bubbleteacat · 10 months
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How the fuck is this blog one year old already????
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
Welp, took a while eh? ^^ I swear I lost motivation at some point but after people commented/messaged me, asking for part 2, I somehow got the motivation back to write this. ALSO I just noticed that no one said a word in the last drabble... let's say the last one was just... character introduction... yeah. NOW HAVE FUN WITH PART 2
Trigger warnings: Stalkerish behavior, violence mention, yandere behavior
[ See here Part 1 ]
You slept in the next day, mostly because you could use the sleep, and didn't intended to stream that early. If the power was back on that is. You still had to get grocceries before though. So, after rolling around in bed for a few more minutes, you finally got up and immediately went to check if the energy was back. And as you had hoped, everything worked perfectly again! Seems like you will have no problems to get live later! While you poured yourself a bowl of cereals, and shoved some inside your mouth, you looked through the news to see if there was any information about the blackout from last night. To your surprise there wasn't really any information. Just some news that the cause of the blackout was not clear, so they just said it probably was a simple technical error. How annoying. A simple technical error was the reason you couldn't stream. Wonderful.
After finishing breakfast, you got dressed, and went outside to the groccery store. It wasn't to far away, so you saw no reason to take the bus. You also had no car, but why should you get one anyway? You could walk to your job, and to the groccery store, and if you needed to go further there were always busses or the subway you could take. Besides that, driving sure was exhausting in the city. You silently walked in the direction of the store, not really paying much attention to anything as you were thinking about what you could talk about with the stream later. But you were suddenly ripped from your thoughts as a somewhat... eerie feeling creeped up your back, and made you suddenly stop in your tracks. It's the same feeling from last night when you went home. Like someone was watching you. It honestly wasn't the first time you had noticed such a thing. People had watched you before, but mostly because they had recognized you from your streams. You guessed it was just the same now. Even if this feeling was more... intense than the times before. You looked around, trying to find the source of said feeling but... there was no one staring at you. None of the people you saw on the street were looking at you. And as soon as you had looked around, the eerie feeling had disappeared again. Perhaps you had just imagined it. So you shook your head a bit, and continued on your way to the store. Perhaps you were still tired... You should make some coffee before the stream.
Your trip to the store didn't took to long, and soon you were back on your way home. You have around an hour left until you decided to start the stream, so you had to hurry a bit if you still wanted to eat something before you start. On your walk back to your apartment something caught your eye though. A small group of people, around your age or slightly younger, stood around someone on the other side of the street. You could hear how energetic they spoke. Was there someone famous around or what? It certainly seemed like it by how excited those people were. You craned your neck, as you passed by them on the other side of the street, to see who they were talking to... and you immediately stopped in your tracks. Oh. My. God. That was a Hank cosplayer! From Madness Combat!
"Holy shit! They look amazing! Uh, I wish I could take a pic."
You mumbled to yourself as you eyed the man in the middle of the group, who looked a bit confused from one person to the other. Maybe they hadn't expected that so many people would recognize the character? But the cosplay was amazing! The googles, the coat, the sword on their back, and just everything was just like how they had made Hank look like in the trailer! That's one really determined cosplayer, in your opinion. But you sadly didn't had time to cross the street, and try to take a picture with them. It would take to long, especially with all the other people around who probably had the same idea like you. A shame, really. But perhaps you see them again at the next game convention! So you hurried along, but not without looking one last time at them... just to notice the 'cosplayer' was staring at you. It was kind of strange, but you didn't thought to much about it. Perhaps they knew you from your streams. So you simply smiled at them, before continuing on your way home.
You smiled at him. Hank immediately recognized you. The Player. His Player. Of course he would recognize you. He had stared for hours at the pictures of you that they had taken from the Auditor's office. And you simply smiling at him had the grunt rendered speechless. He could not move, not shout out to you. Everything around him disappeared, and the voices of the other people around him seemed suddenly so far away. You must have recognized him as well, otherwise you would have never granted him a smile like this, right? Maybe- Wait. Where did you go? The mercenary suddenly snapped from his dreamy state, and frantically looked around just to find no trace of you. Where had you gone? Why haven't you come to him? Roughly, he pushed some people, of the circle that had formed around him, out of the way, not caring for their complains, before making his way to the other side of the street where you had been standing a moment earlier. You couldn't have gone far. If he hurried up, he surely can reach you! And while he did choose the right direction in which you had walked off, you had already had disappeared into your apartment building... by which Hank rushed by, and down the street in a frantic attempt to find you again. But he couldn't find a trace of his player anymore... So he just decided to go back to Doc and the others to tell them about his encounter. Perhaps Doc has an idea how to find you again. So the mercenary returned to their new hideout in this world. The moment they had entered the world all of them had noticed that it was so different from Nevada. The colors, the residents. There were also beings in the sky, and also basically everywhere that they had never seen again. So, given that they were also very different from everyone, and everything here, they had decided to set up a base that is a bit more hidden. And they had immediately found something that should do the job. An old run down building. It had been boarded up, and it seemed like that no one had entered it since years. While it hadn't been perfect, it was fine for the time they stayed here. While they looked for you. The Auditor, and the other Employers, had entered this world as well. So they had to hurry finding you before they did.
