capitolhq-blog · 6 years
here's persephone, and flax is at @flaxlowell !
Everyone follow @pvrsephcne and @flaxlowell !
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Persephone Octavia De Rosa. AGE: Twenty-one.  D.O.B: May 22nd.  DISTRICT/POSITION: District 1 escort. FACE CLAIM: Elle Fanning.
OPINION ON THE GAMES – The Games, to Persephone, aren’t simply a fun reminder of the Capitol’s pride – they’re a necessary structure to her life, and indeed, a guilty pleasure late at night when she grows bored and fickle and finds herself re-watching the grizzliest moments on tape. Had she been from a lesser district, Pepper supposes she’d have volunteered herself and fancies her chances highly at ripping out the throat of a fellow humble underling. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, and at fourteen, during a juvenile recreation of the Games in one of the Capitol’s shopping malls, she took a life –  hockey stick in her sweaty palms and hands that just wouldn’t stop thrashing, even with the tears streaming down her face when the Medics came to help. There was always a wildness in Sephy that took things too far, that didn’t know when to stop, that could never ‘love’ or simply ‘like’ something, but always took it to the extremes of obsession and addiction.
STRENGTHS: Tenacious, enigmatic, willing to put on a show, profound, elfin, perceptive, spirited, puckish, candid, bubbly.
WEAKNESSES: Callous, shallow, experiences emotions in extremes, decadent, unhinged, materialistic, volatile, sadistic, indifferent to the fate of her tributes, self-serving
– Hair in a white veil down her back and hands clasped in the image of reverence, Persephone learned from a young age how to act like the flower but be the serpent under it. Of all the angels in heaven, Lucifer was always her favourite; you had your wings clipped, too, cast out of God’s favour the day you first took a life – teeth marks in your knees, tears streaked down your pale face, as he lay there with his glass eyes staring back at you. That was the day she stopped caring at all.  
– Growing up in the Capitol, image and artifice was her greatest love. She was blessed in the fact that strangers would stop in the street to compliment her cat-eyed mother on Persephone’s platinum hair, her bright blue eyes, the fact she’d never need to undergo cosmetic surgery, unless it was for animal enhancements. She liked to be stared at – a craving she took forth through her performative nature, playing many a part – an actor, a singer, a dancer, a commentator – in her track-record for living life as a walking piece of art.
– Persephone collects secrets like a magpie thieves silver – she is a scavenger of knowledge, of gossip, of snippets of people’s lives that no one else knows. Secrets, to her are the gold dust of the soul. More than anything, Pepper loves games – she loves to play them, and she loves to win them, but observing the fear of others as they realise their fatal error is all part of the enjoyment reaped from a challenge. Perhaps that’s why she was so desperate to put down the ballet shoes and begin her career as an escort, the ultimate puppet master, pulling strings like a spider in a web. District One seemed like the obvious bet – glamour, after all, was what she did best.
– In the city of glamour and excess, they had a drug for everything nowadays – to take the edge of, to hype the senses, to lose yourself to the subconscious. “You know me – I’ll try anything once,” she’d purr over an exchange of sterling, morphling in white lines dusted like icing sugar across the bathroom sink. Infected. The poison had started in her heart and spread to infect the whole. Maybe that’s why she has the wide eyes of a deer, that seem sort of helpless under the right light.
– Lying, so they say, is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off. But to Pepper, it isn’t just fun, it’s compulsive. Don’t lie to me, Persephone, or your tongue will fall out. The first time she had told a lie, eight years old in a gingham print dress, tongue as sharp as a Stanley knife, eyes like a wild fire staring into those of her mother’s, she had felt invincible. After that, it was a downwards spiral, lying about the simplest of things, just for the thrill of it.
– She adores the inner workings of the mind – how easy it is to change its path, how words, and their meanings, can make a person laugh or cry in an instant. To have the power to control that is to be a God. It’s the power trip she craves; a possessive need for control that she, small and weak, had never had as a child.  Ever since she was a child, Pepper’s eyes have always held a coldness to them – a lack of life, of expression, like the cold, glass eyes of a wooden doll. She’s ephemeral, her mind there for one moment, and gone the next, the life within her as wavering as the tides.
