bluelobstersdev · 1 month
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Me watching travesty that was Kung Fu Panda 4.
Under 'read more', I have my full (unsolicited) thoughts on the fourth film - warning, I don't have much good to say about it 〔´∇`〕;;
So... I'll start with the positives, because honestly, I do love aspects of this movie.
Any scenes featuring Li and Mr. Ping are the absolute highlights of this film. Love them, ship them, hilarious chemistry between them. I'd watch a whole film dedicated to just them.
Though not as funny as the previous films, it’s genuinely funny, like, some jokes are deadass hilarious. (See above for example lol)
Genuinely, the main villainess, the chameleon, has such a cool design and Viola Davis provides such a good voice for her. The animation whenever she transforms is so cool.
Jack Black as Po is just so charming, you can't help but find Po so likeable.
For what little we saw of Tai Lung, he was a treat to see.
Great animation, lovely scenery, love the little animation flairs during the action scenes
Alright, now time for the negatives... Which unfortunately there is a lot of. I’ll go step by step and build up to the bigger picture I’m trying to visualise here.
The Kung Fu Panda
Po’s character arc was pretty much complete at the end of KFP3, when he has his epiphany and finds that his true self lies in not restricting himself to one label, but by embracing everything that makes him Po. His identity by this point is very well realised. Unfortunately in KFP4, the tacked on conflict of him needing to retire the Dragon Warrior title and choose a successor just… Doesn’t make sense for his character at this point. Not to mention, the movie repeats a joke ad nauseam where no one knows who Po is, or of his adventures, jokingly chalking it down to a ‘regional’ tale. You’d think the literal saviour of China would be well known. The world-building feels so much smaller for it. Unfortunately, this movie is very determined to undermine the impact of the last three movies, all to prop up the wisecracking and super cool shitass Awkafina character. Sorry, not sorry, but Zhen is a terrible character just for that reason alone. If Kung Fu Panda wanted to pass the torch down, Tigress or even Tai Lung would have been a much more compelling option, seeing as both were telegraphed to be potential Dragon Warriors in the past. Speaking of…
Tai Lung
Man… The trailers got my hopes up that KFP4 would feature a long awaited redemption arc for the OG villain of the KFP films. Instead, he’s delegated to a cage for half his scenes, and received the barest minimum of character arcs in the finale. Granted, he was still entertaining to watch, but he was totally under-utilised.
To continue the topic of identity, the film missed the chance to ask this: “Who is Tai Lung without his kung fu?” All his life he’d been raised with huge aspirations to become the best kung fu master, and to eventually gain the dragon scroll (which he was denied.) In KFP4, the chameleon summons him from the spirit realm, and drains him of all his kung fu skill. Therein lies the missed opportunity for a compelling character arc, now that he’s been cast out as a supposedly useless body into the real world. And who better to help him figure out his identity other than Po himself?
I could go on forever about the various fanficy rewrites and plot ideas, but I don’t want to let this get any longer. So I’ll talk about one more topic.
The Chameleon
I love her design, I love her voice acting, but compared to Tai Lung, Lord Shen and even General Kai… She’s simply a weak villain. (Too small to learn kung fu… Really?? With characters like Mantis and Viper who deadass exist in the same franchise???)
‘I’m the Chameleon! I do nothing but change!’ holds such potential for a far more interesting backstory. Instead of being rejected for her size, suppose that it was seen by many king fu masters that she simply didn’t possess a true spirit of a kung fu warrior. As explained in this film, their abilities are harnessed in the spirit/soul, not just the physical body. Perhaps she didn’t want to work for those abilities properly. She wanted the easy way forwards. She didn’t want to put in the proper time and effort to become a master of the craft. Spurred on by what she sees as rejection, she learns sorcery to take on any number of identities of kung fu masters. So many identities she could use to fool herself into believing she was someone talented and gifted in the art of kung fu. But it’s only a lie she tells herself. And so, she takes the drastic action, and decides to start summoning these masters from the spirit realm. But even as she slowly grows in power through the course of this film, maybe a strong sense of imposter syndrome starts to set in. These powers aren’t truly hers - what value does a carbon copy of something original have? Nothing. She never properly worked for them and made them her own.
