli said. He led the way out. Once they were in the hallway, Eli slipped off the grey jacket leaving him in a matching dress-up shirt. Tossing the jacket over his shoulder, Eli began to undo the buttons on the cuff. Rolling up the sleeves, Eli revealed some tattoos. “I hate this damn suit anyways,” he cleared his throat, forgetting that he needed to be somewhat professional. “Where are we going to first, ma’am?” 
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Iain nodded, returning the polite smile on his face. The young man was in a suit which was a good impression on the older Scotsman, “you as well.” He gave a pointed look at his daughter, “fair warnin’ she’s difficult.” 
“Da,” Moira pursed her lips before turning her attention to Eli. She looked him up and down as subtly as she could. Damn he was a looker. She bit her lip, making a popping sound as she gave him a polite smile. It reached her eyes more than she intended, “nice ta meet ya too Eli... You look very professional.” 
The short Scottish woman pursed her lips again, “look I’m not goin’ ta beat around the bush. Can ya please dress down a bit?” She motioned to her own appearance. She had on a simple light blue v-neck shirt, a chunky light brown cardigan, blue jeans and some short boots. Her long red hair was thrown into a messy ponytail with her bangs framing her face. “It’s kinda obvious who ya are, wouldn’t ya agree da?” 
Iain sighed and bowed his head for a moment. His daughter wasn’t wrong. It would look odd for her to be followed around by a man in a suit. “Fine Moira,” he looked up from his desk, “Eli, wear somethin’ more casual since my daughter insists on dressin’ down.” 
The Scotsman sat down in his seat, “now I hate ta send ya off so soon but I have work that needs ta be done. I expect you for dinner tanight. Usual place.” He turned his attention to the papers on his desk, his brow furrowed.
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Be My Bodyguard (eeliabwrites)
Moira Abernathy loved going to London with her parents, it was one of the highlights of her life as an ambassador’s daughter. One thing she didn’t enjoy however was her dad insisting on having a bodyguard for this trip. Sure they’d gotten threats from people claiming to be the IRA but that was all up in the air. There was no way the actual IRA was threatening them. 
 The Scottish woman didn’t make herself known. She avoided tabloids as much as was possible. Moira didn’t wear designer brands or ride in really fancy cars. She kept her hair styles plain and tried to stay to less conspicuous clubs. A girl’s gotta live a little. 
 Her point had been though that she’d taken precautions every trip to stay unnoticed, wouldn’t a bodyguard ruin that? “Da, think about it. A man in a suit followin’ me is goin’ ta be obvious,” Moira rolled her eyes. Now if only her dad could see that. 
 "Moira. Enough,“ Iain sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, “I’m not changin’ my mind.” He’d been having this talk over and over again. There were threats to his family so Moira going around London on her own was out of the question. “Ya’re my only daughter,” he wanted her to see that he was only trying to protect her. 
 "At least have him in casual or business casual,“ the short redheaded woman rolled her eyes. If she had to have a bodyguard he may as blend in at least. A knock at the door caught her attention. 
 "That must be him,” Iain looked at Moira pointedly, “come in!”
This was supposed to be his chance to start over. The courts sealed his juvenile record, allowing him to pass the background check required for the job. Maybe this time he’d be able to do things, but certain people were already whispering in his ear. It would be easy to pull jobs like this. 
Eli stared in the mirror at the grey-suit he’d bought. Suits were not his thing, but he had to look nice. At least, on the first day. Maybe he’d convince someone to let him wear anything but this monkey-suite. Taking a deep breath in, Eli walked down the hall and knocked on the door. 
Slowly he opened the door and stepped into the room. Plastering a polite smile on his face, Eli held out his hand to Iain. “Lovely to see you again, Sir.” He’d met the man one time at the final interviewing stage. Then, he turned towards the woman in front of him. Pretty, he mused. 
