blahdidah3 · 4 years
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blahdidah3 · 4 years
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I feel attacked
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
Reblogging because insulin is fucking expensive and you give my husband the wrong drink and the smallest expense goes through the roof. He's had high blood sugar for hours because the amount of insulin he takes just won't tackle the sugar. It's insane. Everyone makes mistakes, just don't be an asshole on purpose.
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This makes me so angry.
If you work in a movie theater and you do this I have no respect for you.
My younger brother is Type 1 Diabetic.
When we go to a movie theater, we always get him diet soda. If he were to get regular when we asked for diet, we would not give him the insulin he would need for it. If that happens, his blood sugar level could go so high he could go into a coma, go blind, or even die.
If somebody gave him regular soda instead of diet without telling us, that person could be responsible for a nine-year-old being killed or blinded.
Just thinking about that makes me so angry. I get scared every time we take him to a movie in case the people working there saw this picture and decide to do the same thing.
Please signal boost this so people know.
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
I've never laughed so hard.
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
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Fanfiction Club: The Rules
This idea came to me when I woke up first thing this morning.
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
Actually this is bullshit. You can be living your best life and have all your wildest dreams and still need self care. I am there. Self care is taking time and space for yourself when you need it and accepting that you will and do need it. It's being tough and making yourself do uncomfortable things. This post is bullshit othering saying that if you were living a better life you wouldn't have stress or need to invest in yourself. The life they describe has self care built into it, but just because someone isn't calling it that doesn't mean they aren't doing it.
self care is creating a life you don’t routinely have to escape from
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
OMG, thank you for your work. ROFL
I’ll never not be amused by the fact that I can drop the words “crucifix nail nipples” into a conversation and some of you who have been with me since the livejournal days will join me in the flashbacks, screaming and crying all the way.
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
The Suriel, best explained by a series of Rupaul gifs
Suri spilling the tea that Rhys is Feyre’s mate:
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The Suriel spilling secrets like:
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Also the Suriel spilling secrets about everybody
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Everybody about the Suriel
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How I imagine The Suriel throwing shade
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The Suriel when it found out that Feyre had no idea that Rhys was her mate
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Also the Suriel when it found out that Feyre had no fucking clue that Rhysand was her mate
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Also everybody’s thoughts on the Suriel
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In conclusion, the Suriel.
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
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Book Recommendations - Masterpost  » Fairy Tales
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
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blahdidah3 · 6 years
I'm having a bad 5 minutes. Like I don't know... That if net neutrality is withdrawn that my whole life as it is will be fucked over. I know you could treat me with some God Damn respect for a minute.
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blahdidah3 · 7 years
I’m in my thirties
I have 3 kids. I have a husband.  I have friends (a few) IRL. I also know and love many people online, and consider them friends. They’ve been there for me, and I them. 
Why is it now that one of my friends is shitting on another do I all of the sudden feel like I”m fucking teleported back to being seven and friends just want to fight, and I feel like a BETRAYER for staying friends with the crappy person. I try to be good. I try to be kind to people cause god knows I need a little kindness from others. LIke Seriously! But Friend A is banning friend B from their chatroom and it’s for no obvious reason. Do I deserve to know? Well I kinda feel like I do. Did they violate a rule of that chat? I don’t get it. I can’t find the infraction, and It feels a little bit like Friend A is banning friend B because his girlfriend wants him to.
And OMG I have to get kids to school in the morning and I”m just ANGRY AS FUCK instead of going to sleep. I”m mad. I’m mad because good people don’t deserve shitty things happening to them.... 
What am I supposed to do? I feel like I’ve been lied to. I feel like I stepped on a lizard that changed colors and it bit me. I feel like detatching myself from everyone and everything and floating in a pool for six years, and just feeling nothing. I’m So MAD. It’s not fair.
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blahdidah3 · 7 years
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Before, she would have jumped at the sudden and unexpected pressure of someone’s hand on her waist, but nearly half a year in an 18th-century French court has taught Rose to adapt, if nothing else. (Her French is as abysmal as it ever was without the help of the TARDIS, but the court is graciously willing to overlook such things on behalf of the savior of their uncrowned queen.)
Still, Rose smiles as she dances, even if her partner can’t see it. “Someone’s awfully familiar today,” she teases (in mutilated French); probably it’s Henri, a little tipsy from the king’s finest wine, but he’s not half-bad to look at. “Feeling a bit grabby, are we?”
“Oh, you know me,” replies a soft voice behind her, in English, and it’s all Rose can do to stop herself tripping over her own feet. “I’m a hands-on learner.”
