caeltranslates · 2 years
新世界 (New world)华晨宇 (Hua Chen Yu) ENG translation and lyrics
华晨宇 – 新世界 Hua Chen Yu – New World
凛冬过后人事剩几何 迎来送往台下宾客 谁在 After the freezing cold, how many people and things are left? Welcome the guest below the stage, who’s there?
春意也曾执着于秋 用尽仅有换所求 认真只是我 Spring also previously perseveres against Autumn. Using only the things I am chasing after, the only one who know the truth is me.
看太行 历风霜 我孤勇前进 万古腔 任我唱 Looking at the Tai Hang mountains*, undergoing hardships, I bravely venture forth alone, singing ten thousand insincere words
梦一样的自由 悲也从容 歌也从容 Freedom like a dream, let's be sad calmly, and let's sing calmly**
转身矗立山峰的时候 When I turn back to the towering mountain peak,
Say it's a new world
Oh it's a new world
杯也从容 歌也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Let's calmly drink and let's calmly sing, when I turn back to the towering mountain peak,
Say it's a new world
凛冬过后人事剩几何 迎来送往台下宾客 谁在 After the freezing cold, how many people and things are left? Welcome the guest below the stage, who’s there?
春意也曾执着于秋 用尽仅有换所求 认真只是我 Spring also previously perseveres against Autumn. Using only the things I am chasing after, the only one who know the truth is me.
时空长 星夜凉 我不畏高飞 天尽头 问苍茫 Spacetime is long, the starry sky cool, I’m not scared of flying high, to the edges of the sky, to ask the vastness:
风一样的自由 醉也从容 我也从容 Freedom like the wind, let's get drunk calmly; I am also calm
转身矗立山峰的时候 When I turn back to the towering mountain peak,
Say it's a new world
Oh it's a new world
醉也从容 我也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Let's be drunk calmly; I am also calm, when I turn back to the towering mountain peak,
Say it's a new world
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
New world
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
New world
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
New world
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
Oh Hei ya
New world
沉醉这风光讲究 明暗是假象 Intoxicated in this beautiful scene; light and darkness are facades
告别这星光黯淡 来去是假象 Bid farewell to this dim starlight; to return and to go are facades
坐拥这掌声散去 起落是假象 Easily achieve this fading applause; rising and falling are facades
笑对这冷眼观望 天地是假象 Smile at this cold-eyed watch; Heaven and Earth are facades
别弯腰 接受时间 躲不开的那一刀 Don’t bow, accept time, the knife you cannot dodge
人生渺渺 一种脚步入一山 Life is insignificant, using one type of step to enter a mountain
结局没人敢赌穿 嬉笑谢幕勉为难 Nobody dares to gamble on the ending, smiling as you take your bows, reluctantly feeling awkward
反复上演 难怪片刻新鲜是假象 Repeatedly staged, it’s no wonder momentarily interesting things are facades
笔墨再多渲染 明暗是假象 No matter how much the brush and ink are rendered***; light and darkness are facades
原谅娱乐看官 来去是假象 Forgive the entertainment’s audience; to return and to go are facades
开场有多喧闹 起落是假象 However boisterous the (performance) opening is; rising and falling are facades
结尾有多寂寥 天地是假象 However lonely the ending is; Heaven and Earth are facades
论英雄 只有故事 从来没有后来 There are only stories on heros, but never any afterwards
半晌贪欢几次 缅怀都是谈资 I have enjoyed long-term happiness a few times, but remembrance is just some small talk
旁观都是一时 幸免才叫历史 (people) look on for only a moment, but only when narrowly escaping it’s called history
不如下山 笑看万物是假象 Why don’t I descend the mountain, smiling as I see that thousands of things are facades
醉也从容 我也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Let's be drunk calmly; I am also calm, when I turn back to the towering mountain peak,
Say it's a new world
Oh it's a new world
醉也从容 我也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Let's be drunk calmly; I am also calm, when I turn back to the towering mountain peak,
Say it's a new world
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Translator's notes:
*Looking at the Tai Hang mountains -- (just for context) also known as the "backbone of the world", and the "five elements mountains" the Tai Hang mountains have been mentioned in many ancient texts and is though to represent the 5 elements: gold, wood, water, fire and earth.
