bubonicc-writing · 9 days
Hancock/Nick Valentine "Third Gear" 18+
Word Count: 3,139
Chapter 1/2
John Hancock/ Nick Valentine
Nick tries his best to get an upgrade in secrecy, but nothing sneaks by Hancock when it comes to the comings and goings of Goodneighbor. When Hancock discovers Nick's secret, who is he not to offer a helping hand? Of the people for the people? Right?
“You need to take it slow.” Nick could hear Dr. Amari’s words echo back in his mind. “This is very new for you… it may be overwhelming.”That had been much easier said than done, considering how persistent Hancock could be. 
The ghoul had seen Nick sneaking in and out of the Memory Den for weeks. What was strange to Hancock was that Nick had made a considerable effort to avoid him at all costs while doing so. What was an everyday ritual, though, suddenly came to a stop. Hancock no longer spotted Nick creeping around, and at first, he thought Nick was just coming at different times, but his guards mentioned they hadn’t seen Nick in a few days either. That was when Hancock became deeply curious.
Sneaking into Diamond City wasn’t easy for most, but for Hancock, it was second nature. Knowing all the ins and outs, slinking around in the shadows was easy enough, and a few guards who he was friendly with often turned a blind eye to him when he slipped through. Moving around Diamond City after nightfall was even more accessible when all the shops had closed. Getting to Nick's agency was a breeze at this hour.
Hancock wrapped his knuckles against the door once before turning the knob and entering before Nick could answer. As he entered the agency, Hancock pulled down the black bandana he had been using to conceal half his face. 
Nick was sitting at his usual spot behind his desk. His coat was off and hanging somewhere in the corner of the room. Surprise colored his face when he registered Hancock’s face. As he was about to open his mouth to greet the mayor, Hancock stormed forward.
Slamming his palms down on the front of Nick’s desk, Hancock loomed over the gap and squinted at the synth. 
“Er… what?” Nick asked as he watched Hancock push himself back from the desk and storm around it. Without warning, he grabbed the back of Nick’s chair and yanked him back from his desk. Forcing the chair to spin to face him, Hancock slammed his hands down on either of the armrests, preventing Nick from rotating away from him if he tried.
Warm yellow optics blinked up at the ghoul in utter surprise. His eyebrows knitted together anxiously when he leaned back because Hancock leaned in. There was silence between them as Hanock loomed over him menacingly.
“You got somethin to tell me, Nicky?” 
“What? No?” Nick stared into those deep, black, voided eyes that searched his face.
“I think you’re lying to me.” 
“I’m not lyi-” Nick’s words were cut off as Hanock suddenly yanked his tie. Their faces were close now. 
“Is that so?” Hancock tilted his head slightly to one side. “I’ve seen you sneaking around Goodneighbor! I’ve seen you taking different streets each time to avoid being spotted.” Hancock growled, his grip tightening on Nick’s tie. “I think you’re hiding something from-” Hancock paused when he saw Nick flick his eyes downward for a split second and then back up to him. 
Looking between the two, Hancock had to squint in the low light to put together what his eyes saw. Upon registering it, the biggest shit-eating grin smeared across his marred lips.
Between Nick’s thighs, an obvious tent had formed in his trousers thanks to his newly installed addition. His very new and very unpredictable dick.
Yanking his tie from Hancock's grip, Nick kicked his chair back and forced it to swivel towards his desk. He scooted his legs back under it to hide his bulge, but it was too late; Hancock had seen.
Nick placed his elbows on his desk and hid his face in his hands. If he could blush, he would undoubtedly be a deep shade of red by now. Despite being unable to blush, he felt like he was burning up.
What felt like an eternity passed before Nick dropped his hands and looked at Hancock.
“Don’t look at me like that.” The synth groaned when he noticed that grin was still parked on the ghoul’s lips.
“Like what?”
“Like that!” Hancock’s blackened eyes were practically sparkling with delight at all this new information.
“I… I can’t control it.” Nick shook his head, “It has a mind of its own.” Hearing Hancock snort and laugh, Nick grimaced.
“You’re going to have to get used to that.” Placing his hands on his hips, Hancock smirked. “I would warn you about morning wood, but you don’t sleep.” Hancock’s expression softened, “How long have you had that?” 
“This is day two.” Dropping his hands from his face and sitting back in his chair, Nick sighed and shook his head. He glanced over at Hancock, looking up at the ceiling now in thought. 
“I’m going to guess that Amari is the one who has been helping you? That’s why you have been sneaking around late in and out of the Memory Den?” Hancock asked as he leaned his hips against Nick’s desk.
“Amari and one very long and awkward conversation with Tinker Tom.” Opening the side drawer on his desk, Nick rummaged around in it for a moment before pulling out a pack of cigarettes. Removing one from the carton and lighting a match, he lit the end of it. Sucking hard at the filter, he sighed out a deep cloud of smoke.
It had taken him months to work up the metal to ask if such a thing was possible. Dr. Amari had been kind when she told him she didn’t want to get his hopes up but would try. Weeks proceeding was met with multiple body and mechanical brain scans. Thanks to his body being between generation two and three, he did have possible routes for generational three additions. It was just a matter of building them and installing them.
An awkward silence passed between them before Hancock pushed his hip off Nick’s desk. Before Nick could protect himself, Hancock grabbed the back of the synth’s chair again. Whirling him around to face him, Hancock grabbed the armrests again.
“Is Ellie here?” Hancock reached up and took the cigarette from between Nick’s lips. Bringing it up to his mouth, he sucked hard on it until the end burned a deep red.
