brisfanfictions · 2 months
Seto Kaiba: An Analysis
Disclaimer: Not everyone will agree with this. Please remember that this is just an opinion. I am not the author and I am not saying this is canon, and if you disagree with me that is okay. There is not a “right” answer in something that is as subjective as fiction, and part of the fun of it is that we can each interpret different characters in different ways. 
 I just hope that you can learn something from this analysis and that discussion may be generated by it. 
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brisfanfictions · 2 months
Person A: “Alright, who was insane enough to leave you with their kid?”
Person B: “This is my kid.”
Person A: “….You’re shitting me.”
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brisfanfictions · 2 months
Smutty One-Liners Part I
“I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist.”
“Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
“We should probably leave, before we start a scandal.”
“Stop looking at me like that or my knees will not hold me any longer.”
“I think you lost your underwear somewhere.”
“My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“Is there some space left in that bathtub?”
“The way your eyes get darker when you get aroused, is making me lose my mind.”
“I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips.”
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
“Oh no, there is only one bed, what will we do now?”
“I could make you feel better.”
“Get back down here, we’re not done yet.”
“Later you will definitely need to tell me where you learned this.”
“I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! 🥰
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Chapter Eight: The Head of the Slytherin House (RW&tSP) [D. Malfoy]
Rose woke up early the next morning. She got dressed and hurried to the Common Room. She was hoping to meet up with Blaze and Draco.
However, she saw her two new roommates, Sally-Anne and Lily, about to head out the secret door. Lilly had straight brown hair with brown eyes. Sally-Anne had strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes.
“Wait up!” She cried after them.
The two girls stopped. Clearly the two know each other.
“Can we help you?” Lily kindly asked. She was gentle. Almost motherly. Unlike most Slytherins.
Rose smiled at them.
“I’m Rosalie,” she introduced herself. “My friends, the Malfoy twins, call me ‘Rose.’”
“I’m Lillian Moon,” Lily says. “Sally-Anne calls me ‘Lily.’”
“And I’m Sally-Anne,” Sally-Anne says.
“Thanks for letting me crash with you guys,” Rose says. “I appreciate it. I’d rather share a room with strangers than Parkinson.”
Her face twisted in disgust.
The other two girls giggled.
“Speaking of,” the strawberry blonde says. “What is up with her?”
“She seemed to have been glaring at you the entire dinner,” the brunette continues.
Rose shrugs. “She’s had the longest crush on Draco for a few months now. I just am her number one rival. Even though they’re both my best friends; Draco and Blaze.”
The girls looked skeptical but shrugged it off.
The three girls were talking and getting to know each other on the way to the Great Hall.
They got to the Great Hall with smiles on their faes. They were happy to become fast friends.
Rose had no problems finding her classes. As if she had been there before. Yet, she’s never been here before. She helped some other people find their ways. Others, mostly Parkinson and her new entourage, Millicent Bulstrode and Tracey Davis, she does not help them. She purposely sends them in the opposite direction. As she likes to mess with Parkinson.
She was on okay terms with Filch but Salem didn’t like Mrs. Norris, Filch’s cat, at all. Mrs. Norris seems to like Salem, though. She looked scrawny, dusty-colored with bulging lamplike eyes.
She got to study the stars on Tuesdays at midnight. Learning the stars’ names and the planets through telescopes. Three times a week, they went to Herbology outside in the greenhouses. Professor Sprout was their Herbology teacher, she was the Hufflepuff Head of House. They learned all sorts of stuff.
She did not like, as everyone else, was History of Magic. Professor Binns was so boring. It put her to sleep. She had no problems catching up on her own. She just knew this stuff. And she never read up on any of the books either.
Professor Flitwick, a tiny little wizard, taught Charms. He had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. It was, by far, her favorite class. Just like it was her mother’s. She inherited her mother’s talent with Charms.
Professor McGonagall was definitely strict with her rules. She was also clever, too. However, she had always been one to follow the rules.
“Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts,” she said. “Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned.”
She watches as McGonagall had turned her desk into a pig and back again. She was extremely impressed, but saw that Draco and Blaze were not. However, she was eager to learn. She had a bit of trouble turning a match into a needle (after taking lots of notes). Besides Hermione, she had been just as close to turning her match into a needle. She, too, got a rare smile from Professor McGonagall.
Unaware that Draco and Blaze were slightly jealous that she was close.
She was not a fan of Defense Against the Dark Arts. And having Professor Quirrell, a stuttering buffoon, solidified it. He was just a joke. His classroom smelled highly of garlic. She heard from some people that it was mostly to ward off a vampire that he met in Romania; afraid that it will come back to get him someday. That the turban he wears was given to him by an African prince (which is bull crap to her) as a thank-you for getting rid of a troublesome zombie. This story is one she absolutely didn’t believe. She just had an off-putting feeling about the turban. She felt uncomfortable whenever Professor Quirrell had his back turned. And she had no reason to feel this way. Lily had questioned this story. She asked him how he did it, but he just turned pink and talked about the weather. Then there was a god-awful odor from the turban. She could not put her finger on the stench.
She had a bit more of a head start compared to her classmates. However, her parents kept ninety-five percent of it to themselves.
Friday rolled around. Rose was sitting with Draco and Blaze. She was eating some eggs and toast while she worked on some homework.
“Ugh,” Blaze says as he shared his schedule with Draco.
“Double Potions,” Draco responds. A sneer on his face.
“With Gryffindors.”
Rose rolles her eyes.
“Why not just ignore the lot of them?” She suggests. “So, you’re not getting all riled up.”
The twins laughed, manically. Clearly, they loved torturing Harry, Ron and Hermione. She sighs to herself.
“Why are you so soft on Potter?” Draco taunts.
“Got a crush on him, do ya?” Blaze taunts as well.
She glares at them. “I just find your bullying so intolerable,” she snaps. She gets up and storms off.
As she is heading for the dungeons, she is stopped by a voice behind her.
“You okay?” Harry softly asks. As if he was not sure.
She turns around, smiling softly at him.
“I’m sorry for the way I treated you back in Diagon Alley,” she said. “That was not very nice of me… Want to start over?” She sounded shy when asking. As she did not think that she deserved a second chance.
Harry looked shocked, but he smiled.
“I’m Harry,” he says. “Harry Potter.” He holds out his hand.
She smiles, gigglin. She reaches out and shakes his hand.
“I’m Rosalie,” she tells him. “Rosalie Watson. My friends call me ‘Rose’ for short.”
Ron and Hermione come up behind him.
“Want to head to Potions with us?” He asks her. Ron and Hermione waited.
“I think I’ll head to Potions wiht Draco and Blaze,” she said. Then she widened her eyes. “Not that I do not want to. They’re just my best friends.”
He nods, smiling a bit. He goes down into the dungeons.
She waits a bit. She sees Blaze and Draco exiting the Great Hall. She waits for them to catch up before walking between the twins.
Snape had been in the middle of role call when he stopped at Harry’s name.
“Ah, yes,” he said softly. “Harry Potter. Our new -- celebrity.”
She heard the Malfoy twins, Crabbe and Goyle sniggering behind their hands. She stomped on the twins’ feet. A glare on her face when she looked at them. She listened to Snape finishing role call and watched him look up at the class. His eyes were black. They were cold and empty. Except when he looks at Rose. Probably because of her parents helping him.