**悲也从容 歌也从容 (let's be sad calmly, and let's sing calmly) -- 从容 means slowly and not anxiously, so I used calmly. Also, just for some fun facts, the line "let's calmly drink and let's calmly sing" is from a poem called: 一剪梅·中秋无月. All lines which involve the word "calm" are adaptations of this poem which just, ugh, blows my mind.
***笔墨再多渲染 (No matter how much the brush and ink are rendered) -- this is for choice of word, rendered. I don't exactly know the english word for 渲染 because it is a painting technique, so I used rendered. This is what it means: Painting technique in Chinese painting, by using ink or light colours to colour the art, to make the painting more realistic.
My thoughts:
I had to research a lot while translating this, because there are lots of allusions to ancient texts (which I don't read), like Tai Hong mountains, and even just the allusion to the poem (2nd translator's note). I also read articles on how people understand this song. I think New World is actually my favourite song in this album.
Personally I think this song is about how after going through hardships (first 2 verses), we realise how minuscule us as humans are, we as humans are alive for such a short while in the grand scale of things, and much of the things in the world are facades (rap). And this is the "new world" that we see through our eyes. Knowing this new world, we can calmly, freely live our life.
I read this comment where someone said that the song gives off the feeling of standing at the top of a mountain, realising how humans are too part of nature. Especially this line: 完全逍遥,完全自由,与世界和解,之后自在来去.(Being totally not tied down, totally free, understanding the world, and afterwards, being unbothered by others and living comfortably).
Comment is by 永晴 on https://www.zhihu.com/question/302748649
hope you liked the translation and I would like to hear your thoughts on this song in your reblogs/comments as well :)
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caeltranslates · 2 years
华晨宇 《与火星的孩子对话 》 -- Hua Chen Yu Talking to the children of mars Lyrics and ENG Translation
华晨宇 《与火星的孩子对话 》 Hua Chen Yu Talking to the children of mars
---- Legend: 华晨宇 -- Hua Chen Yu 火星人 -- Martian (all italicised are said by the martian) ----
华晨宇:我 看着爱笑 却还有些失落和悲伤 I look at love and laughter, yet still have some dejection and sadness
火星人:那些失落 那些悲伤 也在我心里 Those dejections, those sadnesses are also in my heart
华晨宇:我 看着自信 却还有些退缩和逃避 I look at confidence, yet still have some times where I flinch and evade
火星人:那些退缩 那些逃避 请你别在意 Those times where you flinch, those times where you evade, please don’t take note of them
华晨宇:我 看着努力 却还有些拒绝和懒惰 I look at hard work, yet still have some times where I reject and am lazy
火星人:那些拒绝 那些懒惰 其实没关系 Those times of rejection, those times of laziness, actually are not a problem
华晨宇:我 看着坚强 却还有些脆弱和疑惑 I look at being strong, yet still have some times of weakness and doubt
火星人:那些脆弱 那些疑惑 有它的意义 Those times of weakness, those times with doubt, they have their meaning
华晨宇:那些感受慢慢被阻碍 我摸不到那痛苦 Those feelings slowly become restricted. I can’t feel that pain
我 看着坚持 却还有些放弃和冷漠 I look at persevering, yet still have some times where I give up and am indifferent
火星人:那些放弃 那些冷漠 要做你自己 Those times where you give up, those times where you are indifferent, you need to be yourself
华晨宇:我 看着勇敢 却还有些害怕和怯懦 I look at being brave, yet still have times of fear and cowardice
火星人:那些害怕 那些怯懦 我们在这里 Those times of fear, those times of cowardice, We are here.
华晨宇:那些光芒渐渐被掩盖 我猜不透下一幕 Those lights are gradually being smothered. I can’t guess the next scene.
每当我还相信 好的结局 Every time I still believe in good endings,
有个声音在说 可笑的是我 There’s a voice saying that the ridiculous one is me
每当我还愿意 伸手靠近 Every time I still am willing to reach closer
有块阴影拽着我 There’s a darkness pulling on me
别再拽着我 Stop pulling on me
我想再次用力解脱 I want to put in effort to escape again
华晨宇:我 虽然不说 至少有你在这陪着我 Even though I don’t say (anything), at least you’re here to accompany me
火星人:你就是你 最好的你 是我的唯一 You are you. You are the best. You are my only one.