“S-She’s at the Dugout, girls night-” Nick responded as Hancock blew out smoke from his open nose.
“So she won’t be back for a while?” Stubbing the cigarette in the ashtray on the corner of Nick’s desk, Hancock let one side of his mouth curl up in a devious grin.
“A few hours, maybe?” Nick responded as he watched Hancock nod at the response. 
“Mhm.” Hancock hummed as he shucked off his red coat from his shoulders and allowed it to crumple to the floor. 
Nick watched as Hancock popped the first few buttons of his frilly white undershirt. He took in a shuttered breath when he felt his groin suddenly tightening again. He didn’t have to look down this time to know the tent was reforming.
He blinked and swallowed hard when Hancock advanced on him, climbing into the chair with him and sitting his ass hard down against his groin. A jolt of electricity shot up Nick’s mechanical spine, and he dug his fingers into the armrests.
“Have I ever told you hot fucking hot you look when you’re wearing these?” Sliding his fingers under the leather straps of Nick’s shoulder holsters, Hancock gave a playful tug. “You can make a ghoul feral.” Leaning forward and letting his lips trance the shell of Nick’s right ear, Hancock smiled when he felt Nick’s bulge pulse against his ass. “If you want me to stop, tell me.” Hancock pulled his lips away and waited for a response. There was a few seconds of silence before Nick responded in a low, gritty tone.
“Keep going.” The request was all but a whisper, his eyes becoming half-lidded when he felt Hancock’s warm breath against his neck. He feels a tender kiss placed here and there before the ghoul moves up to his jawline.
Rocking his hips with each kiss, Hancock ground his ass against Nick’s erection. Each motion drew a sharp breath from the synth, and his yellow eyes flickered occasionally. His hands shot from the armrests to grab hesitantly at the ghoul’s hips. Gripping Hancock hard now, he forced the ghoul's hips still.
“W-wait.” Hancock paused, watching as Nick chewed his bottom lip. “This… this is the first time… I haven’t-” He stammered, his eyes flicking around the room anxiously to avoid looking up at Hancock. “Dr. Amari said I need to take it slow.” She had mentioned his tactile sensors would be substantially more sensitive, and that was proving to be true. 
While Nick didn’t doubt pre-war Nick had physically tangoed before, he had no memory of it. Just bits and pieces of Nick and Jenny, hand-in-hand dancing or late-night dinners, staring at each other over a flickering candle. Even then, those memories were fragmented and hazy at best; anything more than that, he couldn’t recall. Memories of canoodling didn’t seem important enough for the Instatue to transfer over, so synth Nick was going in blind. While not new, it was new.
“Are you calling me impatient?” Hancock joked at the mention of going slow. “We don’t have to do anything at all.” Sitting back in Nick’s lap, Hancock’s expression softened. He felt Nick’s fingers dig into his hips slightly, his metal ones more so.
While perhaps not ready to go all the way, Nick knew he was prepared to take the first few steps—maybe a little sooner than Amari had wanted, but truth be told, he wasn’t sure how he was ever going to initiate something anyway. Hancock had accidentally done all the work without even trying, and he wasn’t going to complain.
“I want to.” Finally, Nick looked up at Hanock, “But I don’t know where to start exactly.” He laughed at himself and relaxed a bit when Hancock chuckled with him.
“Don’t worry, I have an idea.” Leaning in and kissing Nick’s cheek, Hancock started to work his way down. He pulled the white collar of Nick’s shirt aside to kiss his collarbone. 
Sighing contently, Nick let Hancock work without interruption. He felt the ghoul slide his ass back and off his groin and down between his legs until Hancock was kneeling between the synth’s knees.
“Can I see it?” Hancock asked so innocently while batting those blackened orbs at him. He hesitated momentarily before gripping the shirt fabric tucked neatly into his pants. Pulling it free and unclasping his belt, he popped the first button. With trembling hands, he hooked his thumbs under his waistband and tugged his pants down just enough for his new addition to spring free.
It was the same color as his synthetic skin but slightly brighter—undoubtedly because it was much newer than the rest of him. Hancock wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it looked more or less normal. Decently sized with a nice girth to it, Tinker Tom had done Nick some justice. What truly impressed him was when he noticed the light glinting off of fluid that was weeping from the slit on its head. Artificial pre-cum? 
“Oh fuck yeah.” Hancock mewled out as he licked his lips in anticipation. He leaned in abruptly but stopped himself and looked up at Nick. “May I?” Such a gentleman. 
Sheepishly, Nick nodded and watched with bright eyes as Hancock leaned forward again. A deep shiver ran up his core when he could feel Hancock’s warm breath against the new silicone. He jolted when Hancock’s fingertips traced the upward on the underside of his shaft.
“Sorry.” Hancock smiled, “Too much?”
“No,” Nick said, “Just… different. Sensitive.” So much more sensitive than the rest of him. He was warned by both Amari and Tinker Tom that it would be different, and that was the case. His inner workings were buzzing, and he felt his coolant pump working overtime.
Hancock continued, wrapping a hand around Nick’s length and letting his calloused thumb rub over the sensitive head.
He smeared around the fluid, smirking when he felt Nick’s thigh tremble. Above, he could hear the synth taking in stuttered breaths.
“Good?” Hancock asked after a few minutes of teasing. The amount of pre-cum that had oozed from Nick’s shaft was enough for Hancock to start stroking his hand up and down slowly. Nick had tossed his head back against the chair when Hancock added a gentle twist to every other stroke.