“You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making,” he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word -- like Professor McGonagall, Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort. “As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through the human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses… I can teach you to brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren’t as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.”
Then there was silence. She was quiet as everyone looked at each other.
“Potter!” said Snape suddenly. Causing her to jump out of her skin. “What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”
She saw Harry glance at Ron, noticing Hermione’s hand shooting up in the air.
“I don’t know, sir,” said Harry.
She watched Snape’s lips curl into a sneer.
“Tut, tut -- fame clearly isn’t everything.”
He was ignoring Hermione’s hand.
“Let’s try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?”
She saw Hermione raising her hand high into the air. As far as she could without ever leaving her seat. However, she saw his confusion about the question. She saw Blaze, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle shaking with quieter laughter.
“I don’t know, sir,” said Harry.
“Thought you wouldn’t open a book before coming, eh, Potter?”
She saw Harry keep eye contact with Snape. She could tell that Snape was still ignoring Hermione’s hand.
“What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?”
Hermione stood up with her hand, stretching toward the ceiling.
“I don't know, sir,” said Harry quietly. “I think Hermione does, though…”
Then Rose raised her hand. Which Snape immediately saw.
“Miss Watson,” he calles out. He turns to her. “Do you know the answers to these questions?”
“Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion called the Draught of Living Death,” said Rose. “A bezoar is a stone taken from a goat. It will save you from most poisons. Monkhood and wolfsbane are the same planet. A similar name for them is aconite.”
She lowered her hand when she finished her speech.
Snape looked slightly proud. Then he glared at the class. “Why aren’t you copying it down?” He asks.
Then she saw everyone writing down all she had said.
“Ten points to Miss Watson,” Snape states over the noise. “And a point will be deducted from Gryffindor for your cheek, Potter.”
She looked sad that Harry is getting such a hard time from Snape. Same for all the Gryffindors as the lesson continued. Snape put them into pairs, her partner was Draco and Blaze was paired with Goyle, to mix up a simple potion to cure boils.
She heard Snape’s cloak moving around, watching them all weigh dried nettles and crush snake fangs. Criticizing almost everyone except her, Draco and Blaze. She could tell that Harry was a bit upset that Snape seemed to be favoring her.
Snape was telling everyone to look at the perfect way Rose, Blaze and Draco had stewed his horned slugs when clouds of acid green smoke and a loud hissing filled the dungeon. She looked over to see Neville had somehow managed to melt Seamus’s cauldron into a twisted blob, and their potion was seeping across the stone floor, burning holes in people’s shoes. Within seconds, the whole class was standing on their stools while Neville, who had been drenched in the potion when the cauldron collapsed, moaned in pain as angry red boils sprang up all over his arms and legs.
“Idiot boy!” snarled Snape, clearing the spilled potion away with one wave of his wand. “I suppose you added the porcupine quills before taking the cauldron off the fire?”
Neville whimpered as boils started to pop all over his nose.
“Take him up to the hospital wing,” Snape spat at Seamus. Then he rounded on Harry and Ron, who had been working next to Neville.
“You -- Potter -- why didn’t you tell him not to add the quills? Thought he’d make you look good if he got it wrong, did you? That’s --”
“Excuse me, Professor?” Rose asks, raising her hand as she spoke.
Professor Snape turned towards her. “Yes, Miss Watson?” He asks in a curious tone.
Harry looked shocked that she was standing up for him. Again.
“I don’t think Potter meant to let Longbottom to put the quills in before taking the cauldron off the fire. Longbottom just seems really stupid on his own.”
Snape takes a moment, but nods. As if agreeing to what she’s saying.
They all went back to making the boils potion.
Until it’s time for them to go. Her and her friends get to leave with the Gryffindors.
“Meow!” Salem mewls between a piece of paper.
She takes the paper and sees that its the Daily Prophet with her mom’s handwriting at the top. “Thought that you might be interested in this article. -Mom”
The article her mom was talking about was a Gringotts bank.
*Gringotts Break-In*
She was reading as she walked. Letting her best friends to hear.
The twins looked shocked.
“A break-in at Gringotts?!” They exclaimed.
They discussed it over a pot roast dinner with vegetables. Talking about the break-in. Unsure who would do such a thing.
Word Count: 2,145
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Walks with Seto Kaiba
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pairing(s): kaiba x gn!reader
warnings: ooc kaiba <333
his hair tousled in the wind slightly, a small blush tinting his face as his hand found yours, using the crisp air as an excuse to close the distance between you both.
walks with seto were... rare, to say the least. he was always busy, not to say that he never had time for you, he always made it for you, but it usually involved his arm wrapped around you as you both bask in the silence and bliss of eachother's company after a long day without eachother, or a playful duel, only a slight bit of competitive spirit invading the friendly match between lovers. if it were up to him, he'd never have to leave your side.
but today his romantic side, that was completely enchanted by you, thought a walk would be a perfect date, away from all the work, people and responsibilities the two of you saw in your everyday lives, instead replacing it with eachother. times like this with seto make you swoon because you see that private side that no one else on the planet ever has the privilege of seeing, the small smiles, delicate kisses and soft blushes coating his cheeks all for your private viewing only.
mokuba would keep the contact from the company to a complete zero during these times, ensuring the two of you had all the time you needed. seto loved the walks and both you and mokuba knew it. he loved how easily he could make you feel at ease, how relieving it was to see the twinkle in your eyes and the vibrant smile overtake your face. he loved it when the light blush dusted your cheeks and matched the autumn leaves around you.
at the slightest shiver, he'd wrap an arm around you and kiss the side of your temple. "come here" he mumbled, sitting the two of you down on the nearest bench and wrapping his jacket around you both, cupping your cheek as he kisses you.
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
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Midnight Resolutions
Pairing- Seto Kaiba x Reader
Word count- 1.1k
Summary- A crucial business trip winds up with you and Seto sharing a hotel room on New Year's Eve
Brisk winter air greeted you and Seto Kaiba as you stepped off the private jet, the city of Washington D.C. draped in holiday lights and festive decorations. You, a high-ranking executive at KaibaCorp, had been working closely with Kaiba on the latest state-of-the-art project. A sudden demand from a company based in the United States had prompted in you both embarking on this unexpected journey that necessitated a whirlwind last-minute flight that left you traveling on New Years Eve in the midst of intense preparations and negotiations.
The flight was uneventful, but upon arrival, the exhaustion of the journey weighed heavily on you equally. The city was alive with the buzz of New Year's Eve celebrations, and it seemed as though everyone was ready to ring in the new year with joy and merriment.
Your destination was, as you expected, the nicest lodging in the area, and as the limousine pulled up the grand hotel, Kaiba glanced at the watch that adorned his wrist. The numbers blinked 11:45 pm — a mere fifteen minutes left until the dawn of a new year. The hotel lobby was bustling with late-night check-ins and the hm of conversation. He approached the reception desk with his characteristic air of authority, you trailing close behind. The receptionist, a tired-look young woman with a forced smile, scanned through the computer system.
"I apologize, Mr. Kaiba, but it seems there was a scheduling error. Due to the high demand of the holiday season, we only have one room available, with one king-sized bed," she explained, her eyes darting nervously between the two.
Kaiba raised an eyebrow, his stoic demeanor barely cracking. "Fix it. I don't have time for your incompetence."
The receptionist hesitated, then gestured to the clock. "Sir, it's almost midnight. We're fully booked, and other hotels in the area are likely the same. It's New Year's Eve."