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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You know who we should love and stan? Matthew Mcconaughey. What a legend, amirite? Anyway, we’d really love to see all the tribute spots filled so if you love thg and fun groups, send an app our way.
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
hello! mwf please!
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Hello there, non ! Some lovely ladies we’d like to see are, but not limited to, Satomi Ishihara, Lesley Ann-Brandt, Lyrica Okano, Antoinette Robertson, Ariela Barer, Rowan Blanchard, Allegra Acosta, Jessica Sula, Angela Bassett, Rutina Wesley, Kristin Kreuk, Sofia Boutella and Zöe Kravitz.
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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hello friends! we’re super excited that nearly every district has at least one tribute in it -- the exclusion being district five. so why don’t you come check us out, and apply as the missing link? we accept immediately!
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Lucia Monroe Ferrera. AGE: Sixteen. D.O.B: September 27th. DISTRICT/POSITION: District 9 tribute. FACE CLAIM: Isabela Moner.
OPINION ON THE GAMES – From the time she was old enough to understand what the Games were, the idea of being a part of them was something that terrified her. However, as she has gotten older, she’s learned to numb herself to it. It’s not something she’s into but she doesn’t entirely ignore it or fear it anymore either.
STRENGTHS: Tiny, quick on her feet, intelligent, good running and climbing skills, can carry heavy items
WEAKNESSES: Tiny, sassy, overly eager to help others, easily attached, abrasive and harsh.
– Her mother and father were always working to produce grain for the capitol and at a young age, she learned how and started working with them. Working with her family became one of her favorite past times, as odd as it sounds to hear from a kid. She enjoyed being with her family, especially her father.
– She was never one for violence. She didn’t like it at all. But her father taught her to use knives and other sharp objects in case she was ever reaped for the games, in which she slowly began to become ok with the idea that violence and possibly murder would need to happen.
– Her older brother was part of the Hunger Games a couple years prior and was killed. After that, she had even more of a desire to “fight to the death” and more importantly, win. In her mind, she’s not there to befriend other tributes, she wants to win, and therefore she needs to kill.
– She has a habit of mouthing off…and fighting. Her parents have both tried to teach her to get her mouth in check as it most likely won’t get her any sponsorships and for a good two seconds it worked until someone within her district annoyed her.
– As a token, her mother gave her a locket with pictures of her family and one of her brother. It means the most to her and the one thing she refuses to not have on her, as it is also the only thing she has to remember her brother.
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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hello, tags! we still need to fill some district roles, so why not come check us out? district five is in dire need of some loving and i know everyone in there would kill to have some company!
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Flax Piston Lowell. AGE: Thirteen. D.O.B: July 1st. DISTRICT/POSITION: District 6 Tribute. FACE CLAIM: Brighton Sharbino.
OPINION ON THE GAMES – Despite the Game’s prominence in managing the districts of Panem, Flax has managed to remain sheltered from the games, and due to her stature often remains out of sight and unnoticed during the public screenings of them. She doesn’t understand the magnitude of them, or the extent to which the other tributes are real people, so whilst this might make detaching the deaths of other tributes easier, Flax would certainly struggle when confronted with corpses. From her little knowledge of the games and experience watching parts of them, she sees the tributes as characters, and placeholders. She has a spiritual affinity, and so she believes the games are a necessary part of life and death to root the sinful from the celestial, but also doesn’t grasp the full extent to which they affect the lives of those around her. Flax has never had any real connection with the tributes from her district, and so has seen very little of the impact it has on their families, or indeed on the Victors, who always seem to come out far older than when they entered.
STRENGTHS: Incredibly dexterous, especially with her hands, handy with a chisel, tying knots, creating shelter, dexterous and quick-footed, resilient, instinctive and intuitive, enjoys tests of her own willpower and tenacity, knows how to tend minor wounds
WEAKNESSES: Physically weak and smaller in stature, than most of the candidates, easily overpowered by brute strength, emotionally vulnerable, unexperienced in what to expect from the Games, little knowledge of weaponry but can use mechanical tools.
– Flax grew up in District Six, where the majority of the Capitol’s transport is built from scratch, tested, and repaired before being taken away to the city’s dreaming spires. As a child, Flax would often watch the trains depart on their journeys to the Capitol with a kind of longing in her eyes – to her, naïve and uneducated – the Capitol was a kind of heavenly realm which she could only dream of entering. Because of this desire, she persuaded her father to let her train as a mechanic, a role usually only allotted to boys in her district, with the hope that she’d one day get to see the Capitol.