“Good,” Nick repeated, his eyes closed but snapping open when he felt Hancock’s lips press a kiss against the underside of his shaft. Mouth agape, Nick leaned his head forward again to see Hancock’s tongue lapping a long line from the base of his shaft to his cock’s head. There, he added a flourished flick of his tongue before taking Nick into his mouth.
“O-Oh~!” Nick felt himself lifting slightly out of his seat, “Oh fuck!” He twisted slightly, but Hancock’s free hand came up to hold one of his thighs down.
Spurred on by the delicious noises Hancock was sucking from Nick, the ghoul swirled his tongue around the swelling head. He shallowly bobbed his head, working himself lower and lower each time. Upon sheathing Nick down his throat, Hancock felt Nick’s hip buck.
“Ngn!” Throwing his head back, Nick squeezes his eyes shut, his hands returning to his chair armrests, which squeeze into the fabric.
It’s a matter of moments before a boiling coil builds in Nick’s belly. He huffs out and curses as static fills the corners of his vision. The pulse radiating from his groin up his mechanical spine only grows stronger before he’s choking out Hancock’s name.
“J-John!” Between clenched teeth, Nick bellows out, his vocalizer even glitching slightly. 
Below, Hancock feels Nick’s shaft swell and pulse before hot fluid spurts at the back of his throat. 
Above, Nick’s back snaps straight, and his body freezes. With wide yellow optics now burning bright white, sparks fly from the open holes in Nick’s neck. Just as fast as it happens, just as fast as Nick’s eyes flicker offline, and his body sags abruptly in his chair. His arms flap limp at his sides, and his head lolls forward, a few more sparks popping.
“Holy shit!” Hancock says as he lifts himself from between Nick’s legs. Wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, he quickly leans in and cups Nick’s face.
Nick’s cheeks were burning up, and Hancock could feel the heat pouring out of the open holes by Nick’s neck.
Removing his tricorn hat, Hancock quickly fanned the detective. He tapped Nick’s cheek with the palm of his free hand, trying to rouse him. 
“Come on, Nicky, come on,” Hancock cooed, “Come back to me.” But Nick remained limp, eyes dark. “Damn it, Nick! Ellie is going to kill me if you don’t open your goddamn eyes.” Hancock fanned him harder.
It took an agonizing two minutes before Nick’s eyes flickered back online. Those usually bright yellow rings were dim and distant but brightened as time passed.
“H-Huh.” His voice was scratchy, “What happened?” He straightened himself out, reaching up with a trembling hand to fix his slightly crooked hat.
“Don’t move too much yet.” Hancock let out a sigh of relief but pressed his hand to Nick’s chest to prevent him from trying to stand. “I thought for a second there I was going to have to tell Ellie a blowjob is what did you in.” He laughed and shook his head. “How do you feel?”
Nick considered the question. His body felt heavy and like jelly simultaneously, but internally, he felt weightless, maybe even euphoric. That sensation, that climax, the overload, was incredible.
“Good,” He smiled. “Really good.” 
Plopping his hat back on his head, Hancock turned on his heels and grabbed one of the wooden chairs on the other side of Nick’s desk. Swinging it around next to Nick, Hancock sat down. He kicked his feet up on a random cardboard box sitting on the floor by the desk and crossed his arms. That devious grin returned to the ghoul's face.
Nick tucked himself back into his pants and buckled his belt. He slowly tucked his shirt back into his pants and retrieved another cigarette from his desk drawer. Lighting it and taking a quick hit, he passed it to Hancock.
“Thanks-” Nick says as he watches Hancock take a drag. It’s hard to tell due to his scarred-up skin, but Nick can swear Hancock’s cheeks are redder than usual. His voided eyes were glossy.
“For what? The blowjob? Heh-” Hancock laughs as he takes another drag, “For you? Anytime, Nicky.” The wink Hancock throws Nick’s way has the synth huffing. “I mean it-” Buttoning up his frilly shirt, Hancock leans forward and passes the Cigarette back to Nick. Briefly, their fingertips touch. “If you ever want to… that is.” Sitting back and pretending to twirl a strand of hair between his fingers like some shy dame, Hancock smirked.
“I uh… I would like that.” 
Before either of them could say anything more, the metallic door to the agency squeaked open. 
“Oh!” Ellie’s feminine voice came from by the door. She had spotted Hancock first. He glanced over his shoulder at her and gave her a sweet smile. “Mayor Hancock, what a surprise!” She entered, and as she passed, Hancock gave him a quick peck on the cheek before heading over to the coat rack. There, she dropped her bag and tugged her scarf off. “Having fun, you two? I’m not interrupting something, am I?”
“Oh no, just missed all the fun, actually.” Hancock stuck out and bit his tongue as Nick kicked him from under his desk. “I was just about to head out.” Grabbing his crumpled coat from the floor, Hancock shrugged it on as he stood. Tipping his hat at Nick and wishing Ellie a good night, Hancock exited. 
“What were you two up to?” Ellie asked, “You’re practically glowing. Must have been something good.” 
“Huh? Oh-uh-” Nick rubbed at the back of his neck, eyes darting all over the room for some explanation. “The good news was, he didn’t need to give one, as Ellie had asked rhetorically. She went about putting her things away without any further questions. Instead, she did what she always did before heading to bed: kiss Nick on the cheek, tell him not to stay up too late working, and then head up to her room for the night.
Alone now, Nick felt his chest swirling and the gears between his head ticking. He felt giddy, excited, and anxious with anticipation. The corners of his mouth curved upward into a wide smile.
What was next?
