beeporboop · 6 years
Holiday (Idea #19)
Holiday is the story of a handful of college kids during Christmas break and how they interact with there own Christmas, being broke college kids, and their parents Christmas, being well off adults.
The movie will focus on how tradition, attitude and perception of Christmas reflects the outlooks of millenials and Baby boomers, looking at Pros and Cons
Baby boomers treat this as a time of year to treat themselves and give themselves a break with material items, and millenials have a crude cynicism that Christmas is just another reason to sell things that they cant buy, and a clash of these ideas.
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beeporboop · 6 years
Day Dreaming (Idea #18)
An RPG where you play as several children ranging from ages 8 - 15 where they dress up and pretend they're in a D&D like adventure, not only fighting against monsters and dragons, but also dealing with real life.
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beeporboop · 6 years
War Birds (movie idea #17)
A musical set on a U.S. Carrier during the Afghan war, focusing on a marine helicopter squadron and all the songs are Cake songs.
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beeporboop · 6 years
Space Oddity (idea #16)
(T.V. show, shot like The Office, bitches.)
After all of the night crew goes on strike, the company needs to hire an all new crew to work the warehouse. But when the manager hires 8 new members, we soon discover that 7 of the crew are aliens doing research on human behavior.
But each alien thinks they're the only alien.
And Kevin just wants to work on his crippling anxiety.
Theres a recurring joke where Kevin asks one of the aliens about the weather, so now the aliens just think that's something you ask all the time.
Kevin: "Uh...yeah, so hows the...uh, weather."
Dakthar: "Yes...its fine...hows your weather?"
Kevin: *shakely* "UM, its, UH, good, youknow."
Dakthar: "Yes, well Bobson, hows your weather?"
Bobson Dugly: "its...good. Hows your weather, Dakthar?"
Dakthar: *staring dead in his eyes* "Mmm....just fine."
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beeporboop · 6 years
The Breeze (Movie Idea #15)
A best selling author gets her book about a soul searching journey of a girl who must trek across a fantasy sci-fi land, becomes an on set writer for the movie adaptation, but as the meetings go on, they take her idea, and twist it more and more for the soul purpose of making money.
A secondary character who was a good friend becomes the super hunk and the love interest.
What was an incident that showed flaws in the main character that got her shunned from her village, turns into a destiny prophecy about the chosen one.
What was an interesting opposing force that made the main character and reader think, becomes a super basic 2-D, giant Gray monster thing.
The character in the book is a 15 or 16 girl year old young girl who is pretty mature becomes 19 and is played by just some supermodel with big tits who can’t act.
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beeporboop · 6 years
The Harvey Gregory Garrett Show (Idea #14)
(So this one is a show, but I'm not gonna restart the idea count because I switched to a different form of media, fight me)
So the Harvey Gregory Garrett show (HGGS) is a family based sitcom focusing on the wacky hi-jinks of the Garrett family and the neighborhood they live in. Very much in the style of Full House.
I would love for the first episode to be about Harvey getting a new dog and how much responsibility it takes to be in charge of something like that, and what it means to take on responsibility and now everyone's all happy and warm and junk.
But then 3 episodes in and Harvey runs in the room and tells his family his dog died.
So the brother and baby sitter go into the room
And Harvey's dog is butchered
Someone took an axe to this dog
Now the babysitter starts to freak the fuck out. "Oh my God, who- what-"
"Its alright, kid. I know my first time seeing a dead animal, you're just taken aback is all."
And not a single other character is phased by this obviously slaughtered dog. Then the side plot is about a bake sale or whatever and no one mentions the dead dog again.
Then the next episode starts and when it gets to the baby sitter in the opening credits, the music distorts and shes visibly worried.
Then when shes supposed to show up to babysit, she dosent, the family ask a few questions but then brush it off.
"Oh, she probably just found a new job."
Near the end of the episode the dad walks into the garage to get a beer, walks over a puddle of blood with the baby sitters necklace in it and says
"Oh no...my car must have a leak in it someone"
*laugh track*
And during the next episodes opening credits her name is all fuzzed up as the opening theme is distorted and shes not there.