Hank entered the building through the cellar door, that they had entered the place the first time, and went immediately to Doc's new office. Well, 'office' was perhaps a bit exaggerated. It was just a room with a few computers, some medical equipment (all that they had totally not stolen), and a few very old beds. Earlier when Hank had been here, everything had been still full of dust. Seems like they had tidied the place up pretty quickly. Surely with most of the help from Sanford. And the moment the mercenary had entered the room, Doc immediately started to lecture him. Ugh.
" Hank! Where the hell were you? I told you not to go out until we gathered more information! You- "
" I saw the player... "
That immediately made the other shut up, and just stare at Hank for a moment, before he found his voice again.
" WHAT??? Where?!? And why aren't they with you? "
He asks, fearing for the worst already. What if the Auditor had found you before they did? What if they-
" They saw me, smiled, and left... "
Wait, what? 2BDamned just stares at Hank for a long moment through the googles his mask. Confused but also relieved that nothing that he had imagined had happened. Apparently. Still, how could Hank have lost them so quickly? He was fast! Had he been sleeping or what? The 'doctor' let out a tired sigh, not even in the mood what kind of excuses Hank would make if he questioned him. At least they know now that the player was near. He was about to ask where the mercenary had seen you as Deimos and Sanford rushed into the room, with Deimos holding a laptop that he had snatched for himself.
" DOC!!! You need to see this! "
Deimos spoke, and shoved the laptop onto 2BD's desk, knocking over some things, but didn't seemed to care about that all to much. And as Doc came over to scold him, and be more careful... he stops in his tracks as he sees what was on the devices screen. A website was open. A streaming website. And there you were. Idly chatting with your chat, smiling, and apparently you were alright. Doc was taken aback given that it was the first time for him to see you move around, and not just in a picture. The others were also entranced, and did not say a word as they just stared at the screen, and listened to your voice. But Doc was the first one to rip his attention from the screen.
" Hank saw them earlier as well. "
" WHAT " " WHAT "
Deimos, and Sanford called out simultaneous, and looked at Hank who just huffed, and kept looking at you on the screen.
" Yes. He lost them, but at least we know now where they could be. The Player can't be to far from that place where he saw them. Deimos. Can you somehow hack into that system, and track where they are? "
The Hacker gave a sharp toothed smirk at that, and immediately sat down on the laptop to start to track your IP, and your exact location. Wouldn't be the first time he had done such a thing. But usually they killed the person he tracked.
" Sure, Doc. On it already! "
While Deimos worked on the laptop, they let the stream run on one of 2BD's screens. Though instead of doing anything productive, the others kept watching the stream, and you. Until the Hacker announced that he had successfully tracked your location. But instead planning about how to approach you, they kept watching your stream... until you went offline, and to bed. Just then they actually started to plan how to approach you... on the next day already. They really wanted to hurry up, and get to you first. If it was because they feared that the Employers got their hands on you first, or if it was just their own desire to finally meet you is debatable though.
You surely had a blast at the stream yesterday. Sure, you did apologize to your chat that you hadn't been online the previous day, but they were quick to reassure you that it hadn't been your fault. You had also a few very generous new followers. Funny though that one of them had a name that is obviously from Madness Combat. They did donate a very high amount which had made you almost cry. You surely are getting that cool new headset, that you got your eyes on for some time, with that money! You got a bit earlier up that usual this morning. You had to work this night again, and wanted to stream again later before you had to head out. As you walked into your kitchen, to make you once more a bowl of cereals... you noticed that you finshed the box yesterday, and forgot to buy new ones when you went to the supermarket. Great. You really wanted some cereals right now... Maybe a short trip to the store again won't hurt? So with an empty stomach, you got ready for your short trip, before leaving your apartment. Not knowing that your vessels had also already went out to finally meet you. They were approaching your place from the direction in which you walked to actually. From where you had seen Hank for the first time. You didn't noticed the group that slowly approached you, and suddenly halted in the tracks when they laid their eyes on you, because you were more paying attention to your phone. Until you were standing almost in front of them. Just then you also stopped, as you felt eyes on you, and looked up from your device... just to stare at them as well. None of you said anything. Them because they clearly had no idea what to say, and you because you were amazed to see such accurate cosplayers of your favorite madness combat characters. After a few seconds passed, you opened your mouth to say something... but suddenly flinch heavily when a black car stopped right next to you and the group with screeching tires.
Confused you looked at the car as the doors opened... and two men in suits got out... But something immediately seemed off about them... They had sunglass but.
Where are their nose? Or ears? Their skin was also weirdly gray? They really did remind you of these agents in-
And then they pull out some guns. You gasp in shock. And suddenly they open fire on the group, and you.
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
Also deciding to give you guys a cliffhanger or not :3c
i'm almost done
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
i'm almost done
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
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Commenters are the real MVPs
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
Ya'll really want that second part hm? (⁰っ⁰)
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
This is obviously heavily inspired by @saltymongoose 's self aware AU, but I just really felt like writing this! \(^_^)/ Especially because of how much fun I had with last ask I got and answered. ^ ^
SO. I probably make more parts like this. Like a story? idk But yes, the story is basically the MPN characters end up in Players world. But I guess I write it more like in a fanfic style? WELL, enjoy!
