blueboxballad · 5 years
Wakey, wakey!
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The Good Omens Holiday Exchange is awakening for 2019! Sign-ups will start next week… 🐙📚🕶️ 
Saturday, Sept 21 @ 12:01 AM EDT-US through Saturday Sept 28 11:59 PM EDT-US. We will accept everyone who signs up during that period or 100 participants, whatever comes first.
We’re located at Dreamwidth. You do not need a Dreamwidth account to participate (although it’s recommended, and it’s easy and free); just a valid email that you check regularly.
Why not take some time now to review last year’s gifts?
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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crowley: i’ve connected the dots
aziraphale: you haven’t connected shit, my dear
crowley: i’ve connected them
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blueboxballad · 5 years
I like to believe that both Crowley and Azi plan to propose at the same time. Both terribly anxious at dinner, Crowley the histrionic person he is makes the big act of kneeling, Azi shaking his hands and head and scrambling to pull a ring from his pocket (he was just going to drop it into Crowley’s champagne I imagine) and basically throws it at Crowley. Or something like that Also love the blog it’s stunning
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Of course they’ll mess this one up too
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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Welcome to Fandom First Friday! What is #FFF? The first Friday of the month, the OTW celebrates one aspect of fandom. This month’s theme is Accidental Heroes!
We’ve all been there before. You’re just trying to life your life, when OOPS! There’s a disaster and you’re right in the middle of it and you somehow wind up saving everyone. Wait, you mean that hasn’t happened to you before? Oh good, I thought I was the only one. In any case, though, it’s definitely happened to the folks we’ll be featuring this month.
We want you to help us celebrate #FFF! Tell us about your favourite (SFW) accidental heroes and why you love them. You can do so by reblogging this post, by making your own original post and tagging it with #Fandom First Friday, by mentioning @transformativeworks in a reblog, or by sending us an ask or a submission. Help spread the squee!
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blueboxballad · 5 years
Art Spiegelman pulled his Marvel Folio Society intro after Disney demanded that he not criticize Trump
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The Folio Society has announced a series of volumes paying tribute to the history of Marvel Comics, the inaugural volume was originally scheduled to feature an introduction from Art Spiegelman, the creator of Maus and the first person to ever win a Pulitzer Prize for a graphic novel.
Marvel is a division of Disney, and its chairman, Isaac ‘Ike’ Perlmutter, is a longtime personal friend of Donald Trump, donated to Trump’s campaign, and serves Trump as an “unofficial and influential advisor.” Spiegelman’s intro made reference to this fact, and tied the origin of Marvel with its thin-veiled allegories about fighting fascism, to the contemporary moment, comparing Trump to the golden age Marvel villain “Red Skull” and dubbing him “Orange Skull.”
In response, Disney/Marvel demanded that Spiegelman redact his essay, removing references to Trump. The corporation said that it was trying to be “apolitical…and is not allowing its publications to take a political stance.”
Spiegelman refused to make the change and instead severed ties with the project. His unredacted essay will appear this weekend in The Guardian.
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blueboxballad · 5 years
August 21st is Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day  💕
Let’s be honest - we all forget to leave a comment sometimes. We don’t always go out of our way to click the “come talk to me on tumblr” link on AO3 to scream about the fic in the author’s inbox. On August 21st I encourage you to take a moment and show fanfic writers that you appreciate them!
How can you do it?
leave a comment and kudos on every fic you finish reading. Doesn’t matter how short. Doesn’t matter if you’re just repeating what other people have already said. Just be kind! Keysmashing, Caps Lock, and live commenting appreciated! (Bonus points if you leave a comment on every chapter)
ideas for what to put in a comment: one | two
floaty review box for ao3 (super useful for commenting as you read + it has a ‘review tips’ button if you feel stuck)
reblog ficlets, drabbles, fics, fic rec posts, etc. Put a nice comment in the tags. Remember that likes, while appreciated, don’t give the writer any exposure, meaning the posts don’t reach more people
go to your local fanfic writer’s inbox and talk to them about their fic of your choice. Let them know how long ago you’ve read it and what story point/sentence/scene still makes you smile when you think about it
send thank you messages to fic writers. In a world where you have to pay for almost everything, they’re supplying you with countless hours of free entertainment. It can get quite lonely without getting messages acknowledging the hours they spend writing stories - let them know their time and effort is appreciated
make fic rec posts and @ the authors whose fics you’re recommending! (believe me, fic writers love to see their stories in these posts)
create something inspired by a fic! You can draw fanart, make a moodboard or aesthetic post, or even write a song for the fic you love. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro doesn’t matter - the thought alone is what counts more than anything <3
buy the writer a coffee if they have a ko-fi page and you have some change lying around c: Caffeine keeps most fic writers awake when they struggle with a particularly slow draft or a difficult scene. More coffee, more content.
These are only some ideas out of the sea of possible ways to appreciate fanfic writers. On August 21st show the writers in your fandom(s) some love <3
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blueboxballad · 5 years
Welcome to the 2019 Hogswatch Exchange! This is not the first Discworld-specific fanworks exchange, but it is the only one currently running. The mods would like to extend a hearty welcome to everyone joining us on our first year, and sincere thanks to the mods of the Good Omens Holiday Exchange (now in its 15th year) for their advice.
How to Format and Submit Your Prompt Set
Submit one prompt set consisting of three different ideas and a short list of likes and dislikes by commenting on this page, following the format below. We have set comments to moderated so that we can collect them, anonymize them, and post them on the prompt-claiming page once they’ve all come in.
Character(s), rating: (Choice one)
Character(s), rating: (Choice two)
Character(s), rating: (Choice three)
Story elements/tropes/kinks I’d like:
Story elements/tropes/kinks I wouldn’t:
Email: (For mod purposes only. This will not be posted anywhere.)