An annoyed sigh escaped Kaiba's lips. He turned to you, a hint of frustration in his eyes. "Looks like we're sharing a room. Don't get any ideas, this is purely business."
You, although taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, managed a small nod, hiding the blush that threatened to betray your own swirling emotions.
The receptionist handed him the keycard with another apology, and you guys walked to the elevator in silence. The air between you crackled with a mix of tension and uncertainty. The prospect of sharing a room was not lost on either of you, and the irony of the situation did not escape Seto Kaiba.
The elevator ride was silent, the only sound the soft hum of the machinery. The doors opened to reveal a corridor adorned with elegant wallpaper and dim lighting. You both walked in tandem to the end of the hall, pausing in front of Room 512.
As you entered the room, the tension between both was palpable. The elegant room was adorned with dim lighting, a luxurious king-sized bed as the centerpiece. Kaiba immediately went to the window, his sharp gaze surveying the city below.
"I'll take the bed; you can have the couch," he declared, not bothering to look in your direction.
A mix of relief and disappointment washed over you. "I don't mind taking the bed. It's New Year's Eve, and we're both adults," you suggested, trying to maintain a professional tone.
Kaiba turned to face you, his usual scowl in place. "I don't need distractions. I have work to do."
You sighed, realizing the battle between personal and professional had just begun. "Fine. I'll take the couch. But we need to discuss tomorrow's presentation."
As the minutes ticked away, you found yourselves sitting on opposite ends of the room, engrossed in work. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of unspoken feelings hanging in the air. Kaiba's icy demeanor cracked only slightly when you suggested ideas, their professional synergy apparent even in such a circumstance.
The clock on the nightstand blinked 11:56 PM, and the realization of the impending new year hung heavily in the room. Kaiba stood up, his eyes fixed on the city lights outside.
"We could use some fresh air," you proposed, gesturing towards the large windows that overlooked the city.
Seto Kaiba nodded in agreement, and together you stepped onto the balcony. The chill in the air was invigorating, the city lights stretching out before them like a sea of stars. The reader couldn't help but glance at Seto Kaiba, whose gaze was fixed on the horizon.
"It's quite a view," you remarked, breaking the silence.
"Hmm," Kaiba responded, a hint of acknowledgment in his tone.
You couldn't help but reflect on the unusual circumstances of the night. Despite the tension and the unconventional living arrangements, there was a sense of camaraderie between you. The shared goal of success for KaibaCorp seemed to transcend the awkwardness of the situation.
When you two returned to the room, the countdown to midnight had begun. The TV that hung on the wall displayed scenes of celebrations in Times Square, a stark contrast to the quiet room in Washington D.C. Seto Kaiba resumed his work, but you decided to lighten the mood.
"New Year's Eve in a hotel room with a colleague. Not exactly how I envisioned ending the year," you quipped, attempting to inject humor into the situation.
Seto Kaiba raised an eyebrow, a rare smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Life is full of unexpected turns. You adapt and move forward."
The countdown echoed from distant celebrations, the seconds ticking away. "Ten, nine, eight..."
As the countdown reached one, you looked at Kaiba, your eyes locking in a moment of shared vulnerability. Without a word, he closed the gap between them, capturing your lips in a gentle, lingering kiss. The chime of midnight resonated around them as you shared a brief, stolen moment, the boundaries between personal and professional momentarily blurred.
When you pulled away, the room seemed to hold its breath, the unspoken tension replaced by a newfound understanding. Seto Kaiba, the ruthless CEO, had allowed himself to be vulnerable, if only for a fleeting moment on the cusp of the new year.
"Happy New Year," you said, breaking the silence.
"Indeed," Kaiba replied, his gaze meeting yours.
The two of you spent the next few minutes watching the fireworks light up the sky, casting a warm glow over the city. The atmosphere in the room shifted, the earlier tension replaced by something intangible. The night had thrown them an unexpected curveball, and as you both returned to your respective tasks, a silent agreement passed between you. The night had unfolded in unexpected ways, and the dawn of the new year brought with it the promise of untold possibilities, both personally and professionally.
AN: I just HAD to pull up with the classic "sharing a hotel room" prompt to end the year. Happy New Year!!! Hope 2024 brings you all joy and happiness :)
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
41 or 42 for the ask game please 🙏
#41. Kissing Undercover
Kaiba leaned in and kissed your cheek.
You didn't mean to snort, but you couldn't help yourself. He shot you a glare, making you feel defensive. He should be the defensive one!
"What am I, your sister?" you whispered. "Nobody is going to believe we're dating if you kiss me like that!"
His glare deepened as he narrowed his eyes. Then he wrapped his arm around your waist. He pulled you in against his body, and your hands pressed against his chest. With his other hand, he grabbed the back of your neck, supporting your head as he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. Without the support of his hands, you may have fallen back from the force of his kiss or collapsed from the way it melted your knees.
As it was, you lost track of anything going on around you.
When he pulled back, his face stayed close to yours. His forehead almost touched your own. He smirked. "Was that a good enough kiss for you?"
You nodded, unable to reply. For a moment, you forgot that you weren't dating him.
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Hi love, I was wondering if you could do the Yughi-oh boys realizing they’re in love with you and how they act in a relationship
Ofc I love this <3 I did kinda the full thing from meeting you to dating you but oh well 🤷‍♀️ also kinda cringy and I think Seto’s was a little short but oh well
Yu-gi-oh boys in love with their S/o
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Yugi Muto
How y’all met was wild-
Instead of the black cat and golden retriever trope you were more like a blunt angry bear and cute little golden retriever puppy trope
You met when you both were younger and became close friends
That’s when he got a crush on you but honestly it was relatively small
He would always try and be around you but eventually you started to see each other less and less
There was a particular reason for it
It just kind of happened that way
Now you two met again around season two which made Yugi ecstatic
Yami was cool with you relatively
Joey not so much-
The moment he fell in love with you though
Some random person tried to steal his deck from his belt so you chased after them and not only did you get his deck back but you beat the hell out of them and got them to apologize to Yugi
His heart bursted out of his heart after seeing how much you care about him
He was smitten
He was definitely not the one who asked you out
He got to scared every time he tried because he knew if you didn’t like him back you wouldn’t be super nice about it lmao
It was you who asked him out
But it wasn’t anything to fancy
You came up to Yugi at the end of school and offered to walk home with him
Which he said yes of course
When you finally got to his house you told asked him to go on a date with you
Bro almost bursted into tears
In a relationship he is the sweetest boy alive
He definitely has scary dog privileges
You come to every one of his duels because while you don’t play, you care about his interests
You always come with him on his little journeys with his friends
Then you were forced to play which you hated but won really easily even though you knew nothing
He likes physical touch with if you like it as well he’ll cuddle up to you at night and fall asleep
He always buys you food too
He is ok with the causal pda like holding hands but doesn’t want to attract attention so anything subtle he’s ok with
And quick pecks on the cheek
He tells you he loves you every night even if he doesn’t expect you to say it back
Bought matching necklaces for you to wear for Christmas
Expect him to make you breakfast whenever he can even though he is a terrible chef and you end up going to a cafe
He’ll stand up to anyone that’s rude to you and when they start to try and get physical you pretty much appear out of thin air and step in which he doesn’t like because he wants to stand up to your bullies
“Hey you don’t get to say anything about them!”
“Who the hell are you? Their plaything?”