Trigger warnings: Stalkerish behavior, alcohol mention, violence mention, yandere behavior
It was just a normal night as always for you. Working at the bar, mixing drinks, and talking to the customers. You were working as a bartender for a few months now, and so far liked the job! Sure, sometimes some of the customers got a bit to drunk, and aggressive, but you had some nice coworkers who always took care of them for you. Which you were thankful for. You surely couldn't handle old 6'3 Clarence when he had a drink to much, and looked for trouble. Tonight though was a calm one. And while you were enjoying your work, you couldn't wait to get home, and start your stream to continue playing your new favorite game with your chat. Madness Project Nexus. You have played it for a while now, and got to love the characters and the story. Even the arena mode had you hooked. But you still had a few more hours until you could finally go home. You were just about mixing up a drink, a tequila sunrise, for a customer... before the whole bar suddenly went black, and silent.
The music, that had previously filled the place was off, and so was the light... A blackout? That's just what you needed today... Hopefully it was just in the bar. If you also had no power in your apartment then there is no chance you are going to be able to stream later. You, and your coworkers tried to turn on the power again, after calming down the customers, but it was no use. And taking a step outside made it clear that you were not the only ones sitting in the dark now. Apparently the whole city didn't had any power. And with no power, the customers soon left, and your boss send you, and your coworkers on your way home. While you were happy to get off work earlier than planned, you were sad that your plans for after your shift were canceled now. You still went home anyway of course. But as you wandered through the streets something felt... off. It's was kind of creepy, sure, with all the street lights being off. But that wasn't why it felt strange to you. It rather felt like as if you were being watched. Yet when you looked around there was no one to see. You still walked a bit faster until you reached your apartment building, and finally slipped into your apartment.
The feeling of being watched disappeared at that point. Thankfully. But now you stood in the complete darkness of your apartment. Of course you had no power either, yet you still had tried to switch on the light. Sighning to yourself, you switch on the flashlight of your phone, and went immediately to the kitchen. You couldn't exactly cook anything either, so you just settled with a simple sandwich for dinner. Better than nothing, right? When you have finished dinner, you went to your bedroom. With no tv, pc or internet you could also just go to sleep already you guessed. But when you entered your bedroom... you stopped in your tracks. Your pc... it was running?!? You could clearly see it on the RGB lights of the pc itself, and from your keyboard, that illuminated the room. But the power was off! That's not possible! Slowly you stepped closer to the device. The desktop was still turned off and black. So you pressed the button on it to try turning it also on. Perhaps the power was back. But how did your pc turn on by itself? The desktop finally came to life, but all you could see on it was some green code in the left upper corner. It's a bunch of numbers, and you have no idea what it was suppose to mean. You pulled out your phone to take a picture of the code, to show someone who knows more about the whole code-stuff more later, but suddenly your computer turned completely off, and you stared at the now black screen in complete darkness. Alright. This was all to fucking strange. You rubbed your eyes for a moment, before looking at the screen again. Still black. Were you perhaps so tired that you were imagining things? Maybe it was a good idea to go to bed already. So you put on your pajamas, before snuggling into the covers. And with the sound of many police and ambulance sirens in the distance, you slowly fell asleep. At least you get a free day off tomorrow. And if the power is back on in that time, you can make it up to your followers and stream a bit longer.
Unknown to you yet, a lot was going on this night in a not to far away part of the city. Not just the blackout had happened. Police and ambulance cars were parked in the middle of a place of the city that consisted mostly of warehouses. The police had gotten reports from civilans that they heard shootings and explosions from there shortly after the power was gone. And as they arrived, one of the warehouses was in flames. Firefighters soon tried to extenguish the flames before they could hop over to the other warehouses, and possibly the houses that weren't to far away. And in all that chaos a small group of four men, were sneaking away from the burning building. Some of them were injured, but nothing to serious. A few burns, some bullet holes. They were completely unfamilar with their surroundings, but at least 2BD was sure that they shouldn't be seen by those people in uniforms, and leaded Hank, Deimos, and Sanford away from that burning place in which they had fought not even an hour ago.
Their mission should have gone completely different. Doc had hacked into the AAHW's network, and into the Auditor's personal computer, and found strange information. Well, he did found a lot of information about you, their player. The being that had helped them through so many obstacles. But he, and his team had already seen this information about you, it was nothing new. No, what caught his eye was inormation about something the Auditor, and the other Employer were building. A machine... to get to you. To bring you to Nevada, and have you in their hands. The moment Doc got this information, he immediately made a plan to infiltrate the AAHW HQ, in which the Auditor resided, and break the machine and the plans for it that the employer were building, before it was finished. If it wasn't finished already. Of course Hank, and the other two mercenaries had been eager to carry out that plan, the moment 2BD mentioned you. So they had immediately travelled to the AAHW HQ. It was risky because Doc hadn't had enough time to make a well thought out plan, but they didn't had any time. And this was about you. They couldn't let the employer get their hands on their precious player. And as they had arrived, and fought their way through the building to reach the machine, and the Employers, it was as they had feared. The machine was complete, and the Auditor and his brothers were about to activate it, and carry out their plan to bring the player to Nevada. Or at least it had seemed so. The Auditor was aware that you hadn't been in the room in which he had seen you in, and stream from over your webcam. And he didn't wanted to risk to activate the machine to early before he was completely sure you were there, and close enough for him to take you with him back to Nevada.
