bontens-maid · 2 years
How I view Ran Haitani?
cw: thoughts about ran (and my daDdy issues😩), drabbles, literally wrote it off at one go, didn't even read it over; does contain a minor(?) spoiler, though i haven't really mentionted anything big
okay i have a confession to make the reason why i like Ran so much is because he reminds me of my dad
call it daddy issues (because really thats what it is), but i literally see it in him in every single way
the smirk, the fuckboy attitude, the calm demanor, the caring attitude <33333, THE CHARM, the calm stare, the confident and COCKY attitude, the highly likely stress and anger he's surpressing below all of that in order to appeal cool and collected for everyone else
(obviously by now you could've probably guessed that my dad was there, but really wasn't sjdshsj lmfao)
Ran gives me the vibe that he'd comfort and take care of anyone in need, unless its for a long period of time and unless its really serious, though he'd do that for family (Rindou obv, since they're probably all they have)
he just doesn't want to be bothered too much, but he still cares
i also feel like he's deeply scared of getting emotionally attached, since he's scared of pushing people away from him avoiding conflicts and losing a person/people (though physical fights aren't the same since they fight with people they don't know mainly and 2. being emotionally vulnerable is terrifying compared to that, physical fights could count as a grocery store trip if you will 😐 that he'll never return from if he has to deal with being pushed to be emotionally vulnerable sdjshdk), and because as much as he appears to be cocky and confident, he's kinda really insecure and needs to be reassured that no one hates him and that he doesn't need to keep everything on his shoulders alone, i feel like he needs someone to be next to him as much as he is there for other people (as seen in chapter 233 <3, and him getting worried over Rindou in the fight with Angry omsjdhbfshj ♡♡♡♡), but not someone "overbearing and pushing" type of caring, but someone who's like him, who he'll know that's always there for him and won't judge him, who no matter how long that person has to wait for ran to open up, won't push him, and when he finally does, he can let it all out without being criticized (and honeslty if that happens he'll crumble and cry because i really doubt he's done that in front of anyone, even in front of rindou; he always tries to stay strong and be a pillar of strenght for others)
just don't push him too much, or at all, and god forbid don't bring up conflicts because HE WILL RUN from them (his name isn't Ran for no reason)
as much as you push, that's how much he'd pull, because he doesn't like being pressured into things and another thing is that i ALWAYS go after guys like him
and i can never "get" them
because im overbearing, too much and emotionally volatile and im not calm at all lmfao ♡ 🙃😢
pretty much, a portrait(headcanon?? obv in my pov) of ran
and of my dad
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