-Use an ampersand for platonic relationships (eg. “Nobby & Colon”) and a slash for romantic pairings (eg. “Nobby/Shine of the Rainbow”).
-The ratings are General, Teen, Mature, and Explicit.]
So, for example, if you wanted a fic or a piece of artwork about Nanny and Granny becoming friends in their youth, you might write:
Granny Weatherwax & Nanny Ogg, rated T: What was the dynamic between Esme and Gytha like when they were girls? What happened in their lives to make them who they are?
Or, you might ask for something like:
Angua, any rating: I think a lot about that line in Men at Arms right before Angua and Carrot hook up where she’s afraid that her situation in Ankh-Morpork will wind up “just like it did in Pseudopolis and Quirm.” I’d love a fic or comic exploring her life between leaving her family and joining the watch.
William/Sacharissa/Otto, M or E (up to you): Otto wants his partners to roleplay a vampire scenario with him where they’re the vampires and he’s an innocent human.
You get the idea.
For your list of likes and dislikes, don’t be afraid to ask for something obscure or uncommon, or an AU, or a crossover, and don’t be afraid to be specific about the things you’d rather not have in your gift! It’s for you! Your prompt-filler will avoid your dislikes and try to include as many of your likes as possible.
How to Claim and Fill a Prompt
Pick three prompt sets, in order of first to third choice, and comment on the prompt-claiming page. [The prompt-claiming page does not exist yet, but will be linked here when it does.] Once prompt claiming closes, the mods will email you to inform you who your recipient is and which prompt set you’ve been assigned.
You only need to fill one of the prompts in your recipient’s prompt set. You do not need to fill all three.
Once you’ve completed your fic or artwork or other fanwork, email it to the mods. If you have any questions before then or things you’d like to double-check with your recipient, email the mods and we will help. Our email is [email protected].
Fic should be 1000 words or more.
That’s all! Email us with any further questions. Hope your Hogswatch is jolly, with mistletoe and holly, and other things ending in -olly!
PS: save these dates
September 30th- Anonymous prompting ends.
October 1st- Prompt-claiming opens.
October 8th- Prompt-claiming ends. Writing/art-making/video-editing/etc. period begins
November 30th- Submission due date.
December 15th- Posting of gifts begins.
Hogswatchnight/December 31st- Final reveal.
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blueboxballad · 5 years
Watch this space!
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The Mods will provide information about sign-ups for the 15th Annual Good Omens Holiday Exchange shortly! Are you new to the Exchange? Welcome on board! Please visit our home on Dreamwidth and look at this post and this post for examples of the signup procedure for 2018 and the lovely gifts produced by our community’s talented writers and artists in past years! 
We’ll have just a few changes this year designed in anticipation of a large number of participants. We can’t wait to see what the TV series has inspired people to create! And, of course, creations based in book-canon are always welcome! Your Mods this year are @vulgarweed, @irisbleufic, and @lunasong365.  
😇 😎 🍷
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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This is still my favorite joke ever I don’t care how old it is it’s timelessssss.
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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I don’t know if this has been done yet but I’m doin’ it.  Because who doesn’t love this poster?
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blueboxballad · 5 years
Watch this space!
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The Mods will provide information about sign-ups for the 15th Annual Good Omens Holiday Exchange shortly! Are you new to the Exchange? Welcome on board! Please visit our home on Dreamwidth and look at this post and this post for examples of the signup procedure for 2018 and the lovely gifts produced by our community’s talented writers and artists in past years! 
We’ll have just a few changes this year designed in anticipation of a large number of participants. We can’t wait to see what the TV series has inspired people to create! And, of course, creations based in book-canon are always welcome! Your Mods this year are @vulgarweed, @irisbleufic, and @lunasong365.  
😇 😎 🍷
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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AO3 won the 2019 Hugo Award for Best Related Work!
Here’s the speech given by Naomi Novik when the award was accepted:
All fanwork, from fanfic to vids to fanart to podfic, centers the idea that art happens not in isolation but in community. And that is true of the AO3 itself. We’re up here accepting, but only on behalf of literally thousands of volunteers and millions of users, all of whom have come together and built this thriving home for fandom, a nonprofit and non-commercial community space built entirely by volunteer labor and user donations, on the principle that we needed a place of our own that was not out to exploit its users but to serve them.
Even if I listed every founder, every builder, every tireless support staff member and translator and tag wrangler, if I named every last donor, all our hard work and contributions would mean nothing without the work of the fan creators who share their work freely with other fans, and the fans who read their stories and view their art and comment and share bookmarks and give kudos to encourage them and nourish the community in their turn.
This Hugo will be joining the traveling exhibition that goes to each Worldcon, because it belongs to all of us. I would like to ask that we raise the lights and for all of you who feel a part of our community stand up for a moment and share in this with us.
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blueboxballad · 5 years
I wrote this. I hope you like it. It’s my version of vomiting rainbows onto a page.  (Also A+++ to the artist following my suggestion of “some famous fictional characters sitting around together with laptops.”)
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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failed magic trick
based off this 
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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agathokakological | origin: greek (adj) | composed of both good and evil
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blueboxballad · 5 years
It isn’t backwards.  That’s the way one writes Enochian, from right to left.  As one does with Hebrew.
Such lovely pictures!  Happy birthday!
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Ineffably, my Ineffable Edition of the Definitive Good Omens arrived precisely on my birthday :o !!!!! It’s really a beautiful book, there are so many colored and spot illustrations and fun stuff inside that 10 photos cannot do justice. The Enochian on the back cover of the book spell out “BURN THIS BOOK” backwards im-
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blueboxballad · 5 years
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(A very good sized book. Could def kill someone with it if needed)
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