华晨宇:我 不再沉默 因为有你选择理解我 I am no longer silent, because you chose to understand me.
火星人:你就是你 最好的你 没人能代替 You are the best at being yourself. Nobody can replace you.
华晨宇:那些美好终于被青睐 我等到了这礼物 The beautiful things have finally been favoured. I have waited for this gift.
我 有时难过 却还有些快乐和骄傲 Sometimes, I am sad. But there are still times of happiness and pride.
火星人:那些快乐 那些骄傲 全都属于你 Those times of happiness, those times of pride, all belong to you.
华晨宇:我 有时孤独 却还有些抚慰和感动 Sometimes, I am lonely. But there are still consolations and hearting-warming moments.
火星人:那些抚慰 那些感动 因为我爱你 Those consolations, those hearting-warming moments, are because I love you.
华晨宇:这个结局是我的期待 我会一直为你祝福 This ending is what I had hoped for. I will always cheer you on.
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caeltranslates · 2 years
《疯人院》 Madhouse -- 华晨宇 Hua Chen Yu LYRICS+ ENG TRANSLATION 【当我再度毁灭后 一切变更纯净】
《疯人院》 - 华晨宇 Madhouse - Hua Chen Yu
当我再度毁灭后 一切变更纯净 When I am destroyed once again, everything will turn more pure 那破碎的感受 I know That feeling of brokenness, I know 当我再度逃离后 逃离灵魂监狱 When I escape once again, escape from my soul's jail 那解脱的感受 I know That feeling of relief, I know 默默享受 就算只有 那片刻自由 Silently enjoying, even if there is only that momentary freedom.
在束缚的房间 时间凌晨两点半 In a shackled room, it's 2:30 am 鼓起 堂吉诃德的勇敢 Muster the courage of Don Quixote 对着身前空气大声宣战 Face the air in front of me and loudly declare war 当压抑被揭穿 欢迎加入这狂欢 When burdens are uncovered, (you are) welcome to join this revelry* 疯狂情绪不需要礼赞 Celebratory feelings don't need praise 所有虚伪全都留到末日清算 Leave all presences to be judged on Judgement Day**
像古板艺术中 最巴洛克的节奏 Like the most Baroque rhythms in old-fashioned arts I wanna know woh I wanna know woh 被狂热感染后 我的极端如何拯救 After being infected with frantic enthusiasm, how will I save my peak? I wanna know woh I wanna know woh
在午饭餐盘里 穿着很考究的两只苍蝇 Two elegantly dressed cockroaches on my lunch plate 用特别聒噪的声音 争辩着存在的证明 Using especially nosily sounds to debate on the proof of living 白色时空背景 不断循环的语句 Constantly cycling words on a background of white spacetime 这个瞬间场景特别熟悉 This moment's scene is especially familiar 也许眼前一切都只是幻影 Perhaps everything before my eyes is just an illusion***
在混沌想法中最不可理喻念头 When your thinking is muddled, it is the hardest to understand thoughts I wanna know woh I wanna know woh 在疯狂世界中 怎么融入那些主流 In a crazy world, how do you fit into the mainstream? I wanna know woh I wanna know woh
当我再度毁灭后 一切变更纯净 When I am destroyed once again, everything will turn more pure 那破碎的感受 I know That feeling of brokenness, I know 当我再度逃离后 逃离灵魂监狱 When I escape once again, escape from my soul's jail 那解脱的感受 I know That feeling of relief, I know
I will try 安然地沉没 在黑暗的温柔 I will try, peacefully sink into the gentleness of the dark 多精心扮演着 伤感小丑 Ever so carefully play (the role of) a sad clown 站在角落中 享受片刻的 自由 MAMA! Standing in a corner, enjoying momentary freedom. MAMA!