– In her first job, Flax worked as a Scavenger; borrowing from Victorian ideas of mechanical production, children were used as spotters to run into the machines, fix any faults, and out again while the machines were still running. Adults were too large for this role, and to turn off the machines would halt production and statistics, threatening the lives of people in her district who had quotas to fill for the Capitol. It was an extremely dangerous role, requiring a sharp eye, a knowledge for heavy machinery, and speed – her first taste of death was at eight years old when Colt – a child from her district – was lost to the machines for being too slow. At her young age, it awoke within her a kind of reverence for the dead, which later manifested itself in a spiritual affiliation for archaic religions.
– Flax once lost a finger to the machines – the pinky finger of her left hand, and now has a wooden replacement. It’s a disability she’s learned to live with and work around, even using it to her advantage in mechanics, though it will certainly affect her chances in the Arena. While agile and quick, the lack of a finger on her left-hand means she’ll be unsuited to some weaponry, particularly bows, and perhaps would do better with throwing knives, or small hand-to-hand combat knives, though her tactic within the arena will primarily be one of stealth and survival rather than combat and defence.
– Flax’s token that she will bring into the arena with her is a small, wooden pentacle symbol on a plaited rope, which she wears around her neck. The symbol – believed to have protective powers – has been in her family for longer than her mother can remember, presumed to be dating back to before the great war.
– Her mother is a herbal healer, often using plants from the surrounding districts to tend to the wounds of those injured by the machines and in the factories. Flax has seen her mother deliver babies, sew up gashes and tend to wounds in the past, and through this she has a basic knowledge of healing herself. Her mother, being a healer, has a very spiritual disposition about her, often invoking ‘potions’ from selections of herbs, and while not enforced into this spiritual way of thinking, Flax has come to follow her mother’s inclinations and sees Karma as the great deliverer of justice, believing that the afterlife will punish the sinners and reward the godly.
– Outside of the knowledge of the Capitol, a small group of spiritualists – similar to an archaic ‘Wiccan’ religion, but with elements taken from Buddhism, astrological components and tarot as well – meet in the healers’ house to pray to the Moon Goddess. The reaping of their youngest follower, Flax, has told them that their god must punish the innocent in order to bring about a balance in their lives and end the Games. It is not with fear that Flax enters the games, but with the knowledge that should she die, her death will bring about peace, both for others and for herself in the afterlife.
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
frankie's @ gamediaz
Everyone follow @gamediaz !!
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Francesca Esmeralda Diaz. AGE: Thirty nine. D.O.B: June 23rd. DISTRICT/POSITION: Gamemaker. FACE CLAIM: Aimee Garcia.
OPINION ON THE GAMES – Frankie is oddly satisfied with her work in the making of the games. You’ll rarely see her pouting at the death of the children in the arena, but there are the occasions where she’ll have to excuse herself, especially between the final four tributes. She doesn’t think the Games are wrong, but sometimes finds some decisions to be too much.
STRENGTHS: Witty, technologically gifted, nurturing, charming.
WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, short, outspoken, selfish.
– Frankie was a game maker prodigy, starting her work at the young age of twenty four. She’d always been fascinated with the technology of the capitol, tinkering with the smallest things as soon as it was placed in her hand. She’s self taught, up until her predecessors showed her the ropes.
– The young Diaz gained fame during the sixtieth annual hunger game, when she created a new type of animal to hunt down several tributes when they were starting to get too close to the edge, in fact killing three.
– All while an extravagant woman, always wearing some kind of gold jewelry and sky high heels, she has mothered a daughter. Alone, as the father was an already married men, so she took most of the shame, and raised her to be an exceptional young lady. She worked all the way to her eighth month of pregnancy, then back to work after two weeks.
– Her wit isn’t always welcomed, known to laugh in serious situations and so on, however, she always know how to make someone smile. She likes old school jokes, and is a big nerd for riddles.
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
lovely admins can we have an introductory channel where u post names n chara names bc i have no idea who is who in the discord
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hello! if you click the usernames on the sidebar on discord it’ll tell you their ooc names and here is a link to the full ooc page with ooc information as well as who each person plays! if you’re still feeling a bit overwhelmed with deciphering who everyone is, let us know and we’ll figure something out!