“No! I’m their boyfriend! You don’t get to talk about them that way!”
“Why? You have a problem with it, punk?”
“He might not, but I do.”
“You don’t have to step in. I got this!”
“No, Yugi. I think I’m going to be dealing with them this time.”
“But I wanted to…”
“We’ll talk about this late babe.”
“Fine! Be nice! Love you!”
“Love you too, Yugi.”
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Yami Yugi
You two met pretty randomly
You came up to him while he was at the arcade with his friends and you kissed him
He heard a couple Oohs but he was more concerned on who you are and why you’re kissing him
Once you broke the kiss you just walked away leaving him baffled at the situation
He followed after you and demanded to know why you kissed him
He doesn’t know what he expected but the answer ‘it was a dare’ was not definitely not what he thought
It made him disappointed ngl
He let out a little oh and then let you walk away
He thought about you ever since that day
Then he met you again
He came up to you while you were sitting at a cafe reading a book and sat down right across from you
He expected you to remember him but alas you didn’t lmfao
But even though you didn’t remember him you still offered him food and didn’t insist on him leaving
Honestly it was a little concerning considering the fact you thought he was a stranger
Somehow through all of this you guys became friends
Whenever he is in Domino City and not on his little journeys he goes out to a cafe with you
He tries to do this every Saturday but it doesn’t always work out with both of your schedules
You and Yami had the slowest slow burn known to man
He didn’t realize he was in love with you for a while
Until he saw you kissing someone else
He was so confused at what he was feeling that he went back home and just sat oh his bed
He asked Yugi about it and he was the one that made Yami realize he was in love with you
He wasn’t a big fan of the feeling
He tried to avoid you as much a possible but that did last to long
You cornered him into an alleyway and made him explain his behavior
And while he tried to lie… he isn’t a good liar‏
When he was trying to play cool you kissed him and he quickly forgot about everything and kissed back
During the little make out session you asked him to date you causing him to stop
He told you about seeing you kiss someone else and didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who likes someone else
Then you had to explain how the guy kissed you and it would never happen again because you had your eyes set on Yami since the first day you met him
He believed you and became your boyfriend
He is much more closed off and private about pretty much everything to do with you
His friends didn’t even know about you until Yugi told them how Yami is dating someone
He doesn’t say it out loud that he loves you or engage in to much physical affection but he does always bring and buy you stuff
Anything he sees that he think you’ll like he’ll buy
Unlike Yugi, when he makes you food he doesn’t mess it up
Honestly probably the best food you’ll ever have in your life
It’s usually for special occasions only
When you two do cuddle it’s mostly in bed with you both about to go to sleep and spooning each other with you as the big spoon and him as the little one
Every new place he goes to he brings something back for you if you don’t want to go along
He invites you to every one of his matches
He is very quiet and reserved speaking wise but you can usually tell what he’s thinking based off his body language
Will watch anything you want with you while eating popcorn and other unhealthy food
He also got you this really expensive ring for Christmas
“Yami… you shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.”
“I know but this! This is so…”
“Lovely? I don’t understand do you not want it? I can get you another if you would like.”
“No Yami. It’s just so expensive looking I mean have you looked at me? It’ll be like a shining red ferrari in a haystack.”
“Do you not like it?”
“No. It’s gorgeous, but you’re going to be really disappointed with what I got you.”
“Anything you get me I will treasure with my life.”
“Thanks Yami, but just know it’s not a expensive ass ring.”
“I kind of already figured.”
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Joey Wheeler
This man fell for you the moment he met you… literally.
It what gots your attention so he’s not really complaining
He honestly thought whenever you two would meet you were flirting with him but in reality you were being normal
He would always flirt back which you noticed but decided on not saying anything
While he had a ‘flirty’ relationship with you and like you he didn’t love you
Until you and him went to the arcade-
You were competing against him in one of the games and when you won you let out a deep laugh making him start to laugh as well
It made him realize how much he enjoys you and he wants to be with you forever
You’re the person that makes him happy after all
As soon as he realized that he asked you out which you replied with a short yes and told him you’re going to be at one of the shooting games
He honestly didn’t know if he should be happy or sad
I mean you said yes but then you acted like him asking you out wasn’t a big deal
When he confronted you on it probably more angry than he needed you just told him you knew he liked you and expected it
He got a little bit embarrassed over that
When you two start dating he’s really sweet and dresses to impress but as time goes on he becomes the type of boyfriend that will come into your home grab your chips and watch tv with you with his stained shirt and sweatpants
Not that your complaining
He always buys you gifts when he can but he’s kind of broke so there definitely a little bit trashy
He’s usually staying at your house at night and will sleep in holding onto you tight so when you wake up you can’t go anywhere
He’s a very cuddly person and always wants your arm wrapped around him whenever and wherever
He introduced you to his sister a moth or so after you two started dating and it was safe to say she loved you
Even if she didn’t understand you
He’s also nervous that you’ll leave him for someone else so he gets jealous really quickly
If you are involved in sports like football or soccer or wrestling he’ll be cheering you on from the sides yelling something like ‘WOOOOO IM DATING THE ONE IN WHITE YEAH BABE YOU GO’ ‘Joey they’re all in white…’ ‘YUGI SHUSH’
Whenever he’s dueling the thing that keeps him going is you
You and him go out to dinner whenever you guys can
You’re the one that pays for it though
He will honestly cheer you on if you decided to beat someone up
As long as you had a good reason
“Yeah Baby you got this!”
“Didn’t you say you were heading home Joey?”
“Don’t focus on that focus on those pedos!”
“Will do hun. Do you want to join me? Your getting very close.”
“No way in hell!”
“Ok then.”
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Seto Kaiba
He hated you when he first met you
You two got off to a bad start
He was working at a cafe when you came close and tripped spilling your coffee over him and his computer
You were dared by Mokuba even though you had no idea who either of them were
Since you were pretty much broke and couldn’t afford to pay for the stuff (which was over $7000) he just hired you instead
That honestly did not help
You just kept bugging him and asking him questions about the job
The only reason he didn’t fire you immediately is because he thought you were suffering while working for him (even though you were having a great time and he was the one suffering)
It was unexpected to fall in love with you
You were walking home when you saw a couple boys surrounding Mokuba
When you saw one of the boys hit him you stepped in scaring the kids off
You saw that Mokuba had a bruise forming on his check and his clothes were ripped
Since your house was so close you just took him home to get him fixed up and gave him some clothes that were to big for him so he ended up looking like Jesse Pinkman
You called Seto and when he answered he was a little agitated because Mokuba was no where to be found and he thought you would be asking about how to work the printer again
But when you told him how you had Mokuba all the agitation in his voice decimated
He let a soft that I you a hanged up only 5 minutes later he showed up at your door even though you never told him your address
When he saw you he just got this feeling that he couldn’t explain
It wasn’t until you asked him if he wanted to get coffee did he realize what he was feeling
He wouldn’t be surprised if he had hearts in his eyes for you
He told you he liked you a day later and you two started dating
The beginning of the relationship was a little awkward because of how little both of talk
It helped that you understood Seto’s schedule so you ok with him coming home really late in the night
He buys you a lot of things that you probably don’t need
You always watch over Mokuba instead of the guards when he can’t
When he does come home on time he always leaves super early in the morning
Whenever he comes home late he always climbs into bed with you
“Did I wake you? I’m sorry go back to bed.”