当喧哗变默剧 这幅画面有一些诡异 When the noise turns to a mime, this scene has some weirdness 像丛林里 危险的静谧 Like the dangerous quiet of a forest 凸显着不安的肢体 emphasizing nervous limbs 我沿时间轨迹 试图为自己解密 I follow the trajectory of time, trying to uncover the secrets for myself 那些忽略了错过了的证据 Those proofs that I have overlooked, missed out on 都指向了无知的言辞陷阱 All point towards the trap of ignorant words
在主观世界中 会有多凶狠的野兽 In a subjective world, how many violent beasts are there? I wanna know woh I wanna know woh 被狩猎后 到底怎样才能逃走 After being captured, what must they do to escape? I wanna know woh I wanna know woh
如果可以服下 延续疯狂的药剂 If I could consume a pill to extend madness, 那些冷眼攻击全都不理 Ignore all those cold attacks, 着迷于纯粹的疯言和疯语 become addicted to simple nonsense and gibberish 这相对的问题 遵循爱因斯坦的逻辑 The question related to it follows Edison's logic 在半梦的半醒的夜里 矛盾的就快要窒息 In a half-dreamlike, half-awake night, the contradiction is about to suffocate
所有未知以后都让我保持清醒 这感受 Towards all unknowns after, let me maintain this feeling of clear-headedness. I don't want to know I don't want to know I don't want to know no no 当我再度毁灭后 一切变更纯净 When I am destroyed once again, everything will turn more pure 那破碎的感受 I know That feeling of brokenness, I know 当我再度逃离后 逃离灵魂监狱 When I escape once again, escape from my soul's jail 那解脱的感受 I know That feeling of relief, I know I will try 安然地沉没 在黑暗的温柔 I will try, peacefully sink into the gentleness of the dark 多精心扮演着 伤感小丑 Ever so carefully play (the role of) a sad clown 站在角落中 享受片刻的 自由 Standing in a corner, enjoying momentary freedom.
对我 To me, 来说 如此陌生 this unfamiliarity is 太多 拘束可能 too much, perhaps I can persevere 捱过 破碎过程 through the resistance, the process of breaking 让我 重获新生 let me be reborn 当 再度毁灭后 一切变更纯净**** When [you're] destroyed once again, everything will turn more pure 这狂热的感受(才明白) (only then will [you] understand) this feeling of fanaticism 当 再度逃离后 (那个瞬间)才迎来 (At that moment) when [you] escape once again, only then can [you] welcome 渴望的自由 the freedom [you] crave 在 逃离疯狂后 After [you've] escaped from insanity 从开始 到 永久 from start to forever
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Translation notes:
Title: I used the translation commonly used on the internet (Madhouse), but a more literal translation of 疯人院 would be mental institution.
*当压抑被揭穿 欢迎加入这狂欢 [When burdens are uncovered, (you are) welcome to join this revelry] -- Just a small note, about the use of the word revelry. I really can't find another word to define the phrase 狂欢. Revelry (lively, noisy festivities) isn't really the right word. 狂欢 is more like indulging in your feelings (of happiness) and having fun.
**所有虚伪全都留到末日清算 (Leave all presences to be judged on Judgement Day) -- Judgement Day as in the Judgement Day from Abrahamic Religions.
***也许眼前一切都只是幻影 (Perhaps everything before my eyes is just an illusion) -- Again, word choice of illusion. 幻影 is like a dreamlike scene, which seems to be real but seems to not be as well. I feel like the closest word was illusion?? Google translate's phantom was NOT it.
****当 再度毁灭后 一切变更纯净 (When [you're] destroyed once again, everything will turn more pure) -- Just a note for this line and the rest of the verse: there is no longer a subject included in this verse, so I've just used "you" to make the sentences flow. Subjects like me/you/he/she etc don't need to be used in Chinese to make sentences, but from the vibe of what is being said, it sounds like a general statement to the listeners. That's why I used "you". I've put it in brackets [] just to emphasize that they aren't really there in the song.
-- My thoughts --
Hua Chen Yu 's songs always make me cry, for this, especially the last verse.
And his lyricism is amazing. So many allusions to famous characters and people, using freaking spacetime in the lyrics? AUGHHHHHHHHHHH. yes. I'm just going to scream and cry in a corner for a bit
Anyways, hope you liked this translation! I'll be doing the rest of the songs from the album New World (新世界) as well, so be sure to follow for more posts :)
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caeltranslates · 2 years
Translated Works
Links to all my translated works. Click on the names to access posts
A Si 阿肆
热爱105°C 的你 (super idol de xiao rong)
Fei Yu-Ching 费玉清
一剪梅 (xue hua piao piao)
Hua Chen Yu 华晨宇
New World -- 《新世界》 好像爱这个世界啊 I really want to love this world 疯人院 Madhouse 与火星的孩子对话 Talking to the children of mars ��重人格 Seven Personalities 神树 Divine Tree 降临 Arrival 新世界 New World
Others Bing Chilling Remix 天上太阳红彤彤 Red Sun in the Sky
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caeltranslates · 2 years
Hi there! I will be translating the songs from Hua Chen Yu's 2020 album, new world, EXCLUDING 《斗牛》 Bullfight.
