bandomresearch-blog · 5 years
Taiwan used to have a Nazi concentration camp-themed restaurant. […]  They’re not usually taught about what the real Nazis did more than 70 years ago. […]  Bangkok gets a lot of not-so-honorable mentions for what’s described as “Nazi chic,” a reference to young people such as schoolchildren wearing knockoff uniforms from Adolf Hitler’s troops. […]  But figuring out the rest of Asia requires more scrutiny. Like the Taiwanese, people elsewhere in Asia think the uniforms, the hand gestures and even Hitler’s face exude strength. Some envy Hitler as an influential speaker. Those who display Nazi symbols on their bodies or in their shops normally mean no harm to Jews. Nor do they usually back fascism as a political system.
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bandomresearch-blog · 5 years
where are the links on that nazi chic post?
If you notice, there’s now a tag on it that says to change. I thought I’d coded the urls correctly on mobile, but I realised I’m dumb and hate coding. I’ll get to putting them back in when I’m actually on a computer ❤️
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bandomresearch-blog · 5 years
i’m actually going to leave it at that today! if you have anything you would like to know about, let me know in the ask
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bandomresearch-blog · 5 years
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i feel like this is probably the best thing to talk about as people are up in arms about groups banning bts over their use of n*zi imagery. i would like it to be known. i have lived in the uk for the past 8 years. i do not agree with the use of these images after learning about their true meaning
everywhere else in the world, if you were to dress up as a n*zi, you would be severely punished. but in asian countries such as south korea , it is not. you will often see a lot of n*zi imagery and it is not frowned upon at all. there is a sole reason behind this in east asia
for countries in east asia, the world war that involved the n*zi’s wasn’t about them. it was about their own military force. when i lived in hongdae, my neighbors daughter traveled to america for a part of a school project, she came back to teach her mother about it but voiced how she didn’t see why it was bad due to h*tler failing. it just isn’t taught here. younger people do not know of the terrible things that h*tler did. older people have learnt about it over time. it’s not really ignorance, it’s more about not being taught.  korea for example was also generally very isolated from nazi influences during the war. so that factors into it too. mod j has mentioned to me several times that she didn’t understand anything about asian countries from her history lessons. she was just told that then they were considered bad people.
it’s like that for a lot of countries, where you are only taught about YOUR history and i feel like that’s something a lot of people should know at this point. but any idol group that uses it probably isn’t the person asking for it to be used (that will be another post)
anyway, i am running late for my late shift. so this isn’t too interesting
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bandomresearch-blog · 5 years
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hey bandom! we’re a brand new help blog aimed at helping you make sure you portray your foreign characters correctly and have a chance for you to voice your opinion through a talk option! give us a view
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