“It’s fine. I was waiting for you but I got tired.”
“I can see that.”
“Mokuba is asleep in the other room.”
“I’ll bring him home in the morning.”
“He can stay I don’t mind.”
“We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Kaiba hides a shaky inhale as your fingers pass through his brown hair, fingers dwelling at the base of his neck before repeating the process.
"Happy birthday to you," you sing faintly.
Mokuba sang it to him at least once today, possibly twice.
"Happy birthday dear Seto,"
He catches your hand in his, blue eyes meeting yours with an unreadable expression. You smile, interlacing your fingers and inching closer.
"Happy birthday to you."
You press a kiss to his lips slowly, pulling away as he smiles softly, the one he saves only for you.
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | seto kaiba.
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— pairing: seto kaiba x female ! reader.
— suggestive, bad writing, short headcanons.
synopsis: you and seto finally get to spend time together after he’s been busy with work for weeks.
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✰ — IT WAS RARE FOR YOU AND SETO to spend time together, he was always busy with work, and when i say always, i really mean it. now he was finally free, well he still had a lot of work to do but he decided to take a break for the both of you.
✰ — “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, you don’t even understand.” you whispered near seto’s ear, placing a gentle kiss on his temple, then on his cheek and near his lips. “believe it or not, i understand very well, babe.” he sighed in pleasure with his eyes closed. “i missed you too.” “really? i didn’t see it through that cold expression of your.” you giggled as he rolled his blue eyes before melting them into yours. “shut up, you’re such an idiot.” he kissed you before you could say anything.
✰ — SETO GIVES YOU a lot of kisses while you lay on top of him, tracing small circles and imaginary figures on his chest as it slowly rise and fall under your touch. you only stop the movements of your fingers to lay your hand on his heart, to feel it beating faster and faster. this makes you feel sort of ‘proud’ as you should, making seto kaiba’s heart beating like that.
✰ — TENSION STARTS GROWING BETWEEN the two of you, the feeling of wanting each other more is stronger than seto’s usually composed attitude or your attempts to maintain these moments soft.
𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖔𝖔 𝖒𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊.
✰ — “WHAT’S WRONG, babe?” his deep voice sent you to heaven as he started placing wet kisses over your neck, a painfully slow way of kissing that was making you crazy. you slipped out of your shirt, your hands creating their way under seto’s sweater to take it off. your bodies caressed each other, the heat of the moment rising more and more as you started kissing each other with passion. your tongues danced messily in a kiss full of need, being forced to pull again only for you to take a breath.
✰ — YOU HAD TO ADMIT seto wasn’t always like this, he was always cold, composed and stoic. it felt almost unnatural to the both of you for him to act this way, but deep inside he liked these feelings and giving into them was his favorite sin.
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
May I please request a fic for Seto Kaiba having a passionate, short-lived love affair with a female duelist during the Battle City tournament and when he reunites with her a few years later, he discovers that she had his child?
I definitely will see about writing this request, then😁👍Anyways I'm assuming that the female duelist is the reader, so hopefully I'm correct about the assumption of this when I do complete this fanfic😃👍
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🩵Am I The Father Of Your Child?🩵(Seto Kaiba x Female Duelist Reader)
Genres: Character Discovers Reader and Reader's Child (Warning⚠️: A Short Lived Affair and Mentions of pregnancy)
When Seto Kaiba first met you, it was during the Battle City tournament. He watched you dual against another duelist and not only he thought your beautiful, however he believes that you're an amazing duelist. So, after you defeated another duelist in a dual and he defeated his opponent in a duel, he had a chat with you about his first impression of you and how much an amazing dualist you are. You thanked him and admitted that you've been a fan of him for a long time.
Later that night the both of you realized despite of different backgrounds and upbringings, you both have alot in common and felt close to eachother right away, especially to the point of the both had a passionate affair (which neither of you were aware would be short lived). Next day, you lost a duel against an opponent who obviously more cunning and a total jerk. Hours later after he won his duel against his other opponent he defeated, he went to look for you, then overheard security guards talking to eachother that you seem to feel sick where you had to go to a hospital, then you would have to go straight to your home after you get your discharge from the hospital.
Kaiba was torn to overhear what was happening to you. He knows it's too early for him to feel like he dies, however aside from his younger brother, Mokuba, you're the first person he has ever cared about and has been precious to him otherwise, so he vowed for revenge against the duelist who was a total jerk to you and extremely cunning at you and to find you, someday... No matter what it takes!
A few years after Kaiba defeated the duelist vowed for revenge against, he went to the mall, as he began to realize that his search for you was over. However when he finally saw you again, he also saw this child who has a very similar face, as him. He asked you some questions about how you've been and talked to you about how bad he felt for you, and other stuff he talked to you about, then he asked, "Anyways, (female reader name)... Am I the father of your child?". You then happily replied, "Ofcourse Kaiba... This is your child (reader's choice of her child's name)... I really wanted to tell you about (him/her), so after our (son/daughter) was born, I took him with me and searched for you for a long time... I take it you were searching for me, as well?". You then turned your child and told (him/her), "(reader's choice of her child's name)... This your father, Seto Kaiba... Your father is a very nice man who has been very nice to mommy... Since, we all found eachother, everything will be alright now..."
The next thing that happened was Kaiba said, "That day you lost your duel, I overheard security guards talking about you needing to go to the hospital, because you seem sick, then you have to go straight home after you get discharged from the hospital. I take it the pregnancy was the reason why you seemed to not feel well?". You replied, "I believe so... The doctor and nurse asked me to take a pregnancy test after they couldn't find out why I wasn't feeling well, for safety reasons, then I found out I was pregnant... I kept to myself who I was with that night, because besides dueling, the only thing that I love is you...". Kaiba was then relieved to find out the truth about what really happened to you and the child he had with you is safe.
After your conversation with Kaiba, not only he had you and your child live with him, you and Kaiba also started fresh with eachother and to actually have a relationship together for real this time. Your child has also bonded with (his/her) father, Kaiba very easily like ((s)he did with you. It's like you, Kaiba, and your child (reader's choice of her child's name) have became (not only a rich family, however also) a happy family, as well.
🩵The End🩵
I hope you had as much fun reading this Kaiba fanfic, as much as I had fun writing this fanfic, my Tumblr Peeps😃👍As for you, @sacredwarrior88 I hope I did well with writing the requested Kaiba fanfic as well😃👍I enjoyed writing that particular fanfic😃👍I mostly mentioned the "character discovers reader and reader's child" for the genre, because I'm really not sure what genre I could choose to describe the fanfic, so this is all I could come up with for genres😅
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
I woold like to ask if you could write something about how Seto Kaiba celebrates his partner's Birthday
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I feel like the easy answer is to say the celebration would be lavish; a fancy dinner at the most expensive restaurant in the city, buying you new clothes and the finest jewellery. All things that while, yes they're great and you appreciate them, they don't mean that much.
The first year (maybe two) that you're dating, that's exactly how birthday celebrations with Seto go. You're absolutely wined and dined and it's wonderful. You feel looked after, you feel taken care of. But it feels a bit show boat-y.
At the end of the day, Seto has had very few opportunities to form genuine connections with people and he's trying his absolute best not to get this wrong but he's been taught that the best way to do that is by throwing money at it.
It isn't until the relationship is very stable and he's mellowed out with you that you notice a shift in how he celebrates birthdays.
What once was a grand affair for all of Domino city to see becomes significantly more intimate and meaningful.