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bubonicc-writing · 12 days
Ive got an outline done for a John Hancock/Nick Valentine fic im cooking this week. It's either going to be one ungodly long fanfic or two chapters I haven't decided if I want to split it in half yet. Regardless I plan on posting it all at once
And LEMME tell you I am FERAL for Nick Valentine getting flustered when his tie is pulled.
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bubonicc-writing · 1 month
Cooper Howard/ The Ghoul x Fem!Reader +18 headcannons
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Cooper loves fingering you while you are both standing. He loves how you knot your hands in the front of his coat while his fingers work you over. It allows him to lean in and whisper foul things into your ear. He loves how you can just barely stand, and the closer you get to climax, the more you lose the support of your legs. When you cum, you're sobbing into his scarred neck as he drags you through it. When you come down from the high, your legs cannot bear your weight anymore. You start to slip downward, but Cooper lifts you back up and against his chest. He kisses your sweat-drenched cheeks and laughs at how malleable you always are in the literal palm of his hands.
Cooper loves rough sex, especially after a day of a successful and well-paying bounty. He loves you face down ass up, while his hips collide with yours. More often than not, he will even lean over you, pinning you below him while he ruts into you. He loves to push the boundary and roll his hips hard against you, grinding your pelvises together in an attempt to get every little bit of him inside of you. It has you seeing stars and your hair clinging to your damp and flushed cheeks.
Except there are nights when Cooper is soft. Nights when he stares down his brim at you, his eyes gentle as he caresses your face. He kisses the corner of your mouth and nuzzles his head between your head and shoulder. Inevitably, you both are on your bedroll, you on your back, while Cooper has his chest against yours. Your legs rock back and forth in a gentle rhythm as he rolls his hips against you. You trade loving kisses a few times before wrapping your arms around Coope’rs neck and tugging him closer to you. Resting your chin on his shoulder while he works, you close your eyes and smile. 
Cooper isn’t much of a loud love-maker, except when he gets close to cumming. His breathing becomes raggeder, and he huffs out gruff groans. On days he had a particularly explosive climax, he would choke out this chest-rumbling growl. On nights you two made love slowly; you always made sure Cooper tucked his head against your neck so you could hear his soft little grunts and groans as he worked. Whenever he whispered out a hushed fuck you would bite your bottom lip, humming at him in return. 
Most likely a side effect of two hundred years of radiation and mutation, Cooper cummed buckets. It was worse nights he would edge himself, often flooding you so full your lower belly had a slight bulge. You would be lying if you said you didn’t like it when Cooper sat back and watched his work flood from you the second he pulled out. It had you feral.
Cooper sits back on sofas/chairs with you between his legs. Like a good little pet, you sit there with your cheek against his thigh while you wait for him to pull his cock from his pants. After stroking himself a few times, he sits back and lets you take over. With a smart-ass grin on his lips and glossed-over eyes, he watches you lick from the base of his cock to the trip, where you place a tender kiss. When you swallow him down, his head tilts back between his shoulders, and he sighs contently. When he gets close, he places a hand on your head, signaling you to stay up. You obey and swallow him down to the base before feeling him tense, and his cock swell in your mouth. Hot fluid splatters the back of your throat, and you swallow it all down one gulp after another. When you finally lift off of him, a tendril of saliva still connects you to his cock. 
When Cooper eats you out, he is like a starved animal. Pressing his face into you hard and even using his teeth to tug at your clit, he holds your twisting hips down with an iron grip. He laps his tongue from your heats core up to your clit where the tip of his tongue flicks it. Always using his middle and ring finger to hook into you, he knows all the right buttons to push inside of you. Always knuckle deep, he doesn’t let up until you are sobbing through your orgasm.
Please feel free to send me prompts, I too… am so so very thirsty.
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bubonicc-writing · 1 month
The Rebound
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Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3194
Summary: It's been a long time since Cooper has felt a loving touch. Perhaps a little too long because he's not entirely sure what to do with you.
CW: Semi-slow burn, smut, P in V, creampies, loving on a crispy man who needs it real bad. Prob ooc because this is my first fallout/reader fic ever (sowwy)
Cooper was a hard man to break. Downright standoffish and a straight-up jackass. At least that was what he was like when you first met him. Charismatic, confident, an excellent shot, but god, was he a prick. That, though, you had gotten used to the longer you traveled together. As the months dragged on, that standoffishness started to shed from the Ghoul. 
It started with random small talk picking up between you two as you travel between settlements. For the first few months together, it was mostly silence or business talk traded between you. Who was the next bounty? Where were they last? Can you scavenge while I get intel? It was all just business. That was until one night, Cooper started making small talk between their travels. Then came the soft conversations by the fire when they settled for the night. Every week, the weight of that duster and those guns on his back seemed to lighten the more he talked to you. Then came the offered cantine of water on a scorching day. Already an out-of-the-ordinary gesture from him, more so because your cantine wasn’t empty and he was offering his for a sip.
You took it.
The small talk turned into jokes with hushed laughs between you. As Cooper drawled on, you watched him over the campfire's tip. The light it threw cast beautiful shadows along Cooper's features, and when that crooked ass grin warped his lips more and more, you felt a tinge in the center of your chest. A little candlelight flickering and quivering whenever he spoke in that long drawl. It blazed when his eyes flicked up at you, staring at you in a way that made it seem like he could see right through you. It was like he could see that candle burning just for him.