Rose’s heart leaps in her chest, hammering madly against her ribcage in time to the music and the steps of her feet below. Over a hundred days since she last heard that voice anywhere but her dreams; of course, she recognizes it instantly. Her grin is so wide now her face could almost split with the size of it. She squeezes her eyes shut, giving silent thanks to any gods that might be listening. <
(The impulse to stop in her tracks pulls at her, demanding her to spin and throw her arms around his neck and maybe never let go, but some part of her is afraid to—maybe she’s wrong, maybe it isn’t him, or it’s a dream, or if she looks at him, she’ll break the spell. So she keeps dancing.)
“And?” Rose prompts, insinuating her hand over his where it rests against her waist. “What have you learned?”
“That your French is atrocious.”
“Rude,” says Rose, but she laughs. She squeezes his other hand, the one leading them around the ballroom along with the rest of the courtiers. “It’s been five and a half months, and that’s all you’ve got to say to me?”
His grip on her waist tightens. “No, actually, it isn’t.”
“Aww, did you miss me?”
“Do you know the kind of trouble you could have gotten into?” he asks, his voice suddenly curt. “The damage you could have caused? Probably caused?”
His sharpness startles her, but Rose shrugs it off. “Don’t worry, I didn’t—”
“You have no idea what you did or didn’t do,” he hisses. “Weakening the integrity of this timeline, exposing everyone to the possibility of Reapers, compromising the safety of everyone here—”
“You mean Reinette,” Rose replies coolly.
“She’s part of everyone here, isn’t she? Or are you so thick that I have to spell that out for you, too?”
Rose laughs again, but the sound is shaky and thin this time, a scoff. “Why, hello, Doctor, it’s nice to see you too! Don’t ask about me, thanks, I’ve been doing just fine in the land of scratchy underwear and no plumbing.”
“I told you what would happen if that time window was smashed, Rose,” he continues as if he didn’t hear her; he’s so quiet Rose can barely hear him over the flutes and harpsichord and drums, but she can still make out the strain in his voice, the bite to it. “I was very explicit. I couldn’t have been clearer. So I’m struggling to understand—and that’s quite a feat, struggling to understand something with a brain as impressive as mine—why the hell you thought jumping through that window was a good idea.”
Twisting in his grasp, Rose cranes her neck to look at him, finally, and there he is, all furrowed brow and tight mouth and eyes glittering with anger, and god, if she wasn’t so irritated with him right now, she just might kiss him.
“That’s what you were going to do, isn’t it?” she asks instead.
Next: Part II | Part III
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blahdidah3 · 7 years
Calla Lilies and Hydrangeas: Chapter 3 (Previously: Summer Wine)
Chapter: 1, 2, 3.
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Chapter 3
It had taken the Mortal Queens exactly fifteen minutes to make him regret his attendance, their incessant rambling not allowing for so much as a single coherent thought to form in his mind.
He could feel the pull again, stronger than it was back in Velaris. There it had been easy to ignore, the distance allowing for some much needed reprieve. On the continent, however, beyond the Wall separating the magic, there was nothing to keep the tether at bay.
He knew that should he want to, he would be able to find the person on the other end of it immediately. The pull would lead him to her.
But he wouldn’t let himself be led.
Not because he didn’t want to. Though, at this point, he wasn’t sure he did. The girl had tricked him in a way only very few had ever dared. And none of them had lived to tell the tale.
No. Rhysand was still angry at himself for ever letting himself be vulnerable enough around her for her to even attempt it.
The audacity alone…
Were it anyone else, they would not have spared her. Had he not declared her to be his mate, Cassian wouldn’t have let her take another breath. He and Azriel would have brought down the Wall themselves had it meant they would find her.
The very wall these overgrown children calling themselves rulers of the mortal world were now trying to convince him to bring down instead, the events of the past fifty years having set everyone on edge.
Rhysand sat there silently, eyeing one woman after another. Their ages differed, but their purpose was clear. All but one – absolute devotees to the idea of flooding their world with ancient power, frightful enough to warrant its exile half a millennium ago, yet so coveted, even the ones once oppressed by it desired the feel of its vibration against their skin.
Their ancestors would have been ashamed of them. Blood had been spilt on both sides for the wall to be erected. More men had died than he wished to count. His own blood had seeped into the making of it. Strengthened it. Fed it. Its very essence was part of him, just like it was of every fae creature that had bled on those battlefields, the imposing rumble of its power keeping the real monsters at bay. And now these fools rallied to reverse it. The one thing keeping them alive.
The distance of time really did make feeble minds forget.
Keep reading
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