Anyways. I’m almost done writing.
Quick fire round of criticism;
Akwafina’s shitass character
Furious five just tossed aside except for a non speaking cameo. Tigress got done so dirty - if there are gonna be like three more films, they should have been about her
The goofy-ass way he was attacked and then thrown into the cage, the disrespect lol
Li (the victim) and Lord Shen (the genocidal maniac who destroyed his village and killed his wife) somehow existed in the same space and did not get into a conflict.
Why does Kai still exist in the spirit realm? I thought he was literally skadooshed to be extra double dead lol. Like spirit literally eradicated
Akwafina’s shitass character
The villains bowing to Po feels super unearned given how under-utilised they were. I can see it working, just not in the plot we got in the end
Po’s character feels weirdly dumbed down, it’s hard to put my finger on it
Fart joke :(
The innocent and cute but secretly psycho baby bunnies are the definition of anti humour. They’re so fucking obnoxious and cringey
For some reason, the character designs of new characters feels super incongruous and out of place.
The Dragon Warrior isn’t an inherited title, it was given during a time where China needed a hero. Why does it need to be passed down?
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That’s all I have really. Sorry for straying so much into fanfiction territory, but it’s an integral part of my criticisms. I could honestly write forever, but I mainly wanted to share this silly redraw of the Tai Lung meme using Lobster and I’s silly Kung Fu Panda Hetalia gijinka crossover AU nonsense lol
If you read this all the way to the end, congrats! And sorry - I never do long text posts like this lol
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bluelobstersdev · 2 months
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Out of the ashes, grows new life.
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bluelobstersdev · 2 months
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After a successful launch into space, three astronauts experience what very few humans have experienced before; the glory of the cosmos. Of course... The fourth passenger is having a slightly different experience. This is the Laika Project.
.          .          .
I am finally publishing it after months actually, I think years of procrastinating. The game itself is buggy, but since I had so much trouble during the game jam when making this game I guess it's not a good idea to base a game off of a short dream you had, I've resolved to never touch the game again so that means I won't bother fixing bugs :D.
.          .          .
Estimated play time: ~30 minutes.
WARNING: Contains swearing, mentions of death, vague mentions of geopolitcal events
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bluelobstersdev · 2 months
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@bluelobstersdev and I's Kung Fu Panda x Hetalia crossover AU that I spent 2 weeks drawing.
So worth it.
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bluelobstersdev · 2 months
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The Protectors of Happiness are Macross City's biggest defenders, mainly against the Super Brit Bros! Fight crime and save the city in this Hetagame demo!
Made for the Heroes and Villains Hetagame Jam by MsEirtaku and @resoyani 🤍
Download link here for the demo HERE! (Google Drive)
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bluelobstersdev · 4 months
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I did a piece for the @hws-anthology ! :-]
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bluelobstersdev · 4 months
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A cardverse AU I've done sketches for quite a while ago~ Mainly focused on each royal family!
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bluelobstersdev · 4 months
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Hark! Eir is back at it again with immigration trio nonsense!
My entry for the HWS Anthology zine - it was originally going to be a comic, but I missed the deadline and whipped this up quickly lol
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bluelobstersdev · 7 months
Instead of making posts about what people halfway across the world should do on a dying website, I'm going to link to organizations that you can donate to that can actually help.
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. They provide immediate medical aid to those in great need, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system. 
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian non-governmental civil institution that works to support Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli and Palestinian prisons.
Samidoun is an international network of organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom.
Refuser Solidarity Network provides crucial support to Israel's military refusers in the toughest of political circumstances. They provide funds for for demonstrations outside prison, for legal fees, for media campaigns that tell conscientious objector’s stories to the general public, for education programs for Israeli and American audiences about their important resistance to the occupation.
Feel free to reblog with links to other groups and other places people can donate to.
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bluelobstersdev · 9 months
Poll??? Open ended hetagame poll???