But the moment Hank, and the rest of his team showed up there was no time to wait for you to return. Usually he was the one who would not act on a whim, but this was different. This might be the only chance he had to finally meet you eye to eye. To finally have you on his side where you belonged. So he had activated it. But something had went wrong. He doesn't knows if it was because they had rushed it, or because of the fight that had occured between his agents, and the SQ. Instead of just him being transported to your world to look for you, some of his agents, his brother, and the four of the SQ had been also pulled into the portal from the machine. That wasn't the only thing that had gone wrong though. His destination had been your room, but instead they had ended up in a complete different place. A very big hall, with shelves that went almost to the roof, and filled with different sizes of packages. He wasn't familar with this place. He had never seen it from your webcam. How could they have strayed so far from their destination? Though that wasn't the only problem. The portal had closed behind them. And after a short moment of confusion the fight between them and Hank's team had continued until the building had caught fire. The Employers, and the few agents who hadn't been killed yet had fled the scene as well, just like Hank and his team. Thankfully they had went in two different directions, so they couldn't continue the fight. They didn't had time for that anyway. They needed to find you, and a way back to Nevada. And of course, the four mercenaries had the same goal.
They are going to find you.
I hope you enjoyed this so far! Please tell me what you all think! ^^ Some critism also would be highly appreciated!!!
[ First Part (you are here!) ] // [ Next Part ]
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
Might be able to finish that one draft I am working on today
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
I am writing on something 👀 which could be a bit longer...
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
*running with a bouquet of flowers*
Hello dear ❣️
I saw that the request was open so...
When a player (female) woke up on her bed. I found out that the characters in madness combat came into her world (maybe they were shorter?). I wanted to see their reaction to see what happened.
Sorry if the language is weird because I'm not good at English ;-;
From wolf 🐺 anon
Hello Wolf Anon!!! You are literally my first request on this blog, so I am honoured! ^o^ I hope you like the drabble I came up with! <3 Also! Thank you so much for the request! I went with the main 4 (Hank, Deimos, Sanford & 2BD) Who also happen to be in their grunt form ^^ (Hope you meant that with them being shorter)
Ending up in your world (Main 4 with fem!Reader) // Drabble
Something made you stir in your sleep. A noise, but also a strange feeling on your chest. It wasn't painful, but kind of uncomfortable. As if someone was pressing down on your chest. With a disgruntled groan, you slowly opened your eyes... just to see red colored goggles stare back at you. Something was sitting on your chest. Staring at you. It looked... strange. It was small. Perhaps just big enough to reach your hips. It also had no arms or legs. Just floating hands, and feet attached to it's small body. It's dressed like a ninja, with a mask covering it's face. It's grey face. Honestly, it looked like nothing you had seen so far.Or so you believed. And as you already choose to just go back to sleep, because this must be nothing but a dream, it moves one of it's hands and pokes your cheek... And that touch felt real. And you noticed that the pressure on your chest from it felt real as well... You stare at Hank for a moment longer, with him returning your gaze, before... you started screaming. It had caught the grunt off guard, making him flinch, and forgetting to dodge as you slap him off of you. You were much bigger than him, so of course physically stronger as well. Still, he wouldn't have expected that your simple slap would make him fly across the room as if he was just some ragdoll. Thankfully, instead of hitting the wall he flew straight into your laundry basket which was filled with freshly washed clothes, that you had yet to iron.
Your screaming had ceased then, and your eyes went from the basket around your room... and you noticed that there were three more of the same thing that had sat on your chest a moment ago. They stared at you just as confused as you at them. None was saying anything. Could they even speak? They also weren't doing anything, so you took a moment to eye them further. One of them wore a mask, which also had red goggles like the one you had slapped away. He also had a mohawk. Your eyes then went to the other two. One had a bandana, and wore some shades. The last one had a cap, and a headset on his head. But he had nothing covering his face, so you could see that he had no facial features like yourself. No eyes. No nose. Just a cross. What the fuck were those things?!? Apparently they were taking your appearance in as well. They had never seen a human before. A noise then let you all flinch, and turn your attention back to the laundry basket. With a grumble, Hank climbed out of your laundry before flicking a sock away from his head. And then finally one of them spoke. The one with the mohawk, and the mask.
"HANK! I told you not to touch her!"
He hissed at the ninja one, Hank apparently, before turning his attention back to you. He even holds up his hands, trying to make you understand that they did meant no harm.
"Sorry about that. Hank here has a hard time following orders apparently... I wanted to wait until you wake up by yourself but..."
Doc trailed off, unsure what to say. And you were still to dumbfounded to say anything at all. Awkward silence filled the room, at least for a moment. The one with the cap suddenly spoke, apparently trying to kill the akwardness between you all.
"We just wanted to ask ya where we are, toots! Heh, but ya seem to be as confused as we are! Cat even got your tongue, eh?"
Deimos spoke, teasing you. And it made you snap out of your dumbfounded state, and raise a brow before you finally spoke.
"Who, and what the hell are you?!? And how did you get into my apartment?!?"
"I cannot answer you how we got here. But I sure can answer your other questions. We are 'grunts'. At least that's what we call ourself. My name is 2BDamned, but you can call me Doc. The one who so... gracefully woke you up is Hank."
Hank just gave you a little wave, with his floating hand, as he was introduced. And while you were pretty much still unsure about them, you gave a small wave back as Doc continued.
"And those other two are Deimos, and Sanford."
Your eyes then went to the other two grunts who got introduced to you. Sanford, apparently the one with the bandana gave you a smile, and some thumbs up. Deimos shoot you a cheeky grin, showing off his sharp teeth, and gave you double fingerguns. That actually made you smile for some reason.