This is because I feel my chinese standard, despite being a native speaker, isn't up to standard for this song. I've translated about 3/4 of the song, but I feel the way I've translated it really is not as good as it can be. It's a difficult decision, because I've spend so long trying to make it good, but I think it's better that I don't post a sloppy translation.
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caeltranslates · 2 years
Red Sun in the Sky / 天上太阳红彤彤 Lyrics and Translation
天上太阳红彤彤 - 胡彦斌 Red Sun in the Sky - Tiger Hu
天上太阳红呀红彤彤诶 The sun in the sky is red, oh, very red, hey! 心中的太阳是毛泽东诶 The sun in our hearts is Mao Zi Dong, hey! 他领导我们得解放诶 He leads us to liberation, hey! 人民翻身当家做主人* The people overcome hardship and achieve power 咿呀咿吱呦喂呀尔呀吱呦啊 Yi ya yizhi yo wei ya er ya zhi yo a 人民翻身当家做主人 The people overcome hardship and achieve power
天上太阳红呀红彤彤诶 The sun in the sky is red, oh, very red, hey! 心中的太阳是毛泽东诶 The sun in our hearts is Mao Zi Dong, hey! 他领导我们奋勇向前进诶 He leads us bravely forward, hey! 革命江山一耶一片红诶 ** The country of revolution is turned into a sea of red, hey! 咿呀咿吱呦喂呀尔呀吱呦啊 Yi ya yizhi yo wei ya er ya zhi yo a 革命江山一片红(诶) The country of revolution is turned into a sea of red, hey!
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Translation notes:
* 人民翻身当家做主人 (The people overcome hardship and achieve power ) -- If you look at the translated lyrics on other websites, they tend to leave out the "overcome hardship" part and skip straight to the "achieve power" (using phrases like arise/ take control). Overcome hardship is the meaning of 翻身. I just think it's important to include for the integrity of the translation.
**革命江山一耶一片红诶 ( The country of revolution is turned into a sea of red, hey!) -- This tends to be translated as rivers and hills/mountains, and the revolution part also happens to get left out. This is because 江山 means rivers and mountains literally, but is also used to refer to countries or a country's regime/political power.
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caeltranslates · 2 years
Bing Chilling Remix (SAMString) Lyrics + English Translation
Bing Chilling Remix (aka John Xina Remix or Social Credit Remix) -- SAMString
(早上好中国)现在我有冰淇淋* (Good morning China.) Right now I have ice-cream (Bing Chilling) 我很喜欢冰淇淋 I really like ice-cream 但是 《速度与激情9》 But, Fast and Furious 9...
天上太阳红呀红彤彤诶 The sun in the sky is red, oh, very red, hey! 心中的太阳是毛泽东诶 The sun in our hearts is Mao Zi Dong, hey! 他领导我们得解放诶 He leads us to liberation, hey! 人民翻身当家做主人** The people overcome hardship and achieve power 咿呀咿吱呦喂呀尔呀吱呦啊 Yi ya yizhi yo wei ya er ya zhi yo a 人民翻身当家做主人 The people overcome hardship and achieve power
天上太阳红呀红彤彤诶 The sun in the sky is red, oh, very red, hey! 心中的太阳是毛泽东诶 The sun in our hearts is Mao Zi Dong, hey! 他领导我们奋勇向前进诶 He leads us bravely forward, hey! 革命江山一耶一片红诶 The country of revolution is turned into a sea of red, hey! 咿呀咿吱呦喂呀尔呀吱呦啊 Yi ya yizhi yo wei ya er ya zhi yo a 革命江山一片红(诶) The country of revolution is turned into a sea of red, hey!
(早上好中国)现在我有冰淇淋 (Good morning China.) Right now I have ice-cream 我很喜欢冰淇淋 I really like ice cream 但是 《速度与激情9》比冰淇淋。。。 But, Fast and Furious 9 compared to ice-cream 《速度与激情。。。《速度与激情9》 Fast and Furious…Fast and Furious 9 我最喜欢 I like it the most 所以,现在 Therefore, now...