And I was thinking like 22 22-minute long episodes. At first, the crazy 4th wall breaks and horrible happenings will be veeeeeery subtle and the last 4 episodes would be this crazy murder mystery fever dream, and then the last episode would be almost exactly like the first episode just with a different cast, hinting it's a never ending cycle.
Very "Too Many Cooks" style, and I would love to have a full T.V. show dedicated to that where it completely throws you off if you dont know what you're getting into.
Does it work as a T.V. show? Or should I go fuck myself? Tell me what you think.
Or not
I'm not your Dad.
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beeporboop · 6 years
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Is Honey a Sauce?
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beeporboop · 6 years
Is Honey a sauce?
Me and my friends are at a standstill. I need some help from the internet.
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beeporboop · 6 years
They Want My Soul (Movie Idea #13)
After a devastating zombie apocalypse a lonely survivor is backed into a corner and is bitten
But not before he is turned into a ghost
Now his other worldly body is forever linked (up to about 15 feet) to his cursed and rotting corpse, and he must do whatever it takes to safeguard his body from environmental dangers, fend off feral dogs, and to protect it from the last few survivors left alive.
So hes pretty much fucked.
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beeporboop · 6 years
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A cult in the middle of nowhere. A ritual, struck at the witching hour. The sacrifice is dealt with, the moon is red, the trees are bleeding ink. everything is ready to unlease their god. 
 and then a Goose shows up.
“Goosechase” is a an non-Euclidean, Eldritch Being, accidently created by an ancient cult attempting to summoning their obscure God.  A shapeshifter breaking the bounds of reality, they stalk the woods, searching for prey, an entity of unparallel power. but still,  a goose.
it eventually led into folk legend, leading to someone attempting to produce a Slasher film based on it. A poster of it circulated around the 90’s, rumored to only show in exclusive showings, late at night. The cost of admission varied, the most outlandish being  ████
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beeporboop · 6 years
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beeporboop · 6 years
Why do we always remake classics? Why dont we remake bad movies?
I mean I get it, it's a safe bet to get money, but I hate that that's what movies have become. I loved back in the 70s and 80s when film companies would just pump movies out just because they had a script for it. Now every idea has to have an equation behind it to make sure it'll make money.
But whatever man. I'm not your dad
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beeporboop · 6 years
In Cold Blood (Movie idea #12)
After a detective makes headline news for catching and killing Mass Murderer Eric Smith, he start to have strange visions of the killer, until he realizes that they aren't just visions, but the killers ghost haunting him.
So it's not just a dark detective thiller, because the serial kill isnt just some creepy dude, hes almost like 'The Genie' in Aladdin, with constant costumes changes, doing strange impressions, and cutting back to the past, all while the killer attempts to turn the detective into a crazed murderer. Is the detective being haunted? Or is he possessed? Is he still in control, or is he slowly being taken over while the killer inherits his brand new body?
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beeporboop · 6 years
Video Game Movies (Movie Idea # 2-11)
So you could go one of two ways.
If you’re going old school Tomb Raider, you need to give it a good ratio of 75% Indiana Jones and 25% Die Hard. It’ll be fun and Adventure-y, like ‘Temple of Doom’ or ‘Ark of the Covenant’ While you can also balance a feeling of dread and feeling trapped, like in Die Hard.
If you wanna do NEW Tomb Raider you just 80% ‘Die Hard’, 20% ‘127 Hours’
Now we have Lora Craft fighting off Wolves and Bears and having to take people's lives and it’s heart wrenching. You can even have a scene where she has to go relocate her arm after a nasty fall, or push an arrow through her shoulder.
Just either make it Fast and Furious (if you hate your audience and want money) or make the movie have super awesome races and stunts, and then make the characters have to deal with their consequences of doing races and stunts, like Breaking Bad meets Heat, but faster
Make it.
A crazy action, shooter, gore film.
What Resident Evil should be is like the movie Quarantine. Thats it really. To be spicy just add camera shots from static cameras that stay in one part of the building, to mimic the old school camera from the first game.
Just make it ‘Lost in Translation’ but Models instead of actors.
Now it’s not a raunchy almost dirty movie with shitty fights and a shitty plot, but instead it's a tasteful art piece about what it takes to become one of the rich and beautiful, and what to do when you get to the top.