"Heya, toots~ Whatcha your name, hm?"
Oh, right. You have to introduce yourself as well. So you tell them your name, and... well. You started to talk more with the grunts. Where they were right now. And that left them as confused as before given that they had never heard about your world before. And they told you about their world. Nevada. It did sounded like an interesting place... but apparently very violent. Doc did the most of the talking, while Sanford and Deimos occasionally threw in comments. Hank hadn't said anything so far, and seemed to be rather uninterested at your conversation with the other three. He just strolled around in your bedroom, and looked at whatever he found interesting. At some point he even picked one of your plushies up, and squeezed it a few times. It was kind of cute in your opinion. The other three had sat down on your bed, and you sat on the ground in front of them while you talked. They really were so much smaller than you. But at some point you can back to the subject of how they ended up here. And 2BD was the only one who could give you some hint of what could have happened.
"We really don't have an answer to that. I was hacking into a, for me unknown, system shortly before we got transported over here. So perhaps I hacked into something I shouldn't."
Hacking? Like computer hacking? Had he hacked into your computer perhaps? You had left it on overnight, downloading a new game that a friend gifted to you. You hadn't looked up anything about it, but thought you might as well try it out today given that your friend also praised it so much. What was it called again? Madness? Project... whatever? You couldn't remember right now. But your gaze wander to your pc. The screen was turned off, but the RGB light coming from the pc case were giving away that it was still turned on. If Doc had hacked into it, perhaps it showed anything about that?
"Perhaps you hacked into my computer? I left it running over night so... let me get a look."
You went to your pc, with Doc jumping off your bed, and following close behind you. Sitting down in the office chair on your desk, you clicked the button to turn on your screen. At first nothing happened, but then it turned bright, and you could see your desktop. There was nothing out of the ordinary with it. Some folders with your games. Other icons with your work programms. You then opened up steam, to take a quick look at the game you downloaded. Of course it was already finished. Ah, Madness Project Nexus was it's name. Eh, you will probably check it out another time. For now you had a different problem. But after you closed steam again, you noticed that the game had already been opened. It was minimized. Had one of them perhaps played around on your pc before you woke up? Curiously you clicked on the game icon on your taskbar, getting the game into full screen... but there was no game. You just had a black screen with that seemed like some code in green. Is that normal? Should it be like this? Has this something to do with them?
"Did you find something?"
You flinched as Doc suddenly spoke, and your eyes wandered back to him as he looked at you curiously. He couldn't see the screen of course. Your desk was to big for that.
"Oh! I guess! I mean... I don't know? Do you want to take a look? Perhaps it will tell you more!"
And with that you leaned down, and casually picked the grunt up just to seat him onto your lap. And 2BD froze at that. One part of him found it kind of humiliating to be picked up like this, and another... did find it kind of comfortable? He choose to ignore it for now. You just did that to show him your screen, right? But now that he could see your screen, he could see the code, and his stiffness soon disappeared. He knows that code. It's the same one he had seen before they had been teleported away! So... apparently he had hacked into her computer. Now that this mystery was solved, he just needed to figure out how to get them back.
"Yes. This is exactly what I was looking for! I must have somehow hacked into your computer, and it transported us somehow to your world. I bet I can fix that."
The grunt then hoped onto your desk, already having his hands over your keyboard before he turns back to you.
"Uhm. Is it alright if I do use your pc for that?"
Doc believed that it would be more polite to ask. It was your computer after all. But you just smiled. Somehow happy that he even asked, even though he wouldn't have to. And you nod, before leaving 2BD to his work. it's probably a good idea to not disturb him while he tries to figure stuff out. You had no idea what he was doing anyway. instead you went back to the two grunts who were still sitting on your bed, Deimos and Sanford, and started to talk to them. They were quite the nice conversation partners actually! Even if Deimos seemed to like casually flirt with you, or just giving you nicknames like toots. Sanford though was rather polite. He even slightly punched Deimos on the side of his body after some very suggestive flirtations. Though it actually made you chuckle. At some point Hank came back over to you three, carrying a small pink plush bunny in his hands. It was one of yours of course. Though as he went to sit on the bed with you three, he pushed Sanford and Deimos away to take a seat between you and them. That earned him a glare, and some grumbled words from his 'friends'. But you just let out a low chuckle. Mostly because it looked kind of adorable how he was holding that plushy to his chest. You begann talking with them after that again. Hank didn't seemed to be a very talkative person, given that he was mostly silent, and just seemed to listen to your conversation. And as it became late, it became clear that 2BD couldn't solve their problem to find a way back to their world that easy. So you decided to let them stay, and help them as much as you could, while they tried to figure something out. Doc seemed to be a smart guy, so he will surely figure it out eventually... right?

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bubbleteacat · 2 years
Happy madness day!!! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I swear! I am around but I hadn't had the time to post any writing yet! I've got stuff in my drafts tho that I will hopefully finish soon! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
Can you do some Yandere maker (madness combat) headcannons?
There isn't much known about them and I'm not near the end of my second Imprint's story but I can see what I can do ^^
Yandere! The Maker Concept
Possible Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, Near-death experience, Kidnapping, Stalking, Forced relationship, Dehumanization, Obsession, Overprotective behavior.