Now, when the two of you slept, you were no longer on opposite sides of the room. You both started to creep toward each other every night until you were only a few feet apart. Cooper never laid down when he slept. Instead, he leaned against the wall and semi-slouched. He’d tilt his hat downward until the brim hid his eyes. Finally, he would cross his legs and arms before drifting off. You, on the other hand, preferred your bedroll. While not much, it was still better than the barren floor or the questionable mattress they occasionally came across. 
Tonight, a storm was coming through, bringing billowing winds and harsh rain that pounded the roof of the abandoned gas station they had sheltered in. You had tried hours ago to sleep, but the chill from the wind crept between the broken boards and cracked windows. You tossed and turned for what felt like hours, unable to get warm in any position. You flopped over one more time, now facing where Cooper was slouched against a wall a good two feet from you. His brim was cast down, covering his eyes as usual, but from how still he was, you figured he had fallen asleep a while ago.
 Chewing your lip, you hesitated momentarily before scooting towards him and bridging the gap. Snuggling up against his hips and thighs, you sighed contently. He smelled of gunpowder and smoke, typical. Slumber tugged at your eyelids, and you finally drifted off within minutes.
A light sleeper for obvious reasons in this hellhole of a wasteland, Cooper had awoken the second you had touched his leg. He waited for you to settle before opening one eye halfway and staring down his brim at you. Studying your peaceful expression and how you pressed your nose into his thigh. Two rouge strands of your hair had fallen against your cheek, slightly curled at the tips.
A former version of himself would have shoved you away, telling you to git back to your side of the station. Except the current version of himself felt something swirling around in his chest. It was slightly uncomfortable but not all too unfamiliar.
It was a sensation he hadn’t felt for over a hundred years, something that longed for that little touch and craved so much more. It flopped around behind his ribcage, and he grits his teeth in annoyance.
Sighing and looking back down, he shifts gently. Bringing one hand down and outstretching two fingers, he tenderly brushes the hair strands behind your ear. With that, he recrosses his arms and sits back, eyes closing.
As the months continue, so do they, but Cooper is different at night. His expressions are somber, his eyes distant while he sharpens his knives. Deep in thought, sometimes it takes calling his name twice before he looks up at you.
“Coop, are you alright?” you ask, your eyebrows furrowed together in concern. You were annoyed when he smiled and chuckled softly, telling you he was peaches and cream. You didn’t push the matter and didn’t have to because he mentioned his daughter three nights later.
He spoke slowly, hesitantly, wondering if he should even be saying any of this to you in the first place. He wasn’t a vulnerable man, not anymore, anyway. 
He spoke, and you listened, night after night, as more pieces of the puzzle of this mystery man fell together. Under all those clothes and behind all those guns, Cooper was still just a man—an ordinary man.
“You’ll find her Coop,” Reaching over from where you were sitting at his side, you placed your hand on his wrist and gently squeezed it, “I know you will.” 
Cooper didn’t respond, but a smile so tiny it almost went missed curved the corners of his lips.
As you lay in your bedroll that night, you felt something shift against your front. Opening your tired eyes halfway, you watched through blurry vision as Cooper lay down next to you. His back was to you, but you scooted against his spine without a second thought. Resting your cheek between his shoulder blades, you closed your eyes again. 
Eventually, Cooper lay facing you. Without saying anything, he would hook your waist and tug you against his chest. Then, you would feel him resting his chin on your head. The first time he had done it, your face burned so hot you feared you might catch ablaze. If Cooper noticed, he didn’t say. No matter, you didn’t want him to stop, and you were sure he didn’t want you to, either. 
In truth, Cooper would be lying if he ever said he didn’t like the sensation of your small palms against his chest. He loved how you played with the buttons on his dirty shirt until you fell asleep.
Each night, you did the same thing, chest to chest, until finally, one night, you nuzzled your face into the nook of Cooper's neck. Soft and plump lips grazed across his scarred skin before placing a gentle kiss on Cooper’s jawline. 
Immediately, Cooper stiffened against you. You felt his fingers tracing lazy patterns on the small of your back pause. You heard him swallow suddenly, and your stomach sank as you expected him to push you away and scold you. 
Instead, Cooper cleared his throat and nestled his chin harder against the top of your head. 
Days in the wasteland dragged on usually, but the following days felt like an eternity since that night. Bounty after bounty, caps collected, and supplies scavenged, Cooper never once brought it up. Instead, he carried on as usual, which, in truth, made your heartache.
It was possible that even after all of this time, the candle he had ablaze in your chest was not mutually lit. 
What you didn’t know was that Cooper's heart had bounced out of his chest and into his throat that night. He didn’t think it was even possible for his cheeks to flush, but damn, they felt hot. It was alien; over 200 years of feeling the kiss of bullets, he had forgotten what a real one felt like. It was incredible but also terrifying.
 He had loved, and he had lost. 
The nights following the kiss, Cooper waited for you to make a move again, but you didn’t. You slept with your back to him and didn’t move when he pressed against you and draped an arm over your waist. After a few minutes, he felt your fingers intertwine with him in a gentle grip. 
The two of you stayed linked that night.
The following night, Cooper watched as you shrugged off your jacket and kicked off your boots, getting ready to sleep after a long day of tracking a bounty through the unforgiving sun. Reaching up, you released your hair from its loose bun and let your locks fall messily over your shoulders.
You half turned when you felt Cooper grab your hand. Watching him bring it to his lips, he kissed your palm and pressed your hand against his cheek.
The brim of his hat temporarily hid his eyes, but when he looked up at you, your heart fluttered. No words were exchanged as you slowly leaned forward, having to stand on your toes even to come close to his marred lips. Centimeters away, you paused, but Cooper filled the gap.