天上太阳红呀红彤彤诶 The sun in the sky is red, oh, very red, hey! 心中的太阳是毛泽东诶 The sun in our hearts is Mao Zi Dong, hey! 他领导我们得解放诶 He leads us to liberation, hey! 人民翻身当家做主人** The people overcome hardship and achieve power 咿呀咿吱呦喂呀尔呀吱呦啊 Yi ya yizhi yo wei ya er ya zhi yo a 人民翻身当家做主人 The people overcome hardship and achieve power
天上太阳红呀红彤彤诶 The sun in the sky is red, oh, very red, hey! 心中的太阳是毛泽东诶 The sun in our hearts is Mao Zi Dong, hey! 他领导我们奋勇向前进诶 He leads us bravely forward, hey! 革命江山一耶一片红诶 The country of revolution is turned into a sea of red, hey! 咿呀咿吱呦喂呀尔呀吱呦啊 Yi ya yizhi yo wei ya er ya zhi yo a 革命江山一片红(诶) The country of revolution is turned into a sea of red, hey!
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Translation notes: This is a remix of John Cena's famous bing chilling video with the song Red Sun in the Sky. I have another post on Red Sun in the Sky but it's honestly just the same w/o John Cena's amazing Chinese.
*(早上好中国)现在我有冰淇淋 [ (Good morning China.) Right now I have ice-cream (Bing Chilling)] -- the part in brackets (good morning china) is half cut off in the remix. I just included in the brackets.
** 人民翻身当家做主人 (The people overcome hardship and achieve power ) -- If you look at the translated lyrics on other websites, they tend to leave out the "overcome hardship" part and skip straight to the "achieve power" (using phrases like arise/ take control). Overcome hardship is the meaning of 翻身. I just think it's important to include for the integrity of the translation.
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caeltranslates · 2 years
《好像爱这个世界啊》 -- 华晨宇 (Hua Chen Yu) ENGLISH TRANSLATION
《好像爱这个世界啊》 -- 华晨宇 I really want to love this world -- Hua Cheng Yu
抱着沙发 睡眼昏花 凌乱头发 Hugging the couch, tired eyes and blurred vision, messy hair 却渴望像电影主角一样潇洒 but wishing to be as suave as a television host 屋檐角下 排着乌鸦 密密麻麻 Under the roof eaves, there are crows packed densely 被压抑的情绪不知如何表达 I don't know how to express these repressed feelings 无论我 在这里 在那里 It doesn't matter if I'm here or there* 仿佛失魂的虫鸣 Like anxious bug chirping** 却明白此刻应该做些努力 but I understand I should put in some effort at this moment 无论我 在这里 在那里 It doesn't matter if I'm here or there 不能弥补的过去 Every time I think of 每当想起 the past that cannot be repaired.
想过离开 I thought of leaving (dying) 以这种方式存在 Living like this 是因为 那些旁白 Is because of those asides*** 那些姿态 那些伤害 those attitudes, those hurts, 不想离开 I don't want to leave 当你说还有你在 When you said you were still there 忽然我开始莫名 期待 suddenly I inexplicably began to hope
夕阳西下 翻着电话 无人拨打 The sun is setting. Flicking through my telephone which no one has called 是习惯孤独的我该得到的吧 Should be what I deserve for being accustomed to loneliness, right?. 独木桥呀 把谁推下 才算赢家 Only by pushing others down in precarious situations are you considered a winner**** 我无声的反抗何时能战胜它 When will my voiceless protests be able to defeat them?
