bennett-mikealson · 18 days
Ppl give Esther too much credit.
If she cheated on her man and hid the fact that Klaus wasn't Mikeals for all them years what makes yall think she could make an immortality spell on her own when she could barely do magic herself???
Sis stole that spell!!!
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bennett-mikealson · 26 days
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1x22 Of The Originals
I will never get over them having they little iconic walk moment only to got toseed left and right by them witches. 😂😂😂
Shout out to Marcel for saving Hope.🫡
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bennett-mikealson · 1 month
TVD Stans are so dismissive with Bonnies trauma. Why are you expecting her to show mercy to people who have done her wrong???? Then try to gaslight Bonnie stans into thinking that her actions in retaliation to people causing her trauma aren't justified. WHAT????
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bennett-mikealson · 1 month
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Believer in all things good Bonnie Bennett and her paranoid, pessimistic boyfriend husband Klaus Mikaelson.
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bennett-mikealson · 1 month
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Kat Graham & Curly Hair Just Go Together 💅🏾
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
Truly unstoppable especially when she got her psychic powers 💅🏾
Can we talk about how powerful would be heretic Bonnie?😩
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
Bonnie VS Anna:
TVD stans will never cease to amaze me when it comes to how hypocritical they can be with other characters in comparison to Bonnie all because they want to look for a reason to heavily villainize her and have an "I got you" moment with her.
This conversation was in regards to Bonnie lying to Elena and The Salvatores about Deactivating The Bennett because she wanted to avenge Grams and Save the town.
They stated the obvious things everyone always says about Bonnie in season 1 & 2 "I don't like how she acted towards Elena and the Salvatores after Grams died/ why was she "mean" to Elena & The Salvatores when she's responsible for Grams death". Then there the "she was so mean to Caroline like she wanted to be a vampire not to mention she's responsible for Caroline, Tylers dad and Anna death".
While I adressed all their points something that stuck with me is their constant need to fight for Anna as if she was a good person to Bonnie.
I got called selfish because I pointed out how Bonnie didn't need to care for Annas death because Anna put Bonnie in harms was by kidnapping her & Elena to try and force Bonnie to open the tomb. Not to mention she lied to Damon about knowing Katherine wasn't in the tomb and was originally using Jeremy to get info/close to the MFG.
In response to that they basically didn't care about all the prombles Anna casued for everyone and excused her actions because "all she wanted to do was get her mother back".
So let me get this straight:
Anna: Gained Damon and Jeremy's trust despite knowing that Katherine wasn't in the tomb and knwing that she was using Jeremy only to get close to MFG. Then she kidnapped Elena and Bonnie to try and force Bonnie to open the tomb. All in the name of saving her mother.
Bonnie: lied to Elena and The Salvatore's about Deactivating the Bennett Device. All in the name of Saving the town from murderous vampires and avenging her Grams.
Two very similar situations, yet Bonnie's the one that needs to be held accountable for being a bitch to everyone and betraying Elena and The Salvatores trust while Anna is the innocent girl who did what she had to do the save her mother.
Okay 😒
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
Just randomly thinking about Klaus calling Bonnie in The Originals; Like when you get her number??
I'ma assume it was at the end of season 3. 😂😂😂
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
To Be Honest, I’ma Start Calling The Gilbert Device And The Gilbert Ring The Bennett Device And The Bennett Ring Because That’s What They Actually Were. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
Bonnie gets so much hate for being a kid who understandably doesn't want anything to do with vampires why would she there's a logical reason vampires and witches are enemies with how bonnie ancestors are treated by vampires its obvious why
The thing about it is that they never have this energy with Carolines mom, Tylers mother, The council, John Gilbert even Matt. All these people collectively hated vampires bc of all the meseed up things they either heard about vampires/ made to believe or the negative things they've experienced from them; but for some reason they can't seem to care about Bonnies negative experiences with them. It's not even that they don't understand what made Bonnie act the way she did they just don't care. They wanted Bonnie to be this mute puppet that does everything for everyone else without regarding her own feelings.
It's like I said in my original post they sound like Caroline when she said Elena used to be fun before her parents died. They hate Caroline for that bc it was insensitive to Elena's trauma but when Bonnies first intro to the supernatural was 1 touching Stefan and feeling death then Damon biting her to death then losing grams on top of that ppl still won't give Bonnie the same sympathy they gave Elena.
That's not Fair.