The first kiss was gentle, and your free hand came up to cup Cooper’s other cheek. When you broke away, it wasn’t for long. Reconnecting, your kisses became hungrier, and your hands on Cooper's cheeks drifted downward. Running over his neck, then his collar and chest. You worked your way down as he kissed you until you palmed at his groin.
“Wait,” Cooper pulled away suddenly, stepping back, “wait…fuck” He turned on his heels, pacing back and forth. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, watching him shake his head and curse to himself. “Coop?”
Once he stopped pacing, he sighed and shook his head before glancing over his shoulder at you.
“I don’t think I have it in me no more, sweetheart.” He laughed softly at himself. 
“What do you mean?” Taking a step towards him, she watched as he finally turned to face her.
“It’s… been a long time. A really long time, sugar.” Too long, really, at least, that is what he thought anyway. Nobody had touched him like this since before the bombs. Nobody had loved him. The only thing he knew now was blood, bullets, and ass jerky.
“Coop,” You said softly, moving towards him and wrapping your arms around his towering frame, “let me take care of you for once.” There was silence before Cooper rested his chin atop your head and laughed. Slowly, his hands came up to rest on your hips, his thumbs dipping under the fabric of your shirt to rub at the soft skin there. 
Looking up, you place a chain of kisses along his jawline. Meanwhile, one of your hands pressed against his back snaked back to his front. There, you worked your way down again until you felt the subtle tent in his pants. You palmed it gently, drawing out soft groans from your Ghoul. He shifted in place, sliding his chin off your head and burying his face between the nook in your neck. His hips lean forward into your touch, and you purr at that.
“That’s it,” you whisper, working the top button until it pops. Next, you slide his zipper down and slide your hand inside. “I’ve got you.”
Upon grabbing his stiffening cock, you feel him tense against you, even sagging a little bit as you start to stroke. Your thumb rubs over his swollen head, spreading the generous amount of precum around. You feel it pulse against your palm, and you can’t help but smile when Copper’s breath stutters against your neck.
“Fuck darling,” He drawls, “You know how to drive a man mad.” Bringing his hands up from your hips, Cooper knots his fingers into the back of your shirt. It doesn’t take long to have him unraveling. You can feel his thighs trembling and his grip tightening the closer he gets to release. Like butter, he is melting and fast.
Each new noise you pull from him causes a feverish heat to swell over your form. Your stomach flips, and you feel your heat clench with desire. As much as you would like to keep your composure, you lean into him, pressing your forehead into his shoulder as you stroke faster and faster. 
The choked growl Cooper lets out is the only warning you get before hot fluid coats your palm and wrist. His hips lurch in your grip twice before he suddenly sags hard against your form. Finger still twisted in your shirt, he finally lets go and lets his arms swing heavily by his sides. His legs are like jelly, and it takes him a moment to stand up semi-straight, his hat slightly crooked. He looks drunk, his eyes glossy, that stupid ass grin you loved smeared across his lips.
“That good, huh?” Stepping back to give him a little breathing room, you pluck the first few buttons of your shirt open. Allowing your shirt to part and fall from your shoulders, your breasts become exposed. With your other hand, you reach down and open the first button of your pants.
“Well then,” You coo, “come on then bounty hunter.” You shimmy your pants and panties off, kicking them off to the side, leaving your form raw to his eyes. “Come and get it.”
There was no need to ask twice. Rushing forward, Cooper grabbed your hips and slammed your forms together. Your lips crashed together again and again, and you whined into his mouth, horribly needy. You didn’t doubt Cooper had seen the slick glistening on your inner thigh.
Pushing you backward, you allowed Cooper to guide you to your bedroll. Once close enough to it, he kicked his foot out, hooked his heel around your leg, and pulled it out from under you. As you fell backward, he fell with you, landing flat on his palms. Towering over you now, eyes ablaze as they drink in your beet red face and beautiful puffy pink breasts. 
“You’ve been wantin' this for a while, haven’t yah?” Lifting one of his hands and pressing it against your soft belly, he drags it down towards your heat. Without warning, he slides his middle and ring finger through your folds, running over your sensitive clit. You gasp, tossing your head back.
“Ngh! Fuck!” Looking up between your bodies, you watch as Cooper drags his fingers up and down over and over, teasing your swelling clit. “Fuck Coop, fuck!”
“Well,” He growls, “Who am I to keep a lady waitin'?” Without warning, his middle and ring finger coast downward and dip deep into your gushing cunt. The squeal that escapes your lips has Cooper chuckling. He presses deep into you, humming as your walls grip his digits. 
Burying himself knuckle deep over and over, a squelching noise is followed by each hand thrust. You lift and twist your hips from the intense waves of pleasure. Only when you feel Cooper withdraw his fingers do you flop down, panting harshly.
Through half-lidded and blurry eyes, you watch Cooper bring his hand between you. He inspects them before spreading his two fingers apart, a tendril of thick fluid connecting them.
“You get this wet for everybody else? Or just little o’l me?”
Turning your head away in embarrassment, you feel Cooper grip your chin and return your gaze to him. 
“Eyes on me.” He growls as he rolls his hips forward, running his stiff cock between your slick folds. The head bumps your clit, and for a moment, you think you see stars. Over and over again, he grinds against you, littering your chest with kisses in the meantime. 
When you finally feel him lean back and press his head against your opening, he hesitates. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper as you place your hand on his cheek and run your thumb over his cheekbone. “I’ve got you.” Sliding both arms around his neck, you gently tug him into your warm embrace. One hand rugs between his shoulder blades while your other rubs the back of his neck.