Hey guys! So I'm currently writing a series of video essays meant to be a retrospective on Hetalia and its fandom, and the first video is about Hetagames. I intend on playing and reviewing 10+ popular Hetagames, and I want a general consensus on what you guys think the most popular/influential hetagames are! Thanks in advance!
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bluelobstersdev · 1 year
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On his way to see his brother, the tiger.
136 notes · View notes
bluelobstersdev · 1 year
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A moment of peace for the thrice-divorced couple.
89 notes · View notes
bluelobstersdev · 1 year
Would anyone be interested in playing The Laika Project (the game from the Bobbing for Apples Jam last winter)? I never released it and didn’t feel confident in it and was considering deleting it from my Google Drive because I need to free up space, but I wanted to see if it was worth it to post the download link to it in case anybody was interested. 
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bluelobstersdev · 1 year
So far we have 138 blogs listed!
Are you an Active Hetalia blog?
I'm still adding to the list so if you're an active Hetalia blog let me know in tags what you do and I'll add you to the directory
📝 fanfiction
💭 Headcanons/quotes
❓Character Asks
🎵Hetalia myu
Looking for some new blogs to follow? Check out these lists here!
Questions or Suggestions
I was trying to figure out ways to keep this blog going would blog shout outs be a good idea or something or any ideas?
Or maybe doing like blog summaries?
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bluelobstersdev · 1 year
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“I wish again it was ‘21…”
Fraught by the complications of modern-day debt and tricky international relations, Greece suddenly finds himself in 'Olympus’… And is in a whole world of trouble upon discovering his immortality has been erased. After... *Checks calendar...* Two years, I have finally released an (admittedly short-ish) update to my hetagame Olympus! Have fun and here's a download link!
For those who want to start at the new update, a save file is provided within the zipped file!
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bluelobstersdev · 1 year
1 and 6?
Thanks for sending in the first ask :D
These two questions are very closely related for me, so the first one will be short.
1. who's a fairly minor character that you like probably more than you should?
I am specifically known for being incredibly attached to minor characters, so this is probably the best question on the list to ask me.
Korea (particularly after filtering out the kind of uhhhh parts from older canon)
6. why is your favourite character your favourite?
That list of characters above would probably also work a a favorite characters list... It's hard to choose one specific favorite.
At the moment, I would say India is my favorite... admittedly it's partially because I find him incredibly underrated, but also because his character description and the few appearances he's had have intrigued me. He's stated to be princely, intelligent (particularly good with technology and math), and one of the most important parts... he is very argumentative (unfortunately this is only in his character description and not shown very much in his appearances). From the fact that he's opinionated, paired with the fact that he interrupted the largest nation party of the year by drawing attention to himself with a musical number, also paired with the fact that when England was sick he ran up and confidently shoved tea into his mouth without even asking, leads me to believe that he's perhaps got a bit of an ego. He's clearly extra, as shown by the aforementioned musical number and the fact that he tried to ride his elephant to a meeting, and so from that I've inferred that he's rather prim and proper. He also speaks "mysterious English", so I think he speaks in a very particular and posh kind of way, which lends him to being a sort of pompous rich guy type of figure (see JJE). He's confident, classy, and very smooth when it comes to social interaction. He's (prince) charming, and he's very aware of that fact... although, unlike a character like France for example, he doesn't necessarily gas on and on about how fabulous he is, he feigns being humble quite a bit. Basically, he doesn't say "I'm gorgeous and confident and just a perfect male specimen", but reading between the lines at his actions shows how highly he thinks of himself. For this reason, I also like seeing him be humbled by others and getting annoyed. Although, he tends to be rather cool about things like that (outwardly, at least), and will typically just roll his eyes or get mildly annoyed. It takes a lot to get him genuinely angry. He is also very very shippable, which is a plus. Admittedly this is mainly just due to my speculation or interpretation from like... subtext and character descriptions. Hima could come in and destroy this interpretation one day lol.
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bluelobstersdev · 1 year
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IndiRus commission for @halisha-ugran 🇷🇺🇮🇳
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