His material gifts are replaced with something incredibly thought out: a new experience, something to help you with a hobby, a limited edition record that you mentioned months ago but he immediately bought it online (he'll still totally spoil you though, he can't help it).
You'd both much rather stay in, tangled together on your couch, binge watching something on TV that he swears he doesn't enjoy.
It's peaceful. It's domestic - a life he never thought he'd have.
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Hi! First time requesting, could you do slightly mature Kiba hcs???
OKAY so I have put a lot of thought into this, so I hope they are at least halfway decent lol. Not all are really "mature" so to speak, but I'm putting it under the cut just in case :)
Seto Kaiba x Reader Headcanons
100% definitely possessive over you, as he is a real "what's mine is mine" sorta guy
Along with that, though, I wouldn't really take him as a big PDA person. BUT he is the type of person who gets off on making others (men) jealous. So, he'll more likely than not use public displays of affection as a way to show others that you're not for the taking
He likes showing you off, and for sure takes you as his plus one to high-class events and luxurious dinner parties where you can be seen together
If anyone insults you or talks shit? He will immediately shut them down and defend you
Seto LOVES seeing you blush and get flustered, and he very much intentionally tries (and succeeds) to make it happen
I get the vibe that he would really enjoy it when you praise him? Giving his already very inflated ego a good boost lol. He already knows he's great, sure, but he likes to hear you say it
Does not want you to call him "Kaiba" like everybody else does. That's usually reserved for people he doesn't give a shit about. Prefers "Seto", or (ONLY if you are in private where absolutely no other soul could hear) maybe a cute little nickname that he will likely act like he hates, but secretly adores
Seto likes spending his money on you. Enjoys taking you shopping, seeing you try on clothes, and buying you clothes that he would NEVER be okay with you wearing in public *wink wink*
May or may not have a stash of a little more... risque pictures of you he keeps hidden somewhere only he can find. May or may not like to look at them when you've been apart too long
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Kaiba’s eyes look darker than normal.
You don’t know why that’s the thing you focus on. He’s standing in the doorway of the break room, blocking you from leaving, but your mind can’t help but wonder why his eyes are such a dark shade of blue right now.
Then you take a step back. If you move out of his way, he’ll just walk past you and then you can get back to your desk.
He doesn’t move. His eyes follow you, but he remains standing in the doorway.
“Mr. Kaiba,” you greet him, remembering to remain professional.
He studies you and then scowls. “You’re using my mug.”
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Can i request some Saiki K (from the disastrous life of Saiki k), with adult Saiki proposing to his girlfriend?
And if you have time can I maybe also request some Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh duel monsters) HC's who just became a dad?
I can do both, thanks for the req! And sorry for taking kind of long! This is quite a long part too btw. Hope it's to your liking..!
Fixed Gleaming Peak (Adult Saiki x Reader)
- After years of maintaining a steady relationship with you, not only imagining, Kusuo's already planning a proper life for the future.
- Making sure he and you both are ready for the next steps in store ahead, he's preparing to create the perfect proposal in a nice little surprise.
- Nothing extravagant, but still special. Kusuo is putting all his effort into it without depending on his powers. As prove he can do that much purely by himself at least.
- So there he does, inviting you over to a vacation trip of four with his family (as to prevent suspicion) given by his workplace's boss where a secluded island and a nice mansion there will be the destination (as to prevent his friends' disturbance)
- According to his plan, there will be a upcoming beautiful scenery on the clear sky near sunrise. As cheesy as it can get, he was searching for ideas from the internet as his friends couldn't be depended when they must all have weird ideas. So it'll be a combination of good memories and events he put up for the moment.
- Recreating the first date scenario, eating good food, enjoying quality time together by doing small activities while he's setting the mood you can feel to be different somehow. As if there's something big that's going to happen.
- Between all of those buildup, he secretly feels wary on how things are still following his expectations. Who knows what could be around the corner... Waiting to strike.
- As some special occassion he explain that since it will be the only time you both get to spend time in a big mansion, he offers you a dance in the ballroom which you accept.
It's on midnight when you slide across the floor in rythmic steps with him showing the slightest smile. But it stops when you feel Saiki jolts up for a second, asking him what's up.
“...nothing. Can we go to the rooftop for a moment? It'll be a good place to take fresh air.”
So you nod, you still feel too much excited to sleep anyway.
Kusuo grabs your hand quickly and lead you the way. Unbeknownst to you, he just received his friends thoughts of kidnapping you when you're in the bedroom alone so he can save you in an extraordinary way before proposing. He won't let that happen, it's too much of an ridiculous idea—Kusuo thought as he survey the surroundings and stealing glances at you while on the way.
- Since he already plans to have a picnic there with you, it's all prepared already right before the dance. Thankfully, the simple decoration based on your favorite theme and needed equipment are all untouched, on time he detects someone's escapade out of his sight.
- Now, he just hopes they didn't just tamper with anything especially the desserts he made for you...
- Overall you're bound to have a nice relaxing time, stargazing on a sky accompanied by a pretty moon along with it while you sit down with him when suddenly a shooting star pass by.
- Both of you caught it and you ask him what would be his wish upon it. If Kusuo would have one, it's no matter because it's already granted by having someone beside him up to this moment.
- Whether you decide to sleep or not, he will be keeping watch beside you and tells you that he'll need you to wake up at dawn for a bit.
When the sun is seeping through your bedroom window, you wake up to a smell of a bright yet soft scent with Kusuo sitting by your bed.
“Focus now, I'll just need to take your time for this.”
He pulls out a small box with a hand crank fitting his palm and gives it to you.
“It's a music box, play it.”
You turn the crank, taking three rotation before the box plays your favorite music and opens up...
To a couple dancing in a circle motion, but you notice a small button below the ledge of them.
“Before pressing that, turn the crank one more spin. This time; backwards.”
The couple sinks down soon before presenting a ring as they face towards you. He holds your hand gently, supporting your grip on the box. “If I have another wish, it would be this. You know what this is about. But, no matter what the end result, I'm committed to your wishes the most. So, will you spend the rest of your life in a vow with me from here onward?”
Seto Kaiba as a Dad
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- First of all, just because he's a dad, he'll not let them have too much advantages from it. Instead, as KAIBA's child, they would have to be strong so they could stand on their own one day and earn what they want determinedly.
- His child will have it rough already from the early stages of infancy.
- Although, Kaiba's supporting in what his child are interested in, urging them to chase their own ambitions or whatever they want without ever giving them up.
- If his child is feeling down, Kaiba will have a duel (could apply to general activities) in which he have them do their very best so they could see for themself on how far their capabilities reach.
- (Feasibly, he would give away few chances for them to win and purposefully lose before allowing them to spend the time together on the attractions for a limited time if his child is behaving well up to his expectations)
- He'll hone on any of their potential, giving long rants advices on how it should be like this or that to have best results. Despite that, Kaiba's surprisingly patient with them and even may leave them to decide what they want to do in the end (if they have a clear goal in mind and better advices than him, but could they?).
- Kaiba really wants his child to have a successful future for them but also a satisfying childhood.
- He would raise his child accordingly, not forcing some of his own beliefs onto them and certainly not pushing all of his training methods at the same time on them so they could grow at their own pace, having them take steps forward at the proper time.
- He could be harsh sometimes, but even more so cruel to others who dares to lay a finger on his child he can easily make them life a living and agonizing hell. After that, he'll still scold his child for even letting that happen in the first place.
