barbaricyawp · 3 years
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
hey man it’s good to have a Bullshit Meter but when young or new artists are trying out edginess … just let them be, man. let them write fake-deep. let them draw OC’s that are half-demons tortured with their love of a person. let them sing songs about cigarettes and cold hands. let them be. it’s okay. you don’t need to police them, they’re just having fun exploring what it means to be an artist. it’s better to let them practice and get better than to stop them in their tracks because you want to be cool and funny. i don’t know. a lot of times young kids are working out real problems, and even if they weren’t? they’re just learning, man. let it be.
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
The Feels (Gemini)
Gemini’s when they are….
They ramble on and on about practically nothing but they are just so excited about everything around them and also have weird, random thoughts they just have to share.
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They will never admit it. Even if you ask why they are so quiet, they will just say they are tired. But really they are overthinking everything and making themselves really anxious. At home they will probably cry in the shower or under the covers so no one can hear them.
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They either give you the silent treatment or blow up in your face about how much you upset them. Some Gemini’s can get really aggressive and say things they instantly regret but can really sting.
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Do. Not. Bother. Them. They will get extremely mean when hungry or totally unresponsive when tired. Just leave them alone for a while and give them space until they are back to their bubbly selves again :)
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
Gemini Celebrities!
Amy Schumer
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Angelina Jolie
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Chris Evans
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Dave Franco
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Johnny Depp
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Kate Upton
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Kanye West
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Mark Wahlberg
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Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
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Morgan Freeman
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Laverne Cox
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Shia LaBeouf
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
things you never hear about the signs
Aries: They doubt themselves. They need reassurance and validation from people they love, and if you give them this, they’ll be your loudest, strongest, most enthusiastic cheerleaders. They’ll always stand up and fight for you (even if they know you’re in the wrong)… if you do the same for them. Don’t take this for granted.
Taurus: They will put themselves first. Always. It’s because they feel like no one else does, though; they always get taken for granted and ignored and they get so sick of it. They will break your heart with their selfishness, but they do love you. Believe them when they say it.
Gemini: They’re lonely. Even surrounded by people, a Gemini can be so, so, lonely, because they long for emotional closeness and a deep mental connection. They lose interest in people so quickly because this connection isn’t there with most people.
Cancer: They’re mean and selfish. They guilt trip and play the blame game, because they don’t want to face the truth about themselves. They act tough, talk shit, hang out with people they don’t really care about, and they try to pretend that this is who they are. It’s not. They’re trying to protect themselves from the harsh, judgmental world by acting like they hate the best parts of it.
Leo: They blame themselves for everything. A Leo may act like a diva, throw a temper tantrum and accuse you of ruining their life, but inside, their heart is breaking because they failed themselves. Not only that, but they failed you, too. And they hate themselves for that. They have trouble forgiving others, but they have even more trouble forgiving themselves.
Virgo: They are not cold. They are actually sensitive and easily hurt, and they protect themselves by building a robotic, analytical exterior. They have such high standards for the people in their life because they’re scared of getting hurt. Deep down, a Virgo just wants to throw away all their worries and inhibitions and be free. 
Libra: They’re incredibly loyal. Once a Libra decides they like you, they may stray, lose contact, hang out with other people, but they will never completely forget you. At some point, they will always come back to you. They value friendship and love more than anything; this is both their best quality and their biggest weakness. They give people so many chances, and as a result they are used and hurt so many times, because they never lose faith or become bitter.
Scorpio: They need someone to tell their thoughts to. Scorpios are secretive and mysterious creatures, but they can’t stand having no one who really knows them. A Scorpio is selective about who they trust, but if they do trust you, you will be surprised about how open they are. 
Sagittarius: They don’t bounce back so easily. Sagittarians are not always happy-go-lucky and content. A Sagittarius is prone to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, but they do their best to hide this from people. They are incredibly strong, but they still fight their personal battles like everyone else and can be very sensitive. They don’t need to be coddled or helped through difficult times, they just need you to stand by them while they fight their demons.
Capricorn: They care the most, but have the worst time trying to show it. Their natural tendency is to hide their feelings and retreat from those they care for. They confuse people with their hot-and-cold behavior. They frustrate themselves, because they want to throw themselves into everything they do, but they can’t work up the energy or the courage to do so.