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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listen here, if we get all the tribute positions filled, jayden’s gonna make a vid of all the tributes and if you’ve seen their adam sandler x veronica lodge video, you know their vidding skills are bomb. so why not check us out, we accept immediately!
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
Everyone follow @pittide !
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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Every mentor spot is OFFICIALLY taken and I couldn’t be more happy. Why not add to the excitement and fill the remaining tribute roles? The games aren’t complete without its main participants, you know. So, come take a shot at winning the 71st annual hunger games! 
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Talisa Sal Pittide AGE: Thirty-three. D.O.B: April 12th DISTRICT/POSITION: District 4 mentor. FACE CLAIM: Tessa Thompson.
OPINION ON THE GAMES – It was considered a privilege to be able to afford a Career’s training in the four richest districts, and Talisa’s parents, finding themselves with ever-increasing success in the venue of fishing, were the first of the Pittide family to train a child for the Games rather than simply have the child work. And she did train, beginning at eight, and learning to hunt others like she hunted fish, growing strong, becoming accustomed to violence and brutality. Every year Talisa would watch the Games with eyes alight, absorbing every minute, learning to analyse fighting styles and read intentions, eager for her seventeenth year, when she would volunteer and finally utilise her skills. Fate, however, had other plans. She was only fourteen when an illness struck her District, killing the strong and the weak, including her mother, and ensuring that at the date of the Reaping, when her name was called, there were no older female Careers to volunteer and take her place. Only half-trained, but filled with eagerness, Talisa was unafraid, until she witnessed her first death within the arena. Brutality’s truth proved to be much worse than in practice, and while she utilised her small stature, agility, and skill in swimming to ultimately succeed, it came at a price, resulting in a poorly-healed broken leg, and an understanding of the truth of the Hunger Games. She’d returned to her district wishing only for peace, and yet something within her forces her to relive that which haunts her as a Mentor. Perhaps somehow she can, despite her continued horror at the violence enacted upon each Tribute, help however she can, if she can, rather than pretending she was never in their position. Even if it would be far better for them to die, and thus find peace, rather than to live with what they’ve done.
STRENGTHS: Adept with spear- and dagger-based weaponry, good at reading and analysing others, observant, independent, skilled swimmer
WEAKNESSES: Still pained by her old injury, not particularly sociable, dislikes accepting help, taciturn and gruff, judgemental
– Though in District Four, the Career system ensures that quite often the children of poor families, despite having to submit their name many times in order to eat, are rarely the District’s Tributes, the provided grain goes only so far to satiate hungry mouths. Talisa has never experienced severe hunger, but her grandmother often told her stories of how difficult it was in her youth, when the Pittide family was much poorer. Not needing to fish to survive due to her status as a Victor, she still does it for the simple enjoyment of the water and the activity, and the fish she catches are left secretly at the doors of those that need it most.
– After the Games, with the help of her stylist, Talisa’s one body modification was the removal of her ability to become pregnant. She’d heard rumours of the way attractive Victors were treated within the Capitol, and she’d lived the trauma of the Games — she refused to risk bringing a child into the violence of the world in which she lived.
– Her house in the Victor’s village is filled with books on a range of subjects, and she balances her time away from the Games in one of two places: her library, or the water. Some days she avoids nightmares through physical exhaustion, some days through mental exhaustion, but she feels her time is well spent on these distractions, rather than seeking to escape the horror of her reality through substances as so many do. (She views Morphlings as weak – perhaps an unfair viewpoint, but then, who said the Games were fair?)
– Talisa distances herself from her Tributes, offering suggestions and commentary on their abilities in ways that are often more criticism than constructive. It takes a rare child for her to show any emotional connection, as she wishes to help without causing herself further grief.
– She and her principal ally were the last two alive in her Games, and Talisa had to stab the other girl herself, something which was incredibly painful, and remains so to this day.
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
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Districts five, six and nine have no tributes and that’s an absolute travesty! I know the mentors in those districts would absolutely love some company, so why not check us out and apply as a position in one of those districts. We accept immediately too!
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capitolhq-blog · 6 years
ryan !
everyone follow !
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