- Altogether, Kaira's a strict and nearing to extreme dad, not without reason. He wouldn't hurt his child, not when it could tarnish his image as their dad. He's also mostly forgiving towards most of their mistakes. When they have achievement or special occassions, those are the only times he seems rather gentle and bestowing a few priceless gifts (NOT WITHOUT SOME CHALLENGE AS A TEST)
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
I'm back with another request if they are still open, may you do headcanons for the Yu-Gi-Oh boys with an s/o who has major trust issues?
Will do 🫡 warning it’s kinda crappy and rushed because I didn’t start it until Wednesday this week. Also to the other person who requested smth a week ago give me a couple more days, I was being lazy af but I will post it eventually. Also I don’t really have trust issues so I apologize if this doesn’t seem accurate
Yu-gi-oh boys with a S/o that has trust issues
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Yugi Muto
Literally the most understanding person alive
I mean he had to get Yami to trust him and Yami is top tier trust issues
When you two met it was short and prompt
You guys were partners for a project and when he tried to talk to you were very quiet and never voiced your opinions about the project
It annoyed him a little but knew that you just needed time
Which he of course does
But even since that project he would also come up to you and talk to you even if you try to shoo him off
Eventually he somehow got you to start dating him but it still isn’t easy
He tries his hardest to help you but sometimes you just shut him out
Eventually he sat down with you and made you talk about everything
And I mean everything
He got you to spill eventually which was hard to say the least
After that you were still in the fence about telling him things but you usually would tell him everything
He loves you even if you don’t tell him anything though
Whenever you do he’s so proud of you
Even if it’s the littlest thing about your life
“What happened today?”
“Well… Tea told me that I looked pretty today. I don’t think she meant it though.”
“I’m sure she did. After all you always look amazing.”
“Yugi cut it out.”
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Yami Yugi
Two peas in a pot over here
You can only imagine how hard it was for you two to start dating
Honestly I’m not even going to get into it-
When you two started dating it was really hard
You both wouldn’t tell each other anything
It ruined your relationship a little bit
Eventually one of you had to break
It was a very slow break though
It started with just one of you starting to talk more and more about you like even if it’s small things
Soon the other one started to catch on subconsciously and do the same thing without them actually knowing it
Eventually one of you hinted to each other that it might be a good idea to afford therapy
You both hopped on the idea thinking you were only doing it for the other one
Couples therapy was hard
Especially when neither one of you were speaking you mind
It worked though
I mean only a little bit but still
You two try to have a little talking session which works surprisingly
Yami did get into a couples fights with you now and then about not being truthful and never telling him anything but it usually ends after an hour or so
Even through all of this you still love each other immensely
You both know that this won’t work for ever but for now you’re happy how you are
“Where were you last night?”
“I’d rather not talk about it.”
“You weren’t anywhere dangerous were you?”
“No Yami.”
“Good. I love you.”
“I love you too…”
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Joey Wheeler
He got you out of your shell
I honestly don’t know how and I don’t think he does either
When he met you at first you were very short a blunt but he just kept annoying you and eventually you guys got closer
By a landslide
Anywhere you were at he was at
He followed you like a kicked little puppy
But somehow by doing this it worked
Even if it was really small you were slowly starting to trust him more and more because you knew he wasn’t going anywhere
Honestly it got to the point where you called the cops on him because he was outside of your window with a black hoodie on
And you had no idea it was him
You thought it was some drug dealer or kidnapper
Safe to say you felt really bad about the whole cop situation
That was his chance to break your walls
He went inside with you and honestly kind of guilt tripped you until you broke and spilled all your feelings
But just because you broke didn’t mean you lost all of your walls
When you realized what he did you kicked him out and would ignore him whenever he came up to you
It went on like that until he apologized to you and you forgave him barely
You were still a little mad at him but we’re starting to let it go
Soon after it went back to how it was with him following you like a little puppy
When you guys started dating your relationship was already changed
You guys have been friends for way over a year and you weren’t as closed off about stuff
Not to say exactly that you trusted him fully
Even though you try
But more like some things you just feel like it’s right to keep to yourself
Which Joey understands and is really proud of your change
He also understands if you don’t want to elaborate further than needed in your views
“How was dinner, Sweets?”
“It was ok.”
“We had fun, Joey.”
“You sure?”
“Ok then, I’m glad.”
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Seto Kaiba
Rudest one out of all the boys
He met you and somehow you two just were always with each other
You were probably the babysitter for Mokuba and since where every Seto went Mokuba went so you did too
You two ended up getting together and it was a mess at the beginning
Seto was really busy so you acted like you were really busy as well but in reality you weren’t
Just because he isn’t with you all the time doesn’t mean he doesn’t pick up on things
He always noticed how closed off you were and unwilling to trust him even after dating for more that 4 months
He knows that some of it is his fault because he’s never with you
But instead of being with you more he hired you a therapist
The only thing is you didn’t know they were a therapist
They slowly became your friend and you would share more and more and they would give you feedback
That was until you found out they were your therapist
You lost it on Seto
Yelling at him while he talked back in a stern voice telling you it was for your own good
You two fought for at least a week but you two also got closer during it
He’s starting to understand your boundaries more and is more nicer about things
And your trying to share more and not be closed off to him
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think to tell you, Seto.”
“I don’t know.”
“Please next time tell me this.”
“I will. I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok.”
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brisfanfictions · 3 months
Nothing Builds a Friendship Like a Crisis (part 4)
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Co-written with multifandoms27
Summary: Mokuba has been kidnapped as the two of you performed his monthly inspection of Kaiba Land. Reginald O'Malley, the president of rival gaming company Knightly Rook, is responsible for the kidnapping, and has challenged Kaiba to a tag duel in order to win back Mokuba. To your surprise, Kaiba asked you to be his partner for the duel, since Yugi was out of town. As you head to the rooftop helipad, you hope you're not getting in over your head. Dub canon plus a version of DSOD. Female Reader. Set maybe two years post DSOD. (This chapter does not contain playing the card game...) Fun fact: I always write my Reader character with personality and specific description. Each reader character also has a specific place in the Yu-Gi-Oh world, and is basically an OC with set connections and feelings about the various canon characters and other reader characters. This is reader B, who is immune to the siren song of romance, cheap, eccentric, logical, and hands-on. Word count: 1,647 You can read part 1 here. You can read part 2 here. You can read part 3 here. You stood inside the elevator which had roof access, feeling the floor press against your feet as you and Kaiba shot upwards. The doors slid open to reveal a helipad. Stepping out onto the roof, you squinted in the blinding summer sunlight as heat radiated up from underfoot and down from above. After ditching your hat, abandoning your sunglasses, and replacing your t-shirt with a fitted black shirt and a short white vest, you had run after Kaiba, barely catching the elevator in time. Now, staring at your shadow, you smiled at your silhouette; it was angular, with your capris falling to your midcalf, and the vest cutting off halfway down your torso, with a high collar and flaring out shoulders. It was a good image, a strong outline, and it sort of reminded you of something… Team Rocket. You groaned. 
Kaiba strode past you towards the helicopter, his hair ruffling in the wind created by the rotors. He moved without hesitation. This was your last chance to back out, but your mind discarded the suggestion. When you jumped into a project, you didn’t look back. This was no different. As the artificial wind and engine noise increased, you followed Kaiba inside the helicopter, feeling the sudden lack of blustering air as you pulled the door shut behind you. It was surprisingly quiet inside.   