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- What we know about The Maker is he had a hand in creating the entirety of Nevada
- He is a godly entity that knows how everything works in the land you live in.
- Honestly, he's one of the more terrifying Madness Combat Yanderes.
- While he can be polite, his power is dangerous.
- He had a hand in creating Grunts using his image.
- If he wanted to, he could just abduct you whenever he wishes.
- Although he's more a fan of watching you live out your life.
- You are The Maker's favorite creation.
- He is high on the danger list due to his powers.
- Others may be high on the list due to sadism or strength, while The Maker is actually pretty behaved despite how much power he holds.
- Him going Yandere for you is essentially like a God falling for his creation.
- You are far from the first Grunts, in fact you are generations ahead of them.
- He's had favorites before, but he finds you so interesting to watch.
- While he tries to refrain from messing with your daily life, he does manipulate it ever so slightly.
- For example, in a dangerous now corrupted land such as Nevada, enemies lurk every corner.
- Which means you'll need someone to look after you, right?
- You'll notice due to his influence you have much more luck than usual.
- The Maker uses his powers ever so carefully to keep you safe.
- Nothing can harm you with literal God on your side.
- Of course, The Maker daydreams about holding you close to him when watching over you.
- He'd see you as a living doll, sculpted perfectly all for him.
- A land such as Nevada, now corrupt due to Improbability and Madness, would taint you.
- It would take you nearly dying to make The Maker step in.
- He feels it would be unfair if he took you from your life at any other time.
- Making you lucky is the best he can do.
- Until someone tries to take you from him....
- Then the God swoops in and protects you from whatever he deems a threat.
- The Maker then decides keeping you in a pocket dimension would be the best place for you.
- It may be in complete darkness, but he can summon you whatever you'll like.
- He's a God, if you wanted it he'd give you the world.
- His affection is often him carefully touching you.
- Caressing your cheek while looking at you with eyes full of stars.
- You are perfect to him, it took a long time for you to come into being, yet he's happy to have you now.
- He may have had to take you out of your old life...
- However, he can give you the perfect life beside him now.
- "My perfect creation... I'm so happy we finally meet."
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
(o;TωT)o okay, I just got into Madness Combat a few days ago and I’ve become infected with the brainrot.
Anywho, I wanted to see if I could buy some headcanons of yandere Hank. I don’t know why but I just adore him, if you don’t want to do that, then what about a scenario with yandere Phobos ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ?
I'll do some Phobos as I did a Hank concept! Also, yeah, the brainrot is real....
You can seen the Hank concept here!
Yandere! Director Phobos Scenario
Possible Trigger Warnings: Obsession, God complex, Forced relationship, Forced kissing, Manipulation, Abuse of power, Dehumanization, You're called a pet, Possessive behavior.
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The two tower guards beside you growl out the command, forcing you to your knees. Not enough to make their master unhappy, luckily. It was enough to get you compliant.
Here you sat in the office of Director Phobos himself. You had your own speculations on how you got here but you weren't expecting it so soon. Admittedly, his size was intimidating and you felt small compared to him and his guards.
Everyone else had vacated his office by his request. It was only you, him, and the guards. Admittedly the red glowing orb of the helmet was terrifying to you.
"It's so nice to see you, Dr. (Y/N)." Phobos greets, smiling to show sharp teeth. You have a hard time making eye contact... something Phobos ignores for now.
"Yes, Director. It is nice to see you too."
Phobos' smile falters for a moment at your reply. The guards block the doorway while you talk, saying no words. Making it feel like it was just you and him.
"Oh, please, Dr. (Y/N)! You can do a better greeting than that, can't you?"
The last 'can't you?' sounded challenging so you corrected yourself. It was best to play into his little game if you wished to keep your head long enough to know why you're here. You clear your throat.
"Yes, my God Emperor. It's an honor to meet you."
Phobos smirked at you stroking his ego. It was enough to satiate him. Saying such words made you nauseous....
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Now, you must be wondering why I called you here?"
Phobos paces back and forth in front of you, never leaving your sight. He was making this a big deal. As he always did.
"You are one of my best workers..." He begins, looking at your reactions. "Your work for Project Nexus is amazing! Truly deserving of the spot you're at."
Phobos then stops in front of you.
He kneels down, forcing you to make eye contact with him in your kneeling position.
"You're lacking something."
The way he said it made your skin crawl. Lacking something? You've done everything you can to get by in your work. What did he mean?
"Like what, sir? Is my work still not up to your standards?"
"No, no. Your work is fine. It's your allegiance."
You go speechless. Phobos hadn't called you in because of your work ethic. It was the fact he didn't like you not worshipping him.
When Phobos was around everyone was on edge. They either had to kiss up to him or suffer the consequences. You, on the other hand, chose to just stay out of the way.
You wanted to be out of sight, out of mind. It appears your work gave you away in the end, however. As Phobos had caught on to your behavior.
"My apologies, sir. I will work on it."
"That's not going to be good enough, (Y/N)."
You're then forced to your feet, large hands picking up your small body so now you were standing. Phobos still managed to tower over you yet that was to be expected. Now you were scared.
"You're one of my best scientists but you are not dedicated."
Phobos huffs, glaring at you through his helmet. He was fully capable of having you executed. Instead, he rants to you.
"You should be more grateful. I gave you a job high on the chain here at the Science Tower! Yet you just pretend I'm not there!?"