无论我 在这里 在那里 It doesn't matter if I'm here or there 仿佛失魂的虫鸣 Like anxious bug chirping 却明白此刻应该做些努力 but I understand I should put in some effort at this moment
无论我 在这里 在那里 It doesn't matter if I'm here or there 不能弥补的过去 Every time I think of 每当想起 (喔) the past that cannot be repaired (woah)
想过离开 I thought of leaving 以这种方式存在 Living like this 是因为 那些旁白 Is because of those asides, 那些姿态 那些伤害 those attitudes, those hurts, 不想离开 I don't want to leave 也许尝试过被爱 Perhaps if I try being loved, 会开始仰望未来 I'll start looking towards the future 伤疤 就丢给回忆吧 Why not leave your scars to your memories? 放下 才得到更好啊 You can only receive better (things) if you leave them behind 别怕 别怕 Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. 想过离开 I thought of leaving 当阳光败给阴霾 But when the sunlight loses to darkness 没想到你会拼命为我拨开 I didn't think you would desperately rescue me***** 曾想过离开 I once thought of leaving 却又坚持到现在 But I persevered until now 熬过了 那些旁白 Overcame those asides, 那些姿态 那些伤害 those attitudes, those hurts. 不想离开 I don't want to leave, 当你的笑容绽开 because when you smile, 这世界突然填满 色彩 (喔) this world is suddenly filled with colours (woah)
抱着沙发 睡眼昏花 凌乱头发 Hugging the couch, tired eyes and blurred vision, messy hair. 夕阳西下 接通电话 是你呀 The sun is setting. I pick up the phone. It's you.
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Translation notes:
*无论我 在这里 在那里 -- I translated this as "It doesn't matter if I'm here or there,*", but a more literal translation would be "Regardless of me being here or there." I chose the less formal translation as this song is written in an informal; speaking manner.
**仿佛失魂的虫鸣 (Like anxious bug chirping) -- personally, I'm stumped by this sentence, mainly because of the 虫鸣 (bug chirping sound). Also because 失魂 has 2 meanings: (1) lost soul (archaic); (2) anxious/panicked. Thus, another possible translation would be: Like the chirping of lost souls.
***是因为 那些旁白 (Is because of those asides) -- Aside, as in the stage direction where a character speaks to the audience as if the rest of the stage does not hear them. I think it's something to do with mean words said behind the writer's back.
****独木桥呀 把谁推下 才算赢家 (Only by pushing others down in precarious situations are you considered a winner) -- 独木桥 means a bridge made of a single wooden plank/a single tree trunk (I suggest you copy these 3 characters and throw into google to look at the images) Thus, the translation is not exactly precarious situations, but I think "Only by pushing others off a bridge made of a single wooden plank are you considered a winner" is a bit specific. Let me know if you would prefer this translation in the comments.
*****没想到你会拼命为我拨开 (I didn't think you would desperately rescue me) -- 拨开 means to pull apart, i.e. to pull apart the darkness that shrouds the writer. Therefore use of rescue.
--My thoughts ---
I love this song so much. I loved it when I first heard it and I love it even more now that I've translated it. Like. I almost started crying in the middle of translating because this song is just so, so beautiful. It's such a wonderful song of hurt and healing and love. I can't help but feel my translation doesn't capture the full emotional spectrum of the original Chinese lyrics, especially this part:
伤疤 就丢给回忆吧 Why not leave your scars to your memories? 放下 才得到更好啊 You can only receive better (things) if you leave them behind 别怕 别怕 Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.
Nevertheless, I hope you liked this translation :)
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caeltranslates · 2 years
一剪梅 (xue hua piao piao) ENGLISH TRANSLATION
一剪梅 -- 费玉清 A branch of plum blossoms -- Fei Yu-Ching 真情像草原广阔 True love is as vast as a grassland 层层风雨不能阻隔 Unable to be obstructed by layers of wind and rain 总有云开 日出时候 There will always be a time where the clouds part, and the sun emerges 万丈阳光照亮你我 A thousand light rays shine on you and me 真情像梅花开遍 True love is like blooming plum blossoms 冷冷冰雪不能掩没 it cannot be drowned by cold ice and snow 就在最冷 When it's the coldest, 枝头绽放 the branches bloom 看见春天走向你我 Spring is arriving*
雪花飘飘北风啸啸 The snow whirls and the wind howls 天地一片苍茫 The sky and ground are vast 一剪寒梅 A branch of the winter plum blossom 傲立雪中 Stands proudly in the snow 只为伊人飘香 Its fragrance only for that person**
爱我所爱无怨无悔 Loving my beloved***, I have no hate or regrets 此情长留 This love, will last forever, 心间 In our hearts 雪花飘飘北风啸啸 The snow whirls and the wind howls 天地一片苍茫 The sky and ground are vast 一剪寒梅 A branch of the winter plum blossom 傲立雪中 Stands proudly in the snow 只为伊人飘香 Its fragrance only for that person
爱我所爱无怨无悔 Loving my beloved, I have no hate or regrets 此情长留 This love, will last forever, 心间 In our hearts
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Translation notes:
*看见春天走向你我 -- This is a personification statement, a literal translation would be "watching spring walk towards you and me (us)". I chose to use the implied meaning, Spring is arriving, for easier understanding.