You almost planted your face against the window during takeoff. For a few minutes, the excitement of being in a helicopter drowned out everything else. Settling down on the bench opposite Kaiba, you tried to focus on your deck and prepare for the upcoming duel. “You look nervous.” Kaiba commented. “I am nervous. We’re about to duel for your brother. What if I’m not up to the task? What if we lose?” You regretted sharing your worries as soon as you said them.
“I don’t lose.”
“Oh, we both know that’s not true.”
Kaiba scowled at you. “I don’t lose to two-bit schemers like O’Malley.”
Fair point. Kaiba was an excellent duelist, one of the best in the world. “I might. I’m a decent duelist, but my deck is hardly top notch, and—”
“You won’t hold me back. I’ll win on my own if I need to.” Kaiba’s voice was ice. His eyes softened a smidge. “But you’re a competent duel partner.”
Kaiba believed in your ability? You gave a faint smile, he wouldn’t have asked you otherwise. “I try.”
“You better.”
After a few minutes of silence, Kaiba spoke up again. “Let me see your deck.”
Switching to the bench Kaiba was sitting on, you pulled your deck out of your belt box and spread the cards between you. Working at a game shop brought advantages; you had managed to get some decent cards, and were using one of the new ‘archetypes.’ When you first found out about the Kozmo cards, you knew you wanted to try and build a deck with them. But even with an employee discount, and Yugi’s Grandpa helping track down cards, you had barely managed to build the simplest form of the deck. 
“Hm.” Kaiba grabbed his silver briefcase from the floor and opened it. His laptop was strapped into the lid, and the base of the case held thousands of dollars worth of cards. Your eyes widened. “Borrow a few for your deck.” It sounded more like an order than an offer.
“I can’t start swapping my cards right before a duel! It could mess up my strategies.” It was stupid, but you didn’t want to feel like you owed him anything.
Kaiba planted his fingers on a few of your cards and slid them across the bench towards you, “I’m offering you a chance to replace your weak staples with stronger options. Take it.”
“Fine, but I’m giving them back after we win. I don’t need your charity.” You took the briefcase from Kaiba and perused the contents. This would require thought. After selecting a few cards like Ice Dragon’s Prison and Pot of Greed, you showed Kaiba the chosen cards and slipped them into your deck. He nodded approvingly.   
Kaiba pulled out his own deck, rifling through the cards idly until he found one of his favorites. 
“Can I look at one of your Blue-Eyes?” You were surprised at your own audacity, but if you wanted Kaiba to treat you like an equal, you would need to act like one.
“Sure.” Extending two fingers, he held the card out.                    
Up till now, you had only held the ripped Blue-Eyes at the game shop. This one was beautiful. You could imagine its roar. Feel its presence. Holding the card was an honor—you felt like Kaiba had handed you part of his soul. 
“Do you know what that card represents?” Kaiba asked.  
Kaiba almost smiled. “You spend too much time with Yugi.”
You realized your mistake. “Your power.” It wasn’t a guess anymore, you knew you were right.
The corner of his mouth twitched upwards for a moment, before seriousness won out again. 
You knew the card text without needing to look at it, “This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale.” 
“Listen,” Kaiba stared at you intently, “We’re about to step into enemy territory. You can’t show weakness or fear, because our adversaries will pounce on any opening you provide.”
You nodded. “I’ll try, but I don’t feel overly confident right now.”
“Your feelings don’t matter.” Kaiba slammed his deck down on the bench between you. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” It was the truth.
“Then remember my power is behind you now, and act like it.”  
“Kaiba…” You saw no deception in his eyes, only trust, and determination. “Thank you.” You handed back his card, realizing he was letting you into his world because he wanted you at his side. Taking a deep breath, you asked, “How long until we arrive?”
“Less than an hour.”
You leaned back against the wall, which vibrated as the copter beelined for your destination. Closing your eyes, running over everything your deck could do, you tried to focus, until the events of the day caught up to you, and you dozed off. Some time later, your head jerked up as your eyes flew open. It was too quiet. The helicopter had landed on another roof, this one in rolling mountains, surrounded by forests. Standing near the front, Kaiba held a muttered conversation with the pilot. You stretched and rubbed your neck. “This is our destination?” Outside the helicopter, men in suits and sunglasses gathered—a security team. Closing your eyes, you rolled them to slightly reposition your contacts; it was almost time for action.
Kaiba strode to the door. “Remember what I told you.” 
You cracked your knuckles, nodding. “Let’s do this.” Nerves settled themselves; playing a game was easier than waiting for it to begin.
Throwing open the door, Kaiba jumped down. Inhaling deeply, you drew yourself up to your full height; you had always been comfortable with yourself—it was time to stop worrying about manners and act more like Kaiba. You grinned, casually stepping out the doorway and landing beside him. It was cooler here than in Domino City, the air filled with the buzz of cicadas and birdsong.
“What are you doing here?”
Hearing the quiet murmur, you turned to Bishop, who shifted slightly under your gaze. “Surprised to see me?”
“I went to considerable expense to keep you out of this mess, Ms. l/n.”
“Why’s that?” You asked, remembering Kaiba’s words about the high cost of the drugs in your slushy.
“I didn’t want to see a naive little girl get caught up in this game.”
“I’m four years older than Kaiba.” You weren’t angry, you had always looked younger than your age, and you certainly lacked experience in these high stakes games. “But I appreciate your concern.”
“Your boss is using you.” “Hnh.” Kaiba crossed his arms. “I like being useful. Besides,” you slid your hands into your pockets and leaned back against the helicopter, “I make my own choices, Bishop.”
“Suit yourself. But I wash my hands of your fate.”
Before you could reply, the nearby elevator entrance dinged. As the doors slid apart, Mr. O’Malley strolled out before they finished opening. He grinned. “Ah, Mr. Kaiba, I’m so glad you could join us!” The security men parted to allow their employer through. “And you’ve brought a woman with you. I’m impressed. Perhaps even the intolerable Seto Kaiba can attract a pretty face.”
“Don’t waste my time with your ludicrous assumptions, O’Malley.”
“Darling, the girl is obviously a gold digger.” From the elevator emerged a woman with bottle blond hair and flashy jewelry, her makeup and clothes trying desperately to hide her status as a middle aged woman in her forties. She wore a sleek black dress with brown fur accents perfectly matching O’Malley’s tie. 
“Allow me to introduce the missus.” Holding out a hand to his wife, who took it with a regal air, O’Malley presented her as though royalty. “My dear queen Sasha—bright as fireworks in a summer sky, ambitious as Caesar, and lovely as the Ring of Kerry.”
“Am I supposed to be impressed?”
“Now now, Mr. Kaiba, no need to be rude. I’m sure your own queen has many lovely qualities as well. While her devotion to the white king shows a certain lack of wisdom, I’m sure she possesses other charms.”
He was still using chess metaphors, you noted. 
“Get to the point, O’Malley, we’re here for Mokuba.” 
“Ah yes, your poor little brother. The lad’s been quite adamant you would come for him.”
“Where’s Mokuba?” Kaiba’s tone dropped lower, bristling with hostility. 
“I’m not a cruel man. I shan't keep such devoted brothers apart for long.” Turning gracefully, O’Malley looked back over his shoulder at them. “Please, follow me.”
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