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No kittens in cages on Isabela’s watch.
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☠ ➳ Black Sails; II.
send one for my muses reaction!
“What if today’s the day?” “You say this as if it is certain.” “Rum and snatch for each and all!” “You shouldn’t steal.” “Did you search him?” “That kid must REALLY want to get laid.” “You walked away from me last night and did something very foolish.” “You can never forget who these men are.” “I’m sorry, have I said something funny?” “They have no reason to lie to me.” “Please tell me I don’t have to explain further.” “That bitch keeps you all to herself!” “Wait your fucking turn!” “Have you no decency?!” “Who do you think you are that you can cost me this money?” “There’s no need to panic!” “When a man is being fucked he wants to know whose cock was in him!” “The more you earn, the better the terms.” “Oh, you enjoy setting terms, do ya?” “The last fool who turned her down was never seen or heard from again.” “Perhaps you’ll find me more of a match than that other craven bastard.” “I’d like a word in private. We’ve got some business to get sorted.” “I believe it to be personal, and I’d like to put an end to it.” “Things were better - ARE better - for the both of us when you and I are on the same side of things. I would like to return to that.” “The idea that I would withhold valuable leads for personal reasons is fucking absurd.” “They’re fucking animals; you encourage it.” “You expect me to believe this is about business?” “I don’t give a fuck what you believe.” “And now not only to you expect to be forgiven, you wish to be rewarded for it.” “You think just because you and I used to fuck you can cross me without any consequences.” “We have more pressing issues to attend to. Shall I wait?” “Fruit, fruit! Tits, tits! Plant, plant! It’s the fucking same!” “I’m so glad you’re entertained.” “We can’t thieve forever.” “Sure I can’t suck your cock while you do that?” “It’s unclear which is more appealing: your beauty, or your intelligence.” “You really want to keep pushing this? Playing me for a fool?” “If you’re lying, you’ll answer to me.” “What’s coming our way can’t be outrun.” “They’re not animals, they’re men starved of hope!” “Why do this? Why here?” “In the end, that’s all I want; to walk away from the sea and find some peace.” “I’m glad you are here, I was going to send word for you.” “I can protect you. You have to trust me.” “This place is just sand! It cannot love you back!” “Everyone you have ever loved you have lost and it terrifies you! But not ME. I will never, EVER leave you.” “We can be free of this place. We can have a life together and it can start this very minute! All you have to do is say yes.” “Get the fuck out.” “I meant what I said, I can protect you.” “There’s nothing in there but opium addicts, lunatics, and men who thought themselves too good to wear a condom.” “I know you don’t approve of this, but I need to do this. I need it.” “Please. Stay with me.”
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more Isabela and some Cas ~
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Y’all, I’ve finally opened a twitter account, where I can dump post more sketches/wips/bish bosh of my art, so do drop by, say hello and follow me! It would mean the world! <3 Have a beautiful pirate queen! :3
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❊ ✸ ✤ (hushhush) ✢ ✪
What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask
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fdhdfh you’re too sweet u//w//u Thank you so much, bun!
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someone: i love you
my damaged ass: haha, no you don’t
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What do you want to tell me? Put a symbol in my ask box:
❊ I want to roleplay with you ✸ I want to plot with you ✤ I want to ship with you ✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great ❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s) ✷ I wish our characters were friends ✢ I like your character(s) ✱ I don’t like your character(s) ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s) ✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s) ☬ I feel like your character(s) are underdeveloped ❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons ✡ I agree on all your headcanons ❋ Your blog is one of my favs ✦ I like seeing you on my dash  ✩ You intimidate me ✪ You seem like a cool person ✺ You’re hard to approach ✻ I wish you weren’t so shy ❄ I look up to you ❆ I love your art ❇ I love the way you write  # I’m too shy to approach to you ☓ We should talk!
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Not sure if anyone really needs/wants them but here’s like 72 Fenris icons with a psd I had made on hand if you would like to use them! I have the psd on file too so if you ever need/want more just send in a request c:
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"Um...you're...uhhh really pretty."
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      “You think so? Well, I’ve heard many things about me but ‘pretty’ isn’t one I often hear, sweetling.”
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now, if you’re done trying to confuse the issue, i’m going to go.
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      Ah, a typical night in The Hanged Man. The stench of piss and sweating men and something foul and not quite right growing from the corner behind the bar. It was the perfect place to embrace the nitty gritty world of Kirkwall that the nobles of Hightown fancied to be uncultured. Well, Isabela saw much of culture in Lowtown. In this tavern alone she could chalk up 10 different experiences a night of something different from a tavern in Ferelden or far up into Antiva. The rogue enjoyed coming here for a decent round of drinks and some people watching because of that. Lately, that involved the company of Hawke or Merrill who spent the time chatting away with her and maybe getting into trouble. Tonight, it was Hawke who stood at the bar with her, their eyes following the newest stranger to enter the door. 
Resting her elbow against the counter and taking a large drink of The Hanged Man’s charming swill, she motioned quietly at the man with an amused smirk.
“That one,” Isabela pointed out, “What do you propose his story is then?”
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@vigiilance | continued
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         “Is that what you’d call it? I’m not certain I’ve earned such          flattery, especially not from someone with so large a…hat.”
                               “That sounded better in my head.”
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        “Sounded quite alright aloud too.” 
Isabela made a point to touch the brim to her hat proudly, tipping it ever so slightly. It was quite a large hat. The pride of her future hat collection.
“I’m very proud of it, as much as you must be of that beard I wager? How long exactly did it take you to grow and maintain that amidst a war with the evil forces?”
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video game meme ▶▶▶ (3/14) characters   ↳ ISABELA (quote)
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      hoo okay i'm so sorry for the low activity on this blog guys but just an FYI i’m traveling every weekend along with taking 8 week speed courses in college right now so if i’m sketch in appearances for the next few weeks you know why! forgive me! 
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Dragon Age II Tavern Theme
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What is left after this? what can death loose in me after your embrace? your touch, your limbs are more terrible to do me hurt. What can death mar in me that you have not?
H. D., from “Envy,” Selected Poems (via soracities)
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         “Parted ways, you say?” Sounded awful familiar. A dark brow raises at that remark, the familiar expression of dangerous curiosity spreading across the woman’s face. Her voice rose in pitch to present her exaggeration. “Lover’s quarrel? Or is your Warden the save the world type as well then?” She cracked a smile - and a hip out. 
“I hate to admit it- but it’s been awhile since there has. Unless you count me pinioning a creature or two between my thighs on so-called Missions for the bloody Inquisition.”
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“A lovely but unexpected coincidence, my dear. Ah, the Warden and I have sense parties ways, but our times that shall not be mentioned will not be soon forgotten. Is there any man or woman underneath your own skirt?”
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