Aquarius: They like people as a whole more than they like people individually. They have tremendous respect and faith in humanity, but can’t bring themselves to have the same love for even those closest to them. They are detached, often putting more of themselves into clubs and projects than into their friends and family. They are concerned with “the greater good”, and they don’t let individuals get in their way.
Pisces: They will not let you treat them badly. They won’t confront you or try to talk to you about your behavior. They won’t try to convince you that they are right and you are wrong. They’ll just slowly slip out of your life, leaving you wondering if you ever meant anything to them at all. Don’t underestimate the power of a Pisces to break your heart without saying a word.
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
The Signs and Their Color Associations
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
Sadness expressions of the Zodiac Signs
Aries : Rage, impulsivity and failure to get worked up about the things they normally do, oppositional but with less verve and energy
Taurus : Isolation, binge eating and lethargy, a sense of ‘me against the world’, less patience, easier to enrage
Gemini : Silence, nerves, over thinking, easily distractible and seems ‘elsewhere’; they are fairly intolerable to sadness they tend to detach/dissociate from feelings after a short while
Cancer : Teariness, neediness, isolation, binge eating, crying after insignificant events, stomach aches, a feeling of separation from everyone around them
Leo : Obvious displays of stress, they become like a wound up string and as if they are on the brink of a nervous break down. Short tempered and needy (only around close friends/family) and become martyred
Virgo: Isolation, heightened compulsions (cleaning, washing hands more etc;), unresponsive in conversations, at time blunt and more oppositional Libra : General feeling of instability/moodiness, reduced urge to socialize/be with friends, hopelessness, a feeling of being disliked/rejected by everyone, you can sense them ‘trying’ to be happy and keep composed
Scorpio : Isolation, opposition, hostility and violent mood swings. Intense melancholy with at times delusions and paranoia. Thoughts even scary to them, a sense of ‘me against the world’.
Sagittarius : Lethargy, escapism (substance use etc;), uncharacteristically more serious and tense, less tolerance, feelings of worry when thinking into the future
Capricorn : Demotivation, lethargy, hopelessness, over thinking, they seem tense and ‘overly alert’, hyper vigilant, force themselves to ‘go through the motions’, nothing impresses them
Aquarius : Uneasy, harder to ‘reach’; as if they are far away. Silence, isolation, detachment, even though they try to appear happy. Distracted
Pisces : Teariness, anxiety, isolation, when they feel sadness they tend to feel ‘all at once’, nerves, obsessive/ruminating thinking, remembering everything bad that ever happened to them, crying over insignificant events
More Fun Zodiac Facts Here
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
so in one of my classes we were making moodboards, just pieces of paper with magazine cutouts that represent us pasted all over them and this guy i’ve never talked to leans over and he’s like ‘you’re gay, right’ and i’m like ‘…sort of?’ and he silently handed me a cutout of ellen degeneres and went back to his work
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
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barbaricyawp · 3 years
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barbaricyawp · 4 years
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a siken quote that made me maybe cry
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barbaricyawp · 6 years
types of people as the hogwarts houses⚡️🔮
gryffindor: high fiving or hugging everyone you know, jumping and grooving at concerts, bold haircuts every so often, arts and crafts at lunch, scrunchies, quarter-zip sweaters, making funny faces from store windows
hufflepuff: baking and crafting with BFFs, ripped jeans, playlists for every mood you have, the opposite of minimalism on your bedroom walls, tilting your head far back to put your hair in a ponytail, mailing letters
ravenclaw: horoscope accounts, a habit-tracking app, saying you’re gonna make plans but never making plans, an unread bookshelf, picking up new hobbies every week, advocate for moisturizing, sleeping in math class
slytherin: lots of extra-curriculars, could probably catfish someone if you wanted to, entire conversations with gifs, a clean and simple or dark and grunge aesthetic, tapping your phone carefully while you wait for your nails to dry, lollipops
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barbaricyawp · 7 years
honestly minecraft is a good game and i will never forgive the internet for making people feel bad for liking a game about fucking mining and building houses
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barbaricyawp · 7 years
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