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
So much wasted potential with them 😔
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES S03E21 - Before Sunset
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
TDV Stans will state all the reasons why Bonnie was guarded around vampires in the early seasons, yet still say she was a weirdo, or a bitch for acting the way she did.
Them: "you know I get it, her grams died and vampires have done nothing but cause her trauma and despite being a 16/17 year old witch who’s been thrown into the supernatural world having to protect everyone whether she was forced to or not that still didn’t give her the right to be distant to Elena, the Salvatore's and act like a bitch to everyone".
Like UM HELLO grams just died. Excuse Bonnie TF out of her for not being in a cheerful kind of mood.
They sound like Caroline when she said Elena used to be fun before her parents died when they say stuff like that. make it make sense. 
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
Yeah no, the anti vampire version of Bonnie was honestly the worst version of Bonnie. Couldn't stand her at all. She was so two-faced and such a hypocrite. But I do live for anyone that was anti Damon, since he was a rapist and abuser.
I don’t really think she was a hypocrite. I guess from your POV, you can say she was hypocrite bc she disliked vampires, but helped them but at the end of the day Bonnie always made it known that despite her hate for vampires, she was going to do anything and everything to protect Elena and if that meant working with vampires from time to time who were on the same accord of protecting Elena, then why not make protecting her easier. Working with people despite not liking them is not a foreign thing (In general). She did it with Klaus at the end of season 3 to protect her friends as well but she didn't like him.
I think back to this deleted scene of Stefan and Bonnie. https://youtu.be/HW_Ip4JWmGc?si=cBO1PNSv11guCX_y
It was obvious that Bonnie was having trouble processing her new reality and being surrounded by people that needed to kill people to survive. Even tho that's not the case all the time it is most of the time. Not to mention (besides Stefan from time to time) no vampire has been able to have a positive impact on her and her friends life so I understand why she would be against them. Especially when you had grams in her ear telling her to stay away from vampires bc the bring nothing but trouble.
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
A Reddit post is triggering this rant but it has to be said (even though I’m sure I’ve said it before on this page).
Caroline‘s "girl boss" moment telling Tyler She wasn't going to continue to feel guilty after sleeping with Klaus was not a "girl boss" moment. Caroline slept with the man that caused Tyler, an immense amount of pain and trauma, and also killed, not only his hybrid friends that he was trying to free from Klaus, but his mother.
In the scene Caroline says " your hybrid bite just killed someone and no one even batted an eye. I sleep with the wrong guy once weeks ago and I don't hear the end of it how is that fair".
First of you're comparing two different things. The only valid comparison that Caroline could’ve made to her situation was Elena getting with Damon after all the BS he has done to everyone and the fact that that’s Stefan brother. But she knew not to do that bc everybody had something to say about Elena getting Damon (especially her). Second, the person he killed (Nadia) he did it to SAVE YOUR LIFE so, why are you bringing that up like he did it for nothing or for fun?????? It's not adding up.
Then she rants about how being a good vampire doesn’t come easy and she has the same impulses as Tyler so she’s allowed to make mistakes and says " yes I slept with Klaus, but that was after you walked away from me that was my choice and I’m living with it and I don’t need to be hearing about it every five seconds, so just get over it or get out of my life, but I’m done feeling guilty".
Why is she talking like she’s the victim? Why is she talking as if that guilt she’s feeling isn’t deserved bc she hurt someone who lost his freedom (at one point), friends and mother all at the hands of the man that you slept with? why are you continually pushing and pushing (and unnecessarily, inserting yourself in his life every chance you got) him to forgive you instead of giving him that time to get over what you did like he continued to ask you to do? Tyler shouldn’t of had to forgive you on your terms, Caroline when YOU WERE THE ONE WHO MADE THE MISTAKE.
it’s interesting how Caroline continuously told Elena to stick with Stefan even after he went on his little revenge hunt for Klaus but she can’t give Tyler that same energy. I understand one situation is when they thought they could kill Klaus and the other was when they knew that killing Klaus wasn't possible but how come you can’t let Tyler work through his anger from the pain Klaus caused him like you were able to do with Stefan?
That's what's not fair.
(Sidenote: Didnt Caroline cheat on Tyler with Jesse?)
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
~Hairstyles that would of ATE on Bonnie part one.