Allowing himself to lean forward, he nuzzles into the side of your neck before biting the soft flesh. 
Rolling his hips forward, he breaches and slides into you with ease. Gasping and choking out a soft cry, you feel him bury himself to his hilt. Hip connected to hip for a brief moment, he finally drags himself out. Rolling forward, the pase is slow, perhaps even loving, before your Ghoul gets hungry.
It doesn’t take long before your hips are slapping together. You can’t stop the sobs of pleasure that break past your lips with each sharp snap of his hips. Digging your nails into his shoulder blades, you feel your eyes cross when the head of his cock punches that sweet, sweet bundle of nerves.
“Oh fuck, Cooper!” Your back arches off of your bedroll, “F-fuck! I’m… I’m” The hot waves of pleasure radiating from your belly to your groin all the way down your trembling thighs to your toes are winding too tight. “I’m gonna cum!” 
He didn’t slow down and instead angled himself better to strike that little bundle of nerves that had your eyes rolling back. It took two hard hits before he felt your beck snap into a tight arch. He felt your chest bump hard against him, and your hips twisted to the right as your climate ripped you apart.
Head thrown back, mouth wide open, no sound came out of you as your climax held you prisoner.
Above, Cooper's thrusts started to become sloppy, losing their rhythm as your cunt clamped down on him spasmodically. As much as he tried to hold on, it had been too long, and you had felt too good.
Grunting hard into the side of your neck, you felt a warmth bloom in your groin as Cooper spilled everything he had left into you. He slammed your hips together, holding you in place and burying himself as deep as he could, pumping you full. The sensation had goosebumps blooming across your skin as your body finally deflated back down against the bedroll. 
With eyes half-lidded and glossy, you made out the foggy shape of Cooper still hunched over you, his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. Every other breath was a soft wheeze. Sweat had beaded on his forehead, and a droplet fell and landed on your chest.
Leaning back and sliding himself from your heat, a thick flood of cum followed. You shivered at the sensation and watched as Cooper lowered himself against your form. Resting his head between your breasts, he inhaled sharply and sighed.
Lovingly, you stroked the back of his neck, enjoying the sensation of his hot breath against your breast.
Together, you lay like that while listening to the rain from a passing storm plink against the tin roof.
When you looked down, Cooper's eyes were closed, and his breathing had finally leveled. Letting your head fall back, you closed your own eyes and smiled.
For once, the wasteland was at peace.
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bubonicc-writing · 1 month
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Hello, fellow cool kids,
I'm working on a Fall out Ghoul/Cooper Howard X Reader fic.
I'm almost done with the outline. For a hint at its plot: Cooper has spent the last 200+ years without a loving touch, so when he finally gets one, he's like hot butter in your hands.
Because I need a fic of Cooper being loved on, he deserves it
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bubonicc-writing · 8 months
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Kup (Transformers), Ratchet, First Aid - Character, Drift, Rodimus, Blurr, Whirl, Springer, Perceptor, Prowl, Rung, Jazz, Orion Pax, Ultra Magnus Additional Tags: Wrecker Baby AU, Young Kup, Young Ratchet, Young Prowl, Caretaker AU Series: Part 1 of Wrecker Babies AU Summary:
Kup opens a home for stray sparklings who have lost their way in the world.
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bubonicc-writing · 8 months
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Final Chapter of Wrecker Babies has been completed and will post on 10/20/23 sometime in the late afternoon EST.
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bubonicc-writing · 8 months
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Based on @bubonicc‘s Constructipups fic where Prowl took his fish children to a pool late at night and bonded with Jazz. I just had to draw this scene out.
If you have not read it you need to, their writing is amazing! vvvvvvvvvvv https://archiveofourown.org/works/6208834/chapters/14224390 
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bubonicc-writing · 9 months
My goal today is to outline the final chapter of Wrecker babies. I've been thinking a lot about what the last chapter should be and I think I'm going to end the series on a Halloween special because I'll be releasing it this Saturday of tfcon Orlando which is kind of close to Halloween and my birthday.
I wish I could write more like I used to but I'm so busy, forgive me. Not being able to write has kind of drained me a little bit because it's such a huge outlet for me. Regardless the final chapter of wrecker babies will be released in October and I appreciate everyone who supported me along the way and helping develop this cute story.
But with Wrecker babies completed I can focus on the other spin-offs and they use as pupformers isn't complete yet
Much love
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Manga), ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Koito Otonoshin/Tsukishima Hajime Characters: Tsukishima Hajime, Koito Otonoshin Additional Tags: Mutual Masturbation, Anal Sex, Quiet Sex, Spit As Lube, Un betaed, Top Tsukishima Summary:
Tsukishima awakes with Koito a little closer to him than usual.
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Manga), ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Koito Otonoshin/Tsukishima Hajime Characters: Tsukishima Hajime, Koito Otonoshin Additional Tags: Masturbation, sauna sex, Anal Sex, caught masturbating Summary:
Tsukishuma heads back to the sauna to relax after the Stenka, he thinks he is alone, but...
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Anime), ゴールデンカムイ | Golden Kamuy (Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Ogata Hyakunosuke, Sugimoto Saichi, Shiraishi Yoshitake Additional Tags: Masturbation, Self-servicing, sea otter stew at it again, just 5 dudes sitting in a cabin 0 feet apart because they are probably gay Summary:
Ogata is feeling a little dizzy from the Otter Stew so he gets a little alone time to deal with it
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
Bursting through the door , Tobias held his crossbow high. Panting, and hair wild, he called out.