“I’m Eli, your new bodyguard,” he said. “You must Moira. It’s nice  to meet you, ma’am.” He held out a hand for her to shake. God, he felt so silly calling someone around his age, ma’am. 
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Be My Bodyguard (eeliabwrites)
Moira Abernathy loved going to London with her parents, it was one of the highlights of her life as an ambassador's daughter. One thing she didn't enjoy however was her dad insisting on having a bodyguard for this trip. Sure they'd gotten threats from people claiming to be the IRA but that was all up in the air. There was no way the actual IRA was threatening them. 
 The Scottish woman didn't make herself known. She avoided tabloids as much as was possible. Moira didn't wear designer brands or ride in really fancy cars. She kept her hair styles plain and tried to stay to less conspicuous clubs. A girl's gotta live a little. 
 Her point had been though that she'd taken precautions every trip to stay unnoticed, wouldn't a bodyguard ruin that? "Da, think about it. A man in a suit followin' me is goin' ta be obvious," Moira rolled her eyes. Now if only her dad could see that. 
 "Moira. Enough," Iain sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I'm not changin' my mind." He'd been having this talk over and over again. There were threats to his family so Moira going around London on her own was out of the question. "Ya're my only daughter," he wanted her to see that he was only trying to protect her. 
 "At least have him in casual or business casual," the short redheaded woman rolled her eyes. If she had to have a bodyguard he may as blend in at least. A knock at the door caught her attention. 
 "That must be him," Iain looked at Moira pointedly, "come in!"
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
I watched certain scenes from the end of the show...
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I thought ‘hey if I watch it now I can brace myself for when I get there.’
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
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My dog passed away today, he was about 2 when I got him in 2007, always smiling and happy to see us. I’m going to clean this up and color it but for right now this is all I can do 
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Updated About Me
Updated my about me and retired some muses and reworked a couple 
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Moira Abernathy
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Portrait is by me
Age: 23
Physical Description: Long wavy red hair, light brown eyes, freckled pale skin, no tattoos, 5 foot, 120 lbs. Normal clothing consists of chunky cardigans, tank tops, skinny jeans, and ankle boots or converse. Moira usually wears her hair half up and keeps it layered.
Biography: Moira moved to Boston from Edinburgh, Scotland. She took on a job at the public library as a librarian. Her family life is a bit messy, her parents tend to want to be out of extended family for reasons unbeknownst to her. They weren’t too happy when she chose to move overseas, letting her know as much. she’s been in the states of about 6 months in Boston and is eager to pick up and move again, but that’s difficult on a librarian’s budget.
Personality: Moria tends to be stubborn, feisty, and sure of herself. She knows what she wants and will put herself out there. She loves her family but she doesn’t bend her knee to anyone, not even her father or grandfather. Moira has been described as strong willed and ill tempered by some that know her fairly well. She has a soft spot for people who frequent her library, often offering to help those studying British history.
FC: Karen Gillan
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Alanna Doyle
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Art by me
Age: 24
Physical Description: She has shoulder length dark auburn brown hair, bright blue eyes, she stands at five foot four inches tall, athletic build, has an anti-possession tattoo, a claddagh on her shoulder. Her clothing preferences are usually made of v-neck t-shirts, tank tops, skinny jeans, steel toe boots, and durable jackets. She hardly if ever wears a dress, unless it’s for a job.
Biography: Alanna grew up in the country side just outside of Dublin, hear all the old stories. Dulahans, banshees, faeries, selkies, and all the rest but to her they were just stories to keep children out of the forests. When she was about 18 she had her first run in with a ghost at St. Michan’s church in Dublin. The young woman had escaped with the help of a boy around her age. Tomas was his name and they stuck together after that until something happened and she left Ireland for Boston at the age of 24. She still hunts, but Tomas is ‘no longer with her’ as she likes to put it.
Personality: Alanna is bold and lives life in the moment, trying not to think what tomorrow will bring or what yesterday was like. She learns quickly, or at least she tries to. Filled with wanderlust, Irish charm, and a temper to boot. She tries to avoid her more unpleasant emotions and cope with those through other means, usualy with the help of Guinness, her pipe, or a roll in the sack.