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bennett-mikealson · 2 months
Thought Bubble:
Even though the show didn't elaborate on Ayana's time with the Mikaelsons something in me always felt that she had a soft spot for Klaus. With the way Esther never really stood her ground with Mikael I imagine being with Ayana was a safe space for Klaus. He was always outcasted and mistreated by his father and Ayana gave the vibe that she don't play yet was still very nurturing (a very Bennett characteristic to have). Klaus running to Ayana in need of peace and comfort just makes sense to me.
Side note: I just know her and Mikael got into some arguments.
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bennett-mikealson · 5 months
Tyler vs Klaus
It's Been a Hot minute since I've been on tumblr so imma choose violence with this post bc the hypocrisy will always be crazy to me.
So it's OK for Klaus to harm Caroline knowing his hybrid bite would kill a vampire but when Tyler simply shows his werewolf face he's worse than Klaus. I really wanna break down the comparison of them both regarding their situations with Caroline bc from Tyler's pov Caroline as betrayed him on multiple occasions while Klaus has harmed Caroline unprovoked.
1st Tyler situation: Masons Death
Caroline spent a good chunk of season 2 building a new bond with Tyler; gaining his trust when he became a Werewolf. So much so that she even tells Tyler that a Werewolf bite could kill a vampire after she finds that out from Damon. Tyler then finds out from Jules that Caroline was lying to him about knowing who killed Mason (HIS UNCLE) and when confronting Caroline about how she's broken his trust he pushes her against a car and you can see his werewolf side start to takeover but it doesn't. Why? Bc he knows that biting her would kill her. Tyler was able to control himself while being a new werewolf so that he didn't kill Caroilne after she betrayed him but Tyler's the bad guy bc he pushed her against a car. REALLY???? And even after Jules and her friend had Caroline in that cage even if he did hesitate for a second he still took her out and even left Mystic Falls with jules bc he didn't want to harm anyone. He only Came back bc he found out his mother was in the hospital; Why? bc of Klaus.
2nd Tyler situation: Caroline sleeping with Klaus
Once again a betrayal on Caroline's part to Tyler. Tyler spent most of their relationship in competition with Klaus bc of Klaus. Klaus used Tyler's sirebond against him so Tyler left Mystic Falls turning over 100 times and almost dying so he can be free and enjoy his relationship with Caroline. Klaus Killed Tyler's mother and Caroline knew how much pain that put Tyler in bc she was there comforting him at his mother's memorial while he cried in her arms. Then after they broke up Caroline had sex with Klaus and Caroline's once again in conflict with Tyler. Tyler finds out She slept with Klaus and instead of respecting Tyler's wishes to leave him alone Caroline continued to push him to his point of rage showing werewolf side once again. Not attacking her tho. Some would say it was bc Stefan stopped him but I don't believe Tyler would of harmed her to begin with bc if he was able to control his werewolf side when he just started his journey after Caroline betrayed him before why wouldn't he be able to again. But most stans don't see that and instead resort to saying that Tyler's abusive and he had no reason to he mad when they know that if the roles were reversed and Tyler did something like that to Caroline they would freak in rage. What's even worse is that after some time died down and Tyler was still in his feelings Caroline tells him to get over her sleeping with Klaus and Said that she wasn't going to continue to feel bad for what she did.
That was so girl boss you are Caroline. 😐
Now let's get to Klaus,
1st Kluas situation: Bite number 1
Klaus used Tyler's sirebond against him and forced him to bite Caroline on her birthday so he could then save Caroline to seem like some hero. Mind you Caroline has done nothing to Klaus to deserve being put through that pain.
2nd Klaus situation: bite number 2
After Kol is killed and Klaus is locked in the Gilbert house he bites Caroline and stabs her with a lamp after she told him she didn't want to be with him (something he already knew bc she's told him on multiple occasions she didn't want him).
These are 2 situations of Caroline doing little to nothing to Klaus but Klaus harms Caroline knowing he would kill her but he's not held to the same standard as Tyler. He not abusive but Tyler is?
Make it make sense
Tyler has never bitten Caroline. In fact in situations of rage stemming from Caroline betrayals to Tyler he has managed to control himself both times bc he knows that he could kill Caroilne; But he's the bad guy for showing even an ounce of deserved rage to Caroline after she backstabs him. How is Tyler showing Caroline his werewolf face after she does him dirt worse than Klaus purposely biting Caroline while knowing he could kill her?
Either we not watching the same show or Stan's are just letting their biased views cloud their judgment.
And I thinks it's the 2nd option 👀
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