“Graves!” He shouted, “Graves, it’s in here!” Walking steadily, bow trained on anything in front of him, Tobias swept each room. Following the path of destruction and blood, Tobias paused at a slightly ajar door. Thick claw marks raked across the door handle, having slammed it open for it to bounce back closed.
He’d wounded it just on the outside of town, having shot an arrow through its hind leg and shoulder. It had roared and took off, with Tobias hot on its haunches. 
Nudging the door open with his bow, TF paused at a set of stars that led down into the dark cellar. Taking a deep breath, he took the first step down, his bow held high and ready to fire.
One step after another, Tobias reached the concrete floor and progressed slowly. The air smelled thick of blood and sweat and as Tobias rounded a set of boxes, he paused at a smear of blood on the floor. Smirking, he rounded the corner of a few boxes and held his bow high.
“This is the end, demon.” Before him, the deep brown wolf was heaving, on all fours. It snapped its attention at him and snarled weakly. 
Rearing up on two legs, the wolf howled and clenched its firsts. Its fur began to split apart, and blood spurted in all directions as it fell away. Lay4r by layer, pink and bloody skin was revealed as a man crawled from its skin. 
Grabbing for purchase against the floor, the man howled and fell down onto his hands and knees, his transformation nearly complete as his snout shrank away.
“No…” TF whispered, his legs suddenly feeling weak. “No.” He took a step back as he watched the man crawl on all fours, shaking what was left of the fur from his naked body, “Not you.”
Graves, covered in gore, sat up, chest heaving as he leaned back against the wall for support. With a weak hand, he yanked the silver arrow from his shoulder and threw it to the side. Taking a hold of the one in his thigh, he yanked, but it didn’t budge.
“Fuck,” He pats, sweat dripping down the side of his face, “You got me good.” Gritting his teeth and pulling the arrow, it came free with a pop of blood and flesh. 
“Why?” Taking a step back when Graves struggled to stand, TF blinked at the sights before him. 
The whole time, Graves had been the wolf he was hunting. Right from the first time they met, to the nights alone in the quiet bar. He felt his heart in his chest pounding, feeling something painful twist in him. HIs hands began to shake as Malcom stepped closer to him. 
Shoot him.
 HIs finger shook on the trigger, unable to press downward as Graves closed in. Within a few steps, Graves was looming over him, his back now pressed to the wall.
“Well?” Graves said softly between panting breaths. “Are you going to finish the job or what?” Pressing his bare chest against the point of Tobias’ arrow, blood drew. 
Leaning closer, not caring about the arrow piercing his chest, Graves moved into their faces were merely an inch apart.
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
What it werewolf Graves ended up saving Twisted Fate from a different werewolf, and he’s just holding him in his huge arms protectively.
He’s a snarling mass and TF is unconscious in his arms and has no idea until Later when he wakes up at Graves place and is like.... what happened???
And Graves plays dumb because TF still doesn't know Graves’ secret. In the meantime Graves is nursing TF back top health. Its the first time TF stays over Grave’s place and when he catches Graves shirtless one morning its he himself who has to stop from howling like a wolf. 
(im actually outlining this story because im THIRSTY and will be on a03 soon)
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
I've been thinking about werewolf Graves pinning Twisted Fate under his huge paw after they battle it out for the first time after the reveal that Graves is a werewolf. And while Twisted Fate is pinned he can't reach his crossbow so he just accepts the fact that Graves is going to kill him but Graves can't do it either because he loves Twisted Fate.
"Why did it have to be you" Twisted Fate will say with almost no breath in his chest as Graves his huge paw is pressing down on him. Thanks Graves is going to kill him but when Graves de-transitions into his human form he's pinned Twisted Fate below his nude form.
And despite Graves only pinning both of his hands at either side of Twisted face head Twisted Fate doesn't even try to get away and just stares deep into Graves his eyes and allows the larger man to hold him hostage.
There's a weird spark of fire between the two of them and as Graves leans down, his lips almost brushing against Twisted Fates Twisted Fate rolls them over and pins Graves instead. His hair and eyes are wild and he can't seem to get a grip. He doesn't understand why Graves isn't fighting back or maybe he does.
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison Characters: Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Jesse McCree, Angela “Mercy” Ziegler, Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada Additional Tags: Centaur AU, Centaur Jack, Centaur Gabriel, Child Centaur Jesse, Caretaker AU, Fluff and Angst, centaur dads, Surrogate, child hanzo, child genji, Flashbacks, Separation Anxiety, mild violence Summary:
There was a reason Jack and Gabriel had migrated to the opposite side of the mountain. It was quiet, safe, or so they thought until Gabriel finds a foal stranded in the forest.
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bubonicc-writing · 1 year
And Twisted Fate just can't seem to pull the trigger when it comes to killing graves because he's grown to love him. And Graves has feelings for Twisted Fate and can't seem to tell him while he's hunting that he's a werewolf until the inevitable changing sequence in which twisted fate Witnesses him changing or detransitioning
Sorry to everybody who's not into League of Legends who's about to get blasted by my current fixation.
I've been thinking about Malcolm Graves turning into a werewolf. And when he turns into a werewolf his skin splits and for one night exactly a full moon he can't really control what he does. And of course Monster Hunter Twisted Fate is hot on his case but doesn't know it's Graves. And he ends up cornering Graves at the end of his transformation and when Graves is detransitioning he's fully nude and covered in viscera. He's panting and staggering about while Twisted Fate The Monster Hunter holds his crossbow towards him and disbelief that the person he's been falling for is actually the werewolf he's been hunting for the past several years.
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