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Supernatural RP (Canon x OC) (Fandom RP)
I’m looking for a writing partner for a Supernatural roleplay taking place around the season 2 time-period. I have a case idea in mind to kick it off, we can discuss where we want the story to go. I’d like to play one of the brothers and one of two OC’s I have. We can discuss details in DMs (We can switch Discords or email then as well)
CW: Description of bodily harm (something you’d see on Supernatural)
Premise: In outskirts of Boston there have been a series of deaths by decapitation where the heads are never found. These always happen on precise days of the year. There are sounds of a woman screaming the night before, sometimes only hours before a body is found, always the same voice. She hasn’t been found or spoken to, as there is never a woman at the scene. There’s been enough to have a local urban legend rear its head again by a few sites, mostly for clicks. There’s been no official word on the cause except for possible animal attacks. Coyotes and black bears are the common ones to blame, even with the evidence at hand. Last news was in the paper and online, easy finding for a couple of hunters.  
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Moving stuff over from a new blog
Moving an rp ad and a couple of muses from a blog I made a few days ago called Artsy and Writing Shenanigans 
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captainfirecracker · 2 years
Long Time No See
Well then it’s certainly been a long time... what is it now? 4 years? well I’m backish! 
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captainfirecracker · 6 years
Discord Server
https://aboprofessor.tumblr.com/Classroom or https://discord.gg/fWPvn
Be nice, all AU’s are Valid.
I have all my servers muted, so if you need me or any of my Teacher’s Assistants, Please @ us.
It’s a very relaxed server.
Warning: If I seem Savage to you don’t take it too personally. :D
More rules to be added when needed.
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captainfirecracker · 6 years
Bryer was a bit confused when Bran asked him to lay on his back. Didn't the alpha want him to present himself? He obeyed the larger man anyways, resting on his back and tilting his head back. His dark eyes were blown with need, his heat doing more of the thinking for him. "Alpha please," he moaned as he pressed himself closer.
Normally Bryer wouldn't be focused on having a knot in him, just focusing on his books. His heat seemed a little more intense with an alpha so close to him. He whimpered softly as the pains in his lower body continued, "alpha, need you to knot me."
Of course he couldn’t keep his resolve up when Bryer was begging for him. He knew that it wasn’t a good idea, that he shouldn’t do this… they weren’t mates and he wasn’t a pack alpha, he had no right to Bryer. Still, he hushed the omega softly as he squirmed out of Bran’s embrace to basically offer himself.
He was rock hard and gritting his teeth at how Bryer looked right now. “It’s ok, babe, you’ll be fine.” he murmured softly as he took off his own clothes and held up a hand to caress through the young man’s hair. “Lay down on your back.” He instructed as he pressed himself against the omega, his hand going down between his legs. “Relax for me, ok babe?”
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captainfirecracker · 6 years
Update for Tobias
Tobias will be an exclusive muse for @eeliabwrites muse Tristan. I just don't feel right playing him for other ships. So from here on he is exclusive to @eeliabwrites.
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captainfirecracker · 6 years
Kailee smiled as her blush deepened, the kind words making her happy. She couldn't stop her scent from portraying her as a happy omega. "Thank you Bran," her voice was soft. She almost forgot where she headed.
"A tattoo parlor," she mused softly, "maybe I'll take you up on the offer." Kailee would wasn't sure what kind of tattoo would suit her or if she would get one.
“To me you are.” Bran answered simply. He had the feeling that Kailee could use some kind words on her behalf and he was just speaking the truth. As they walked together he had to hold in his pace so that she could keep walking beside him. He was a bit surprised at the question but then smiled.
“I own a tattoo parlour in the next street.” He then answered as he nodded to a street just in their view. “And I live above it. If you ever want to take a look around, feel free to.”
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