Hell, even the title reflects that message, referring to the constant zombie state of being treated like an object and not a person. Am i dead...or alive...or does it matter?
Like, thats some Oscar Bait shit.
Hey...do you know how to fix the Angry Birds movie?
You Can’t.
It’s Unfixable!
Focus on the PAST not the PRESENT
Cut the plot from the video games. That shit barely holds together in-game, let alone on-screen. Make it more of a spy thriller like Bourne Identity or James Bond, but set in ancient times, That’ll be a bit tough, but definitely not impossible.
FIRE THE EDITOR. Make the fight scenes violent like in 300 but with speed and clarity like in Drunken Master.
Don’t make Hitman the main character or a good guy, make him the villain. He has no personality or traits, or anything human like. He’s basically just terminator.
So just make Terminator.
One or Two, it dosent matter.
Ok,  this one is a bit of a doozy, but it’ll totally work out.
Scrap the first age era shit, and don’t make it a movie.
Instead, make it a series similar to HBO’s Game of Thrones, and base the plot on the Warcraft 3 game ‘Reign of Chaos’.
Just from that you have 4 seasons that’s super interesting and intriguing, in a constantly evolving world where death is a very real thing. We’ll get to see the Rise and Fall of Arthas, The Heroism and brotherly love of Thrall and Grom, and the super edgy yet super cool Iliadin and how all of it comes together.
And if it picks up, then just tack on Frozen Throne and you'll make a billion dollars
Fight scenes like the The Raid and a plot of revenge for the crimes done into a man and his family. Super brutal and dark, similar to Punisher, but with more focus on murder and the things Max has done wrong, as apposed to a huge government conspiracy
Alright so imagine the Evil Dead movies, remove the cheesy campiness, and instead of a log cabin, its a whole town. Bam. Now you got creepy shit around every corner and a bunch of unsuspecting victims BUT they aren't idiots.
Dont just rehash an old plot, make a new one. People going to see this movie already k ow all about Rachet & Clank, so just pick up with a new chapter of awesome. Oh, and don’t make it aimed at kids. All the people that played Ratchet & Clank as kids are adults now. So aim it at them.
So here’s the thing. After taking all these movies and just shitting on them, you have to realize that the thing that makes video games movies so bad is one of two things, that i’m gonna lay down for you here real quick.
Ethier 1
They respect the source material too much and don’t wanna change it, either making the story completely lacking (Dead or Alive, Hitman) or waaaay too complicated (Warcraft, Assassin’s Creed)
OR they do 2
They don’t give a shit about the source material because it’s too complicated or there's no story to begin with and just make a shitty genre film (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Tomb Raider, Need for Speed)
And those are the saddest ones, because with a cool concept and a empty slate where you can make the plot as interesting as you can think of, why should those movies fail?
You could make Need for Speed such a cool movie because the plot for the games don’t really matter. Just test the characters and have them deal with consequences for destroying roads and bridges, and robbing banks and all the other cool shit the Fast and Furious movies do. Make it Breaking Bad but about High end robbery instead of drugs. All you gotta do is have some cool cars in it to be faithful to the game.
With Tomb Raider, you need to focus on the adventure and fun, or the grueling tasks that it takes to survive.
And you could easily make a Red Dead Movie, it’s just a slowburn western with a soundtrack by these two guys (Bill Elm and Woody Jackson) You just have to stay faithful to the themes of Redemption. And after that all you need is a simple title change and a new main character, you’ve got a whole new story.
Red Dead Rectified
Red Dead Reckoning
Red Dead Revival
Red Dead Revoked
More like Red Dead Easy! A-Ho!
And the main problem with the first category is recreating a story which is already good. Would you pay to go watch a movie that's a condensed version of all the cutscenes from Mass Effect? No. You can just play Mass Effect.
(BTW All you would need for a Mass Effect movie is a beautiful epic feeling, while sticking to the same themes about War, Refugees, Friends and Enemies, and everything else that takes place between 3, 200 hour games)
It's super important
And Hollywood hasn't made a good video game movie yet
But I have hope
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beeporboop · 6 years
The Maze (Movie Idea #1)
"An american spy, a serial killer, a criminal who didn’t do it, a criminal who did do it,  a barrage of cops, and a rabid K-9 unit all attempt to take what they so deserve...as long as they don’t get killed in the biggest Hedge Maze in west Texas."