**只为伊人飘香 (Its fragrance only for that person) -- 伊人 literally just means that person. It's from an old poem, 蒹葭 (jian jia) which was written by an unknown author. It usually is used to refer to a person who is close to the poet/writer, and who is the center of the poet's admiration and love, and is one that the poet cannot forget about. Basically a love interest.
***爱我所爱 -- this means loving the person I like. Thus I translated as "loving my beloved".
General note about why the symbolism of a plum blossom is used: There is a Chinese saying, 梅花香自苦寒来, or the fragrance of the plum blossom comes from the cold winter. Plum blossoms are a symbol of spring, and they bloom despite the cold. It means that good things come after hardship.
My take on the song is that the writer expresses their intense love for their lover/love interest, and although being together/being allowed to be in love seems to be tough now (the cold winter), there will be a day where they will be allowed to be in love (the fragrance/flowers blooming). Personally I think it's a forbidden type of love story, but do let me know your takes in the comments :)
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caeltranslates · 3 years
热爱105°C 的你 (super idol 的笑容都没你的甜)ENGLISH TRANSLATION
阿肆 -- 热爱105 C的你
A Si -- Fervently loving the you who is 105°C
The smile of a Super Idol isn't even as sweet as yours The sunlight during noon in August* isn't even as dazzling as you Fervently loving the you who is 105 °C is like drops of clear distilled water.
You don't know how cute you are, when you fall down you stand up again with a silly smile. You have never given up easily, the perseverance towards achieving your dreams has never changed.
I was very relieved when you told me you were not afraid of being with me Let me help you to ** bravely chase after your dreams in a determined fashion
The smile of a Super Idol isn't even as sweet as yours The sunlight during noon in October isn't even as dazzling as you Fervently loving the you who is 105 °C is like drops of clear distilled water.
In this unique time that belongs to me Don't be afraid of failure, and have a happy, fervent love. Fervently loving the you who is 105 °C is like drops of clear distilled water.
In this unique time that belongs to me Never forget your original intentions to *** fervently love. Fervently loving the you who is 105 °C is like drops of clear distilled water.
One sip and I'm full of energy again Once again I have returned to my best condition
(Let's take a sip.)
You don't know how cute you are, when you fall down you stand up again with a silly smile. You have never given up easily, the perseverance towards achieving your dreams has never changed.
I was very relieved when you told me you were not afraid of being with me Let me help you to bravely chase after your dreams in a determined fashion
The smile of a Super Idol isn't even as sweet as yours The sunlight during noon in August isn't even as dazzling as you Fervently loving the you who is 105 °C is like drops of clear distilled water.
In this unique time that belongs to me Don't be afraid of failure, and have a happy, fervent love. Fervently loving the you who is 105 °C is like drops of clear distilled water.
In this unique time that belongs to me Never forget your original intentions to fervently love.
Fervently loving the you who is 105 °C is like drops of clear distilled water.
One sip and I'm full of energy again Once again I have returned to my best condition One sip and I'm full of energy again
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translator's notes: * The sunlight during noon in August -- I'm guessing that since August in summer in China, the sun should be pretty bright, but I'm not sure if there is some other meaning to this phrase in relation to Chinese folklore etc.
**Let me help you to -- the original is: 放着让我来. This isn't a phrase I've heard before, but then again, I don't live in mainland China. I used this source which seemed to have a logical explanation of the meaning: https://hinative.com/zh-CN/questions/19809916
*** Never forget your original intentions to/fervently love -- Original is: 莫忘了初心常在/痛快去热爱. There aren't any pronouns in this statement, so it's a bit ambiguous to translate. It could also be translated as: I'll never forget my original intentions/to fervently love.
****One sip and I'm full of energy again -- Not really that important, but it is a pun for those who can read Chinese. In the song the phrase: 活力全开 (huó lì quán kāi) is used. This actually in a pun on the idiom: 火力全开 (huǒ lì quán kāi), which means full firepower.
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