Phobos then forced you back on the ground. Your knees land wrong causing you to hiss in pain. Another thing he proceeds to ignore.
"You're supposed to worship me! You're supposed to dedicate yourself to only me! You would be NOTHING without me!"
You're forced onto your hands and knees, Phobos standing in front of you.
"Now bow down. Bow down and dedicate yourself to me! I want to hear you say my name and pledge yourself to me!"
You feel humiliated at what he's doing but go through with it to please him.
"I pledge myself to you, my God Emperor Phobos. Everything I do is for you and the Nexus Core!"
"... not good enough, (Y/N)."
You temporarily give a confused expression before Phobos picks you up like a ragdoll once again.
"Guards, leave. Lock the door behind you."
Doing as they're told the two tower guards flee, the doors being locked behind them. You panic at this, especially when Phobos places you on one of his desks.
"Do as I say, (Y/N). Kiss me."
You pause, confused and afraid. Phobos glares at you but you still ask a question.
"What, why?"
"If you will not worship me as one of my head scientists..." Phobos hums, placing a large hand near your chin. "Then you shall worship me as my pet. I always thought I liked you the most...."
With that Phobos doesn't even wait to have you answer, you feel him push his lips onto yours. He's possessive, using just one hand to press your head against his. Instructing you to comply to his wishes.
You feel you're suffocating when he pulls away, gasping and panting while he watches.
"See? I make you a mess, don't I?" Phobos laughs, tracing his hand over you.
"Only I can do this, got it? I am changing your job."
"I don't want those other scientists near my most precious pet. You will stay with me and worship me. I will be your God and master..."
Phobos grins a cocky grin again, drawing your face in closer to his.
"... and you will be my pet."
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
Someone said I should do a short where I use Deimos's Nexus voiceline. Honestly, I'm here for it.
There you are...!
Yandere! Deimos Short
Possible Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, Forced relationship, Violence, Guns, Injury mention, Implied kidnapping, Swearing.
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You should've known better. It was a horrible idea to get involved with a criminal. One of Nevada's most wanted, too.
Now you were running through the streets of a crumbling Nexus City in search of shelter. Deimos was insane, insane enough to track you down like an animal. All so he could trap you by his side again.
When he was busy you managed to part ways. This little "relationship" he claimed he had with you was all in his head. You wanted nothing to do with him.
Before you had him as a friend, closely working with him and Sanford. Then Deimos got all screwy. To the point he acted like the both of you were much closer than you were.
He wouldn't allow you to leave until you got him distracted.
"You can't run far, I'm not leaving until I find you!"
You dash behind a building and start looking for hiding spots. You weren't sure what to do. Knowing Deimos, he was probably right with what he said.
He would not stop looking until he found you again.
But in an attempt to grab what little hope you had you continued to rebel. You weren't going to drag yourself back to him and say "sorry". You would not stand for his behavior.
You enter a door and look around the abandoned building for an area not infested with bandits. You refused to be caught so easily.
Deimos liked you too much to just give you up.
"Come out, come out~! We don't have a lot of time to play games."
You stay silent but palm around your gear for your gun. You wanted to get away. Even if it meant shooting him somewhere to immobilize him.
Surely Sanford will understand his buddy is going too far, right? Shooting him would be self defense....
You hear distant footsteps make their way down the hall, causing you to pick a room to hide. You back yourself up and hold your gun up to the door.
You just wanted your freedom back.... You just wanted Deimos to be less obsessive of you. Couldn't you just be friends?
You hear the footsteps stop by the door after checking a previous one. Your gun never leaves the door. It's a silent stand off.
"There you are...." Deimos chuckles through the door. "Bunny got trapped in a corner, hm?"
You scoff at the nickname. You'd shoot him and run past. Even now he was always so cocky....
The door quickly opens, you manage to get a shot off but it doesn't seem you hit anything. Mostly due to the fact there was a sudden pain in your leg.
Deimos shot first, the madman knew what you were thinking.
"Oh, poor baby, you were never that good with a gun. Also, you didn't think I'd expect this? I know you...."
You shoot again but due to the pain in your leg you barely have the ability to aim. Deimos quickly dodges the shot and disarms you.
"I've been doing this a lot longer than you."
Deimos then grins, showing off sharp teeth. You wanted to hit him.... Always this cocky asshole around you.
He knew you failed your escape attempt and was now rubbing it in your face.
"Let's get back. Sanford probably wonders where we went, bunny."
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
Ahhhhhhh!!!! I got my first request 😳😳😳 I will get to it as soon as possible!!! ;)
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
Would you happen to have any Sheriff headcanons? Also coolios on the upcoming vacation. Hope you have fun and get that sweet r&r or however you plan to spend your time.
yeah totally! Here you go anon!
Ahh yeah been super excited for it!! been a while since I got some quality time with my sib n' dad so I'm super duper excited!! +) Got a couple things planned too!!
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Sheriff General Headcannons
GENRE - Romantic
Trigger warnings - Stockholm Syndrome, Implied Kidnapping, Murder & Murder threat, Gun Violence & Gun threat, Mention of Children ( Adoption wise anyways. ), idealization, Toxic mindsets, delusions, stalking, intimidation, Maladaptive Daydreaming mention, Isolation
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Sheriff is possibly one of the better yanderes around Nevada under certain circumstances. Compared to the likes of others, He's a lot more manageable is your able to work with him. This is due to him being both delusional and wanting nothing more than to live in peace with you but that's only IF you play along.