The Maze is a dark comedy with a gruesome action scene or two, that revolves around a slew (slough? Sleuth?) Of characters with different personalities and motivations, all clashing while trying to escape a huge maze.
Plot: Three criminals being escorted via prison bus across the vast West Texas landscape comes to a crash when one of the prisoners decides
"Actually. Prison. Notmythingwhoknew?"
And murders the shit out of the two prison guards driving the bus.
Now the prisoner is free to leave, except he's chained to his fellow criminal, a rich snarky know-it-all whose Dad "Won't stand for him to be sent to jail." And now must drag his ass outta there for his own freedom.
But in all the confusion, the third prisoner breaks free. Now whose the third prisoner?
Mass Murderer Eric Smith, with a sweet 37-0 K/D ratio going on.
Now our two idiots fucking book it as to not get knick-knacked-patty-wacked
To death
The local police department (which is 3 very under prepared sheriffs and a brand new, top of the line K-9 (That failed the course, but "no ones gonna know that, huh buddy!")) Get a call in from a not-very concerned citizen about an over turned prison bus on his property
When the police arrive, theres already a man investigating. Turns out some CIA agent's have family in West Texas
Who knew.
And if he can capture a serial killer that got on the loose from some "freak accident" that would look pretty nice on his resume.
Now everyone's got a reason to stick around, and no ones leaving until they get what they want.
Characters: so I'll keep it short and sweet as to not get anyone confused about 'Le Cha-rec-tars'
((That's French) No it isnt).
CIA agent: The agent is a total spot-light whore that'll do whatever it takes to "do his american duty" including betraying local law enforcement and shooting at unarmed prisoners.
Criminal #1: He tooooooootally did it, and we all know it, hell, he knows it, but he still dosent wanna go to jail. So he shoots a cop or 2 or 3 to make extra sure no one catches him. But it becomes a bit more difficult when you've got a whole fuckin dude attached to your wrist.
Criminal #2: Now this rich punk is gonna get out on bail as soon as he steps foot in court, but he never gets there. He whines and complains the whole time, but the catch? Hes chained to the first guy at the wrist, which, in case you haven't tried it, makes running the cops reeeealllly hard.
Serial Killer, Eric Smith: A horrible fuckin dude whose killed countless civilians, somehow gets as much screen time on national television as a celebrity. Weird. This guys got a muzzle attached to his face to the whole movie, and at one point steals a guys boombox and plays "Come on, Eileen" while butchering one of the cops.
Hes a pretty intense dude
Cops: We have a primary sheriff whose a real "John Goodman" type guy with two other cops, one a lazy ass who makes excuses for everything he does, while the other is a plucky young P.I. wanna be who gets a brand new fucking crazy German Shepard that turns out to be rabid when they get into the maze.
Who knew
(Everyone. Everyone knew that was gonna happen.)
Ending: After a long, tiring chase the two criminals are captured by...
The CIA agent, who recognizes the rich kid and realizes that he can make fucking baaaaank if he works for him, but he dosent give a fuck about the other guy, so let's him go as a distraction for the local Mass Murderer, Eric Smith.
The cops get split up, and the Lazy Cop and Young Cop get put together while the Boss gets the shit murdered outta him by Very Talented People Filleter, Eric Smith, the Young Cop get knocked unconscious by the Criminals, and the Lazy Cop gets shot by the CIA agent after he realizes hes gonna let the criminal go, and as hes crawling away at the exit of The Maze gets found out by World Famous Psycho, Eric Smith
But that's what I got. Let me know if you like it and junk.
Also here's a spotify playlist to go with it. It's the weakest of the "Offical Movie Soundtracks for a Movie that dosent exist" playlist
(Which, yes, I have plenty)
Let me know what you think, broskis.
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beeporboop · 6 years
Movie Ideas
So what I'll be doing on this he-yea tumblr account will be throwing movie ideas out into the world and see what sticks, what people like/dis-like, and getting opinions on said ideas.
If you see something you like, do whatever you want
I dont care
I'm not your Dad
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