He often daydreams . This has turned into almost a form of maladaptive daydreaming which has almost gotten to the point it takes up most of the time he spends at his desk instead of signing papers. Which has lead to him rushing it and not being able to get everything done
He doesn't really hide his feelings for you, constantly flirting and calling you affectionate pet names. He'll get you gifts and show you his love via hugs, kisses, etc. No matter how much it makes you uncomfortable and tell him to stop, he's already too far gone. To him, It's almost like you two are already in a relationship and in his ideal fantasy world: You are.
He's nice, easy going but isn't stupid. He won't let you go once he has you, even if you ask nicely. Anything else you want though? it's yours. He'll try to get his boys ( aka MERC ) to come around and help him out with it. Thanks to the sense of community Sheriff has established, most will be more than happy to help him out.
He'll also make sure to get some to stalk you and others to dig up some information. He wants to know your likes and dislikes after all! He wants to make sure he can make you happy and compatible in any and every possible way! Maybe even snag a missing item that he can claim you left while visiting him, Y'know. So he has an excuse to see you and play a little bit of the hero.
Wants so desperately to be your hero, to save you from the madness. Wants you to idolize him and swoon as he goes past and winks. Just overall: in his head, he's the cool cowboy who saves the damsel/Damoiseau in distress aka you. It's just how it's meant to be!
He'll get all giggly around you. constantly complimenting you to the point it becomes awkward. Even the littlest thing, Whether it's about your smell or the certain little thing that no one else knows or should know. He just nervously spurs them out, thinking it's endearing when it makes your skin crawl - terrifying you because he shouldn't know that
You could probably kill him and get away but it would result in the MERCS hunting you down for the rest of your days. Not exactly ideal. He just loves you too much to fight back against you or any violence you throw at him - Also he's cowardly. He'd rather run from you than fight, so he usually flees the room if you start trying to get violent with him.
However, With as much as he'd never dream of harming you. He would never let anyone hurt you. Not in a million years, With how soft and sweet he is with you, It'll come as a surprise to the fact he won't hesitate to gun down anyone who even thinks of you the wrong way.
No one gets to tell you that you aren't the perfect thing to ever grace Nevada. You are the best thing that ever happened to him and he will not tolerate slander. Not even from his own men. If anyone does so in his presence or gets told by another member of MERC, He'll make their death easy but in no ways quick.
A lot of people forget just how intimidating he can be but keep in mind, When he is running in every appearance, both in the series and game, The most deadly men of Nevada are behind him. His voice can get real deep and he knows how to make most people's skin crawl from a tilt of his hat and a couple words alone.
Can get insanely paranoid too which had lead him to keeping you close to him. He doesn't want to lose you, he's already lost so much, will only leave you with his most trusted allies and even then - he's constantly checking in. He just wants to live in peace with you, maybe you could even have kids! ( maybe you guys could adopt?... somehow. ) He just really wants the whole domestic fucking package.
But his paranoia leads him to isolating you you - probably the only one you see. It's both to keep you safe. However this might end up with you warming up to him quicker. Grunts are social creatures and flock to each other because they desire that attachment and belonging. You are no different, so when he is the only one you see in your prison, You may start to develop Stockholm syndrome because you crave social interaction and possible affection.
I would not recommend testing the waters. You can't really trust him as far as you can throw him. If you push him far enough, Break too many of his delusions, stripping him of his ideal fantasy world and force him to face reality? It WILL result in severe punishment and an even worse yandere.
He'll essentially " trains " you to go along with it - To meet his expectations and work hard to make his fantasy a reality. You have to because he loves you and there is no other option in his head. He'll become a lot more colder and easily angered over the littlest mistakes you make. Bereding you with insults for not playing along.
He's not playing the nice guy anymore and doesn't intent when he gave you so many chances to play along, to just give him that little bit of indulgence. Just once, Please recuperate his affections because you're slowly wearing him down and he doesn't wanna resort to hurting you. He really doesn't want too, so he'll get other, expendable grunts to do it ( after - slaughtering them for laying a hand on his darling. ).
He's desperate for you to love him back and he will go to any means to get it.
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
Hello and Welcome!
[ Madness Combat Requests: OPEN ]
You can call me Bubbles or Cat! She/her/They/Them and 18+! I try myself on writing some headcanons and drabbles for madness combat/madness project nexus! (mostly x reader stuff!) I am open to yandere drabbles/headcanons as well as non-yandere stuff! If you have any requests please send them in! It might take me some time to get to them, but I will try my best! ^^ Also please be aware that this blog is 18+! That means I will write also nsfw topics such as gore, violence, death and also occasionally smut or implied stuff! I will tag everything accoringly tho as well as put them under a read more!
If you got any critism about my writing please send it to me! I try always to improve my writing skills! ^o^
⚠️ I do not and will never condone nor will ever glorify or romanticize 'yandere' behavior IRL!!! All I write is just ficition! If you do not feel comfortable reading about these things please do not read it! ⚠️
Masterlist of my written stuff so far:
Welcome to the Player's World [Part 1]
Welcome to the Player's World [Part 2]
Yandere!The Maker x a merciful Reader
Yandere!The Maker x a merciful Reader PART 2
Main 4 (in their normal grunt forms) end up in Reader's world
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